Newspaper Page Text
IP ifrtnnAi* b y imiutinsr the perfect life of
llS* ale » • cooper j egu »; and he then( showed that
Died Wednesday
Young Son of Mr; and
Mrs. L. G. Jones'Dies
J v12 3f»A«t
The local cotton market remain*
ed the same'at is was/Tuesday,
closing at 28 -1-2. with the ilre-
vious close also 28 l-2c. "
■ «, foEvy York cotton
Open High Low Chose P. C.'
May’; rE*,!. 29. *6 24.47 28.70. 2895 29.14
July .. .-y.28.40 28.59,27.95 28.13 18.18
Oct. ... . .125.42 25.64 25.00 25.20 25.10
Dec. ... ...24.78 24.98 24.48 24.58 24.90
Jan. .' 24.37 24.65 24.15 24.25 24.32
U A. M. Bids: May 29.31), July 28.50;
4k'aK’ ’<»g to
past. In conclusion the audience
were urged to put themselves into
right relationship with God, and
by trusting in Jeius and his re
deeming blood, find deliverance
from thcr trespasses. - The inter
est in these meetings i8 growing
very rapidly. Yesterday the pub
licity committee was busily en
gaged in getting three hundred j
window cards into the stores and
homes of the city. >
The. work. of planning delegd-
■ L. O. Jones, Jr.. 18 months tld son
bf Mr.and Mrs. L. O. Jones of Jack-
son county died at the home of his
parents Tuesday afternoon at 1
o’clock after an* illness of three
months. '
Funeral services - were conducted
at the Brave side In lyases cemete
ry In Jackson county. Wednesday
afternoon at 1 Cclock with Rev.
Jolley officiating. Bernstein Bron.
funeral directors, were In charge.
Funeral Services Thurs-
Aftemoon From Hull
Baptist Church; Many
VilA- 'Klia' Estelle Cboper died
Fleecy Staple Plants to Be
Transplanted to “Field”
in the Auditorium For
Convention. ,
"ATLANTA, Oa.—Visitors to; the
Klwanls International Convention In
Atlanta, the laat week In May, will
not be .disappointed in their hop# 'of
seclM it Georgia cotton field wWte
with t|le' fleecy staple, even though
Georgia cotton Is never open until
close to Midsummer, for the Atlanta
noiti 1
one o'clock Wednesday . after a
short illness. She was 42 years
old and had lived here for 17 years
being originally from Newnan.
The furneral services *<1111 he
conducted from the Hull Baptist
ohurch Thursday at 3 o’clock with.
Rev. A. L. Flury, officiating. B. P,
Elliott and Rev. W. M. Saye will
assist. The interment will follow
In Hull cemetary.'■ ♦
She is survived by her Husband
Rev. J. P. Cooper, six. daughters
Mrs. Mark Mlley, IMIsses Edna,
I.udlle. Nina. Sarah, and Inn Coop
er. six sons James Q.. Joe B„ .Wil
liam J.. John R„ Julia C., Jack P..
all of Athens, her parents, Hr.
Oct. 25.45^ i)ee. '24.88.
new/ origans cotton
» Open High Low Close P. C.
MiY'.'.'....28.70 28.99 28.10 28.84 28.62
July ... ..28.30 28.50 27.70 27.89 28.07.
Oct.' ... ...249 0 25.03 24.43 24.57 14.08
Dee. .-... ...24.45 24.50 24.01 24.18 24.21
Jan. .J ...24.22 24.27 23.80 2398 24.01
11 A. M. Bids:,May 2890; July 28.44;
Oct. 24.97; Dec. 24.50.-
ahead rapidly, arrangements have
been perfected for a nursery i’af,
the church during the hours of the
meetings, so that? young children
may be eared for wfiile the moth
ers attend the sendee. ..
Wednesday afternoon Vt four-
thirty Prof. Colltssonaddressed
the meeting for .boys And girls.
He illustrated hia talk on habits
by, a number of object lesions and
sleight-of-hand trim. In each
city that these two men have been
this hoys find girls meeting has
i roved one of the most popular of
the series.
Wednesday evening az eight
hosts have announced their Intention
of transferring a whole cotton field
to the stage of the auditorium for
thfs occasion,, with a gang of * real
negro cotton pickers, composed of
ancient ante-bellum darkles, little
pickaninnies, and one of the finest
choruses of negro: Jubilee singers to
be found In the south. This will be
the principal scfiis of, the big "Plan
tation Night" 1 extravaganza to be
given for the benefit of the Klwanls
|.|slf/tea ii.ltA twill Its - _ ■ ... , .
With a Hr do* running aftsi 4 'them Jt was to.
a fO* ' Peppermint* could not keep In line. Their mqro
was halted while Jack grabbed hold of FMp* "*
safety,” said Jack, and the Peppermints y/*re on
1hibi< • ' —
■ ha expected that the little
ch- to the chocolate factory
•Now you can go ahead In
nee more on their way.
& • m *
Send your friends and
loved ones Easter cards
—We have & nice as
sortment for children
and grown-up^,, too.
Nice assortment of tally
cards—place cards, nut
cups and favors. Get
yours today. .
Today Yesterday
.11J.79 14.58 ■
..14.67’ 14,40
..13.78 13.40
..13.44 13.04
four slater and~three brothers.
She took a prominent part In’
visitors, wlio will be permlted to
their own hands at picking co
after the final curtain has fallen.
The most elaborate'!
Mr,* aryl Mrs. Moore of IgtGrange,
Qn„ also four sisters and three
I s The funeral tvll bo tomorrow
March 29th at three o'clock from
the 'Bnotst clturch nt Hull. Oa.. Rev.
1 A.L. Flury will officiate assisted by
Mevs. B.-F. Elliott and Willie Saye.
Interment will be In the Hull. Oa..
cemetery, the pallbcbarers will be
deaeona of Vesta and Freeman's
Creek Baptist churches of which
Rev. Cooper ;is their minister.
S he funeral party will leave the
deuce on Grace SL, promptly
church affairs, being a co-wbrker
with her husband.
Bernstein Bros, are tn charge of
the arrangements.
features ever provided for a conven
tion In the south are being planned,
by the committee of Altnntn Kiwan-
Ians. They Include a
"Glee Club"
night, when Klwanls clubs from all
fkVJkS*' the I 'nltaA Ulnlns n ,1,1 ftnnaala
over the* United Staten and Canada
wIH compete In chorua Hinging the
* and a
old faahioned Georgia
style, at which more than 5,000 guests
will be served, to be followed by a
yrter carnival, special vaudeville and
an eloborate fireworks display.
Reservations already made lndlcato
that the convention will bp the moat,
largely attended In the hlatory of
Klwanls, even Canada sending 500 or
more delegates and visitors. Several
special trains are scheduled, with
stopovers at various cities along the
route. The convention will begin on
directors In charge.
TO RP«AK , |
ON OBVIL. . i :
Dr. Morgan is to speak on ‘Tho
Devil.” This is an unusual sub
ject, and from all accounts Dr.
Morgan treats it in an unusual
manner;. A large audience is ex
pected. to hear this message,.and
the messages in song by Prof.
Collision. ~ This morning Dr.
Morgan and Prof.. Collisson visit
ed the ..Lucy Cobb Institute. an<h
conducted the devotional exeiL’
cises there. All who aft interest
ed ill seeing and hearing .a -new
line, of evangelistic work should
make a specai effort to attend
these .services. On Good Friday
there will be a service of medita
tion at four thirty, when Dr.
Morgan and Prof. Coliason will
bring the Seven Words from the
Cross. In song and story. . J y
• After a short march they suddenly calne upon a bis. fancy-looking thing.
It ,..„J a -Chocolate. PoL" "This,” said Caramel. -1 t» the Candy Land choc
olate factory." Then he told Jack to sten askltC and watch the little I’ep-i
perminta hnve their chocolate overcoat* made to. order for them.
Morgan Illustrates Points
Banner-Herald Want Ads
(Too Late to Claisify)
By Unique Method. Re
vival At Prince Avenue
Baptist Progressing.
Tuesday night another splendid
audience attended the service at
Prin-e Avenue Baptist churlh
and heard Dr. P. C. Morgan’s ser-
.mon on the subject of Redemption
Dr. Morgan took as his text Ephe
sians Chapter 'One, .verse seven,
“Redemption through. His Blood,
the forgiveness of our trespasses.’’:
In dealing with this subject' Dr.
\jprgan first' outlined what he
Jtyled the “Background” of the
LOST—Ope pair of long brown Kid
Mr*. Samuel K. flood mdh, 423 TJ.-cad
fit. 1 _ a. .
Temperance Day Is
Observed In State {
noticed a little fat man funding at the- handle of the pot
- -J .- . ... a • 4U. ...wA - A —-
JACKSON, Oa. —Action taken
this week at a meeting'of tba boajrd
Of directors of the Jackson Ice cor
poration will reault in the eafly
I the .di.ic-
Ifrht under
l ••Wat’* ifc/Taffy." explained Caramel; “He's
olate factory." Then the little Peppermint* »l
1 the Jong spout at ; the front of the chocolate pot.
Friday was “Temperance Day’
in Georgia, and tb accordance with
an act of the 19$ legislature, the
occasion was observed in the
schools throughout the state.
The new law,proyidea for a two-
Just deceived, numbers of pretty
just received, numbers or pretty new
Dresses which arrived just in time for
our Special Easter Sale*
•» t • 1
You must see these Specials to
. v appreciate the values
Installation at the plant of a.Chick
eto hatchery with a capacity of l4,-
000 eggs every twenty-one dais.
This plan was formed to meet the
demand for more and bottler chick
ens In Butts county. Similar
hatcheries are being auccessfully
operated In other Georgia cltlia.
notably Ashburn, the county site
of Turper. I ,
hour program of educational na
ture, desDfned 'to teacH.'the- gobt
results or temperance and prohi
bition. This pregrani must bf
carried* out in all schools and col
leges receiving state aid.
how Paul declares that man can be
redeemed only by the blood of Je-
He referred .to (hose who
that mai\ may' be redeemed
Here you will find dresses of
Canton Crepe, Tricosham, All-
tyme Crepe and Wool Canton
is, colors and patterns. Sport
dresses, dressy dresses, and in fact a dress fgr most all pcca:
that you could wear a dress worth up to kbout $25.00.
This lot will not last long so we advise you to come early ir
morning and get the best choice. Don’t forget the price. Just$l£<
I HL O A very choice lot of dresses in
LOt W0. L Mu.jJ types to, suit'll. Dresses in this
„ . , . v,,, lot made of Heavy Silk Jersey,
Uanton and’Crepe de Chine, Alltyme crepe combinations in Sport
style, Bandana effects, Paisley and Egyptian combinations, 1 A
said the Shepherdess,
exercise, is a fine URng for p’.oplo
who eat too many gpodles.’’
•■Sugar-Plum Land. j ’’We'll com*,”-, cried the ’1 wins.
* "I’ll tell you where the Cut-Out'«ihd they stepped through the pink
Lady lives" she said "if you : tiro Andy doorfray of the lilg whltd
an mo n rnvnr.” /--• ! uranula'.cil sugar Eastcr^LM.’. rleht
“Look In and see what you Bee’
) TwinB went wtth ihe pi
i-PIcturo ^Shepherdess 1
dicss that you will like. A dress that you would never e>
sec on the raeks at this price.-We want to make a record s
week. You will help 41s and-help yourself. Don’t miss tl
at... ...
will do me a favor,” • • |
"(}li.yes Indeed we’U be clad to,"',
j^'rrepHcd'. Nancy, ouligingly. ' ■■ ■' j
dVio they walked back through!
jb'thr ifeld ot lolly-pops and past thrf
Srjhjfolato-hud bushes and, the
BLdvee* full of sundaes and tUo soda
,<fifoimta!n and tho stalks Of pop-corn
M-jiaTlH, toward the granulated sugar
■fester-egg. where tho Scrap-Kc-
VHhra. Shepherdess said she lived. » j
’ - The. TwIns turned their heads
this time, however. They
ishaiL no appetite for any more .
* “We got slek eating so much/
explained. "We want to fine.
. *tu> Cut-Out Lady to see If she can which will soon
• JlYe us some medicine.” ‘ k ' "
, , 'Come and'‘help i " /
“fthSiW it bfli iff tiff. , iff.
iSffSiitarsu«>!s5r~a-- *
; m ; m ,1.
jg« ajaaiMrsas ’Sxjus cates:
0 Shit,',1 'her'irov Iiinn'nr* rt «n a »n SK'lairy liUHliu ss of thlS county.
■ parnted her tidy slippers—all so The business of the Incorporation
• ' ha ! M* nc5 l ' Ipe r t ^ d 1° i» M manufacture cheese, butter
■ ^ a room Inside of the doorway and at]'other dairy products, the
t ogjpold and sliver-anA satin room bfiet*Ion of dairy famm and such
*K“ , “ r J°.> ,re, r •.-HP*’. other, busjucos as necossiiy and
• •^! lt beb0 “» ... incident to tbe'operatibnof dairy
• nChrough the doorway. Instead (f produdm. -
country met the The Apital stock «t the corpom-
,<{jj|dren a istonshej gsxe—s .coun- tlon to sUi^ ts *U00JK>, with the
• 55 "1 th fTC ? n * nd a barn Jirfviiogfe'to increase to I25.000.0U,
jmjl edws and pigs. at|d-sheep and with shares at 825.00 each. Of the
. rOm-cM.- hapitdt stock first mentioned sverf
< “ T ,f ! “T farm”, said the dollar has been paid In. Thoso
Phepheniess. “I need help with, presenting petition for the In-
the milking and baying and chick- corporation arc G. W. Hicks, E. T.
• n f ading and sheep-tending. If Hull and Otis Hardeman, of thftj
You can spend hours a
tlhe dresses in this lot anc
see more charming di
, D.vy. (3F.IFFITH'S ‘ONE Excitino l^ioHT’ —
False# Eptelal Thursday and Friday. ' *
audience laughter... mystery, thryir
and |hril|*. Thyrc are ho great mob
scenes, no historical motif to be pic
turlsed, ho mass-of costumes. /
But there le entertainment—a full
! and much soucht satchel contglr.lnx
two hour# of It.' There Is a missing
half a million dollars In bills that Ues
l for a time submerged In ^ flour bal-
rel in the kitchen while the arn'.orous
Romeo makes love to the choice of
his heart. And all the time there Is
, uppermost'In tins minds of. everybody
i the query—’.’M(ho murdered John-
than you expected to see at this wonderful price. Dresses that
were made to sell for as high as $35.00 are seen in this Tot at
SI!).?;■). Heavy canton crepes with or without berthas, Satin Can
tons, Paisley and Egyptian effects. Large and small sizes. ¥n
will find several large size dresses at this price and now -4| th‘e
t ime. Don’t let this Easter sale pass you by. * ‘ ^
COVINGTON, :Oa. — A new !n-
"We want to toL ’ '; fol^ NewtOtt 1 cffitnty
r ... , he turning out
, cheese, butter and dairy producu,
west-Newton- Cheese FEc-
Dana Coming Saturday.
Y New Capes of
"For*«t-M«-Not," which was shown
for the .first time le a picture which
maketh the heart glad. Given a story
linmnn On ilia Ini* ,l*m.aa ■t'lllt n on■#
liuman to the butt degree, with a cast
which brings to each clisracter a
We have just opened up a new ling of Silk capes, consisting o MU
Vey, Canton Crepes, Roshanara Crepe, Brocaded Flaille. Some of
the new capes are plain, some are scalloped, qtherd are fringed.
homicide, hidden Identity, and "the
return of the avenging spirit. And
with It all_ he-nvtJnhe epcctatbKIiri
altogether' marvellous assortment In
the'way of actual entertainment.
Titer# M as sweet and dainty a love
story as ever was filmed; there Is
myiMcry galore—mystery till the audi
ence site breathless—and then comes
relief from the suspense In the form
of tlie most dktlghtful and laughter-
provoking comedy from Romeb Wash
ington, a wonderful black-face char
actor who finds himself torn between
knre of a dusky maid and fear of the
x You will have no difficulty in finding a cape to suit you among
these new and splendid values.
Specially priced this week at ..
everyone, who' welcomes photoplays
which are free from hoakum and
which-have some semblance to life as
It really I#.
For hie latest motion picture sensa
tion; "One GxciUng Night,” which
has been an nos need os the feature
attraction for Thursday and Friday
at the Palace Theatre.-JJ. Orlf-
fiih.,ma*tqr-mak#r. *8, PhqteSRi'%: ha;
<irt«w8 o r«hi»,fltopH»/»ic#|*«i»a’>jw
mtlUifU >hRw
Itinrnpnii Ini-wqa ovad lliw
' tisdj U J wt Iina:
Clayton St
In this picture Mr. Griffith "has del