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Dally and Sunday—10 Cents a Week.
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Associated Press 8ervlce
A. B. C. Paper
Single Copies 2 Cants Dally. • Cants Sunday.
Second German Attempt
To Settle Reparations
Results In Rejection
j (By Aaaoclated Pren.) .
..arts The German reparations offer elaborated in
.. no te delivered to the entente allies today remains en-
t ! K K unacceptable to France, it was declared in govern-
tir !, i circles. P It makes no appreciable advance over the
B 'i oua offers and France cannot even discuss it with
f-nrn any for as was decided at Brussels esterday the
MvJ r'sUtance in the Ruhr must be abandoned be-
J* s negotiations can begin.
' orc .pj’g no fe wa'a characterized as unsatisfactory for four
main reasons
,,„1. because It make, no men-
, .f ihandoning the passive re-
. which IS the llrst ot the
fe,-,d. C Oe™«r nd oH. n ri n.Mel-
a ;„«e,uns an ImpaS
r^!r^" o Ly|g.j..
.,., k to violate **>- Versailles
which created the re»ta-
S commission tor exactly that
0 _an The French see no rsnsen
.i,',. reparations coihmlsstm
S ;:;,’,rU;. 8aP th“ n,C . d » g se.tlon. for
.iiarontees might be open to disc
‘„si„n it Germany pro9 ?' cd h ‘*! p
litres the French wftnld expect no
^Thc’wMcktre'stlll unconvinced
Iter say. when GWmany P'«» d »
L ,y to pay. They declare they
lire seen her living sumptuously
,n,l H al they know she can meet
t,. r ohllgaUons.
Premier Poincare h»d a length?
fonversatloa wtUi President MU
lerand Thursday
(avo him a report ot his meetlnr
‘ill, ilie Belgian statesmen at
Brussels. The question of how W
German note Is to bo answered. »
I, raid In olflclal circles, depends
„,on thn other allies. France would
be clad to Join In a collective an.
,»er. hut thl terms must agree
<!th the French views. ,
The Gormans were careful not
lo.Ignore thn reparations commis
sion and delivered a copy of the
,otn to the commission today at
Her did when the m»ln pmpoeals
*ere made early laat month.
LONDON. — British diplomat!
wore reluctant Friday to d^enss
nr rxpnvi any opinion regarding
Germany*!. Inteat, reparations pro-
rnnln. savin* that they conaldered
It. In certain point! an advanc'
over the former irtatement. ■ •
i ntll I'^portn in the Foreign or*
flcr* oxainlno the note In it’* J
riotallH. official* do nol *l«b to
commit themneltroe on tho
or about what etep Greet Iritair
«ill take to settle the thorny In-
ft*'ninity problem.
Howover, It can bo said that the
British government would favor a
M-ttlomont* of Germany’* repara-
tlotiH by an International Confer,
enro or by adopting the euggee*
linn of Secretary Hughes tha
Ormanv’e capacity tp pay he de*
b rminrd hy an International coip
Dihcilon oj experts.
Col. Gantt Praises B&nk
For Public .Spirit By
Aiding Dairy Industry
in County.
“Wets” Score Victory
In Wisconsin House
Proimnent Citizens Adopt;
MADISON—“Wets” in the Wisconsin legislature
Resolution A t Meeting; taken the first step toward modifying prohibition,
Thursday. Meeting Call-(but a hard road lies ahead; of the Tucker bill repealing
ed to Devise New Sys-,the Severson state prohibition enforcement act'
1 Shortly after the assembly had voted Thursday to
engross the Tucker repealer by the narrow margin of 47
to 43, Assemblyman Llndajtl, "wet" floor leader, with
drew his resolution commending Governor A1 Smith for
signing the New York dry law repealer. *
— The dry 'forces Immediately
claimed that the opositlon had
Modem Pirates
Bring Memories
Of Captain Kidd
Ghost of Famous Bucan-
eer Walks Again on the
Same Site of Old Span
ish Main.
SAN FRANCISCO.—Ti rates such
as made navigation dangerous two
centuries ago. who have killed sev
eral mariners and. Injured many
more, are infesting the waters of
the South American coast, accord,
log to J. W. Millar, purser of tho
Ryokal Maru, who arrived here
Millar brought a atory rivalling
fiction of attacks made on ahlps
off Chile and told of an attack on
tho Ryokal, In which several of the
crew were killed and others In
jured. before the pirates were re
Tho nltrato ahlp DuPont, of the
DuPont Powder company, was at.
tacked by pirates while the Ryokal
was In the Antofagasta harbor.
Two of her men were killed, Mil
lar said.
Tho Ryokal on Its way up the
coast was tho ylctlm of a murder,
nua midnight attack, the plratea
boarding tho ahlp, killing the Jap.
aneao boatswain and battling the
After a thrilling knife and pis
tol duel on tho ahlp the pirate*
were driven off, soma, falling to
death In- the aoa In the-hurried
flight i . -rt •• .
. Hhe daya of the old Bpanlah gal
leons have nothing on 1 preaentAay
pirate raids, Millar, avart.’
A. G. Dudley Elected
General Chairman With
J. Warren Smith Secre-
tary. Second Meeting
Next Week.
Adoption of Constitution
and By-Laws By High
School Association Im
portant Step.
The, pi oat Important .step «*«
by the* High school athletic
S ot the state was taken hqn
morning when the olllcera
of the High School Aiaoolation
adopted by-laws dad a coniUtuttqn
that will, put all high schflBl atb-
letlca of the state on a high plane
and make uniform alt the rote*
tad regulation! of students partlct,
patlng In athletics. •
An organisation waa formed to
be known as the High School Ath
letic Couaclt of tho State Accredit-
do Association and the rules and
regulation* are as ollowa
Tho first article refer* to the
D *Artic!e 8. purpose—The purpose
of thla council ahall
in athletlca and to teach the
(BY T. LARRY GANTT) | n athletics anu to icv. —
There la a fine future for Ogle-1JjJJjJ* (J >thleUc ideals and to eu-
thorpe county and Its farmers are J (be ) a of amateurism.
”■'!"« dure road to independence 3 . students Eligibility to
tml proaperity. And these ends *
•HI he brought about by the Im- p »*' c , 9 ‘ te :
j»rt 'lion of fine cattle and the es-
bbli-hment of cheese tactorlea.
work l» now atarting on a large
rke-vp factory at Lexington, and
Mr Lord, of the Bank of Lexing
ton, tells that the factory will
<* o'mplctod and In operation by
the first of August- And just
here let me say that it i» through
•he public spirited enterprise of
the hanlca of that town* that this
• the. M, factory waa made possible,
•or the banka are not only ftaanf-
ton i he enterprie but will.advance
'ami >ra money to bu- '•*,
•h i desire .to go into tba ijattle
ho- as,and furnish mils for the
ii' iy'a operation-
Mlt ilANTT .
. T 1 cheese facory very much
"" scii (Da a fid for th« enlight-
•ma. nt of our rcadora I scoured
1111 • information needed about its
on thuds and operation. I am aat-
01.V I it will prcAe a luces*, and
other counties in this section should
fr". eo into the business. And
th" lieat part ia that a large cheese
!«• lory .can be started, inelnding
the building and all else necessary
*• o coat of about »1,«00. The
*>>< rnment,' in order to encourage
™* new (mginehs, sends at IU own
, '“U an ■*xpart"’ehce»e‘ maker to
tske ehmratpaad tsath'tMi** inter-
"tedl^SS^MtaMture* cheese,
i (Tgay t*r page -8lx)
Sectlpn ill Only bona flde «W-
dents shall be allowed, to partici
pate In an Interacholaratlc von*" 1 -
Bona fide atudent meaBB one who
Is regularly enrolled, it taking four
unit eubjecta and who meets In ad
dition the fallowing PNutremeotw
(a) Must register within the
first lour I neks of the
during which he wishesito repre
sent his school in any branch of
a * (bt^Must be under twenty years
of ago at the time of ploying any
game In which he wlshee. to par-
fc) A student cannot pie/ It sih
one branch or High School er; Sec^
ondary School of athletlca fot
more than four years, _
Section (2) No student having
heen a member of any athletic
team of his school during any year
and having been In attendance lese
than six months of tho school year
shall bo permitted to partlclpete Ir
any Interscholasilc contest there
after. until he shall have been in
attendance six calendar montba.
Section (3) No student who bks
participated In an Interacholaatlc
contest na a member of any «eh- J
team ahall be permitted to par-
tldoate.ln anv Interactic.iuMc con-
text until wild xtudent hn been In
attendance at the <*oo'_ , '>
ha has..migrated era 'f 1 *:
year. .fTh*- role does not dlsgunll
(Turn td P*F» »i* )
Trip on Leviathan. For
merly Worked on Ath
ens Herald.
Tom Stokee, Jr., son of Thomas
L. Stokes, of Atlanta, and former
city editor ot the Athens HeraP
has been assigned by the tUi
and other Invited guests, to mal
the trtel trip on the Leviathan,
greatest of all passenger »tei_
ships which is to begin its regulat
sailings from New York on July 4
In the meantime a six-day .test
trip Is to bo mode from Boston to
Cuba and back to New York to see
that everything Is In "working
Mr. Stokes is a graduate of thf
University of Georgia *nd for the
past two years has lived In Wash
ington where he la prominently
Identified with the staff of the
United Press, end for" which he
has for the,past, year covered white
house asBlgdmenta. He Is one of
the star men of the United Press.
pines mm
Mis? Bessie Powells Cooks
Beans in 10 Minutes'on
Denver Pressure Cook
A meeting of a number of cltl- __
zens, called by J . Warren Smith. T Qffn Make Trial
vice president of the Georgia Na- 10IT1 DtOKeS 10 JUBKe IJiw
tlona! Bank, for tha purpose of de
vising ways and mean sthrough
which some system of taxation
might be agreed upon to be pre
sented to the legislature In ordei
to Increase the Income of the state
thereby enabling the leglalauro to
make Increased appropriations to
the higher educational 'nstlutlone
was held at -the Agricultural col
lege Thursday night. , —
('Press, In company with represents
It was pointed out that all f th - egs .MndatlooJ
these inctltutlons were In rtlrc | tires of other press
need of funds and unless some pro
vision waa made by the Incoming
legislature for their support It
would be impossible for them to
function with any degree of bene
fit for those aeeklea higher cdu-
ention In this atatv
number of cltlxen* addre,3.d
tho meeting offering suggestion,
aa to the beet plana for I'lcrcneed
revenue to the state and action taken along some nf thoae
It wa* the general belief that an
Increase tax of one cent the gal
lon be placed on gasoline and n
one cent tax the gallon on oils
would result In the ntate receiv
ing ready money and by appro
priating this Incresae equally to
thn higher educational Institutions
and the highway department of the
stats, the emergency could , be. re
lieved; at least- temporarily.-
in The Pillowing resolution. Intro
duced by-J. W*rren Smith w»*
read and adopted:
First: That thf* body of cltlsene
express It* confidence In It" R*-
brerentstlvoe. Hon. R. Tonmbi
noBflse and Hpn. Frank Holden.
Hon. R. Toombs DuBoee Is ex
tended thanki for hla long, effi
cient and faithful service to the
county of Clarke and to the state
of Georgia. . ,
* Though young In experience in
legislative affairs. It I* the conft-
dent expectation of this body tnat
Hon. Frank Iloldan will serve III
ntate affairs an In the World War,
with credit and distinction.
Hecnn|: In order thkt the finan*
dal affairs of the BUte be ade-
quntely provided for. Its credit
maintained, and Its prosperity and
development t»S assured. It la en-
e^ntlAl nM necessary that firopr
tax laws be enacted promptiv.
* Third: That 0*1 account of hlr
long experience, gblllty and thor
ough familiarity wit* the financial
needa of the State, -on. R. Toomh#
DuBose. in co-operation with nlr
fellow member, Hon. Frank Holdep
In besti qualified to submit to the
next f aeanlon of the General As
sembly, direct or through a com
mittee tot be appointed, a Revenue
Rill adequate for the needs of thn
state. •
That we heartily «*doroe and
nni'rove the proponed plan of Mr
DuBoee to endeavor to have ap
pointed early In the next aeealon a
Tax commute* repreaentln|: the
House of Repre*vntatlvea aa a
whole to he composed of the Chair
man of tho Finance. Ways dnd
Means, nnd Appropriations Com
mutes and two members from the
floor of the House. Thla Commit
tee to Invite suggestions,, views
etc., amt from tho Information ob
tainable draw and submit an ac
ceptable tax bill which •'<11 .pro
duce sufficient Income for , the
needs of the atata.
Fourth: Wa aarnetaly requeat
both member* of the House ol
Representative* from thla county
to use Ihelr Influence, and beat ef
fort* to 4>ye liberal appropritaion,
made for-th# Wat* educational In ,
ntljuiilona .located In th. Cltys trlf
Athene, and no far aa po*alb|e In
accM-dahce with tha plana.- pro
gram, and .requsata of th« raa^H
Ivt, Institutions. '
Fifth: That we pledge
enrneet co-operation and assistance
tor the betterment of the state.
(The meeting wat' called to orde,
by Col. Ahlt Nig and among thon,
present were: J, Warren I'm It h. J
T. Plttard, Andrew M. b-Klle, Rob
ert McWhorter. James H. Dealer.
H. J. Rowe, J. M. Howell. E. C
Paine. R. T DuBose,. Frank Holden
H. M. Holden. D. F. Paddock. Joel
A." Wler, J. W. Barnett, Fleetwood
ranter. A, o. Dudley, T. H. Doxter.
Jr, J. D. Bradwell, A. rt. Booth,
Billups Phtntsy, J. B. Tatmadge,
c. S. Comptons Dr. Cabinet* J.
(Turn to pag* seven)
Mias Bessie Powell gave a dent
onstratlon of the Denver Pressure
Cooker at (he "Pines" Thursday
morning. With th* aid of this cook,
or Miss Powell waa able to cook
beans thoroughly In 10 mtnuti
First the hotns ware boiled for. I
(nlnutes, then seasoned and
In tho cooker with only on* enp
nf witter and th» pressure held at
?o pounds for 10 mlantag, after
tho steam' was let off th* Vans
were ready to serve.
iMIsa Powell stated that cooking
In this way retained thn vltamlnes
and tt the same time cooked so
thoroughly that the food Is easily
assimilated.' '
Hold Joint Meeting
Of District Paper*
A Joint meeting of the Ith and
Oth districts editor* Is being held
In Commerce Friday and a large
attendance from both district! If
reported to be on hand. ' Many o
the editors from the Ith district
paused through Athene ^ Friday
morning. *
D. H. Maglll, city editor of the
Banner-Herald, la represenUgn thli
paper at the meet.
Manager Ashworth of th* Metro,
poll tan Insurance .company an
nounces that tha company’s trained
nurse for the policyholders Is to.
cited in Athens permanently now
a*d can ho‘secured by calUagiSTl |i
or 1137.
been frightened out by the narrow
margin of their first victory. Tblr
Victory must be ’repeated before
the bill goes to the "mate.
If the Tucker bill soedeeAt ir
final passage In the assembly Wed
nesday. the dry leaden clnlm. the
senate Is sure to kill It .Senator
Severson, author of the dry Inw,
as vs that t# .out 33 senators wit'
vote to kill the blit If It gets to
tho upper bouse. ThA “wets” have
conceded all along that the repeal
er’s heat chaneea were IY the houso,
and the four-vote margin of Thure.
day. which they expected to be
Six Officers Held In
i KillingOf Smiths Are
Removed To Atlanta
Athletic Events Take
Place Friday Afternoon
on Sanford Field. No
Winners Yet Named.
Contestants to Gather At
the Georgian Hotel For
Banquet Friday Night
Music Friday.
The athletic events on Sanford
Field Friday afternoon fnrnleh th*
main Interest In tha sixteenth an-
nua I High School meet now tn pro
gress in Athens.
Friday morning there waa tha
annual meeting ot th* officers of
the Association and this meeting
waa followed by a number of con-
teato In which the glrlo took part
In mainly. At tho Agricultural
ik'rgerr has defeated"* number ot I College the Home economics, th*
leu drastic "tvef bill". 'sewing contest* nnd other* of thl*
less drastic wot Hi". (nature wet. conducts* In Soul*
The scenes shifted to Atlanta Friday morning in the
case of the state versus the six dry agents who iast Fri
day night shot to death tow Athens men, Jepp and J. B.
Smith, alleged rum runners, in Greene county.
Thursday the men, J. G.' Gastley, United States
deputy marshal; Iverson J. Love joy, Greene county po
liceman ; E. N. Brooks, chief of police at Union Point; J.
T. L. Darby, White Plains policeman; Ed Howell, deputy-
sheriff of Taliaferro county, and W. J. Sturdivant,
sheriff of Taliaferro county were taken to Greensboro
nnd lodged in jail thefe, where they remained over night
and at 10:16 Friday momig sheriff Hixon, in company
with a large number of relatives not only of the six men
but of the slain men and a number of officers, left for
Atlanta where habeas corpus proceeding will be heard
before Judge Samuel Sibley, he having issued an order
for the sheriff to produce the men before him there.
The largtst numbsr of entrants
~ * * ... |®vtr to assemble hers tor ths events
Governor Johu O. Blaine Jl I present and th* interest and
endoratood. will sign the repealet :> n ,huataam la running high, eapecl-
It he geta the chance. jelly m the athletic event* tor
Meanwhllo a bill proposing i* 1 prjjny afternoon,
referendum on the elghteentl | No prl „ wU) be an-
Amendment* defeated by the weta J nounced until ths final masting
lhemnelves. has bsen referred !«• * Saturday noon.
•he Judiciary committee for «I» Thursday night ths recitation
airrndmept providing for s refci* invents were held in ths University
endnm on modlflcatir’ of the V«’- chapel and a crowded house greet-
stead act. Ud the fair contestants and ths ex-
' Blaine's wet attitude baa best |hibltlon wa# pronounced the best
,.r„r P E.trt nU M P™. "Lera of th. athletic .vent,
poeslbl tie. of S ., h -ior RobertM ! wm b , award ^ pln , by clark Uow .
La l,riL editor of the Atlanta Const!-
regarded brighter In Wisconsin than tii t lon et f> i aay nlgh ,
anywhere else. The two “J" “'f the conteofant* will gather at ths
pollttcal cotfrades. and aUboug) (lr/)rg|ii n for , dinner^ to be
La rottetta bh* not optnmtUsd hint. (0 | |0W ^ b lhe mua | C contt#u , n
self on the prohibition issue, Ml: : tho . cbnpal-
held that his chsncaa as a coualv-1 *
bio republican or third party can^ program FOR
Idato would not be hctlpod II j REMAINDER OF MEET
Wiaoonsm followed Now Yorks
lead aad rrnrt wet Moat ot ha I Po|Iowltl|t in ths program for thr
Friday Xht
JteJMJiLtPtllihpette, I A *£»
AthMie |
bv th* dry* to perauadn both La .deaoclatlon. - .
Folletto ami Blaine to olnd thelt c: 30 p. m. Music contsst fm
"moral support” aull.*t thOjTJ»k- J State prlx*‘and-the Brenau Schol.
er repealer on the nrotlmt* that It, arshin of lino year's ’ tuition gnd
la too drastic. In the approaching hoard In Moalc Conservatorri
-- - will Bdna -DeLoach, Clax
Carldad Ruarea, Norman PiuiC:
Ann Hays, Amerlcua; Sarah Lea
Hogan. Hoganavllle: Iran* LaR.
wick. Decatur; Ernestine Black,
Thomaaton: Minnie Nelaon, Cal-
houn: Lotilae Jones, Hartwell: La
cy McDormld, Gainesville: Marta*
Hcwcll, Hepslbah; Mary Laur.noe,
ftaxley; Florine Hatcher. Wrights-
I vllle.'
Saturday—June 9th
8:00 A M. Meeting bf Asso'la-
tlon (fonUpued)
Weekly Luncheon
Of Kiwanis Club
Was Full O’ Pep
Mixture of Fun and Busi
ness Runs Riot At “The
Builders” Luncheon
The "K-nlght ot the Bath." "Our
next Door Neighbors." "The Side
Show*,’’ "The Charm* ot the City.’
"Some Private Bootleggers" and
other subjects of a kindred kind
If Judgo Sibley finds tjiat tbs
men were authorized agents depu
tized to act for tho government the
cancs will bo transferred from the
jurisdiction of the state courts to
that of tho federal court Thu
habeas corpus proceedings were
taken to determine this. If th*
habeas corpus proceedings are up
held the men will be bonded out
of the federal court but JC It 1 n
found that the Jurisdiction remains
In the stato courts they will be
turned to Greeno county and very
oiuer « P , rC i'™i n * ry h6 * rin *
wero thoso discussed by-various ra "?.°.d
visitors to the .con
ventlon of 'Kiwanis at the weekly
luncheon Thursday at tho Y. M.
C. A.
These Impromptu reports follow
ed one of tho real programs of
the meeting by President J. IV. Bar
nett and were highly intereating
and thoso who tailed to attend the
convention realized, nremlngly
that they missed something real
when they passed up the oppor
tunity of attending.
Among thoso reporting wore ,\V.
King hleadow. "King Tilt" Tut-
wylor, Week Howell, C. W. Crook.
Golden Knight. Sam Ware and
Dr. Linton Oertllnn non thn nt- GREENSBORO
tendnnro prim nnd Hearty support
wa» accorded tho Rotary minstrel
ehow that Is to ho given by that
club on Juno 14. It was assured
that a larga-crowd of Klwanlanr
he do hahfl *0y'i( tho "ftotn"
Austin Bell, local attorney, re
tained by tho Smith relatives to
act for thorn with tho aollctlor
general, la In Atlanta Friday for
tho hearing yid ft la reported from
Greensboro that a large crowd was
at tho depot when tho men loft.
Captain T. O. Sturdivant of the At-
lanta plain clothes squad and a
brother of tho sheriff of Tallaferr-'
county, ono of the men held, and
J. W. Powell, legal advisor to th*
federal forces In the state, left
also for Atlanta with the men. who
are In charge of ehoriff Hixon of
Greeno county.
Will Winn De Loach, Clax top: j benefit of the two boys* camps tr
- *•_ __ be conductou out of Athens thl?
summer. i
John White Morton was named
Well Known Newspaper-
■man of Atlanta, Grad-j t2;00 Annual Debate—Dill very
uate of University, Dies
There Thursday.
Member* of tho Georg!* etase
of 1888. which Is to hold a retailor
her* In Jane, will be aorry to tenrr
of the death Jn Atlanta Thuraday
of priuta. banners, cups.
Debater* From District*
1. Robert Donaldon, Hubert
Shuplrine, Statesboro.
3. Tom Oobb, Sidney Wallons.
3. Albert Outler, Eleanor Ross.
Poole Pickett, Allen Pdst
of J. prod Lewi*, well known new*- N(lwnan .
paper nnd advertising man of that B „, a|to Ho(an francos Wright
city. . hlirtt .'\l 'Dan Leftwlcb. Harold Hal*. Can.
ra <- f.uinr .yers.
Frances Carpenter, Annio Me-
Flveen. Concord.
uy. * i Din
Mr. Lewis hadttaen tn fslllnf, y«r»-
lealth for two years. I ,
health for two years.
Th* fitn»rol will he held "t
o'clock Saturday morning at tho
8. Martha Churchill, Isaac Hayes,
repel of H. M. Patterson and Son. "■ tH"nna
no ,h. family Mar|a
Interment will bo tn the family
mausoleum »t North View cemo
rew The services will ho conduct
ed by Dr. J. Sprote Lyon*, pasto-
Of the North Avenue Presbyterinr
The pa It hearers will be Eugen'
Black. , Sr., Hugh Dorsey, "
Black, , or., nugn uurecs. v....
Howell. Wllliro H. Olenn. I.'ntor
Hopkins. William L. Mealor an>
Oe-tr Davis, Sr.
'Mr. Lewis is survived by hla se
rents. Mr. and Mr*. Henry Lewis
Us widow. Mrs. Jean 8*tU Lewis
one Daughter. Mrs. R. Oi titjmp-
bell. Jr.; and three sisters. Mlssei
Fmmn and »dn Evelyn Lewis snf
Mrs. B. 8. MeGash.
Tears!-Tedrd> Tears!, But To No,
Avail} > "Thirty 'Days”, Sobs Judge
Henry Jones, colored nnd grown,
employed a new method of defense
In police court' Friday morning.
That Is o' new method of that court
but in old ono In the general prac
tice at the bar of Justice.
Henry was baled before Judge
Thornton on the charge of Idling
and loafing and while occupying
lhe wltnea stand could hardly give
the facts aa he saw them for the
hysterical sobs that were audible
all over the court room and so
large were hi* taan that bo could
hardly talk for th* Interference bf
hla highly colored bandana, absorb
ing tho boadl. ot —— -*~*
fort to melt the h|nrt of wbnt he
10. Bernice Legg, J. T. Hogan.
Lincolnton. j
11. Junlor'Douglnaa George Con-
N. E. Fry, John W(l*qn. Vnl-
1?. Elizabeth Henderson. Martha
Turner. Mattie eland Lancaster,
NEW YORK.—When young Clar)
Brand, from Oermany. took har
vlloin from IU case on'Etlla Island
Thursday and played American
tunes, several "refugee*” from the
occupied territory of the VhtefUod
Joined in singing our national aim.
It was a Joyous throng of Gor
mans that tended here from sey.
,*ral ahlp*. They seemed to rejoice
in the fart that about the only
toots > now open for Immigrants
. , . _ . ' 1 opder the American reatrictlve law
thought was s hard-hearted Judg«. 11 lho oermtii. They said tbou-
But Henry a tears tnikd him nn anxious to coma here
nothing. Work Is too plentiful anr '-orr the country now occupied by
wages too aubtantlal for any able — J
bodied man to bo loafing arounr*
the** days so Henry was invited tn
deposit tho sum of fifteen berries
with the chief for the expense* o’
tho clay and ’’cxodual’ 'out to thr
city stockade for thirty day* ant*
from the look of his tae* he Im
mediately proceeded to "exoduat”
na soon aa the trusty Ford could
be cranked up.
Tho moral nt bite occurrence U,
"Hot who toil* may smile but hr
who laafa may weopT—and weep
trickled down hi* Intrant tn urafn tononvatl whim the gave! Of the graph* .wWehihdireld to acquaint-
- * • ** ■* - *— — -*■—— ,l ** - - a* ■ - nticca or in© sunjscts.
pollcu court Bounds.
MILWAUKEE—Rnymohd Day.
twenty-six. was fined ICO In Dis
trict court on a charge of distribut
ing obscene literateru.
' He wa* arrested after detective,
hail obtained Information that he
ma'ntalned a "theatrical agency"
In a “atudlo," taking risque photo
chairman of the committee to wnr>
up Interest In tho summer base
ball here.
The meeting waa a very Interest
lag one.
scoiitIlyI be
Eight CitiesWill Be Rep
resented. Elberton Or
ganizes New Troop of
Boy Scouts.
The second semi-annual Scout
rally wilt be held here in October,
according to an announcement by
Scout Executive E. P. Clark. The
cities to be represented In this
meet are commerce, Carlton, Et'i-
orton, Jefferson, Gainesville, Vtn-
der. WlntervIDe and Whitehall
A new trodp of thirteen memh vs
was organised in Elberton Wed
nesdty. Col G. W. Westmoreland
was made scoutmaster of tb:e
triop; Mr. Homer Hancock i ltalr-
man of (ho committee; A. C. Brown
secretary.treasurer; C. P. Cooley
member of committee.
Mr. Clark stated that In the re-
rort of th* Scont meet Wednesday
the fact waa omitted that (roop
No. J, was awarded first* place tp
the Roll-of-Honor-in Progress-
Troop. Out of thirty'hoys of thl*
troop fourteen advanced one rank
making an advancement of (tarty
six and two thirds per ceot. , ' jf
Troop'No. 1 of Gainesville 1 l^qn
second ptKe with nn advancement
of forty-three and three fourths
per cent. .
Presbyterians Hold
Picnic Saturday
The Central Presbyterian Sunday
School picnic will bo held tomor.
row (Saturday) Jnno 8. at East
Lake. Members of the school will
meet at the church at 10:30 A. M
and conveyances will leave prompt
ly at 11:00 for the grounds.
Special car* will leave the Col
lege avenue entrance to tho Uni
versity it 12:80 o'clock to carry
those who are nnabte to leave
earlier in tho day; and will bring
n back after dlaner.; art
»ery member of. the school it
id to attend.
rerun '.k Do,,,0 c * mp bell l. dl.
"J,' 11 "' Prosecution of the men.
Mn y rumors of threats made on
tho lives of the prisoners h.v.
™ Athena from Greene roim*
iLnlL l" , woro denied Friday
Hanni^M^ 01 !, on,r dhttance to
Banner.Herald Ordinary ship.,
the county eald everything \ad
hnd n t, qU et 1tloro *“d no trouble
hail been or la anticipated,
the test of the ad
U Sueoeeds Wh.77TTurn. Att,„.
lion Into Personal Interest.
Ev.ry advortliomont, so w( aM
know, mutt tint got attention,
r^thorwl.., ,t wouldn't win
Thor, are a thousand way, to
do It. and many of thorn aro good.
Ovttlno attention It really about
•he tailtat thing an advartlaa.
mant doaa whan It la put Intu tha
columni of tha nawspapar th«
peopU hav# th*ms«iv« a chaaaii m
th* rout* My Which th«y want
you to approach them.
') J put, |
That’* not quit* so *a*y. Y#t
many confua* th* two thing*.
Attention I* that which oatchaA
the *y«. Interest oatoh** th*
ninth A friend of our* who wa*
trying to llluctrat* th* difference thl* way: *
If* on your way to th# ator* In
- the morning, you *** across th*
street a casual acquaintance who
merely nods and wavaa hla hand*
your attention I* attracted.
You wavq a return greeting*
ind promptly forget It. That
evening you might or might not •
be able to recall the Incident* . ,
But If. Instead of merely wav.
Ing to you, he stopped, gave three
cheers, shouted to you to cateh
something, and tossed a gold
watch across th* street to you,
you'd be INTERESTED.
He'd have seized your atten.
tlon and turned It Into a special
form of thought. . You might
think he was going crazy, or that
you’d forgotten that he owed you
the watch. But whatever you did
think, you would hav* studied
his actions In relation to your*
This le the difference. INTER.
CST la that which provokae
Your advertising should do this
In order to make Itself effective.
You accomplish little If ydu
merely attract attention.
But when you arouse Interest*
you start readers to thinking In
your direction.
Then, when you Interest
so much that they want what
you are offering, and
getlcally that they decide to takp
advantage of It at the first
chance, your advertisement hsa
got them coming your way.
And that i* tha practical t
of successful retail advertising