Newspaper Page Text
for TALL
Work Table
Individual compartment cutlery
drawer suspended from extending
table-top. No reaching—at your
finger tips.
Work-table adjusted to suit your height-
means lets backaches and muscle strain.
SUNDAY, MAV 6, 1921 “
Otfic 1201 — By MRS. ALICE AOAM8 — Residence 832
MENT OCONEE STREET El'Eckler Ussery, Adelto Reaves,
SCHOOL . Elisabeth Fuller, Grace Hancock,
one of the moat entertaining ■ fauline Hadaway, Elisabeth Bird*
plays put on ^by local talent In Ath- a ong> Margaret Eptlng, Mildred
<■»»■ » a ‘ tha £r, r ^*.- te ^r TP" 1 OrtUeth, Ruth
lit r of Moya ifid gins, of East Ath- , —fifi—
ens . at\ the "Oconee Street School ; DANCE 18 ™
Friday night. POSTPONED.
This ofitertkinment was given for .... ... „ .
til,, benefit)bf the Oconeo street The dance 01 tlle Athens Sector
School and tho East Athens Boys of ttla Association of the Army of
Clul) ami -a neat sum was realised , the United States thsl mu to have
t„ bo added to tho treasuries of been held at the Cloverhurst
two institutions.
’ The program consisted of In-
tlromentAl^liusIc. vocal selections,
ro< itatloid, and dialogues and the
perform*”®! closed with a mins-
tr« l show.
Bach of the participants handled
their pirrt$"'well and the large
crowd jliat aisembled to witness
the porfhrmanco were well satis
fied With the entertainment given (WILL ADDRESS THE
them. * - {5TH WARD TUE8DAY AT
Thoia young actors actors are THE NORMAL 8CH00L
planning to givo another perform- On account of the bad weather,
ancc ih the near future. 1 Dr. Brooks’ address to the 6th
i ward on “Power the Vote” was
MISS BERTHA KATE [postponed from Friday until Tues-
DAVISON PRESENTS ; day, May 8th. Ills address will be
Country club on. the evening of
May 7th. has been postponed until
alater date.
There will be no meeting of the
association during the month of
(May and plans are being now laid
for the June meeting.
Friday afternoon at the Y/oman’s
club Miss Bertha Kate Davison
presorted, her piano pupils in a
lovely recltalfat 4:i»0.
Tin- partors were beautifully
decorated with Flag lilies, pink
roses and nArclssi. Despite tho
constant" .down pour of rain there
was a very T^rge and appreciative
audience present.
Tho splendid work of tho class
r. fleeted ine painstaking and care*
fill training of eal-h pupil by tho
jrfftwI'JMicbef, who is recognised
as one of the most talented pian
ists and instructors in the city.
at the Normal School Old Audi
torium, Tuesday at 6:16. All who
are In the 6th Ward are urped to
be present *■
An Invitation has been received
by the Woman’s club from the
Woman’s dug of Comer to attend
the 8th District meeting to be held
there on Wednesday, May the 23.
Several cars will be available and
those wishing to attend are asked
to notify Mrs. Lamar'Rucker, Mrs.
Sanford or Mrs. Preston Brooks.
Those 'takfag part woro: Calllc^ There will be a reception In the
MiWhlrjter.c Mary Nell Bryant/ evening at 6:30, to 8:30. Mrs.
KllzahAfh MjWhlrter, Jack Flatau, Rucker Is very anxious for a largo
Dorothy Perdue, Rosma Costa, «delegation from our club to go
- over.
I gj
Meet Monday
The Children of the Confederacy
wllj meet at the Villa Monday aft
ernoon at 4 o’clock. A full attend
ance Is urged,
i —(51—
| Friday evening the Ten-A club
gave one of the most beautiful and
dellgfc*** 1 ’-nres of the season at
1 the, Georgian hotel.
J The banquet hall was elaborately
decorated In red and black fes
toons. Tho Bulldog orchestra fur
nished tho enjoyable music, and
the largest crowd since the or
ganization of the club, enjoyed the
happy hospitality.
Weather permitting, a number
of Epworth Leaguers of tho First
Methodist church will meet nt the
church nt 6:45 this evening and go
to Watkinsvlllc, where they will
take • part In a program with the
Epworth League at that place.
The flower sale sponsored by
tho Woman's club Saturday morn
ing at the Curb Market proved a
great success, and will be held
again next Saturday.
Mrs. Horace Holden and Miss
Frances Holden will go to Atlanta
today to visit Mrs. W. H. Jop
, Miss Queen Holden will go to
/AugustA this week to visit Mr. and
(Mrs. Howard Holden.
Vegetable Compound
. ; ,
MilwiukeftWta.—“I hadnbad pain
in myjoft aide and 1 could not lift
anything heavy
without having a
backache.I tHed
different things.
Then I saw Lydia
E.Pinkhmn'a Veg
etable Compound
advertised m the
newspaper, and
began taking it as
the direction,
said. 1 tee1 very
sod nowand can
> all my work. I
recommend the Vegetable Compound
to all my friends, and you can use my
testimonial letter." — Mrs. Hattib
Wakzon, 870 Garden St, Milwaukee,
Gained in Every Way
Buffalo, N.Y.—“I had some female
troubles that Just run my health
down so that Host my appetite and
felt miserable MI the time. I could
not lift anything heavy, and a little
extra work some day. would put me
in bed > A friend had told me to toy
Lydia E Pink ham's Vegetable Com
pound and I gained in every way, could
cat better, and felt stronger. I had
found nothing before tbia that did me
so much good.Mra. J. GRACE, 291
VVoltz Ayenue, Buffalo, N. Y.
P ERFECT little shoes for per
fect little ladles. BUSTER
BROWNS possess a trim neat
ness that cornea of fitting the
foot perfectly—yet they afford
the roomy comfort so essential
to the healthy development of
the growing little feet. And they
wear—bow they do wear!.
Try BUSTER BROWN SHOES for your ftlrla-Aml boy* t too—
and you will never be satisfied with any other footwear for tnem
Sold Here Only.
« rev an
u itiiitrv
The nurses of the Athena Gen
eral Hospital enjoyed a very pleas-'
ant evening last Thursday at a
picnic dinner,- given at their home
on 737 Cobb street, -Into whlcjt
they recently movas.
Tit* Spacious rooms on the
lower floor were thrown open and
beautifully decorated with cut
flowers and a moat delicious table
was served, picnic style- Dancing,
singing, etc., was enjoyed by
everyone present
The occasion was In honor of
Misses Ross. Stone and Callaway,
who graduate soon. About forty
guests enjoyed the hospitality of
the nurses.
Mr. John rf.'Northeutt returned
Saturday from a business trip to
Mrs. Ward Wight and children
of Atlanta arrived Saturday after
noon to visit her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. Joseph Stewart on the Uni
versity Campus.
'Remember this Is Registration
Dr. and Madame Joseph Lustrat
are expected home this week from
Florida and a visit to Atlanta.
Miss Katherine Bradwell went
to Gainesville Friday to visit at
Brenau college. i 1
•Mr. John Slaughter of Columbus
Is visiting In the city.
Mr. Bill Fulcher Is spending the
icek-end In Galncsvllilc.
Mr. West Hargrett has returned
ti: Ttfton. a
Mr. Minor Wheaton has return
ed from Griffin and Atlanta.
Miss Peggie K~bok has returned
to Louisville, Ky., after a visit to
Mrs| J. M. Rogers.
The Friends of Mr. Rob. White
will be glad to learn he Is Improv
ing from an Illness of two weeks.
Remember this Is Registration
Mrs. B. L. Halt of Charlotte. N.
C.. Ih In the city under the care of
Drs. Dick and Dick.
Mrs. Will Gordon and Miss
Warnle Edge of Wstklnsvllle spent
Saturday In tho city.
Miss Nannie Maudo Jones, of tho
State Normal School, Athens, spent
Sunday Ini Monroe with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bi Jones.-
Walton News.
- —ffl—
Mr. and Mrs. Rov Nunnalty were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Golden
Knllght Itn Athens Sunday.—Wat
ton News.
places were awarded In order
named: Hancock, Dnvls, Jarrell.
Aetde from the judging of live
stock. a number of highly enter-
talnging features were staged for
entertainment of the large
crowd present. Among them were
a crack drill squad, a monkey
drill squad, a pyramid building on
horseback, and a high class exhi
bition of horse lamping with Cap
tains R. P. Gordon and J. B. Wise
In the aaddle.
The Judges were: for hogs: Dr.
M. P. Jainlgnn, Horry L. Brown,
Prof. W, 8. Bice: sheep, C. J. Hard
man, Dr. Jarnlgan, Prof. c. E. Kel
logg: beef cattle. Gladatone Owena
Prof. Kellog, Dr, Jamlaan; dalrj
cattle, L. H. Marlatt, Dr. Jernt-
Kap, Prof. F. W. Bennett; Boya
riding class. Major Burch, Capt
Wine, Dr, Connolly; Girls Riding
class, Mrs. J, B. Wise, Major Burch,
Dr. Connolly.
Dr. Andrew M. Soule, president
of the college of agriculture, pre
sented the prises. A thoroughbred
Poland China gilt went to the grand
champion over all, and a handsome
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Day spent Fri
day In Athens.—Walton News,
Mrs. Ida Ross spent Friday In
Athens.—Walton News.
Mrs. i9. V. Sanford and Mrs.
Horace Ritchie and a delegation of
the Junior Woman's club from the
Normal School will go over to At
lanta this week for the Biennial
meeting of the General Federatloln
beginning Tuesday.
t>r. and Mrs. J?c" Holliday, Mrs
,M. H. Parr, Miss Corn Belle Parr
and Mrs. Asa Thornton have re*
turned to the city from Savannah
.where Dr. Holliday attended tho
convention of the State Medical
Whitehall Personal
And Social News
Mr. R. P. White president of
Whitehall mills has been 111 two
weeks. It Is hoped that he will
be out again soon. ,
The Reverend Mr. Cartledge of
the Central Presbyterian church ol
Athens preached at the Whltehal’
Baptist church Ifst Sunday after
Misses Purnell, Davis and Hugher
attended the woman’s club meet
ing in Athens Saturday afternoon
The Whitehall band played at the
Bible School last Sunday afternoon
This band gives Interesting con
certs at the band stand in White
hall every Sunday afternoon. The
members of the band are as fol
J, L. Morris—Leader.
Clifford Strickland, cornet, solo
Roy Towns, cornet solo. #
John B. Williams, fhrnet first
John Upchurch, cornet'first.
William Royster, clarinet first.
Vester Ferguson, clarinet, first.
Lutheir Akrey, tenor saxophone.
Archie Wingfield, tenor saxo
Henry Williams, alto/ first.
Albert Morris, attq. second.
Willie Towns, Snare drum.
Clarence Roberts, bass drum.
Nathan Williams, E sharp bass.
8. C. Eubanks, BB sharp bass.
John Toney, baritone.
Weldon Williams, trombone sec
Robert Towns, trombone first.
Livestock Show Is
Big Success; Prize
Winners Named
(Continued From Pape One)
silver trohpy to tho grand cham- ?articles.
pion In the hog show. * J Dr. R. I*. Brooks,'\the editor, is
Stressing the lmimrtnnee all the
alumni of tho University voting ir
the election now under way for now
officers. Ballets' have already been
sunt ou(.
According to. tho' Record tho at*
tqmlaijcc nt the UnlV'/oilty thft
year has broken nl previous atten
dance. Tho article on tho atten
dance Is ns follows:
The attendance on the Univer
sity during tho academic year Just
ending us usual breaks the record
Elsewhere In this number Is printed
n summary of the attendance in a!'
departments of the University nl
Athens. The grand total Is 4,126
a number which exceeded the reg
istration tf 1921-22 by 844. Thf
most noteworthy aspect of this In
crease Is the growth In the alien-
dng-so on the Slimmer School. In
this department the enrollment In-
rrcased from 1.374 to 1,368. Slight
incrcutas are to be noted In prac*
Grand total of Number of
Students At University
During Year Reaches
Vhe University of Georgia Alum-
nl Record for May 4s off the press
and ready to be mailed out. Tht
issue Is one of the best yet pub
Ushed and contains n number o
special feature articles as well at
’•Record Breaking Attendance,”
“Moral Conditions at the Univer
sity” and “The University, ait In
vestment” are among the leading
tically- every department. The tho appointment of Sam B.
Graduate School grew from 44 U
70; $he enrollment in Franklin Cot*
lege from 158 to 190; in the State
College the Increase was from 461
to 422; the College of Agriculture
/rom 1,176 to 1,404; the Law School
remained stationary with 131. The
School of Pharmacy declined from
Sam WoodsI head
Local Man Named 'As
Agent and General
Salesman of Standard
Oil-in Athens.
R. E. Hodgson, district manager.
Atlanta division for tho Standard
Dll Co., of Kentucky, announce*
of. Athena ns agent and genei
aalosihnn in Athens, Winder and
Crawford territory.
Associated with Mr. Woods
Athens, arc, J. H. McCurry, clerk
nt the'plant, W. E. Wall and J.
w. Dawson, salesmen.
H. M. Mcliea is in charge of the
Washington and Thomas streeta
service station. J. H. Freeman and
John Prince are In charge of the
Hancock scrvlco station. .
HERE S- C. Men Will
Visit Madi#on
vllte, S. c„ business men will
this city next week on the Qeorgla-
Teanessce Acquaintance Tour. The
tour Is being conducted to pro
mote liood friendship between the
cltlxons of Greenville and the cltie,
. sited. Tho party will roach Jladl
son next Thursday.
We Have Never Made a More Important
Announcement Than This—-
are now featuring the step-saving
In line with our reputation ot selling.
the best-known articles in each line,
we have just completed arrangements
for the franchise for the famous
ROOSIER Kitchen Cabinet.)
The new HQOSIER models are, in
our opinion, the world’s finest exam
ples of a correct. labor-saving conve
nience for the kjtchen.
They embody improvements and
conveniences heretofore not available
in any kitchen equipment. Conse- ,
quently, they will do more to save
time and energy for the housewife
than any other article you could put
in your home.
And that is why this store considers
the statement that we are now featur
ing the HQOSIER as one of the most
important anouncements we have
ever made.
V/o can easily show you that with-,
out a HOOS1ER you waste miles of 1
steps and hours of time each day. you will be freed from your
moF.t tiresome work. HOOSIER will
even eliminate those backaches and
muL-cle strains which come from work
ing at a table of tho wrong height
But it is not.alone the individual
conveniences which make. HOOSIER
so helpful. It is the way these con
veniences Co-ordinate with each other.
Nothing short of HOOSIER’S quar.
ter-century of kitchen cabinet special
ization could have perfected So help
ful a labor-saving machine as this. -
■ Naturally, we are enthusiastic over
oOr nbility to offer to the women of
this community the accepted BEST
labor-saver for the kitchen.
P By all means come in and let us
show you how much more helpful the
HOOSIER is than any other equip
ment you could install in your home.
You will not be urged to buy—un
less you are as thoroughly convinced
as we are that absolutely no house
hold equipment can give you the help
and satisfaction to be had from a
If—like two million other women—
you decide that you simply can’t get
along without HOOSIER’S help,
you’ll be glad to know that our special
terms on the HOOSIER make it easy
for you to put a HOOSIER in your
home right now. Investigate.
nnDcrv pi tdmiti tdp miuPANV
Patented ehaker flour enter—
eaves work. Makes bak-
- Inga lighter.