Newspaper Page Text
Fair snd Warmer.
21 l**2e
28 1.20
Dally and Sunday—10 Ccnta a Week.
Eetabllahed 1832
Dally and Sunday—10 Canta a Week.
Investigate TedayT
To Regular Suboeribere
81,000 Accident Polity Free
VOL- 01, NO. 99
Aaaoclated Preea Service
A. B. C. Paper
Single Coplea 2 Cento Dally. I Cents Sunday.
four Of’ Six Officers
Remanded Under Bond
Federal Judge Samuel
Siblev Places Four Offi
cers Under Bonds Await
ing Action of Jury.
Deputy Marshall Gastley,
Sheriff Sturdivant, Dep
uty Sheriff Howell and
Lovejoy, Men Held.
(By Aaaoclated Preea.)
ATLANTA. Oa.—Pour of the men
j.ll in connection with the klll-
In Greene county Friday night
June let. of Jepp and J. B. Smith,
Alleged rum runners from Athens
T ,r>' ordered held by Judge Sam
uel Sibley, U. 8. Judge under five
hundred dollar bonds for their ap.
-trance In Qreene county courts.
The men ordered held are J. H,
Cistley, U. 8. eputy Marshall,
hnson J. Lovejoy. Green county
[Oiiceman. Ed Howell, deputy
lueriff Of Taliaferro county. W. J.
Sturdivant, sheriff of Taliaferro
county. The officers released were
L L Darby. "White Plains pollce-
un and E. N. Brook*, chief of po-
Bee at Union Point,
judge Sibley In rendering bis de-
rldon at the close of habeas corpus
bearing lu which the state opposed
(be release of the officers on the
.round that they were attempting
lo make arrest of the Smiths as
alleged rum runners Illegally In
that they acted without any pro
ton search or selaure.
Judge Sibley rendered hie de-
Mon declared there Is great need
lor more clearly defined knowledge
warrant* and be expressed the be-
lid that this case will establish a
'Thor"'la no doubt in the mind
ol the court that these man were
acting In a sincere and bon «««
effort to enforce a law of tne
Lulled State* Goafcrnment.
Thirty-Five Business Men
Take Part in Fun Show
At Colonial Thursday
Thirty-five Athens business men
will forget how to be serious or
dignified next Thursday night
when the Rotary clUb “put? on*' its
minstrel under direction of Jimmie
Tickets for the show will be
placed on sale at Costa’s Monday
morning and from indications the
house will be sold in short time.
Winners of Literary Promises to Be One of
Pr izes Announced At j Most Brilliant Ever Held
Noon Saturday. Eighth in Long History of In-
District Does Fine.
Fail to Find Key to Es
says Disclosing Names.
Stewart Re-eleeted Pres
More than two hundred Georgia
boys and'girls, participants in the
various literary and athletic eventa
at the State High Sdhool Meet
hera this week. leit for their
homes Saturday, many of them
victors in their contests and most
of them thinking of returning to
Athens some day as in one ex the
higher institutions here.
The meet was one of the most
successful ever - held, according to
Dr. J. S- Stewart, president of the
association. Some three or four
One of Largest Firms
Close As Involuntary
Bankruptcy Petition Is
Baccalaureate Sermon By
Dr. John Howard Mel-
ish of New York. 366 to
What promises to be the most
brilliant commencement In the hls-
tciy of the University of Georgia
begins Friday, June 15 and con-
tirit^n through the following W-d-
sd.iy. June 20 at which tl.i.e* do-
Second Failure in As
Many Days Redoubles
Efforts in District At
torney’s Investigation.
(By Associated Pros*.)
NEW YORK—New York’a Hit
of stock brokerage failures was
augmented Saturday by the filing
of an involuntary petition in bank
ruptcy against M. S. Wolfe and
greet will bo conferred upon 1881 Company, one of the largest curb
members of the senior clarv. j market firms, with branch offices D . C- Barrow School
In Chicago. ' Miss R. Maddox, Mrs J, McRylee
Like the firm of L. L. Winkle-! Mlsa M. L. Wler, Mm. B. Bird,
man and Company, which failed UM
Friday, the Wolfe house had been;. p - a Moll SrtocR
a member of the Consolidated Mis* Blanche' Roxers; MIR. Red-.
Stock Exchange until about a year f na Mason Miss Sue Keown, lllss
In addition to this a large num
ber of Vaster 1 * degress will be
conferred and the trustees will au-.
thorite that several conspicuous JJ*n ."d Uomplny,
— — , .i , association, oumu .... persons In the state bo given hon
The proceeds from sale of tickets hun( j rc(1 visitors wore in tb* city orary doctor's degrees.
d,J.»S > bS B^ m |Latr P and Y tor the contacts «"<* the Georgia commencement this year
ducted by the Boy Scouts and Y r j uam was ver y (,1-ij. will bo colorful from many stand-
A. ' ... points. The list of spsaksrs that
Practice work has been held ejjjERTAINKD , have been selected Include promt
each afternoon and the Rotes are WHILE HERE ' I nent members of the student gradu
plannln-to give Athens the treat latino class and big men out Jo
of its life. The chorus, all black] while in Athens the visitors Georgia and even from other states
„ c ' „ ■P*525lJwere entertained in various ways The class reunions will add sip and
SL-Maffi.'towbvVm.-j• with ,hdr »
The athletic cup wa* won by the union* this year are ISM, 1875.
moDPOQirp twelfth district, while the eighth lg7fi lgMf lM im> 1908.
dppninP K and ninth dtotrleto did creditable lg . )t 191J and m*. t .Each of
OPENING work in both literary and athletic thew clan*** will have a large del-
The opening chorus is beautiful. cv f£j?vlduaJ winner* in the literary fI *“ on to AU,ana r,unlon '
a medley of Rotary song* and put ant j k olne economics contest* wera TRUSTEES
the audience in a happy frame of , nnouDCed at noon yesterday. MEET FRIDAY
mind front the jump. The end The winnera of the strict cup MEET FRI0AV
™Mutr StwTfer 0rd ind ChSte’ and ban “li5 Th. trustee, of th. university
Mutt ruiwuer ano Gnarite not >nnounc ed on account of tern- ... _, h Jun , is and
youThcld o« m >0U "f*!*"* mispUcsmgatrt th.^namre g» orttoU. openlff
The closing skit • fire scene. • hove* emaav contest. 1°* th * ©ommeneeinent season. The
Assignment of
Teachers Here
Made By Bond
Announcement of List
Was Made Saturday By
Superintendent of Ath
ens Public Schools.
Assignment of teacher* in
public school* waa announced by
G. a. Bond, school superintendent,
The U*t of teachers and align
ment* follows:
G. Q. Bond 8ehool
Mia* Mary Oqrdlne, Mlsa Elisa*
both Woods, Mlsa Katie Mason,
Mrs. Rqsevelt Walker, Mrs. J. M.
Means,. Miss Attle Jorrett, Mrs. D.
D. Qullllan, Mias B. D. Torbltt,
Miss Eunice Palmer, Mrs. Harri
son Heldler, Mrs. W. I.* Flanlgen,
Mrs. Ellen Pratt Griffin, Miss An
itie Patman. Supervising Princl-
, gather
? 2?5aaar.ssS sMB'gagsssttiBttiirs^SaS F
Emus.— - •-
during Fire Prevention Week he j nolmc *t within th« ngxi few-days,
would 'have attracted thousand j, s . st , w „t, president of tho as
more than th© fir© trucks loaned • sociation, announced,
by the city department. j Accortnng to the resulta of all
r oovornmom. ... CoL Dwight Ryther will be the! liter , ry conte st, except thg e*»ay
M •',nT that circumstance i interlocutor and the Rotas ere writing ninth district leade for the
“ ld ’ , "i.i h * betting ho will “out Interloct" loving cup and banner with s total
“ “ Captain Billy Barnett. Some of ' of c i evcn points. Ths sigblh and
the soloists are John E. Talmadge. 1 |j rat districts tied for second place
ww justified.
Tho Rtate should have a ngni
to trv them, however, to settle the
nntlon of Justification. This court
irn not believe they can bo con-
Viried. but the questions Involved
are so serious that they should be
emisldere'd by the state.
"It Is ordered that the three
am admitted to have participated
In the shooting bo remanded to
Up custody of tho United State!
Usr.haL who shall hold them un-
(Turn to Pago Flva) *
tew York Mayor
Passes’ Buck To
Federal Agents
Mayor Hylan Tells Prohi
bition Director That En
forcement of Volstead
Act Now Government
Jim White. Morton Hodgson and wlth th „ yiird district standing
J. L. Sexton. A Scout and Y. M. j third in th* list. The eighth and
C- A. demonstration will be held atl t i rat districts have a totali of nin*
the minstrel to chow what these j „,j n t, each,
organisations are doing in boy*’
$5,000 Offered
For Capture of
Woman “Killer”
Masonic Lndyos in Chica
go Give Bi? Reward For
Capture of Famous Wo-
mqn Bandit.
(By Associated Preea.)
CHkC'AOO.—Reward* totalling
five thousand dollars havo boon
offered by two Chicago Masonic
lodges for tho capture of the dr'
bandit, who killed Richard Teemer,
a prominent Chicago Insurance
NEW YORK.—Mayor Hylan. who
recently pledged city gupport lb the j Teiiner w t, 0 vu with her
otorcemeat of tho Voletead taw | hugtand when ,h e girl bandld held.
Old federal prohibition director them u >nd reamer says
Canfield In a letter Batur-. (hat ghe wiu h, able l0 identify
hr night all llqnors could bo atop-! (he womaB k | Her by b er big blue
w “< the port of entry and that and flxad am n e .
wlon cment waa up to govorument i Th0 w|fB of tbe dead man co j.
" lapsed at the funeral of her hua-
Enrorcemont of the Volateao kand aD j waa gnable to Interview
w l» your job In this locality, aatd more auapacta of (he police
lie mayor’s letter, “and you should dur)Bg tba day , bBt w m carry on
Bat It honsatly. Do hot try to shift (b work of identification Sunday
tt* burden on the shoulder* of
jay body else. Do not rip open the
bathir bed end let the feathers
•» stn-wn to the seven winds and
then expect the peace officer* to
J and Rather In the fee there. Keep
tt* foather bed Intact
’Stop the liquor Iron. - efng in
•t tho port of entry go that thr
Paco Offices of any lovu.ity w.ll
*°t have to go for tho llttlo vlo-
■tor. Get tho hooch and rum run-
*« The people of this country
sick and ttred of being humbur:-
They have bean hormswad-
,/d more on the enforcement ot
“t" law than of any other taw that
•as ever placed en the federal
■blue hooks.* r
bayor Hylan launched a bitter
“hick on William H. Anderson,
I* 1 * superlntondMH of the Anti-
"loon League and declared “If he
few others of nls kind, who
'f course need the salary which
jjcy derive from contribution* paid
“ well Intentloned people.
•““Id give their aid to thg federal
JJJhorftle* in stopping llqnor at Ite
""'ce. the people would get en
enforcement of tho Vulatead
'» Mayor Hylan said nls letter
JJ* l D renly to one he had" ret
.bed Friday from Director Oui-
Z; d »hlch. “evidently for public
'"Jimnuon In' an endeavor to
th " burden ol the • iforce-
E„ 0( the federal taw from your
Is th i* 1 *' here ** rl * ht;v hcloncs
shoulders ot. others."
Mrs. Arthur Tuck
Died on Saturday
Mrs. Edna Lorrain Tuck, aged
45 died at the home 724 Hancock
avenue, Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock after an Illness of about
ten day*.
The funeral services will be
conducted Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock from the Flret Christian
church, Rev. W. M. Colie. pastor of
■he Wlntervllle Baptist church, of
ficiating. Interment will be In
Oconee cemetery with Berus'eln
Brothers In charge. Pallbearers
will be th* following: Meiers H »
Heywood. W. C. Greer, A. M. Kit.
tie. A. P. Whitehead. C. W. Jackson
and C. F. Elder. ...
Mrs. Tuck le survived by her
husband, Mr. Arthur Tuck, two
daughter*. Misses Elisabeth and
Frances Tuck and four son*
Messrs Percy. Arthur, Jr.. Qullllan
and Rcnlck Tuck.
An oD stove blared up In Steph
ens store, corner Hoyt street and
College avenue, about 9 o clock
last night, causing the fire alarm
to bo sent In. The «fgv« was
thrown out of tlw stars. No dam
age was accomplished-
Winder won the spelling contest
for tho third time while the New-
nan High School debating team
ran it* total of stats victorias to
five by winning hors today-
The individual winners of first
place were awarded, modal*' while
each contestant in the literary
events was given a pin by thg Uni
The 'individual winners are as
Recitation: Mary Jim Olirtr.
Eastman, tint; Elixs Davis, Dan-
islsville. second; Ruth Moran,
Sparta, third.
Music: Irene Loftwitch, Decatur,
firet; Minnie Nstaon, Calhoun,
second; WU1 Edna DaLoach, Clax-
ton. third.
declamation: Nat Hancock. Jef
ferson, flret; Franlj Nash. Wash
ington. second; Ben Patterson. Mil-
len ( third*
spoiling: Winder, first; P.m-
broke, second, and Gr*y, third.
Sewing: Emma Gene Hodges,
Sandersville, first; Eva Brawsr.
Hartwell, second; and Jessie Mas
Parker, Winder, third*
Debate: Newnan* first place,
(Turn to page six >
Nippon’s Reply
To China Fleet
to - to
b* preached by ths Iter. John
Howard Mellah, rsidsr
Church of the Holy Trinity of New
York. Rev. Mellah la a friend of
George Foster Peabody, benefactor
and trustee of tho university ana It
was through his efforts that he was
secured to deliver this sermon.
Monday. Judge Nash R. Broyles
of Atlanta, a member of the class
of 1818 will deliver the annual Phi
Beta Kappa address.
Tuesday la University day at
which time th* class reunions will
he In full sway and Col. A. R. Law-
ton of Savannah, a member of the
university class of 1187 will be the
principal speaker. Representatives
from all th* classes at th* reunion
will be heard at this time . A bril- alumna luncheon ha* been
The baccalaureate address la to
be delivered Wednesday morning
Just precesdlng the deUvefr of dip
tomes by Chancellor David C.
Barrow. Judge Samuel B. Adame
(Turn to Page Five)
ago. when it withdrew from the ex-1 Harriett* Mayen, Mias Oily# Holl-
change after having been placed Iman. Mies Nancy L. Morton, Miss
under a.l investigation by the ex- Emily Mason, Mis# Lana Bird, Mia#
change. Ilreno Bloodworth, Mias
One of the five biggest firms. Dradberry, MIm E. Brsdberry. Mrs
holding membership in th# New Hampton Rowland, Mlsa Clyde
York Curb Market, tho failure Patman, Supervising Principal,
came as a great surprise to many . Oconee St. School
and it is reported that tbe losseaj Mlsa Mary Woods, Principal,
suffered will run Into big money. Miss Osnlsvisv* Barber. Mlsa
The petition for bankruptcy was ] Magdelln Ofeitn. Mre. Tainted*,
filed by counsel for the Metropoli- i Allan, Mlsa Thelma Elliott, Mle*
tan Advertising Company, the-Jesse Moore. Miss Helen Phanktln.
Dispatch Printing and Bindery]Mre. <». E. McCoy, Mlsa Paulina
Company and Joseph F. BrJUden- i Freeman,
burg, the lost named presenting! C. D. Flanigan School
relatively amall claims. • M.'ss Nell Shockley, Mis* Flo
Inquiries tor Information con-1 oulda Williamson, Mias Mary Bar-
ccrrln* action wore referred by w (ck, Principal; Mre. L. F. McDor-
memheraof the firm to It'a counsel j m .„. uiM s a ra Bird, Miss Clyde
Arthur Hayes. 'wehunt, Mfs. T. E. Ja*r,
The failure of the Wolfe firm!
marks the second great craah.,on
tho curb Market- In a* mam dnyn
the" other failure being that of 'L.
L. Winklepian which went to the
Ihdications Point to Rec
ord Enrollment of Dele
gates and Visitors. Big
Program Taking Shape.
wall Friday.
District Attdmoy Banton, who I:
Investigating charges, of bucket
ing against several bankrupt brok
erage houses has called on the po
lice to aid him in tracing the rec
ords of the Wlnkelman firm, which
disappeared a faw minutes after
the petition for Involuntary bank
ruptcy had been filed against the'
Wlnkleman and Company wad
the largest firm holding member
ship on tho corb Market, and It'r
failure Intensified Boston's cam
paign against brokers alleged tr
have operated 8n a qeetlonabla
Miss Bessie Powell
Demonstrating Cooking
Mias Bearilr* Powell !* now item*
onat-ntor In Georgia for thr Den
ver Scientific pressure eooker.
Dorsey-Furniture Co. to
Move in Masonic Build
ing. Strand Succeeds
Elite Picture Theater.
Two Important tms!n<
here were announced Saturday. On
Monday. June 18th, the BUte the-
atre. which Is now located In the
Masonic Tsmple at the cornej of
Clayton and Lumpkin streets, will
be discontinued •* » moving pic-« ye a r these privileges have' bw.
ture house and the 8traiid theatre ( «xtended over e period pf three
on Clayton street will he reopened | gays, covering tho entire time of
The Elite will be doted in order}the convention,
that tbe place catt be repaired end Gaudily decorated streets, stores
Indications are that the largest
number of delegates ever to . at
tend a state and department con*
vcntlon of the American Lsgkm
will be In Athens on July 3rd. 4th
and 6th for the meeting of the de
partment of Georgia in the “Class
ic City** on those days.
All Athens Is preparing for the
event and the city Is getting all
“set” to we!ootne the heroes of the
Marne In the dark daye of 1118
when th^i Doughboys were thrown
in to stop the march, on Paris, of
8t. Mlhiel, of Bellau Woods, of the
Velse and last but not least of the
Argonne. Probably as • much,
not more than any other place In,
tho state, Athene has kept a warm
Spot in her hmrt for ths ex-sol
diers and It will be a personal
como that the delegates will
celvo here.
This Is due not ohly to the fact
that Clarke county sent a large
quota of men to the army but due
also to tho fact that from ths Uni
versity of Georgia went hundreds
and hundreds of boys who on
are dear to the heart of every Ath
Since the armistice Athene hae
remained Royal to her “soldier boys"
and what tbe Alien R. Fleming
'pest has wanted here It has bad.
Lfat year on July Fourth ths city
was turned over 4© the Legion-
nmlres for a big celebration and this
Tho eii oo ting was done with a
revolver. After running arauek
the officer took refuge In his
cabin, from which he was taken by
the police when the vessel arrived
at Oporto ,the prisoner put up a
severe struggle with the police
when he found escape was impos
sible and commuted suicide. •
The Bravo Couer sqlled from
Hamburg June 1 for, Galveston,
Texas. Latest shipping register*
name Captain Selmeas her com
mander. * i •
put In ahap* (or occupancy by
September tint by th# Dorsoy Fur
niture company which by that date
will move to that location, on* of
the host In th* city.
Ths theatre will b* changed In
namo ohly, Elite being droppnd and
the new place will Uk* th* name
that It la already .known by th*
Stmnd. Tb# earn* highly In term
ing pictures that are now featured
at tne Kilt* will bo shown at the
Strand, according to Manager Old
Athens’ Curb Market entered the realm of bitj bust „ -
ness Saturday when approximately $1000 worth of coun- ™!j JSggJi nmtim
try oroduce sold according to estiamte of Mrs. Bes- “?!
sie Troutman, market master.
Yesterday's sat.# war* aboutsmUng the. Oconee County Com-
twte. aa urg. re th. previous ^
tho market hu opened since May Mark et. _r. b . Williford sold .»J0
' About on* hundred conveyances wor «h Including twenty-four Angel
Of Destroyers
Japan Sends Destroyers
to Back Up Answer to
China’s Demand For
Chinese note which
Associated Press.)
ided an
brought produce to ths Curb Mar
ket yesterday. A total of lit per
mits to s*U produce on. the mar
ket hu beon Issued by Mrs. TYout-
L .P. Crawford ot BarbsrvUI*
received ths two hundred and
tenth permit. Issued yesterday
morning. Mr. Crawford stayed on
th* Market dply a short.while, hla
first trip. Hs sold thlrty-aovsn
baskets of peaches and seemed de
lighted with tb* results. ‘1 con
sider th* Curb Market on* of the
most constructor* nets th* city of
Athene hu don* In many yearn"
he said.
i’*T*ply to
Ich demanded
apology for the shootltig down of:
Chinese rioters^by the Japanese'
marines at CJungaha, Hunan.
June 2, was th* dispatch Saturday
of four destroyer* to reinforce th*
Japanese patrol on the Yantse
Jt v * r mi. .IdiiMiij^lA'mn! Aoams eoiu nearly nv wom
lmof'!£:"">*>“• «*• — ha ™ *•“
‘ at any cost.
The smallest ant* on th* Market
yesterday was something over tom
dollars. Ths largest sal# wre ac
complished by J. J. Adam* who
Uvea on the Bogart
food cakes baked by Mrs. Willi-
tord. The first day he brought th*
eakre six were sold, next day eight
and Saturday twenty-four. “Folks
come bock for more,' smiled Mr.
tie house* In ths South. Th* vtbtL
latlon Is splendid, tho suta are
comfortable and a splendid screen
Is part of the equipment.
The opening picture wiil be Buck
Jones In •'Snowdrift" a now fea
ture (tarring tbl* star who ft so
popular In Athens.
theatres and dsoce halls will
greet tb* Legionnaires while It Is
planned to have any number ot
band concert* and eeery form of
entertainment that th* exeoldlers
appreciate. If It le necessary pri
vate homes wilt be opened for
"btlllM” while already all the avll-
able hotel space In the city hu
been commandered tor the week.
“Chow" will be handed out In
"seconds and thirds If necessary
and svsn nil ths billies will be taken
sway from th* policemen during
the week—that la-so far u the
Lsglonnelrss are concerned. Chief
Henry Beuis* le n veteran of the
Spanish-American war.
Local bands are already prac-
The Dorsey Furniture company
one of tbb oldest establishments in
the south and tb* oldest continuous
firm In th* state, sometime before
September first will move from
tbe Moss building on Clayton stree'
to tho plod* now occupied by th*
Elite theatre, taking (wo entlrr
(Icing lip on eucb tunes u "Miss
Marianna/’ “Over There," “Hlnky-
Dlnky," "Katy." The Chef do
Train of tho “Forty and Eight”
has ordered direct from Paris the
latest and most daring editions of
that "Vlv Parislenne” and th* lo-
leal post hope* that If tho business ] ecarch wax
' na get tiresome there will bo 1 Hefner.
R, .T. Smith of Royston sold 111
worth of produce. “It pay* m# to
come to ths Curb Market." he Mid.
A negro woman froni the A. P. floora of tHU building.
Dunawoy dairy sold about 125.08 Dlac . ,,,
worth of produce. Including thlrty-
aeven pounds of butter. She has
regular customers who hunt for
her every market day. C. W. Bar
nett of Danlelrvllle sold I* worth
of produce. Many other* sold as
high u |10; 815. and 125 worth of
More women brought produce to
the Market yesterday than ever
before, taking Mr*. Troutman’s
citixcns in China i
Adams sold nearly 14* worth ot stisrutlnn Ihat women bring thrt
t been, u j produce to market on pretty days
Ihlgh u 81*. when th* strawberry)while the husbands are working the
making It ono of the handaomesi
furniture •tore* la U* south *>■'
before the company moves In fait
corner will b* converted Into a
modern store room In readiness
for tbe removal.
Rosemary Announces
Its Opening Date
The Chinese note which w*J re
ceived Saturday by the Japanese
government demanded an apology,
indemnities and tbe punishment of
the commander end hi* marines
who shot down th* Chines* sup
porters of th* Japanese boycott In
the above named province.
What reply China will m*k* to
the not* eent her by Japan is tla
•object of much conjecture, and It
was felt that tho Nipponese gov
ernment was fully prepared and
determined to b*ck up her answer
to China.
waa at Ita beat.
J. D. Riden of MadJaon coontjr
•old $10 worth of produce. Ho waa .produce la sold. Tha Market la a
delighted with the auccesa he haa huay trading mart for tho Aral
enjoyed alnce tho Curb Market op-I three hours of the day with Ath-
enad limthe* wion nnM Ian gtls ' ana MAiMsn nrmwl with hsikstl.
Elsewhere in this issue of The
Banner-Herald will, b* found
j wmie . .ITP*ge advertisement, announcing
I crop*. The Market open* at **v- formal opening of the Athena
ten o'clock and hy ojrven moot of the 1^^ 0 J Rosemary Funeral
ened. Another mail sold ten gal-[en* women, armed with baskets,
Ions of dowbarrles at slaty cents,going up and down the slddwalk
per gallon. "1 picked thsm yestsr-1 buying the freeh' vegejahlre and
day afternoon." he Mid. He re*
celvsd six dollars for hla time and
trouble, end If It had not been for
the Curb Market would not have
sold so many berrl«i In such short
W. 71. Burgees of Oconee, repre-
other products grown In this and
adjoining counties. .'
Although the city council he*
granted three day* for the nisrke,
for tbe present .It will be opened
only on Tueedny and Saturday. Th*
next market day wUI be Tueadaq.
Directors. Inc.
The old Marks home, corner of
Washington and Pulaski, hts been
remodelled into on* of the moat
modern and most palatial funeral
establishments In tea *outh for the
use of th* Rosemary Company, and
whan th* place is thrown open to
the public Monday. June 11th, it
will n* t revelation to all who
visit this new establishment, to
note the wonderful funeral home,
that it has been converted Into-
GALVESTON, flexaa—Ad-vlc*.
received hero Saturday at the
headquarter* of the Dyken Broth
ers Steamship Company told ot tbe
■hooting and subsequent deaths of
Captain J. N. Nellxon; wireteaa op
erator A. Glaaer and Super-Canto
John O. Perry by mxond officer S.
Tiettos on board the steamer
Brave Couer two days out from
Hamburg on June 6. No reason
was assigned for the tragedy, which
was not made public until th® ar
rival of tho Bravo Couer at Oporto
Friday, as the the death of Glaser
left the ship without a wireless
Captain Neilaon was a resident
of Galveston and Is survived by a
wife and little daughter. Supor-*
Cargo Perry was also a resident of
Galveston. He was on a leave of
tiliBenco ns a city salesman of an
oil rotnixuiy and waa taking hla
vacation on thd Brave Oouer. Wlre-
leM8 Operator Glaser is said to have
born a resident of Athens. Qa.
Albert Glaser the w,ireless opera
tor of 8. 8. Brave Couer, who wait
killed by the second officer of the
on the high seaa was
the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glaser,
formerly of Athens.
The yotmg man enlisted, in th«
navy at New Orleans several years .
ago where his parents then resld-
,Young Glaser attended High
School here and left with his fam
ily when about fourteen years of
Young Glaser Is prominently con
nected hero and has one uncle,
Harry Gotthelmer, who la a resi
dent of Atlanta. Tho young man
the grandson of Mrs. E. Got-
theimer of Athens, a nephew "of
Leo Gotthelmer and Mrs. Abrama
of Athens. The young man waa
twenty-three years old.
Sheriff Picks Up
Clues to Slayers
In Taylor Killing
After Eighteen Months
of Mystery Murder of
Movie Director Begins
to Unfold.
(By Aaaoclated Preao.)
SEATTLE.—The murder my**
tery of Hollywood, in which Wil
liam Desmond Taylor waa tha vic
tim. was again brought to lift
here 3«:urday, when a nation-wide
instituted for Otia
enough rafraalgng entertainment
to revive oven an ax-company
dork and to p!«%oa a top kick.
The Slogan Athena has adopted
la, “Something polng Every Min
ute“ and unleaa delegate* and vial-
torn can stand the pace they are
advised/not to atop off
bivouac on any of the throe daye.
Group S. S. Meet
At file. Methodist
Wm. Desmond Taylor was one
of the best known am! most pop
ular among moving picture direc
tors in the entire country and hla
murder eighteen months ago, cre
ated a great stir in moving picture
circles. Many theories were ad
vanced as to the motive for the
director’s murder. principal of
which was that Taylor was killed
by gunmen employed by the dope
ring, which he had been very ac
tive in fighting in the movie stu
Hefner, the man sought by
t HTVwJav Sheriff Stnriwch. la described as
V/ItUrCflcS 1 oaay being a big Texan, once a stock
man end later a bandit.
The sheriff became interested
in the case Friday when Crawford
White, u lawyer of this city, told
him of a diamond ring which Hef
ner said he had cached between
Seattle and Tacoma, and which 1m
declared was taken from Taylor
before his death.
White told the sheriff that Hef
ner Had stated to him that Taylor
was killed by a bandit gang of
five men including Hefner, but said
that he himself took no part in the
Sheriff Starwich Immediately
sent out descriptions of Hefner to
i police officials in all parts of f‘
expected f
Group Sunday School Insti
tute will be held at the Young Har
ris and Oconee Street Methodlnt
churches today.
Bar. Homer Thompson , former
Hartwell pastor but now Superin
tendent of Sunday Schools tor ths
North Georgia Conference. Rev.
Nath Thompson of Young Harris
College and Miss Corrinne Lit tin
Conference elementary superinten
dent, will speak.
The morning session will begin
at 10 o'clock at Young Harris and
ths afternoon session at Oconee
Street church at S o’clock. Dele*
gallon, from the other churches I
* Thel» - 9
Albert Glaser, Former Athens Boy
Is Killed c By Crazed Ship Officer
Glaser Was Wireless Operator
On Ship; Went To High School
In Athens; Has Relatives Here
(By Aueelated Press.)
LISBON—The second officer of the Steamship Brave
Couer committed suicide Saturday at Oporto, according
to a message received here, while policemen were en
deavoring to.arrest him on a charge of killing the com
mander of the vessel, the wireless operator and another
officer, and wounding a seaman and a passenger while on
the high seas.
will attend both ™| i, efneI : will a p p « hend(
group Is composed of tho Athens. d unlea g ha> 1(
WlntervIUe and Princeton church. I