Newspaper Page Text
■elves, their Associates, successors
,and assigns, to be Incorporated un-
NOTICE of sale
0 an«! bv virtue of the power
l ' nd *‘ r -. In a certain sccu-
uted and delivered by
WVCHE on the 20th
t ®, B S*r. 1917. to Mr. Ida L.
r , t which la recorded In
Office 'of tho Superior
; irk«s County, Georgia, In
f J.,0.1s. Book 23, Page 210,
‘ re , .r.i. d In Clerk's Office of
County. Ccorgia, In Record of
B ,V.k M. *’°M° 369, th0 ■***
Ua I- chamberlain will offer at
tory before . the» courthpueo
a i,l county on the first
June. 1023, between the
. s ,,f sale, to the highest
■ rush, the following de-
ibed’pruFtrty* to-will
Ail that trivet or P“ .
A partly in Oconee County and
In Clarke County, Georgia,
described as follows:
parcel .of
,th •
Ivbtil Swkm^ Dogwood
reek nnd running
7.-, l-l West I860 feet to a
near an oak stump; thence
C n-4 East 904 feet to a’ white
McNutts Creek; thence)
\ West 275 feet
,it oak stump; thertee
5-1 West 1500'fect to
,co South 13 1*4 East 1417
Dngw&fp; thence
. „r less, to the center of
thence In ft northerly dl
lion along "center of the creek
;j iicKreegjfJaat.4.084 feef,
along renter of creek to tlie
containing sixty
47-luo (CO 67-100) acres.
der the name and style of ACME
period of twenty <S0) years, with the
privilege of renewal as provided by
2. That the principal office of
said corporation is to be located In
the city of Athens, Clarke County,
3. That the object of said corpor
ation is pecuniary to itself and Its
That the particular business to
be carried on by said corporation Is,
either for Itself or ns agent for
others, the making of loans on real
¥{*}«• bonds, and other col
lateral;*’tne buying and selling of
notes, stocks, bonds and other evi
dences of Indebtedness; the buying.
Selling and renting of real estate and
ffCOSP. AH that tract or parcel
land in Clarke OftlintyT Georgia.
descril#«$n|flfll^WSi' • 4 :
running Thence 675 East 780 feet
thence South 33 West 2160
: iron pin oq settlement
ctydn jl northerly direction
jtet to wild settleineht
‘ thefira'ffcM 44“West R0* fi»©t J
. beginning corner, containing
e«. more or less.
Said property will be sold as the
t>- of Anderson Wyche for the
<e of satisfying a certain prom
note for Fifteen Hundred
1.00) Dollars and Interest, vOxe-
an»l delivered by the said An
,n Wyche -to! the said Mrs. Ida
Chamberteln. on Oqtober 20th,
d due ttoee araars after date,
proceeds froth 7 said sale will be
first to the payment of prjA-
id ffttmwtj. of said note. In
line all costs of this sale, and the
if aliy.-‘paid to Anderson
This fourth dny of May, ioi.1. ‘
Atty.-in-fact for Anderson Wyche.
I-11-18-2S. June 1.
Otherwise; dealing therein; the opera
tion of 7 farms, orchards, and other
agricultural * enterprises; and such
other business as may be Incidental
any of the lines of businss hereln-
bc^ore; particularly specified. * . t
Tho capital stock of said cor
poration shall be Twenty-Five Thous
and ($25,000.00) Dollars, the par value
of each .ihare to be $100.00.
Petitioners desiro tho righ^ to In
crease said capital stock to .any
Amount not exceeding Two Hundred
and Fifty Thousand ($260,000.00)
Dollars, by a majority vote of the
common stock of sAld company.
6. Petitioners desire that the
poratlbn shall have tho right to Issue
such parts of the original stock
well ns such parts of* the increased
capital stock. If any such increase
may bo mn<i$ as common and pre
ferred ‘ ktocK and with such rights
and privileges to the holders of the
preferred stock. If ariV be Issued, as
the holders of the common stock
may fix and determine.
7. Petitioners desire thnt said cor
poration shall have tho right to sue
and b£ sued, to .havo arid use ^com
mon seal, to make alf by-flaws and
regulations for tho government ot
said corporation ns may. bo neces
sary, to. Issue notes and other evi
dences of Indfbtedhess.fto secure the
same by mortgage, deed of trust, or
other security, nnd to hgve nib the
powers nnd authority usually grant
ed corporations of a, similar charac*
both#, appointed guardian as prayed. 1
Given under my official algnaturei
this 10th day of May. 1922.
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
May 11-18*25. June 1.
tho pride of the Ratlin Corporation ||
Under and Ify-vlrtue of the’power;
,Ie contained In a, certain secu-
•RGB CLARKE on the fourth day
March. 1920, to Mrs. Celestla** 8.
I, which dcet$ Is recorded In the
office, of the Superior Court
Clarks County, Georgia, In Reoord
feeds. UcHik £% Page 6684 the said
Celestia 8. Wood will offer at
outcry before the ootirthouse
in said county - on the first
In Jurfc; 1922, between the
hour* of, sale, to the hlghost
Petitioners shew thnt more
than ten per cent of the capital stock
has been actually paid In.
9. Petitioners further pray that
the corporation have authority to
wind up Its corporate affairs,
quidate nnd discontinue the business
>f said corporation at any time that
It may bo determined by a majority
vote of Its stock outstanding at the
tlmo no to do.
WHEREFORE,-' petitioners pray
that .they, together with their asso-
lates, successors und assigns, be In
corporated under tho name and
style aforesaid, with all the rights,
powers, privileges and Immunities
hereinbefore set forth, nnd with such
jothryJ rights powers, privilege*, and
Immunities os nro now or may here
after be nlWwed Corporations' of - the
the State of Georgia.
erwin, jpa\yjn &. yix.
GEORGIA—Clarke County*
Will be sold before the Court Rouse
door In said state and county during
the legal hours for sales on the first
Tuesday In June# 1923. to the highest
bidder for cash, the* following de
scribed property, to-wit:
That house and tot together with
_J • Improvements thereon, situate,
lying and being in the 216th District,
St, Clarke County,. Georgia, be
yond the western limits of the city
of Athens, and being bounded on the
South by a certain unhfpwri attest;
the West by an unknown street:
oq the North ,,y wh A l I*.known a^
the Wade estate; on the East by^
the property known as the, George
Jackson lot, and being a part of lots
six and eight of Flannlgan’s re-sur
vey of Wheelers survey of the prop
erty formerly known as the Athens
Park and Improvement Co. Said
plat nnd survey . being recorded in
Book "PP." Folio 685 In the Clerk's
office of the Superior Court of said
county; and also being a part of the
tract deeded by Mrs. Wade to Minor
W. Brown, and being more fully de
scribed In deed from Mrs. If. L.
Payne to Mrs. Cora A. Whitehead,
as of record in Deed Book 9, Folio
Said property levied on and to be
sold as the property of Mrs. Cora A.
Whitehead under a fl fa Issued from
a judgment obtained by Mrs. Clara
Ilrightwell against the said Mrs.
Cora A. Whitehead at the October
term, 1922. of Clarke Superior Court.
A deed from Mrs. Clara BrightwSlI
to Mrs. Cofa A. Whitehead convey
ing raid described property was
recorded before levy was made. Jfo-
tlco of levy given to Mrs. Cora A.
Whitehead, the tenant In possessloi
This May’ll. 1923.
W. E. JACKSON. Sheriff.
May 11*18*25, June 1.
GEORGIA—Clarke Countyi
to see that any set won hy Mllltaf ji
students Is thoroughly up to date-
at It la given."
The bhance of competition for thlrG
radio set is but one of the many ’
advantages offered to the young 1
men for the eight southeastern
states, including the states
Georgia, Florida, AJabnma, North
Carolina, Hmith Carolina, Louisiana
Mislssfsppl and 'Dennessoc. t'ampr
viil ho held from August 1st to
10th for the young men from 17 to
24 years of age. This Corps Area
Is leading tho United States In pro
curement of candidates, but there
still vacancies for these canipi
and. youPK men who
are ? urged to sifhnvfc
at once so ns to nsstfn
beforo all vacancies are filled.
Rating Based on Attend
ance and General Activi
ties Along All Lines of
As the flying horse went over the land of Dominoes, Jack wondered about
the little houses that^ stood In rows along the streets. “How can people
live In those houses when thero aren't any windows," he asked Flighty.
And, Just then, every house opened on top nnd heas came out.
• Requests tor information und ap
plications, with reference to at-
(t'dnrce at camps, *d*(nrld he made-
tc the following state aftfei of. the
Ferrt-tary of War,
Mr. James 8. Thomas; Extension
Civ. University ot Alabama
Hon, Edgar B Dunlap, Gaines-
vllle. On.
Brig. Gen. Albert L. Cox, O R
C, Raleigh, N C
MaJ. McDftvld Horton, O. R T.
(Managing Editor, The State, Co
liimhln' ft. f* 1 . /
lumhin, S. C.
Major H. C. Riley, O H C. tin!
~* * * Gainesville
L OF..
Mldlclqil Virtue, Retained and In
proved—Dangerous and
ing Qualities Removed. Perfect
ed Tablet Called "Calotabs.’’
HARTWELL. On.—The Hartwell
Klwanis Club led the state during
the past month in point of general
efficiency, heading over 40 other
clubs |n Georgia, among which
tho organisations In Atlanta. MAcor
Savannah -and other leading cities.
Hartwell feels signally honored In
thus topping the list of such ag
gressive organizations ns those
found In Georgia nnd the announce
ment was received with a round
of applause. /
The rating was based on attend
ance and general activities along
nil lines of endeavor such as are
fostered by the Kiwanla 7 Clubs pi
tho country.
cash, tho following
property, to-wlt:
tract of land locstsd In the
ity of Claride, nahl State,, and
n both sides of the Epps
Roadj leading from-Athens to
le; bounded on the North by
>f Jim Callaway; on the east
land* of Jim Pierce and Crawford
on) the (South by lands of
id on the West by the Epps
idice Road and y settlement road
the property of Tom Wooten and
Smith; nnd> ehclosod by' lines as
Bffinnlng ut^l black gum located
hakui Southeast from Epps
*7 tdtnlqsfi (a . a black gain;
South 50 East 80 links to A
on the branch; thence about
chains in a ^Northeasterly dfrec-
along the meanderlngs of said
t-'jkf; thence Nortlv^O
bains to a rock; thence
31 East 14.59 chains to a stake
rent fir ot Epps Bridge Bond In
Northeasterly direction along the
rings of said road about 13
t<> a corner In the center' of
road, bf^jg on the line of Jim
l *»y; thence North 68 1-2 West
chains Iblhf center of the set-
1 road; thence in A southweat-
along the meanderlngs
•ad about 20 chains to the
Bridge Road; thence In a south'-
•riy direction along the meander-
'* Mid road about 20 chains to
being the corner of Tom
^•n; thence South 70 Eaf^ 4.40
‘ to a stake; thence South 38
chains to the beginning.
4 contains 54.35 aCfes, t
Lot No, 8; accordlhr t<*
u, l® by 'O; B» Chandler of ttie
Clarke, Jeff
Attorneys for Petitioners.
Filed In office, this 9th day of May,
w.n^^u.h.cour, Ho-- *** That
door In said County on the first
Tuesday In June. 1923, wlthfn the
legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following de
scribed property, to-wlt:
All that tract or parcel of land,
situate, lying and being In the City
of Athens, Clarke County, Georgia,
on tho West side of Broad Street,
known as No. 325 Broad Street, and
more particularly described as fol
Beginning At a point on Broad
Street 3i feet North of the Intersec
tion of Broad and Pulaski Streets and
running tbence In a westerly direc
tion 222 feet to a point; .thence In a
northerly direction 105 feet to A
point; thence In an easterly direction
219 fedt. to Bruod Street; thence
along Broad 8trect in a southerly
direction 119 f««t to the beginning
point. , j 7
Said land levied on as the property,
, f f Chris; Jp99V tpi satisfy «n execu
tion Issued on the Slat day of Jqn*.
1921,, fryn the C$tf Court of AtbsnS
Jack immediately heard a great four of laughter and sAw thnt every little
head was shaking back and forth. "fJon't mind them," said Flighty, "they
are tho Happy Ila Has, and they laugh so much that they disturb tho
Khy they live lit houses without win-
Clerk Htiperlbr 'Court, ClaVke County
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk
Superior Court of Clarke County,
Georgia, do hereby certify^ that the
foregoing Is a true and correct copy
of tho application of O. A. Dozier and
T. II. Hosier, Jr., for a charter for
as the same appears of file In this
office. I
Witness my official hand snj} sig
nature, this tip 9th day of May, 1923.
Clerk Superior. Court, Clarke County.
May 11-18-25, June 1.
By vlrtuo of an order from the
Court of Ordinary of pisrke County,
will be sold. At public outcry, before
tiie Court house doer of said County,
the first Tuesday In June, 1922,
between the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash:
A certain lot or parcel of land with
improvements thereon, situate, lying
ajid being In, .Athens, Gk^ke County,
Georgia,* knowh as h/umber 175 Bil
lups Street; fronting- Blxty-three and
half (63 1-2) feet on said BH-
laps Street, nnd running back Ono
Hundred an^ Ninety-Seven (197) feet;
adjoining lots of Chas. Stem tt Co,,
and Geok W. Rowland;' being part of
which Tcna Jones resided at
tlmo of her death; and being the
property conveyed to Bdh
Langston by Madison Davis. Admr.,
of Tena Jones Estate, by deed re
corded In Peed Book L L., page €8,
Clerk's Office Superior Court
Clarko County, Georgia.
Said property advertised, and to be
sold as the real-estate of Ben Lang*
sten, Dec'd.
Administrator of Ben Langston, Dec’d.
May -11-18-^, June -1.
in favor of The Equitable Life-As
surance Society'of the United States
against Uhrls Jones.
Quit-Claim Deed for the parpoee of
Levy and Sale filed and recorded), as
required by law and due and legal
notice given to the defendant and
tenant In possession.
This May 11th. 1928.
W. E. JACK80N, Sheriff.
May 11-18-85, June 1.
Then the laughing suddenly stopped nnd* each little Happy-Ha-Ho's head
disappeared and once more the Ha Has’ homes seemed Just llko tightly
closer! boxes.' "They won't come out again to laugh for • long time"-gab
Flighty, "so we 4 might as well travel overbad see the Falace of the Clouds. 1
- Co Luke Lee, O. R. C., XashVill
7?nn •
Col. James E. Edmonds. O. R. C
241 Aubudon Bldg, New Grlenm
Lieut. Colonel Alcxindtr Fit*-
Hugh, care P. P. Wllllatva & Co.
Vicksburg, Miss
Tho gentelmeu named q’ojvc wl
*■»♦* p nd to fu risk i*.fvnmtl*m
l»-. loung men from their stale.'
Stubborn coughs thnt hang on
are liable to lead to serious compli
cations nnd should be checker*
promptly with Foley's Honey and
Tar. "I have not coughed slncr
taking Foley’s Honey nnd Tor
Other Medicines I tried did not
help me/ 'writes John J. Ilealy
Pittsfield, Maas. For quick relief
from coughs, colds, croup, nsthnm.
bronchitis and hay fever use Fol
ey's Iloney and Tar. The largest
selling cough medicine in the
World. Contains, no opiates—fngre.
dients printed on carton.—Adyer-
The latest triumph of
science Is a "de-nnuseate(
mcl tablet known to the
trade as "Calotabs." Calm
most generdlly useful of a:
clned-thus enters upon a
field" of popularity * quail tic
have‘heretofore limited Its
In biliousness, constlpntio
aches nnd indigestion, and
great variety of liver, stom
kidney troubles calomel u
most successful remedy, bul
was often neglected! on act
Its sickening qpulities. Nr
the easiest and mos^ plcn
medicines to take. One Ca
bedtime with a stall low of
that's nil. No taste, no
no neausea, no salts, j
night's sleep nnd the next
Ing you are feeling fine,
clean liver, n purified syst
n big .appetite. Eat wh
please. No danger.
Calotabs are sold only li
nal. sealed packages,'.price
five cents for the large
package; ten cents for the
trial slxe. Your dugglst Is at
Izcd to re/und the price ns a
nntee that you will be thorn
delighted with Calotnli - -Adv
Want Ads.
Trustees Authorize Publi.
cation of Dr. E. S. Sell’s
History of Institution
Recently Completed.
The Board of Trustees of
Stnto Normal School complete*
their annual session Wednesday.
Among other business thnt wai
transacted, the board authorized th<
publishing of the history of thi
State Normal School which
recently completed by E, 8.
This work is probably tho most
complete school history of any
sjnto Jnstimt/pn In Georgia.
The* following is tho «ublo of coH
tents in this history.
S r. H. c White
nrly History o
OEORQIA—Clarks County*
To Whom.It May Concern:
Lula IIII1. a resident ot said state,
having In due form applied to the un
dersigned for guardlanahlp of the
person and property of Theotla Hill,
resident of said county, minor child
of Ed Hill, deceased. Notice Is hers-
by given that all peraona concerned
must show cause. If any they have,
why applicant or aome other fit and
proper person should not be appolnt-
8aId application will be heard
at tho nett Court of Ordinary for
said county on the first Monday In
June. 1922.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this tha 11th day of May*
R. C. ORR,
Ordinary of Clarita County.
May 11-11-26, Jane 1.
y lk>i|ar% said note dated
*• l32 9ittnd duo March 4, 1923,
is secured by the afore-
Thc above described land
1 as the properly of the
,rB ° narke for the pnrpoeo
> n R ,ho Principal and Interest
n, ic. including, all oosts of
f* * nrI *he balance. If any, will
, t0 th,? said Oeorge.Clarke,
•ourth flaw u.i? «m*
^rth da, of May. IRt
far Oaorsc Ctorkr.
’•“■is-W. Jun, 1.
! «I0|
'i* Clark. County:
"“MHor Court of Said County:
»f a A. DOZIER and
JIU. of tho city of
a-rtto County. Georgia/ rc-
U'cy dtalr, for them-
idges. Ad minis-
represents te
petition, duly filed
that he has
estate qf W.
to city all
and cred
'any they can,
why raid Administrator should not
be discharge*! from his administra
tion,. and receive letters of dismis
sion. on the first Monday In June-
R. c. ORR, Ordinary.
Ely 11-18-25, June 1.
GEORGIA—^Clarke County*
To Whom It May Concern:
I. li. Burney has applied to me
for guardianship of person and prop
erty of Tom Jtodq, alleged of un
erty of Tom Hodq, alleged of un- ir ^ mY c> T ^j <
Kund mind und Incap^i^f muuj, JKlnOfruMtt
aainy hi. affalra heln, charted la m jmje 1
Odd-ivV ronjA
show causs If any D Aft fl I
m» con cent mT* to show cause Ir any
they can. before me on the 4th day
it Jun-. 1923, why said %pplic^pt ot
GEORGIA—Olarkt County*
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice te hereby given that A.
Colle, as administrator of Mlttle
Goosby, deceased, having applied to
by petition for leave to aellTall
the real eetate ot 1 aid Mlttle Gpos-
by, deceased; and teat an order was
made thereon at thu May
for citation; and tt*t citation Issue;
all the heirs at lav* and creditors of
the said Mlttle Goosby,
tall take notice tfcat I will
saM application at the June Teym,
1923, of tho Court o» Ordinary of mU
County; and that unless cause
shown to the contrary at said tit
said leave wilt be granted.
This lit* day of May; 1828.
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
May il-18-25, June L
GEORGIA—Clarice County;
No. 4405—July Term, 1923, Clarko
[erWtf.£ 19
>r Coin®
By order of the Court yon are
hereby required, personally or by at
torney, to be and appear at the Su
perior Court of Clarke County, to be
held In and for Mid County on the
Third Monday In July next, then and
there to answer the PlalntlfTs Com
plaint. as, .In default thereof, the
Court win proceed as to Justice shall
Witness, the Honorable Blanton
Fnrteon, Judge of said Court, this
16th day of May. 1982.
E. J. CRAWFORD. Clerk.
" TUCK, it t. i
•29. July 8-12.
Introduction of
’CAfitor'I. Tho ?
Oilmen Jfdl!..
Chapter li . The Summer . BH
Chapter. ILL Tbs
gnnl^atloij^Qf. the State Norma
Chapter IV. The Growth
Development bt the school.
Chapter V, Tho Curriculum.
Chapter VI. Appropriations. 1
Chapter VH. Gifts to the Stai
Normal School.
Chapter VIII. Organizations.
Chapter IX The Buildings or
the Campus.
Chapter X. The ’^residents.
A. Vlyliography.
B. The Commissioners and th«
C. The Faculty.*
D. Tho Number ot students En
rolled Each Year,
Charter of tho State Norma’
F. State Nonnal School
G Extract from the Will
George R. Gilmer.
H. The Benefactors to
Seholarebtp Fund.
“Fie on You, Mr* .Owl," she said.
bh/%iit the* little Ragsles did don’t llko it. Haven't
work hard! pride^"
The next place Nancy and Nick Mr. Owl looked, uheeplsh • ano
started to pdt things back.
"I’ll try to do beter/' he prom
ised. "1 guess I wds a bit hasty/*
(To bs Continued)
helped thorn to spring clean war
Maple Tree Flats,
Maple Tree Flats wns in Whis
pering Forest, right across from
Old Oak Apartments and dozens ot
people lived there, or Tather woulc'
live ther when they came back
from the places where they, had
spent the winter.
Mister Owl’s apartment was just
dreadful. It was so dirty.
Nancy put up ^bo windows to lei
In some fresh air and Nick shook
out the rugs. j
Then all the Ragsles pitched in*
id scrubbed an(Tpolished and dust- • „ ^ rT _
ed until th« place wo* nke a new Opportunity For Citizens
ju,t as they finished they hdtf! -Attending Military
a flapping of wings and a whooi i Trainincr CaniD to Win
Whoo! Whoo! .
Nancy and Nick huh-lcd Intc
Scramble Squirrel’s apartmsnt next
.me fit aud proper person should
Read Banner-Herald
0 Want Ads. _ |'n
door and all tho Rngsfsa scurried Through. tha' generosUj^ /of Ma-
hway until there wasn’t a hair of (or Harbor*!, presl-
them left. * flertt pf theWUdio Gprporatiqm ot
When Mister Ojsl (that’s who it America, opportunity* Is to be'givcr
was) set down hts satchel and took'some lucky rnndfrinte at this year's
out hla keys and unlocked his (Citizens’ Military Training Camp
front door nnd went In, ho blinked)to receive an up to date radio set
and blinked and blinked. jfree of chnrge.
’*Hey!” he cried. **Ths piper • . All candidates who receive radic
Isn’t as I left 1L- It’s too clean! j Instructions white at those camps
Somebody has ben here. Foe, fie - which will be held at Camp Mc-
fo, fum! I smell the blood of--of—(Clellan, Ala., Fort Bragg, North
somebody. What do th^y mean b>j Carolina nnd Fort Barrancas, Fli.
coming here and cleaning up? j will be eligible to compete for thi*
Don’t they know lain* disorderly! radio set. The examination is to
person and I don’t feel at homo In (be toward the close of the camps
a dean place72 on August 29th, and is to be prac-
He was Just starting to kick thr tlcal In nature,
mgs aroind and tear the bed tQl General Harbord has not sped-
deces when J^apcy come In in he* [fled Just exactly the k.‘ail of get
little magic green sboea-Und point-'hp Ip gaing Jo give.due ta ihe fact
ed her finger. ftmA. thle rapid development v of ra-
’’Flo oh you, Mr. OwL^ahe said Idlo might render obseleta jn Au-
“You ought to be ashaseir of your-1 sunt a set which would be thorough
\ You aro the md^isat personJly^ip to dqta at the pr*‘?ont time,
the forest and your neighbors!Corn nil Harbord stated "It will be
"California Fig Syrup” is
Child’s Best Laxative
Even a nick child loves thr
fruity" thkte of "California Fit
Syrup." If the little stomach Is up
set, tongue coated, or If your child
Is' cross, feverish, full of cold, ot
has colic, a tcnspoonful will nevei
fall to open the bowels. In a few
hours you can see for yhurself how
thoroughly it works all the con
stipation poison, sour bile and waut*
from the tender, little bowels and
gives ‘ you a well, playful child
Millions of mothers keep "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup” handy. The)
know a teaspoonful today saves a
sick child totnorow. Ask you*
druglst for genuine "California Fir
Syrup" which has. directions fpi
babies and children of all g.-i :
printed on the bottle. Mother! Yor
must say "California" or you mnj
^t n^mltat^ fig syrup.—Advrr