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VOL. 91 NO 32
«i.-i&i .Colder
Associated Press 8ervice
ATHEN8, OA., MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1023.
N. £. A Service
Single Coplea S Cento Dally. * Cento Sunday.
Will Send Representatives
To Meeting In Macon To
Perfect Permanent Or
State-Wide Organisation
Will Join In Advertising
Georgia And Developing
its Resources.
Athens will be represented at
the hi? meeting in Macon soon at
which time permanent organisa
tion <>f “Georgians, Inc.” Neill be
Tentative steps toward organ!-
ution of business and profession
al men to boost this stats and de
velop its resources was made at
a meeting in Atlanta Saturday
" a. G. Dudley, Joel A. Wield,
Frank A. Holden and Martin J-
Abrfey attended the dnlitcr and
meeting at the Capital City Club
when the Georgia Railway and
Power company was host to rep:
sc motives from a number of cities
of the state, especially from North
Georgia where tha lines of the
power company touch. Although
, Athens is not fed by current from
these lines the city is in the terri
tory covered by tho company and
is only 20 miles from the lines.
Prisoner In Clarke
is Touched
Kind Athenians
Canine Is Killed After All
Night Hunt. Believes
Dog Was Afflicted With
A bulldog, helioved to have
been mad, bit two children in
Sam Lippman Ends Sen
tence In Federal Peni
tentiary “A Better Man;’
He Says.
Prisoner Was Detained In
Clarke Jail Awaiting
Dope Trial Developments
In Atlanta.
“The kindness, goodness and in
terest of two big hearted Athena’
.people and the treatment rcivxed
at the hands at Sheriff Jackson
and bailiff Huff, all has given
The meeting, according to an
iwuncements made by Preston N-
Arkwright, president'of the com
pany, was for the purpose of get
ting co-operation in inducing more
manufacturing companies to lo -ate
in this state an dotu of the meet
ing grow an association to be
known as “Georgians. Incorporat
ed.” Speakers at the meeting in
cluded Mr. Arkwright, £. M,
•’(Turn to ”
Page Six)
Col. Gantt Relates Inter
esting History of One
of Athens’ Leading
Business Streets.
rw. n n.. „ , <'ma the right view of life, and X
^ n , K | ht r r -Th* <f oin F out of the Federal pen-
killed in the home of J. C. Little • tentiaTy lt Atlanta Wednesday af-
Monday after searching parties ter Ferving a sentence of two and
had hunted ail night for the ani- a half years 'a man determined to
mal. I live right.”
, “Jr "•*,*“ - Llts.'SSS’a.tErjS:
from the body and brought to Ath» I ty jail for seven months as ono
ens. It will be sent to the State\ of the Federal prisoners brought
Board of Health in Atlanta for ex- here for iiolatlon purposes during
One French Soldier And
One German Killed.
Mine Owners Get More
Time •
United States Refuses to
Accept Plan of Allied
Representatives For Best
amiqatlon for rabies. The two
children, Q'Neal and Nelms Chan
dler, aged 16 and, 12, respectively,
will be given the .Pasteur treat
ment. The two/boys are children
of Mr. Little’s wife by a previous
The entird neighborhood was
aroused when the two children
were bitten. A searching part 1
waa quiciy assembled to look fo.
the canine that h>d bisappeared
after biting the boys. The do.
a fierce animal attacked the chili
ten, knocking them down and bit
ing both. His actions left no
doubt that he was affected with
After roaming all night the dog
came back to its home this morn
ing and was found>)ying on a bed
hi the house occupied by Mr. ILt-
tie and familv. He waa shot and
killed -instantly.
When I first came to Athens
Dayton street- was a residence
Iirrct. C. Bode had a bakery on
the comer where Scudder*s jewel
ry store now stands, and Tal-
madge and Hodgson on the oppo
site corner, bad tha best grocery
store In the town. This firm/con -
listed of Coke and Pipe Talmadge.
sml Prince and Bob Hodgson. I
think Asbury and Bill Hodgson also
bad an laterest In tha business.
All of the members of this Arm
had served gallantly in the Con
federate army and had but (little
capital except their energy and
the confidence of the public when
they began buslnesa. The Episco
pal church, a wooden building
stood on the corner now occupied
i-y the Holman building, and In
the middle ut the block Mllea John
son. a worthy colored man, aaii a
dye shop In a one-story woolen
hall-ling, that be owned. On >e
--inter where the 8ou*. tern Mu
tual building stande was a little
brick house with a shoe shop-on
(Turn to Page Six)
Vacation Party Leaves
Palm Beach For Trip Up
Rivers. Reach St. Augus
tine Thursday.
the trisl of a number, of guards
at the Atlanta penitentiary charged
with selling dope.
Lipman Is an Itslian by birth,
s barber by trade and is profuse
in his praise of the treatment ac
corded -all the prisoners brought
here from the Federal penitenti
ary, nine in all ,and held here for
several months. Soon after they
were transferred here one of them
wrote a Chicago paper that the
Athens jail, was “vile” that the
food was “rotten” and that the
place was regular “hell hole.” The
story was played up in Chicago
and resulted in an investigation
by federal authorities who pro
nounced the jail conditions in this
county far. above, the average.
Later the prisoners were trans
ferred to the "tower” in Atlan
ta and‘then brought back here
and after spending about a week in
the Fultorr jail welcomed Sheriff
Jackson’s custody for a .change,
saying the jail was “a palace in
.0. W. Crook and-Mrs. J. L. Mor
ris were thanked by Lippman for
their interest in the welfare of the
prisoners, and he remarked Mon
day to a Banner-Herald reporter,
(By Associated Press.)
DUSSELDORF—The killing of
one French soldier and one Ger
man civilian and the annuunce-
ment at Esaen that the German
mine owners have been allowed
until April the fifteenth, to pay
the forty per cent coal tax which
is outstanding were the principal
developments in the Ruhr over
the weekend.
The French soldier was killed
in the railway station at Essen.
The German who tried to escape
was shot and so badly wounded
that he died later. Three other
Germans were are rated on sus
picion and will be held.
French headquarters announced
that the first penalties, recently
threatened, for non-payment of the
coal tax, had already been invoked
and in some instances the export
license were being withheld from
the offending mine owners. Con
tinued failure to meet th tax ob
ligation will result in the arrest
and courtmartial of the mine own
ers, the Germans were notified.
Of fourteen hundred newspapers
lublished in the Rhineland four
lundred and fifty five have been
suppressed in the Ruhr for periods
of from four days to several
months by occupation authorities
according to semi-official figures
by the German government
Suspension in the Rhineland to
tal' two hundred and ninety eight,
Prison sentences are running as
high as tighten months amMUaei
as high as a million marks have
en imposed on some publishers.
Eighteen, editors and nine pub
lishers with their families have
been deported.
Committee Ann ounces
Bonus of Gold Piece To
Candidate Getting pig-
gest Number In One Day
Surplus Money Will Go
To Playground Fund..
Votes Cost Only One
Penny Each.
Five dollars In gold will be given
the candidate in the White Way
Popularity Contes* who receives
the most votes Tuesday, It was an
nounced Monday.
At the came time the committed
Companion Of Italian
Horribly Mutilated Near
Empty Den.
FLORENCE, Italy.—A story of
hunter in the Apennine Moun
tains, believed to have been killed
by a wounded mother wolfe, reach
ed this city Monday. The man, with
s companion, met the hunger-
driven animal on a range between
this city and the Adriatic Sea. One
stated positively that the |6 bonus I t j Ie ’hunters „hot the beast,
Wednesday will probably be tho' wounding her badly .and the two
last one given. | followed the tracks to a den in
. Voting'' In She contest Is getting tbe mountains where they found
hunter* took the
.ronl? fnvIL.nv nnill ,cub * home to the vlll *Be of Marra-
^ Thf Llnnpr J I di ’ leavin * his friend ‘° »hoot the
® d .’ 11 ' ”.M?i mother when she should return
Jl?ii te Slated ! hon,e - Evidently the msn missed
threo other prizes mill be awarded, i j,j # *im. for hu tvwiv fnnnj
«1AA I. , n i,i tr.rt In on !>•» aim, for his body was found
$100 in cold, $60 In gold and $.0 horribly mutilated near the empty
In gold.
PARIS—The refusal of the
United States to accept as pay-
nL: h *Vt v hL~ 0, 5rJLiJ!iv r .h^l m « nt °* “* bU1 tor *® e *p*' n * i *
M »mJ 1 u? r Hv» V lnd*^lii n |«ll* h off^ of th ® American Army of Occu-
rtJds^ra “rested u.g£d, | ‘ b * Germ,n ,hips ,el * ed ,n
The food has been fine and the t (j™ e ^[j"
orts, was presented to
(■y Associated Press.)
PALM BEACH—President and
Mrs. Harding and the vacation
party Monday begap the north
ward cruise which will end Thors
day at 8L Augustine.
After spending Sunday In Palm
Beach, the members of the party
Snnday night boarded the house
boat, pioneer, upon which the
cruise Is being made and which
bad come up during the day from
Miami, without! passengers. .
Fishing tackle and halt were
aboard the houseboat when sha
took on her party at Palm Beach
and It was thought that the mono
tony of tho trip np the Indian and [i
Halifax rivers would be broken by
The weather for the past) two
days has been very pleasant and
the effect o( the long strain under bershi
which the President has been
working for . the past few months
seems to be leaving his face. The
lines are gradually getting faint
er and be throws himself into the
spirit of the vacation' party with
an almost boyish abandon.
quarters clean. I don’t know what
those other fellows hoped to get
out of it when tjiay raised the
kick. But they are in for a long
time and maybe they wanted the
publicity as a diversion.”
Lippman is to be taken to At
lanta Tuesday or Wednesday and
will be given his freedom and
transportation back to New York,
where his wife and two children
await him.
He says he testified the truth
about the guards selling the dope
bat the jury wouldn’t believe a
convict’s testimony and freed them
but that' th« doctor plead guilty
fend is now serving a four year
Lippman is the last of the nine'
(prisoners to leave the local jail.
tLubin, Martini and Knighton have
been transferred to Leavenworth
and Lippman says hell soon be
calling "next” in a New York bar-
Mitigating Circumstances Mean
i Nothing To “His Honer,” Judge
mhop but—
"Will always
remember the
kindness of the Athens people
who interested themselves In the
prisoners and Sheriff Jackson and
Bailiff Huff.”
A young lawyer' who .but
recently hang out Ms shingle
m a popular building for pro-
fcsionsl men was arrested Sat
urday night and faced Record
er Thornton Monday morning
eharged with running his fliv
ver without a tail light
He was in the court room
early reading Ms B1 sews tone
* Nile awaiting arrival of the
fudge. When his name was
railed bv the captain the
>oung lawyer sprang far-
»ard. “Are yon guilty,"
aaked the judge. “Yeaiir,
.'our honor. Mitigating cir-
rum,tineas,” promptly replied
'he youthful barrister. ‘Nev-
'r mind shout that,” replied
'he judge. “Twe dollars and
Plummer Barnett and Mrs.
f'lummer Barnett faced Re
order Thornton Monday morn-
,n s charjjqd' with exehang-
<n * Harsh words and harsher
articles of furniture while in
v heated controversy in their
home last Saturday.
. Mr. I’lnumer wore a slight-
discolored 'kerchief (tar-
r>aa effect) ever hid head, with
*"h braked places tn.autcb.
Mr... Plummer appeared in
conventional costume, .
, a dark, broad brimmed hat and
a alight rise on her neck,
where Mr. Plummer gently
patted her with a chair I
^Aftre^IlTand Mrs. Plum
mer both redted the story of
their encounter in which each
was'duly charged with hav-
ing caused It ill. Judge Thorn-
torn genially requested them
to donate 86.00 and costs, to
the unkeen of the city.
the upkeep pf the city,
Robert Jackson, a youthful
negro, is a fool about peaaut
butter. Mahes no difference
where Robert is. If his eyes
with e Rob?rt. re *SM£dsyjjtobj
rrt saw some peanut hotter at
it to good » be took siong o
jar and n box of eraehors and
hid them. Monday mowing a
clerk in the employe of the
grocery store toM tho record-
frTbont Robert’s little ad
venture. “He’s.In the Jall-
house new.”-. ^, . .
A few deHart turning over fre
quently, each netting Itaproflt en
each turn, equal many dstlarc that
turn alawly, netting anly ana or
twe prefit, a year.
It Is sttlmattd that mere deal,
ere have "gene broke” becauee af
too much capltgl, tied up In slaw.
■ly moving gaeda, than because of
too little capital.
Ooods'that keep moving are the
secret of eucceeeful retailing.
Thla la Juat aa true af each de
portment, each counter, ae It le
of the whale eteck.
Frequent department Inventorlea
to ehow exactly which the quick
and tha claw movers are, pay
wonderful dividends.
It le necessary, of cures, to
carry some slow moving llama. In
order te have, a well-balanced
stock and be prepared for reason •
able demand.
’ Thee are “crvlee goods."
But the real profit comae In
thee linn that quickly turn back
Into money, fa be reinvested In
mare of tha seme.
Than are "action gaeda.”
Tha danger In buying without
reference to Inventory la that tha
slaw-moving gaada will accumulate
out af all proportion.
Then .even when butines* acme
to be brisk, profits are unaccount
ably mining-
"Sternal vigilance"/, should > be
tha watchword vNl'1» maintaining
the balance’af steak.-‘
Phone 76
in uor
lied representatives
Assistant Scretary of the Treas
ury, who presented the communi
cation to the representatives, made
it plain.that the United States
was not concerned with whether
the money will come out of the
German reparations or otherwise,
but simply that this country felt
that the money should be forth
coming from- some source.
After receiving the communica
tion of the Aeeiitant Secretary,
the Allied repreenetattvee with
drew to call a separate conference
for Tuesday, at which time an ef-
for will be made to evolve anoth-'
er propositoln which will be pre
sented to Wallace at a joint con
ference Thursday.
The young lady winnlngthe con
test will be “Queen qt the Page
ant” which will be held on the ady
and night of the opening. The
surplus fund will go to Playground
The standing follows
Lovlo Jowers
Laura Hammond'
Beagle Jackson
Harriet Stephens ....
Nellie Grifteth
Mrs. Jonah Davis ...
Mablo Parr
' Mollle Whitehead ...
Mrs. P. N. Chlllvls ..
Nora cryraos
Elisabeth Harris ...
Clara.Bell Rutherford
Mary 81m*
Earline Maddox .....
Pauline Toney
Martha McAlpIn
Lllllnn Edwards
Sarah Hall
Erma Booth
Carrie Booth
Cavrle Peer
Nellie .Christopher ...
Fay Mrborman
Mrs. W. D. Paai hal .
Mrs. Clarence Btone .
Nina Sde Carter
. 8187
. 3749
. 2267
. 1823
. 1474
. 1439
. 1183
. 1013
. KM4 ,
. 1007
. 1091
. 1126
. 1065
Citizens Urged To Aid In
Beautifying AthensDur-
ing The Clean-Up Cam
paign- xf,
Yellow Fever May Be
Prevented If Insect-
Breeding Places Are De
stroyed Before Spring.
A set of Charles Dickens novels,
the great English author who did
so mnch to rid England of in
tolerable . conditions, will go the
school whose' district presents the
cleanest adfrearance when the
Clean-Up Campaign” is ended in
The campaign began last Thurs
day and will last two weeks. ' In
this time Athenians are requested
to dean up vacant lots, have all
rubbish, trash and refuse carried
away in the city sanitary wagons,
and destroy tin cans, cisterns fill
ed with stagnant water—breeding
es of the yellow fever mos
quito. m
Athens In Path of Wi
Blast Which Is Sweeping
Over Central Part of (
Four Freeze To Death Iu
Colorado. Trains Stop,
Wire Service Curtailed
By Zero Temperature.
Watkinsville Scene of
Rousing Meeting Held
By Christian Endeavor
Society Saturday.
State Highway
ment Asks Investigation
By Federal Authorities.
Request May Be Grant
to the Banner-Herald)—Saturday
evening hundreds of yonng people
assembled in the Watkinsville
Christian church to listen to the
Inspiring message “Principles of
Christian Endeavor" which wa« so
ably delivered by Mr. Carl J.
Matthews, Georgia’s Field Secre
tary for Christian Endeavor. Mr.
Matthews brought out many facts
tl-st help to upbuild human char
acter for Christian service stress
ing mostly the strong points of the
.four square Endeavorgr.
. It has long been said, “A SJes-
r.sage comes through a song” and
this fact certainly proved to be
trqe when Mr. Matthewe sang
“Ivory Palaces” inthat grand old
Mylc that he always sings inspir
ing songs. Throughout the pro
gram Mr. Matthews delighted the
Audience with his singing .
Too much cannot be said about
the address given by Mr. Thos.
Moyc. president of the Atlanta
Christian Endeavorer Union who
speke briefly, but interestingly on
in our
nannw*'. 1 Hie “Value of the Pledge
Depar - daily life.’
Rockefeller Institute Ap
pealed To By Residents
of the State of Oaxaca*
Says Report
VERA CRUZ, Mexico.—Cerebro
spinal meningitis is claiming 100
to 160 victims a day in the state of
Oaxaca, authentic reports reaching
here eay. In the week the epidem
ic hat been raging 1,000 have died.
The entire garrison of the City
of Alaxmca has been wiped out, in
many email towns carpenters are
working night and day to make
coffins, in others the bodies have
to be buried without coffins.
Churches,, schools and theatres
have been dosed.
THe epidemic is spreading to the
States of Puebla and Tlsxcala from
Oaxaca ,and people who can af
ford it art fleeing from all three
The medical authorities of Oax
aca have appealed to the Rocke
feller Institute for aid, and accord
ing to the' reports the institute
has sent two American physicians.
WASHINGTON An investiga
tion of th® Georgia highway de
partment. at Ito own request, by
the bureau of public roads here,
handling federal aid for the states
will likely be mse’e, it became
From the large eised audience,
it might be imagined that Oconee
county was muckljr Christian
The Woman’s Club is. sponsoring
the “Clean-Up Campaign”, aided
by the other civic orgamiatfoi
and the Board of Health. An ef
fort will be made to beautify Ath
ens for the spring and kummer
and most important of all, rid the
city of disease-breeding places..
The Boy Scouts are aiding by lo
cating vacant lots and reporting
the names of the owners so the
committee can reach him and
urge that the lot be cleaned up
if it is not.already, so.. The. city
away trash which has already been
placed in a container.' It to. not
the duty, however; of the' city em
ployees to clean up premises pri
vately owned. ,
School children in the city are
interested in the campaign and will
aid in cleaning up section! of the
city in whch ther school ■ lo
cated and will work hard to win
•he set of Dickens works given
by Mayor Thomas.
I Athens was id the grip of a
cold wave Monday with the tem
perature rapidly draping.
■By nightfall this dty, along
with this entire section, will bo
in the throes of hitter cold weath
er. if the weather forcaster Is cor
rect in his prediction.
The cold wave spell of the lat
ter half of last week however, did
not injure the fruit crop of tho
state, according to reports re
ceived in Athens, the temperature
dropping only two degress below
freexing point
La the meantine Athens and
people the other sections of tho
state, whose coal bins hre nearly
empty, and who had hoped to d<>
without making further purchases
will 'have to'provide for a .day or
so of cold. And wraps and over
coats, and heavy bed clothing will
be far from uncomfortable. - ’
TO DEATH 1 ' - 8
CHICAGO—The entire central
S art of,the country from the Rocky
Mountains east and from the far
Florida is in
northwest to upper Fioridi
the gra*P of a biter cold
which Is sweeping over tho coun-
service in upper Missis*,
ippi and through the Rocky Moun
tains is pa rallied, as also is tho
wire service.
Some of the railroads have is
sued orders cancelling freight
trains and certain passenger
trains. Other roads have placed
embargoes on perishables. .
At Bqxter, Colorado, three small
children were found huddled cl
ly together (n a little shanty
cn to dedth. Near Kutch ,v
redo, an aged man' was f<
■frozen to death in his bed.
ered by a few old rags and a —
tered anil Worn old overcoat.
Despite the thearetical nearness
of spring, the cold wave is one
the most severe worded in reee...
year* slid will probably continue
for several days.
Commissioners To
Meet Tuesday a. m.
deavor. In fact there are 18
cieties in the county and each one
of that number were, well rem.
srnted in addition to many other
societies from Athens ami other
Mr. G. L Johnson, president,
Northeast Georgia Christian En
deavor Union, Athens, Ga., made
a talk on "The Value of Copven-
1 ‘ i ®»* • ft> worth toTu
Thomas IX. MarDcnsId. chief of.j n the talk iMr. Johnson tmpha-
the bureau, to Rcnrtor William.J. sile d the necessity of every society
Harris, was made pubHc. , -having delegates st the Msi
‘ n Apr
The Gcorgi a department re- j convention April" 20-22, "and Purged
quoted an Investigation In a com-.that arrangements be made to rad
munication direct to the binreau the president and one other dele.
StoU EnMnrar W. r/nobHo *Sc™ j Convention E ‘ eVenth AnnU “ SUtC
• to C«cDon.H’. — J-Trt8W*,‘h.
The second aneeting of the month
of the County Commissioners wil
be held Tuesday morning at the
court house. The session -begins
at ten o’clock. Nothing of unus
ual interest is expected to be pre
sented. Repprte'wlll be heard from
tha county engineer on th roao
and bridge work for the poet two
weeks.. This work has been ham
pered considerably by the contin
ued rains but is progressing, es
pecially on the River, street bridge
and the grading on Madison avt-
letter to , the singing of the
Rally” wai
ung people
WASHINGTON—Aircraft of the
Array and Navy Air Service an.l
the Poetomce Department win he
available in the future for the
speedy transportation of dlaoatrci
and the enthusiasm shown th’rough
out the entire session.
May Use X-Ray
For Treating
Whooping Cough
HOS#foN—Belief that the X-ray
may ->rore of more value In treai-
Senator Harris sayi:
“Replving to. vtnr. letter of
March 8 we received a request
from the Georgia highway cijfart
ment containing much the same
information as that submitted to
you Under date of March 6. We
are giving careful f/onsideration
to this request and will probably
be able to make the study which
the state desires.
“The figures which we have
show that the cost of the opera- ...
tion of the Georgia department is > ment of whooping cough than any
about 6 per cent, which compares j other remedy le expressed by Dr.
favorably with other stat-M. It Henry .1. Bowdllch and Dr. Ralph
is not possible to make an exact ID. Leonard In a preliminary re-
comparision Ijrtwecn tKi rUtes, j port on experiments to find a cure
as there is nuitc a variation .'n for the complaint, which has baf-
the items included in inaWinr up;fled all treatment. >
tho total cost of operation. For| Their report which will be pub-
example. in he state of Califor- 'llahed in the Boston Medical dnd
nto where the percentage of 'ad- .Surgical Journal tomorrow, said
ministration runs high, the state definite Improvement was noted In
handles the buying and furnishing I m<,M ,,f twenty-slxi active cases
of materials-to t$e Icontractoi't ; treated with the X-ray. The sub-
and this add* to the expense of jJ*ei» ranged In age from three
administration. ' - | months to forty year* and disease
'stages ranged from one to ten
fleet which nailed from this port
for the grand banka'a week ago In
pa mined In on Immense Ice field
relief per non red of the American toff the count of Newfoundland. a<-
Red Gross.. Oomplesion of.. . ag-leordlng t.i report* reaching .here
I The atiaim>r'a.'|kndag.,U»a,dlcet
itnkti «ho/4er forty-eight
waa announced today at<Sted Cro^lbdhre after leaving . Mt. Johns, the
quarters here.
8T. JOHNS. N. E.—The sealing The physician* a*Id they could
not explain the beneficial acUon
of the X-ray. *
-.iLONDOX-Akmjurors -are the
MmUras,and^ndsoa).oMha Ee-
quimoa, says. Julian-v.W. Bilby,
noted asetie explored-in a book on
he’s just ff “
Eskimo life
Program Will Be Ve
Interesting. Conferer
Begins March 30 .
Christian Church.
“Negro Invasion’’ To Be
Discussed By English
Parliament At Early
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON—Negro jasx and cnb-
arat artists from America are to
have their day in parliament. It
is said the controversy raised by
London theatrical producer* over
the “Negro Invasion" will be the
subject of a formal question to (ha
Government on the "effect of the
Negro boom on the British Empire
generally.", • —
Jobless music hyll artists, of
whom there rtre many Just now, are
raising loud Cries agqjnst two
prominent managers who
bringing nil Negro cabaret com
panies. The Musicians' Union Is
equally stirred.
Negro Jaxx artists from America
have been In great denmnd by
smart dancing clubs and ballroom*
since the end of the war. They
make more monejr than many na
tive actor*.
Hlr Alfred Butt. Importing one,
all Negro company, has promlaad
the London tounty council bis ne
groes will ha fenced In. The om
position replies: “Fancy hiring
performer* you must put In a pen."
British black face artists ore
quite a* good, they add. and It
would be more patriotic to hire
them. Sir Francis Towle,, whe In
troduced the first cabaret In,Lon
don with an all white comoany,"
•• J-
Arrangements for the “School
of Methods” which is to bo held
March 30131st and April 1st in
the Christian church have been
completed and early indicatio
point towards a most succesi
gathering. This is the
school of its kind yet held in (
gin by National Bible School and
Young People’s workers from
Christian Brotherhood and this \
mean that many people will be
anxious to attend every session.
Such men as Travcice Harrison,
of Indiana, C. J. Sharp, Cincin-
Ohio; J. E. Sturgis, Nati
.. Director. Cincinnati, "
C. E. Otcy of North Carolii
E. L. Porter; Dr. E. L. Shi
Rev. McDonald; Rev. i
Rev. J. V. Thomas; Dr. i..
Ruick; Dean Hopkins; Dr. O. H.
Crecnwoll and a host of other
speakers will appear on the pro-
gram, which assures the genera)
public that not a minute of the
three days session will be idtv
spent, but filled with interesting,
inspiring addresses by men of ex
Tho moving pictures of “The
World’s Biggest Bible School at
Work” to be shown Friday eve
ning, March 30th will be an at.
tractive part of the opening ses
| The second picture of the ses
sion will be “School of Evangelism
^■and its Woik” and surely young
‘ ir,> people especially will want to see
this illustrated picture and get an
idea of the work that can be, and
is being done to bring about a
Christian nation. The Fellowship
Hour will bo a standing feature of
the “After Program.”
Eaater Sunday wfll bo “Blue
Ridge Endoarvor Day” and socie
ties from every part of the hilly
section of Georgia have been noti
fied to send delegates and s 1
the day in Athens and many i
already made known their "
tions to be here.
Invitations are being given
the people of Athens and adjol
dav ‘school" The^scSi
an Interdenominational affair and
everyone should feel much at home
when attending the sessions.
■■■' » ' "-JxM 1