Newspaper Page Text
Isays she is going to win
The um of the conags of arti
ficial flower* continues. Some of
the most attractive organdie frocks
have ctasiera of organdie flowers
In all colon. Wool flowers in
bright colors are effective on the
navy blue frock.
There la no Hotter Eagtne or Raw
5!HI ea the market Mir than
IS* Farnohar. WUh lumber pro-
log up you ran make Ms profit*
with thla outf . Write for cata
logue and price*.
son’s Wholewheat!
Vigor and Health
Booking demands for "The Ml- .
grim" are so heavy that 110 print*
nee in circulation in New York! L
Department At Universi
ty Will Conduct Cam
paign to Improve Lan-
The Hinton Securitif
i Life Insurance.
r t* it «»♦» mrnrmer
I! j rhinciy rtandhriarififtl
guage of Georgians in
. I'ijrni
kts.ronsYW sr.
A week devoted to the Interest*
of batter English, bo;h written and
*poken, ha* oeen set aside for
April 9 to IS, and during this week
every high school and preparatory
school In the state will mahe an
effort to bring about the use of
better English.
The message to the high schools
announcing the date for the week
and giving a tentative program tor
.'hat period has Just been Issued
by Dr. B. E.. Park and B. P. Walk
er of the English department at.
the University of Georgia, who
A King and a Kingdom
TheFulfilmentof Prophesy
Paint and Varnish Products
/ • • .
\ m:Prevent Destruction
Jesus was not the mob’s
Ideal of .a man when H* stood
boforo Pilate on that notable
day. They cried. "Crucify
Him!" Had Ha bean coarae,
vulgar, a boaster, H* would
have been more nearly their
ideal of a parson likely 'to lift
their nation from under the
Roman yoko. Humanity fail*
to roaliio that Ood’s purpose In
Christ and Hit followers has
bean to prepare them by meek
ness, gentians**, patience, long-
. suffering and love for the King
dom to bloss all mankind a*
th* Bible declares:—
Heb. 2: 10; 2: I; 6: fi-10; 12; II.
Th* rejected King Is now set
ting up Hit Kingdom, Invisible,
yot mighty and powerful, and la
"dashing to ploeos aa a potter's
For those who are not lucky enough to know her, tbe above
picture Is n photograph of Miss Lovle Jowers, the’ leading candidate
In the White Way Popularity Contest.
She Is being sponsored by the local lodge of Elks, who declare
that they fire going to pnt her In the new Ford Coupe, which Is being
offered to the winner.
Mias Jowers baa been In tbe lead since the contest started, with
the exception of one day, and'when her supporters saw another candl-
1. Select five promln mt people,
men or women. repres-'Hing Hie
professions, business, and women's
clubs. Give each one of them a
chapel period In which he Is to
present tho Importance of good
English In general and 'n his own
field In particular. Let the teach
ers meeting claaiet during '.fee
next period comment, for a few
Havoc — swept in
on every raindrop!
I F woodwork were alive it would
shriek with terror at the touch
of water. For moisture is a deadly
enemy to wood — rjqgng its fibres
apart — warping It — rotting away
its beauty.
Through accident, water is occas-
aionaliy bound to invade every
What are you doing to protect
the wood?
Devoe Paint and Varnish Products
will make your woodwork almost
everlasting by keeping the moisture
out and sealing the beauty in.
Scott Hardware Go. ;
date take the lead on that day, they got busy and the next day she
was In tho lead again with about two thousand votes to spare. ,
minutes, on the speech that the
children have Just heard.
A Offer prises for the best pla-
cants and cartoon* illustrating
common errors In ipeech. Hang
these cards In conspicuous places
In the buildings and throughout
the grounds.
Husband Tucked Girl Guest in Bed,
Says Mrs. Sire* Political Leader
fered to resign from her dnhe be
2. Offer a prise for the best
outline of a piny Illustrating the
value of good English. Only Inci
dents which will he • • i ,-nln.d as
likely to happen shonld be used.
The play should he so simple that
Women’s National Demo
cratic Club Head Gets
Separation; Charging He
SUNDAY, MARCH 25TH, >3:00 P. M.
Also Helped Young Wo
man Undress.
NEW YORK—Mrs. Lillian H.
Sire, No, 81? Seventh Avoiue,
President o fthc Womans National
Democratic Club and tony promin
ent Is social welfare work, yester
day obtained n decree of suiara-
tlon from Clarence D. Slro.
Supreme Court Justice Burr
granted the decree sfter she testl-1
It can be put on after n few re
4. Let the children make a
large number of pasteboard lags,
red or green. 8et aside on day
as Tag Day. On thla day distri
bute the tag* among the children,
with Instruction* to tie a tag on
any person, pupil of teacher, who
violates any of the accepted rules
of grammar or good usage. Sev
eral day* before Tag Day post a
list of the outlawed expressions
which are to ha looked for.
Matt wttdwort waterpnof wilt: '
DevoeAq-MSperVsnlib.DevosPale Interior
Vanish, Devoe Mirrolso, Devoe Mtrble
Floor FlnlshVsraUh, Devoe HoUandBoameL,
£■---— —- r--y- —i fcjire srnteu, uer nuauauu mviiv., »
fied her husband sought to super-1 youn g woraan out to the place
vise her actions and every minute |*. * th wcre staying In' the
of her time, even refusing 2dMSlo MS
llmea to let her sleep hMpjag the part of lady’s maid" to his
her in bed when sho wanted to get tucking her Into bed at
up ... o4.„ .u. . ««' night, bringing her breakfast on a
Mr. Siro filed a dmlAl tod was . n nttur h(n wife hid cooked It.
IrarifrU'vvrTny 2&r“ ’« WhM1 ,h !
Sire testlfed her husband formerly n chair hey husband would
£3? »“r. ,0 ,1! - 000 » y “ r for ES miKr ,0 ‘eTsett,
The Sires were married In New •* w -
Jersey December 3, 1*10. The Mr. Sire was the youngest son
. .as a _ wm n.wl.Mlai Ol.n IknoM/inl nM.
the children parade throngh the
■treeU of the city, carrytog ban
ners and placards bearing suitable
I. Invite a prominent; persoj
to make n ten minute speech con
taining a number of intentional
error*. Let the pupils make notes
(taring thla speech, and at the end
hand In Data of all the errors they
have detected. Give a prise for
;he list containing the largest tram
7. Throughout the Week It will
he found useful to emphaslaa
COURTESY as a natural concomi
tant fef GOOD ENGLISH.
PRIZES—It should not be diffi
cult to Induce local merchants and
others to provide prises.
Of. beautiful materials and
styles, some have Persian over
blouses, others trimmed in Pais
ley, 'skirts are pleated and
The design of Dodge Brothers gear-shift taka*
into consideration the natural indinationa
of the driver.
To start, you throw the lever forward. To re
verse, you poll the lever backward. And when
the car is running in high gear—which is about
ninety per cent of the time—the lever is in a
forward position, oat of the way, where It dot*
not interfere witl^psssengers, robes, or luggage.
Moreover, tbe transmission, developed and
patented by Dodge Brothers, is so designed that
the countershaft—used in intermediate apeeda
and in reverse—is disconnected when the car
iainhigh. There are no gears in meah. Power
is transmitted directly from clutch to rear akla.
This exclusive feature prevents the lots of power
through friction, rddocet geer-box noises and
eliminates a vast amount of wear.
That is why the gear-shift of Dodge Brother*
Motor Car fa different
IvJjff 'olurU) arc picttlcU liliU
draped, the newest colors of
cocoa, delft, blue, brown, sand,
navy and black. The prices are
from .... $9.95, $12.48 to $20.00
Special for Monday and Tues
day, one rack of beautiful spring
dresses, of All Tyne Crepe,
Crepe de Chine and Taffetas,
values to $18.00 $9.98
John Roberts will JIlAi exterior*
of "The Fighting Blade.” starring
Richard Barthlmesa, in England.
Pres. Barnett Is
Named Delegate in
Georgia, Inc., Meet
By Condo
•Heiae ver waitin® to to.thc ®ox oVfim
X M/I3H Y«0’O *TAi<e THIS MOroeV AN-D
_ izer ne a tiCkgt ?**. — g —
coveiy models of the season s ^
most popular materials and
styles, Candy Cloth, Hemps, Mi-
Ians, Haircloths, Visca, Braids, VpVl/x.
Cantons, etc. Hats in every pos- / \ K
sible variety of style, trimming • / A \L
and! color, visit this department HVu/
and be convinced of the unusual saving.
during new industries to locate in
this state.
Electon of Captain Barnett or
the board of directors means that
Athens will go after its share of
the industries to Ira brought to this
state. Captain Barnett was name!
at the close of a report of the
Atlanta meeting held under aus
pices of the Georgia Railway A
Power Company by Joel A. Wiei
and Martin J. Abney. Data con
cerning the advantages ef liviny
in Athens will be sent over the
country in the adverting pro
gram of the organization!
Thursday’s meeting of the Ki
wans club was attended by near
ly fifty members at the Georgian
Hotel luncheon. Kiwanian E. H
Dorsey, Sr., was elected a membet
1 HOIUSY 4*0 GST A TiekftST
730 TO TH6
iheets, 72x90, splendid quality, special .... 98c
of the Board of Directors, made va
cant by the death of Dr.-Dan H
Du Pro.
Ensign Lever and Captain Julis
Curti of the Salvation Army wer<
the guests of the club and mad<
an appeal for the support of the
Klwanians in their drive to raiesr
tBftOO .here. A committee was
named by President Barnett to
represent the club in the prepar
atory work for the drive.
Rev. P. C. Morgan was intro
duced as an affiliate member and
several guests were at the meet
“Crossett” Oxfords for men, black, and tan,
newest styles and shapes
$5.00 Pair
A large stock of stylish footwear for ladies,
misses and children, in all the new styles and