Newspaper Page Text
HUUAV. APRIL 27. 1923:
GEORGIA—Clark. County!
E> . virtue ot an order of the Court
(irilinnry^oi'*te*d county, will be
". j ‘. lt public outcry, on tho first
iL.u'av in M«>'. »»» « > h « 0*n
In *hid county, within the
1 .. . hours of sale, the following
“aV'.-iute situate In Clarke County.
n ’V r Sat 2~>C Hill Street fronting
„,-i Street 00 feet, on west .’9.3
north 79.3 feet, and on cant,
‘ 1JV Five rmgn house thereon.
Tprrr s cash.
v, I property Is advertised and Is
v,i«l as that ot th$ estate of Jf
**' n ; ,rl»in. deceaaed.
‘ T ‘ nd day of Aprlh 1923.
vlmlnistrator of J. A. Harbin.
Mount Airy. Ga.
a nr. 6-13-20-27.
cEO RGiA~Ol«rJce County:
Will be sold before the Court llouso
r ii ^ald state and county during
Z legal tor s-lea on the first
* |. iy in'Slay. 1923, to the highest
bidder f<>r rash, the following dc-
‘ , property, to-wlt:
That house and lot together with
.. improvements thereon, situate.
?-me and being In the 216th District.
1 >f riarke County. Georgia, be-
d the western limits of the city
of Atbeiis. and being bounded on the
ft.rth by a certain unknown street;
‘ the West by an unknown street;
™ the North by what la known ar.
I he Wade estate f on tho East by
the property known ns the George
ja« ks. n l**t. and being a part of lots
‘ an ,j eight of Flannigan’s re-sur-
,,f Wheelers survey of the prop-
rr ty formerly kttbwn as the Athens
park and Improvement Co! Said
, ant ilt „i survey being recorded In
!L, k ’ Folio SS5 I" tb® Clorll'n
( ffi,e of the Superior Court of said
rot:i)t>; and nfco being a part of the
trart deeded by.tMrs. Wade to Minor
W. Brown, and being more fully dc-
rjhe ,j | t , deed from Mrs. M. L.
|L ni . to Mrs. Com A. Whitehead.
r ,.,ord In Deed Hook 9, Folio
OEORQIA—Clark* county:
There will be sold on the first
Tuesday In May, 1923, before the*
Court Houae door In Clarke County,
Georgia, between the legal hours of
•ale. to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described property.
All that lot of laud situate. lying
and being In said State aud County
and on the Northeast corner of
Hancock Avenue and Church Street
in the City of Athens; this lot begin
nlng at a certain post corner between
property deeded and property sold
E. K. Lumpkin, Jr., and thence
runnbig along, Church Street In a
Pouthdrly direction some 140 feet T
more or less, to Hancock Avenue;
(hence extending along .Hancock
Avenue In an easterly direction some
142 feet, more or less, to the prop
erty of Charlie Campbell; thence
•Along this property to a fence divid
ing the property deeded from the
property gold to E. K. Lumpkin. Jr.,
some 125 feet, more or less, thence
from this |>olnt In a westerly direc
tion to* the beginning point on Church
This lot being bounded on the West
by Church Street, on the South by
Hancock Avenue, on the East by
property of Campbell and on the
North by property sold to E. K.
Lumpkin, Jr.
Tills property has been levied upon
an the property of E. M. Drown un
der an execution Issued on the fifth
day of March, 1923, from the City
Court of Athens in favor of llelen
Sprout vs. the said E. M. Brown.
rill be sold for the purpose of
satisfying said execution.
Deed for the purpose of levy and
•ale has been first filed am
is provided by law, and
this levy In being given to the dc
fondant In fl fa., who Is the tenan
This 6th day of April, 1923.
Sheriff, Clarkn County.
Apr 6-13-20-27.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
To All Whom 1L Mrs Concern;
L. B. Moon, Hie duly -constituted
Administrator of the Estate of O. T.
Moon, having made application for
leave to sell all of the personal prop
erty and all of the real estato of C
Moon, late of *aid County, de
ceased :
This is therefore to cite ail perrms
to show cause, if any " thev may
have, at the May term. 1923, the
Court nf Ordinary of Clarke County.
Georgia, why said Administrator
should not be granted leave to sell
all of the personal property and real
estate of the said C. T. Moon, de
ceased. said real estate being fully
described* In petition of said • Admin
istrator, which Is «#f ..file Ifi this of
fice. Said application Is made for
the purpose of paying the debts of
said deceased and making distribu
tion among his heirs at law.
This April 12th, 1923.
It. C. ORR.
Ordinary. Clarke County, Ga.
Attorney for L. B. Moon. Admin
Apr 13-20-27. May 4.
i Whom It May* Concern:
All creditors of the estate of Mrs.
icy Wells Talmadgo. deceased, are
dulrcd to file their claims with the
iderslgned, and all persons Indebt-
to said estate are requested to
make Immediate payment.
■In April 13. 1923.
13-20-27, May 4-U-1H.
Around Athens
With Col. T, Larry Gantt
MATERIAL is naw being de
livered for the auditorium connect-
. ith the High School. The
structure will coat around 140,000,
and be a handsome building. Su-
t>erintendent Bond says the High
Schpol has about doubled In at
tendance the past tliree years and
ovor 600 .pupils. The
Is so crowded-that there
is_ not room for even studying.
T)he trinlitorium will be used as a
place of study as also ah overflow
of classes. Mr. Bond says when tho
new buildings are completed Ath
ens will bo well fitted with school
facilities for years to come. The
Chase street school is nearing
completion and work is being
pushed on the Lumpkin street
MR. W. T. LESTER, of Miami.
property levied on and to li
; the property of Mrs. .Cora /
under a fl fa lashed frot
■ u),,it obtained by Mr.*.. Clara »'
.11 against the raid Mrs.
y Whitehead at tho Octolier
1 ;ijj, ( >f Clarke Superior Court.
,! from Mrs. Clara Ilrlglitwrll
: r«ra A- Whitehead convcy-
;„.l described property was
.1 before levy won made. No-
„vy ulv..n to Ml* Ohra A.
Ui*1- tfinont In possession
ApHl’Wr. IMS.
w. K. JACKSON, Sheriff.
IT-20-27. * .
CORGI A—Clarke County:
Will l»e Mold before the Court House
i*or In said County, on the first
Tuesday in May, 1923, within the
rs of rale, to the highest
•Idder for cash, the following dc-
teribed properly:
All that tract or parcel of land In
the City of Athens. on the South
side of Athens Avenue, said lot
fronting 51 1-i feet on raid Avenue,
%nd running back 120 feet. The name
lot No. 113 in the
,.f I
[0RGIA—Clarke County: ...
, the frlst Tuesday located
i thfc Court House three ri ——-
.1,1 county, between tho Snia land levied on a. the froperlj
,. the blithest of E. M. Brown to satisfy -an exeen-
following do- tlon Issued from the City Court
to wit• Athena, February Term, 19-3,
d' “.-half interest In favor of Ze.ln J. Stick!, and Helen G
i m o, lot trust or-parrel of Blair, Executrix** of the esjatc of
I that lot, tract or par™ A . Jukes, deceased.
ed. lylnB nnd bclW l«rt.» , „„jJ. CUl | m Deed for purpose" ot
Of Clarke nnd State of <hor- |eyy an( , M]e li|c4 an d recorded as
miles North of Ath- ln , a b} . „ Wi a nd due and leptl
- Newton Bridge public g , vw( , Q , h , defe „dant In fl.
. adjoining lands of—. • Bar- tenant In posse,.Ion.
K Moore and others a. well ^ „ 6th , 1M j,
icing bounded on one side by me E> JACKSON
River, containing one hun- sh
wenly teres, more or less. 8 .,j.Lst.
1 ami twenty arrea, inuio • -
describe! by mete* and bounds
ittimcnclng at a Water Oak cor-
.n the t)conee River, the saine
: the corner of tho Barber land,
running thence NME 51.61 to n
corner, thence 826% E 29.60 to a
corner, thence N79E 7.58 to ft
enter, thence 885GW 7.58 to ft
corner, thence 882W 42.60 to
Vonce River, thence up the
dorlngs of the .Oconee River tq
comer of commencement nnd
1 designated •» Lot No. 1, of the |lIluuiM _
vision, of the W. M. nnd Huldn Uam|| on MUtle Oooshy’s estate
In land*, «s per plat of survey witness my hand und official slg
by* C. B. Chandler.* Surveyor, nature> iMft 7th day of April. 1923.
eptember 28th. 1920” r. C. ORR, Ordinary,
1 property I* levcd upon and to Apr j3.2p.j7 May 4.
Id a* the i»roperty of Mr*. Huldft ■ ——
i satisfy a flfa Issued from OE oROIA—qiarke County:
■Ity r,,urt of Athene in favor of
t in possession,
i April bth, 1923.
U.TER i; JACKSON, Sheriff.
.... to-wlt:
that, traet of land, situate. q^qroIA—Clarks County:
>f Lumpkin, Burnett and Fow
ler, lying between Barber Street and
tho Northeast Railroad (Southern
Railroad). A map of which made b>
J. H. 1 under nnd recorded in tin
office of tlie Clerk of the Superio:
Court of Clarke County. Georgia, m
Book HH, page and on which b
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Will be sold before the court house
..jor of said County on Monday. May
f 14. 1923. at 12 o’clock noon, at public
auction, to the highest bidder for
cash, sixty-eight (68) shalea of the
capital stock of The Webb-Crawford
Company, the same being represented
bv certificate No. 48 for 34
shares of said stock and certificate
No. If>3 for 31 shares of said v*t«»‘ k.
Said stock having been pledged to
the undersigned by E. H. Youngkin.
deceased. In Ills lifetime as collat*
era! security for two notes aggre
gating the principal bum of |4.ft00.00,
besides interest, ujion which the said
Youngkin in liable as maker, and one
note for the principal .sum of $1,100.00.
besides interest, upon which the said
I'liungkln Is liable ns surety.
Said stock will lie sohl In pursu-
nice of s«*ctlon 3530 of the Code of
leorgla for the purpose of satisfying
aid Indebtedness.
Thin 12th day of April. 1923.
By John J. Wilkins, President
Sheriff, Clarke County.
GEORGIA—Clark# County:
To All Whom It May Concern:
Ann. WUU.m. h.v,ni taJWJ „ n a ,hut tb. child
form applied to w ulvrn the nam. of Helen Grae.
iAetters of Administration on ir.e
estate of Mlttle Gooshy. lato of sabl
County, this la to elte all nnd slnKuIar ^ ll0 lias , cd upon a t tho
the creditors nnd next r j u j y term, 1923. of the Superior
M,«l. OnMbF to *n« »P^" c“ urt of said county, nnd the father
my offlco within the time nllow - . n|) molhfr „ a |,| ,.|,u,). whomsoever
law, and show cause, If a . > n nd .Mrs. George Baker,
can. why permanent administration u
should not bo granted to Annn WH-
At to
Apr 13-20-27, May 4-11.
STATE OF GEORGIA—Clarke County .
T«» Mrs. George Baker, tho unknown {
parents, and any and n*I other person
,r r-crsfins. concerned;
Tou arc hereby notified that on the
Sib day <4 March. 1923. a female
■hlld. about one nnd one •■nlf months
,f ago. was abandoned In said state
nul county, having been left In n
•oom of the Ggofglan Hotel by a
roman rcglstcrcl under tb» name of
Mrs. George Baker. Macon, da.
That the parents of said child are
unknown—that the wild child has
icon abandoned by Its unknown
At rents and now becomes domiciled
n said state and county.
That L. C. Cornellson, lias filed In
the Superior Coqrt of qa!d county,
his petition, wherein he prays for an
,rder of court declaring said child to
io the adopted child of tho said L
Cornellson. and callable of Inher
Chats With Your
Gas Man
You often hear it said that a
public utility company “is staked
to the ground and can’t blow
away." This Is literally true.
Wte began ' business here
many years ago and we are still
here und expect to stay in
definitely. Our money is all in-
vest?d here. Our plant to here.
Our mains and services arc hero
and they cannot bo dug up and
laid somewhere else.
Our sole field of activity is
right here in Athens. All tho
business we will ever get wo
must get from this community.
If It prospers, we prosper. If it
fails, we fail.
In It any wonder, then, that
we are so tremendously Interest
ed ip tho welfare of Athens and
l.nt our standing in this com
munity is a matter of life or
death to us ,
Athens Gas Light &
Fuel Co.
Phone 54
Pyorrhea sufferers, millions
losing their teeth
Pyorrhea is contagious and
spreading daily.
Stop Pyorrhea now. Call and get
Free Instructions, how to get
rid of Pyorrhea.
rnstructlonn given by Hygcntc
Experts* Used and recommend
ed by the laboratory of tho
Edwards Dentist Supply. If,
UNABLE TO CALL nnd person-
illy see Instructor, send GO cents
for a largo bottle o. PANOL
for Pyorrhea with full directions
for treating tho, diseases of
Palmer Drug Store,
Athens, Ga.
ulation of 40,000, and About as
many winter tourists. The place
liua some, of the finest hotels in
tlio world/with rites at high as
$50 por day for rooms. Mh Lester
is connected with the Clyde Steam
ship Company. He says from the
way Miami is growing? in the next
decade it will have a population of
200.000. The sea breeze cooIb the
atmosphere and every ni^ht the
people sleep under blankets.
MR. • HUB FLEMING, who has
been so desperately sick that his
Fla., son of Mr. Tol Lester, spent life was despaired of, this week
a couple of days this week with ! visited friends and relatives in
his father. He suyg that Maimi is Athens, but on Wednesday left for
only 25 years old and has a pop- his home at Klsslmee, Fla. Hub is
thin but otherwise is looking re
markably well. His many friends
were sure delighted to see him.
He will return to Athens later in
the season. He owns a fine orange
aiyl. grapefruit grove on a lake
jncar Kissimmee, a place largely
j settled by Georgians.
! FARM LANDS around Athens
' are .getting in active demand and
sales are weekly made. Prices
have not much declined since
boom times. Tho “Rehabs” attend
ing college here are buying small
farms art^ind the city. Mr. J. T.
Anderson sold one a place on the
Commerce road and two others. Mi*.
Wilson, of Augusta, and Mr. Fuller
of Cleveland, Ohio, are both look
ing for small farms. Some fifty or
more of the young soldiers, some
from (he north and west, have de
cided to permanently locate in our
section and embark in dairying and
the curb market will open on Sat
urday, May Bth, and continue from
7 to 11 n. m. The market will be
held on the block of Broad street
between College avenue and
Lumpkin street fronting the
campus. Farmers and their wives
ore requested to bring In any and
all kinds of produce they may have
for sale and our citlisens and groc
ery merihants will meet them and
buy this produce fresh and direct
from the farm. Of course the open
ing will not be what this curb
market is destined to become when
v ell inaugurated.
MR. KIDD, former sheriff of
d Hart county, was in the city this
week in attendance on the Federal
court He says the oil excitement In
bis county has about subsided and
It Is not mucli discussed. But the
general impressions Is that sdme
, inflamablo substance is under the
'earth in Franklin, but no one
knows what it Is. That gasoline
found in cerain wells was not a
“plant” as some charge.
South Georgia this week say the
whole country-to ofeing planted in
cotton and farmers hope to make
it all. They |iave been able to make
about hah a crop despite the boll
weevil. Not so many negroes hale
left that part of Georgia as in
this section. Provision crops*are
being neglected lor the staple.
Farmers in this section had better
take warning and go light on cot
ton. A bumper crop will not sell
for near so much as a short crop.
L A. Bradberry To
Move From Athens
L A. Bradbury, well known
traveling salesman naa accepted a
position with a concern which wlU
require his removal trom Athene
to Oreenvllle, S. C.
Mr. Brad burry left Friday for
Oreenvllle to take up his reeldenco
In that city.
May 7th, 8:S0 P. M„ Colonial
Theatre. Over ISO In the Cast.
Superb production. adv.
and all other
Products are
obtainable at
Underwood |
Underwood Typewriter Co,ln
PARTIES who have Tleited
Testimonial from
High Authority
is. In favor of To AU whom I! May Concern: ,
against Mrs. Hutda’ j JJ Krumrlnc having In proi*r
n, an,I against «al,l described f#r ^ app |icd to mo for Permanent
rty. Dead filed nnd recorded „[ Administration on tni
jrjsise of levy and sale. .Legal ^ lla[c chaa. H. Krumrlnc, Jr., late
Riven defendant^ In fl fa and County, this Is to cite oil nnd
singular the creditors and next or
kin of Chaa. H. Krumrlne. Jr„ to he
and appear at my office within the
tlmo allowed by law, and show
- —- enure. If any they can. why perma-
OIA—Clark, county: n , nt administration ahould not be
he sold before the Court House Rrante j to J. H. Krumrlno on saw
in Clarke County. Georgia, on fcrt ate.
r«t Tuesday In May, 1923, be- witness my hand and official slg*
the legal houra of sale, at this Hit day of March, ID—.
outcry, to tho highest bidder It. C. ORB. Ordinary
the following described Apt ij.,o-S7 May t.
a* being In said Slato and To A] | whom lt May Concern
and in the nuburb of the Mary tou Fowler having.^ In
Athms,-known na Brooklyn, prope r form applied to me for P—-
met forming a parallelogram mane „, Letter, of Administration
u tut No. t. In survey of (he c>u te of John W. Fowler, late of
.mhpkta’; having a frontage of County, this Is to clt. all and
s and J7H llnkn on road bo- ,, ngu |Br tho creditor, and next ot
Ustor and Dealing formerly, kln of j„p n tv. Fowler to ho and ap-
nnlng back 6 chains and 74 a t m y office within the time
u line of A. P. Dealing (at .|| 0 wed by luw, and show cans*, u
survey),, said lot bounded on they can, why permanent art-
th by a road. East by lot No. ministration should not be granted to
t» by bearing and Phillip MrJ( Mary jr«wter on John W.
ind West by lot No. 3, con- p oW ' ler » B cat atc.
l'a acres and being property witness my hand and official slg
by Mary Heard to Claude th „ - t h day of April. 192’’
t October 23rd, 1911, and re- u ORR. Ordinary
in Book No. 11, page 15. office 13-20-27 May 4.
v of Superior Court, Clarke «•
Georgia.” GEORGIA—Clarke County:
ariic to be sold by tbe under- T) whom It May Concern:
as the property of Claude j, hereby given that A. B.
t. In pursuance of a pojver of „„ n ,t m iinHtrat»r of Ben Langs-
imined In a security deed
well ns nil other person or per
I sons concerned, nro hereby command
led 13 be t;nd appear at tbe next term
of the Superior Court to bo holdon
In and for said county on tho third
Monday In July. 1923, then ard there
to show cause, if any they can, ifrhy
the child In question should not be
declared to lio Jhe adopted child of
the petitioner, and given tho name
• f Helen Grace Cornellson, as prayed
Witness the Hon. Blanton Fortson,
Judge of the Superior Court of said
county, this April 12. 1923.
B. J. CRAWFORD. Clerk.
Attorneys for Petitioner.
Apr 13-27. May 11-25.
May 7th, 8:30 P. 31., Colcnial
Theatre. Over 150 in the Cast.
Superb production. " J ~
Code, as admllnstratoi
... .. - deceased, having applied .-.
said Claude Lockhart to M. . petition f«kr leave to sell the real
<ws, dated July 15th. 1919, ut# D f M id Ben Langston, de
fied In Deed Book 25, page nnd t hat an onler was made
e liffioe of the Clerk of the the April term,
Court of Clarke County. c | tallon , on d that dtctlon # 1
The said CL^ude Lockhart . i.uv nnd cr«-«litoi
**IInd a cough and wheezing In
my throat,” writes Caiollne Dillard
Petersburg,. Va. "Foley's Honey
ami Tar gave me quick relief and
•topped my cough.” Cough* re
ef the Indebtedness 7 ako nnllr « t hat 1 will pa*» “P®" suiting from Flu, Grippe Whooping
»*d> deed, this sale is a| ,plication at the May Term,.19-3. or Coug k A«M*ma and Bronchitto, j
purpose of Satisfying lh c Court of Ordinary of c,ark | e I quicker relieved with F\d«y*sHon-
esa. County; and that ey and Tip. Threw generations of!
Court of Clarke County. cItatlon 0 nd that cRrtlon issue, an
The said Claude Lockhart the heirs at law and creditors of the
ade, default with respect to .. n ea y^ngston. deceased, will
nent of the indebtedness . notice that I will P*«» u ^ n * .
I,|8 fhla Male IN ,K« Mnv Term. .1923, of
Mrs. Wilson is famed
the world Over for her won
derfully delicious cakes. They
are shipped to all parts of the
Globe for special affairs where
the best of Cakes ore demanded.
Mrs. Wilson has for
years enjoyed the distinc'
tion of making the President’s
Christinas Cake.
Mrs. Wilson’s baking
motto is:
-To have complete tncccn with
no failure*, care ahould be used V
in selection of Baking Powder."
me purpoM ot laimying th( court ol Ordinary ■» -—" I quicker rouarea with I.ilrVi lion-
•udness. County; and that unlos* “joy and "Sr. Th«. dmnathna ol
1 day of April, 1MJ., shown to tho contrary.* at laid <**-' IsatiMKd us-ra 1i*tb mad*' Foloy,
M. p. MATTHKWS, M vo will bo tranied. ilfomy and Tar Ithe largoat MUltt*
In Foot for Ctamdo Lock- m, nth day of April. 1>»- I cough tnrdioine In th* World, lto- ■
IL C. ORR, Ovdl**ry. ’f U ao mibitltuto*. Inalat upon Fol- 4
13-20-27 May 4. . - |py-».—Advertisement, __ ^
Some little time ago I made a careful study and investigation of die baking
powder (object end 1 fed fully repaid. 1 am firmly convinced from the
remits I have received that there is no baking powder to equal Calumet
tor wholcdomencrs and economy, and^I also reconAnend Calumet Baking
Powder for its never failing result*.
Mrs. Betty Lues Wilson.
Calumet received 'the Highest Awards at the World’s V
Pure Food Exposition, Chicago and Paris, France, 1912.
Sales 2 x /a times as much as that
oS any other brand