Newspaper Page Text
Notice to the Pul
r idower
whatever, threatening to put
Nl'iWJltaMUtU gu free, ,
of all who love their fellow:
Passover Mrvlcee will Lt
with, death and alio to shoot her
hunband in caae sh* made any move
to'effect their recapture.
$1,000000 BANDITS.
NEW YORK.—(Special)—Ohe of
the prisoners who made a sonsa-
tlonnl eacape from the’federal pen
itentiary at Atlanta Tuesday, Gerald
Chapman, .was the "muter mind"
of the famous Leonard street mail
truck robbery In which niore than
11,000,000 wo* stolen, and Prank
I Gray was u convicted New York
forger. '' ';
Chapman pas sentencetf by Fed
eral Judge Holmes on Augpst 23
last with QooNse Anderson, both be-
lrtg charged with the pillion-dollar
mail robbery on Leonard street and
Brpadway October 24. 1921.
Roth men were referred to • by
Prosecutor Cahill as "shrewd, cool
and most daring men.*' The rob-
became In biter periods, was'bullt up,
Originally an agricultural festival. It
was biter, transformed Into a festi
val symbolic of liberty and redempt
ion. when the Hebrews, who were
stoves unto Phnrosh. were led'forth
by the outstretched hand of provi
dence from the thraldom of their
bondage. ■*
Comlijc as It does In the spring'
tide offthe year. Passover fills each
than ever to mere you. Modem
equipment, expert workmen and the
best grades of materiel used In all
reps'Ing. .
Passover, known in the Synagogue
u Pesach. falls due this, year on
Sunday. April 1st. » I* «n® of th ®
Institutions ’of Judaism which , hu
ga^ied’.wide acceptance and JoyoOs
approval’ bnd la observed for a P* r *
lod of aeven dara by .ih'a more-Hb-.
«ral. ‘and elfht by tlioae more rltual-
latlcally Inclined. The'firat and last
Bryant Street Row
Lands In Court
bear not at alt. A few seedling
'pecan trees bear nuts of good
quality; these are desirable. No
doubt every man with a seedling
pecan tree which Is not bearing
nuts .-of satisfactory quality slse or
quality, would jllke to hav^ In Us
place a tree of some fine variety.
This can be accomplished without
much loss In the growth of the tree
through careful top-wurglng to
one o fthc favored varieties. Good
varieties for Clarke county and the
northeast Georgia section are
Stuart, Schley, Moneymaker, Van
Deman, Mobile and Pabst.
To top’work pecan trees, now Is
the time to cut back tie branches
preparatory . to actual' budding
sometime thte summer. It Is Im
portant that this cutUng oack be
done wlJh considerable care. Do
hot use an age for this purpose;
use a sharp saw. Cut off the
lateral branche* about one and one
half-feet from the trunk. Do not
cut off the entire top with oue
operation oby cutting across the
trunk Jnif below the lowest branch
Each branch ghonld be removed
separately and In sawing oft each
branch, first saw from the under
side, then-saw from above. This
cut from the underside wilt pre
vent the splitting of the bark oa
the stub left.
The objeef of this cutting back
at Mils time Is to stimulate new
growths from the stubs on which
the budding is done, as soon as
thqse growths reach sufficient
. Count Agent Clarke County
ROWS. The land that has been
broken broadcast during the fall
or winter is in good condition for
good and quick bedding.
visions an f erm wnen liberty will be
the common heritate of nil human
ity. .The modem Jew* utilizes this
Feast as an assurance, that with' the
awakening of soctol justice' and re
sponsibility in oqr generation,. than
Is a promise* of a better future for
all children of men. In this spirit
Passpver Is observed among' tbs
Jewish people of America, who wel-
..... .... .._ come the opportunity to make It
their fathers' from tha Mad of off- known that .liberty In the priceless
good and quick bedding. Wher
ever possible, it is very desirable
to prepare the deed bed two weeks
hefore planting* so fhat the soil
will have sufficient time to settle,
thereby making,a firm seed bed.
Jf the planting of the seed is fol
lowed by a dry period the seed
will germinate readily when plant
ed in a firm seed bed. It is also
desirable tp ’have the seed bed
slightly above the general surface
of the soil, so that there will be
good drainage from the seed bed-
With the seed bejl slightly Above
the general surface, it is possible
to get an earlier germinatioh and
Mice. .
Don't wmrta Umo twin* to MH Hwyopegj
vriUi Moulds or xnx experimental
Ready for Use-Better than Trap*
S*z. box. see !}«*• box. tuo
Georgia Bulldogs Play
Famous Pensylvania
Team on Sanford
Field- Thursday
Two Services To-day
4:30 Boys’ and Girls’ Meeting
Prof. Collisson and His Tricks
Subject \
(Continued from page one)
welcome. . The students
a rousinj
are not t
eral public turns out the stands
will look rather vacant. A good
game is surely to result and the
sentiment connected with the ro.
turning of Pennsylvania to Georgir
•gain will give colorful interest-
This will also he the '’first op
portunity to see ’ Georgia Jn real
action. Thoamson at first will be
watched by the spectators while
either Taylor of Middlebrooks will
Life's Golden
Several years ago the writer
observed a farmer who had an
eight-horse (Arm and who plainer
8:00 Dr. P. C. Morgan
draw the hot- corner assignment,
Hodges or Ramsey drill, covort in
right field. «
The Georgia “wrecking crew’’
composed of "Old Timer” Eld--
ridge, George Clark and Thomaaon
will swing into action again and
unless the visitors can show a su
perb pitcher they afg liable to do
some “fence busting."
Tickets for the Peen game went
on sale Wednesday morning at
Costa’s and will be on sale again
Thursday morning at 10 o’clock.
The prices are : grandstand, fe-
served seats, $1.00, Meacfiers 60
cents- Tin game starts at 8:00. v
irations to a ten
to increase his ot
horse farm basis by renting enough
additional acreage. He bought the
• Think how much,' with women, they depend on beauty;
And how much beauty depend* on complexion. -
Does it not teem impossible that any woman should neg
lect that charm? ->
Two aids to beauty have for ages held supreme place. They
are palm and olive oils. Modem science combined them in .
Palmolive Soap and made them more effective. That sokp
has become the leading toilet soap of the world.
And for million* it is keeping youthful bloom.
Now, less neglect
We can remember—many of us—when most women of 30 -
started to grow old. Not so today. Women keep their youth.
They care for their complexions.
And mote women do that with Palmolive Soap than with
all other ways together. 1 \ f .)
Where it excels , i,.,
Palmolive Soap waa perfected by experts who had spent a
'“clime in the itudv of facial soaps. - ,
Athens Visitors |
f Among those visiting In ’ Athens
Wednesday wars: R. b. Brantley,
Dnhlonegn: Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Brewster, Cednrtown; Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Bingham, Minneapolis; J. E.
James, Atlanta.
Chorus Choir. “P. C.” At Piano
“Collie” Conducts Chorus.
of the mules at i- sacrifice, and
not wishing to break his trade
with the two croppers, he decidpd
to redivide the acreage on -his
eight-horse farm, making it into *
ten-horse farm, which he sccom-
plished. i
Somewhat to his own surprise
he finished the season with a larg
er crop than h e had anticiptaed
and the beat crop that he had
grown in some twenty yean, of
farming. He told the writer that
at laet he had learned -how to
“tend" a crop.
Under the condition! that face
farmers in this county at present
it is well to pitch the crop with,
a’ great deal of forethought; and
in planning the cotton crop it is
of especial importance to make
doubly certain of the ability of
the mule and man power to keep
dip with the cultivation.' The crop
hazard, as far at production goes,
U greater than it used to be,
therefore it ia doubly important
to do well what is undertaken.
B. Cl. Jones, Atlanta: J. P, Davis.
Atlanta; George L. Austin.
T. E. ghaw, Atlanta; A. C. Hoaech.
Atlanta; Mrs. R. M. Bigelow. Chicago.
Ga. Grows Cotton
Despite Inroad By
R. A. Orsene! Chicago, III.; H. T.
Potter. Indianapolis,, Inf.; M. K. Pat-
teliaon, Atlanta; C. B. Howard, Cleve
land; W. g. Shan-. Rock Hill, a C.I
SI. C. Willis. Jr.,’ Atlanta; II. J.
Cavan. New York City; A. B.( Cox,
Washington, D. C. ^
H. B. Hunt, Atlanta;' C. B. Jones.
Memphis, Tenn.; T. L. -Asbury, Au
gusta; B. e: Weekl Augusta; R. W.
Fischer, Clnclpnatl; Mr. and Mrs. T.
A. Yates, Louisville. Ky.: W. T.
Continued from page one)
Volume and efficiency
produce 2S-cent
quality for
lifetime in the study of facial soaps. - r -jj
The basic oils are ages old, but never were they made so
efficient. They are embodied jn a penetrating soap, which
goes to the" depths of the pores. It cleans the skin of all Its
clogging matter, then softens and restoresit/b. r> i.
. * A soap which his gained such world-wide fame
h deserves a test from you. And once you know ii
Hi you will always use it.
A ’ 1 \ So always '»„
• 3,000 years ago, in Cleopatra’s time, Egyptian bcautir.
* • c got their complexions through palm and olive oili.
131 2 ( 000 years ago, Roman beauties used them.
mEiBl i science never has found, and nerer will find, anything
JmSr cite to Compare with this. Or s better way to apply them
fSW than in Palmolive Soap. ’ ,
1 LONDON.—The population of Lyn
don. which Includss the many su
burbs but not the “'health arm.” won
•.111.til or* December. I, according
If the estimates at the Metropolitan
Water Board. This Is an Increase of
You are not taking chances when
you plant OVER THE TOP cot
ton seed. This is a native Geor-
bear very small nuti; others, nuts
that are poorly fllled; others nuts
of very hard shell and undesirable
cracking qualities; and still other
Escaped Convicts
Caught After Hot
. Battle Near Hull
(Continued Prom Pape One)
one through the kidneys. The offl-
cere ruehed to him and others
found Gray' Hidden In n clump of
bush re with hie pistol "hung."
$$00 CASH
Gray was brought to tha city
Ip County Officer Roland Stye’s
automobile and lodged in . the
county Jail while an ambulance
brought Chapman to the hospital.
The men had about $200 op their
person when captured, three $50
bills and seversT $1 bills- Dr. G.
L.,Lodcn of Colbert attended Chap
man when he was shot and accom
panied him to the hospital.
The federal officers, Deputy
Warden L .P. Fletcher were noti
fied Tuesday night that the- es
caped convicts were headed toward
year when care is taken in select-
This cotton has a staple that
pftills 1-1-16 to 1-1-8 inches and
produces more per acre under boll
weevil eondltoins than any other
cettou in existence.
Plant need, that have been proven
to be the best and do not lose your
cotton crop experimenting with
Sour, Add, Gassy Stomach, Bloat-
After 'eating or ’ at any tiihe
chew otic or two Stuart’s Dyspep
sia Tablets. They relieve the
gutty, soyr risings, flatulence,
.belching, bloating, heartburn, pres
sure and such troubles due to in
digestion because thep give' the
stomach the alkaline affect the
same as when the stomach is work
ing normally. Carry them loose in
your pocket. Just chew them. Get
■ 60 cent box today, any druggist.
They sure do the work. You know
from experience that if the stom
ach works withopt. gassiness, sour
risings, belching and so on, you
generally feel fine: no headache,
no constipation, none of that dead,
tired feeling. Be sure to get a box
of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets
known to wise people all over the
unreliable seed. *
My seed have been culled and
There’s a Difference in
' Our Easter Dresses
and Millinery
That touch of “individuality” so much desired
by the well dressed woman is found in our
Dresses and Millinery for Easter. *
All the variations of the mode, every good
color with most any material you wish to
She’ll Enjoy a Gift
on Easter Mom!
o«ye, or. ana noianu aaye. Mr-
Save, seplor went with one of the
federal officer* to Golbert on »hc
train while Roland Saye .vent
through the county with the other
When sssn by Mr. Butler, Gray
waa wearing a black coat 'and ov
eralls while Chapman wai rear
ing a federal prison unform with
an overall suit over it He took
the overall suit off while battling
E PECIALLY if it’s from our store. Our cases' are
overflowing t with the handsomest /selection of
iewelry, diamonds, watches, pins, brooches, etc., that it
las ever been our pleasure to show. . .
Wedding Rings and
Presents ,* v .
Alkali in Shampoos
Bad For Washing Hair
Your first consideration, of course is style
and quality, these two important features are
found in this showing of Easter, Millinery and
• Dresses—and in every instance the pnee is
reasofihjble. . ■ :
We invite you to 6ee the display of new
Spring Styles. 1 — -
with the officers. Both Colbert
and Hull wars thrown into exciter
ment while the battle was in pro
gress and both towns were almost
emptied of citizens.,, Non* of the
officers were hurt- ,... j■ i
The two prisoners, Gerald Chap
man and Frank Gray, mads their
ascape about daybreak Tuesday
morning, They then appeared at
the home of W .H. Edwards, who
liven in Lakewood Heights, and
tried to brlds Kim to aid them In
contlnung ther fight.
poos qontain tod much free alkali V
which is very injurious, as it dries |;
The most beautiful diamond in the world is none to<
pretty—the wedding ring must be;just.ds pretty—an<
ours will please you. -,« «•••• £i % { ■■■, •: •
We invite you here to pelect your weddiiig presents-
worthy of the occasion and sure to prove lasting pleas
ant remembrances.
M. F. Ficketl Jewelry Co,
Roe Shad, Speckled
Trout, •'FreSh Water
Trout, Spanish Mack
erel, Black Fish, Nor
folk Oyster^.
Wholesale and Retail.,
Qur fish are protected by
Automatle Refrigeration, with
g constant temperature of 32
degrees.'You take absolutely no
risk when buying from us. We
S uarantee every pound of fish
> be perfectly fresh. A trial
will convince you.
fled cocoanut oil shampoo, for this
is put* and entirely greaseless. It
Is very chnp and beats anything
else all to pieces. You can get Mol-
•ified at any drug store, and a few
ounce* will but the whole family
for months-
Two or three teaspoonfuls of
Mulslfied. in a cup or glass with
a little warm water (p all that is
Davison- Nicholson Co*
mpty moisten the hair
and rub the Mnlsified
I in. It makes an
>f rich, creamy lather,
tfoughly, and rinses
and ia soft, fresh look-
fluffy, wavy and easy.
requried. Si
with water
According to Edward's report to
County Policeman W. A. Wells, the
two men appeared at his home
while the prison siren was sound
ing the alarm of their escape, of-
fared him ll.sps to hide them In
hlH hoCtadv nml ik.mi tils rpfuaul.
Athens Fish & Oyster Co.
561 E: Broad St.
the Convict*', when shb iipb&ncheil
the three before they left her