Newspaper Page Text
2 Cents a'Word V -
Minimum Chora* of 40 Cent*
"Insertions. Seven time* for tbs
.price of five - insertions.
AU discontinuances MUST be
m*d* In pereon at The Bah-
ner. Herald Office or by latter.
Telephone dlacontlnuancaa era
NOT valid.
75 75
For Sale
make immediate delivery of Ford
ton trucka and trailer*. Caah
term*. C. A. Truaaell Motor Co*
Athena, Oa. m-ll-c.
r The Weather
- GEORGIA—Bain, colder poaai
jtrly changing to mow in northwest
Iportioh Monday, -cold wave Mon-
day night, freezing temperatures
to the coast; Tuesday fair, colder
jn east portion; fmh to strong
shifting winds > becoming north
Lost And Found
LOST—Many an article, found by a
' Banner-Kcrald reader and return-
•A. to Its- owner. If you have loet any
thin* today try a Banner-Herald
Want Ad tomorrow. tf.
Hill, or Mllledge—gold Tiffany
bracelet, engraved "Mary'’—Finder
jt>to*e.return to 191 Xing St. Reward.
WANTED—A .good cook, house maid,
butler, chauffeur, domeetlo I
Or maybe It* offioa assistance, book
keepers stenog*. telephone |
caehlera -etc. Whatever It lc, you may
beedre that thousands of alert butl-
’ /fees and efficient Individuals in Ath
ena wUI see your Want Ad in tin
B*nner-H*rald and will tabc over the
Wtter with you next day. It's don*
.beery day In Athena tf.
WANTED—Help. Household fural-
• ture, pot stock, any on* of a thou
sand things.You can fill your Wants
.promptly and cheaply with a Ban-
Tier-Herald Want Ad. tf.
two-bora* white HIMtory wagon and
1 rubber tire buggy. J. O. Johnson,
TK Pulakkl St m-t-p
-A moat attractive gown la of car
amel-colored charmeuae. ■ with a-front
skirt drapey. and wide frills of 'cream
colored lace about the neck and fol*
from the tong, tight rieoves.
FOR SALE—Eggs for hatching from
A-l Stock. Rhode Island'Beds'Chfs
ver Strain, Eggs 91.M per 15. 110.00
per 100. White leghorns. College
Strain. Eggs Sl.tV per IS. .00.00 per
110. References Oconee County Bank,
Watklnsvllle. • Prof. J. H. Wood. Dept.
Poultry Husbandry. Collage. Wo In
vlto you to come out and ao* our
flock. C. E. Trussed and E. P. John
ston, Watklnsvllle, Oa. m-ll-c.
FOR SALE—Eight room house and
. lot on good terms, worth tlOOOJM)
more than prise asked for It. Phone
1769-J, or see W. B. Akin. m-10-p.
Miscellaneous '
NOTICE—Rural delivery rates for
the Atlanta Constitution H.00 per
year,until Much Hat. If subscribed
through Mias Maude Cheney. Mllledge
Ave., Athena Os. m-20-c.
cuita, rolls or muffins, so-they
will be just as delicious as when
they wen fresh, put -them in a
pan and place in another, pan of i
water; then let them stay for a
few minutes in a hot oven.
ling i
By thlg lime, the waistline ho»
definitely come up in the world and
Is gettrng perilously pear to normal
again. Some designers . are preparing
to launch the phort, empire line once
more. i
•WANTED—Several boys
• over twelve years of age
Ito deliver papers. Short
•hours with good pay. Ap-
>ly at Banner-Herald of-
ice, East Hancock Ave.
BOSTON—A final dividend
tlo a Share, making a total dlstrl
button of |45 a share In .liquids-
tlon was declared' today bjl the <11
rectors of the Pond Crook Coal
Company, which sold Its property
and equipment recently to the Ford
Motor Company. 7
No boudoir la complete thee* days
without It* perfume' burner, a com
bination of electric lamp and Incans*
burner. They come In the most fas
cinating shapes and colors and a va
rlety of alsea.
„ A stated convocation of Key
atone Chapter No. 1, It. A. M. wil
ho held in Masonic Temple Tuts
day evening, March 20th? at elgH
o’clock. The Royal' Arch degre
prill be confered. All companioi
are urged to be present.
! hie. pleasant, steady work. Good
;*lde line for farmers, teachers and
•others. Permanent Job for good work-
lore. Write for terms Concord Nursor-
iies. Dopt. mS, Concord, Os. m-ll-p.
WANTED—A good man to run a
small farm on halves Apply A. W.
.'Brook*,. Cotton Buyer, Athena Oa.
j ~For Bent—Rooms
;FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnlah-
• ad rooma with resale or without
Sflt Desirable location. Conven-
■fhiwca .Rent reasonable. These are
I of the offering you find dally In
" -Herald Want Ada tf.
One five-room downstairs
apartment, private bath and all;
conyenlenoe. Poisqislon
Phone 516
.saps .of
'four room .house with hath. Near
normal School. See W. T. Florence.
,i< phone 17II-W. m-lt-o
«'R -RENT—Eight room'house, large
veranda and lawn. Corner Meigs
r lChpreh Bta A. H. Davison.
*. ■ . m-19-c.
RENT—Four or six room apart'
it with private hath. IN Dear
Phoaa 1445 or lilt
RENT—Room and board to
business people only. Si* w. Han
jjeck Ava m-M-e.
Northbound Southbound
Jjorthbowtd Southbound
m*S:55 a Atlanta-Monrte l'e'l 1:15 p
yet:4S p Atl.-Blrmlngham-Mem. .1:10 p
*\140 p Norfolk-Rlch-N. Y. Id* p,
“7:65 p Atl-Abbevilla l'e'l 7:10 a
. Atl.-Blrmlnghom 1:1* a
NoHoik-Weeh. 6:19 a
WOmlngton-N. T. 6:M a
W. O. Bolton, Agent Phone 1141
Central of Georgia Station
Depart for Macon 7iM a. m.
. 4:45 p. m. •
Arrive from Macon 11:1* p. m.
/ -1:1* p. m.
For further Information phono
J. Y. Bruce, C. A, <10.
oaineoviLle MIDLAND
Road Taxes must be
paid on or before April
lfit at the office of the L
Commissioners in the
.Court Houie.
Pay your taxes now,
and avoid unnecessary
66- ‘PHomjjfi
Taxi Service
Day and Night
8erap. Iron,. Brass,. Copptr,
Lead, Rubber, .Bags, and old
Isaues of Magazines. Whero
quantity-Justifies our Truck will
call for.
Dixie Iron & Metal Co.
Athens, Qa.
Bsttor Cotton-kOn. V.HMy. Onol twlce „ (ood „ that commonly
Will Devote Most of Time To Fundamentals; .Abo ££ j called excellen'L and seems to war-
Liseuss Some Of the Rules of the Game * ^ ‘
The Banner-Herald’s
Sunday Want Ad Page
is one of the most Intereit-
ing and certainly most Pro
fitable pages of the paper.
Thousands of people turn their
attention first to the Want Ad
The Banncr-Herald’a
Sunday Want Ad Page
By GEORGE WOODRUFF back field; line charging; Wild
Now that tho “Old Stovo sprints, etc. A 'little later on we
League" has disbanded and wo will go Into tackling the dummy;
emerge from our winter quarters, cutting the dummy; breaking
we eagerly look forward to spring through on - defense; covering
rrnctlcc In preparation for our punts; high -and -low- blocking, etc.
footbaill season of '23. As we progress Re will engage In
Spring practice to some may the use of few formations In order
seem a waste of time, this because that the players maybe thinking
] it is out of season and one is not of them /during (he summer
keyed to the point of practicing months.
I too 4 all, or they never real!?'give You again ask yourself, why all
' sufficient thought to the advan- of this? By way of explanation,
tagez derived therefrom. Tho —the fundamentals during spring,
wiyk is of especial benefit and I we have Just .so much of onr task
venture the assertion that the behind us and next fall when we
.school or college that has football report tor duty It will be known
. Candida os so enthusiastic as to who can or cannot punt, pass, re-
, of time must bo consumed In toacli celve. catch punts, side step, stiff
. ball faithfuiiy In tho spring, will arm. carry the hall and whq Is
have a decided advantage over nn strong and who Is weak in the art
opponent not engaging in practice S f cutting, tackling, charging, block
during this season. 1 In*. Our time can then be spent
The reasons for the abovo- are in early fail on the men who are
tho followlg: First, a great deal deficient in these various essenv
seems -long, is very shor.i at best tlala to football players. It Is use-
Ing a man tt> properly cut, run, less to spend time on a man who
punt, charge, tackle, block, catch already has the art of performing
the ball and forward pass. All these fundamentals. Just! the same
are of vital Importance to the finish os. there Is no nse spending time
ed football mnn, but cutting is on a disgruntled or an indifferent
the most Important. Second, foot footoall player. Again, I repeat,
ball season, though sometimes It fundamentals equal nine-tenths of
seems long, is very short at first the success of a team. A man who
and it is most difficult to find cannot cut block, tackle, or per-
time to work on offensive and de- form well the other fundamentals
tensive play and practice the funda of the game, can hardly expect to
mentals of the game. If the win a coveted place,
fundamentals are to a marked de
gree mastered during spring prac- rules ARE
lice, more time can be QISCU88ED
advanced football during the (all.
11$'ucr^’Sf^ pta^tad'to the |™nt well the awertion that In Oeer-
College Number One variety of gta and neighboring ports of the
cotton the plan l* to get as many soutbeuat duly developed pastures
cotton, ra 1 _ •*■<- will produce, more ponds of milk.
Lti'ler iin'd in lit, than will tboey of
most, other rikioh* and will yield a
higher acpe^ge profit"
formers na possible to grow this
variety of cotton us tho growlqg of
but one variety In a Wnmunlty
will Insure pure seed. While It will
enhance the value of the lln .CTne . - • w
College Number One vuriety Is a , Bidding Sweet Potatoes. Much of
locul product having been original- the rot'that occurs In storage can
ed cn the Agricultural Form Here"
be prevented at bedding time, tn
•electing sweet - potatoes to bed, In
nddltlo’n to having the potatoes true
.to variety, select, only those that
aro entirely free tf decay. Just be
fore bedding dip the sweet potatoes
for ten minutes In a solution made
by-dissolving one ounce of corrosive
Mihllmnte In J gutvi.e >.f v.uier.
The fCroesive sublimate Is a poison and
And the Puplic
Are Becoming Better Ac
quaited Through 1 Big
Advertising Campaign.
Grocers of Athens and vicinity
properly executing fundamental
Just n word about the rule
*. ,L O O X E
Transfer Co.
Long Trips Onr Specialty.
Cheapest Track la Tawx.
<500 Thomas St
Phong 1351
plays. Is nine-tenths of a team's about the end or the first week we
success. Third, during the fall a will have a spelling down match,
yonng athlete's fancy turns to trick go get out your old rale hook and
formation! Instead or -practicing braah. We mnet do onr spring
the art- of catting, blocking and work well, and then a lob of time
tackling. Tho games aro staring | n the fall can be devoted to teem
jhe men In the face and It Is but work. No use to dwell on the ah-
natural that a player's mind dwells solute necessity of team play, but
upon the pltye rather than the bear in mind that fundamental*
manner In which plays should be cannot be sacrificed for team play,
executed. | I am looking forward to my stay
, .'VrUfilfi Athens with a great deni of
FUNDAMENTALS I pleasure a'nd hope thgt each and
TO BE TAUQHT every man reporting for duty will
* I come with the • determination to
During tho. early part of . spring master the fundamentals and be
pracilce the following fundamen- prepared to enter advanced foot-
MIs will be engaged In: kicking, ball tn the fall. Come one, come
gll styles; falling on ball; passes, all, no matter how green, how
all "styles; 1 catching . ball .tym small, you will be welcomed. Let)
I passes- and punte; passing from us by co-operation and determlna-
center to auxTterback and direct; tion accomplish the most In pre-
I carrying ball; starting, line apd paratlon for onr season to come.
and has proven to be it variety Well
adapted to boll weevil conditions,
and possessing u line of good quail-,
ty and length of staple. The Pure
seed asoclatlon of Winlervillc -hna
been fostering this Idea and this
variety for several seasons.
Peanuts At County Farm.
Clarke County farm will produce ; must be handlad with the utmost
15 acres of White Spanish peanuts |bare.) Do not bed sweet potatges
this wear. This typo of peanuts is Jn the rnmo place whero they were
grown extensively In south Oeor- bedded laat„*Ba*pn.
gla and south Alabama there It has , ) 1 ■*
proved to be a cash crop. It is used Jlp||n(Y(r'o Dunn
by the *rade f <r oil ui|i confection- IxCIlwgg s Dlaii
ary purpose*,. PMitttx ' have n >t
been erttlt'liNV . ilk'ined - !l -.«*
Athens tec till nn.l th<- ter' th.-i*-
will be made by the authorities In
charge of the county farm should
be watched with Interest by the
farmers of the cognty.
Good Stsnd of Cotton Imperative.
Farmers in the county have been
turning their lnnd more energetical
ly than usual. *0 na to have a good , luve b*tn getting the most out
had by cotton planting {‘ m jMof the extensive advertising c»m-
r A ncr P ai * n of Kel'ofE’i Bran, which is
melv Important to get a per now b«.j ns - carried on. The smash
ing succer/ 4 of the original cam
paign in this territory has been
more than duplicated by the fol-
low-up advertising which is now
under way#
Kellogg's Bran has taken the
consuming pnblic by storm. It is
•II bran. and. is ready to eat, hav
ing been both cooked and krumbled.
Grocer* reporting from all sec
tions of the city and'inbnrbs state
that the demand for the product
has been growing greater end
greater since the inception of the
Reports from the Kellogg Com
pany at Battle Creek, Miehliran,
.show that the big plant has been
almost swamped by ordtrs for the
product, and that the popularity of
Kellogg’s Bran in Athens terrl
,- , . lory is keeping pace with the pop-
qualities. It Is necessary to make u l ar ity elsewhere. Bight through
several summer spraying to combat the gdvertUinb campaign* the
Kellogg representatives have
extremely Important to get
feet stand at the first trial. Essen
tial In getting a good stand are good
seed, firm aeed bed and good drain-,
age -for the cotton row. Early turn
ing of the land aaalsts In getting a
firm seed bed. It the seed bed Is
firm cotton seed germinates well
even If the weather 14 dry following
planting, while good drainage In
sures germination it wet weather
follows, .
To Grow Good Pooohoe—8proy,
It Is possible to grow as godd
peaches In Clarke county n* any
where else In the state. The aoll Is
right; the climate 1* excellent. The
consumers of peaches here, whether
they live In Athens or elsewhere
In the county desire luscious
peaches free from worm* and brown
rot To grew peaches of high quali
ty and free of these undesirable
Hn* Painting and laterio*
' Decorating
Phone 280, Athens, Ga-
Bookkeeping, Shorthand and
Save 60% of oxpenios by at
tending thla school. Tho grad
uates of the Athens Businesi
College always get the best po
sition. Every Graduate em
ployed. Write for information
° ay Box 141, Athena, Ga. *
silts mo iffliDMimm
Best for Cooking and
Heating Purpbsee
Per Truck Load I $2.75
Orders of five loads
vor more,, per load $2.50
This Wood Formerly
Sold for $3.25 per load.
CaB Us and We WiU
Supply Your Needs. •
) Phone t47 Phone 147
Georgia Team To Play
Camp Benning in First
Games of Season Satur
day and Monday.
The Georgla baseball squad went
into the final week of practice
Monday altornotm before leaving
for the Initial game of tho season
In Columbus Saturday against Ft
Benning. Two games will be play
ed there, one Saturday and one
Monday. Returning 'from Colum
bus tho Bulldogs wtU pry open the
season here on the Mth when Dah-
lonegs comes to Sanford field for
one game.
Following this game will be tha
J University of Pennsylvania game,
(one battle only on the 29th. Thla
game marka a reeamDtion of ath-| c l**s ,„d by showing wsat it har
letlce between Georgia and Penn- earned stamps it as a real produc
Anyone who wants to know
some of the. "inside information'
on the picture, "When Knighthood
-was. in Flower" now playing at the
Palace theatre, can get it from the
fallowing article taken from 'Va
riety,*' a .theatrical weekly pub-
liahed in New York which is re
garded as being at least one pub
lication of this nature in the U.
8. that is not influenced by any
favor of advertising or any oth
or factor. It gives the facta foi
“facta sahe."
It.places this picture in the |2
eylvmnlr after a period 4f years
that dates back to 1908 when Geor
gla trounced the Quakers In a
groat game.
After Pennsylvania cornea Yalo
for a couple of games In Macon
on the 3dtb and list and then the
team returns homo for a couple
thm. The article is as foirows:
“'Knighthood,' the Coamopolitain.
Paramount feature with Marian
Davie*, will start on the winning
fildc of the lodger within seven
weeks. . Thii is remarkable, when
it Ja known that the picture hat
. . . , Just about completed its pre-re-
of fames against Dartmouth In .lease runt, following the long run*
rilhens. nM2 top.prices in special^
several summer spraying —--j-.-
the curcullo and brown rot The
Cdcullo Is an insect which lays Its
eggs In tha small peaches beginning
Its work as soon ** the petals Tall;
the brown rot. Is a fungous disease
which causes fruit to decay—this
decay is especially rapid when tb*
fruit reaches maturity.
Those two troubled.cap be pro-,
vented by spraying with the ms-
terlala mentioned below and ac
cording to the following schedule:
First Application. As soon as
petals fall. Use' one pound of
powdered- arsenate of lead. Ume
water from three pounds of burnt
Ume and 50 gallons of water.
Second Application. As soon as
shucks shed. Use same material
as In first upUcatlon.
Third Application. Four weeks
after petals shed, . which will be
about two weeks after second ap
plication, use self-boiled lime aul
phur, alone.
Perth Application. For varieties
Inter than the HUey Belle. Four
woeka before fruit Is due to ripen.
L'ae arsenate'of lead and self-boUed
lime sulphur.
The Season’s 8we*t Potato Mar
ket. The swoet potato crop of ltll
umented to 10*.600.000 bushels This
big crop of sweet potatoes has kept
tho produce trade saturated from
the beglnnlng of the harvest up to
the present time. Nearly 2,000 more
ears of .sweet potatoes have been
shipped to dnte than to the kame
date last season. A record Irish po
tato crop baa been offerred to the
trado during the season. In conse
quence. of the big sweet potato crqp
and tlio record Irish "hotato crop,
the prices paid at principal consum
ing centers have been low.
The Atlanta,market haa been
paying from -1.00 to 1.10 per hun
dred pounds, car lota In b0|k. de
livered that city. Southern sweet
tatoes have been sellng to whole-
helped the dealer* to keep the ball
Roving and they will continue to
Bran it the most talked of lobd
product of today, and Kellogg’s
Bran , is tho moit delicious ever
made. Dealers 'fortunate rnnutrh
to realise this have profited. Tht
retail grocerwbo is not stocking
up with Kellogg’s Bran it losing
a tremendous opportunity. Ha
can make one of the fastest turn
overs,.on record-with this product.
It is being so featured by adver
tising that the demand will con
tinue to swell.
Kellogg’s' Bran must not be con
founded with ordinary brans. Kel
logg’s Bran has been its own
hast advertisement. The public,
which has returned to it> as a
health substitute for injurious car-
thnrtics, has been won by Ha pal
atable flavor, ita crispness and
freshness, and its inccese not only
as a canal bnt aa a basic material
for tho most tasty muffinf, ho’
cakes, gem, etc. Those who here
tried Kellogg’s Bran Muffins,
bread anck hot cakes, have diic«v-
end hew and delightful bakery
The demand for Kellogg’s Bran
haa b*n established. The fol-
low-np campaigns have been in-
toy* toge Progagandi
About Big Cotton Cron
Hurts Farmers Growing
Staple. , s
During tho last month there hu
been a lot of propaganda gottn
out all over the South op the U*
that we can raise a large crop *
cotton in the South tips yesr iy
that a targe crop will he, mJ,
spite of the boll weevil. \io,[ d
this propaganda is false sad art
of it Is foolish. , ”
The false propaganda theta
being gotten out la that, there hu
been no negro exodus , from tb
South and that there Is no ,hon.
age of tabor. These article, hn,
been printed In all the. Northern
papers aa evidence that a bum®,
crop of cotton < will be nlied tta
year. Tjie truth Is there is a gnu
shortage of labor in the ,South ul
thousands of acres of taad will fc
uncultivated this year.
The propaganda that we will h
able to kill all the boll weedk
this year with cal el tun traeuu
is very mtaleadlegi ;iin the IK
place, we have not.the calciumu-
senate, and many wh* would like
io use It will be:isnsUe to de
on account of the price. In .the
second place we cannot Wil ill U,
boll weevils In one year. It mtj
take yean to eradicate this p«.
The most foolish. .1 propegad,
that has been Issued/tad the ef
fect of which has been, to lepra,
the price of cotton, U- tfaidhy tle
Government itself, through a* Ki
pertinent Station - at vStlluU, li.
This Experiment 'Station hu ut
il,bed to the world that ttay hit,
recently counted the bell vterfk
In a-ton of moss.-landr that they
only found nineteen, gad. that hit
year when they examined , ton
of this moss they found 117. Tiny
argue, therefore, that >alMt of tta
boll weevils have been, killed by
cold weather. It la i well know
that the pas j Winter has ban t
very mild one and especially h
Louislafaa. It has beeh to mlM
that It -la to be doubted whethw
many of these boll weevil, hiber
nated in this moss, bnt tematari
Ja fhd fields find in-tbo woodt
•—-a ,,-
GR0WER8 "’v
... ' •
Mr. p. T. Hammond, of 8taUun.
Ga., was In Athefiryerierday ill
stated that he had'lead this arti
cle and that It wfia very unfair t,
9he cotton growera.. He said that
he had examined arosBd Butlaut
and he found bd!t>edWls In Uw
old cotton bun.
We believe that the Agrlcnltunl
Deparittnent at WSahtnfitoa ibooU
not allow this klhd.of propagul,
to be leaned. It can hiAre no goof
purpose and the effectJW It Is te
depress the price 1 of'cefton at vu
done a few -days ago 'when tkta
report was Issued.’ ■
price of cotton, bat tHttttedmhtu,
There seems to be well oixssli-
ed bureau, to Isiiue 1 ktopagsad,
from Ume to time to fiepren the
price of cotton. ,bqt flfere mw
to be no orgenliatlph to lust
propaganda on the able for the
farmers. J" '
^VAN'NII* If f ‘synthetic ranllU or raro flavonrlng content, A«n-a!cokoltr.)
Its dsllblous . flavor V AIM Nil Its allufii^ ffs«mMe
gratifies dsslre VnlVlYlL tsmpta.S «Hnl
•' . ' . ,- l„
r Leave Athens Arrive
* 7:45 A. 1L* *1:1* F. M.
* 10:45 A. M.«» **!*;!# A. M.
; • Dally. ** Dally Exeapt Sunday.
a .
e No. * leave* Athens fiat a. at. ar*|
* rive* Lota 9:4* a 01. »
No. I leave* Athene 4:15 p. m.. ar
rive* Lulu J:*i P- at
No. T leaves Lula 4:15 p.
ri Ne. ’.TAiirf'loios; an-
rives Athens 11:40 a. m.
O. B. Miller. C A.. Athena, ga, I
•' _ Telephone 5L |
v 1
Latest Belt Feeds
Money Maker.
All Kinds Mill - I
Ho* Blmon Dlston Sawa
Teeth, Files, Baiting. Pipe. In-
Jectors, Fittings, Engine andj
-Boiler Bepairs. Bring with yonr,
win Cables.
Planty Room to Park Car.
Lombard Iron Works fJIVjFump]
Complete Line of
b. & m.
Mitts ...... 90c to SltfiO
Clove. ....- 78c *o tloo
«S!;■•:.;•••• f-»
16c to • 1.78
Due to the fact that the students
will ha away from Athena from the
24tlr of Match through the 2nd of
April the athletlo authorities are
looking tor targe crowds -of the
people from Athena and the sur
rounding territory to greet the
teams from the north on their in
vasion of‘the city. Pennsylvania
wtU find -practically all the stu
dents gone hut many of them will
,ha’hack for the Dartmouth games.
Coach White will have his-team
in good shape If the weather Is
warm and rain* do not Interfere
with practice during the week.
His pitcher* are giving him borne
trouble and the Injury to Powers’
finger that was smashed about a
week ago. Is slowing this lad np
considerably. Cliff Pantone's arm
In still not the old wing of other
days and be will hardly be -called
pn for mound duty during the first
three games at least.
Thla leavea Bale and Chamber*
in the first line trenches with Ran
dall, Monday and a number of
othere In the pit for emergency
Several game* between the var
ally and freshmen wilt feature the
practice during the week If the
weather permits. The vanity la
getting gome real practice In these
game* and the Red Capa have Men
ki: - 1
_ for tl
Ing game ~agaln9l - Iftblon<
Mg crowd ta expected out
the 1923 ontflt over.
original cost of making th<
production was 1800,000, and thir
is the amount that will have beer
turned over to the Heaflr organ!
zatlon inside of seven week*, ac-
eprding to (host that are in touch
with the actual bookings of th<
picture np to that time.
“At ‘this imo predictions ere
made o tbe effect that tho prodoc on ®
tiQn will be file one that is going
® et -l n * w ,* TO “ receipts rccorc
for moUoh pictures. Conservative
estimates are to the effeetthat the
picture wiU do $2MOfloo, while
most pessimistic at tha time that
***^Pk tu re was first shown at the
Criterion are now the most -on-
tlmiatie In their estimates of what
the picture will gross.
Heretofore Jbt record for top
taking out of the straight pic
•tlon nm has bm held by *The
Uliraclenlan,’’ which grossed *1.
S.Dcct iut ? 1 ^n e » e 1 -'
rentals for pictures have Increased
MO per cent and more in some In
, /
The bolero grows In fsor as the
qeaaon advances, and ta having a
strong Influence on the two-piece
suit. Frequently It |* seen to beat ad/
vantage with om of the new tiered
eaters In largo lota. In the princi
pal middle wenlem cities at 76 cents
tl.fl per bushel. Eastern sweet
potatoes have been selling to the
wboletUe trade at 60 cents to 91.35,
per bushel, farcy Georgia Porto
Rico sweet potatoes have been
selling to the wholeeale trade In'
•spoils and at. Paul at 92.00 :
.25 per' bushel' while number
Porto Rico sweet potatoes
have been bringing around 91.60 per
bushel In the same c|tl*e. , r ‘
-Several ears Of- sweet ' potatoes
from the Athene sections havb been
shipped .The*4 were from storage
and hod been kiln-dried. They
moved to Inland towns at prices
somewhat better than th* market.
There rae still several car*
Plenty of Money to Lend On Real Estate
Commission: 3% ON AMOUNTS OVER 91.000.00.
1S% OD avorints opto fUNMS. ' ’
4*5- Hotmail Bldg. Ataeae. Cs.
Sweet potato consumption
been/ on the increaee during the
taa|r five or six year* and the Ip-
creaae during this season has been,
remarkable Production, however.'
baa -been Increasing more rapidly
than consumption, but present Indi
cates point to a decreased acreage
to be planted In sweet potatoes this
ear throughout the entire sweat po
tato producing territory from New
‘ iraey to Texas
Pasture* For Clark* County. The
agricultural department of the Cen
tral of Georgia railway ta Interested
In establishing a last pastre
Clarke county. Under certain con
dition tho Central will par half the
egpenae of getting such a picture
started. Any farmer Interested In
taking up such a test should get Jn
touch with the writer Immediately.
In Monday's Atlanta Journal favor
able comment waa mail* editorially
on th* pasture work of the Central
of Georgia Railway. In part th* At-
tauta Journal ,*eW, ( .VFoufty-four
test Mature*. egnfR^ng « XhoUs-
•— 1 end and sixty-eight ocras. have
n a*t* r * 1 b r eueh * I graced an Average of 1.42 cows per
background la an ungrateful one. jacre for a period of two hundred
Winter Excursion Fares and All
Year Tourist Fares ■ ’ I
Florida ^
North Caroliu*
Waal Virginia
Georgia Railroad
.Atlanta & West Point R. R.
Western Railway of Alabama
Liberal time limit and stop-over privileges.
For further information apply to
J. P. BILLUPS, G. P. A., ^ Vi u
-714 Healey Building, AttehU, GA-t- 3^