Newspaper Page Text
InvMttgatt Todayl T.
To Regular Subacrlbara
THE bannbr-heralo
11,000 Aecioont poncy rroa.
Daily and Sunday—18 Casta a W*#k.
Katabltshcd 1811
Dafly aa faUay-ll mm ■ JTM,
Cooler with likely showers
Fair an Cool. ' *
VOL. 91. r NO. 62
Aaaoclatad Press Service
Troops May Be Sent .
Tb Protect Lives Of
Witnesses In Probe
\ (By Associated Press.)
TALLAHASSEE,—Troops should be sent to Dixie
county to . protect the lives of state witnesses when the
trial of Walter Higginbotham, charged with first degree
murder in connection with the death of Martin Tabert, of
Munich, N. D., is called May 16, declared Representative
C. H. Kennerly in reporting Thursday to the joint legis
lative committee of his trip to Clara yesterday:
•If th** prosecution brings wit
down there for the trial
their lives wdn’t be safe," Mr. Ken-
nf rlv told the committee, "and if
members of •this comtnitee are
obliged to go there again, /troops
should be sent with them.” he add-
The representative /elated in
II bow he.and Representative
j„hn day Smith, comprising a sub
were greeted VVednes-
r <iy convicts and guards and that
n m*d men when they arrived to
Tabert's grave.
Taking the stand, witnesses testl-
having witnessed the flog-
„f Tabert by Higginbotham
lays before the youth died.
Th**y said it took place before 80
convicts and guards and that
f,0 to 119 blows were given,
some saying they stopped counting
after the fiftlsth was delivered. It
also brought out thnt Higgin
botham placed his heel on Tab-
•h neck, pressing the boy’s face
,»the ground In order to keep his
body stilly
makes report
epresentatlve Keiyt#rly. making
official report os spokesman foi*
MI% subcommittee that visited Clara
Wwlnesday, related ths actions of
o-called reception committee
ils Arthur Johnson, a negro.
and former convict at the Putnam
Lumber compupY- Clara, which is
Taylor county and Cross City,
located in Dixie, the adjoining
county, are owned by the Putnam
Lumber company and inhabited by
employees, the committe leern-
ATHENS, GA* FRlDArJlPBIL 27, 1923.
N. E. A Carvlet
Single CoptM ■ Cute Dally, B .Cute Sunday.
iFive Explosions In
Ruhr Thursday Most
Famous Bible Teacher
Grips Large Audience
At First Methodist on
Thursday Night.
Young People Hear Dr. P.
C. Morgan Saturday
Night At 8 O’clock. Big
Crowd to Attend.
Robert W. Woodruff, of!
Atlanta, "Slated to Be|
Next President of Coca-;
When I arrived at Clara,” said
Mr. Kinnerly, "ttfe car the negro
n n. aurroundtd by a '.rowf
Ot from 16 to M man highly excited.
It Memad to me that avery one of
them had n nun. I wae told that
a, toon na the auotnoMIe In which
Jhhneon and Mr. Smith, the othet
member of tho aubcommltt.4 were
In, drew up (o the Clara Mercan.
tile eatabUahmant William Fisher,
superintendent of tho lumber com
pany. stuck hie ftngr In the negro'i
face and said;
Now you point out that grave
and be d sure you point out
the Vight place.'"
NEW YORK—Robert W. Wood
ruff, vice president of the White
company, and son of Ernest Wood
ruff. of Atlanta, .will be chosen
president pf the Coca-Cola com
pany to succeed Charles Howard
Candler, who will he made chair
man of the advisory committee, 'nt I
a meeting of the directors of tne
company in Atlanta Saturday it was
I definitely learned late Thursday.
For a number of years Mr. Wood
ruff was Atlanta district manager
of the White company, manufac
turers of motor trucks. It was in
recognition of his phenomentl suc
cess in that position that he was
elevated to the office of vice pres*
ident, which place he has held for
several years, being located at thi
general headquarters at Cleveland,
Robert W. Woodruff, only 33
years of age. Is already an out
standing figure among business
men of the country. He Is a
grandson of the late Robert
Winship, of Atlanta.
What will probably he the
largest and most enthusiastic
meeting for young people eve>
held in Athens will begin Sat-
urdey night at 8 o’clock- at the
HiUe Conference. Dr. P. C
Morgan will have chargo of the
Dr. Lcn O. nroughton will
preach Friday night and Dr. O.
Campbell Morgan Sunday after
noon at 4 o'clock.
Miss Nell Hodgson, of Athens.
“The Commerce of Christianity*
was the theme of Dr. G. Campbell
Morgan’s lecture whloh. was de
livered before a large and eager
audience af the First Methodist
church Thursday night
Not a sound stirred tho air savo
the inspiring voice ot the speaker,
as this master teacher ot the
Biblee told the people ot Athens ot
the great opportunity of Christians
of today to “Prosecute the com
merce of heaven on earth."
Choosing his text from the Gth
chapter of Paul to the Ephesians—
“Redeeming the time because the
days are evil," Dr. Mprgan Inter
preted these words of Paul aa
.the opportunities for the
He married days are harmful." and forcefully
Serious For Months STflTEMEWTTB MAKE Injured In Great Fire
(By Anooiaud p™,,.) Miss Ramey Returns
DUSSELDORF—Five separate bomb explosions on j From New York Trip,
Ruhr railroads during Thursday night completely cut' alil Where She Identifies
railway, telegraph and telephone communications and ! fhnnmnn'a “Aides "
temporarily disorganized traffic, it was stated here Friday I **
French headquarters stated that
tHe bomb explosions caused the
most serious damage since the be
ginning of the Ruhr occupation.
During the Confusion, it was re
ported, the Germans made a series
,of attempts to run the customs bar
riers into interior Oermuny.
Largo quantities ot goods which
the Germans were trying to get in
to interior Germany during tho ex-
dynamite the Dortman-
Em- Canal, but the attempt
oply partially successful and the
dAm.'iK? wu£* remedied in quick
tithe, thus saving embarrassment
to the French officials as most of
the water-way traffic of the Ruhr
Is, routed through this canal.
After the attempt on the canal.
It was thought that tho Germane
would possibly cease their efforts
Hospital Authorities State
That Nurse Has No
. Statement to M a k e.
Stood Trip Well.
No news has been heard from
to hinder traffic in and out of the j New York relative to the develop
citemenLJn their efforts to dodge .Ruhr, but the latest development J moots In the Chapmnn case it was
the taxes on the articles were 1 has the occupation authorl-1stated Friday morning by federal
'Mi x
slezed by the French officials and j tits that
held for further instructions. jktpt
A short time ago an attemept was I wnya.
IfCT Tfl Annual Rumor and
^ Annual Denial of
TEAM (Dead Body Scare
Johnson had been ordered to pro
wd with the committee to Clara
by the Joint committee to point out
the spot where he claimed Tabert
first burled. He testified be
fore the committe that he was one
of the four man that prspared the
youth's body for burial and had nct-
l os one of tho attendants.
Kepi esentativa Kennerly told of
how Johnson * became frightened
(Turn to Pago Thrto)
Damage Suit of $79,700
Filed As Result of Col
lision When Two Were
ATLANTA, Ga.—Suit «U filed
; ilarkeavllle Thursday against
Southern railway company by
■h - - J- n. Jackson of Clarkesvllle.
*M his son. Ernest W. Jackson,
»nd his daughter, Oma’Lee Jack-
ten. growing out of the collision
.t Cornelia on. March 81st lsst be
tween a Southern railway pasaen-
t.r train andr an automobile In
shlrh Mrs. J. B. Jackson and her
twelve-year-old son. J. B. Jack-
j r , were killed, and Ernest
*'• Jackson and Oma Lee Jackson
seriously injured.
Seven suits were filed by At.
torneys Reuben R. Arnold and
“wry Arnold, ot Atlanta, tad
Howard Thompson, of Oalneavllle,
lor (he parties mentioned—one
•"It being for 889.000 for the death
of Mrs Jackson; another suit for for the death of J. 8.
Jackson, Jr., another suit by
brnest w. Jackson for $6,000 for
peraonal injuries; another suit by
Dr. Jackson tor 82,000 tor the In
juries to his minor son, Ernest W.
Jackson, another suit by Dr. Jack-
'"n and still another suit by Dr.
his minor danghtsr, Oma Lee Jack-
*°0; and Stun another suit by Dr.
Jackson for $700 for the lose ot
the automobile.
.Negligence Is charged against
the Southern railway In falling to
a,i Ptuper signals'In approaching
' rose,nig In exceeding the
jMe.1 n m | t flln) b _ the town or
dinance and in telling to observe
£• tcqalressents of the Georgia
“h>w Dost lew.
»«*.*■*■ tried et the
Southern Mfg. Co. Band
? fiil Render Musical
rogram on University
Campus At 4 O’clock.
brought out the thought that ex.
IsUng evil Is to the ChrlsUsn an
opportnlty. -
“The bulk of man'e work today Is
necessarily materltl" be salo,
“The race of life today la against
the Christian life If your goal Is
solely the development of your
own ChrlsUsn Character."
A bend concert, tor the benefit
of the Salvation Army here, will be
given on the University Campus by
the Southern Manufacturing com
pany band Sunday arternoon.
Tho concert will begin at four
o'clock and the admission will be
ust what anyone wants to put Into
the tambourine. The following pro
gram will be rendered:
Gentry's (Triumphal, (March.)
"A Night In Jnne” (Serenade.)
“Marltana” (Overture.)
“That Dreary" (Walts).
Qnartett. from Rlgoleto.
Ten minute intermission.
"Colossos of Columbia" (March).
O Sole Mlo. Cornet 8olo by
Poet and Peasant (Overture.)
Passing ot the Red Man (Novel-
t5 TJio Devil in the Deep Blue Sea.
Star Spangled Banner.
Saying that the man who has
only his own spiritual good at heart
Is "In danger of hell," the speaker
showed that the real work of the
(Turn to Page Three)
Cooper to Head
Singers Again
Man Who Walked Out of
Federal Court Here Is
Back. Gets Ten Days
Extra For His Trip.
Athens Man Re-elected
President of John B.
Vaughn Memorial Asso
ciation At Session Here.
^hjust term of' Habersham en-
*25* court at Clarkesville.
Optometrists of N. E. Ga.
Meet Here. Believe in
Properly Fitted Glasses.
Come Again in June.
Officers for the John D. Vaughn
Memorial AssoclaUon which met
here Thursday to pay respect to
the memory of tho late music and
■bong composer, were re-elected by
the members at the business ses
sion with the exception ot vice
president B. H. Collier, of Jeffer
son who is succesdsd by Jewett
The officers ore: L. W. Cooper,
Athens, preaidant; J. L. Pcndley,
Athens, secretary-treasurer, J. L.
Moore, Bethlehem, chaplain; vice
presidents, W. T. Hamilton, Ath
ens; E. B. Wells, Wstklnsvllle; J.
W. Brown, Danlelsvllle, and B. H.
Meadow, Colbert
The members of the nasoctaUon
met at.the Y. M. C. A. where spngs
were sung memormllslng the com-
1 poser. A new program committee
' was appointed - composed of the
following: A. M. Wells, Oconee; L.
It Sheridan, Oglethorpe; J, a.
Cornwell, Madison; G. W. Shtw,
Jackson; J. H. Wheeler, Barrow,
J. L. Pendley, Clarke.
ResponalblUty for failure ot
three-fourths so-called dull school
children making progress In study
Is laid to defective eyesight by
members of the Northeast Qeorgla
Optometrists association who met
here Thursday for a conference.
The purpose of the Association,
the only district Optometrical as
sociation In Georgia, is to educate
the people of this section to the
need of wearing property fitted
glasses. The association relieves
that moch of the "dullness" among
school children could be eliminated
of the detects In eyesight were
The association will meet In
Athens again In June. Among the
members of tbs association attend
ing the convention in 1 Athens
president. Hartwell; H. D. Booles,
Atlanta) W. L. Belcher. Cornelia;
L. L. Tribble, Monroe, .Go.; P. H.
Hughes, commerce, G*.; J. L.
Pendley. 11. P. Flckett. W. A.
Capps of Athens. Mr. Pendley le
vice president, Mr. Flckett. secre
tary and Mr. K«ppa. treasurer. It
wee decided to hold meetings of
the association every ninety dnys.
W. A. Fulcher, Jackson county
man who left fch^ federal court
room hero Wednesday . fternoon
before sentence could be Imposed
was found Thursday and brought
before Judge Sibley.
Fulcher stated he was In Athens
with a borrowed team and while
awaiting sentence for violation of
the prohibition lew became fright
ened lest he could not get the con
veyance back to Its owner and
day Imprisonment for contempt of
court and fined $150 for violation
of the prohibition law.
The following cases were dls
posed of Thursday:
Frank Sutton, Habersham conn y,
distilling, acquitted.
. Roe Gerrln, Habersham county;
manufacturing whiskey; plead
guilty; 4 months.
Lester Gerrln, Habersham coun
ty; manufacturing whiskey, verdict,
fine ot 125.00 or 16 days.
Charlie Demeron, Jackson coun
ty; possessing whiskey, acquitted.
Theodore Edwards, White coun
ty; manufacturing whiskey; plead
guilty; <0 days.
tysrlow Smith. Habersham coun
ty; manufacturing whiskey, plead
gutltd, 60 days.
.Roy McMillan, Habersham coun
ty; verdict, ftqe, (40.00.
Changing of Chlorine in
City Water, Signal For
Many Different Rumors
There has been an unfntiwl-
ed rumor to the effect that a
dead man was found in the
water works reservoir which
has rJitised considerable alarm
on the part of the citizens. )
wish to set at rest any un
easiness that mny have been
'caused by this unfortunate re
port and to assume the people
|d( the purity of the w
authorities. Commissioner Hitch
cock imve attorneys for Dldato and
Hllverstein until Thursday to file
a brief on the point that has been
made that the indictment in the
federal courts here,wo* insufficient
to hold them on and cause their
return here for trial.
The two men who were alleged
to have aided Chapman in his es
cape were Identified earlier In the
week by Miss Corales Ramey, stu
dent nurse at St. Mary’s who claims
to have talked to them the day
they were here, which was the
same day Chapman escaped.
Twelve Are Dead And
Many Others Severely
(By Associated Preea.)
b i 5t?vjK j .' v
NJEW YORK—Twelve persons perished and more
than a score were seriously injured early Thursday,
when flames swept through a tenement in East 109th
street, as firemen and policemen fought to control the
flames and. rescue the occupants of the burning building.
A little family of five were i
Nurse in.Case
(By Associated Preea.)
tin, gsneral prohibition agent with
headquarters in Birmingham, who
nsiifned Wednesday bscausa he
said that he was being interfered
with In the discharge of hie duty
and who waa not being given a
free hand in the investigation of
charges against agents in Alaba-'
ma, South Carolina and ' Florida,
has been asked by Commissioner
Haynes to come to this city and
discust the charges with him- '
| Telephone calls were coming
'right and left Friday morning
Into the city engineer)], the
mayor's and the chief of po
lice'! offico and tho Banncr-
Herald and invariably the
question asked was: “la there
any truth in the report that a
dead person has been found In
tho waterworks pond?”
And just aa mvariably aa the
calls came In the answer waa
riven: "There is ho truth In
the report."
The city water the peat few
days has possessed a peculiar
taste and somewhat unpleasant
odor and some Irresponsible
person started the false report
that a dead person had been
found In the pond. One report
had It that, a negro and two
mules, all dead, were dragged
out, another said a person with
a stone tied tn him had been,
found, while atlll another im-
aglnative brain conceived the
Idea that It waa Chapman, the
escaped convict, that had sud
denly shown up, floaUng on
tho surface of the placid
waterworks pond.
But none ot the reports were
What had happened waa
simply this. In purifying the
water a certain amount of
chlorine la used and a few days
ago a fraction too much waa
applied for ths volume of
water passing through the
(Turn to Page Three)
Mitt CORALEA RAMEY, student
nurse at tt. Mary's hospital, who hat
Just returned from Now York whoro
sho wont to idontlfy two men bs<
lleved to bo Implleatod In ths .escape
of Qcrald Chapman, “millionaire ban<
' from tho hospital on tho night
of ‘April 4th.
MIps Ramey, and Miaa Johnson,
brad nurse at the hospital who ac-
com pan led her to New York, re
turned to Athens Thursday after
noon nnd Friday morning she was
“tn duty” at the hoaoltnl and had
“nothing to oay“ according to hoapl
tal authorities when a reporter of
the Runner-Herlad cfclled at the
“Miss Ramey has nothing to aay
for publication In regard to this
matter,” it was stated. “Sho stood
the trip well,” said Miaa Lake
Johnson, head nurse, who accom
panied the young women to New
York where she wont to identify
Dominick Dldato and Abo' Hllver*
stein under Indictment by tho fed-
end grand Jury. here for having
aided the elusive Chapman Jn hla
"That. Is newspaper stuff." MIp*
John not i said, when naked If Miap
Ramey Informed a New York
World reporter she had not “told
nil she knpwe" about tho Chapman
case. “When the newspapers,' 'aa-
sorted Dy. Proctor, “cannot find
out unythlng they make It up. At
present Miss Ramey has nothing to
siy in regard to her trip to New .
York or the Chnpman case. TV. 4enea of death has cauaed nation
those who were caught In the rag
ing inferno, on the fifth floor of the
tenemnet nnd burned to death.
Scores fled from the flames which
traveled over the building . like .
wild-flre, by the way of the fire
escapes, while dozens Of others, •
unable to leave the tenement, were
spectacularly rescued by the fire
men and policemen who were call
ed out. / ^
Several of the policemen and ..
firemen who entered the building
in their efforts to save the lives
of the many people trapped In tin-
burning structure were severely
burned nnd In some cases thcst»
burns may prove fatal.
Ten of those who lost thilr lives
were burned to death In the build
ing. while two others who were tch-
cued nnd removed to a
died of the burns and shock a few
hours later.
Many of the tenants, clad only
In their night-clothes fled down
the rear fire-escape, which ended
twenty-five feet above the ground
A taxi driver drove his car under
the fire escape and tho tennntH
dropped from the bottom rung of
tho fire escape to the top of the
taxi, thus saving several lives.
The list of the dead would h.ivr
been greatly swelled had it not
been for the promptness of Mi
chael Kaufman, city employee \ilu>
lived across the street from the
tenement, and who discovered the
fire and reported It.
An investigation of the fire has
been started.
Eldest Baker Brdthier
Pays With His Life, For
Murder, At LaFayette
(By Associated Press.)
LAFAYETEE—George Raker one
of ths two brothers whose ^ial
and conviction of murder and sei
waiting to see what they do
with the two muu held in connec
tion with the case. Then perhaps,
we shall make a statement for the
The student nurse, who hae x flg
ured prominently In the escape of
Chapman went to New York last
week to Identify the two alleged
confederates of the bandit She
and Miss Johnson returned Thurs
day afternoon at 4 o’clock, "Miss
Ramey stood the trip fine,” said
Miss Job noun. “She had no trouble
In identifying the two men. When
they were brought Into the court
roopi she prompily recognised
them for the court and our mission
being over we left for Athens. Mr.
Goree, the assistant district attor
ney remained to appear before the
U. S. Commissioner In connection
.with the case again.'
wide comment, paid the supreme
penalty of the law, here Friday, at
eleven* fifty-three, for the murder
of J. W. Morton an aged deputy
sheriff of Walker county.
•' Baker was brought here FHday
morning from the Floyd county
Jail nt Rome, the younger brother
being left in the Romo Jail. Rak
er's mother and father were In this
city when the execution took place
8everal hundred people crowded
around the jail as the hour of
death drew near and It was neces
sary to stretch ropes around the
building. •
Moral Reformat
emands Confession
Sin, Declares Dr.
Campbell Morgan
Opejilni? hi, lecture by gecUL
"the fundamental relntlonahlp I
tween man and God 1, that of
to hi. father," Dr. O. Can
Morgan Interpreted the .lory >
Prodigal', reception to tho
crowd auembled Thurnduy
Zen Smith, Former Athenian, Under Four Months
Suspended Sentence, Caught Thursday Night
With 63 Gallons of Whiskey. Madison
Officers Nab 229 Gallons This Week.
Col. Gantt Describes Ho,w
Machinery Is Operated.
Praises Service Given
By the Company.
Athena hiu a number of public
enterpriM., but non* more Impor
tant than the Empire Laundry,
under the management of Mr.
Heidler who has bnUt it up to
Thursday were. Frank Wilson, <, ne 0 f the beat in Gaoreia or the
south. For 19 year. Mr. Heidler
has bean in charge of our laundry
and has continued to add improve
ments until hla plant la th* last
thing in the laundry Una. It
would well repay arty one to go
through our laundry.:kod am Its
machinery and thorough system.
And abdva all it is elaanUneta. and
(Turn to Page Threw)
Sentenced to four monthq im
prisonment for making liquor a fev
days ago, and allowed to go back
home to “make a crop," Zen Smith,
former Athenian waa captured
with a car load of whiskey by
Madison county officers late Thurs
day night.
The officers also got the man
with Smith, who gave bis name a*
“Beusse.” The capture of the li
quor runners who had 6S gallon*
of contraband with them, wai
made in upper Mn4* son county
sentence of four months imprison
ment was imposed but the defend
ant was niiowed. upon idea, to
turn to his home un^il August
make a crop.
Capture of Km'th with C3 gallon*
of boose bring mc t-tui gallon*
o( whiskey captured by Madison
county • officers this week to two
hundred and twenty-nine. The
other cars were captured Tuesdaj
night, one loaded with 93 gallon*
nnd the other with 7i gallons.
The officers, Elmer McCannon,
county policeman; Sheriff Hall, and
Deputies Williams, Lie I ney and
Charlie Nelms wsro lying hidden
along the roadside when the big
automobile driven by Smith and
his companion, swept into sight.
No trouble was given by the rum
runners and thsy are held In the
Madison county uu
Smith waa found guilty of mak
ing the present term of court. A
in gtht present term of court A
A stiff fight was put up by oc-
cupants of one liquor when
the officers “Jumped’ '*hen> am’
they W'ere chased to the Madison^
Jackson county line. While the or
fleers were busy with the prisoneri
from eno capture another bootleg
car swept past, it is de^'-red. Ralph
Smith, an Alliens mat.. w;pi cap
ture^ in the haul wiade a fe* niahtt
ggo by the Madison offhmx
Athens officers l>elleve that th«
liquor runner# were bringing the
Boys and Girls From
Twelve District Schools
Busy With Annual Con
tests. Ends Saturday.
After an *11 day Mislon Friday
In which contata were hew in
cthletic*, music, essay writing and
resiling, ths District Agricultural
School annual state mating ‘will
resume it* work Saturday morning
et 8 o'clock.
The first exercise on the pro
gram for Saturday is the cham
pion debate and recitation contest
tn the State College of Agricul
ture auditorium.
At 9 o'clock will come the stock
judging contest at tha hog barn
Just aa tha death march, was
starting young Baker called out
to those auembled below, “I am
not guilty of murder. I advise you
all to keep out or trouble. I'm
going now, boys, good-bye.” And
with theu word, he passed on down
the little corridor to hla death.
' The trap waa sprung nt eleven
fifty-three, the body being eul
down olxteen minutes later and
Baker pronounced dead.
All day Thursday, Hie Floyd
county jail waa crowded with peo
ple. Some really trying to he of
service or moved by pity for the
condemned boy, but the moat of
them just morbidly curious and
wishing to get a look at the man
whose life was to he emitted out
Throughout the day tho father,
mother, sisters and brothers of
Oaorge. Baker stayed at the jail and
aa the ten-thirty hour approached.
noon at the Athena Blbl.
enco, and brought out tho
meaning of the narrative t
subject, “The Wolcomo Bi
voluntary deirartun
God." Dr. Morgan declared,
proof of Insanity; a return
Is proof of sanity.
Tho parable of tho
just ae much ths
Tho Perfect Futher.” Just
human story. It Is so n.ilu:
simple, so true to the best
man nature, that the fluent 1
of man recogjiUo. it da tho
of humanltjr.
Tho forgiveness,of tho
he went on to say,
terpretatlon of tho all
toward the repenting ...
nnd I would have known the ]
gal' had we seen him afar.
J ; had before been
. th Mm. But bis ft
'him! And that la tha
God. The moment the soul
tremblingly back to Him
knows; Ho hasn’t forgotten.
the doelng of the jail to visitor*,
the real agony of the last farewells
became more apparent.
The little mother, tryinlg to be
brave, both for her sou's sake and
(Turn to Pago Three)
"For God Is eager for tho home*
coming of the sinner. Ho is net
an imperial potentate waiting on
his throne to give, him a haughty
welcome. No! Lika the fatii. r "t
the prodigal* Ha runs U
sinner and welcome# him
arras. Read the story
you Will aea that the father •
wait for reformation' before i
frienda with the prodigaL_
ceived him aa he waa.
the true tether, and j
Saturday, lit the week-end shap-
after which will follow the groom-1 Ma^ af
in* at the cavalry barn and corn' ™ * ** h9 * 9 :™'
Judging in the agronomy labors- *
judging in the agronomy
try. •
At 9 o'clock the girl, represent
Ing the twelve district agricultural
vchoole will meet in Soule Hall
md then will take place the food
contest, clothing contert and poul
try judging latar in the- poultry
niant, and buttermaking contest in
the dairy laboratory.
At 11:30 the final session will
be held in the auditorium at which
time the dcclamtion contest will
be held and prises delivered to
winners in the various contests.
oontrahand to thi. city, .Augusts The participants in the state meet
and Atlanta. , ’<t - are winners in the contest! held at
. Zen Smith at one time lived Ir the various college* during the
Athene but now rcridea on the yi nr. s
Madison county near ~
nr. ,
Over two hundred visitor* are
here for the: annual contest*. >
It Is safs to My that tonight
moat Bann.r.Hwald die
going to .hop In Tho Banner-
Hsrsld before they mart out to
shop tomorrow In tho a tores of
presses i
pfrnaoe i
But the lens* of guilt must
present. Dr. Morgan .believes,
fore the homecoming can he i
Pleioi , . , i ti
“All moral reformation,” he
firmed, '‘demand! the confe
of »Igj; In the parable ot tho i
gal. Jesus shows what God i
quires; a confession
"The greatest Inspiration S
Christian service,” Dr. Morgan de
clared In closlug. "la to restore (lie
prodigal son to his Father."
It will pay you to road tho
store now# and buslntos an-
nouncements of Athens stores In
tonight’# Oannsp-Hsrsid.