Newspaper Page Text
Genuine Red
Cedar Chests
Size, 20ln wide, 20in deep,
42in long. Built ef the *
genuine Red Cedar. Regii- !
lar value la 35.00
Ten Piece Walnut Suite For $250,
Both worthy of more than ordinaiy atten
tion. Both have 6ft. davenports, loose
cushions, three extra pillows, two tone
cuiMiiiJViB, tmcc CAUtt pmuwa, iwu tunc
mahogany finish, one will sell for $190.00;
the other for $200.00.
- - v ' - -
Office ,,1201—liy
ALICE ADAMS—Residence 832.
; iri JvOY.K
•> iet snjjle and song,
all along,
•without, you, -
ealhdt be,
bout you—
■eyes und see.
:« »«>3ollaht,
:putting, bringing
f, iR lift take it, —
if is ready;
< w bat/you make It—
it vVSIr eye* and see!
loving, living,
iv the common road,
< gelling, giving,
•iping will the load.
:iiv b rot here near you,
S\fwt. c*omrq.derle:
•4 ';iro here to cheer you-
fiiftftlikOcyc* and see.
a group of young matrons and the
third pafty will chmpllment Miss
Julia HogeVa another lovely bride-
elect whose marriage to Mr. Fred
erick, Kentucky will be an In
teresting social event the latter
part of April. *
loving, lifting,
• i is ’band -in -hand.
1,11V** never found you?—
Then a brother be!
, • is .nl! .around yog—
Lift yoiir eyes and see!
miss ma.hita bullock
Xota Bullock Is planning
■ries of lovely bride* parties.
which will marl? the social
• Wednesday afternoon will
dins Margaret Rowe, a
elect of April the
, . Irrlagei to v Jjr. Ltiurln
mftn. “or Atlanta will * bo
nt social event the following
MbftgpMC Will entertain
If 8
is Free
Apply it io Aiiy Rupture, Old or
°r Small and You
ate Till the' Rond That Has
Convinced Thousands.
Sent Free to Prove This
Anyone ruptured, man, woman
or child, should write at once to
ff. S. Rice, 479-B Main St.,
Adams, N. Y., for a free trial of
nil wonderful, stimulating npn'ien-
lion. it op the rupture
'(nil the muscles begin to tighten;
,/Jiey begin to bind tpgcther so
that the opening closes naturally
,nd the need of n support or truss
i« done nway with. Don’t neglect
to romLfiultkis free Irial. Even
if yourSwftf^t} doesn't Wither you
what is the uce of wearing sup
ports nil your life?- Why suffer
this nuisance? Why rnn the risk
of gangrene and such dangers
from n sniaU. and innocent little
ruptures the Rind that has thrown
thousanl*«ljRe operating fable ?
A host V nia and women arc
daily nmning such risk just bo-
•.aiiso their ruptures do not. hurt
nor prevent them from getting
around. Write at once or this
free trial, as it is certainly a won-
derful thing nnd has aided in the
turn of ruptures thnt were hs big
m a man’s two fists. Try and
write at once, using the coupon
Sunday evening (today) at 8
o’clock the Senior Endeavor sociaiy
wlli present a pageant, ’’Christian
Endeavor" at the First Christian
The piny was well written nnd In
the “Spirit of Christian Endeavor"
which Is rlayed hy fjimar LaBaon
much lnfo:mat!on Is gathered con
cerning the value aid growth of
Christ!vi Endeavor. Wo lenrn ilmi
more than 6,000 'Missionaries at
home and abroad have been trained
through C. E. work. The .vork of
Junior and Intermediate Christian
Endeavor is splendidly illustrated.
Miss Evelyn Porter who (days the
part f "Conelonce" •»;;! tell you
that a Upon people in Alh.ii.c.
*ri not receiving religion,* training:
28 million, ore under 25 years of age
and more than 9. mltlon of that
number ive in 12 Southern states.
Qhristian Endeavor helps to train
these million, of people. Learn how
and yhy at the demonstration Sun
day evening.
One of the speakers will give the
story of Christian Endeavor in
Dixie, showing that every twelve
hours a new society was organised,
a total fo 730 per year for 11- South*
ern States. The first six mourns „r
this year shows 451 new aocleties
organized, which surpasses that of
last year. Other interesting facta
will be brought out In a splendid
)vny by the 12 Endeavorers who
present the playlet.
The Juniors will sing, “Coming
Through the Land" and lastly the
program will close with a great
•ong, "Dixie Endeavor Day."
A cordial invitation In extended to
the public to attend this program
which is being given in observance
of "Dixc Endeavor Day."
and the installation of the new of
ficers wilT be held. '
This being the last meeting of
the year ail the women of the
church are cordially invited to be
The Womans Missionary Society of
the First Methodist church win meet
Mondsy afternoon In the Baraca
room at 4 o’clock. A social aerlcc
program will be rendered. Miss Ro-
toi ir' i7 .U the marriage of MIee Joan
berta Hodgson Will addresa the meet- H „„ v Maori,.,
In* on New Orleans as a field for
evangelism. Miss Mary Baron will
teach the Bible lesson. All women
are cordially invited.
Thursday afternoon at r:30 Mr,.
Duncan Burnett and Miss Mary A.
Bacon will be Joint hostess at the
home of the latter 629 Hill street
in compliment to the Home School
club. Mrs. James White will have
charge of the program. All 'mem
bers are cordially Invited.
been studying at tiie Conservatory of
Music In . Chicago is. .home for the
spring holidays.
—B- .
Mm. Merkel IL Jacobs of Chicago. *•
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Hodgson, and is being cordially
welcomed by her friends.
Miss Jean Benoliel, Air. Jarcuc
Benollel and Mr. Asmrnd Benoliel of
Marlpn. Penn., arrived. Saturday to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morris 'or
Morris And Mr. Harry Maurice Roden
on the evening of Wednesday. March
21st, which will be a lovely social
event. * .
Miss Virginia Beach returned
to the Normal Sunday night
f^om her home whe’J; sh» iwas
called becaUs’t of the death of
her father.
Mrs. Monroe Goodwin, formerly Miss
Katie earing of Augusta, is the guest
of her other. Mrs. K. P. Hearing on
Mllledge .avenue. Dr. Goodwin will
come from NewOTork. their home, ami
Join Mrs. Goodwin here on April 1st
Normal School News
Miss Clare Brown, a member of
the Athens High Schol faculty,
visited Miss Grace Dunstan Sun-
day afternoon.
Miss Gladys Combs spent the
week end with home - folks at La-
Tho Grady Avenue Social club held j CUBt Grove,
a very delightful meeting Friday . " ,— , „ ,
afternoon with Mrs. J. c. Hlggen- Mr. Douglas Nelson of MonticcI-
botham the gracious hostess enter-! lo, Ga., was the guest of his sis-
tainlng In honor of her daughter, j ter, Miss Myra Nelson Friday.
Mrs. Roselle of Augusta.
Following the business session a
very enjoyable social half hour Wits
enjoyed when a "lovely salad course
was served. f •
Free for Rapture
w. S. Rice, Inc.,,
479-B Main St., Adams, N. Y.
You may send mo entirely
free n Sample Treatment of
your stimulating application
for Rupture.
Name .. .* .*
Address .... ,,
'IDO t”
Invitations for the “Radio social'’
to bo held In the basement of the
Christian Church under the auspices
of the Senior Christian Endeavor
society. Thursday evening, March
22nd. read us # follows:
Radio Social: It's something
Especially planned: Just for
Oh! Please don't faU to be on time.
For our aving bank: It* holds a
And.jny, that program will make,
things hum. ?
Como to the “Radio Social” for
fellowship and fitofc
• Radio programs are becoming
more popular every day and for
that reason, the Endenvorers real
izing that such an er tertnlnnient
would he ju»t the kind for the March
ocial and the Social Committee have
been very busy wr«klrtg out plana
and program for the social,
— frr— . .
A score or more of students of the
University#.** Georgia were invited by
students .of Lucy Cobb Institute last
Saturday eveningto attend the finals
In the basketball tournament held by
tho young ladies of thnt school. The
gamo was interesting and eftjoyed by
ail attending. The young todies en*
tertained their guests after the game.
Those invited were: Alton Hosch,
Bosworth Smjth, William Searcy,
Beach Edwards, Frank Ifcwi-t. Carl
ton Melt, Lamar Sledge, Marvin ,KII
Patrick, Robert Blount, Malcom Ben
nett, Jack Grant, Lewis Ernest,
“Doc” Byrne, Henry Gleen, Thomas
Glenn, John Tanner, Louis Musgrove,
Dave Wisdom, Carl Glover, Shelby
Langston, Tody Watson, "Buck*
Wesey, Joe Buchanan, Fi*ank Ca-
rfillers, Charlie Martin, “Ilawkeye
Stokes. Ed Quick and others.
—Red and Black.
The regular monthly business
meeting of the Woman's Missionary
Society of the First Baptist church
will be held Monday afternoon at'the
church at 4 o'clock, a full attendance
in desired.
The benefit brldgt flt the Harmony
club Tuesday afternoon promises to
be a very enjoyable social event and
one of the largest affairs of the week.
Miss Mary Bacons Bible Class will
meet nt the First Methodist church
Mpnday afternoon at 4:30. The book
of Joshua will be the * topic,
persons Interested, whether Methodist
or not will be cordially welcomed.
Mr. Billups Phlnlsy left Saturday
for Miami, Fla., to Join Mrs. PhlnlzY
for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bradshaw
and Miss Julia Bradshaw of Paducah,
Ky., are expected soon to visit Mrs
James White for the Boater holiday*.
_ 48 hours
^ after leaving the
shell the chick is
r readyfor
Itarnng Feed
Feed it for 8 ’
Conkey’s h low ill film and Ju*t :
m protein, scientifically comet,
“““not injure or overtax the sensitive
•Bstive apparatus. ’
.Conkey’s is the Origins! Buttermilk l
?«»« Feed, b S .made by the.
in which
C«key Oi
Solid uuun
■wrporated with
wokey's Poultry Book
For Sale By
Wingfield Cash Grocery
Dr. John' Morris addressed
Pioneer Club Tuesday afternoon nt
their resufor ,meeting at Peabody
Hall. "Student Life In Germany.”
was the subject of his discourse, and
he i&vo many Intoreotlng Incldenti
of hie own experiences over there a»
a student, and gave a detailed ex*
plandtion of German Ideas of higher
Dr. Morris thinks that more etu
dents from America should go to
Europe to complete their etudles
and eaye that It is possible to go to
Germany, take a University course
and come back home with practically
the same amount of monoy required
for a corresponding course here.
• rMi.H !■ ramnon
The Pioneer Club Is composed of
'the leadlnt young ujornen In the Uni-
varsity and 1* doing It’* »h*re In
malting Co-education succeed at
Georgia.—Red and Black. •
At 4 o’clock on .Easter Mondsy
the Parish house and lawn will be
a scene of great beauty oad mer
riment. All the children nnd grown
upa toe nrq asked to come and take
part In tho fun at tne foot of the
•agar Plum tree with the choco
late cart and Gingerbread do*.
”Mr. McGregor's Garden. There
will be load# of fun! no one ever
saw such turnip* and carrotsns
crow there. They must have been
planted by Forles and the dearlltUe
human rabbits wlth reoi arier
npraii for every one. The Sunshine
tidy" did you say? Why. of couprse.
she too will be there to help us
have the best of times. ° remember
the day, April 2nd. Admission lie.
The missionary .eoclety of the
First Presbyterian church will hold
a wryjmiwrtant meeting Monday
afternoon , at * £•*<**•.Jf"™ “e
report* of the officer* will be read
Mr. Jake Phinisy ot Augusta is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
—S!— 7
Mrs. Warren Molse has rcutrned fo
Atlanta after a vlolt to aer mother.
Mfe; John Qerdlne.
Mr. .Morrl* Michael has returned to
Macon after a visit to his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michael.
Mr. Harry Maurice. Roden of Pitts
burgh. PO.. has arrived In the city
for his marriage to Mis, Jtutn Linda
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hilton of Ath
ens visited Miss Agnes Kidd Sat
urday afternoon.
Mr. Edgar Dunstan of the Uni
versity of Georgia was the guest
of his sister Miss Grace Dunstan
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Minnie Underwood of
BlueTidge, who is now teaching in
the Athens High School, visited
Miss Mary Daniel and Miss Flor
ence Cross Sunday afternoon.
Holliday and Mias CorabeUe Pa’rr
of Athens. .
■Mr». Wills of Jefferson visited
her daughter, Mist Lillian Wills,
Saturday afternocn.
Mr. Hugh Alexander and Mr.
Lester of Augusta visited the Au- -which is an unusual program and
gusts girls this week qpd.
Miss Lillie Mae Hall of Auguste
was the week end guest of Miss
Mary Hall.
Miss Bertie Ammon of Phil
idclnhia was a week end visitor
to the Augusta girls. j
Miss Margaret Green was the
vucst of Misses Lena and Lucilc
Smith and Sara Lumpkin.
C. E. Notes
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McCree of
Wntkinsville visited their daughter
Miss Mavis Sunday.
Mr. J. R. Chandler of Hall visit
ed his daughter, Molene Monday.
Miss Mabel Nicholsoif was call
ed home Sunday on r.ccount of th<
death of her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Gil
len of Bishop, Ga.
Miss Ruby Jenkins and Mr. J. A.
Baker of Danielsville were guests
of Miss Fannie Sue White and
Miss Julia- Baker Sunday after
noon. ^
Mrs. W. W. Barnett of Colbert
accompanied by her son W. W. Jr.
motored over to see her daughter
Miss Labasare Barnett, Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Walters, Mr
Curry Walters and Miss Maude
Walters of Toccoa were guests of
Miss 'Inez Walters Snuday.
All Georgia Emieuvorers
turning their thoughts to the State
Convention which will be held in
Muc.n, Ga., April 20-21-22nd. A
real training school of Christian
Endeavor methods and principles
has been arranged. Everything
points to u wonderful convention.
The Macon cenvention will be the
Eleventh State Qf E. Convention
Georgia has held and the s young
people -of the “Central City" are de
termined that thin shall be the best
and registrations have already
pused the hundreds. The goal for
tho State Union Js 1,000. -Northeast
Georgia’s quota is 160.
Athens Endeavorers will register
early with Mi*s Agness Maguire,
while the Societies ouuddc Athens i
will send fee to Miss Julia Parker |
240 Williams street, Macon, ,(ia.
The City Union will float a new
banner at tho convention. The Ban
ner in Red and Black, which is the
City Union Olors and the Athens
Endeavorers have high hopes thnt
•this Banner will float high towards
o’clock*. A cordial welcome .awaits [junior Christian , Endeavor whose
everyone at the Christian, First and (object is to promote an earnest
Central Presbyterian Societies. } ChrUtian feeling among boys and
Paul Felldws win
Mrs. Pau
lead the
meeting at the Christian Church,
girls who become members and to
Georgia Endeavorers are today
celebrating “Dixie Endeavor Day, 1 *
and speeix! programs are being giv
en at Christian Endeavor Churches.
The Christian Church society are
having n play. “Christian Endeavor”
all who attend wiU be bound ro euj
Joy it throughout, Special songs
und rending. Every member of the
•Tl.invt. rhculd see this p;*.
"Theliaa Is not line
Christian Endeavor Work in spite
cf the t (forts of her friend.' On|i
night she has a wonderful derail
In which the spirit of Christian
Endeayor" impresses upon her mib-
coiih V'Is mind that which I
friends ha^e been trying to*get her
to realize—” The rest-of .the splen
did story will he given at the Chris
tian Church at 8 o'clock Sundajf
(today.) t
Twelve character* make n;» the
play—Bright coctum.s and a real
showing of Cn'lsi.tiii Endeavor in
many department?:.
Como on liio.e and bring a friend
or two a'.*.*: >uu
The Boftart Christian Endeavor
.society have organized a Christian
Endeavor expert class which meets
one night each week to study the
text hook. “Expert Endeavorer.” A
large number of the young people
are studying this book and who
prepare them for active service for
Christ t
“Something new’’—Not that, for
every day “Radio programs’’ are
being received in Athens, but the
Endeavorers have decided to put
over something a little hit bigger
than usual an4 the March social
will bo known a* ^he “Rudlo Social."
The Endeavorers will have their
first opportunity of hearing the
voice of Dr. Francis E.' Clark,
“Father of Christian Endeavor” who
will deliver an Inspiring Message
on “The Challenge of Christian En
deavor." Later in iho evening, we
will tune in on Boston. Mass., and
receive Dr. Clark's second message,
“A plea Tor fellowship/’
The “Old. Fashioned Plantaton"
songs will be given by black faces.
Readings will be given by trained .
entertainers. Spicy , songs will be
heard from SCE and JCE stations,
Athens, Go., os well as musicWnd
special numbers from other sta
tions. Can a single Endeavor af
ford to miss the “Radio Social?"
The a<lmi*8lon will he a dime and
when you enter a saving bank will
be made. Mis# Gladys Sheppard In-
fit. Deposit and enjoy an evening
of fun and fellowship.
—melt and inhalo the vapors
Saved froman Operation byLydi
L Pinkham’s Vegetans^
SidcII.Ill.—“I waaa nervous wreck.
I waa (offering from a pain in my lit
side, which was al-
society have extended the lnvita
tion fpr the 1923 District conven
tion and most likely this place .will
completed will have a regular C. E. be selected since a committee was
graduation exercise. G. L. Johnson i appointed to select a tyare and If
Is instructing the class.. ja search of the entire state Was
made, not a better selection could
“THE HUMAN CLOQK” [be made. Mis* Gladys heppord, In-
SPECIAL 8ERMON . termedlaCe Supt. Christian Kndeav-
icr work In Northeast (JoorKlaJJves
■^Junior Christian Kndeavor will at I-Jlherton and will play n great
have a birthday on Sunday, March I part In prvpn ration for the conven-
25th. The first Junior Society wnn jtinn which in yet ninny months off.
organized by ltev. Charles A. Sav-JMr. Fred Aufd is president of tho
age, March 28th, 1883 and'jllarch Segior society.
25th. the Juniors will celebrate th, '
birthday everywhere In "Dlzie." SCHOOL OF METHODS
The Christian Church Juniors will ICHRISTIAN CHURCH
present a special program and their | c. E. oocietics Cf Horthvnat Geor-
Junior nong is worth hearing alone. g| a are counting* the dayn until the
In addition to the -hernrtn. "The School of Methods which wjfl he
most unbearable,
and I ' could not
even let the b< d
dothing rest on
my body at tight.
I had been sick for
seven* years, ibut
not so bad until
the lost eighteen
months, and had
become so run
down that I care 1
for nobody, and
■■■ five, I
would rather have died than .
couldn’t do my work without help,and
the doctors told mo that an operation
was all there was lefbL would not con
sent to that, so my husband brought
me a bottle of Lydia EL Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound and be zeal me
to take it I havetaken foi
ties of it and I feel ten years
Life Is full of hope. I do dll my be
work and hod a large garden-
year. I never wfl',be without?the
Vegetable Compound in the hbhae,
and when mv two little girle rtaeli
womanhood I intend to teach
to take it I am never too busy
some suffering sister of my help,
you can use my^nam.. and Jctti
spread the of .
Pinkham’s medicines. ’’—Mra.
Coffman, R.B. 2, Sidell; IU.
Humun Clock” which will be de
llvered nt the morning service by
Dr. Porter. *
cordial Invitation id extended
betterment" will • be the topic of «U Junior boyn and glrli to attend
the Chrieltun Kndeavor Prayer thi. aervlce nnd parents are urged
Afqettng Sunday evening at I to come along and get a glimpse of
held ill the Chrlutlnn -Church,
Maix-h 30—April let. I!very nee-dun
will- be Important. jOtfoil Speakers.
A song director’from Cincinnati
Be Bure to attend every seunlon.
VAN-NIL Satilfiei
Good digestion!
they regulate the system
"for constipation
Mies Mary Carmichael was call
cd home Saturday at Madison or
account of her mother’a illness.
Mr. R. L. Scales of BMton visit
ed his daughter, Miss Mary Scalct
Sunda afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blnnchctt,
Mr. George Blanchtitt. Miss Ila
Blanchet and Miss Helen Brlscor
of Monroe were the guests of (Mist
Morrl* on the evening bt \i'edno,day, Willie Mae Blanchett ,'Sunday.
March 31*t.
Mr. W. E. Frederick of Shelhyvllle.
Ky.. i« In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Jajne, n. Gray and
lovely little non will return to At
lanta Sunday afternoon after n vl»lt
to Mr. and Mr*. W. F. Doraey.
Mr. ond Mra. M. P. Mathew* an
nounce the birth ot a little daughter.
March 12 th. . who will bo called
Marlon Lou.
Mr. and Mra. Edgar'L. Eherhari
announce the birth of' a eon. March
13th who hai been named William
Mr*. Mile* Lewie »nd two attractive
children, Miles Jf.. and Jeannle
Stovall arrived Friday to vlelf her
parent*. Mr. and Mra. Robert Toomb*
Mr. A. H. Da vi eon left Friday fy
Hot Springe, Ark., to epend eomo
Mr*. A. H. Davleon. Jr., left Thure-
day for White Springs. Fla., to vieil
her parent*.
Mr*. Sam Wingfield lute lieen call
ed to Mayesvtlle by the Hines* of her
Mr. Clarence Manfoft of Law-
rencevillc was the guest of his sis
ter Elizabeth Sunday. -
Mr. Frank Fuller of the Uni
versity was the guest of his sis
ter, Viola. Sunday.
Mrs. S. A. Johnston of Richland
was the week-end geest of heir
daughter Suslb.
Mias-Lollie Belle Robertson was
called to Rutledge last week on
acount of the death of her aunt.
Mrs. W. L. McBath of Toccoa
was tho guest of Misses Grace
Puckett and Lucile Walters Mon
Misses Elolse Peede, Florence
and Louise Sutton have been call
ed home.
Mrs. Fannie Hill Jordan of
SandwersviUb was the week-end
guest of her daughter Loucillc.
Many things of interest to home
furnishers are to e found in this
big store. This time however, we
want to mention our credit plan.
Are you familiar with the way we
extend credit? If not, it will pay "
you to investigate. It was brought
into being to serve you. It is daily
servirig more people. Why not let
is serve you?
Miss Iris Callaway made a bus!
ness trip to Lexington Saturday.
Dr. C. N. Risk of Wln»ton-S**m,
N. C.. Who I* vl*ltlng In Bogart
spent Friday In the city. Dr. Sink
formerly a re*ldent of Athen*.
Mr- and Mr*. Albert Davleon am)
Mr. Itowell Cobb went to Atlanta Fri-
lev to re* Judge Andrew A. Cobb.
who 1* Bt
The friend* of Mr*. M. W. Crowlqy
will regret to Jeom of her lllnen.
Mr*. L. T. CruncII of Amerlcu*.
I* vhdting her daughter,. Ml** Eli*a-
both CruncII at Lucy Cohb.'
jlr*. Nellie P. Neal and young eon
nf Thonuon »re vwttlng Ml** El«io
Neal at Lucy Cobb.
Mr*. John Moor* Walker of Albany
nnd Macon !e vloltlng her non and
daughter. Prof, and Mra. RoooeveU
Walker at Luca* Hall on the campu*.
Mr. and Sira. J. B. Wler attended
th* marriage of their eon,. Mr. Wil
liam Alexander Wier to Ml- Slary
Cuttino Thornhill. Sloreh the 13th.
In Summerville. 8. C.
Mr.,John Hughei of New York hoe
returned horn* after a vi*it to Mr.
Olllupa Fhlntxy.
Mr. and Mr*. LlUigo Wler have re-
turned from Ch*rlo*ton and Summer
ville where they attended th* mar
riage of Sir. William A. Wler and
Mia* Story Cotteno Thornhill.
Mia* Margoratt* Morrl* who ha*
Mi*s Carolyn Vance will »Mond
the Peaclf festival at Fort Valley
this week-end.
Mi** Blanche Bulbran nf Mar'on
wan the guest of Miss Sara (Me-
MIsa Louise Hewclt has just re
turned from n week* stay at her
home in Washington, Ga.
M!**es Eula nnd .T<w*le Thomar
and Hr. and Mrs. Edge Thomas
of Laiwwn wet* the week end
"nests of Misses Ruby and Jewell
Thomas. .
Mr. T. W. MeOec of Atlanta was
the <mest of Miss Montine McGee
Miss Glndva 0»kes hs* ns her
iSunday visitors, Mr. C. D. Oakes
>Wr. R. Lee Oakes. Miss Dalsey
Oakes, and Mis* Nora Forrester
from Lawreneeville. and Mr, Ber
ryman of Jefferson.
M*a. Sexton, of Athens wa* r
Sunday visitor of Mistea Regina
Onbbege, Cecil Burougha, Alice
Hillia.and Julia Laurence.
Mra., W. A. Clegg «f Athens
was a recent vialtor to Misses Nell
Meadorra. Eugenia Ingram and
Agnes Martin.
Mia* Minnie Underwood, the
nooo'er Science Ten»h*r "f Ath
ena High spent Sunday afternoon
on* litglt spent Sunday afternoon
with Misses Eugenia Ingram, and
Mis* Nell Meadows.
Mary Williams
adowt. j
Lon Hous’d
#nd Edith Holll-
da went to ride with Mra, Carl
From the famou* JHAL--
LENQE line. Casa solid oak.
Enameled lining*. Best ol
Insulation. Other* 817.50 tq
This suit in Queen Anne design and two tone walnut finish is'[
one of the very prettiest we have ever shown.' The buffet is 60 5 : .
inches—the extension table 60x48 inches—the china case is of ; ]|
the semi enclosed type'and - 42 inches wide the serving table is.
36 inc'hes. One arm and five side chairs complete the suite. Pay
only $25 cash and the balance in 10 monthly payments.
here in profusion. A wide variety of styles,
finishes and prices help to make your task
of selecting easy—the new push carts may
be had with or without tops and reclining
backs. Prices range from $7.00 to $45.00.
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