Newspaper Page Text
lnv«etlg»to Todayl
T» Reaular
THE banner-herald
%i,ooo Acetetnt poncy rrse.
Dally and Sunday—10 Canta a Week.
■rtnbllshed 1832.
Dally aai l-H U IM * Wee*.
PREBIOUS CLOSE .... 28 l-2t
Continued Clear and Cooler.
VOL. 91, NO. M
Associated Prate Servica
N. E. A Servica
Single Coplea I Carta DaCy, I Ceuta Sunday.
Charging Skipwith
With Plotting Both
Morehouse Murders
(By Aasociated Press)
BASTROP.—Sheriff Carpenter early Thursday noti
fied the fifteen defendants in the Morehouse Parish
hooded band cases to surrender to him at the court house
before noon
Three others, charged with con
•action with the crimes arc out
Tthc sheriff's jurisdiction. The
state charges ail defendants are
Smith Stevenson, f red Higgin
botham and New Gray sulTender-
d Thursday morning. Captain
Skipwith, exalted cyciops of the
Morehouse Klan, telephoned the
sheriff he would surrender Friday
"paSTROP.—Captain J. K. Ship-
uorth. exalted cyciops of the More
house parish, Ku Klux Klan. will
bo the storm cantor In the forth-
remnlR triala ot Morehouse cltis-
tns as a result of operations ot
masked hands In the parish last
.par (or which Governor Parker
holds the klan responsible. Dis
trict Attorney David I. Garrett ar
rived here late Wednesday from
Monroe with 30 bills of Informa
tion prepared by Attorney General
A V. Cneo, charging nearly a score
Of persona with various offences.
He Med them with James Dalton,
clerk of the court Wednesday nght
and Mr. Dalton exported Immedia
tely to place In the hands of Sheriff
Athens Rotary
Club Elects Its
1923 Directors
Mofton Hodgson Closes
Successful Administra
tion As President. Name
New Officers Shortly. ’
Pred carpenter warrants for the
Wednesday was election day
with the Athena Rotary club and
the following members were elect
ed aa members of the board of
directors for the ensuing year:
Billups Phlnlxy, B. F. Hsrdeman.
C. D. Flanlxen, H. H. Gordon. Jr.,
James White, D. W. Ryther and J.
E. Talniodgc, Jr. The directors
will meet within the next 1st days
and eletfi a president, vice presi
dent, secretary and treasurer.
President Morton Hodges made
a most Interesting talk reviewing
irrest of the defendants.
The most serious charge la that
of conspiring to mnrder and two
hills covorlng this crime,are di
rected agalndl Captain Shfpworsfc
One relates to the caae ot Watt
Daniel, kidnapped by a band o(
hooded men on August 24, while
the other relates to that of T. P.
Richard. Daniel's comnanlon. Two
bodies Identified as those ot the
ere found December 22 In
Lake latourche. There are no oth
er murder conspiracy Informations.
what had been accompUahed c,tir
ing the past year »nrf stated that
over 200 visitors had been the
guests of the club. He has made a
most admirable president and
many aecompllahmenta have been
brought about under hia direction.
Dr. J. c. Wilkinson announced
tna coming or Roscoe Simmons, re
puted to be the greatest leader of
the negro race, frho will .ddress
tllR nilhlld* ftlf. (Im'Unaa nit.llfnvliirta
Alderman Culp Asks Why
Agreement Failed to Ex
tend Bright Lights to
Hancock on College.
Three Men, Nearly Dead From Starvation
and Exposure, Wattle Elements For T<wo
Days to Bring Help to Marooned Comrade$
(By* Associated Press*) potatoes w£re left and a horrible
NORTHPORT.—Cold and ex- death seemed destined for the lit-
Council Finally Decided to
Adjust the Matter “Ami
cably” With White Way
The Athens white way, formally
Installed on April 4. caused an
oratorical ••flare up” In City Coun
regular meeting Wednesday
night when Alderman Henry Culp
declared that the White Way com
mittee was not carrying out Its
contract in falling *o put the bright
lights in front of the city hall on
College avenue.
The original contract or under
standing with the committee, it
was stated, called for the Installa
tion of lights on Coilpse avenue In
front of the ptstofflce and gov
ernment building and an Increase
of $2,000 in the city's electric bill
for strqpt lights.
hausted, nearer dead than alive
from exposure, three men* almost-
starved to death dragged them;
selves into this town Wednesday*
The men had battled their
way through the slush and ice of
the open water of Lake Michigan,
brought news of the terrible strug
gles of nine men and one woman,
slowly starving to death, to keep
the little spark of life glowing.
The party went to Fox Island,
eighteen miles fron* here, last fall
to cut timber, carrying with them
supplies sufficient for several
months, but the prolonged winter
weather did not enter into their
A month ago the supplies had
dwindled to almost nothinf. Two
weeks ago only a very few frozen
tie party
After making two, unsuccessful
attempts to get to the mainland
and bring help to the little band
the three men made another start
last .Monday.
It took them two days and
nights to make the eighteen mite*
which meant life to them, during
which time two of the men nearly
They finally reached their goal
and as a result two army air
planes. loaded with food supplies
and mediicne with two doctors ard
winging their way to the island,
hoping against 'hope that the
starving party will have been able
to survive the terrific storm which
•wept over the lake Wednesday
Law, Which Compels Re
ceiver to “Double Tax”
Will Be Carried Out in
Id addition to these. other bill,
char,"' Captain Shipworih with
rerrrlnx firearm, on the premlxee
of another, with conspiring to com-
pel a person to leave hie home,
with conspiring to Moult » person,
with conspiring to compel b per
ms to leave an automobile and
with conspiring to comnel a per-
m to leave hla place of huelneH.
Dr n. M. McKoln. former mayor
ol Mer imuge, arrested In Belli
more at the request of Governor
Parker upon a charge of murder
In connection with | the Daniel-
diehard caae. also Is named In sev-
rral Ilia, one chargee him with
roaaplrln* to compel a person to
leare Morehouse pariah, another
with asaauB with a dangerous
wraiain, and a third'With conspir
ing to assault a person. Dr. Mc-
Koln now In In Baltimore, a atu-
fent at Johns Hopklna university,
and it I. understood he atlll I*
,ni V'E is,ooo b.^tl in' connection
a genuine celcDiiUon with dinner
nt the agricultutal. college And A
trip over the grounda to be fol
lowed by the Georgia-Auburn
game on Sanford field.
Among the visiting guests were:
Judge 8amuel H. Sibley, of the U.
S. four*; Mr. Coleman, At Mil
waukee; Dr. Silverman Manhelmer,
of New York and Mr. Justin Law-
»lth the case bill Is not under a
murder charge.
the public an, the’Moas auditorium
on Friday evening. Every Rotarian
was Invited to attend the lecture
and. no doubt, there will be a large
crowd of white citizens vresent.
The big Inter-City meet which
Is to be held In this city on the
11th of Maq will be attended by
hundreds of Rotarlans from Geor
gia and a portion of South Caro
lina. The day will be given pverto
a SpoHi.IhI. eelAh.altow „ItV .Mwwmw
lie, director of music at tkfe i*e-
vival being conducted at the First
Methodist church.
Alderman Culp declared ue fav
ored refusal to pay tho elsdtrlc
bill until the agreement was car
ried out. This was the feeling of
other aldermen, also. They were
told, however, that the government
bad refused to pay Its pro-rata
share tor Inlstatlahfou ot the lights
In front of the postoffice and rath
er than have a "one way" light the
committee had decided to abandon
for the present, the plan ot plac
ing the white way to Hancock on
College. .
Alderman J. H. Rucker said he
saw no reason for comptstatl about
extending the white way as (I
would save the city money In elec
tric Ills to hold oft Installing the
lights In front of the postoftlce.
Ttlewaucn wss also told tha* the
committee plan to extend the
white way to Hull on Clayton as
soon aa possible.
Finally, after- considerable diap
cuaslon, and reference to tbe min
utes ot tbe meeting when the
white way agreement was made. It
was decided to appoint a committee
for f
More Than Fifty Dele
gates From Athens to
Attend State Christian
Endeavor Convention.
When the CenSral of Georgia
.vain leaves for (Macon Friday
morning for the Eleventh Annual
State Christian Endeavor Conven
tion, more than CO delegates from
Athena are expected to oe aboard
the special which will convey to
the "Central City” tbe Athena del
egation. A telegram from Homer.
Ga„ states thirteen delegates will
arrive In Athens Friday morning
to go down with tha Athena En
deavor, re.
All along the tine the train will
take on delegates and by the time
tha train arrives in Macon, pmc-
tlcally one hundred will make up
the party. Many of the Endeavor-
era left Thursday' In automobiles These debates are being held
to be sore they were In Macon tor at the Women's Instltutloln of the
tbe opening session. .city to create more Interest and to
Montdcello, the Northeast (Insure a larger attendance of col-
Ocorgla delegation will serve n i (age students,
light lunch, which each person la l.-ru* Senior debate between these
expected to carry along.
Women Also Told That jn
Order to Vote Must Give
in Poll Tax At Receiv
er's Office.
Clarke county clUaena who fall
to give In their tax returns by May
1. will be double-taxed. It was an
nounced Thursday by Tax Receiver
H. Dorsey.
Annual Clash Between
Phi Kappa and Demos-
thenian Societies to Be
Saturday P. M.
This action will not be taken
on volition of tbe tax receiver bat
he Is required by lew to doable
tax any person who falls to make •
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON.—Injunction proceedings to com
pletely shut off trading in sugar futures were instituted
in New York Thursday by the federal government.
The government’s bill was pro
Sanitary Dept.
Fraud’ on Town
Says Alderman
J. H. Rucker, From Third
Ward, Condemns “Inef
ficiency” of Sanitary
The annual Freshman debate be
tween ihe. Demosthenlas and Phi
Kappa Literary SocleUes will be
held In Ihe Lucy Cobb.Chapel at
eight o'clock, Saturday night.
The quesUon for debate la: Re
solved that Inter-collegiate ath
letics as now practiced Is for the
best Interest ot education In the
United States.
The Demostheaian Freshmen H.
D. Shatluck, Y. E. Ilargeaon and
A. Levy will champion the af
firmative while the negative will
“A fraud on tha town,” Is tha
way Alderman J. H. Rucker of tha
Third Ward, described the City
Sanitary DepaiKmenL m denounc
ing what he called "its taoffl-
return by May 1. and must comply ciency' in City Connell Wednesday
with the provisions ot the law, lt, n fght.
is pointed out
The tax receiver is required to
keep open hla books until Mav 1,
when tha digest la turned over to
the ux equalizers. The hooka
were opened on February 1.
At tbe same time women were
notified that If thay want to vote
they i must gtva In dhair poll tar
at thf office of tha tax reealver or
their' names will ha left off fie
registration list and they cannot
vote whother they pay Qte 81 ot
not. Those not desiring. to vote
do not have to pay tha poll Ux.
'The men who are working for
rhat department are paying no
more attenUon to' their duty than
If.they had no job," said 49ie ald
erman. "I have heard complalnU
from one end ot town to the other
about the Inefttcienty of tha Ssnl-
tary Department, the refusal ot
JU employees to haul' away trash
The law which compels the -tax
be defended , by B. Boley, Albert ] receiver to doule Ux persona fall-
Dombla 2. Jr., and John Hoach of Ing to give In returns by May 1
the Phi Kappa society.
nsectfg to carry, along. , . two soclaUes waa held at the
Featuring tha convention will be state Norn) «| chapel during the.
the street parade Saturday noonl lecond temi
Is as tollowa:
"If u person falls do make a re
turn In whole or In part, .tr fails
to affix a vain* to hla property, It
la the duty'of the receiver to make
Ihe valu'ilion and aaaass the tax
ation thereon and la all other re-
• tecta to me - ™ the return for the
defaulting person from tha beat ta-
Information he can obtain, and
having don* so-be shall double the
aider people have repeatedly call
ed them,”’ be declared. "It la a
freed on the town and I hope the
newspaper representative present
will put what I say Into the pap
ers," the alderman declared.
. Alderman Rucker's denunciation
of the Sanitary Ddpartmeotfs "In
efficiency” waa prompted by ob
jection raised by Alderman Henry
Culp,of the First Ward, who said
be had begged to vain for the de
partment, to move a idle of trash
from behind hla home. "! have
tried and tried to get this trash
moved and they will not come after
It," said Alderman Culp. VWby.
only today l saw a negro trash
wagon driver stand behind —
with more than 10,000 folks of Mh- ( g musical selection will he glv- . tax la the last column of the digest
con and Georgia In line staging L # b y F . c Mc ciure and "Sleepy"
•Onward. Christian Soldiers,” and | Maddox 0( , he university,
a dinner Saturday evening at ®e
new Mercer University Dining Hall.
Plates will be laid tor 104 delegates
and tickets placed dn sale Friday
E. P. Oates, general secretary of
the purpose of malng an “tml- the United Society of Christian
cable settlement" with tbe commit- Endeavor, of Boston, Mass., win ha
Col. Gantt Interviews W.
S. Holman, Pioneer Cit
izen and Booster of City
and Clarke County.
i no not know a man In our city
luter Informed about Athens than
, ■ *• 8. Holman. He moved hare
“ortl.v attar the dole of the war
1 ' 1 ‘ n the states. Ha waa one
. . vwive. lie wnn vtso
I tile organizers of our Normal
Mkool. promoters of the Boule-
l>™ioct; of the Electric Rall-
**r»t«t Power Co. He built a
. svk »eraper In Athena; and
«*• a leader in evqyy en-
,i,y ,e ,w the upbuilding of hla
The nil,er day I asked Col. Hoi-
uhiun ' Op f ,,0, > of lh « future pos-
■iWHtl,, of the city. He said that
, h »a taken on Its greatest
P»Mh in the past twenty-five
» an . d he confidenUy believed
mt! " ,ht next quarter of a cen-
would make far greater
l^anc,.. from today than we did
Dartod of time. CoL Hcl-
Notable Screen Stars Ap
pear in Highly Enter
taining Drama of Mod
ern Social Lite.
City Council Asked Not
to Convert Building to
Negro School. Referred
to School Board.
*• a like
L.. eewsww wi iimo. vdl nut"
* **>'# baa never for one
poment lost faith In Athens and
,J u, " r « and hla Investment*
on y limited by hla capita
'™h He said bad tbo parties
organized the Boulevard pro
n<Jt rtnttree. 1.* a a
"ot gotten cold feet, wher
ana hut listened to him
LfHfc ™ 10 these lota and not
E nfkrd them, they would all »o-
r. ”*ye been in fine clreumsian-
NnJvISBStJ** proH,H ‘ on
,lol, “*» cited the fact that
t “weed thirty acres of land
outskirts of Kansas «ty.
,'hcfore that place took on Its
and sold It for a song. That
Hy today la worth millions.
(Turn to page eight)
When auch screen notables si
MiUon 8111s. Elliot Dexter. Theo-
lore Koaloff, Anna Q. Nilsson,
Pauline Gkron and Julia Fkye are
featured In a plcturd. excellent
entertainment may be expected.
Such waa uhe- caae when “Adam's
Rib." a Paramount production
which ta being ahown at the Pal
ace Theatre with great auccess,
Thursday and Friday. The atory
deals with an ultra-modern girl
who with all her wealth and pop
ularity la still human. Pauline Oar-
on por.reys this part and Elliott
Dexter la seen in the role of Prof.
NkthaU Reade whom she meets at
the Customs Inspection In New
York on her return from a Europ
ean tour.
Milton Sills as Michael Ramsay.
,MJss Gsron's father, and Miss Nils
son. his neglected wife, live their
parts rather than act them. Theo
dore Koaloff as usual Is the per
fect villain ta the role of M. Jaro-
mlr. the exlletf king of Morania.
Clarence Burton is the cave man of
the vision scenes that make Oils
production an astounding work of. tion
The picture, an the nsme Implies. I . s * l I
Is not a atory of the Garden of /\UtO ACCluGIlt IS
Eden, hut on the contrary. It is a
production of' modem nodal life,
excellently produced, excellently
acted and with excellent .photo-
tee, the mayor pointing out that
the committee might have misun
derstood the agreement. “I have
found It Is best not to condemn
tho pther fellow until you give
him a hearing," he aald.
The City Buard of Education
the Baxter 8treet school Into a
will bo requested not to convert
nngro school when tho ■ Third
Ward building Is completed, as a
result of action taken by City
Council Wednesday night.
A petition signed by clUsens liv
ing In the vicinity of the Baxter
street hu|ldlng was presented and
read to council which requested
that dhe school not be converted
Into a negro school as has been
fount'll unanimous!, adopted a
reSblution requesting the Board or
Education to keep the Baxter su-eef
among the nromlnent sneakers at
the convention. He will ‘address
Ihe delegation Friday afternoon at
4 o’clock. Carl Jackson Matthews.
Field Sscretary for Florida and
Georgia will conduct tbe staging.
Allen Released On
Auto Theft Charge
Claiming thet be waa permanent
ly Injured as a result of a fall
whan bln leg waa caught ta an
electric tight post hole. Asa Wler
notified City CounMI Wednesday
night that he waa preparing to aue
the city and Athens Railway and
Electric company Jointly for $2804.
The petitioner declared b» w»s
hurt while walking down Clayton
street on the north side when he
stepped Into a hole.where an elec-
Me light pole formerly stood. Tbe
accident happened on February 7,
1913. It was stated, and from the
wrench received by the tall hr
Ten new street lights will ha In- was Injured to the extent of 32SOO.
stalled ta Athena during 1023. This the petitioner said. The suit waa
waa the decision reached by City I brought Jointly agataqt the city
Council Wednesday night jand Electric company. The matter
Council allotted the same num- > was referred to the Flnece Com
ber of lights ta 1923. The Street; mltteo for actloo.
and Lights committee will have
Charge of (testing an automobile
wes dismissed against Scott Allen
a white man In Superior Court
Wedneday. Will Martin, a negro
tried for stealing the tame auto
mobile Allen was charged with
stealing was released also.
A Jury in Superior Court was en
gaged Thursday morning ta trial
of a case against Edgar Bell, ne
gro youth'charged with stealing
cigarettes from the sore of R. U.
Bailey on Broad street.
Asa Wier Claims He Was
Permanently Injured By
Fall Into Hole on Clay-
ton Street.
charge of locating tho lights.
J. William Firor, cdnnty agenr,
Wednesday night waa elected su
perintendent of the Athena Curb
school for tho overflow ta tthe »'*rket by City council. Mr. Firor
wbltfc school population. Mayor have general supervision of the
Thomas stated that the city will
pEed the Baxter street uildlng for
a white school as a result) of tbs
big Increase In the school poputa'
graphy and scenic effects.
If you art sulded by grocery
and moot odvortUomooto appear-
leg In tho Uenntr. Harold dvory
Friday •v«ninfl.
TH* choicest odlhloo that tho
markat affords oro offarad tho
consumoro ovory Friday through
tho modlum of tho ••nnor-Hor-
Road tho droeory storo ond
butetyr shop. offorlnga btfP r «
placing your grd«f« f$r ***
day dinner. You win find tho...
boot aahl^i
Serious to Negro
Clayt Jackson, colored, is at St.
Mary’s Hospital, where he was
lary» Hospital, wnere ne
sorted Wednesday following
utomobile accident on the Mi
automobile accident on the Mitch
ell's Bridge road when he waa
struck by a car driven by Ixtnnie
Holmes, another negro. and shows that this old terriatial
Johnson, it seems had alighted globe is stil] a fairly good place to
from a buggy to. kill a snake he live ta.
saw in the road and as he came! Wo smile when we see the “big
around behind the buggy and Into j heartedneas” of the men in the
Market while Mrs. Bessie Battey
Troutman will be Market Master.
against such 'defaulters after hpv-
Ing placed the proper market value
or specific return ta She - proper
columh and for every year's ds-
rdult the defaulter shall be taxed
double until a return 'la made.”
2. Tax receivers are required to
open their books for receiving tax
returns of Ihe taxpayers of thair
county dn the find day of Feb
ruary of .each yaw.
3. Tax receivers are-required to
closes, their hooka on tha tint day
of May of each year.
Harding Strongly En
dorses Undertaking. All
Southern States to Be
ATLANTA.—Mr. Hollins N. Ran
dolph, chairman of the Stone
bonsa wut lata Ur wtothw negro aitahun Confederate (Memorial
1” but be woald Association^and Mr. Gutzon Ilorg-
. ... . Hi m, the sculptor who will carve
pot bant away the
luting ta that nelghbol
P. C. Morgan t<
Speak Here At
Big Conference
Well Known Young Evan
gelist and Bible Scholar
to Deliver Ten Lectures
At Octagon.
Annual Performance
Given At Seney-Stova , l
Chaw" Thursday Night
Violin Selection Feature.
The first exercises of Lucy Cobb
commencement begins at Senay-
Stovall chapel Thursday tnlgh
when the glee cldb gives Its an
nual performance.
The glee club thta year la ana
of the benJ in the- history of tbe
Institution, the voices and music
Ians' being selected from the heat
talent ta tbe school. 9
A distinct feature and one tbit
Athena people will appreciate will
City Counoll adopted e resolution bo the violin eelectlooa by Mias
Wednesday night autnorizlng In-1 Margarethe Morris, the talented
slillatlon ot hitching posts on tha (young daughter of Prof, and Mrs.
south side of Hancock avenue in | John Morris, who won such high
cenjnnrtlon »1lh the county. I honors at Ihe Chicago Conserve-
A sign will be placed designating I tory of Music last, Teat. I Tabernacle ta Atlanta, and Dr. Q.
the sooth aide of the street only us i The program for Thursday night | Campbell ' Morgan, great Bible
the hitching grounds. It wss tie-1 la an follows: t ....... ... teacher, will deliver dally lectures
elded. . . t Ood ta Natare-Beeihoven-Bar- , t the Conference.
: _2 _jlow. ■ ,. . . The subject for the first week's
A J /If, J Jn TV Jlr r> . . OnMusIcs V, Inga—Mendelssohn |»,.t arM o, Dr, P. C. Morgan will
Accused of Murder andOn HtsWay Back to] 4 . TrouW . ^^...i symphony c
" ” - Monday—The Introduction.
Besides delivering a sermon eaeb
evening, alternating with Dr. O.
Campbell Morgan and Dr. Len o.
Broughton, Dr. P. C. Morgan will
give a series of dally lectures at
tbe Athena BIbIs Conference wblch
opens next Sunday and ends May
Recognised as oaatot tbs south's
leading young -Bible scholars. Rev.
P. C. Morgan Is a “chip off the old
block” and holds hla audlancea
with'hla powerful, Ineld and wall
thought put sermons and lectures
en the Bible and the Gospel.
In hla evangelistic meetings be
Injunction to Stop
Trading in Futures
in Sugar is Begun
pared under the personal direction
of, Attorney Genaral Daugherty
after consultation with President
Harding, and aska the court to
permanently prevent tho New
York Coffee Exchange from enter
ing into or permitting any trans
actions in sugar funleaa tho per
son purporting to make such sale
hat in hla possession or under his
control a supply of sugar ade
quate to meet the requirements of
such transaction.”
The action is requested by the
government which , charges an
M itptrw rtf gnopiilaHnn ‘
orgy of (peculation” which has
driven up the price of sugar to
the consumer and which during
February enriched the pocketbooks
of broken by 89MJ)00. . • Ml
President la still wait
ing for the preliminary report of
tho United States tariff commis-
sion or. sugar, which had been ex
pected early this week. The pur
pose of this investigation is to
rind out what tnfluanee, if any, tho
present tariff has had on the in
crease in sugar prices. President
Harding and fremtre of the tariff
law have expressed confidence
that it will not be found to blame.
tho figures upou Stone Mountain,
returned to the c|Cy .Monday trom
Washington, where they went to
1 outer with tin- president, by ap-
1 .ointment, on Saturday last in re
gard to the letter the president
had, written to tbv committee
strongly ’ endorsing this notable
Mr. Randolph states that Om
president has not only written a
letter heartily endorsing this nota
ble project, buj designated at the
conference on Saturday Col. C. O.
Sherrill, his Chief Aid,, and who is
the chief executive officer of the
•Monuments and Parks Commis
sion In Washington, as his personal
representative to attend the ban
quet which ip to be given at the
Capital, City Club on Friday even
ing nexL
Mr. Randolph and Mr. Borglum
uro enthusiastic with the results
of Utelr trip and while la Wash
ington also saw a number ot other
very prominent men of tbe Nation,
all of whom without exception,
expressed themselves as very
heqitlly In favor of this historic
They also conferred With Mr.
Vice-President Ceolidgc, who
stated that he would gladly hav
accepted their tavltation
present at the banquet i
Itatalt" Dr*°PerdTml 'Morgan"has (act
fiMHv M ^ »* re » d F * apeaklng engage-
meat ta Massachusetts scheduled
for Ihe day following.
evangelist of power, and hie dally
Bible messages at the Conference
will be attended by large crowds
ot Northeast Georgia and Athena
Dr. Psrelvsl Morgan's lectures
will b« delivered at tha 9:30 o'elock
hour tha first weede of the Con
ference. which will be held at tbe
Octagon on tbe University of
Georgia campus. The second week'
he will apeak at the 11 o'elock
Dr. Len O. Broughton, famoui di-.I prominent citiiens "took ”up"*'th»
•vine and founder of the Baotfet work again last) summer and fall
It will bo net,lied that the con-'
ceptlon to carve upon the side of
Stone Mountain this xreat memori -
al commemorative of the valorous
deeds of the soldiers of the Cun-
federncy originated some six or
seven years ago. Soon after Us In
ception very considerable progress
was made towards Its completion,
but, tbe war coming on, th<- work
had necessarily to be laid asid«
during the war period. A group
Trial and Possible Long Sentence, Indian.^Zmifm^Slo^^M^.
Save Life of Man Who Was Sent After Him|cdHf^a*“ , *““^’ a ’^^
(aar.—By Gertruda Rosa.
1 Londonderry Air—arr.—By Llo
(By Associated Press.) I accused of murder, instead of ■ nel Tee ls.
ANCHORAGE—Every once in leavlrg tho helpless man to a cer-1 Mine Margarethe Moris,
a while something happens in this tain death and making his escape,! Lullaby—CyriU Srott-Kramer.
old World of ours, which strength-1 packed the man who was carrying! cigarette Girls Chorus (From
ens the faith of men in other men. |him beck to face a possible sen- Ifarmen.)—Blze.
-■“* * k -' * Ui " -'a •—tence of life imprisonment or may-1 —
be even death, on his sled and ^ • F*1 *
started for civilization lixeOfgia “laying
the road was struck by the car
that Holmes was driving. The ac
cident happened about two miles
beyond Mitchell’s bridge. Jackson
was rushed to St- Mary’s hospital
and la reported to be in a rather
derions condition.
<i A warrant Wat ewom out for
Hointes who waa alone in the car
charging' ■ asauft with Intent -to
murder, and Is being held in jail.
Great Northwest, in the movies,
but here is a little story which
Just sifted through the enow from
what might make a good movie
story,—and it’s true.
While taking an Indian, .aecused
of murder, from Fort Gibbons to
Fairbanks recently, Deputy United
States Marshall Webstar waa
stricken with acute appendicitis.
Hla prisoner, tbe msn who was
Almost two hundred miles,, _
through the desolate waste of! In IfniInlP.HpRri*xt"
snow this Indian mushed his way j 111 LfOUDie-neaaer
without rest and delivered his man;
to a ohspital, hung around thel.
building untii the operation waa STARKVILLE, Miss. —Georgia
University and iMississippi Aggies
will meet here ta a double-header
thw first officer he met. expl
bar who he was and what- he waa
wanted for.
If you ware on tbe jury that
triad the man accused of-.murdcr
what would your -verdict -baT
Thursday afternoon, tbs
getllnr under way aft: S«. Georgia
missed connections Wednesday and
tho game scheduled for the aflat-
noon ...i ld not be played.
Tuesday—The ..Allegro
Movement. The Pentateuch.
Wednesday—Tha Andante
Movement. Tha Historic and
Proehetlc Beaks.
Thursday—Tha Scherzo
Movetnant. Tha New Revela
tion throuoh Christ
Friday—Tha Finals. Tha
Book of Revelation.
■ The subject' for the second wekk's
lectures will he "evolutionary Hy
potheses ta the Light of Biblical
Monday—Facing tha Facta.
—A study of tha situation.
Tuesday—Tha Beginnings of
Life—Tha Biological Aspects.
Wednesday—M on key or
Man?—Tha Anaromlcal As-
Thueadayt-Lnis Age of Rock,
er tha Rock of Ages—'The
Geological AapacL '
amt have been actively at work
upon It since and recently the ac
tual carvlpg of tho designs and
figures wet commenced hy Mr.
Borglum, the notod sculptor who
was engaged to do this u.n k
-At the banquets at the Capital
City Club on PYfday evening next
all of the governors of the south
erns states will he present or rep
resented end a largo gathi rlng of
Ihe nromlnent men und women of
Iho south and Nation will also b.-
present. It Is proiwseit at that
time In announce tho definite plans .
and tlw program of tho
non and, as soon as possible,
ect tho generals who will repre
sent each of the southern
In the memorial.
NEW YORK.—Olga Petrovja,
actress, was made defendant in a
Butt for $35,779.33, filed this week
by William H. Roberts, who
‘har&e dshe made over hit play
La.' Kuhia” Into -The White Pm*
cock.' ’Robert* paid he granted
JHrs petrovla ^xcltlfive righu* «r»
produce his play on a percentage
ha*{*? and aflk»d the amount for the
alleged planarizing of hln drama.