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Investlssta Todayl
To Rsgutar Subscrlbtr*
I w Accioanx rarcy rtf.
Daily and Sunday—II Casta a .Was*.
Established 1831.
DaOy Ol im«WI cm R JW*1
M Previous Close 28 >
- Continued Rainy
VOL 91-
Aseoclated‘Prase Servlca
M K. A Rarvlea
■iagla Coplaa S Crata Daily, > .Carta Boday, j'
Nine Children
In Family; All
Names Rhyme
Local Association Cops
First Place in Class “C”
in International Athletic
Contest. *
Two Athens Boys Tie For
World’s Record in Pota
to Race and Standing
COLUMBUS. Kan.—Miss Lo-
la Whitmore, register of deeds
comes of a family of nine
children. And the names in
the family are all similar. The
first three children were
named Dora, Cora and Nora. 4
The next addition was a pair*
of twins, a boy and a girl. So
they were named Flora and
Mora. There were four other
girls born and they were
promptly named Ora, Zora,
Lora and Cora.
Athens’ Young Men's
Christian Association again
sits on top of the world as
winner of Class “C” in the
International H e x a thion
contest, competing against
one hundred and thirty-nine
Sew a ol the success ot the Ath
ens Association - In the big ath
letic conteat reached thla city Sat
urday in a te(.gram addreaaed to
c w. Jonea, physical director ot
the V. M. ft A
This la tjie acaond conaecuUve
similar triumph for the Athena as-
,nciation, the victory having been
theirs in 1*21 when they register
ed a total of 9(61 points. Tills year
the contestants representing Ath
ens scored a tout of 9636 points.
R. W. Clinckscales, Wilkes
County Farmer, Is Miss
ing, Suspect Foul Play
or Suicide.
Mhn, Crazed When
His Home Burns,
Has Disappeared
from athenb
Ninety boys, members of the
Athens association, entered the
contest from this city and five ot
these lead the list in the weigtus
v iass "C** which they represent
ed. The details of the contest have
not reached here yet and the
names of the boya making the In
ternational Teams In She Hexath-
lon are not available. However,
the following boya lead In the
(Turn to Page Seven.)
Net of Law Now
Drawing Tighter
Around Suspect
Telegrams and Descrip
tions of Hammer Mur
deress Fit Woman. Long
Chase Nearly Ended.
HONDURAS.—The two Ameri
can women, detcribsd by the po
lice as Clara Phillip*, tha Califor
nia "hammer murderess, and
Mrs. Yourig, who art being held
by the Tegucigalpa police on the
request of tha California authori
ties, received in their cell* a
number of Lstin-Amerlcsn news
Both women disclaimed eny con
nection with the killing of Alber
ta Meadow* in Lo* Angeles and
expressed vehemently their dis-
gust at being held in connection
with the tscape of Clara Phillips
Irom the Lo* Angeles jail. They
■aid they wet* re*ldants of New
The woman who i» aaid to be
Clara Phillip*, auerU she fa
Mu Carson. .Mrs. Young 'aid
•he »-m a slater of Mr*. Canon.
The man named Canon, r who
accompanied the women to Tegu-
cigalpa, And who likewise -is be-
•ng detained, aim was seen by
newspaper men. He said he mar
Tur ‘
W A S HI N G T G N, Ga. —
Fearing suicide or foul play
residents in the northwest sec
tion of the county, between
Tignall and Baitardsvillc,
threw out a dragnet over that
section to find R. W. Clinck-
scalcs, farmer, who left his
heme early Tuesday morning
in a fit of mental aberration
, brought on by fire that des
troyed his home about noon
Monday, and from whom
nothing has been heard since,
according to intormatiou
reaching Washington Thurs -
day morning.
When he left home Mr.
Clinckscales. who moved to
Wilkes eounty from Anderson,
S. C., about eight years ago
and purchased the farm where
his tamily now resides, gave
no information of where he
was going and when he ex
pected to return, lie had been
suffering Irom melancholia
for several months and the
loss of his home by- fire,
though he is said to have
carried 11.500 Insurance on
the prbperty, intensified his
distress and is thought to
have caused him to wander
off, with suicidal intent, as
he is said to havt reached the
stage of hopeless despondency.
TALLAHASSEE.—Additional reported convict bru
talities will be aired next week by the joint legislative
committee investigating state and county prison camps.
Representatives From
Dozen or More Clubs
Will Gather Here For
One Day Session.
Kiwanians from more than ten
cities in this section of Georgia
will meet here. May 16 in the first
sectional convention ever held by
the Northern District of the State
KlWanis District.
! Representatives from the clubs
at Washington, Monroe, Hart
well, Toccoa, Madison, Rome,
Cedartown and other cities in . this
section of the Georgia organiza
tion will attend the meeting.
In view of the fact that the Ki-
wanis clubs of Georgia have been
aiding considerably in the reha
bilitation of agriculture in this
state and sponsoring movekments
toward making the state self'
sustaining in regard to 'food, the
AusiaimiiK in icgaiu iu iuuu, vuc
meeting will be held at the State
College of Agriculture and agri
cultural topics will form the
main subject for discussion.
Plans for the meeting are now
under way and will probably be
completed .within the next few
days, states Captain J. W. Bar
nett. president gf the Athens
State Senator T. J. Knapp, for
mer owner of a private lease con
vict camp and John rtoddenbury,
his nlleed whippin boss, the lat
ter now under an indictment, will
be the principals in the coming In
The committee announced Sat
urday it was ready to take' up the
charges based upon the record of
the prison division of the depart
ment of agriculture against 8en»-
ter Knapp and Rcddenbury Tues
day morning nnd added that one ol
the chief witnesses In the case will
be John B. Thomas, a state prison
Inspector who reported the al
leged brutalities existing at the
Knapp lump.
Counsel for Paul White of Wash-’
Ington, D. C.. who is alleged tc
have received brutal treatment
while serving a sentence in th«
Knapp camp telegraphed the com
mittee Saturday that his client
would be finable to leave his home
in Washington to appear before’ tip
committee. An affidavit made by
White together with the records of
the department of agriculture rela
tive to his case will be introduced
in his behalf;, It was stated.
Monroe Boy New
Champion Butter
Maker of Georgia
Has woman lost the impor
tant art of butter making?
Surely the electric churn,
milking cows to the dulcet
notes of a music box, a la Ca
thedral Pines dairy and oleo* have not taken from
woman the inclination to wield
tne butter paddle
At any rate, the honor of
champion butter maker in the
twelve district agricultural
schools In Georgia goes to a
boy, E. M. Wigginson. of Fifth
District A. and M. at Monroe.
You.ig Mr. Wigginson won
the butter making contest in
the annual state contest be
tween district schools in Ath
ens Saturday and to him, in
stead of a girl, goes the cut
glass butter mould and the
glory attached thereto.
Monroe Contestants Win
First Place in Annual A.
and M. School Meet Held
Second District School
Gets Second; First Dis
trict, Third. Contests
Above Average.
Kiwanis club.
Agreement in Coltman
Case .Reached Saturday
With Chinese Will Ease
(By Associated Prei*)
.. WASHIN G T O N. -e- American
Minister Schurman at Peking, has
reached an agreement with the
Chinese foreign office for a set
tlement of the Coltman case. In
volving the death of Ch»rl*» Colt-
men »t the hands qf Chineae sen
tries at—the gates of Kalgan, It
was announced her
Harding Request of Ask'
here Saturday.
The agreement call* for Ml apol
ogy from Tuchun in the province
of Kalgan Immediately and the
.wirt ■ • —
ing of Naval Aid to Stop
Smuggling Left With
swift removal of three military
(By Associated Press.)
(Turn to Page Seven.)
St. Elmo Lodge Monday . _
xt* Li‘ AknAiHian qfil a n WASHINGTON -- At the Depart’
Night Observes 35th An- rnent of Justice offices, It was an-
niversary. To Unveil Pic- nounced Saturday, that President
, t tV- n ,4... Harding’s request for an opinion
LUre OI Ur. xseatiy. ion the use ct nuval vessels tq aid
— | In the war by prohibition officials
St. Elmo Lodge, Knights of I on the rum running fleet off the
Pythias will celebrate the thirty- ] Jersey .coast, was referred to As-
fifth anniversary of its birth herejalstnnt Attorney Oenrral Mabel
Monday night. jWUlebrant, in charge of the leant
An interesting program' has aspects of the prohibition enforce-
officers and also the payment to
the Coltman heirs of an indemni
ty, to be fixed by the American
The reault of the agreement
will be to remt vc the cause of
.’friction which had severely
strained relations between Wash-
been arranged for the occasion ment forces. I
and the members will enjoy the Mrs. Wlllebrant at once began
an examination ot the legal tech
nlcalltte^ which are involved In the
meeting to the fullest In addition
to the program of addresses and
music a buffet supper will ge
served in the council chambers.
One feature of the meeting will
be the unveiling of the picture of
the late Dr. Troy Beatty, former
ly rector of Emmanuel Episcopal
church hen and past grand chan
cellor for Georgia K. of P.'s-
Tile locaL lodge of Knights of probably set a precedent.
Pythias is now headed by Fleet- tm
wood Lanier nnd during his tenure si 1 .. a * . tin
of office much enthusiasm and in- INCSDlt rlUft When
She indicated that considerable
time would be required before her
opinion could be formulated and
made public, as It was a question
bpou which must be expended the
greatest amount of caution
(findings In the Investigation would
tereet in the work of the organ*
ization haa been manifested,
Attorneys Of Western Circuit
Auto Hits St. Car
To Gather In Athens June 16
The lawyers end lawmasrs of
Ti c lawyers and lawmakers of
Athens on June 16th.
This was decided Saturday when
<h» Athene Bar AssocUtloh voted
Ol Invite all the practlclnfg attiir-
onys. members of the general'as
sembly and ihe senators from the
"even ..ouniic*. that comprise the
tlnaiit to *’barbecue hero on that
date, the local association to be 1
the host . ,
The meeting of the lawyers was
■t eleven o’clock and Attorney
John it. gamble, the president, was
In the chair.
The question of the division of
the Western circuit precipitated a
lively discussion and by an almost
unanimous vote It was carried that
•he association favors such a dU
dslon. (bat Is creating another
-ivenlt out of the preeent cumber
some Western circuit presided over
"y Judge Blanton Ftortson.
„ mmittee was named by Mr.
hsmhie to confer and advise with
'swtaaer, th* lawyer/ and
Others who jhigh, be Interested
“ot only in this but other counties
ot the circuit on the division of
>“* circuit. On the committee wss
■ • “ii. uii ituc cum milieu wbb great u«i ui lumin
RamPil c Tucfc, chairman; J. by a spirit of good
J. St.-i '•tland, S. C. Upton, Max the part of th* barr
Michael, and W. M. Smith.
Two other committees
Jack Nesbit, a traveling sales
man out of this territory for the
Liggett A Myers Tobacoc com
pany, was the driver of an auto
mobile on Prince avenue last night
that met with a rather serious, ac
ington and Peking.
The r
United States had laid b*-
fore Chinese officials a xigorous
demand for adoption of the meas
ures now promised and indicated
that it regarded the incident as
one of the most serious in the Far
East in recent yean.
Commanding General of
Fourth Army Corps
Here Wednesday to In
spect R. 0. T. C. llnits.
A joint meeting of the Athens
Rotary and Kiwanis clubs will be
held next Wednesday at the State
College of Agriculture, it wss an
nounced Saturday.
The honor -guest of the ocehs
ion will be Major General David
Shanks, commanding general of
the Fourth Army Corps. He will
he in Athens for the purpose of
Inspecting the R. O. T. C. units of
the University of Georgia nnd
High School.
The meeting will be held at the
CoHtge Cafeteria at 2 o’clock and
luncheon wjll be served by’ the
young women of the Domestic
Science class.
Rotations and Kiwaniaas are
Always tnxious to attend meet-
ing number will be on hand to
enjoy the luncheon and the . pro
gram for the occasion.
(By Associated Prase.)
MOSCOW—Decisions ot the
Communist' congress in substance
Is thst Russia will endeavor to re
habilitate herself without the
slightest surrender to, proletarian
dictatorship and will enforce
sharper communlsUc control of the
industrial',and economic life, it was
announced here Saturday.
The new state Control Commis
sion will have tho right to probe
all departments of the govern
ment in, the endeavor to bring
about what Is described os -Lon-
ine's Idealism.’’
The duties of the Commission
Simultaneous Campaign
KJrth District Agrkmtunit and
Mechanical Scho 1 at Monroe won
first place in the annual meeting
of the State A, A M. Schools which
was held In-Athene FYlday and Sat-
Tho winning school had a total
of fifty points, while the Second
District took second place with
thirty-eight points, with the First
District placing third with thirty-
one points. .
The Eighth District School won
fifth place frith‘a total of twenty-
"ve points.
The winner's names in the vg'
rious events are given below:
Says Listening
to Radio Makes
For Long Hair
LONDON,—'“Listen in,
you want long htir.”
Hair dressers are giving I
this advice to customers
threatened with bsldnese.
Heir experts realise that the |
electrical disturbances in the
air which wireless messages
cause have a remarkable ef
fect on the air.
Professional wireless opera
tors possess better heads of 1
hair than other groups of
$3,000,000 May
Be Inherited By
Family In Hart
Government Said to Be
Holding Fortune in
Trust For Heirs of “In
dian Preacher” Sanders,
Resolved: That the state
Georijla ehould authorise a bond
Issue of $35,000,000 for good roads,
$10,000,000 for rural school houses,
ami $5,000,000 for state educational
Affirmative—fth District J.
Bailey. Jr., Chas. Martin.
Negative—7 th District—Gilbert
Davis. Raymond Moore.
Affirmative won.
Girl's Essay—1st Place—Mauls
Mae Rushing, lat District.
* 2nd place—Elisabeth Van Wag
ner, 5th District.
3rd place—Marie Balk son, 2nd
Bfiy's Essay—1st place—Irwin
Brantley, lat District.
2nd place—Billie Thompson. 6th
3rd place—Lloyd Flowers, 8th
District. - /.
i—lot place—Nellie Evans,
Mary Leg Cochran 6tb
2nd pla<
3rd place—Merle Allen. 2nd Dis
Spelling—1st place—‘Pansy Tla-
1 tiger, 6th District.
2nd place James Belflower, 2nd
3rd place, Ruth Nssh. 8th Dir
(Turn to Page Seven.?
Mrs. S. A. Sorrow
Dies At Crawford
Mrs, Sarah Ann Sorrowu, age
Has Been Mapped Out to|^.fk e . d tu ^.% h o 0 ra ra i , ng in .t C 7*o^.
Promote Diversification.! Fuimrai tervket will b* con-
Speakers At Ail Schools.! Sg&SW 7$ST
HARTWELL, On.—If mam-
ben ot the Sander* family In
Hart county can trace their
anceatry back to Ella* Band
era, member of n Maryland
Tribe of Indiana, they may in
herit $3,000,000 aaid to be held
in trust tor heira of the letter
by the U. 8. government.
O. 8. Goawlck of Text*, a*-
•luted by a Hartwell attorney,
I. in thle eectlon aeeklng. in
formation which ho believes
map prove that the member*
of the Sander* family here, all
ot whom have high ■ lY-ek
hone., characteri.Uc of In
dian,. are heir* to the big
fortune held by the govern
In Inspiring Sermon to
Young People, Bible Con
ference Preacher, Stirs
Large Crowd,- .1
Announcements Made of
Morning and Evening
Services Today At Bible
Conference. * 1
Mr. Ooewlck ha* traced the
family to Hart county, where
n direct descendant of El las
Sander, livid lo the person ot
Calvin Bandars, n son ot Ellas,
not only lived In. Hart county, but
prior to his death S3 years ago.
founded Cross Roads Baptist
church. Unofficial records hold that
was one of the foremost preach
er Ills day. having been known
throughout Hart and adjoining
counties as the "Indian Preachor”
me of His lfgtf (cheekbones
and other Indian characteristics.
An affidavit, signed by J. An
drew Duncan, 69 years old. ot
Franklin county Georgia, is to
the effect that'Mr*. Rhoda Loddy,
la a daughter of the "Indian
preached.-* Thla woman, now In her
eighty-fifth year, came to Hart
well to consult with attorneys re
garding the cue, and furnished
valuable Information. .
Flret Christian, Dr, O. Camp-,
bell Morgan.
First Baptist, Dr. Laa O.
Prince Avenue Baptist, Dr. P.
C. Morgan.
Central Presbyterian, Dr. . C.
E. Goodwin.
First Methodist. Dr. William
Roxs.1 visiting minister.
Flrlt Presbyterian Dr. John
M. Well* preeldent CoWtnbi.,
4 P. M.
First Methodist, Dr. P. c.
Morgen preaches on "Home." j
5 P. M.
Flret Methodist. Dr. Len <i
First Baptist, Dr. O. Campbell
Morgan. i '
Among the momentous
events of their lives, among
those things which acted as
a turning point and started
them on the road to a high
and noble manhood or wo
manhood; many a young
man and woman who at
tended that inspiring meet
ing at the Methodist church
last night, will, in later
years, recall this experience
ns one of the most uplifting,
L. King, pastor of tha Methodist
r ivnvn „„ . , j cnurch will officiate. Intarmant
LAVpMA. On -A Simultaneous wJU in th « CUrk# cemetery St
campaign has bran arranged for I Ls-lnrtnn: Ga. Bernstein Bros.
Franklin county which will put he- f u mtr ^ d | r « tor , i„ charge,
fore the people.of the county the | Mrs. 8orrow. who was wail
farm program which wss adopted i known in Oglethorpe county, t*
a ‘ < ' ,,rrw,Yl11 ' survived by four (bna. L. W..
the first Tueadoy In Februisry. Ev- c. N. Sorrow P. T. Sorrow of
ery rural school In the county will Oglethorpfc and W. T. Sorrow of
be Halted In thla cnmpalgn and! Atlanta; two daughter!, iMra. A.
talka will lie made relative to the ] N. Gunter and Mr*. P. M. Engliah
program which haa been adopted of Oglethorpa, three sisters, one
and which it' ia expected will put! brother
the county on a more prosperous I
basis than ever before. t i BARN BURNS
An itenerary haa been made out - JEFFERSON, Ga.—Tho terg*
by Mr. W. G. Owens, County Farm bard belonging to Sam Kelley on
Demonstration nxent and Misa Ml- his farm just out tide of tha city
riant Hurrlson. County Home Hem- limits wss destroyed by On Sat-
onatration nent, which {miurieii ev- urday ihornlng about four 0*cl0clL
ery school houae in the county. barn there ware about one thou-
The program hua been mode out 1 In addition to the loss Of tbs
for talks at each school the pro- salM j dollars worth of feed stuff
grunt to begin nbuut 7:30 o'clock. SD d one cow burned. The origin U
Mr. Niebet wss driving a Ford will Include the merciless punlsh-
named by Mr. Gamble. One on! attempting to pass another car
— - - ■ — - »« n< | did not see an approaching
M W’ K Meadow^bim on | street car mu, Tra.Wt
M .-,^JL h.vmr Tn charge‘completely demolishing tho front
. e “. te ^i n “'" t 'n„ ll,, ,b„ ng lith M« end *' hi. csr «nd throwing from
behind a large built on box used
the barbecue on the
Michael. J. D. Bradwell and H. C.
Tuck. , ,
The association seemed aimoet
unanimous in desiring a division
of the circuit, one attorney stating
that the population of the West
ern circuit Is more than that of
Atlanta and that city has four su
perior courts. No uuggestions were
offered as to how the division
should be made. It being felt that
this Is something that should ,be
worked out by the lawmakers ,shd
committees from the various coun-
ll The counties comprising tho
Western circuit are Clarke, Bar
row. Oconee. Gwinnett, Jackson,
Banks and Walton.
The barbecue here on Jane Ktn
may see not only an outline of the
for currying samples. The im
pact was heard for several blocks
and a large crowd soon gathered
where the accident occurred.
Mr. Nisbet was picked up by a
posting automobile snd rushed to
St- Mary's hospital and was re
ported late last night as not being
seriously injured and would be
able to he out in n few days.
The motormsn on th* street csr
saw the automobile approaching
and when no response was receiv
ed from his belf he reversed his
csr and stepped back from the
vestibule to avoid the flying glass.
His qar was also damaged so bad
ly that it had to be towed to the
csr barn.
ment of Soviet employees for snob'
blebness and for disregarding
questions and conversation of the
workera and peasants.
Younger Brother, Whose
Death Sentence Was
Commuted, Will Proba
bly Work in Floyd,
— The fifth Sunday meeting of the
proposed change in the circuit but, Sarepta Baptist Asoctatlon which •“* 10 officials
mty also see the formation of a wn8 to, have been held at East
Bar association ot the lawyers of Athens Baptist church Sunday af-
the present circuit.
It wilt be the annual barbecue
Of tho local laywers. always an
event looked forward to with a
great deal ot interest and attended
' ‘ rood fellowship on
temoon has been cancelled on ac
count of the Bible Conference.
11 A. M.. Dr. P. C. Morgan wilt
fll tthe pulpit- No evening service.
Sands/ school at usual hour.
ATLANTA—Radph Baker, young
tr brother of George Baker, who
paid with hie life at LaFayette,
Friday morning for tho murder ot
Deputy Sheriff Martin, will prob
ably be assigned for work In tho
Floyd county chain gang, accord
ing to officials of tho Georgia
Prison commission, it was an
nounced late Saturday-
A Rome pbyalctan win visit tha
Floyd county 1*11, 'whore the
younger Baker is held to Investi
gate the physical condition of tho
Thla one night campaign will em
phasise the ImiHH-tunbe of the Poul
try* sale which will be held In the
county for two days, In Royxton
on Wednesday. Muy 2nd mid In
Luvnniu on Thursday, Muy the 3
The- schools In Lavonla's te-.-l*
tory wilt be visited on Tuesday
night. May 1.
National Phi Beta
Kappa Officer Here
Rev. Oscar M. Voorhee^t D. D., of
New York City, eecretary of the
united chapters of l’hl Beta Kappa
vlalted in Athena Friday and Sat
urday, making an investigation ol
the Alpha chapter of Georgia Uni
He waa entertained Friday night
at an informal dinner at PealimU
hall by .the local chapter and Sat
urday morning addressed the ntu-
dent body rn the hintory ot Phi
Beta Knppa ami its Influence in
College life.
Dr. Voorhees is making an in
flection tour of the !’. S. and went
from Athene to Atlanta.
ROME.—The government has
adopted stringent measures to nup-
preiifl the frauds which speculator*
have hitherto,prepetrated by ex
torting money from prospective
emigrants trader promises to ob
unknown and the only thought that
can be advanced la that, perhaps,
someone was stealing from tin
barn and set It on fire.
There was no Insurance
either barn or Its contaots.
To th*
of tho
many of them stt
Normal School and University. Dr.
I*. C. Morgan delivered‘a Mfunugo
which can but remain with them
the rest of their lives. In fort
the entire- congregation nut in
tent, enthralled, eager to catch
every word of tho speaker um he,
(Turn to Page Seven.)
Robt. Woodruff '
Named to Head
Coca Cola Firm
Young Wife of Sidney La
nier of Macon Reconsid
ers Her Decision to Drop
Cases. <
(By As.ocl.t.d Pr„i.)
MACON—Mrs. Sidney Lanl.r of
Atlanta, who y«starday filed notice
of th. withdrawal of her suit
ngufnst her husband and his father,
Dr. J. D. Lanl.r of this city, for
alimony and divorce and fifty
thousand dollars heart balm, has
reversed her actloo, it was an
nounced her. Saturday and wit!
continue th. suUr,.
Charles Howard Candler
Becomes Chairman of
Advisory Committee. Re
ports Show Earnings.
Membership Drive of Lo
cal Post Is Progressing
Rapidly. Special Prize
Offer Closes Soon.
boy, It wii farther stated* to th- (tain paagportn or other documents
certain If bo In ablo to perform I necessary to enter the United
nmnunl labor on tho roads. states.
The drive Inaugurated by* tho
Allen R. Fleming post of the
American Legion la progressing
with aucceas, Legion officials an
nounce. The special offer for the
prizes closes on May first And
after that time different teams will
be organized to posh forward In
an Intensive campaign snd line ap
the remaining ex-soldlera of tho
county members of tho loco!
i>ost before the convention
ta In July.
There la o lively race on
several of the members for the
prizes that hove been offered and
the next few* days will see some
spirited action before fee fins!
drive begins.
Oliver Hancock, leading counsel
for Mrs. Lanier, filed with the
clerk of the superior court, orders
signed by his client, annulling the
message directed by her Friday , tc
the clerk, which stated that she
desired to drop the prosecutions.
ATLANTA—At a apeclal meet
ing of the board of dlrectora of
the Coca-Cola company Hiiturduy
noon., Robert W. Woodruff wan
elected 'president of the corpora
tion, succeeding Charles Howard
Candler, who resigned to accept
the chairmanship of tho newly-
croated advisory committee.
Harold Hired!, .of the law firm
of Candler. Thompson & Hirseh.
was named a vice president of the
company to have charge of its b -
gal affairs.
The newly elected president *-r
the Coca-Cola cornypany had h i t
phenomenal rise In tho busim-nM
world of the country. He is Jti«t
thirty-three years ot age, and f-w
the past severt! year* has been a*-
eoclated with the White Motor
company, of Cleveland, Ohio, as a
vice president.
He is a grandson of the late Rob.
Vrt W. Winshlp. and hin wife be
fore her marriage was Miss Nell
Hodgson of Athens.
League of Women Voters Outline
Activities For Current Year
says,” remarked plained the lady with the Ueasant
. "thst he doe, not,smile; "the problems the Leagua
My huaband
the young bride, .
B rave of women taking part in
tie*. He aajrs wo/nan’s place
n the home. He says he does
not see the need of the League-of
Women Voters."’
“What, my dear,” asked the
lady with the pleasant smile, “does
jrour husband want you to do at
"It isn't so much me. It’s the
principle of the thing," explained
the earnest little bride. "He says
that woman'* part of the world-*
work is attending to the feeding
and clothing and schooling ’and
health of the family.”
"He’s right It is.” said the
poaitiv* looking lady in n crisp
tone of voices -But is aha aup-
noaed to know how to do all thi*
by instinct? And is tha to do it
ail by herself, without any out*
tide aid ”
Th* little bride looked confused.
"What ihe means is this," ex-
of Women Voters it most <
gine and public schools, pure food,
conditions of work and wages for
women, and municipal housekeep
ing. Housekeeping hat changed
since the day* of our grandmoth
ers. Unless we expect to stand
aside and tee it regulated by low-
makers who know nothing about
it, we will have to' educate our
selves to look after it. That is
what the League ol Women Vo! ■
era does. It educates women in
“Is your local League active
now." asked the visitor who hod
been listening to tho conversa-
‘“"Indeed it is,” replied
live lady. “It works in t
tion with all the other i
turns in the city in I
them government.!
(Turn to Page S,