Newspaper Page Text
Echoes From, Bible'inference
At Atlanta Baptist Tabernacle
Jlttle literary work and the chsrtn-
tns operetta by the notary children
to be preceded here during the
convention la the reeult of aome
of the clever literary collaberation
between Charlee Carr and Frank
, Joneeburg, a Boeton Rotartan now
in 8L Peteraburc.
By OR. J. A. BELL rtoday. Bear to mind, that thla fear-
There cloaca today the created tea, men of Clod Is to be with ua
Bible conference, ever held In the aoon In Athene in the BroughW-
clty of Atlanta, where, for the paft Morgan Bible ccnference.
week, aome four hundred Baptist
paatora and preacher*, with scores j*. Curtla Lee Law*, editor of
of prominent luymen-voth men and xhe Watchman and Examiner, .of
women—from all parta of the atate, New Tork . so Um )ed a clear, thrilling,
plua numbers of propHnent Baptlata theofcgical .note from acroaa that
from many other statet. have had Mason and Dixon -Line, where to a|
a great spiritual, rapral and phy- true Southern BapUet ear. many big I
alcal feast. This twenty-eighth muffled gems as wth disonant, dls-
Bible conference goes down !» hla- -tract*! sounds, seems to fill the ulr
tory aa perhaps without a parallel, with their pulrted fhmes. He ie a
'.r equal In Laptllt history. (man of sweetest spirit, yet fearless
— ■■■"■ , / , 'in his history reckoning for right- >
tlrtiat ala. A ..see. awnant ta ww.. - L .
Many Roads to Be
Improved; Funds
Already Allotted
Kiwanis Club Backs Move
to Build Structure Hon
oring Soldiers From
• That County.
! HARTWELL, Ga.—A magnifl-
cient memorial hail costing with
the lot $7,000 00, and honoring
those veterans of the 60's t the
Spanrsh-Ameriean soldiers and
road, $1»A00.
Madison, ’ Danlelsvlllo - Comer
road. $18,000.
Taliaferro, Crawfordvllle-Wbrron
county line road. $16,000.
Wilkes, Tlgnall-Elberton road,
: Baldwin, Mllledgevllle-8aiidara-
ville road, $16,000.
Clarke County already has under
day a number of construction pro
jects .not mentioned above.
The Hinton Securities Co.
Practically all of OeorgtiVshare
of the federal aid highway fund
for 1828 has been allotted by the
state highway board, and am t oy-j
ing will atart Immediately ami con
■traction will begin at the earliest
possible moment. It was stated <
thla week- by W. R-vNeel, state
highway engineer.
Georgia thla year obtalna from
tho federal government $1,878,188,
and this sum will bq matched by
Qeorala counties oh the 60-60
basis. <
The program calls for construc
tion of algmt 400 miles of road In
about one-flfth of the counties.
The allotments for this section
of the state are aa follows:
Rabun. Clayton • Tallulah river
road. $20,000. ,
Hall, Oalneevt|le-Jet(ereon road,
Franklin, CarneavlUe-Commorce,
road. $16,000.
Stephens, cornella-Toccoa road.
liver ills contdti i
Hartwell, it was definitely an
nounced at the meeting of the Ki
wanis club Friday.
After . being presented in -a
most forcible manner by Mrs. Me-
Alpin Thornton, former president,
of the Hartwell Chapter U. D. C.,
and Mrs. B. C. Teaaley, present
president, the plan was given un-
Lingerie In NIT* green is very
popular now, developed In voile,
organdie, handkerchief linen and
eflk crepe. ,
A smart Parle designer Is nslng
motifs of floral embroidery on the
pockets and-sleeves-of the frocks
he creates, then the same design
appeals In the lining of thy accom
panylkg Jacket.
Gaarj jam health
animous endorsement of the club
upon motion of Kiwanian A. S.
A targe and very valuable lot
near the center of the city has al
ready been purchased by the local
Chapter U. D. C. And it waa an
nounced Friday that the land waa
free of debt.
C. D. Griffin, local contractor
was present and gave the club aome
v . for Dress and Sports > :
$7.50 to $8.50
$7.50 to $8-50
Black Satin
Athens Women Are Big Wasters,.
According to Economics Expert
“— v f' fact. Kir la of nearly all European
Women Sacrifice Food, t t rifI T r J 1 . 1111
*t i» thought to be sinful to
energy ana lime mat waste. But in America people seem
Might Be Utilized to Ad- 10 th,nk lh,! rnore they havc
*, more they should waxte.'
Vantage. “The American motlic.- In primart-
■ 1 — . . ly to blame. She is too annxlous
Athena women are big wasters for her daughter, to be u social euf-
lf what Mrs. Ida Bailey Allen. New cess to see that ahe has good (un-
York City economist says Is trad, damental knowledge of tho things
Mrs. Allen declares her opinion that make for happy homes,
la baaed on actual fapta and a ra- 4 ’ )
cent survey ahe has mode of wqr DAUGHTERS
men of the country In person and ARE SPOILED
by questionnaires. ‘The average daughter or tho
"You would not bellsve thdt thelnverags. household,is spoiled,from
American wormin' waa, or could be. the cradle up and then expects her
such a wasteful creature," she said, husband to go on with the spoiling
"until vau have (•onfrontcil'her with Iiorfornmnce. Sometimes ha rina.
We’ve gained distinction for ability to create Footwear
fashions that have found acceptance in the eyes of all wo-
jtnen. Particularly is this true this Spring, when selection is
the best we have ever shown.
"until you have con fronted: her with
ovldence as I hava. recently. I havo
Just returned from a' trip over the
country, Including ' 86, . towns, and
cities, and have ■ observed on all'
aid?- the p-Mahle way sfc w.istes
loud, enerry and time, that m'ght;
well be ulliled to good' advantage.
"American women are aaJd to he
tho beat educated In the world, hut
you mopt not think so, to see them
In their homes ar elsewhere. Too
many of them are sacrificing ea-
"Day and Night
hone TRANSFER CO. Phone
>C,<> Office Georgian Hotel CC
day and Tuesday. The big States
parade, known all over the coun*
.... win a- n'u..a.u . a
try, will occur on Wednesday. Ac-
quatlc sports on the waterfrqnt cc-
—~ — ------- —- works
cur Thursday
Thursday night. Then comes the
Rotary Convention on Friday and
Saturday with two full days of en
tertainment. . constructive Rotary
sessions and genial SL Petersburg
The President of the St. Peters
burg. Rotary club la finding tlma
for nil < f thla In addition to hla
numerous other duties. He la the
publisher of the SL Petersburg
Tlmrg Chairman of the City School
Board, and an officer or dlrectob
In u doaen other organizations In
the city. In addition to hla busi
ness duties he finds time to do a
Clayton Street
sentiala for non-eaaantlalai They
seam'to hava no Idas of system!
"If American men want about
iwrformlng their business duties In
of American women do their*. Jackson
HMtven pit ythe business Industries, week ei
•French. German, Swiss and. In Jackson.
Banking Service
One of the 81 White basses bougnt by the Pacihc Electric Rjr. and the Los Angeles Ry. Co.
one of the largest of its kind tn bus operation aa adoptad by
What la (aid to ha the largest
order for motor bussei ever placed
by an » cctric railway haa just fctan
received by the White Company.
Cleveland', from the Pacific Electric
significant not only in point of sire service <
but In showing that leading eicc- Milwa
trie railways have turned to bus Light C
operation on a large scale to en- Pennsyh
large their facilities and give the Youngst
public a better service. The in- Co.. Nei
vestment in this ease was well over Ohio Tn
half a million dollars. O: Chic
Within recent months numerous waukee 1
electric lines have, purchased mo- ton Elev
tor bus fleets for feeder service. Mass; 1
Almost without exception the bos Co- pro
instaliationa have proved to sue,- Railway
eesxfnl that initial orders have been ton. D.
followed by orders for additional Railway
boa equipment The big order Beaver '
placed by the Pacific Electric fid- Liverpoo
lowed a thorough investigation of Railway
. Tkabuises. which am of the 28-
passenger enclosed type, will be us
ed to supplement tha street ear
and intcrurhan serviea of both !l:-es
in Southern .California, some of
them to be used jointly by* both
fines and others frdlvKJoaHy ac
cording to the need* of the various
"rbaTpadfie Electric Company Is
A Still Greater‘Value
Never before has a Ford Sedan been
sokf at such a low price.
(Never before has there been such a
wHtbuilt Ford Sedan—improved with
finer upholstery, window regulators,
and with many refinements in chassis
This is the family car which fully
meets «very requirement of economy,
comfort afid Sturdy service.
So great,is the demand that deliveries
will soon be almost impossible. List
your order now, make a small down
payment, the balance on easy terms.
Ford priert have ntvtr been to low
Ford quality has tutor bom to high
C. A. Trussell Motor Co.
V r ^ East Clayton Street
Athens, Ga.
I ———i IMH
No otte/'water has the wonderful taste, the Invigorating feel*
Ing thaLlt leaves after each glass full—lt*a delightful, yes It*#—
Drink jt All Year 'Round—But Especially In Spring and 8um-
“ mer—PH ONE- 95
3if-T - — l- 4 ■*. * o . * *1 . V
Springs Water Company
Office Broad Street
Wiriter. Excursion Fares and All
Year Tourist Fares
>eim f 'Havana ■
rids Mississippi
ihingtou Now Mexico W *‘
rr.:. . VIA . . .
•|5 Georgia Railroad
Atlanta & West Point R. R.
item Railway of Alabama
i time limit and stopover privileges,
'or further information applv to
J. P. BILLUPS, G. P. A n x
Healey. Building, Atlanta, Ga.
" Every man’s one great principle in life should be
—to be of SERVICE to others.
The same principle holds good for business Insti
That is how this Bank has grown—by renderinj
prompt and efficient service.
Every* accommodation consistent with Bound
banking is extended our customers and depositors.
Our clientele extends over a wide territory.
May we not
Georgia National
-ft •.•**'* ’ *5^*
Athens; Georgia