Newspaper Page Text
I l-| I, : l
'. -i ■ .wist
923 . |i
Around Athens
being laid on the block of Lumpkin
street between Hancock avenue
and Dougherty street. Let the
good work go on.
/‘BayfeRand Insist!
Unlcss^you see the name “Bay
er” on package or on tablets you
are not citing the genuine Bayer
by- physicians
years and proved
Fain, Fain
Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspl.
rin" only. Each unbroken package
rontaius prhpeY directions,. Handy
tin boxe^R twelve tablet* cost
few can AT Druggists also sell
bottles of gjiand 100. Aspirin 1*
the trade’ manT of Bayer Manu
facture of Monoackticacidester of
, Cut otal this all
"'mail it to Foie;,
field Ave.,- Chic
your name anil address i
You will receive in return
containing Foley’s
enclose , .
Co., 2836 •Shef-
.111,, writing
iss clearly,
urn 'a trial
package containing Foley’s Honey
use moral suasion on the. owners
of vacant lofa covered with broken
vehicles and other litter and" pro
to remove thin trash?
re a blight'on the rest
the town.
Hli)/. “ii'-W
tut their witchWOHI '-tM* spring,
/Clean-Up. Paint-Up and Brigbt-
on-TTp.” You aeq this good work
new going on everywhere. But the
main tbing is. let us eradicate mos
quitoes by destroyttig all of their
breeding places. Do nod forget the
tiles, also:
the fruit crop shows that it was
I not killed by the late freeze. Even
plums, ;be most delicate of ail
fruit, seem all right. A number of
trees were inspected in Orchards
and no signs of harm seen. Old
people say they never knew fruit
entirely killed in March. April Is
the danger month, after the blodmi
have been abed.
traveled over the country ground
Athens say negroes have gone to
work In, good heart and they heat
nq talk of ieuvtng. A few may
go North,' but .the Impression
is that the move fa ovpy. There la
work for all darkeys who hive
remained *St home.
• . — ■ v
I NO county says he has talked with
a number of darkeys and they say
that before next winter, that they
expeftt to 'see many of their race
who have gone North retaining
hdme as th# fever will have worn
Itself, out and they will long for
the South. - A' number are writing
hack about prospects for finding
work and the boll weevil.
Mr. Frank'Edward tr on the Wat-
klnsrlllo road has been completed
and I* now ready bar placing the
machinery. The building has been
considerably enlarged and more
hands .will. be given work. This
cord mill is an finfmrtant enter
prise for Athens.
that' ho bad held two iekr*. Con.
aiderably more cotton was'held by
farmers ground Athens than any
one realized.
thtf grounds are covered with pop
lar and white' oak logs for ship
ment to a furniture factory in Ma-
agaat I
*: STM# AM • ; ;
con. Ad
of the impaay
balas of cotton fpora Farmington to
Athsns, and tbay could not ranks the
trip in a day, but Camped at the
branch this ills at Watklnavllle the
first night. Now two moles can make
vtha trip In • few hoars and haul all
tho wagon will hold. “The world
she do move."
tho atone
The day Is not far
isat will be
raised to do the country without Im-
from the western packing
‘Conditions ere unquestlart-
and Tar Compound for coughs,
colds and croup; Foley Kidney
Pills for pahia In'sides and back;
rheumatism, backache, kidney one
bladder silmcpt*; and Foley Ca
tiline Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic' foi
constipation, bfltousncts, headaches
and sluskiah'bowels.—Advertise
ment. HA ,rn
like The topsoil road better than
concrete highways' when, propotly
built and 'kept up. . The best top
soil road in this. section la in
Oconee: county,-beginning'beyond
Princeton bridge. The State under
took to keep up certain roads, but
Iho .money gave put andaurtpro
that-motor car tax mi
— *
WfcRD with their ploughing, as tie
continued, rains have kept them
’die ever Since Christmas. Some
close 6c and with that motor car tax. mono;
buys the tree# Standing tad rets (and Amcori. This wu unknown Jn
the Ioga to the railroad. Tbtmp yn piden time. ■-
giants of the forest show the strong
land In Oconee..
home of Hon. J. D. Prlce-at Far
mington on « dark night. by look
ing In one direction the electric
lights of Madison can be seen
and. In the other direction the lights
of Athens, a wide view of the
finest farming sections of the
South can also be seen.
SflW MILLS ABE springing up
all over this section. Considerable
lumber Is being abipped from
Blalmp. Mills are paid 70 eaata
per hundred for cutting lumber and
several mills have been moved
from above Athens into Oglethorpe
county to get out lumber for the
large companies. .
years since It became known that
alfalfa can be anecesefulty grown
patchez of it on many farms md
every year (be acreage la Increix-
,n *
the unsightly wooden
poles on tho line of the White Wey
are at last being token down and
the appearance of this section win-he
greatly Improved. The polos are
cedar and perfectly sound.
windows beautifully decorated, one
with a bride and thu -‘her with the
Athens Neighbors
ably getting bettor and. better every:
day In every way." ; v
■NO county last year planted ovdr
3S0 servo in cotton and. nude lean
than 3* balsa, not enough to pay hla
fertiliser bills. He baa now sworn
off on cotton and says a burned child
dreads the fire.
CHARDS ere being act out around
theaa, as also pecans Farmers are
hunting crops that wlU not require
so much labor to cultivate. A large
acreage will be planted in hay and
-forage crops. How down or let half
LEXINGTON.—A few flakes of
enow feU Inn Wednesday In Lasing-
Mrs. Mamie Chandler and Mrs. Lee
Callaway, both of Athena, spent
court week ,n Lexington.
Mr. Bu.K ' stamens, near” the
Glade' likd English peas In bloom
last week.
> Twu suite were captured lit a raid
in the Mggmm community. One was
I (ring qiiersted by. Bob Thornton,
white‘man,‘ and the other at the
boipe ‘of Charley 'Smith, a "negro.
Thornton was Indicted by the grand
Jury but the negro
evading etreat.
The Buffalo Lumber Co. la nuking
rapid progress in Installing
planing mill plant. A fleet of trucks
latest thing ouL Spanish scarfs
feeling better than In
of your* land rest every other y
and (he soil wlU be Improved and
yield of crops, greatly Increased.
Dyed A Sweater
And Skirt With
Diamond Dyes
^Diamond' Dyes’’ pack-
how to dye or tint any
■d garment or dranery a
:h color that will not
streak, spot, fade, or run. Per
fect home dyeing is guaranteed
with Diamond Dyes even if you
hath' never dyfff before. Just tell
vour draggift. whether the mater-
ill you wish to dye is wool or silk,
pr whether it is linen, cotton, or
M to certainly greatly Improved.
wont to Matts. | n Wllkea county, last
Sunday, lay parts of the road
tween Lexington and Washington
are Impossible and had to be circled.
In preparing to work the road It has
been torn |ip and tho mine have
nude It a- loblolly. Only a mil#
so of road should bo disturbed at
tltae. '
four years and jnixed goods. For fifty-one years
millions of women have been. us
ing “Diamond Dyes” to add years
of wear to their old, shabby
Waists, skirts, dresses, coats,
sweaters, stockings, draperies,
hangings, tverythingi—Advertise-
Lamar: was Hi" the city Monday. The
doctor nays they have not aband<*icd
hope of finding oil In Fmhklln coun-
The Banks well continues to flow
oil and In the .Inst few days has been
Rowing In larger quantities than ever
before. Local people believe' there
will, yet be aom* ‘developments made.’
Read What This Woman Bays
Atlanta, Ga.-*-"I had the ‘flu’
and it left me with e terrible cough
I heard of a case of bronchial
cough which hrtd been cured
.by Dr. Pitrcqk Golden Medical Dis
covery. The doctor’# medicine was
doing me no good, so I decided to
;try the ‘Discovery’ my seif. The
result was marvelous. My cough
was entirely gone before I had fin
ished taking the second bottle and
;I have had no cough alncc.”—'Mrs.
E. B. Hartman, 199 Dalvlgny St.
When run-down you can quick
ly pick up and regain vim, vigor,
vitality by. obtaining this Medical
Dscovery of Dr. Perce’a at your
nearest drag store in tablets or
liquid, or send 10c to Dr. Pierce’*
Invalid*’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y-,
dor ‘trial pkg.' or writ*' -for boo
medical advice.
'are placing lumber on the-lot.
f Tho Lexlngto .nlathe plant la belnp
rapidly goten In a hope for operation.
M. If. Eocoo. of the Flat Woods,
ha* apnfc a abaft on hi* tend aim
found gold, tend, copper and silver.
He aspects to form e stock company.
The homo of Mr.' Julian Colquitt,
at Bandy Croon, was broken into and
moat. stinee-ond clothing stolfn. Mr.
and Mm. Colquitt ordm ■ away that
The Echo warn a ■ farmers against
planting a big acrenke In cotton. IA
South Georgia tlfey have gony In
•Irons for cotton,” but the cold
weather’has eat them back.
ROYBTON.—Tho women of Carnes-
vine will form an egg circle. Eggs
WlU be brought to one homo to lw>
candled, grade? and packed for. ship-
Mre.*R. L* Duncan, sued 73^ died
at her home near Carneavine.
Franklin superior court convenes
thin week:
An Epwqrth League baa been or
ganised at Trinity with 36 members
Rev., XL B. Same, of. tho Bethlo-
hem circuit, baa resigned * and will
enter upon other duties
W. O. Alexander, well known
In Franklin, died In Atlanta. *
Lavonte needs and will organise n
Klwanl.n club.
Mr. McCoy, the poultry specialist,
is bolding meeting! over Franklin
county. i - /
Lavonte la going after more manu
facturing enterprises.
Tells of Drive, -, ..... ...
Throenh Oeonae ST
Continued r Wn pago one*
with fanners in town, Of count
I mad* a bte-Unc for Wood Ash-
fords at
nity to
store and mat on the street
Bob Ashford one of the liveat ana
most popular youiqr men in our
section. Bob tells me that he hat
recently completed a schc
ana it gave him an oppoi
investigate 'the exodus i
of negroes. He shy* at least 800
negroes, have loft Oconee and gone
North. Farmer* are backward with
their work, but will start plows
‘as soon as the ground dries oil.
Mr. Wood Ashford stye that hie
bank ha* bought calcium arsenate
and nitre to of coda for their pa
trons, and will sell to farmers at
coqt This la very - gonorous
characteristic of Hr. Ashford. C
nee faimets' will this year pi
from- five to, seven acres in cotton
to the plow, but prepare the land
well, highly fertiliser and-use poi-
sonT'sAn' unncuntly large acreage
i befcn planted in small grain
and the crop is promising. The
planting cf so much wheat and
oats put in cultivation fields that
would have otherwise * remained
idle' on account of lack of labor.
Mr, Ashford has on ilispla;
Oglelhorpc avenue, has.-
radio In. hie home
I I _ wUjUrGWj^y
heard from'Canada and Cuba, i Be,
TUrnED from a long visit to Her
son In Florida, and In now at hqme
Clogged Air Passages
Open At Once—Nose
And Throat Clear
If your nostril* are clogged and
vou- head stuffed .because of cau i.
tarrh or a, cold, get Ebr’a Cwanv » : -
ia|m at ahy drag store. Apply 0 df ■
tittle of this pure, antiseptic, germ 1
cream Into your nov
fields wnro broken last printer or for the summer. A number at Ath
ciilans winter In Florid*. Mrs. W.
Aab and daughter an still there.
as a general thing but Httle^h
'ng has been done. Farmers
bo la to getting
again this year.'
their crop* fu
. IT IS STATED THAT the'firm
•>f Martin Bros, will resume busi
ness Ip Athefis. This Is one of th«
best and most reliable shoe d
leather goods firm* In Georgia rr
• he South and everyone wants to
saa them hack' In harness.
Levy’s Toggery and nee the first dis
play of spring straw and Panama
hats In Athens. They are the latest
styles. Mr. Levy teu aleo
at. a hat. Ha has a beautiful line of
clothing and
cannot find a/ better place to buy
your spring outfit.- He also hxa a
choice Up* of cloths and can make
you n stylish suit
Whatever you buy at Levy’s Toggery
Is the ban to be hod. He also mokes
specialty of ahlrta and spring and
(Very air passage of your head and
qpunbrOnes. Instant relief.
How good it feels. Your head is
dear. Your nostrils are open. You
breath* freely. No more hawking
orcaine inn/, no mors nnwnuig ^ ; ”
r taU n v£ld‘lik^ d .<ri C c I DoK d .toY n“«ve sufferedSirom cowtlua-
la sure.—.
lot a fare reala you can ward
Itf Fin fold Grippe hy promptly
becking your coughs and colds
with Foley’s Honey and fit. Al-
IMR. BONA ALLEN, of Buforl.
a manufacturing plant tbfit I* ...
a trqdlt to the Sonth. Hn hat fp-j i summer good* of nil kinds.
covered with a tannery, and colter
l TEA-.'.rn'i
flt, flMORE. U.S.A.
shoe, and glue ^factories, and ’t
will take a tiyf to go through b a
plants. Me lias as agents selllrg South America beald-"
shipping all over tho country. Mr.
Allen wan a few, day*, ago on r
visit to Athene. He has many
friends in our city. ^ .
NESS- of the-soil In this section,
_ Hop. J. D. Price, two years ago.
, J nn one. field- made 1?0 bushel* of
I ■ oats per acre. This wan a record-
"*■ breaking yield. But test year Mr.
Price’s oats, while apparently very
fine, were a failure. He thinks the
trouble was loo much rain. , ..
of near High Shoals, shipped 5S
IJ bale* of cotton to Barrett A Ou„
opened and nr* recelvlne a new line
•f shoe*. Everything in thelryestab-
lishment I* bran-new dad the latest
and bent. There In' not e
liable end popular Arm In Athens
than Martin Bros., and their host of
friends will be delighted to know
that they are still doing bqnlneea at
the old* stand.
Oconee that should be discovered and
utilise^. Mon. J. t>. Price laid, pome
piping from a branch to hi*
carry water, but the iron In
ate tha piping up and be had to
abandon the project. A gaulagfcn)
survey of Oconee should be gude.’
nd before the day* of good road*,
t took four stout mutes to Saul four
■ Forty-eight years of satis-1
Action to users has made Foley'.-
dopey and Tar the World’* larg-
ist 'selling cough medicine. Con
tains, no opiates—ingredients are'
.irinted on the wrapper. Re f "-“
substitutes. Insist nppn ^
ijgbt Hi
Been 'Used in Thi* Virginia
Lady’s Home For More
Than 30 Y**rs
. '(Beasley, 1 Va!—Mrs. Jssnett* ;
Carneal lays that she hoe kept
awe«°» ThjdfenfT Bltetk-Dreught liver
medicine in her home, here for
more than thirty yean, and ha*
n it to memblrs of hei* family
needed It Of her own
tie* of tiJkck-Draught, Mid. Car-
somatliilL- ,, .
what to do- My.head aches with a
' ” kind of an ache, and i get
im. • I have found Blaek-
D Taught to be the best relief for
this J haw over tried. We -have
m on it in our family
me to depend <
:-a family friend-
All Children Shonld Get a Skiaol^ v. Use V/ith'ShinoU A
A gcnuinc-iristlc dauber and biff. ‘
lamb’srwool polisher.‘give quick,
easy, and ecdnomicaljshinesi
iThe polish to choose forifamily^shoeii'
—Shinola iqiproves the appearance
and' makes ? the) shoes wear, longer.)
Ifcui:——, , ...
“Black-Dranght is very convtnl-
t to take. Ftake a half spOoo-
' in-water as long as I need it
J'.ft is the finest regulator for
i bowels- I got stopped op and
1 a full, swollen feeling through
' VttMhachi sometime* I would
l faint, they would be eo bad-
low, when I .fe*l myself get*
ting the least bit constipated,' I
immediately .begin- the use
Black-Draught. I have givei
to mv chililrcn add my grandol
« Everybody here.takfa it. Some
’’sughter eats too
followed by soar
i at one* for.
- am glad to ree-
omtoend it”-
' Over, 0 .million
. * year.'- Price * .
Three Days Sesaion Opens
At Christian, Church and
^fSt MSwnther, anddull.
* * land uTimout? *.-« • •
to take Gude’s Pepto-
ihort time. Get a bottle
tious you
and tee rosy color oomesback.
Your dniKgi?t has Gude 8—Ul both
liquid and tablet form.''
Tome ana BloodEnncher
MADISON.—Mr. El R. Callaway,
who la head o tho Callaway Mills.
Y.. and family are on a visit'to
llaon. Mr- Callaway was lv*n
roi.nlhg reception by the Pint Bap
tist cfiurch Baraca cteaa.
Advice from, the Morgan Farm
Agent: "The first spray ahobld
applied to peaches when the bioome
have fallen. Hava a few tons of teed
peanuts at St par bushel. Now In the
time to plant rape for hogs. In mix
ing year fertilisers do not forget to
use a high grade nitrate of coda.
A wide-spread movement la on In
Morga nto orgaptee th eboys’ cotton
club*. Each member will be granted
one aero In cotton ,by bl« parent.
Peanuts Is the only thing we ean
grow with absolutely 'no waste.
The < second co-operative , chicken
role In Madison was a gnat i
resulting I nthe sate df 00 pounds of
chicken* nod receipt* of over foM
C# C*pt. James 8. Hogue died at the
Soldier*’ Home In Atlanta, and hi*
remains were Interred in Madteon.
Fifteen or twenty auto* pare
through Madteon dally of tourists and
who also take In Athena.
A party near Rotledg* -lost 107
nvr~w**k^ old chicks by a rat;or
weevil. The chicken business In Mor
gan I* assuming big proportions.
Reports ihPF there are only ioq p
sows In Morgan county for. breeding
purposes. , , . ' .
LA WRJCNCEV1LLE-—Convicts are
building seme good roads ■ throuzS
thin county.
Mr. Bona Allen, ft., hn* built a aloe
bakery In Buford. He wll lemploy
a combination bread «nd cake baker,
The residence of Mr: Luther Jack-
son neat; Carl was destroyed by.Are.
The house was owned, by Dr. Hutch-
eons of Buford.
Mr- C-'O. Rennet* aged ft died at
W, Ashford has on display a nut-
chine. minufactured at Winder, to
put on calcium arsenate and he
thinks it a splendid thing- It is
drawn by a mule and you cover
two row* at a time. It (a so regu
lated that .ou can put on- only two
and a half pounds to the acre itUe-
sired, and it hits 'tha spot. Mr.
Ashford saks Oconea,farmers will
this year plant plenty of food
crops, and he things Ufo worst is
over. He has-arranged to have
his farms worked this ycar-
Mr. F. A. Gillen, who moved
from Haxeys to Wat’cinsville, has
recently bought the old Eagle Ho-|
tel, and opened it as a hostelry.'
He is very much interested in this
old rilte of frontier • tildes and
wants to keep and restore the
Building just as when first built,
nearly a century and a hjdf «BO’
The old swinging sign has been
lost or dextroyec,'but Mr. Gillen
want* to have it duplicated- This
house contains 16 rooms and near
ly every room has a (ire-place, but
the mammoth old firo placet
have been filled in. The kitchen
with its swinging crane find which
would take an eight foot log. Mr.
Gillen intends to haw it put in
thorough repair and preserved as
la reminder, ot old slavery
ig ana which is the
house in this section, even
built long before the old
home on, the Lexington ro,
Gillen cave the house was built
1780, and waa first erected a;
fort or block house, against
Indians, at that time inhah
this aection and often on the iw
path. The original- logs have be
covered with board* but are) i
spund today as when first hewu
out. The port holes tised to.fin
or attacking Indiana are still ‘
If the plank are removed^
building .was then enlarged
used as a hotel in old stage coach
days, before a railway \vn,s b
in the United State*, and .travel
waa bv stages. The tills and ovi
board in the building today arc
sound as when first put there, I
ing of select heart timber. Th
sills were hewed, with broad-exe
the boarde cut by liand with whi]
taws andjevery nail made by ‘
!na blacksmith shopi The
pillars of the porch, term
heart pine. Mr. GBlen usee
gate posts. He will not.
least change in the old
except to keep it in. perfect repair.
He has even the-old wine cellar
cleaned out and repaii
In notice that before the etoi
are boards giving the market pr
of eggs and •’ chickens. The po
try business is growing in
and a considerable
by merchants. Mr-
a merchant ot Farmli
trade is -don-
if. J. Sr
poultry to
ens sell
for 40c
he ships eggs and .
lanta- That his hens
nnd fryers .and broilers being
pound. There is money in hen«
!2 each. But of course this is
tho retails price in Atlanta- 'Mr
J. B. Adair, near Farmington | ha
gone extensively into raising pi
bred poultry of different kinds-and
has now about 1,000 hens fo
breeding purposes. You hear
chicken talk all over Oconee. But
the Oconee farmers have gone to
work on other crops to supplement
cotton and they have always lived-
Mr. Cox, near Farmington, says
he has corn two years old on hand,
but feeds his stock on alfalfa, and
it docs not make so much com. He
is a believer in alfalfa. Mr. Per
cy Middlcbrooks will this
plant 200 acres of peanuta.
drive through Oconee convinced mo
that the . farmers of that county
ake on the highway to independ
ence and prosperity. ^ M
“Forget Me Not”
V ■ with
* Bessie Love and Gareth Hughes
You’ll Love This One!
; ’ Big Sensation
Thursday and Friday
irough Easter
"A Meeting . With a Purpose’’
wilt bt the nature of-the throe
Black, ;Tan/kWhi te, px-blood^Brown /
The Shine for * Mine**
| Benson’s Wholewheat |
[For Vigor and Health!
For weeks the people
who are interested In
of ’church work have
g forward to the school
with deep interest and with just
• weak more to i» ,th* interest
has become more intense.
; The purpose of the meeting will
be to instruct in every phase of
Evangelistic Work, to encourage
and inspire Christian peoplcl to
a great forward movement, to
give a message to all th epeople
in the field, to increase the *evan-
gflistic -power and cflicincy of all
religions workers, to sound the
call for recruits and to multiply
the number of earnest and trainee
workers in evhngeliam in every
Every minute of the three day
program will be filled with some-
thing new under the leadership of
able speakers All Sunday -school
workers will -want to hear Dr. E.
B. Quick in his address. “Evan
gelism in the Bible School’’ Fri-
day morning at 9:30 o’clock. The
use of Gospel Teams will also br
a feature of the morning session
and this talk Will be given by Dr.
C. J. Sharp, General Superinten
dent of Evangelism, of Cincinnati
Friday evening moving picture)
will be shown of “The IVorld’f
Greatest Men’s Class.” A big
treat for everyone. Saturday eve-
ningi another picture will be showr
of "Group Evangelism at Work’
and' Easter Sunday th£' Endravotl
.Society will have special program: u
ASi.l eaeslf La a6 iLLa« I .
nnd will be at their bent.
A most cordial invitation is bc-
ng extended to,everyone to joir
In And make thin school Much a sue
cess that Athens can have one ev
ery yew, __
■p ^
Clyde Cook Comedy
Extra Attraction.