Newspaper Page Text
estlgate Today!
igulxr Subicrlbcia
scldent Policy Free.
Dally and Sunday—10 Cant* a Waalu 1
Eatallahad 1832.
I Dally, and Sunday-10
a Week.
MIDDLING — 21 t-2c
PREVIOUS CLOSE .. .. 21 l-4c
Cooler With Probable Raina.
Anociated Praia Service
A. b. c. papai;
Single Coplea 2 Canta Dally. 6 Centa Sunday.
Me on At Work On
found a
To Carry Out
ze Ship Decision
(By Aaaociatad Press.)
NGTON—Indications were given at the Treas-
liui sg here Thursday, that Secretary Mellon had
ay to reconcile the recent ruling by the United
States {ireme Court, in regdrd to vessels carrying whis
key, "i
liquor a :rew rations.
TV i,el woe expressed by cer
,„in of lie that legislation neces-
wry to t y out the high courfi
decision ring liquor within ter- « rs ot the United States
„.„ u i,l in actually ' promulgated
-Ithin tl text few -days.
Official etused to discuss what
course w d be adopted by the
Treasury, id would not matte any
Btatemcnfhleh might give/ an)
foreign laws, which compel their ships to carry
hat the proposed legis
lation m t be. It la supposed,
front the uctance'of the official!
discus e situation that the
In Ion still in the process of
allot id that nothing l)aa been
definitely tiled as yet.
til teorles were advanced
but it tv Impossible to get any
. mlon as to which one
would I/O e plan selected.
Among te theories which aro
gaining mgth among the offl-
cials Is U regulations will be
provided ilch will flatly bar all
ill I within the three mile
limit, Ul iat ships would be per
mitted ft ace such liquor as war
required their ehlp doctor!
aboard f, medical purposes.
Thus ! there has been no
llmltatloi Ixed as to the amount
of liquet -hlch shlpa may carry
tnedltpl purposes.
Hold 'rize Drill
S urday P. M.
Tho p* drill, a feature t of
Georgia < mencement, will take
plare on nford Field Saturday
afternoon 4 o’clock. All the unite
of the It. < c., Infwtry, cavalry,
i.M t. C., d the like will take
part. The t drilled company will
be select© vhilo the beat drilled
cadet will o be awarded a *old
- Hiding a ts -and. Jnauy-qpeclel
features w bo offered. The pub
lic la Invlj Thaw M boi ebargo.
Athcnia Attending
Co. nissioners Meet
Curb Market To
Open Here Again
Saturday 7 A. M.
flfth Day of Market Will
Bring Crowd of Produc
ers and Consumers. Sue-;
cess Assured.
ST. IxfuIS—The custom of
hospital doctors of putting a
blue mark around the spot on
the patient's body atfectnl
drove Simeon Tanner ont of n
local hospital in tqrror. The
night before Tanner was admit-
ted a patient so marked died
in his sleep. When Tanner
came in and another inmate of
the ward saw the blue mark on
his body tho litter cried. “You're
marked to die" Tanner waited
only long enough to . get .the
story of the preceding night's
death. Then he fled without
any clothing. He wan caught
two blocks nway and returned
yrhen everything was explained.
Athens’ fifth Curb Market (lay
will be held Saturday and there is
no doubt but that a large number
of producers as well aH consumers
will be present.
The market will open at 7 o’clock
on Broad street between College
avenue and Lumpkin street. Mrs.
Bessie Troutman, market master,
urges all producers to bring their
products to the market early as
Saturday Afternoon Se
nior Class Will Hold An
nual “Class Day.” An
nual Banquet Follows.
The commencement proper
the State Normal School will get
under way Saturday afternoon at
the buyers are there when the 14 o'clock when the Senior cla* 8
market epenn in order to got back will hold the annual Class Day.
home In time to cook their vege
tables and’ other articles bought
tbr dinner.
The success of the Curb Market
Is now assured} It Is declared. Over
one hundred permits to sell on the
market have been issued the pro
ducers In Clarke and adjoining
counties and more than $2,000
worth of produce sold in the four
days tho morket has been held.
J. M. H son. member of the
Clarke Coi r Board of Commie-
Blotters nmlomer K. Nicholson,
county en| er are attending th»
meeting ol he Georgia Associa
tion of c< ty Commissioners In
Amcrlcun I week.
(Jovcrnof ?ct Clifford Walker,
John N. I Itr, chairman of the
Htate His ay Department and
other pron nt men will address
the contml mere.
New I aiding For
Worn i Is Favored
By ,idge Brand
A t h e Congressman
Says f Thinks Women
Would te Successful If
They 1 iuld try Hard.
“If the men would go to the
capltol wb the General Assembly
e and tell those legis
lators tha hey want a woman'*
dormitory the cagipaa and get
them to n o an appropriation for
It I be)iov< iey could get lt # H said
Judge Cha I. Brund United Statei
C’ongre.iHrn to a Bsnner-Hefglf
writer Wq »day.
Judge b d went on to say that
®ught to'
Making Up Time. Passen
ger Tram ■P+a ii g« s
' Through 1 Opeh Switch
and Hits Another.
(By Auoclated Press.)
PORT WORTH.—Five pontons
were reported killed and several
Injured In a head on collision early
Thursday morning, between two
Texas and Pacific paaaengor trains
near Cisco, a few miles from here.
. One nf the trains was standing
bn a aiding at Dothan, aeven miles
eaat of Cisco, when the other pas.
senger train, running late ' and
making up time, ran through an
dpen switch and crashed Into tho
standing train.
Two of tho dead have been Iden
tified. One of the dead Is a resi
lient of this city, while the other
Identified man Is a negro portof |
on the train.
Help has been sent from this
This event will bo staged on tho
lawn In front of Ollmer Hall,
formerly known as-"Rock College"
tho first building erected on the
Following the Class Day Exer
cises the annual banquet will be
imjoyed- in the dining halt and the
Seniors, members of the faculty
and Alumni will attend.
Following Is the program of the
Class Day: _ , _ ,
1. Class Songs Entire Senior
Class. jl
2. Flnleuli-funlcula—Senior Class
3. Folk Dances.
I. Danish Group:
1. Danish Dance of Greeting.
2. Ace of Diamonds.
II. Swedish Group:
1. Klappdans. >
2. Blcklng.
III. iBohemlan Group:
1. Strtsak.
2. Shoemaker's Dance.
IV. Scotch Croup:
1. Cornin' Thro the Rye.
2. Schottlach.
V. American Group:
1. Virginia Reel.
4. Old Motbor Gooso Bong: Oloe
5. May Pole Dance. .
6. Song: Seniors to tho Wide,
Wide World.
7. Claae March.
8. Address of President of Sonlor
Farewell Song—Senior class.
French Officials Make
Public Reply to German
Newspaper Charges of
Fostering Riotings.
Increase of Nearly Two
Hundred in Number of
White School Children
Since 1918.
Say Wheat dnd Big Sums I Nearly F,vei;y District Re-
of Mqney Were Sent ports Increase in Num-
Into the Ruhr By the
(By Associated Prats.)
DUSSELDORF. — French mili
tary authorities here declare that
they hare knowledge that Moscow
has sent into the Ruhr valley
more thin twenty million Swiaa
francs in a further effort to create
a Soviet Republic there.
In edition the French officiate
state that two shiploads of wheat
have heen sent on Moscow's initia-
ber of White School Chil
dren in 5 Years.
Nearly two hundred more white
children are In echool now than In
111*, it was learned Thursday when
empty School Commissioner T. H.
Do^er announced the results of
the ; recent school census.
While the total of white anti
negro school children decreased
over two hunuvefl during the last
five years, the number of white
children increased in nearly ivery
district. A decrease of three hun-1
tTre tatottTBuh/for■'“the’ uo of, dred .3“ i" etT 1 (By A " ocl,t#d „
the Communists there, particularly *“ ‘ he * 0,al of negr0 * cl1001 ch “ NEW YORK.—J. P. Morgan an.
' *" dr®. ... inouuccd he had advlsad the loan
tlcre ? ,er ? I commission of Austria’ that his
and 1864 negro school children In | banklns house was prapared to qr-
tho county. In 1923 there-ire 114®lgani*e a syndicate to underwrite
SAVANNAH—Savannah po-
llcemen claim they have dis
covered one honest bootlegger—
alleged. Bill Bruner was arrest
ed and fined $2G by the re*
corder and then bound over for
alleged violation, of the liquor
laws. He had been, t it was
charged, taken with several
quarts of Scotch liquor in his
possession. He made earnest
request of the officers and then
of the recorder's court to be al
lowed to deliver the liquor to
the customer with whom he de*
'clared he was honor bound to
keep faith. His appeal was in
Five Die As Food Riots
By Communists Break
Out In German Towns
J. P. Morgan Banking
House to Underwrite
$25,000,000 of $130,000,-
000 Loan to Austria.
at Bochum and Dortmund with the
promise that more will be supplied
when needed.
This declaration was made pub
lic Thursday in reply to the
charges which recently appeared in
German newspapers that the Com
munist trouble was being fostered
by the French government.
The announcement made Thurs
day by the French was something
of a bombshell, and the reply
which wllh probably immediately be
forwarded by the Soviet govern
ment in answer to the French
charges i» being awaited with in
For some time it has beep
thought by the French authoritiu
that the Communists were receiv
ing aid outside of Germany, but
until recenUy the source was not
.What action the French will
take, following the announcement
made by them concerning the Sov
iet interest in the Ruhr, has not as
yet been announced.
(By Aeaoelated Press.) . .
ESSEN—The Communist riots are spreading over
German# ... , .. ,
In a struggle which began late Wedneday night and
is still in progress, the Communists took possession of the
police headquarters at Gelsenkirchen, despite the opposi-
tlon put up by the police and hoisted the red flag over the
Rotarians Hold
Spirited Meet
Here Wednesday
Committee Appointed to
Secure Georgia Baseball
Team For Athens Dur-
ing Coming Summer.
The Rotary club meeting Wed
nesday waa one of the most en
joyable and Interesting held in
3 etlme. Practically a hundred
cent attendance waa recorded
a number' of vlsltoss were
A number ot amendments to tho
by-lawa wera ottered by Rotarian
white and 1471 negro children in
the county schools.
ganise a syndicate to underwrite c - „ plln |. en , nd on inotlon thu
32S.009.W9 of th. 3130.000,900 ASS- SjT^SdtafoU.
be well secured and because it
market 4t step toward Improving
Whitehall and Princeton, as well
as Buck Branch and Brad berry’s ^ _ mw _ w _ r
show the largest Increase In white business conditions of the world,
school children while every school | "R is the first stop,” the state-
district In tho county reports a do-; ment said, "toward the rebabIMta.
crease In number of negro school tlon of central Europe taken by all
cJrlMren. Tho state appropriates the nations working together, and
trlan reconstruction loan. . I Rotarian Cuyler Trusaell brought
Mr. Morgan declared bis firm J® attention 01 ll “ “•“J*'*
stood read to undertake the work thejmportan_ce_ot_ hoJdlnf_a
because it believed the bonds to
TOPEKA.—The home for orph-
ane ot the World War to be es
tablished by tha Kansas depart
ment ot the American Legion will
he under constrncUon before June
1, according to W. P. MacLoan, Le.
glon state commander. The Kaneaa
neip hub ■.«- i _____ i men propose to lay the cornerstone
place and a wrecking train 1* I _ •_ A-tcw 1 of ,ho ,lr *t building on Memorial
ready to leave shortly, for tho I FrITIOUS EUTOpfiSn ACtOT ( Day. The site for the home is on
sedno of tho wreck.
Kansas Department ef
American Legion to Be
gin Work on Home For
all day singing
i Ts Sppn At Palace in » 388-acre farm near Independence
IS oeen . w, „ .- which waa tendered to the ex-
[ First American M8d e[aenrlce mon's organlxation by
There will be an all day singing
at Goshen, in Oconee county. Sat
urday. All lingers In this section
of the state are requested to come
amt bring their song book. These
occasions are annual events at
Ooahen and hundreds visit this
6 lace each year and spend the day
) songs. Basket dinner will be
solved on the grounds.
he was th ughly In favor of 00-
wltiMtion the University
B-'/rcla. a that he felt that the
of a Oman's donnltory on
/’anipt waa ona of the out.
•tan,lint, t Is of tbs University.
Be Mid: ’he first thing to do li
•" set th ppyoprlatlon. A way
•hi | W ft ft to get the money,
•a; III after tne tax re
Baht itteie appropriation. Therr
ra» Why a eperarata bill
Introduced for an ap-
, for aueh t bulMIng
•Part tr,. : hat Sskad fbr for otbei
no expi
"'hin . ed what ha ' though!
°“sht t 0 e done about the . tax
"Villon as Brand aald he wa»
•iuit( >adjr to express himself
0n the bject. However,
|, e wa> on6 a com
* o, ^ Georgia Bankers As-
f 0c|a,, °u hlch met In Bavanqat
nd which had indorsed
w-ornsra » with the business mer
J; th, ‘ *' • an< * W»e Committee or
Ktviqi on Tavee.
J'xlp* and stated that thir
rro mtbe Georgia Bank-
Ah.v Ltion would make i
’ ,rnm ' ‘tlon as to the tax lam
h favoi
That < rfla had an inadequat*
that It was a state wltl
something Immsdlale
S, sure of your ground and
than Itay ,t It. Thejrsst tdvsr.
tiring bouse of N. W. Ayor A
.Son. In an idwrtlMnunl recent.
|y, quoted one menufacturer aa
saying to another:
"Fihm what I know of your
preposition, you ought to bg a
highly ouccoeiful advertiser. In
fact, you will poboblry be so
successful—and soma day buol-
1 neas will eeom to coma so easily
—that you may forgot tho part.
that advertising plays In malting
It eoma aa easily. You rney' pet
tha Idea, aa other* have that you
pan atop your advortlolng—or
cut It to a ahadew of Itself—and
never mlea It. _
"But tha public memory-la no
bettor than your awn. or my own.
It mutt ha Jagged contlnuaUy. If
the time arrives whan you think
you can forgot tha public and not
bt forgotten yourself—put away
.the temptation. It la tha law In
advertising, at In everything
also, that ptrminent auectaa re-
quires permanent effort.''
If yeu are Interacted In news
paper advortlolng. gat your copy
tf this booklet before tha supply
li exhausted.
Pirhirp Here TWO DaVS. we * llh f oil man Whole son died
riciure. nere iwu Day a. g| l n|uH of war Mrvlce
Incontestably proving herself the
greatest tragic nctrcaa ot the pereen
Pols Negri, the famous European
artiste, made her debut In her Are I
American made Paramount picture,
"Bella Donna" at tha Palace The
atre Thursday, the flret day ot,t
two-day run.
Georgia Bulldogs
Honor Guests of
Local Kiwanians
money for 100101000000 o"f tho [wo bcllcvo thnt tho American mar-
schools on the basis or school pop-, ket should take its part when such
ulntlon. ; a concerted .effort it being made
k... . •“ 1 T j, e victors were, Mr. Koniioth
Lindsay, ot Oxford Unlveralty.
England; Guy Grlffcth. formerly ot
.xa, nogro I cuiiuicrinau i/i nut«wu, uw, xo^'^roinoqn Rntao^t Vlbrarion^f
White 79. misaloncr general of Austrls. and nt noorLio “
naan. 200; joxo, wane 70. nogro. by the loan commtaelon og Austria, ,h ,® ®3d»tan , tn 'ihi ni mtiaiool
HI. if we would be prepared to under- I» addition to the .ostial musical
Sandy Crook. 1918 white. 91.! takp the ptuclng of 125.000,000 ot
negro 328; 1923) while 96, negro ■ bopdn of the Austrian government
9 70 1. 1 In thin nnuntrv Affnp pqrnflll In.
The report ahowa Kenney’a Dla- t„ better general bualm
trict. 1918. white. 122. negro, 255; I tlona In the world. v
1993. white. 129. negro. 181:1
Panccton, District, white, 95. "We have been naked by Dr.
nekro 141; 1923, white 123. nogro I Zimmerman of Holland, the com-
J4f: Puryeafa 1918.
ot baseball games h#ro this sum
mer and offered* n motion tor the
appointment of n committee to in
vestigate and take np with Dr.
8anford, athletic director of the
University of Georgia the posal-
bl»y of securing the team to play.
Hugh Gordon. Frank Hardeman.
Julius Tslmadge and' Col. D. W.
Ryther wore appointed to take
charge of the project.
Reports from Goripan sources, in
a position to know, state tbat five
persons were killed and slxty-onc
were wounded, some perhaps fatal
ly, In the attack on the police sta
Tho building was sold to have
been defended by police and a civi
lian defense organisation, which
was finally forced to retire from
the building and the fight, when
tho attacking force set flro to one
wing of the building and forced the
defenders to leave It Immediately
or endanger their lives.
According to reporte, tho trouble
began to take terloue form wheo
tho Communist "Commission ol
Control" visited ehopt demanding
prices ot foodstuffs bo cut In half.
'Housewives, hearing that the
etores wero complying with the
demnnds of tho commloelon swoop
ed down on the stores with market
baeketa, und In a short time the
entire stock of supplies were ex-
In tho meanwhile the streets be
gan to fill with peopto and a gen
eral scramble ensued.
As the security police had been
expelled from the town In Febru
ary. the city was without protec
tion, except for a force of firemen
who had both doing patrol duty.
These firemen were called upon tc
make efforts to disperse, the crowds
and were aided by the newly formed
Civlllan'e Defense League,
members of whfch were armed with
clubs, but not guns.
The mob upon being attacked Im
mediately counter-attacked end the
firemen were forced to bring out
revolvers and shoot to kill or to
be killed themselves.
278. ’ ' I in this country. ARer careful In
Athens district 1918 139 white, vestlgstlon of the present condi-
230 negro 1923 50 white, 109 negro., tlon of Austria, particularly the
Brad-berry'* district, 1918 while'great Improremtnt mode daring
89, negro 202; 1923, whlto 105 the put five months, and after
negro. 149. I consultation with leading bankers
Buck Branch 1918, white 201: In the large contara of the United
negro 418; 1923 white 270; negro States, we hive advised the loan
"Politics” Enter
Into Release of
commission that wheo their plan
for selling this Issue ot bonds In
the various markets of .the group
Is ready we would undertake to
organise a yndfente to underwrite
125.000.000 of the total luue of
I >130,000.000. Which le to be divided
Bandit Captives “ 0 p u ‘“™ g p° ,,lbIe u * dln *
Message From American
Suiting her peraonaHty and ar
tistry to perfection, ‘(Bella Donna"
Is a screen, creation by thla gifted
actress that will live long In the
memory of thou who Mil this re-
markarble cinema claialc, produced
by that muter director, George
Pola Negri Is at her best In the
portrayal of euch characters ai
“Bella Donna,’ a notorious woman
who marries Nigel Armine, an
English engineer played by Con
rad Nagel. When they go U
Egypt, the spell of the troplce com
pletely transforme her. and when
•he ineets Baroudl, a desert chief
tain. capitally played by Conwey
Teerie, she forgets her hueband'
love and clinge to him paulonate
ly. When he squeate tbat she gulp
Championship Red and
Black Diamond Artists
Honored At Kiwanis
Luncheon At “Y.”
_ yre are awaiting ad'
Minister Schurman Says vice, from Europe that final ar.
r>-i,.,. TT„„_ rangementa are completed with the
routics Have Entered, bankers of England. France, qol-
Into Negotiations. Xand, Denmark. Sweden. Norway,
into ivegoutiuuiio. .swltxeriand. Spain. Belgium. Italy
1 . and Cxecho-SIovakia, different
nh U,T T^T m r?inVHIt,,an. 1 conntrigg wll be completed. It ta
whlh hS surround"? the SuZw'
train bandits and foreign captives 5, 2
In their Photxuku mountain stronv- ***■ f! K, JhJyi
hold have fallen back six miles. ,c- »“ d . '» ‘ h *‘ ‘•suew.aru
cording to dispatches received I^. to Me the ** rt lndlc * , * <1
here from Lincheng. _
The outposts of tne brigands are _ __ _ _
xled at the recent cessation of ne-1
itiations (or the release of,the
and vocal numbers, Mr. Burnett
favored' tho members with several
selections on the violin accom
panied by Hugh Hodgson, piano.
Colored School to
Give Play Thursday
Tonight at the Colonial theatre,
ibo students of the' Athens High
and Industrial school (colored)
will prount the musical comedy,
"College Days," Interspersed with
negro molodies.
The entire first floor ban been
reserved for the white people and
admission of fifty centa will be
charged. The balcony and gallery
will be turned over to Me colored
people to which an ndmlsslon of
thlrty-flva and twenty centa will
he charged.
Col. Gantt Visits Carlton
and Finds Business Men
Progressive and Commu
nity Thriving.
messengers to Lincheng demand
ing that newspapers be sent up to
their etronghold.
Newspapers were sent but the
There Is not a town in Georgia
founded on a firmer bed-rock of
enduring prosperity than Carlton.
With tho advent of tho boll weevil
and collapse In prices, old estab
lished houses all over the south
went down like straws before tho
temiiest; but Carlton not only
weathered tho .storm, but con
tinued ta prosper. This is one town
where I do not think a commer
cial failure has ever occurred in
!U history.
I This Is duo to the fact that carl-
Jton merchants have always been
jvory conservative and are men of
.•■Vi . |Hiiinal business Hbjlity.
Chief of Infantry From
Washington, Arrives in
Athens Thursday. Make
Inspection Friday.
General Chtrlu F. Farnsworth.
Chief of infantry, Washington. D.
relief party carefully deleted all J Friends and 'Co-WorkerS
tC., will be In Athene Friday tail
matter pertaining to the kidnap- f fa Education Will Place
Ono ot the bandit coolie mes
sengers told relief workers that
The Georgia buebtll team,
champions of the Southern Inter-
Hftnbt .k Wit £? nt . ™ '"VU wno are nuw tv-ueis uq
bandits witnessed some time
the bandits got tho idea of derail
ing the Feking-Shangka! express
train from a motion picture which
the men who are now leaders of
1 at the regular .weekly lunch- ,',i nce
held Thursday at the V. M. C.l* ' '
t L' V £° r,< r ! DELAYED NOTE
dog»^ made speeches, including'arrives
Marker Over Grave of
Former Athenian.
A monument, bought with a fund
provided by “teachers and friends-
over the state wll be unveiled at
the grave of Miss Celeste 8. Par
rish, farmer Athenian, at Clayton,
Ga., next FMday.
It is hopdd to have the Georgia
team remain practically intact and
P»y •series of games An this sec
tion this summer and a plan is be
lter freedom by poisoning her hus-llng worked out by the Rotary, the
band she agrees. Nigel, narrowly Kiwanis and the Chamber of Com-
escajes d'e •alb end when he Jearm rmesce towards this end. It lg be
the truth, their separation follows. J 4 ’
Then came* the supreme tragedy o f
the story—Bel Li’s return to Baroudf
only to find herself scorned, her
agony on seeing her husband cared
for by the woman he really loves,
(Lois Wilson) aad her vanishment
In the desert in the fape of a fierce
sand storm. In these scenes Poln
Negri it at her beet, end thrill af
ter thrill is provoked by her won
derful artistry.
Mr. Nagel, Mr. Tearle and Mist
WUson. the featured players, ren
der efficient support while th* cast
generally Is of all star calibre.
"Bella Donna" Is one of the strong
est pictures seen here In years, anf
no lover of supreme cinema ex
cellence can afford to mlea seeing
It during it* fun In Athena.
A delayed f Mi ** Par,ah waa at one time
meesawT from 'Minister Schurmart! Principal of the training school at
in Pfekmt? was received here Thors- lh ® ®tate Normal School,
day by the State Department. The
message expressed the minister's
belief thot -the task of obtaining
the release of the foreign prison
ers heH bv the bandits is pow
complicated by Chinese politics.
The mbssxge stated that certain
hostile factions are using the ban
dit outrages to discredit the Chilhli
Iieved that with rood teams in
Winder, Monroe. Washington. El-
borton, Buford, Thomson and other ">•■—•“'* -»»“••
places in Georgia that .iE?** ° f Pekin government and
schedule could be arranged where, ,,Jjij K l in, » wh ?L had b< ^, n * h °P* ful
an Athena team would fitin well, C1 “Si W * te far th ®
epecially with the summer school ' “““
here with Its 2,000 members.
The message further stated that
it did not seem probable that the
captjvea would now be killed but
Plant were completed at the there *u danger that should the
luncheon Thursday for the trip to: negotiations be prolonged for
Atlanta next week where the In-' much longer, some might die from
tematkmsl Convention convenes exposure,
Monday. The entire club has voted
to attend tho Tuesday meetings
while the delegates. President
Barnett and Walter Hodgion', will
be in attendance at nil the seesion.
One of the largest and moat en-
thuslutic meetings of the year
was held Thursday. Several visi
tors were present.
liams, centerflelder of the Phila
delphia Nationals, banged out his
sixtheenth home run of the season
Wednesday in the seventh Inning
of the game with Pittsburgh. No
game with Pittsburgh. No
Mmw kite.
Miss Parrish wu also for reaoy
years.a auto .school supervisor
mid did splendid work for tho cauo,
of education In Georgia. Dr. M. L
Duggan. E. A. Pound, and othei
state school officials, will attend the
Stale Reboot Superintendent J. O.
Martin le' conducting an Inatltute
at Clayton for th. Rabun county
teacher*, and under hla direction,
these teachers, pupils ol the school,
and citltens of Clayton, together
with such friends of Miss Parrish
as can attend will take part In the
These exercises will consist ol
voluntary tributes to the memory
of Aflss Parrish and decorating her
grave with mountain wild flowers
All friends of Ula0 Parrish or the
cause ror which she lived and died
are attend. Tha exer
cise* will be held after the arrival
Tallulah Fella mid-day
Inspect the Senior unit of tho R.
O. T. C. at the University of Oeor
gla and also probably the Junior
unit at the Athens High School.
General Farnsworth strives In
Athens Thursday evening and will
bo entertained by tbe regular army
personnel stationed here. He is
one of tho army officers ot the
country who occupies one ot tho
moot Important poeltlons ot tho
service and his visit to Athens will
bt on Important ono for the local
units. He hu with'him CoL Frank
Before Inspecting tbe local twits
the University R. O. T. C. will
state a parade for him on Herty
Field at' S:3S Friday morning.
R. R-i Rates Cat to
Aid Those Coming
To Summer School
The Southeastern Tariff Associa
tlon haa granted the Hummer School
of the University of Georgia a fare
and a half round trip rate June 23
to Auitust 7. Teachers end others
expecting to attend ,the summer
echool should write to J. 8. Stew
art, Director, for a certificate to
file with the ticket agent when
buyin# a ticket to Athena Over
nineteen hundred attended thlf
bIned-schools of the University, the tlon..
Agricultural CoUegf, .the State Around < arhon
Normal School and the lucy‘ Cdbb are* some fine w;
I ton lias never • encouraged
boom, but was content with
steatfy and unceasing growth hi
population and business that haa
characterized tho place since Its
creation, -
Carlton is located In the penin
sular formed b^tho confluence of
tho two branches of Broad river.
This section, oven before the war
between tho States and when re
mote from n railroad, was settled
by large and prosperous farmers
and was onb of the finest farming
sections of Madison county.
It Is kn&wn ns the Fork district
but tho territory tributary to Carl
ton extends over Into Oglethorpe
and embraoea the splendid Glade
•cetton anil reaches into Millstone.
Carlton is tho business center and
depot for this rich and populous
belt ot country. I know of no town
wlthh finer farming country back
ing It than Carlton.
Carlton was named for Capt. H.
IL Carlton, of Athens, who rep
resented this district In congress
at the time the town was created
and did some valuable service in
lauichlng It The name of the de.
pot has been .changed to Berkley,
but the express, telegraph and poat
office are known as Carlton.
When tbe town wu first laid
off some splendid people from
Oglethorpo moved there, bought
lota and engaged tn, business,
among them were tho Stevens.
Huffs, Martins ond other leading
families from that grand old coun
ty. In fact Carlton Is largely made
up of pioneers from Oglethorpe
and some from Elbert. And finer
people do not exist. They wero
men of means and of business
ability, and gave to the town their
summer school lost summer end the beet efforts. Mrs. Georgia G.iolsby
reduced railroad rates will make It buljt the flret hotel In the place
pouible for many more to enjoy and which she still own* and op-
the advantage, offered by crates. It has an enviable reputa-
' ratty, th, tlon., 1 feotdB
">n on both river*,
water powers and
Institute. (Turn to F«je Six)