Newspaper Page Text
TDESDAY. MAT 8, 1925.
The lodu iotton market suffered a
break since Saturday. The war-
. , n ,>\y <iunted at. 25 1*4 cents, a
flight rise from the previous close of
>1. nday of 25.
Open Hl*h l*ow Close P.C.
.... .. .. ,4.85 25.83 24.9, 25.80 25.40
.... 23.85 24.71 23.85 24.02 24.20
, .. .. J1.S2 23.83 22.82 23.1- 22.93
.. 22.45 22,80 22.45 22.38 22.50
A. M. Bids:- May 25.48; July
n| , ;| .' octoef 23-07; December 22.57.
Opon Hl»h Dow Close P.C.
.. ,. .. 24.50 25.08 24.50 25.03 24.58
’ " ’’ 24.00 24.07 23.00 21.5? 24.18
, , " '. «♦.!* 22.75 22.20 2^.04 22.42
21.93 23.41 21.90 22.25 22.09
Bids: May 24.84:
netohcr 22.52: Docomhci
Market Gossip
Received Over F. J.
Linncll & Company’s
Private Wire
XRW ORLEAN8, Ln.—Uvcrooc
„ ,i„p *17 to 27 down by New Or
I,and. 22 to 31 lower by New Yt.rk
„ n noam. Southern sjxit* M«>n
il.nv were GO to 150 down. 1'alias 12<
I( ,w,*r. middling there 24.20; fales re
light, Dallas 71, nil told 1.47C
3.332*- Saturday. Late Monday
nfternoon close of market press
a ,| v j.cH front New York nls4» nttflb-
iiii-il deeilne In cotton Monday t«s fol-
MillK nsftonjD additional arrivals of
r..u..ii in frew York ,,,,,, b, ' llcr
wea»»t«*r in tl** •outh anti a statement
f„,m I lie DnVirfment of Agriculture
ttu-ii ruiton planting, while still back
ward, in ptfvnqklnfc rapidly-with In
creased SKreags Indicator In many
arms, Dross ftrclpt*
Mi.mlay ^Wei;« 5^71 bales white total
fX|«ris fn>m there were 779, leav!
rti» k lhere at iX.000 vs. 129.000 Inst
year. It It* possible that some. If t
all 4if the rotten received In 1
northern market Monday was part
the p\|ieetri| 20.000 from Norfolk a
IN-rlirtps for delivery *>n May rti
tracts In New York."' Secretary lb
trr ni.ikrs*averaCe weight of, {.IM/JiiC
i,»b, bnudiw at ports and overlap'
t., dose of April 51H.9C vs. 513.S7.
Compared with tost year's stork oi
ahiplstard at fJulveston Monday wni
jo.(hri vs. m.OOO; at New Orleans
7.000 vs. 21.000.
Sentiment rather confused hut np
parently mom Iwnrlsh Ilian other
wise i^irtiiditarly In New York, _ but
a sharp retuflpn upward,
due may cume When least expected.
-II. and llMlKKR.
HOUHMAN: It Is almost time b
buy for a rally.
POST j^F FLAGG: Tim deeilne
Circle III of the Ladies Auxiliary
of the First Presbyterian church
of which the late beloved Mrs.
A. E* Crawford was the devoted
U.H’Jr l<4ld fmprealve and
txautlful services In her memo^
ry Monday morning at the home of
Mrs. W. J. Morton. Dr. Marlon
Hull of Atlanta who was Mrs.
Crawford’s first pupil paid tribute
to her beautiful life, and s|»oke im
presslvely of her great inspiration
to hint and all others who knew
her and loved her
Hull hail promised to address the
•irclc and talked up'-n the ''Condi-,
Ion of the times' 1 as he had plan
ed. v
The devottional was iepressive-
ly led by Dr. E. L. Hill pastor of
j the First Presbyterian church. Mrr
James White read an appreciation
of Mrs. Crawford which was a
lovely tribute also.
The musical numbers Were ex
ceptionally touching and appropri
ate by Mrs. T. I\ Stanley. Mrs.
Snelling and Mrs. Audiey Morton.
Mrs. Dolling DuDose sang, ac
companied by Mrs. Ralph Hodgson »
on the piano and Mrs. Robert
White on the violin. Mrs. Rosa
D. Hull read an exquisite poem.
The Circle members and many
close friends gathered in fond
mombrancc of one of Athens dear
est beloved women, whose beauti
ful life was fragrant with good
deeds and whoso passing to her
eternal rest left sb
Every honor has been paid Mrs
Crawford’s memory by tho many
organizations of which she
lending factor, nnd her fine spirit
and loyalty ns was to hoc many
friends will serve always as a ra
diant inspiration to higher nnd
greater things.
Th» Iuolfio Hutchins Sunday
Schol class of the First Baptist
church will give a May party Wed
nesday afternoon in tlie church
thev look Like’ .
l rocks'To me!
n F u[fi< i#nt for time being.
I.AM.SON':“reel markets have seen
W4 fst ef pres* nt wave of ll«|rtM;Ulon
atl<>n purchases of further weakness
will prove profitable.
CLARK CHILD S: Many high
rrnilcn stocks 'fro getting down
intrinsically cheap levels.
WELD: Prefer rather to buy
such breaks as occurred yesterday
with the Intention of taking s<
Ing profits. ,
HURHARD: Wc bcllovc tho market
has very nfcfrfy seen the low because
contractu "arc Ik-lug taken out o!
market by trade.
HirK ahd WILLIAMS: Advise pur
cha-e of new crop months on weak
markets. .Ifr'
RIUKi.LY: Likely to be lower
market this morning, but favor buy-
In* on depressions.
Banner-Herald Want Ads
(Too Lite to Ctanifjr)
WANTED—Boy about 14
years old to deliver pa'
pers. Apply Banner-Her*
aid Office.
unfurnished connecting moms,
Joining batlt. Modrcn conveniences.
Corner Hancock nnd Thomas. 3G1.
* u * mllp
"California Fig Syrup" is
Child's Best Laxative
K rli U J ry Mother! A teaspoonful of
-alif„ rn i a gymp" now will
- n , r, . u K^fy clem the little bowels
sell m i a t* hours you have a
I»Jayfu! child again. Even if
fii « ’ 1 <*yerish, bilious, constipate
-fmw Vi * children love its
r ‘ ty and mothers can
%«***?■ bccau,e ** never fails to
niot,. i a the *ouring food and
aeh * j l riR ht out °* tJlc 8tom *
or without Rriping
Toff tl,n * fht cfaiId -
0 0 ; I L your you want
Bfi”WfS5. m&.T
** r
•Mlsa IjUcy Hansford gnve a de
lightful miscellaneous showc
Friday evening for Mrs. Bernico
Wells Wise, a bride-to-be May
The affair was a success in
every way, and a very pretty com
pliment to the honoree.
The house wns beautifully dec
orated. In vari-colored flowers and
delicious refreshments
About thirty guests wero pres
Mrs. lJrn Juliau and little Hen,
\, wont to Winder Monday to
spend several days.
. — ®-
Mrs. Anbury Hodgson who has
ppehed here summer homo at Dil
lard. ramo down Monday night to
spend a few days with Mrv Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ould hnvo
returned from New York and Mrs.
Ould is ln Atlanta visiting her
Misshs Mattio Lou nnd Rosa Leo
Wood have returned from Atlanta
whero they spent several days witl
relatives and friends.
Give Play At Octagon Re
gardless of the
Announcement is made by Rixter
Street School that “The Sleep
ing Beauty,” tho elaborate spec
tacle for which tho' pupils hnvo
been rehearsing for several weeks,
will be presented Wednesday aft-
ornoon at four o'clock at the Oc
tagon on the Univogdty campus.
Tho play was post i>oned from last
Saturday, but It is announced that
It will be presented Wednesday,
regard less of weather conditlotas.
Snap-Shots of Elks
Parade At Palace
Rnap-Ssot of the Elk’s Parade
in Atlanta several days ago. Inci
dent to the opening of the charity
clinics, is n feature of tho Ruth
Newa-Plctue that Is beinb shown
at the Palace Theatre tonight.
Cocoanut Oil Makes
A Splendid Shampoo
B|f you want to keep y«ur hair
in good condition, be carubul .what
you wash It with.
Many soaps and prepared sham-
os contain too much free alkali.
iis dries tliu scalp, makes the
hnir brittle and is very harmful.
Muhificd cocoanut oil shampoo
(which is pure nnd entirely ^rease-
ka»), is much better than any
thing else you can use for sham
pooing aa thip cannot possibly in
jure the hair.
HSintply put two or three ten-
spoonfuls of Mulsified in a cup or
glass with a little warm water,
then moisten your hair with whter
and rub the Mills ified in. It will
make nn abundance of rich,
citamy lather and eh’aase the hair
and scalp thoroughly. The lather
I rinses out easily, and removes
every particle of dust, dirt, dan-
Idruff and excess oil- The hair
dries quickly ami evenly, and It
leaves it fine ana silky, bright,
Ifluffy and easy to manage.
I You can get Mulsified cocoanut
oil shampoo at any drug store. It
is very cheap, nnd a few onces
will fret everyone in the famfly
for months. Be-sure your drug-
■ Mulificd.
. - * - - .
gist gives you