Newspaper Page Text
St. Augustine To Honor
It’s Ancient Cavaliers
Gen. John I’. O'Ryan, commander
of the rrth Dwiaion. for Which he
receded JTSOt *5' X
- Begnl'u revrmtlonary Ideas about
■ Henry refret to hear ot her death.
Ponce do Leon's, reuinue.
An effective feature will w ik-
An attack on an Indian eiiiac..
the Hponlurd* Rjlj ; in n [h e >
tcreetlng night event. 10 '
eatia^en^uaiLt 1 *^ 0Vfr »Wt*
qmVff OW
■ «-h* e
A 4rorif deiecation from Daniels-
Vllle attended the good roads meet-
Inf at Coiner.
Thf Madison county association
lias an allotment of $40,000 from the
Land Bank.
Mr. J. I). Campbell of lla has -built
a fine near, poultry house and will
raise thoroufhhred chickens..
Rogers school district kill vote vd
the Issue if. $10,000 or houds for
educational purposes.
The l|a <*in company is rebuilding
old mill site, against the
ipfjiafd Mdir ^ have •ha<l a successful demons
tration as tU- result of a bet. In
Sht within his a. discussion with a friend over
may sit in the' sculpturing 'a 1019 he boitrowcd
***** fcr '"*' sOtqa moaellrq day, which he had
hev*r touch!tl before, and within
i * ■■■ ——* 30 minutes nude a heed with the
1 — . J» aid Of a noil He and a buttonhook.
, t I The friend ccnaidered It euch a
t $ r , > Jh SW.Hkeoees ot hlmeeft that be had
ST. AUGUSTINE^—With a. -touch gayety, beauty and charm of sl*-
of h<* 'orlc . sentiment. St.' Apnnm tcenth century romance.
Plana far Uw ponce de Loon celt*
bratlon are unique and essentially
a port of. St. Auguatlne. for the
program ie designed to portray fq.
NIAIIa hlelllMln.1 — - - — .■ -
' vitality!
; LctG<
your blot
on the
wlxjir.i x>( many |«op)c.
. Df pi UWSUSSU UW *1 trum » MW
. first since the World war and Into
It' there ia to be crowded all tho
Cut out this slip, enclose 6c and
man ft to Foley A Oo. v 2836 Shet-
soclety .women:
I «*•«?& w
field Ave, Chicago, Ill., writing
,U your name and address clearly.
nough money In art and de- \ by billy Evans . 3
llm toto tow. SO. Practiced AlwB> ., COV er first bate. '
ca as partnerfifa*tow < flrm. Th * 1 '* * Kl ru, ° ,n h*** 1 * 11 t»»«Y
He didn't like It, and de- Pltchere are .uptneed to follow wheq
take UP painting. With an- the batsman grounds to ' the first
p h» plunged Into literature baseman.
»te several monumental . . .
ncludlng "Italian. In th. Alway * back “P flrat *>“• <"> *
Rate*” and with .the en-, throw from, en Infleidcr when there
‘t t»f the pope such books Is no play at the plate.
»^^S 0110 , C 555 Ch ln th *l Catchers are supposed to do that
arid Tar Compound for - coughs,
colds and cronp; Foley Kidney
Fills for pains fit sides and bock;
tharic Tablets, 6 wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic for
constipation, biliousness, headaches
and sluggish bo-vcis.—Advertise
My collar edgea saw my neck
And cut me somewhat jag godly,
Ur underwear omes «Mk a wreck,
- My sox you launder raggedly:
And though to wear euch garments
ru stapd the boles you cut In
The Fat’s in
the Fiie
from the eldUct. Burned
t# ■ triilt means end-
toss a«x»|*ng and sroitrio*
to remove It. A better
imgetsf Feel fine1 his retinue, richly clad In the plc-
•*<:*{» dlssy, upset, tureaquo costumes .of mediaeval
id is dtdl or aching, day* will sail the blue waters of
ch is sour or gassy, Matansaa Bay oa their Spanish
or two Cuscarets to caravel* aactont high-pooped craft.
tUon. .No griping— «uch as brought the gallant cavalier
e-laxative ’ cn earth to thle.allea shore,
and children. 10c a r Pedro de Aviles ’Medatida* eX-
ike. candy.—Advay., J’ lor * r and colonlxeb/a hardy, and
- 1 J brave eoldier.butcruel and relent-
I lane /oe.wda,f _m n. .-
But kindly do nat pin my shirts
| And kindly do not button them!
I must remove each pin with care
Before my ahirtS I do oagan,.
Each one I must unbutton, me
I ever put It oa again:
Oh, starch my garments till It
Aud pal tune me to be shut la
fectly executed.
Occasionally the pitcher and catch
er slip up on the play, fall to-go
over, and Invariably the boot proves
BUI Doek, star, .pitcher of the 8t.
Louis Cardinals,, la offered as Exhibit-
A to prove the necessity of a pitcher
always covering first base,
Failure to. cover first ■ base has
robbed -BUI Peak of three no-hlt
Athens Neighbors
WASHINGTON. - Two negroes
I fought In Fraaman Land*, one .has
I been fatally Stabbed and the other Is
j landed In jalL
[ 13* people subscribed to the Wash-
| Union hospital funds
| The Washington Klwanla offer 33
'for the best.slogan of not over ten
or twelve words The cow. the hog
and tho hen Is a sample of what Is
Two cartoadg of Wilkes county
fagpiws left for Turner county to see
haw former* down there are doing It.
"Covering first base Is a hobby of
mine. Don’t believe I have failed to
go over a halt doesn times In my
career. Every time I have[ failed to
B« over a bane hit has been the re
run.-- . <■ " •
There In IhCkfeV Doak View* his
failure to be on a pitch pedestal all
liln oa*n. «■ ' - •
Cyrus Voung--has two for his-rec
ord—In toot against the Athletics and
In IMS against the Yankees
Tho late Addle Josh had two. turn
ing tho trick for Cleveland In 1*0*
anqlltst tlm White Sox and against
tho samo team two years later.
Shortly the .tablt Is completely
broken, and yon are better off
mentally, physically, financially.
It’d .eo oosy, so simple. Get a
bad of No-To-Bac and H it doe*,
not release you from all craving
for tobacco in any form, your
druggist will refund your money
“Nail File” Artist
I Wins Fame, Money
closing event a brilliant Spanish
costume ball In the Alcazar casino,
when, charming genorltns will -co-
quetto with tho gallant dons in
I In hie life, but started making
busts with a nail tUe and a but
ton hook, has Jumped from ob
scurity to- fame 1n - leas than four
years—and. ie paid as high >a* 37,500
for one statuette.
Ernesto Been! del ruitts. whose
latest exploit la a bust of W. C.
Durant uutdmohll# manufacturer,
is the man who has suddenly turned
[topey-turvy all popular conceptions
of art and artists.
fArtlats don't etarva. out roll-,
understood lives in attic*” he
Evans, so long an employe .of the
Bail .Talephape Company, ha* been
retired with .full salary.
Greene has an allotment of 330,000
In the Farm Loan Association.
Mrs. n. P. Wheeler, a beloved
OrMosboro woman, Is -claimed by
A- Serottom. well known In Greener
boro, died In Minnesota.
Chpt Cdtclough, a Penflckl negro,
charged with.the.murder of a woman
was claared of the crime.
Little Muriel, 1-year-old daughter
of Mr. , and Mrs. Pen Durham of
WondvMMk dted atter a brief tUness.'
Mr. Ckeriee ■ Whitney of Augusta.)
w*'l| known In qreensboro. Is dead.
Tjle cold breather Interfered with
the Oreeneboro chicken aale and only
about 1,300 pennda were cold.
Mr. Wipj 8. Ditvle. 03 years old,
died In Atlanta. Ha Ie a native of
'f Dokkls stllin arK farhous. In ltA
he wen pitching a* .IJhl|artc!phhiJk , He
wan" loaiing, 0 to 0. entering tho
eighth Inning, when CyAis- Williams
drlhhlnd onu of thoso slow twisters
down the first base line.
The ball was fielded by Jacques
Fournier, but when ho luokod around
to the bag for Doak, to Ms surpetee
Bill waa still on the rubber, and
Williams was on first base with tty)
only hit of the game, , ’
Time advances to the, 1935 eeabon.
On May 11 the Cardinals were play
ing the Giants Doak waa pitching.
Dave Bancroft, first up. In the game,
shot a roller to Fournier. Again BUI
Doak saw a no-hlt game slip out of
his reached for he failed to cover,
while Bancroft slid to the bag .ahead
of Fournier.'' And that waa fhe only
hit for the giants, Doak' winning,
• In « *
LfilJ 10
“Persona like thdt aren’t artiste.
Thjey'ro Imitations. Art Is ,com-
monsense. That's why crazy cults
Uka cubist art. cannot endure.”
Begnl says an artist cant be a
success If he’s temperamental. He
points to tho Durant butt as .on ex
“1 chased him around for throe
months tut to get 10 minutes' pan-
Especially hold in
place the unruly locks of the
wondrously fine, soft hair of
Dixie’s Daughters. ^ « ~~
Southernettes are exquisitely i
adapted to the most cherished
preferences of Milady of die
COMMERCE.—Ur. U. • P. Del*.
Merle, ot Hoechton. has been ap
pointed a delegate to the Ocpd Roads
AseocMtlort at OnenvIUe, 8. C. '
For poople of every
age who enjoy
good candy, w e
have a wonderful
Easter assortment.
From the tiny
chocolate business
to the delicioua
bon-bons in luxu
rious Easter boxea
—o u r complete
stock is typical of
purity and taati-
Byy your Eastet
candy here today.
Dye Blouse Or
) Baby’s Coat In
Diamond Dyes
‘THamtmd Dyes” add ytaro of
wear to worn, faded skirts,
waists, coats, stockings, sweaters,
South. Nets in which a gossamer,
like delicacy of material has
been wonderfully combined
with conspicuous strength.
On Saturday afternoon. Rev. Wat-
ISrU. -isHww. of AahavtUe. preach,
d on the streets of Commerce.
The Jackson County Teachers As-
x-laUon was held on Mdrch ttth.
Elder J. W. Lord, of the Primitive
tains directions so simple any
woman can put new, rich, fade
less colors into her worn gar
ments or draperies even if she has
never dyed before. . Just buy
Diamond Dyes—no other kind—
then your material will come out
right, because Diamond Dyes are
guaranteed not to streak, spot,
fade, or run. Tell your druggist
whether the material you wish to
Ashland. Ky.—Mro
aom, of this city, at
time ago I began st
womanly weakness a
.very bad conditoin-
was weakness and .ne
g ras Just a shadow—T,
ut a hundred pound)
“I was so nerroui
rest nor slesp. I dk
Appetite, in feet, did
eat. I just dragged
is linen, cotton or mixed goods.—
(Advertisement.)' •„
Every Southern lady
may havte and test a
Soiithernetle, with
Present thie coupon
to your dealer today
and get your
Southemette FREE.
Instantly! End Indigestion
or Stomach Misery wiih
“Pape’s Diapepsin” •
M mITj^m. BUIS, whojily. alaap »•».• «d weighed 160
EnteHs^at^fenro* 1T^*pioroS| , “I; certainly can recommend Car;
FtiAvsr th* rouatry -(dui. I also used it during. . . ant
Dr. J. T. Rutland, Jr, and >1^1^ Mm an-MamMl and relieved
Rads Robinson, both ot Monroe, are J the tired, weak feeling in my back.”
—Thousands of women, suffering
m " farmers an planUnx Urgelylfrum female ailments, havs taker
of peanuts a* a sure mooey crop. Cardui with good results. Prr-
The Farmers Bank of Monro* will hapa.yoo, too, may need it. -Why
shortly been a bank at Social Circle, not try It! It may be juxt what
As soon as you eat. - tablet or
two of “Fane's Diapepsin” your
indigestion it gone- Heavy pain,
heartburn, flatulence, gases, palpi
tation, or any misery from a
sour, acid stomach ends. Correct
your stomach and digestion for a
few cents. Each package guar-
For a few rents you can ward
oil Flu and Grippe by promptly
checking your coughs and colds
with Foley’s Honey and Tar. Al
so rives quick reHef from coughs
rosuMug nom Pie, Grippe, Whop-
ing Cough, Asthma and Bronchi-
dlrd St Ms home near togaasvltl*
HI* HtthMs jvsae burtsd la Alban*
Rev, Oeofga Stoss offWaUng.
COJIKII. Oa—Mr. Charles.A- Row-
land gave » vrr> inter. ..tins - • k
the proshyterlan meeting at Dan-
iFlRville. ,
Mr. O’Connor wan In DanItI*YiIle
looking slier the hlchwsy from that
plaro to Asheville, M. C.
The many friends 0! Mr*. J. H.
J The Woman iS Tonic N
Coupons will be 1 udgklflRTby foHowingr dealers: Michael'Bros^ Citizens Pharmacy, Normal Pharmacy,
Reid Drug Co., Patrick's Pharmacy, Warren J. Smith & Bro^ H. R. Palmer & Son, Royal Pharmacy.
MXormick & Co.