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• V
carf-End for Dresser or Buffet
The Queen of Flowers in
Let Your Next
Party Be a
“Half and Half”
T BE1R baitess Mew quite well
tbit ber masculine guests
wObld surely object to the ex-
pcnse and trouble of a costume par
ty; yet ihe was equally convinced
that her feminine guests longed for
the cbance to mask; so. she com
promised by asking, of each, only
half a character. From the waist
up, each guest was to represent his
favorite personality, and, from the
waist down, he was to be himself.
Her 1 invitations read:
Don't tblnit jne tart-y
If C eik you to wear.
Fir: costume, part street dress.
To my half-and-half party;
ril surely give both halves
A welcome most hearty.
(Cnuswfv PNOAiorau Rants!
match the front, and cast off-on the
wrong side. j
The Collar.' i';,,
Cast on 149 stitches. Knit In rib*
blng for 4 Inches and cast off. ' ■ .
The Cuffs.
Pick up 80 stitches 'round the edge
‘ mmMnmn' \ . across, without decreasing. Work «>< «»ch sleeve, and knit in the »m.
backward and forward on, these two r ‘ bbln * { ° T * C “'
yVHU|V ' sets of stitches, making « more do- otf on the ri * ht Blde ’
■wKKKKKf- j ■ f creasing on'both sides of the nock, The
■ . * i ■■ ■ with 3 rows between each. You will Takc 8 J r * rds ot allk * double it, and
, , - ■. . ... now bavo 89 stitches In each set croohct U P Into a chain. Finish off
the busiest time of the day, and green china teapot when a dear lit- ConUnue one ' namb#r Q( ^h" end with ji “bobble," made thus:
which la so apt to be forgotten. A tie yellow one stands right by It, ami wlthout decreasing, until the slocvt- 2 chaln - Work 6 doubIe,crochet
row it blue and white bowls stands your walla and curtains are yellow, edges measure 7 Inches and tho into the first chain. Work round and
along The dresser shelf, and a row of a yellow and white howl lnsfead of v-openlng about 9 inches. round with double-crochet, putting 1
blue and whltecnamel cooking dishes the one with the red roses at the . Qn ^ . . into tho first stitch and 2 toty’the
bang from a strip of wood that has same price, and toiorder the yellow , , n ’ second nil ’round, until you^iave a
been put up for them near tho stove, and white lindleum instead of tho c * on fc c ' l;3 for ‘**° “ ack ncck depth of 114 inches. Cut tW silk.
As tho little bride says. It is Just as hideous brown and gray that tho and tnlt the remaining 89, now using leaving about 10' Inches., ! Thread
easy to make up your mind what salesman Insists won't show the dirt one ball of sll)t only, byealcingoff add this in a coarse needle. Fill tho
your color scheme Is io be and keep It may take a little longer to, get a Joining in tito end of the other very “bobble" with cotton wool; then
It In mipd when you are buying the beautiful kitchen, but think of the securely. Turn, and purl 196 right draw up the top over the end of the
things for your workshop, as to get a result when you do. across. Continue in stocking stitch girdle and acw firmly.
. • ’ for 7 Inches; then cast olt for tb(
: . ^ , = sleeves—cast off 30, knit to the end
, ——— Now worn _ on these stitches foi
A HANDSOME Jumper Is worked makes a pretty broken tjb pattern, about 10 Inches, or until tho back 1:
in stocking stitch, with a owing to tho odd number of stltchb3 the same length as th)
ribbed bottom, collar and cast on. top of tho ribbing, increasing l atlteh ribbing on the sleeves to form cuffs.
<m.« hilt written !h« name nt rtene. *h« hn.tV... «»nioi n i n » «h„ "V, T""T—**~*>* ».vuo, cuffs, it has a crocheted girdle; Then knit 10 Inches In stocking at the beginning of tho flr^t row to Oversew tho cast-off edging of the
I^uMt ^wblto cart thK had done tW. slmolvI^^nuS! k “"V '»<»».»• «*wlng each end 1. finished with a gobble." atltcb, finishing after a purl row bring the\number of atltchea up to collar to tho Jumper, being sure to
if*. % nece !“ rr ’*wtag The slseves are elbow length, and Thl. brlngi you to tho neck op:nlr. ; 137. .. get the middle of the th.
and throwing iwa^the upper halt aueat. saw the hut. Oak. will. th. “ *?.?, '0? »• " wk «* V-shaped. , v Next row-Knlt 67. kbit tl.o -next Knit In rfbbtpg for « inches, to center of tho back-neck edge. .
After some deciphering, th. guest, magic fraction Iced on It. top thay £,th aZnc attachld to^ot down ' 3UtortoU - ... two sUtcb ~ ‘” eo!bc ' ,0 , mal;o aD " " " '! V'"
found thslr places . were loud In their prdtee. InythSJ tZd to J?Five hanks of arttoctal Jumper even number it stiicho,;l eave yeur - ’4
i unyunsg mat occurs to one during g n k or flTe banka of “Perl-Luata" silk hanging lore, and Joint in tho j , VS ,
~ T ~ ' 7 : pearl knit No. 3 and two No. 8 bone end of a fresh ball to knit the re- NS '
Conventional Smartness for the Little Lad Tension. Turn—PurJ 68; loavc silk banging, .
I totln* hi. eenilbllltfes. Uiok at thla seem to makatba got! sUp*on. jKTf SjSZ'Zf** ^
Li U ‘°L ; - knickers, conveittlonally straight and plain and purl. the\.aln rows rep-
girl with the most cjamplete llsC An gwpHt woman who has to do her the comfortablo iittla white rocker
ltaO doll pincushion delighted one, - I ' own work, ahd they are at the window to read While she I*
while the other was ‘ well content * legion these days, doesn’t waiting for the cake to bake, or gets
with ■•“Mr. - 'Weller’’ paper weight seem to atop to think when sba la breakfast at tho white table while
Prises might also have been given planning for her new house how the morning sun streams In through
for the moot effectlve^half costumes, much of her-timo Is spent in the the crisp white curtains, she never
To get partners' for the next game, kitchen. At least it looks that way, mlaaes the ihabogany gate legged ta-
guaste were given bite of paper, on tor she wll spend all she has on her bleorthe oriental rug that she hasn’t,
which fractions were written. The living, dining and bed rooms, study got yet for the living room. And the
girl and man whose fractions, added all tho new hooka about them, ar- room is the most delightful one in
together, made a whole were part- .range the color schemes she wants Ihe bouse, every' one says so.
ners. For Instance, the man holding to follow, and put what Is left Into The wall* are painted a warm
the fracUon ona-thlrd matched with , nJr 0 , d thlng for the kitchen. iunB y yellow, the woodwork la'
ft* girl holding th. fraction two- And R kitchen can b. mad. *1 wh , te , U d over th. plain little while
tmrd *' , iovely. One little bride,, who aaw dnrta | M are bide drapes of yellow
• Each man was then aaked to things In their right perspective, fM , hlt . decked gingham, that
write the funnleet thing that had economised on the Uvtnfc toom, and ^ Just to the sill ot the wldo
ever happened to him. At the end of d | d her kitchen as . ihe.-had always casementArlndow over the table,
five minutes he handed his paper to seen it in her dreams. And when The lfttle chair with Its pad of the
Ms Partner, who wrote a funny s he takes her book and sits down In' checked gingham Is beside the other
', Th * , * ho 8°* th ® m0 * t — window, and under the window sill Is
SttSStatt Everything was served In halves, a book shelf for th. cook books and
pte to eat, half aqd h^f. with locked cak0| tnd ’ Jci) ^ anything else that-the bride I. re
place cards at the table were odd. block • had h** 0 cut 1,1 ‘V 0 - BT *° on'it u*» Uue^^ite Jar'tor toe
The «uWa found It dlMeult to read the coffee cup* were only half futL yeHow flowtri , h , t ^ *
thslr names until they understood. Of course, there was plenty to evi- ed tn the garden for this room alone
ifttia hnafaaa tiasi nrrlHnn tfia nama nf rlnnnn dm hnaiosa nvntalnlnn tlmt aha ■ ■ •
* To Hake Up.
Press the plain portlop of the knit
ting on the right aide with a hot
Iron over a damp cloth. Sew up the
aides and under-arm scams on tho
front to tho wrong side and press. Turn back tha
Next row—Decrease toue: * Knit
i within 3 stitches of the end of the
wt set; knit 2 together,tknlt L,
pongee or blue linen tor the making width across front and bpek from With tho second'ball of silk knit 1,
with cotton braid and self-covered wa m to seam, above ribbing, 23 knit 2 together; knit to toe end of
buttons? inchesf length fronj (boulders to the the row.
With toe exception of those telling lower edge of the rtbbthg, backhand now purl 1 row,.knit 1 row plain,
“little touchoi” the suit to the middle front, 24 inebee; length from V-opeh- purl i-row ah rasa the two seta of
fdllows toe usual Russian blouse t0 the lower edge of the ribbing, atltchea, without decreasing **.
Unas of .most little chaps’ duds 36V4 ,nch,,: ,e * i,tk of * lceT ”’ un ' Reimat from • to **. when you will
use the pattern Vnu stretched, from ahoulder to com- have 66 (Utebes on each side. Ton
used end , .. y * mencement of ribbing, 16 inebea: have now conlol to the sleeves.
ed and supplement tha flnlsued ^dth round sleeve* above ribbing. Next rnw-^Oast on 30 .Utches;
product with self straps back, and 14 Inches. knit Into the back loop of toesa cast-
front to make sham box pleats, and Begto at the lower edge of the on stitchei; then knit In the ordl-
*~ em h** 0 ^ the line of toe {ront ud on 137 stitclves. Kn)t- nary way to wlthto 3 stitches from
belt with pearl buttons. A bit of t |, e dnt row plain, knitting Into toe the end of ihe first set of stitches;
straight easy atitchlng on the pleats ^ Ioop of cach lt ^ c h to give a knit 2 together, knit 1. Continue-
and belt, then some effective blanket flrm cdge . N ow knit to toe follow- across the second set Kntt t, knit
stitch about colter and cuffs, and , w ,, b . 2 together, knit to the end.
you ve added another smart change ^ row _. Xnlt 2 , purl 2; re- Tara.
“y»wwhe. Cotton crepe p« at . un on i, one aUtch re- Cast on 10 aUtchaa, kntt Into th*
with stitching to wool wonld be Ideal n, a | n s; knit It., back loop,of these caqt-on sUtcbes;
b?re ' ’ Repeat this row for 6 inches. Tills then purl acroee tha two sets of
But he may be a sophisticated per- ; •
son and rather reeentful ot even toe ~~ - ... .... . i.liihihiih.! ' 1