Newspaper Page Text
ize what Kellogg’s Bran
means to your family’s health?
b arc many attractive ways
vc KHlogg'a Bran. Eat It
or with hot inilk an a cereal.
Or, mix it with cereals before sorv-
ii>K. .Many housewives cook It with
cereals, in each eflse adding two
tahlesi»/>onfijJs for each person. You
will aJno enjoy the nut-like flnvor
of Kellogg's Bran when it hns been
sprinkjed over hot or cold cereals.
You huve missed seme of the joys
of life if you have not eaten rnisli
br.*ad, muffins, griddle-cakes, etc.
nade with Kellogg's Bran. Kecipes
re printed on each box.
Don't delay your fight against
constipation; don't lose a minute
In the great battle against illness!
You can buy Kellogg’s Bran from
,'crs it ml you can have It
^ t _ each (served in individual packages at
dJyj'Tn chronic cases, with each I flint-class hotels, restaurants and
aten regularly each day. Kel-
Bran will permanently r«-
i constipation; it will free you
dangerous toxic poisons that
to 90 per cent of all human
gill remove the cause
''eweeteti a had breath; ft will
* a pimply complextion through
ji'trork on the bowels. In fact,
Blogg'* Bran, through Its natural
bulk. Indigestible agent,
tonc-up the whole system!
! you knew exactly what const I-
pillion means from a medical view-
? Hogg’s Bran yourself and serving
Hogg's tiran yourself and servinp
daily to your family. And. K<*l-
Huy's is actually delicious, its nut-
like flavor adding greatly to the
enjoyment of eating cereals. Eut
at least two tablespoonfuls
Athens Visitors
•cal cotton market cloi
Thursday, the same i
Open High Lmv Cln
“l Among those visiting In Athens
t * Thursday were, O. D. Bradford, N.
ejJ.; H. S. Garland. Atlanta; Charles
H. Scott, New York; T. L. Anbury,
Augusta; J. .H Adams, Ashburn.
65 28.75j W. S. Rogers, Atlanta; W. E.
dy .. .. 27.71 27.9» 27.40 27.42-27.67 j Patterson, Atlanta; H. H. Huber,
-t 24.95 25.15» 24 «o Boston; J. F. Roberts, Greenville;
pc. .. 24.44 24.66 24.10 24.1o 24.60 A. W. Barber. Adalrsvllle; A. Mar-
11 A. M. Bids: May 2S.G8; July i tin, Chicago; II. L. and Mrs. Smith,
nber 24.82; December 34.37. Madison, Fla.
We are now In a position to lend you money In any
amounts from $500.00 on up on homes in Athens, moreover,
\re offer you our special, easy monthly repayment plan. Just
jvrite us about the money you need and where your home is
^located In Athens and we will do the rest
W© will, of course, continue to make loans on better class
business property at lowest Interest lates.
' Broad ,nnd Walton streets Atlanta, Georgia.
The First Step
I F a man is going up, the first
step is co step on himself.
There is absolutely no progress
without self-control. That is why
a savings account has meant the
beginning of great success to so
many men. » ,
Commercial Bank of Athens
Member Federal Reserve System A J
J . ' -
Don’t Dust—Spray
The Calcium Arsenate Product » f r
[\,r over two yean Boll-Wo-Oo haa been teeted on cotton
land In the heart ot boil ,***,11 Infested dlsricts.
Coots Only He a Gallon. ^
During this time Boll-We-Oo has had to prove Itself In field!
where the boll weevil has for years been considered un
beatable. Results show that In every csee, on every farm,
Holi-We-Go was a success—a deadly destroyer of the weevil.
Where It was used without exception larger crops were
reported. Leading cotton growers praise It The most suc
cessful,planters use It. ItJs a proven product
Wo Hat hero a few ot the many advantages of BoU-We-Oo.
Write for complete Information. Obtain full facts snd prools
of Jts merits. . . „j
1; Boll-We-Go Is sure death to the weevtt /
Hundreds ot unsolicited testimonials In our >
flies all pralalng Boll-We-Oo.
2: Bolt-We-Go la the least expensive method /
of applying calcium arsenate efficiently.
(ICoet approximately »1 to H per acre per
season.) /
2; Boll-We-Oo Is the easiest method ot hilling
the wesvll. Applied lu daytime. Child can
piake spraying. No tedious dusting—no sleep |
robbing night work.* .*..•• , \C , .
4; Boll-Wc-Go sticks on the plant because of
the Ingredients which are combined with
the calcium arsenate In this proven product, j
No sticky molasses, ice cream powders or *
flour Is 1L
6: Onlg three or four sprayings a year are
Boll-We-Oo keeps the calcium arsenate in
available form for the boll weevil to drink.
The boll weevil must drink. When he drinks
be dies.
Don’t go through another year Inefficiently
fighting tbe boll weevil with ordinary meth
ods. Find out right now about the modern,
proven method to kill the pest Write today
for full facts. ..
Boll-We-Go Mfg. Co.
63 North Pryor Street
Lonz ’Distance Pham
Mtfsrf isscrc'
t*, Georgia
Open High Low Clone P.C.
May ;. .. 27.75 28.22 27.68 29.60 23.92
July .. .. 27.45 27.87 27.25 27.35 27.62
Oft., .. .. 24.42 24.67 24.06 24.09 24.5b
Dec 24.0.1 24.15 23.64 23.70 24.lo
11 A. M. Bid*: May 27.65; July
27.38; October 24.29; December 23.90.
t Cola
in Cane Sugar
Cuban Cane |»fd..
Aun^n Nichols ..
U. K. Steel
Southern Ry
Sou. Ry. pfd
Pan American ...
American Sugar ..
Konnlcott Copi»cr
Induntrial Alcohol
N. Y. Central ...
A me. Tel. Tel. ..
May .. ..
July ..
May .. ..
July ..
May .. ..
I22*n 122»i 122*
Open P.C.
3 101.10 101.1
First 4 1 -4k 97.7 97.7
Second 4 l-4» 97.29 97.29
Third 4 l-4a 97.28 97.31
Fourth 4 l-4» 97.10 97.10
Victory 4 3-4a 100.00 100.00
Walton Cq. Singing
Convention Draw
Big Crowd Sunday
MONROE. Qa.— Everything 1:
In - rendlneg for tho Walton Coun
ty Co-Operative Singing Conven
tion. to bo held at Mountain Creek
Mlfuiionary Baptlat church, four
mJlrs north of Monro© and one
mile north o fthe Fifth District Ag
ricultural and Mechanical 8chi
next Sunday, April 29ttx and, if
weather conditions remain good,
the attendance will be up in the
thousands, in keeping with the for
mer record.
I*res!dent Benjamin C. Dickinson
and Secretary Ed. A. Caldwell of
Monroe, have lost no time in look
ing after the organlgatlon of the
local forces, the employment of the
very best singers to be found in
and out of Walton county and in
the matter of giving the affair uni
vernal publicity.
The host church, situated Jn i
lovely) grove, on a beautiful Incline,
between two prominent stretdhes
of roadwuy, is made up of aome of
the very finest people In Georgln
and they are going to do their fu»J
duty in the matter of entertain-
Inc their guests. They, however,
shall not bo expected to do more
than their share. The other sec
tions of Walton, holding claim on
a goodly per cent of the members
of the organisations, uro expected
to bring well filled baskets.
Judson L. Moore,’ roputed as
ing one of tho best music directors
in tho state and, wty> is also the
author and publsher of a number of
popular song books, will be pres-
ent and Jrirlng with him a very un
usual class of singers. Mrs. Vaughn
of Athens, widow of the late Prof
Vaughn, another of the state's very
finest singers and composers of
sacred music, with a host of Athens
and Clarke county singers, Is ex
pected to sdd to the interest and
benefit of the day's program.
JEFFERSON, On.—At a meeting
of the Jackson county medical as
sociation held here Monday the fol
lowing officers were elected for
the ensuing year:
Dr. F. M. Hubbard of Commerci
Dr. 8. J. Smith of Jefferson, vice
Dr. J. C. Bennett of Jefferson
secretary and treasurer.
Dr. L. J. Sharp of Commerce cen
sor. .
Dr. M. R. Alien of Hoschton wa>
elected delegate to the annual State
Medical Association which meets
next week at Savannah. Ga.
The association Is a very enthu
siastic organisation and is the
means of much good in the profes
“Y.” Directors
To Meet Friday
Theodore Marks. New York City;
T. P. Britt, Hartford, H. D. House,
Atlanta; J. C. Burton, Columbus;
C. I. Dick, Atlanta; J. B. Jetton,
Atlanta; L. B. Hardy, Jr., Atlanta.
The District So. 5 5th Sunday
meeting of the Sarepta Associa
tion wjll be held at the East Ath-
ns Baptist church Sunday, April
9, in the afternoon, open 2 o’clock.
Sunday school, woman’s work and
B. Y. P. U. all represented by
good speaking on these differentJ
branches of the work. Come
time. %
Hooper Chosen
Tulane Speaker
Professor W. D. Hooper, profes
sor m{ Latin at the University of
Georgia, has been chosen to deliv
er the annua) address before the
Alpha of Louisiana chapter of Phi
Beta Kappa at Tulane University
ut New Orleans on June 5th.
Phi Beta Kappa Is the oldest
fraternity In the world and Is
national honorary society for schol
arship. Each year some distin
guished scholar is selected to speak
at the annual meeting The selec
tion of Professor Hooper to deliver
this address comes as a fitting rec
ognition of his unusual ability.
. For Infants and Children
in use for over 30 years
Always bears
Signature of
Spanish Mackerel deliver
ed Friday Morning, in
time for your Dinner.
Sponge Cake
For Making SSort-Cake.
The Summer V. M. C. A. camp
for Boy, and Girls will occupy the
center of attention for the Y. M.
i\ A. pi rector* meeting at ( o'clock
FYIda>-. A luncheon will be served
and all directors are urged to be
present Announcement Is made
that two new canoe* have been
given the camp by public spirited
i good;-’vear
I Service Station
B Y service we
mean having
your size in Good
year Tires on hand
when you needtiren,
advising yen what
type ot tire to buy,
j your tires
and following them
up with expert re-
every, mOe of the
thousands of miW
built into
.Athens, Georgia
Banner-Herald Want Ads
(Too Ltto to Classify)
foil Rl^Wn-fl^r/T KU*kp\t-iaARnK
{ furnlnftea ImhI 'room*: 'forge* enough
lo acoomwodaia three people: AW
firth ana’ uie of nice library.' Cloee
h*. nlct location. Pboue 340-J, site
Vegetable Soup
Baked Flab Dressing
Butter Beans
fefcalloped Tomatoes
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Vegetable Salad
Cherry Pie
Muffins and Biscuits
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
Supper 50 Cents
Broiled Lamb Chops
Morning Grits
Fried Potato Cake:
Hot Biscuits
ocoanut Pudding
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
Who Does The
tise today for results tomorrow.
This is the way they used the New York newspapers
■ during 1922, f ’>‘
;; :i
. - 5 ' • ' -
■ . - •
♦ Inches
‘ Evening Newspapers (Exc. Sunday) ...
Morning Newspapers (Exc. Sunday)...
.. 429,045
, Sunday Newspapers................
. . 777,004
Evening Newspapers (Exc. Sunday) ..
.. .259,372
Morning Newspapers (Exc. Sunday ..
. . . 70,458
Sunday Newspapers.............. . ....... ...
The obvious answer is the local department stores
and women’s specialty shops which regularly adver-
’■ : hi ?
Virtually the same thing is true in Chicago, Boston,
In the smaller cities and towns the evening newspa
pers generally cany the balk of direct result adver
tising. 'i 4 ’ V' /" '
National advertising is a groupping of hundreds or
by thg gse of evening newspapers.
ns- “
Athens, Georgia
q ' v..
r .*
The shove facts were published by; {TM %
Editor and Publisher, of March 10th', 19SS.'
h f
i bi
-yirk Globa Is
»i(f.K30vf *hK :I