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investigate Today!
To Regular Subscribers of
|1,000 Accident Polloy Pros.
Dally and Sunday—10 Cants a Weak.
Established 1841
Dally gad Sudsy—11 Cuts a Week.
No Market Quoted- (Holiday).'
Previous Close 2tYi(
,1 v ,v -*^w
i. WEATHER: ri
•*r Colder and Rain P*
Associated Proas Servian
N. E. A Service
Single Copies 2 Caste Dally. $ Cents Sunday.
Flames Rage Through
N.Y. Factory District
Taking Toll of Lives
Death Sentence of Head
of Catholic Church in
Russia Commuted to Ten
Clemency Is Refused F<fr
Dudkevich, Other Pre
late Sentenced to Die
MOSCOW—The death sentence
of Archbishop Ceipak, head of the
Homan Catholic church in Russia
has been commuted to ton years
imprisonment by the all-Russian
executive committee.
The committee, which made the
announcement Thursday, refused
i<> commute the death sentence of
Vicar General Budkevich, who pre
sumably will now be executed.
The two churchmen were sen
tenced to death after they were
convicted of charges of having
fomented counter-revolutionary
plots against the communist gov
ernment’ Ten priests, tried with
the .prelates, were dentenced to
prison terms.
The latest action of the commit
tee follows protests from the pope
the United States, Great Britain
Poland and ogier nations.
WASHINGTON — Protestant
churches of the United States
represented in the federal council
of Churches of Christ, have Joined
in the state department’s protest
against the sentences passed on
Roman Catholic prelates by the
Russian soviet government
The following cablegram was
sent to Moscow on Thursday by
Robert E.; Speer, president of the
council: 1
“The federal council of the
churches .of Christ of America
including ,u constituency of 20,000,-
000 Protestant Christians who
have shown their friendship for
the Russian people by generous
contributions for Russlon fhmine
relief, tthpetfhlly urges the Rus
sian government to act In the in
terest of humanity and religious
liberty and reconsider ita reported
dcclaona to execute Roman Cath
olic and eastern Catholic church
Athens Policeman Will
Adopt'Little Girl. De
serters Traced to Char
lotte, N. C.
Soviet government that the
State hopes the lives of the
• church officials may be spired.
Emmanuel Church
Offers Unusually
Interesting Songs
Special Choir Sings “The
Seven Last Words of
Christ” Friday Evening;
Good Friday.
As part of the observation of
Good Friday, DuBoi’a "The Seven
Last Words of Christ” will be
•ana at eight o’clock Friday night
at Emmanuel church. The mem
ber* of this church and of othar
churches, and the public at large
an warmly invited to ba present.
The choir consista of the follow-
Inn: . ,
Sopranos: Mu. K. Brobston
Mrs.'Burncy Dobbs, Mias Inez
Doeter, Mis. Bailie Goodwin, Miss
Alice Hillis, Miss Della Reeves,
Mrs. Mildred Rhodes, Mrs. Roose
velt Walker.
Altos: Hiss Olin Br-nd, Mi-?
Irene Eppcs, Mist Undine Mea
dejn, Mr*. Lamar Rucker. Misi
Ada Wsski.
Tenon: Mr. Mayo McKay, lin.
C. M. Strahan, Mr. Millard Tut-
wller, Mr. Roosevelt WaUier.
,.Baw« : >Mr. Richard Andetoon
Mr. Troy Anderson, Dr. D. F.
BawafcJfc-Saw Nickerson, Mr.
Soloists: Mrs. Walker, Mis*
Doeter. Mr. McKay, Mr. Tutwiler
Mr. Walker-
£[£"= FUn, ** n
Director: Mias Bond.
'nte.Hytor. Dr. Richards, will
**■*• the 'text of the cantata.
A home has been found for the
little month old baby girl found
deserted at the Georgian hotel last
Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Cornellaon, of College avenue have
taken the baby , add have removed
her from the Athens General hospl
tal to their home. She has been
named Helen Grace.
Mr. and Mra. cornellaon will
take legal step* to adopt her In u
few days.
Mr. Cornellaon is a member of'.box concern, next door,
the Athens police force and will .the flames made great headway
afford a good home for the little [and waa beyond the control of the
glrL She la the only child In the Inramen when' they arrived at tba
family. [scene.
After the appeal was made! When the nro waa checked six
Thursday for funds to buy the lit- j buildings had been burned to the
tie girl some "Easter cldthea” she ground practically and tero floors
was taken to the Corfielteon borne , a [ a tenement hoqie were also
and Mrs. Cornellaon will seo that .burned, endangering many Uvea,
she has everything needed. She i one Ore man was killed by the
U nappy fiver the little girl being collapse of a tottering lira wall,
In her borne and will raise her Ji|t which fell ‘as a terrific explosion.
Two Firemen Killed and
Twenty Other Seriously
Injured When Fire Wall
$500,000 DAMAGE
Six Factories and Tene
ment House Already
Burned. Blaze Not Yet
Under Entire Control
(By Associated Arses.)
NEW YORK—Fire starting In a
four story brick building, o&Qpled
by a laundry in the East Twenty
Siath street factory district took
a toll of two Uvea and twenty
seriously Injured, while six build
Inga and part of two otbon wore
burned, with a damage estimated
at half a million dollars.
The blase began In a laundry
and swept over a Are wall into
the building occupied by a paper
as It she were her own child.
Captain Charlie Seagravea of the
detective department of the police
force believes that he la oh track
at the couple who deserted the
baby hero. A woman registering
as Mrs Baker, Macon, O*., left the
little Baby in a room of the Geor
gian hotel and the two were put
In a taxi at tbo S. A. L. depot by
a man. They came In on a south
bound train and It has developed
that they boarded the train at Char
lotto, N- C. Thp station matron
at Monroe. N. C.. claim* that the
cared for the baby white the cou
ple waited for train connection*.
The couple, said to be In com
pany with' an elderly woman, left
Athens on a southbound train and
hie supposed to have gone to At
lanta. rstectlve Seagravea Is fol
lowing np the search and hopes to
back here for trial.
y of State Hughes had
instructed Ambassador
at Berlin to inform the locate the couple and bring them
many and His New Wife
Are Involved in Law
OLD timber for violins
ZTHC. N. » M.—Valuable violins
era being manufactured from wood
token from the ■‘ulna of the cliff
dwellers near Mis city.
While excavating recently Carl
Morria research Investigator for the
Smithsonian Institution, found a
number of perfectly preserved tim
bers whleh are believed to have
been used In constructing the homes
of the cliff dwellers.
The timbers ware estimated to
be ovdr 1.090 yearn old. and. due
to the dry, hot climate that prevails
widow of the former heir, te now
living In the castle and says she
cannot make way for the young
prince until »b* gains possession
of Starseddel, a neighboring doml-
rite ot twenty room*, tn fonr of
whicU»a merchants family te now
living. *
The local housing committee has
arranged to establish the merchant
in the stable at 8aatle Amaltx, but
he refuses to move and has appeal-
• dto the government officials at
Frankfurt-on? Oder. Princes* Mar
garet has had the walla of the Her
chant's rooms broken down In re
pairing the old castle, but ha atlU
cliaga to his quarters.
Both the former Emperor and
hip wife have written letters sup
porting the young Prince'p right
to immediate possession of his
Castle. The liberal flewspapers
have taken up the dispute declar
ing that It te absurd for a 13 year,
old boy to have forty rooms. The
controversy has reached the point
where It may develop Into a bitter
quarrel between Princes* Margaret
and Hermlne. *’
.w , . au wteh solLvent by Mayor Nelson.
In the Vicinity of the ruins, the will b* used by the District School
well searonwl Board of Wndley, OSL. In planting
a tree to represent this state. The
pinna to act out a tree for
' " Mayor Nel-
‘With the “two for one” bonus of
fer of the committee closing when
the votes are coanted Saturday
morning, candidates jp - the White
Way Popularity- Contest Friday
were hard at work taking advan
tage of the. largest .bonne .to be
(By Aesootetod «‘ v f“ '“»»°* ■“ ,l th# endlM[
BERLIN — Former Emperor ,1® ^ reported Friday that one
William and hla wife, who calls ^ ^ candidate* who *»■» bean
herself Germany’s (teteerin. are In- f * r “owismi the list will cast a Wg
volved—in a way—In a law solL j^flay night and gat Into one
It hi* grown out ot bousing regal* of the p^tiorf, which wtU make
tions which affect the plans of h#| ; enable tor a prise. The four
Princess Hermln’s 13 yeer old son, pr)Iel ire a Ford coupe, 9100 In
Prince von Schonalch-Caroteth. to| eoId In gold and 120 In sold,
taka over hte forty room castle In i votes cost only one penny eech
the Guben district of Brandenburg. ; a nd the money raised now by hot-
Hcrmlno’a ion is now the head . lotlng will all go to the playground
of tha Schonalch-Carolath family. Ifuod.
However, Princess Margaret, the The contest has only a few
Mite as the White Way
due to escaping gas, occured. The
wall swept several from the lad
der* and buried almost a score of
other Bremen, all of whom were in
jured. sonke seriously.
The other fireman killed, wai
burned to death trying to rescue
a woman and, child from one. of
the burning buildings. The build
ing was a raging inferno, when the
woman appeared at one of the up
per windows, and it was thought
that she was doomed. The flro-
llian mado his way through the
flames and »mokr 4n«l reached her.
only to bo 'overcome • betol'j. he
could reach the fresh air with the
woman. The woman was saved.
The section . In which tha Are
occured Is thickly settled with teas
ment bulldings nml factories and It
was thought for a time that dyna
mite would be used In orde* to
check the (lames.. • N • »
Two For One
Offer Will End
By Saturday
Rumor One Candidate
Expects to Poll Heavy
Vote and Reap Advan
tage of Bonus.
NEW YORK.—Passangsrs ar
riving at New York from abroad
are practically permitted to
write thoir own prescription for
a quart of liquor—twice aa
much much aa an American
physician could proacribo for
thorn—under on order of the
surveyor of tho port, made pub
lic today.
Tho order, tigned by Thomas
W. Whittle, surveyor, provides
that "whore tho passenger has
declared in writing that tha
liquor carried by him Is intend
ed tolsly for medical purposes,
tho entry clerk may in hie dis
cretion, allow him an amount
not to exceed one quart, ouch
action to bo endorsed by him
upon tho declaration. All liquor
in axeaas of one quart will be
Jesus Accepted
Cross Out of His
Loyalty to God
Millionaire Bandit, Woun
ded By Madison County
Officers, Was. “Human
Fly,” Says N. Y. Story.
Daring Criminal Sought
{Escape From New .York
Apartment By 1 Crawling
Along Coping.
Gerald Chapman, the "million dol-
r" New York bandld who Is con-
Ined at St. Man'll hospital where
e Ik suffering from three bullet
__ _ ~ (wounds received from tho guns of
Morgan-Collisson Meeting | Madison county officer* aa they nt-
At Prince Avenue Bap- V2££J? SCiJ?wE
tiflt u Attracting Large I neaday 1* reported to be Improving
Crowds At Each Service. PH^n^mSnThio silence and
[ wilt, dtacuas with no one any detail*
of (he escape from the Federal pen-
‘The Royal Highway of the Holy j ntent iary lnat Tuesday or the flkht
Cross” was the cubject of the ser*
mon delivered Thursday night by
McKiiynon Hurt
When Auto end
Machine Collide
Motorcycle Officer Vic
tim of Careful Driving,
It Is Said. Leg Badly
Broken in Crash.
Baptist church. Takhir
text Matthew, Chapter 1, verse 21
the speaker defined the three
.stages in the highway of the cross
at : 1. The Constraint laid up
on JtsuS as He said he must go
to Jerusalem and suffer, and be
killed, and tho third day be raised
up. Dr. Morgan denied the Jesus
was in the grip of circumstances,
thereto:e had to go to the cross;
he also denied that Jesus went to
the croes merely because of his
devotion to a great ideal- These
w*M insufficient reestete . Jeeua
went to the crons because of hie
loyalty to the will of God. Nec
essarily this meant conflict, for
the ideals of the cider? chief
priests and scribes were in direct
opposition to those of the King-
■ 1 .1. of Coil. —asHtewK—~c*—
Dr. Morgan also drew attention
to the fact that Jesus, looking al
the cross saw through it to the
final victory of the resurrection.
He then appealed to the audience
to get the true perspective on the
In Madison county where he was
tuken cnly after he was shot down.
„ - .■ - , , ... Chapman la being closely guarded
Dr. P. C. Morgan to a splendid ^ , he hospital nnd aa soon aa he
audience at the Prince Avenue la able to travel will be removed
bis to the Federal penitentiary.
It has developed that Chapman.
In addition to bains a dangerous
criminal, has the qualities of a
“human fly" nnd when ho wa* ar
rested In Jfew York test year at a
luxurious apartment came very
near escaping by crawling along the
crplns of the building. He remarked
then if he ever escaped bo would
never be taken again.
iThe *tory of hla “human fly'.’ op-
cape from Now York te a* follows,
the story coming from Now York:
things of Holy
to***!!?® * in “’ 5r r "^ ho Si tWteadhSSte? Judge!
to attend the services in a body, Edwin IL Yfolmra gave Chapman
days to ran as the White Way open
Ins will be on April 4,
The standing Friday tallows:.
Lovle Jowera 317,136
Harriet Stephen* .... 103,278
Laura Hammond ..... 85,310
Besait Jackson 69.885
Nellie Griffith 4.062
Mn. Daria' 2315
Mabel Parr 1823
Mollie Whitehead 1474
Mn. P. N. ChOtris .... 1439
Ncm Crymes 1183
Elizabeth Harris 1013
Clara Bell Rutherford.. 1070
Mary Sims 1007
Earlins Wilder 1091
Pauline Toney 1185
Martha McAIpln ' 1135
Lillian Edwards 1036
Sarah Hall 1026
Erma Booth 1007
Carrie Booth 1007
Caitrie Beer 1007
Neill* Christopher .... 1103-
Fany. McDormart 1006
Mn. W. D. Paschal ... ’ 1011
Clarence Stone .'j«0S
Sue. Carter 1004
Then will b* the usual Pro-
para to ry Service for the Com
munion in the Sunday School
room of the church Friday, at
8 o'clock. All the members of
the First Thbiltllui confcic-
gatlon and any other? who may
do-ir.-. arc urged to In- pr-r-
He urged
them In their'thinking on Christ-
janty te look on through the Croes
to the final hour of victory- He
concluded by quotation of the
word* of the New Testament, “If
we suffer with him, we shall als<
reign with him.”
The work of the special choir
deserves more than a passing at
tention. Undtr 'the able direction
of Prof. Collisson they are work
ing better every night, and dur
ing the Offering at last night’s
service their rendering of ‘‘Man
of Sorrows” was tremendously im
^ Friday night a large delegation
from the High school win attend
■Hie service. They will assemble t
the High flehool at 7:45, and wiL*
march -from there to the church,
in atady. Dr. Morgan will preach
on “The Veil of the Temple.” and
J’rof. Collisson trill ring appro?,
priate solos?
During 'the last three evening:
the Personal Workers of the meet
ing have met and been organized
and they »re now ready for ser
vice, and have regular seats in thi
church assigned to them.
Thursday at the Kitvanis Club
luncheon Prof. ColUssion extended
(Turn to
•lualvencaa noon after hte ayrext
St:-.' luxurious Cramercy Park
-tunfit l«*l July. He was being
'iiirmluneil.MVUh George AmloiHiui
mVh| chin-lea Loerbar, or "iKim-
harti” hi* . .,nr>-a mi. -, by. postal
Inspectors on the third floor of tha
General Past Office In Eighth ave
nue. Maneuvering till he had a clear
path to an open window. Chapmen
made a break for It. calling back
to the amased Inspectors: ‘I might
as swell end'll this wuy as let you
fellows get me!' He plunged nut
over the window sllL bluffing sub
HE WA8 A „
“When the agents got to tbs
window Chapman bad disappeared.
But It was only to scud out of sight
Along • the, roping.- just below the
window, i A* tho a tents blankly
scanned she .street below for hte
body Chapmun-was cooly crossing
the face of the bulldingg like a
“human fly.'' (THnglng to the
wall with Unaer* Ip the rutted open
spaces between the granite blocks,
he sidled around the corner at
Eighth avenue and Thirty-fourth
street.. He dived back Into the
bplldlng through another open win
dow giving Into u vacant office.
Keaerveg.of the. West Thirtieth
•--el i station surounded the post
office, while agents, reinforced by
iiitnioers or the bomb squad, search
cd the Intcricr. Chapman was even
tunlly run down and re-cuptured
behind a row of large paper boxes
under a shelf.
Chapman -said If he ever got
away ugain he would not tie recap
tured alive.
Chapman and Anderson wer*
found guilty August II test by a
Jury In the United States Court on
evidence furnished largely by Loer-
Wllltem McKinnon, senior motor
cycle officer of the Athena police
force, eras badly hurt when hte ma
chine collided with an automobile
on Hill street about * o'clock
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. McKinnon, known ao ‘‘BUI,''
aa token I'mmediately
Mary's hospital where, after ex
amination It' was found hte right
leg was broken in two places just
above the thigh; It was necessary
to take Out three inches of the bone
Id the operation and inbert a! silver
Attendants at tha hospital stated
Friday Mr.-McKinnon was resting
comfortably. The fractured leg was
the only Injury ho received.
The aujornOblle with which Mr.
McKinnon's motorcycle collided Was
driven by Miss Dorothy Moos,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. J.
Moos. She fto ^Dcomparated by
Miss Dorothy Watson. Tho acci
dents: was one of those strange oc
currences which sometimes happen
to the most careful of drivers. In
“Flagship” of Rum Run
ning Fleet Missing With
Another Booze Boat;
Coast Guard Out
(By Associated Proas.)
HIOHLaNKB.—The rum running
fleet, which has boon operating off
tho New Jersey coast for a’moot a
year te minus at least two vessels
. and possibly more Friday, aa the
result of a heavy storm.
The pride of tho rum runners
The Queen of Highlands" w s lost
during tho 7)ti;b northwest Bale
which swept this part of the boast
WglneMay, and one other member
of the fleet was reported m'aslng
Two more shlpo off on a “mis
sion’’ have not boon hoard from yah
though U may bo that the ships are
simply “lying low.”
When the gale first atarted, It 1a
thought that tho rum runners be
lieved that the time who ripe to
make a dash for the coast and lend
a big cargo of contraband boose.
Aa the storm - continued to grow
la violence, the other ships sought
fact tho carefulness of the two “'*1*^!. “ W * r * " p,rated
drivers seems to have caused the
Mlui Moss was going out Hill
street todrard Mllledga while Officer
McKinnon waa coming toward tbo
business section of the olty. At
Harris street Miss Moos started to
turn to her left and go up the tat
ter street, officer McKinnon slow
ed down. So did Miss Moos. Seeing
that the other bad slowed down
both atarted off again and then
the collision 'occurred. The right
fender of the Moss car was- torn
off r.nd the Impact of Mr .McKIn-
, _ ..... . none body with the . pave-
’Chapman gave warning of hla ment caused the fracturing of hla
leg. He weigh* over two hundred
pounds. A large crowd gathered
nl the spot a» people were going
home, from town at that hour.
Mr. McKinnon's. Injury cauxed
murli concern as he la one of the
most pdpufnr members of the police
force and is liked everywhere. •
French Artists
In Rebellion
the “flagship. 1
Coast Guard cutlers are out on
the waters Friday, in the hope of
ptcklns up the “Queen of the High
lands" with It's cargo.
Famous Players-Lasky
Theater At Los Angeles
May Be Sold For Two
Million. ,
(By AMOelatad Press.)
NEW YORK — Negotiations are
said to be pending, whereby tho
Famous Playera-Laakey Corpora
tion will sell It’s theatre Ip Lob
Angetea for approximately two mil
lion dollars cash but will retain a
tense on the building, 'thus keep
ing It’s outlet for their Aims.
The announcement was made at
the office* of the corporation hero
that the negotiations were being
conducted in Lot Angeles with fi
nancial interests, whom the offl
PARIS — A new Salon qf Fine
Arte is In prospect owing to a
split In the Salon do te Nationals.
Not long ago the Preridont of the
Salon resigned and n majority ot
the committee followed. • A new
committee wan elected ftom which date at this end of the line refui-
pradically all of the progressives, cd to naipe.
It is thought that a powerful
syndicate will be the people to take
over the theatre and It was rumor
ed that the syndicate considering
the-taklng over of the threalre Is
not In the picture business, bat te
using this ns an opening wedge to
break Into tbe movie game.
k v' ■ - ‘
Lively Discussion Marks
First Forum Meeting of
Re-organized Civic Or-
ganization Thursday. ;.
Members Come to De
fense of Abattoir, and
Curb Market, When In
stitutions Are Scored.
After a lively session. In which
tho Curb Market and Abattoir wero
In turn scored and defended: ab
sence of leading business men.
bankers, nnd all but tour director*
of the organisation called a “thame
the first Forum meeting of the re
organized Chamber of Commerce
Thursday night appointed a com-
mitteo to work out a systom of
marketing tor. produce raised In
Northeast Georgia.
The meeting, over which H. Ablt
Nix: presided, became Vpeppery 1 '
from the Jump, when J. D. Price,
well known planter and member
of tho Public Servlco Commission,
declared tho ilmo has come for
tho people of Athens to "stop thi*
hot air and begin work." rellevim;
the conditions confronting the farm
er. :
Referring to the Abattoir tn hi*
remarks, Mr. Price declared tha
city has "passed an ordinance which
1s a trust In favor of tho murket
men and against rarmers who keep
up the city." He said It Is “working
a hardship on the city.”
Mr. Price was told, however, that
tho Abattoir has Increased the con
sumption of native meats consider
ably and now Athens market men
are paying Northeast Georgia farm
ers thousands, of dollar* tor meat
hitherto sent west to tho packer*,
He sold he favored meat Inspection
but urged that some plan be worked
out whereby the farmer would not
have to slaughter his animal at
the abattoir . J
Dave Paddock. In explaining thw
Curb Market, which opens May 5
Is free to all who produce tho
foodstuff* they have tor sale, de
clared he believes the Abattoir 1? a
(Turn to Page Five)
like Albert
Amen-Jean, wen excluded.
These men have decided to take
no part In organising tbe Salon ot
the Natlonate sad hope to
one of their own. They seat a de
putation to Paul Leon, Director of
Fine Arte, bpt nothing was decided
at the conference. For tho pres
ent the group of men, considered
abroad aa most representative of
contemporary French art, te de
prived of opportunity to exhibit its
gave Chapman
Page Five)
Thousand of Athenians to Attend Churches
Here on Easter Sunday to Commemorate the
Resurrection of Christ From the Sepulchre
Sunday Is Easter Sunday, com
memorating tbe resurrection of
Christ from tho sepulchre. . Most
appropriately does this date, this
all Important date, come tn the
spring of the yeer. the season
when nature Is being revived and
when the apfrit of reacnrrectlon
permeates everything and la sym
bolised In every budding twig and
every blooming flower.
Easter la a day when probably
more Americans go to church than
on any other day of the'year. It Is
estimated that sixty-five millions
of them will attend services
this day. They will bear about
Christ risen, hla mission on earth
and hfi ascension.
In Athens thousands will attend
and every church w.11 have special
music and special Easter day ser
vice*. remembering:
"In the end of tho sabbath, as it
began to dawn toward the first day
of the week, came Mary Magdelene
nd the other Mary to see tha
, "And, behold, there was a great
jearthquake; for the angel of tbe
descended from heaven, and
“Hla countenance was like light-
nlnr. and hte raiment white as
“And tor fear of him the keep
ers did zhake. and became as dead
"And the angel answered and
tald unto the women. Fear not ye:
for I know that ye seek Jesus,
wblcb was crucified.
He-is not here; for he te risen,
aa he said Come, see tba place
wbsre the Lord lay.
.“And go quickly, and tell kls
larlple* that b* 1a risen from tbe
dead; and. behold, he goeth before
you Into Galilee; there shall ye
1 him; lo, I bare told you.
And they departed quickly from
the aepnlchre with fear nnd great
joy; and did run to briag his otedp
les word.
And aa they went to tell hte die
dplee; behold, Jesus met them,
saytng. All hall. And they tome
and held him by tbe feet, and wor
shipped him.
“Then said Jesus unto' them. Bo
not afraid; go tell my brethren
— that they go into Galilee, and there I
rolled hack the stone shall s.-.- no. St. Matthew, axvill:
VI ENA — Austrian Industries,
particularly those manufacturing
article* of luxury, are assured a
bnsy and profitable six months of
business through unexpectedly
heavy orders placed by American
and European buyers who attend
ed the sample fair that closed yes
A few dollars, ’ turning ovsr
frsou'enily. «jch netting l(t profit
on oaoh turn, equal many dthara
that turn slowly, netting only
one er’tws profits a year.
It lo estimated that more dost-
art have “gono broke" because of
toe much capital, tied up In slew,
ly moving goods, than boss use of
too little capital.
■Mods that keep moving are tho
secret of suauseful retailing.
This Is Just as true 'of each de
partment, each counter, an it Is
of thq whole stock.
Frequent department Invento
ries, to show exactly which tbo
quick and tho slow mover* are,
pays wonderful dividends.
It I* necessary, of course, to
carry tome slow.moving Items.
In order to have s wtll-balancod
stock and b* prepared for reason,
oblo demand.
These ore "eervlce goods."
But the real profit comes In
those lines that quickly turn back
Into money, te b* reinvested In
more of tho oemt.
These are "eetlon goods.''
The danger In buying without
reference to Inventory te that the
alow-moving goods will accumu
late out of all proportion.
Then, even whan business seems
to be brisk, profits are unto-'
countably missing.
“Eternal vigilance" should be
the watchwerd In maintaining the
balance of stock.
» Phono 75.
Athens Youngsters WiH
Not Be Playing ‘Pranks’
But Aiding in Clean-Up
Two Passenger Trains
Collide At Mouth' of the
Royal Gorge. Only Five
(By Associated Press.)
PUEBLO — Five persons were
Injured In a head-on collision be
tween two fast passenger trains . , . -
of the Denver-Rio Grande and Woa
tern Railroad at' Sample siding
near tho entrance to the Royal
Gorge, late Thursday.
One of the trains .was said to bo
making up time and traveling at a
errtfle rate ot speed.
Tha engines ot both trains were
derailed and two baggage cars frith
a smoker 14ft the tracks. One ot
the baggage can plungrd Into the
Arkansas River carrying an ex
press mesas—4b with IL Tha men
succeeded in crawling ont ot tho
car and swam ashore, with but few
braises to show for bis narrow es-
Whcit the Boy Scouts rlns thq
door bells' of Athenian* Saturday
morning they will not bo up tu any
"pranks." It was announced Fri-fl}J
day. but will be aiding in the
"Clean-Up" campaign.
Kanh Scout Will be assigned, al
I certain territory nnd will ring tho
dour bells, or knock on the ilmir
where they haven't a bell, and u*k
the occupant qf the houio to loin
In the clean-up campaign it ha
hasn't already done so. ’The Scout*
nro not only After a prize which Is
offered for thosb getting the most
lot*, vacant ond occupied eloaned.
but are Interested In ridding Athene
of dl*ea*e-breedlng places.
Other prizes are offered In tho
campaign but they are to school*
the children. Tbe prise which*
Will be given grown folks who old
In doing away with trash and rub
bish te a cleaner and more heulth-
Ittee declares.
Following In the list of Pflzes:
Set of Dickens novels for school
whose district fit best cleaned, given
by Mayor Thomas.
International Webster's dictionary
given by Klwanls Club to red
The five Injured an not bsltered
fob* seriously hurt and tho small
numbered of Injured Is thought to
be due to tbe fact that none 'of
the pullmans wore derailed and so
escaped plunging Inti the river.
. No Market
Friday was a holiday on the
New York and New Orleans
exchange and tht market wa*
net reported. The exchange
was observing "Pood Friday."
SAN FRANCISCO—Police claim
that the "meanlst thief Is back
In San Fiwncisco. He stole a car
pet from the altar of St. Charles’
Church. The carpet was valued
at 815.
* . •*•'*•*
on same conditions.
Indvidual prizes to colored child
ren given by Mra. Lamar C. Buck*
*r.' ■ ' - • '
The Boy Scout prize* are: One
dozen Palace theatre ticket* given
hy Manager B .O. Qldley, a Hcout
knife given by Athen* Hardware
company and a Scout belt given by
II. .1. K. .,1 I'li.lhilu romp:,,,
CokUs will give six *nda
each tu five school chill
clean up thc v grounds
own home the heat.
Aunt of Athens
Woman Is Bi
In Atlanta Friday
Miss Lizzie Mmldox, aunt of Mra.
J. L, Mapp of Atheni*. d!*d tn At?
butte Wednesday and the funeral
services were conducted there Frig
day afternoon. - ‘ btf
MIhs Maddov had.lived in Attest
for many years and wa* a
of the Fir*. Baptist church,
vivlnr her are one nephew, Dr. i
^fcddaxj of Atlanta; nnd tl
nlOCoa. Mr*. W. M. It"**, of Bruns?
wick. Go.: Mr*. J. L Mapp. of Ath.
?n*. Or- and Miss Mamie Hkellic. oj
Birmingham. Ala.