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VOL. 91. NO. 86
Aatoelated Preoo Bervle.
A. B. C. paper
Slngl. Copl.a 2 Canta Dally. 6 Cent. Sunday.
(By Aaaoclated Prase.)
TEINSTIN—Deep mystery is attached to heavy
firing wbich was heard Thursday night about six miles
from Tsadchwang, in the direction of the Paotzuku
stronghold of the Suchow train bandits, according to ad
vices received here.
It is assumed that the bandits may have encountered
the government troops which withdrew from the imme
diate vicinity of the bandits Thursday, and are attempt-
iiur to escape to the hil|p in the rear of Paotzuku.
m.ther theory I. that th. baa-
Jlia I.ava been Joined by many oth-
try and that atconcarted effort I.
twins made to, break the govern-
ment cordon which i* eupposed’to
„V, surrounded th. ptountaln up-
,n which the bandit, ar. encamped
It la alao. poaaible that the bandlta
ire fighting, among, themaelvea,
though thU .li not thought prob-
1,1,1c aa ulRll now th. dUcIpUni
among the bandlta ha< befn one ot
uric obedience to th«lr leader.
Meircngera Arriving (tom Pa*-
tzuku Informed relief worker, that
Ihc captive, had been removed to
to a point’ two mil., further back
1 the mountain., though letter, re
ceived from the bandlta etronghold
dM not mention any removal of the
Washington wt| In receipt of a
message -from lnlater Schurman
nt Pekin, Thursday, which had
been delayed, which atated that i»
was the concensus of opinion that
politics had Intered into the ne
gotiations,* between ““ r,K
IN Poincare Given Big
Ovation In Chamber
Of Deputies
Two Interesting. Bills Will
Be Introduced At Next
Session of State Legisla
Bill Advertised Friday in
Banner-IHeraldi -Would
Amend City Extension
Measure Passed in 1920.
To Avoid Conflict With
American Liquor Law.
Whiskey Is Required By
Spanish Law.
Two bill, of more than passing
Interest to Athen. clttaen. will bd
Introduced for psesage In (he legis
lature when It convenes next
One of tbe bills will be for the
purpose of amending the- Civil
Service act In. order to elect tbe
three commissioners from tbe per
sonnel of City Council instead of
from tbe ettisonry in general and
to make the mayor chairman of the
_ , ’ (By Associated Press.)
PARIS—The entire Chamber of Deputies, with the
exception of the Communist members gave Premier Poin
care a great ovation when'he entered the Chamber Fri
day morning for the continuation of Thursday’s interpel
lations on the situation in the Ruhr.
The Communists in the Chamber hpoted the Premier,
but this seemed only to increase the enthusiasm of tbe
remainder of the deputies. (
Premier Poincare tendered
v resignation to President' Millerand
Thursday night after the senate
had repudiated the Minister
l Justice by a upte of 14G to 104.
Millerand, supporting Poincare**
anti-communist lKillcles, refused to
accept the resignation.
Fifteen Killed By Soviet
Government For Taking
Part in Counter-Rdvolu
tion Thursday.
(By Associated press.)
NEW YORK—The Spanish roy
al mall steamship line, operating
between Barcelona and New York,
has ordered discontinuance of all
American sailings, Luis Llanso, lo
cal agent top the company an
nounced. The discontinuance was
ordered because of the recent su-
Chlnesi j preme court - decision forbidding
vavfrnriient and th. bandlta. foreign vre«i. from bringing ll :
U was thought that the outrage*! quor into American territorial Urn
* - ~ - Its, he said.
; that
comm itted by, thf band), were bo-
Ine iiied aha played up to dta-
rredlt tho present government at
Pekin In tbe hope that foreign na.
Hone would intervene.
It I. now- though that the cap
tive. will pot be killed a. the ban-,
, lilt, have threatened but there Ir
nave danger that Humid the na
collations be drawn out over i
long length of Urtte. the prtaontr.
ere In danger of death from ex-
poaure. aa .they hav. very Uttk
protection in the etrohghotd of th>
bandit., who or. hardened to all
kind! of weather.
Troop, of aevera) foreign nation,
■tatloned at varlou. points are mill
held In reediness In the event that
they might bo coltad upon to take
direct action.
Efforts ar. being made, to de
termine the cauM and th. -mull
of the firing which took'plac. near
the bandit's stronghold on Pootxu-
ku mountain..
Rules to Regulate
Athletics in High
of State
i to Present, and
, Jraft At State
High School Meet Here
in Jiihe, Says Stewart.
A definite «et of rat., for th*
regulation^ qf athletic. In high
The ateamahip, Prince De Sat
ru.tcgul, which wUl Kill tor Cadis
May 30 and la due In New Vork
June 11, wit be tbe last ship or the
line to touch here, Utmo sntd. All
•hip. will be diverted to Havanna
and Vera, Crus after that date, he
-The company decided to-eance!
said Llanso. "The Spanish I
require us to carry, liquor for
use of the crews, but . the American
las forbid us to bring it within lti
territorial limits. The J*riqc* OT
Satrustegui will arrive dry and will
leave here dry.", ,
, Me Indicated, however, that th«j'
■hip would proceed to Cuba on It*
return trip. It would bring ap
proximately 200 passengers he said,
but many hnd Cancelled passage
when learning of the supreme
court ruling.
When the resolution putting
council on record as favoring this
measure was Introduced, Its author.
Councilman Henry culp explained
that there Is no Intention to depart
from the civil service regulations
under which the police and fire
departments operate If the bill
amending the act changing the
method of election ta passed by tbe
legislature. City Council elects the
commissioners as It now stands
but not from tha personnel of tbe
former body.
The second bill to be Introduced
will be for th* purpoo ot amend.
Ing tbe act wblch extended tbe
city limit, three year, ago bring
ing Into the-city some three thou,
amd'people. This bill contemplates
.amending the oat only In part, so
n to exclude the section in which
laws the Southern (Manufacturing com
' tb^, pany Is situated. The balance of
the territory taken In will imaln
within the city limits under the
provlslons'of the proposed measure.
Legal notice of the HU to amend
the ,«Ujfcuxtuaa)on measure I. In
Herald in the
ON progress
Th'e city la now conducting con.
lireet lights have been InStall-
■choota fefflghgfl tb* state will g nrred 0nwanI by the kn0 wl.
opted for the
nuai stats High School meet to
nt the University of Obor
June 7, 8 ajjii 9, It Is announced by
Dr - J. B, Stewart, professor of sec
ondary Education at the University
of CieorsbL
Citizens Join Health Com
missioner in Asking For
Child Health Demonstra
tion For Clarke Cpunty.
Vhc protocol In which tho reg-
ulatiuni nre set forth and which
win be a kind of constitution for
■hr newly formed high sohool ath-
leilc body, an Official name to b.
later, was drawn up
Under tha' direction of committee
recently appointed by Dr. Stewart
tn<l consisting of th. following
member.: J. E. Perks, Cedartown,
thalrmd*- jh. J. Be.nett, Fltiger-
!**: W, H. Monts. Statesboro; M.
Harris. Hewklnevllle; and Har-
Ur. Stewart states that every su
Pvrlntendent and* principal of high
•chout. in Georgia have been In-
vli„l to attend tbe annual meet,
*M,eolally"h'order that they ma:
nave a vote In th. .lection »c.
C'l’tlng the new governing ratal
, r athlettca. X large majority"hat
•li-.ady elgnlfted Ita tntenUon of
nt nr. 1 . t - .v .
t ''^^brokrem tor the yiasul State
Thursday, J une j, • Recitation
In' University chapM at
P- ml
Friday, Jdne : CM a. m. Meet-
Executive committee and
ratio*' Prob0< ly Sehdot of Edu-
a.,m. AR eonteatanta meet
,h ; ^ £ n ' 0 "^ c « ra * Uo,, ,n
ri ;i“ p- rn. Track MeeL Sanford
,: »-.a, I
W nrltea.
in. »l »:0(
. dlta* .meeting. »
)), Bewlng conteeL •
m. Debate and delivery
that aeventeen per cent of all
death. In Clarke county laat year
ware children under on. year of
age, Athenian, are rallying to. Dr.
J. D. Applewhite, county health
commlsloner, In hi. effort to .e-
curo 'fho health demon.tratlon
be held somewhere In tbe south,
east by the National, Child Health
Dr. Applewhite has appeared be
fore the'Rotary club, Klwanls club
Chateber of Commerce, Parent.
Teachers Assoclstlon, County
Board ot Health and will ask the
Woman’s Club, tbe ^physicians of
the city and county and presidents
ot the educational Institutions here
to aid In Inducing the association
to hold the-demonstration here.
The demonstration ta from three
to five years and will be maintain-!
ed by money derived from a spec.
Isl fund. The Important of this
demonstration Is, seen by th.
■tranuou. efforta being put forth
by other Georgia communities, es
pecially Baldwin county,. W secure
Fully half tbe Infanta under one
year of age who d|ed, In ,Clarke
county last year .could, hire been
saved. In the opinion ot Dr. Apple-
white. The health demonelration
will not only attract attention to
this community from nil parts of
tbe southeast but the death rate
of Infanta will be greatly reduced
from tta work, It Is pointed out.
The street department Is prepar
ing tp lay more sidewalks tnd fully
325.000 worth of sewer extension
will have been put In before manv
months. Mora .than 1115,000 has
been spent in laying new sewers
In the new section Ince the $30,000
bond Issue for sewers was, idopted
last year.
(By Associated Preaa.)
i MOSCOW—Fifteen peraons, all
'princes, generals or noblemen have
been executed as a result of the
discovery of an active counter
revolutionary plot In , the Soviet
Republic of Georgia, states' a dis
patch frpm Tlflls to the Pravada.
The names of those who were ex
ecuted have not been given out but
It was stated that ’all were active
participant, in the movement to
overthrow the government.
The activities of the counter*
revolutionist. In Georgia are al
leged to have begun early last
Thursday night's sensntlonn! de
velopments followed a day of ex
traordinary thrills, .weening up
ward to the .Inevitable crisis.
For the fifth time In history the
Pernch senate had constituted It
self a court of justice, beginning
the trial ot Communist Deputy Co
chin and twenty prominent com
munist leaders Including Hoelleln,
Communist member of tbe German
relehstnit. arrested at the com
munist anti-Ruhr convention.
They were charged with plotting
Ogalnst the republic and attempt
Ing to stir up resistance to tho
Ruhr occupation.
Sanford Field {to Be the
Scene of Annual Prize
Drill of University of
Georgia R. O. T. C.
Cavalry Stunts Will Be
One Feature of Pro
gram. List of Contest
ants Announced.
year with a combination of fiv* suinjr revolutionary notion Includ-
non-Bolshevlk parties. The planr ) in* opposition to the treaty
Included a general uprising for lost
It was stated that the counter-
revolutionists employed the band I'
leader Chelokaeff. for the
of leading the uprising but theTplof
fallM when his bands were liquid-'
ated with the aid of peasant forqei
and th* ring leader* arrested.
Committee Will Ask City
-Council For Funds to, ,
■ld'erablo Improvements in the sec- vp i Cim«inn*BAti ^■P’ were heW at the *r*veside In thi
tlon taken in by the measure pass- HI p 1 O y oUpcrVISOl Ol family. cemetery near MaysvllU
During Thursday’s trial the sen-
:e waa surrounded and street?
ere heavily guarded td prevent
communist demonstrations.
Prosecutor Lescouve read a 50-
page charge of “acts susceptible tc
threatening the imperial existence
of the state,” charging that the
French communist party under di
rect orders of Moscow was pur-
‘Vcrsallles. and the occupation of
the Ruhr. .
He charged that three French or
ganisations, namely the’ communist
party, the confederation of labor
and the'French Internationale were
irtder . direct ' control of Moscow re^K
The annual prise drill of. the-
R. O. T. C. of the University will
take place Saturday afternoon on
Sanford field, the program begin
ning at. 4 .o’clock. The personnel
Charge has arranged a splendid
gram this year and the public
will enjoy watching the drill and
maneuver events.
The cavalry stunts Will be a fea
ture of the program while the com
pany drill and the Individual drill
In the manual of arms will be of In
terest. Handsome prises are of
fered for the troop and company
drills while a gold medal goes to
the winning cadet.
There will be no chargn for th*
drill and the public Is indeed to at<
tend. .
Germany Alarmed By
Armed Communists’
March Toward Essen
■ (By Auoclated Press.)’
LONDON—The German government is alarmed at
the reports of armed bands of Communists who are said
to be marching on Essen, states a Central News dipatch
from Berlin.
The dispatch further stated that the government has
asked permission from the French authorities to send-
armed forces of German police from the occupied districts
to Essen and Gelsenkirchen to put down the revolt which
seems to be assuming alarming proportions.
No reports have been available
Chief of Infantry and Col.
Powell Pay Visit to .Ath
ens to Inspect University
The program complete ts r as fol
Company Pri*e Drill—Com
pany ”B’’ Infantry, Captain M. Q.
Murray, commanding. Miss v Clara
Bell Rutherford, sponsor.
2. Troop Prise Drill-Troop "R"
Cavalry, Captain J. H. Freeman,
commanding. Miss Elisabeth Har
ris, sponsir.
and High School Units.
General Charles F. Farnsworth,
Chief of Infantry, Washington, D
C., and Col. Frank Rowell of tho
Infantry staff, spent Thoraday
night and Friday In Athens, the
guests of the Regular Army of.
fleers stationed here tnd. whtlo
her. Impacted the two R. O. T. C.
unit, bare, that of the University
and the Athens High School.
Thursday evening tho olllcera
were guest ot the “Scabbard and
Blade” at a dinner at the Geor
gian hotel,’Friday morning a pa-
1, Comply Pri,._ Drill—Com- »!»•£■«
from Dortmund, where the first of
the Communist troubles begun, and
it is thought by some that this Ih
significant that tho town' is um!«*r
tho control of tho Communists. Of
ficials did’ Dot take this view of
tho matter however.
ESSEN.—Tho strike In the Ruhr
which wap inaugurated by tho
Commulsts Is gaining In numbers
and strength and now includes
thousands of iron and steel work
ers, In addition to the miners who
recently went out on strike.
Tho latest to join in the strike
wero twenty thousand employes
of tho StMl works nt ReniSi
whoso (Fernand for a fifty por c.e
Increase In wages was denied
ttfelr employers.
It Is estimated’ that fifty thoi
miners aro strikinK In tho Oelsi
klrchen district alone. The Coi
mDnnlsts. Control at that plai
was still holding police headquar
ters which they seized early
day morning.
volutlonnrles, t *
After debuts, the i
senate declared
itself incompetent+to try the com
miiditt*, and HWfcfVdirf of‘14
repudiated r ‘,t he] jralrttoer > of
M For
Funeral services .for Mrs. Mar
lon P. Wood, who died suddenly
ot the homo of her son Mr. Emory
Wood In Oconee county Wednesday
Primary Methods Here.
(By Aaaocistad Press.)
MINGHAM, Ala.— Fircm.i
found the remains'of Frank W^-
, (tcrcy in __ y—
remained following nn explosion
and fire which destroyed nn eighty
thousand gallon tank -of gasoline
at the plant of tho Wofford Oil
Company here.
Mn. E. B. Hudson was re-elect
ed president of the Athens Parent
Teacher Council, composed ot rep
resentatives from the eight asso
ciations here at a meeting Thurs
day. afternoon,
Mrs.' Klwbod Jackson and Mrs.
R. S. Pond, were elected 1 vice preel-
dents and hire. W. A. Capps, sec-
■etary and treasurer.
The meeting Thursday wan one
)f the most Important held since
the organisation of tbe P.-T. A. in,
Athena. One of the principal sub
jects for dlecueelon was that of
employing n supervisor of primary
method and of, vocal muelc for tb.
public schools.
After this booklet had been
put In typs. The Fourth E.tot.
sppssrsd with sstrspts from s
speech rnsds by J. Lynn Sumner,
•dvsrtlolng msnsger of fhs In
ternational Correspondence
Schools, In which he declares that
too much etre.e Ic laid on bulic
circulation and tea llttls attention
given to goo^ eepy,
“Mr. sumner’o ability as an
.dvsrtlslng .span and his .ve
Butts New Head
Economics Club
New officers for tbe Economics
society in-the School of Commerce
nt the University of Georgia an
H. L. Butte, president; C. Ralph
Youngblood, vlee-prealdeit; H. H,
ria Stol
roungblood, vtee-preaioeni; a. rt,
lanford of Athens: secretary; Mor
is Stokes’of Atlanta, trennraf;
!. R. McKinnon, corresponding
unquestionable, that these ex
tracts are - here reproduced as
worth cartful consideration. The
extract* follow r ‘ *
•*Wha|' edvSfftfflAo nstds Is
W' ift t*i
Cities at a dinner qlven Wsdnet-’
day. |0r. Sumner Is advertising
manager of the International Cor.
respondents Schools ,of Scranton,
Fare and s widely known author
ity In tho advertising business.
..‘•Mr, Sumner told how entire
ly too much time end street • was
laid on space, medium and clreu-
Istlon and not enough on th*
proper eert of copy. Ho said that
the average advertiser hae not
yet come to the point where ho
studied the class of his product
or the type of people whom tho
publications hs ums resell.** {
The Banner.H.rald will PS Wd
t'O mpll y,u » copy of ihla bppk-
let, on rfquitt, A , post /card
G. G. Bond, superintendent of
schools, discussed tbe need for a
supervisor of primary methods and
one for vocal music. In tfie chools.
A committee was appointed to ap
pear before City Council along with
representatives from the Board of
Education to aak for fnnda to em
ploy these supervisors. The pchool
board favors the supervisors but
has not the fnnda, it Is stated.
Dr. J. D. Applewhite appeared
(Turn to page sight)
Friday morning, conducted by Rev
W. B. McDonald, pastor of th«
Mayavllie Christian church. Bern*
Wteln Bros., funeral directors la
Th* funeral party left the resi
dence. of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford
Lyle f on West Hancock avenue Fri
day morning at 8:20, and t|io fun
eral apd Interment followed us
soon as the cemetery was reached
Mrs. tVood was in her 83rd yean
at tbe tiipe of her death. She Is
survived, by the following children,
Mrs, I. B. Hargent. of Anniston
Ala., Mis. M. E. Wood, Tampa, Fla.;
Mrs. A L Bowers, near Commerce
Ga ; Mrs. Crawford Lyle of Ath-
nd Messrs. John, Earnest and
Pics’Wood also by ohe sister, Ml si:
Ollie Dyke ot Athens.
pany. “C* Infantry, Captain T. E.
Merritt, Commanding. MIsa 'Mfto
McNeer, Sponsor.
4. Troop Prize Drill—Troop "C r
Cavalry, Captain 8. O. Chandler,
sponsor, r.' * - • ' •
8, Company Prize Drill—Troop
"A" Infantry, Captain F. Ryther,
commanding. Miss Alice Rowland
• 4. Troop Prise Drill—Troop "A*
(Turn to pags sight)
for tho officers and this was fol
lowed by an Inspection
cadets,tho stables and equipment
and th»* umta.
At noon lIni officer:* in n: enter
tained the gueBts at a luncheon a!
the Linger Longer Lodge nnd r th<i
two left on tho afternoon train’for
General- Farnsworth was profuse
tlC his pralso for tho locaj ,urilta
and in speaking to tho Tcadets told
of tho $reat work similar units arc
doing for tbs country.
Georgia Is one of the distinguish^
od military colleges of tho country
ani evenr officer‘who ha« vlHltod
the unit here this year has praised
Praises Winder
For Progressive
Spirit of City
Col. Gantt Writes Second
Article on Seat of Bar- •
row County For Banner-
Kiwanians Host to 1923
Baseball Champions. Cit
izens Urged to Take Ad
vantage of Training.
Athen, Kiwanians Thursday
iraised the University of Gcorgi*
■sebaU tetan for the "spirit which
actuated the ptayera in *11 their
game* the past season." The base
ball team members, champions of
the Southern Intercollegiate Con
ference, wan tb* s««n* of the.
Kiwanis Club.
-Th. club heard »hort tallu by
Dr. 8. V. Sanford, faculty director
of atbletlca; Coach Bill Whit*, re
tiring Captain George Clarks.
Captain-clcct Josh Watson, “Old
.Timer Eldridge. Judge Thomas R
; Green, who declared Tie had never
mad* a talk on athletics at the
Mrs, T. -FV Green 1 .Elected
Vice Chairman, P, S.
Johnson, Secretary, and
J. W, Morton, Treasurer.
C, W. Crook, well known Athens
business man, was’ elected chair
man of tho Red CrosH Chapter here
at a meeting of the executive com
mittee, Thursday aft»*Vnoon.
Mrs. Thomas F. CJreeq, ,? was
Place “Crown” Signs
All mao. a i»i* on auueucs ai ine
On 'All Highways Kiwanta club, prateod the baseball
■ team for the conduct of the players
C. D. Carlton, eervice station throughout the season, “I Admire
elgn painter for Standard Oil Co.,|th* soirit of these .boys, who acted
wa* here Thursday and with Agent gentlemen and
Sam £. Woods, placed on all pub- aa gantlmnen.”
lie highways out of Athens, Crown Coach BUI Whit*, who** team
isolln* posters showing mileage hur won two 8. I. C. champion'
other nearby towns. 'ships since coming to tho Unlver-
A. H. Lincoln, epecial Mobile Oil'ity three year* ago, wa* praised
salesman, will be Athen* w—ral (very highly by speaker*. Josh
days next week with Mr. Wood*. 'Watson, captain-elect, said Coach
White may not know aa much
baseball eg some coaches but be
Curb Market Open knorw?^ WhK* tSmked^the
For Fifth Day Saturday^.
# v * leecurmg the health demonstration
j f'v rommunl' — ‘ *
According to Indications Friday. In making It a “go”, from the vsry
Saturday will be th. most]
ful day'of tbe Curb Market, whlcl
opened May 5, on Broad street
fronting the Unlysrsity.
.For the first time since Its es
tablishment the Market wa# open
ed on Tuesday this week and wil’
continue to hold forth on Tuesdaj
and Saturday until the produettor
Although the weather has been
gloomy and disagreeable for sev
eral days. It will probably be cleat
Saturday and many of the one hun
dred and sixteen producers tc
whom permits have been Issued
>1 on the Market will be hi
the city. ’ t , {
' Ml*. Bessie 'Troutman, merits!
master, declared Friday mornlna
Athens women'nre enthusiastic ov
project and ap-
se to work with
brings It.
er the «i
proud of the part they have had
In addition to buying fresh vex-1 rxJInteS^ committee
stables and other produce, at at- n r- Applewhite,
tractive prjees. the women of tht . Major A. L. McCoy spoke In re
dly, by purchasing nt tho Curb 1 - lrd ^ tha Citlxens MUitara
Market arc paving the way to make Training Camp conducted bv the
Athens the marketing center of government at Camp McCltUan
Northeast Georgia, It is pointed out olid other cities during the sum-
Already more than »2,000 whrth mer. Hq urged that young men
of products have been sold on *th i between Yl and 24 in Athens and
Curb Market and the rh-"-1this cection take advantage of the
aro feeling tbs results of tho cash• ^ . ...
lies on Market L«y, it u u.clu. - - Joh ? W. Bennett, member of the
County Agent-J. W. Flror states Warn, won the
larg. number of farmer. Alii PJ 1 "' . —>
bring produce Saturday and Mrs • ,Kiwantan Jo*t A- Wtar. member
Annie Mae Bryant, bum. economic,
president of tho Athens
fc Electric'Company, will
I summit a qchcdulo of rates neccs-
> iuity before more power resources
T* Itili be developed Within the next
[few days.
elected vice chairman John White
Morton, treasurer and P. S.' John,
son secretary- Miss Nina Phillips,
executive secretary made the fol
lowing report of the chapter’s work
for the year juqt closed:
Report Hr ~
1st. 1923.
Number of casts handled. 1342—
624 ex-service men and 818 clvll-
Somn years ago, whon a number
of ambftlouB , towns In Georgia
w'otcJ working to’ l»o made the cap
itals of now counties, I was em
ployed by tho* Atlanta Constitution
to * tlslt and write up the several
places. Among the number was.
Winder. I stated in my articles,
and now reiterate, that not a place
I visited bad stronger claims for
being glvon a new county than
Winder. Tho town was remote
from any place of like population;
three counties cornered in its cen
ter, and tho citizens wero Voiced to
transact their legal business tt
tho .court houses of all three * oun
ties, and sonic having town prop
erty located In them -ill, creating'
Inconveniences and confusion.
As a pointer to this need, a man
standing in Walton shot Just across
the street, a pnrty standing in
Jacknon. Tho wounded man stag
gered a few feet and fell and died
In Gwinnett; and the scene of tha
tragedy wan only tho width of a
moderate street.
from Augut 1st to April
The country around Winder had
made wonderful progress since tbe
location of a town there. The In
troduction of commercial fertilizers
."I'd Improved URrlcullural methods
' enormously Increased yields and
tho building of two railways
through the town had made of
(Turn to page eight)
Number of letter* received, 357.
Number of letters sent, 431.
Number of telegrams received 28.
Number of telegrams sent, 35.
Number of visits, 566.
Wood and coal, 78.
Number of calls, 1026.
^ Number of grocery orders Riven;
^Number of office' Interviews;
Number of garments distributed.
Amount' .pent' 'from'Ai
'Hit 1st. 1623,126MCW,. .
I gj£p!j Board for.jSfamljibli.
agent states tbe canning stub CW vw.
will have,fog.more of/thrir - 1 -*
Prices fort he market Satan
ot the . Market and will bo found On the Market J
in tbe Banner.Herald.■
Milk. *78.08.
6 Coni. I
Wood and Goal. 3168.88.,
Naming, $206.00.
Telephone and telegraph, $04.78.
Transportation. $102.03.
Gofflns and naves. $1584)0.
'Oaoceries. $372.80.
Petty cash, (stamp* car fare and
Incidental), $27.00.
Medicine. $481.70.
Hospital, $300.00.
Clothing and shoe*. $52.50.
School books and office supplloa,
Uniform for girl attending school,
$•0.00. I
'rnsurance. $9.02. c v I
Loans. $133.28; amount of ro-|J* C. jumped
Both High School Stu
dents. Victim Will Re
cover,- It Is Believed. At
General Hospital.
J.'C, Irby, jr.-yt-ur-ohl
Mr. and Mrs % ^ F. Irby, 195 1UU
street, was . Accidentally shot by
his brother, Hubert, aged, 17,
huraday while shooting jay birds
i his father 8 garden.
Authorities at the Athens Gen
eral Hospital Friday morning stat
ed that the victim of the accident
was resting comfortably and it is
believed will recover from th
wound inflicted by a bullet from
twenty-two rifle, which entered
his stomach and was taken from
his back.
J. C. was taken to his home in
his older brother’s arms, the latter
later almost overcome with grief
on account of the accident. The
two boys, both students at the
high school, were at home
holiday. They went in th<
den to shoot the jay birds ,
had been eating fhe English
t n ,’iAiMrat in the way iust r
Expense for car,’ $29.81.
Salary of assistant, $44.50.
paid he did not know the older boy
(was ready to shoot-