Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JUNg 8# 1?a
ie milk ?or mak- ; factories.
the rest, or 85 per i A greater part of the cheeso
likr vent, is whey, and which is given Isold in this section is made in Wis-
The .process is vary simple:. .— , - _
Churning butter. In a few weeks t0 <ne farmer the next day when' certain. where cattle must be kept
any person with ordinary intern- ,he bnnss in*his milk. He is givcnjhoused and fed eight months dur
ance can do the work. It only his full quota, and which he car- iny the year, and they have there
requires a few hours each day to.ties home in the same vessels mlno tich natural grasses as grow in
make the milk brought in into which he brought his milk to the 1 this section. Mr. Lee Callaway of
cheese, so it docs not much inter- factory. ' ■- *—— ***“
fcre with a farmer’s ether duties.! uriinr
no h n,iS ra “ nK CTPCT5M arC ‘’"‘JTOW.TRYFBED
starts up and
go to
article 1 will tell our readers about
the progress of this Lexington
cheese factory.
High School Body
Draws Up By-Laws
| Athens has contracted to take _
the cheese this Lexington factory
makes and pay two cents per
pound more than the Wisconsin
factory receives, for the difference
is in a saving of freight. I saw a
sample of cheese made in Carters-
ville, Ga., and it is superior to the
cheese we buy in every respect-
, ,The proposition is that farmers j v . H „ . . .. _ •
jssz w ,£Jtz:Ly*t ,: u h y » ?£ r£?° t \
the cattle and lot the n-irtios tn ! sonrt " ho bnn * thp,r milk to the
whom they deliver the cattio na - factl,r >' " ith P urc W (MB
fhe first cost’with g part the !&*«»?? Ire *HXd Vfcw ‘ ‘17"$ FACT0RV
monev thev receive..for thr-i milk ■ ^bat cattle- aye sold .them. If «i. • «
. ;& cheese The furatcr not V.dy i farmer prefers to inise hogs, he * »phe Lexington banks are now
Wifi t -^.-i n iT° S ".._. t .’ Ut iSoT*»-» f.r e ,.^l-!looking after cur toads of cattle,
his pro r , T _,
cattle will improve hi« i»no.
(Continued From £age One)
fy a student whose parents or
guardian moves to and resides 1r
the town or city to which the stu
dent has migrated, provided said
student upon entering the second
institution presents a , certificate
from the uperintendent . of the
school In which he was previously
onrolled as a bona fide student.)
This rule prohibits proselyting.
hfK XU “.VgK FfVa blooded j tiling ‘that !» dead^ ffE’SSU,*
. And this is only a part of ln * wn " u PP‘y 11 w |tn tnre .H animals, for-It doo not pay to (deals in anort.
)rofjt. The manurofrom the j ^onThis rni^^h^'prom from^the u T P i°° r Sf ttIe * ,?* costs "? ™ ore Section 4. Limit of participation.
- !Stry lm raises on the Zv £! t0 - , 8 ? ve S a,,0 l n cow , thatl an —No 8tudent who ah * reoelved his
hoe.L- .... u:» .. j animals, for it does not gay_ to-, diploma from any accredited higl
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
No. 4405—July Term, 1523. Clarke
Superior Court.
'lie ix'eferVfd <>“ Albert H. Cue tut the NOTICE OF SALE
law direct*.-and that the said Edna GEORGIA—Clarka County:
I Stay. Cox be, served by publication a* UnUec and.hy,Xilltte.oC,lb^ Author-
the law directs In such' cases, and |ty granted under the powor of aale
trial term thereof.
iipihgs alone uttifld t>ay him for his j°I herds. , .
Jabor, for no farm could be prop- I runners Will
Cfly kept up without cattle. | crops arc best
jjere Ik the plan on which this jgrenet quantity and richest milk,
. Lexington cheese factory will bej and >' ou can ra ‘ ae rn y° ur own
©berated. A farmer milks, brings ' ^ and ' tbo f<XJ d at very little labor.
, tpe milk every morning to the fac- (There Is no enterprise in which
^ tpry, where it is weighed and ho! our farmers can embark that will
Is paid at the end of the week its ! nav them better than to go into the
value, as it is suggested that the I business of supplying* this cheese
lijen who supply the cheese factory [factory. I found the farmers and
hold its stock and control the same. J others around Leixrtglon enthusi-
nerds of fine rattle and they are, tlon
taugfit what t enthused over the establishment of !
produce the this factory. Mr. Hamilton Me
any teair
the Accred-
Hlgh School Athletic Associa-
To Anise D. Applegate, Greeting:
By order of the Court you are
hereby required, personally or by at
torney! to be and appear at the Su
perior Court of Clarke County, to be
held In and for said County on the
Third Monday In July next, then and
there to answer the Plaintiff's Cpip*
plaint, os. In default thereof.
Court will proceed as to Justice
appertain. •
Witness, the Honorable Blanton
Fortson, Judge of said Court,* this
16th day of May; 1923. . - , >
E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
May 23, June 1-29, July 6-13.
that the next term of this Court, the* contained In a certain security deed
July term, 1923, Is declared to be the executed and delivered by Hattie
the 10th day of January,
Railway).. A ... •
J. II. IJoiler , T " 11
15 ■*.
Court ot Clarke r— ■Ol||
Book' HurhWB, ,
located a two na^’t,..
That a copy pf tlks order be served* 1921, to Mrs. Celeatla Sr Wood and
i the iiartles mentioned.
This June 4th, 1923.
R. C. ORR,
Ordinary Clarke County, Georgia.
Juno 8-15-22-29.
Miss Annie M. Wood, which deed fa
recorded l^i the Clerk’s .Office of the
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
uU*r and by virtue of the author- | hours of sale, before the Court House
Superior *Ct»u|rt of Clarke County,
Georgia, In record of deeds. Book 3li
page .105, the Said Mrs. Celeatla 8.
Wood and Annie M. Wood, now Mrs.
Annie M. Wood Bryant, will sell s£
public outcry, between the legal
it, n the*
b, shill
Whorter. Jr., of Lexington, has on
his farm in Greene county several
hundred head of fine blooded cat
tle and he will use their niilk in
thirf cheese factory.
Any one can see at once the im
portance of this new cnterprje*i
Section 6. Compensation—No
student who receives any remuner’
atlon. tuition, board, gift, or pay
for his services hall be permitted
to play on any team of 'this as.
Section 6. Assumed Name—Nc
student who has ever mayed under
and assumed named sliall be per.
ami I aha!) watch its operation with ! name '' r
groat interest. It Is an assured "1^.,i k . P a r - t,,r '
I scholastic, contet in this assn
,'|«TX1 <?R ATHENS
sAlE Begins Saturday, june 9th
’ All Tires Highest Grade Standard Makes
All New Stock—-No Seconds
In addition to slashing prtcM on Standard makes of tires, WE WILL
; OIVR' aWa'Y I'TtER'^H: WStJEtAisCETOLICY, that insures the tire
rgainst blow mn», Tint cutvor damage by accident in any way ex-
ctn*il>y,fic«witht-W, fwienatyear., a
This Insurance Policy is in additicn to the regular factory’s guarantee
nnd intsUrek ybu’bf dfife' ! yeair's ihKrice from the tire regardless’of the
number of mile;, you drive the tire.
ksVedl by
Lif»A»mb *
ile Tiro Adjustment Corp. of
30x3Vi ..
30x31/ 2 __
32x4 ..
33x4 ..
Lhrt Price Sale-Price List Prlcb Sale Price
... 16.50
... 36.10
... 37.20
.. >46.65
... 48.90
Other Sizes Priced in the'Same Proportion.
32x4 ..
> List Price Sale Price List Price Sale Price
-t.. 40.90
: ; 26,75
.34.25 j
$ 9.55
tV* - • • * • — , uy»sii
Other Sizes Priced in tile Same Proportion.
List Price Sale Price List Price" Sale Price
32x4 Vi
... 21.45
... 36.10
... 37.20
... 48.90
... 58.10
Other Sizes.Priced in the Same Proportion.
they won't i
nothing on ml
justed price r
Beware of tire sales by unscrupulous dealers of
seconds” (tires defective in mntcrial or con
struction, or tires of makes but little known).
«t fit the sumpier roads. Gqahintces mean
r ... apinatertil and-ape wtiro at an id-
y means more trbuble.
f^by Q a U ^,Ln I i RES ~* U r Ch f a8 ' Ke,ly; ^ rin * field and Federal—and
nSilL manufacturers warranty of satisfaction as to
Sporting Goor^ m nlBh,P ’ fUrth< * f P&Cked CVery Way by E ’ ' S ’
Comer Washington and Lumpkin Street
, Prince Avenue and Meigs Street
,: rtIrlp j. Section I. OndiKiiien 1
n) No Studcn* who la
delinquent hy the Faculty
xunerlatendent ,hill bo ueemltted
(v imrticlpate in cn lnter»i;holoKtlo
(h) A student to. participate in
nny Interncholiuitlc contest must
he passim,- In three unit subjects
nnd In de.phriment at the lust rcic
tilnr' report' or be dropped from
the team for nt least two weeks.
(Two weeks shnll bo Interpreted
ns fourteen calendar Cays from
the regular date reports are is
sued). -At the end of two weeks
an examination mny be given to
the delinquent to determine his
standing, nnd If he passes his work
Up In a satisfactory manner his
delinquency shall be removed. Av
erages to determine the standing
I of delinquents must be found hy
•combining daily grades and writ
ten examinations In the same man
ner ns the regular monthly grades
nre determined. These examina
tions' shall not be glyen oftsner
than once In two weeks. No pu
pil shah he given, a second trial
on an examination except In cases
of sickness, or uadsr circumstanc
es of squnl urgency. In such n
core a written nppircatlon tor s
special examination shall ho made
to the faculty, who shall pass on
the application. A passing grads
In deportment ahnll he-the rams
ns that required for the unit pub-
By virtue c.f an order from tjie’
Tourt of 6rdInary’of Clarke County,
will be sold ut public outcry. baf<>re
the Courthouse door of paid County,
on the first Tuesday In July, 1923, be
tween the legal hours of pale, to the
highest bidder for cash:
That tract or parcel of land on
East side of Oconee River, In Athens,
Clarke County, Georgia; bounded oi>
East by an unnamed Street, on West
by lot of Charley Good, on North by
Hen Jennings, and on South hy lands
of E. S. Lyndon. Beginning at cor
ner of Ben Jennings lot, and running
South fifty feet, thence West to lot
of Charley Good, thence along #aid
lot fifty feet to lot of Ben, Jennings,
thence to starting point; being the
same property conveyed by deed of
K. 8. Lyndon to Mittie Goosby, re
corded In Deed ^Book 6, page IP9,
Clerk's Office Superior .Court, said
Above described real estate 'adver
tised and to be sold as the property
of Mittie Goosby, deceased, for the
purpose of paying debts of the de-
rased, and for distribution among
the heirs at law.
A. ,15. .COJLE, '
Administrator, of Mittie' Goosbyj
room bouse.
Said land levied ...
cf 13. M. Brown r " w
tlon Issued frtiii tliRrcif
Athens, February; T,-,a 1 L?
vor of Zells J. Stlrkf, a J,;
Blair, Executrices ,.f lh(1 '
Nancy A. Jukes, df-r.-a^,’ ea
Qult-Claiih Deed
levy and sale filed
required by law.
to the defend:
power of sale'door In Clarke County, Georgia.
contained In a certain security deed (the first Tuesday in July next, to tenant In possession
ex«ciftbd and delivered by Wesley [the highest bidder for cash, the fol- f Thin June 8th 132:
WLJ,:t ’- " 1 * ' lowing described property, tp-wit:' j \v* r
Sheriff, Clark.
n fa..
Bafhkrd the 3lst 'flkf of Jahuar^,
lilsd. 'to Mrs. lfbchel 'SVeriv and The
'Bcesle Mell Industrial 1 frhmfe; which
deed ,1 k reconled In the Clerk's Office
Superior Co\ii* ‘ of ClarkA
All that tract of land, situated Ijr-
Iqg^^nd being in Clarke County,
Goorgla, about three miles from
Athens and adjoining on the--Nortl»
int>‘, Georgia, In record 6f deeds, I property of Joe and Laura Smith,
Book 28, pages 1 530-331, the safd East by property of Joe and Laura
Rachel Stem and The Besslo MAH Smith and AndeFson Wyche, South by
Industrial Home will sell at public I property of Wydhe and Susan Ruck-
outcry; between the legal hours ofjer, and West by lands of Riisan
sale, before the Court House door. In j Rucker and Is fully and* 'Accurately
Clarke County, Georgia, on*the first j described by a plat of a Survey of
Tuesday In July Yiext, to the highest'sam^ made by F. W. Cheney. Janu :
bidder for leash, the following de-jary 31st, 1917, jiald plat attached to
scribed property, to-wit: * land made a part of deed conveying
lots of land lying In J said tract of land to Holman Smith
Clarke County, Georgia, and dcscrlb “ - - * ‘ ““
tract containing eighty and
seven-tenths, (80.7) acres, ant^ being
tract No. 9, according to a plat of
the Klng-Hodgson Farm made by O.
L. Veal, In 1917, and of record lit
Rook 23, page 232, In the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Clarke
County, Georgia.
lying In the 241st Dis
trict G..M., containing CO acres, more
pr Jess, knqwnSa* the J. E. Bradberry
place, aiid bounded on the North by
the lands of J. L. McLeroy, East by
Luke Hardeman, South by Abb Bar
nett, West by Primitive Baptist
Churyh lot, Hinton and Dial, and !>e
ing tho place on which Wesley Bar
nard, now resides.
This property will be sold as the
property of. the estate of Wesley
Barnard for tho purpose of Satisfy
ing principal and Interest of .two
potes Executed and delivered l>y the
paid, Wesley Barnard to tho said
Mrs. Rachel Stem nnd the sabl The
Bessie Moll Industrial Home. Both
of said noten dated January 31st,
1920, and drawing Interest from date
at the rate of 8% per annum, and
falling due January SlHt, 1925; the
note payable to Mrs. Rachel Stem
being for the sum of $C,C0O.db princi
pal and tho note due Tho Bessie
Mell Industrial Home being .for the
sum of 93,000.00 principal, said notes
being secured by security deed to the
above described property. Eactj on»
notes contains the clause
that, on default In poyment'of .Intcr-
est .that(said pqten jcouMbe fnaturod,
time m»<k> of the .essence* of
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
By virtue of an order of the Court
of Ordinary of Clarke County, passed
at the June term, 1923, there will be
sold on tho first Tuesday' In July,
1923, before the Court House door,
during the legal hours of sale, to the^
highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing described property of the cstato
of C. T. Moon, late of Clarke County,
said State, deceased, to-wlt:
That house and lot on East Broad
Street In tho City of ‘A'tnenq,, ClorM 1 *
County, OwrrtL W"*! th. contract.Ji. In the pay-
the North by Broad Street, on the —
West by Dublin Street, and by' prop*
l>y Joe Smith and Laura Smith, said
deed dated February 7th, W17, and
recorded Irf Deed Book No. ft, page
406. Office Clerk Superior Court,
Clarke County, Georgia. Bald tract
containing 3 1-4 acres, more or less,
and more fully And accurately de
scribed In said plat and deed.
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying an«J being In said State
and County and in Princeton Factory
District, containing 31 3-4 acres,
more or leas, bounded on the South
by public road leading from Eppes*
Bridge road to the gin of Anderson
Wyche, op the North by Susan
Ruckes and on the # We*t by Frank
Wyche. . *
AH that tract of land, together
With the Improvement thereon, sit
uate, lying and being In Clarke
County, Georgia, about three miles
from Athens and adjoining on the
North” property of Joe and Laura |
June 8-11-22-29.
The Rose/nary Fun
Directors Will lie Lo,
ed Here. Has Over 1
Article 4. Section
eligible to participate.
No superintendent or principal
shall permit his school to parti*
clpate In nn Interscholastic con
test with nny other school riot a
member pf this association ,u hi eft's
ftnid school complies with the
eligibility requirements of this as
sociation, and adheres to the
rules nnd regulations of the con
stitution nnd bylaws of this asso*
Section 2. Any school that vio
lates then erules nh’all, for the flret
offense, be reprimanded by the eub-
executive committee, nml for the
second offense shall be black-11st-
eJ for one year, end any member
of the niiorlnilon that engages In
|rn athletic contest with a known
blacklisted school shall lt»el«
blacklisted for ong yonr,
erty of tho following/ parties; pick,
Cukes, Willie Carter, Ma!rk Stephehft
nnd Willlf. Lane. , f f ,
Also that vacant (ot Elbertjm
Street* In the City of Athens, WnmjM
on the North by Henry Jfbdft. 'Mat
by/Jack SptjMUdln. West b/ ItW Os
born 'an/l' South by Mrt ’ OWborfr. ,ls *
Also all of the personnl .property W 1
the said C. T.‘Moon, clCfeeaSOd, cop^i
slstlng of
No. 33743,
kitchen furniture,
Said sale Is mafto for (he ptirpoeh
of juijing the debts of.sntl deceased
and making, divlftlon among the he^re
at (aw. * ‘ 1 t
. This May 29th. 1923/
L. B. MOON. .
Administrator of the Estate of C. T.
June 8-15-22-29.
ULU).. delivered by said II
to tltft.CKtpm of Wesley BaW Mll | Mrs. CeletiiAV
prlneipal caed .1titcrest, and all coetri
oi. .thla .sale.: the aUalouce,. Jf. 'nr\y, .will
lie paid
..non ueciHEQu. v««.- b*>F ^
3s£S£u S XnLVL
OBOROIA—Clarke County:
By virtue of the authority And
power of aale contained In the last
will of Prior L. Davis, lato of said
ArtlcI^ 5. Section ,1. The State
Executive ~
Executive Committee.
The State Executive ^Commltee
shall consist of twelve members,
one froril each of the twelve con
gressional districts, and ehall, b<
electud for a period of on*- year nt
the respective nnnunt. district high
school meetings. The chairman
rhall He elected by nn*l tram these
memlio’s nnd ahal apt iiava the
power to vote except In ex. *• n
Each member of. the State
Executive Committee shall
bona fide superintendent.
Article 8. At the regular annual
District meet the schools In, each
congressional district shall eject
a committee of three superinten
dents to be known an a sub-execu
tive committee. All matters ol
eligibility and ay disputes In that
particular district shall be referred
to the State Executive Commltee.
whose decision shnl he final.
Article 7. A11 rulea and reguja;
County, th® undersigned as Adminis
trators with tho will annexed win
sell before the Court House door In
Athens, said County, on the first
Tuesday In July nyt within, the
legal sale hours, to highest bidder ifE
edsh. the following real estate,,to-wlti
The Prior Davis* home place lying li
Puryear'a. District, sqld Ppuntv, aip
the same tcoiUlBlag l IpO %cree. and
mem of •ImtprcftV having .occurred for
much ■ * longer than the requisite
length ot .time, both notes have been
matured 4«m .Accordance wRh their
terms., ? • 1
This juilet made fqf the pur
pose of BAlWg|||g»® above notes,
-f*. HQtfB. ^ . . January lOth^ 1921, and due ^January
attorneys In fact for the Estate ot 10th, f923. Tlie other note glten for
Wesley Barnard.
tjie nn IcotuUf Um i >°° V re *' .
boundtd bn Jr.liublto rood ent
Und. of Ja,.‘ A.iSmlJh, ” n
the Bouth by fan* of ts. Tl. DaxK
a DUbUc road laurveninfl.
on the Bart by raid
Honx .hall h« d,teitnJn«d by thi
State Executive Commute urhoee
duty It ehall be to oee that Mid
rulee «ro enforced, and who ahal)
hlnrkll.t nny 'Inititutlon viola tine
mid reirulntlon,.
Article X. At least one day- be
fore a acheduled name, the princi
pal or (uperintendent ehall .end to
the principal or aupeirlntcndent of
the competing echool, on the reru-
lar blank or the anoclatlon., a cert
lifted Hat of playera who ahall he
-Iliclble to participate In that Rama
There eligibility Hat, are
filed for reference.
Article ». 1,0 member of the a«-
,te, and on tl>j> North by tenj. of
lira. Dean, the arttham pl«c, and
being the land occupied hy the widow.
Sfra. J. A. Davie, for POrt Mvera'.
yearn. Bald land to he .old aa the
property of P. U Davl.. deceooed.
and aale had for purpore of dlrtrl-
butlon among the legateea under hie
will. '
Thla June nth. l«il.
AdmlnletratoM de bonle Non with the
QSOROIA—Clerk# County:
tinder and by virtue of a power of
rale contained In a certain contract
entered Into between U. II. Daven
port. party of tho flmt part, and W.
a. Smith nnd Ueelo H. Smith, ae
parties of the reennd part, raid con
tract dated the 7th day at May. 1910,
the eald U. H. Davenport will eell at
puhjtc outcry before the Court Houre
doer. In raid county, 'between the
legal boura of mla to the highest
bidder for caah, on the flrat Tue,dny
In July, next,-the following described tinsmith
property, to-wlt:
All that lot‘of land, with the Im
provementa thereon, altuate, tying
and being on tho EMt alde.of Hla
Avenue. City of Athena, raid
State nniR County, and more partle-
Jlarly dererlhed ai follows!
Beginning at a point on the East
aide cf raid Hlawapw Avenue 1«
fret front the Northeaat corner of the
Intemeetion of H lawk—I Mid Lenoir
Avenuea, and running In a northerly
direction (long the East aide of raid
HUfwaaae Avenue CO fret to a point;
thence In an eaaterly direction, par
allel to tho North side of Lenoir
Avenue 111 feet, more or lesa, to line
of the- property of 4fra Ethel Dppea
Thomaa; thence In a Southerly di
rection. parallel to the East aide of
Hlawasre Avenue 00 feet, more or
lean, to jlne of the property of J. W.
Fulcher; thenoe In a Westerly direc
tion, parallel to the North aide of
Lenoir Avenue ltl feat; more or leas,
to the beginning comer.
CITATION The above described'property will
Cpurt ef Ordinary of Clarke • County. ^ „ the property at the raid
Petition for Probate ef Will w a g m u|, an n Llaale 8. Smith for
In Solemn Perm. the purpose of-satisfying thirty-four
In'Lie: Will of Mm. Mv k. • Heard.-, no(H , executed and delivered by W.
To Edna May 06x. heir,.at law or „ Smlth ehd.yir,.' LLexle 8. Smith to
Mrs. Ji. E. Heard: .. i ; the raid u.. H..Davenport, for W.i*
Deupree Hunnkutt, having applied.. Mc p, ell of ,nk] notes dated May
as Executor, for prbhato In ,so!.mnl 7th _ 15Jo, tlie first of said notes due
form of the lost Whl and Te»tam«nt t|w , |h dlr ot August. 1971, and one
of Mn. M. B. Heirsaid County. on „ h < Uy of cart, ntpnth there,
you. aa one of rhe ,hC|M at Imf at , fter . All of raid notes drawing In.
said Mrs. M. E. Heorf, being ajnott, tmU tnm maturity ht (the "rau of
naldent ot this State, ye herebd ra- t% p. r annum, <Eaeh tftfp, «|onta|ne<J
will annexed of P. U, DavlA dee'd.
Jttli. I-I5-21-I9.
The Rosemary ..Funeral Di
have extftbllsliod an agency
old Marx Home at the
Washington street and dltefl
front of tho Blxtna Chi ch
House on ateese.street.
This company- has estakl
aboar eleven > hundred are
throughout the’sotith and All
Indeed fortunate to be r
number. Mr. Thomas s
the agency will ropre. n!
ment of forty or filly tbl
dollars and tlmt It will be
the nice-, nndbmprt in.,'.
tahlishments in the smith.
The Rosemnry factorv 1.1,
at Savannah. Georgia and
Smith. East property of Joa anal the agencies- equipment cci
Laura Smith and Anderson Wyche, I rectly from them. The fan
South by property of Wyche and j the second largest In li. ,,
Susan Itucker. and West by lands of I Slaffcn. They .carry a romplni.]
Susan Rucker and Is fully and ac-|of covered caskets nnd :)!-.]
curately described by a plat of a sur-1 kinds of metallic goods. This,
vey of same made by F. W. Cheney, 11» the.only company pmdmii
January si, 1917; which plat la rs-' soI!(l casket which’ is
corded In the office of the Clerk of t durable of all metals as. cv
tho Superior Court of Clark. County, knows.
(•corals. In Deed Book IS. pace (54.
reference to which Is hereby mod.
for a more particular description, and
I.nslsts of two acres of tend eon
veyed to Joe Smith by deed of Wat
E. Jackson, Sheriff dated Febru
ary Jrd, 19H. and recorded In Deed
Hook’;., page office of -C|.rk
Superior Court
Georgia, and 1 1-4 acrea cut off of
the home place of Joa and Laura
Smith so as to Include the houre In
which Holman Smith resides Mid the
out houses- as ret out In plat and.
survey above referred to.
This sole' will be mode for the
principal and
The location' of this
an Ideal one; It is | n a qulii|
tlon of the cityjuuLyeL i, r
heart of the city, liq,., f,, rn i,|i
Of the Interior fs ofd blue a
mahogany with draperies a
to mat.’li. :;!>
The agency Is tc he „„
Clarke County, management of Mr, J. A. I
he will be nhsistcif hy ns
cmbnlmer, hy niu. I.f Hi. L,.;l
can be obtained,
Theae; p«i|ih; hnvo abnn.R
the custom nf hnylm,
cdnnectloh with' the ageecy, I
Instead have n lovely jeIr’:
the funeral services may Ii„
The plnc^ la unowtrhfte lucid
la -thoroughly modern In ,
purpoea of satisfying prlnelpal aiid
Interest of' twi, notss executed and
Annie M. Wood, now Mrs. Annie M.
Wood Bryant. One of raid notes
payable to the said Mm. Celeatla 8.
■Wood far 71,700.00; sold note, dated
tho principal earn of $700.00 payable
to Miss Annie M. Wood, now Annlo
M. Wood Bryant, said note dated
January 10th. 1771. and dua January
10th, 19771 both notee drawing Inter-
est, from dato'at the rate of 7% per
annum. Interest payable annually;
which notes were secured by the exe
ration and delivery of the security
deed to the above described 'proper,
This property will be sold as the
property of Hattie p 8mlth for
purpose of paying sold notes, prim
cl pal, and Interact, and all costs of
thla suit, ths balance from sqld rale,
If any. will b. paid to the said Hat.
This Ith day of June, 1771.
Attornye« in fart for Hattie Smith.
Juno l-l(-lf-ll.
hard for even-tfift 0wnt i
lout people if Mwi rnforre,! hj|
PurUann and brouxlit to li;
Representative CjumIu*
Iowa,- wer\ brought to Ix-ar ini
twentieth ceijlujy. aecoriInc|
the Cbnsrcimmap./ .
These original law* of I
governing everything from
aort of clothcft citizens Mhoulil
to the forbidding of :
Ttlaa on the Sabbath, were I
code Representative
unearthed while pursuing 1
wlatlnn ehall play any tame un±
the game la property certi
fied to by the principals or «uper-
Inlendenta of both achoolx.
Want Ads.
qulpned to b* an* appear at the (JouA a provision that In dkai M three of
of Ordinary for mid County onf th- M(d noica pfcou |d becritnb dua’ and
1st Monday In 1923, when wl(l ^nmln unpaid at any one,time longer
application for probate will be heard., thJm len days hfter ‘maturity, then
and show cause. If any you have, or a u ^ (he remaining notes
can. why t|« prayers of petitioner should b e c.o m • due, and more
should not be allowed. than three notee having ‘ remained
This the 4th day of June, 1*21. * unpaid ft>r much longer than *n
R. C. ORR. Ordinary, days,'the said U. H. Davenport has
matured all of mid notes, and will
Ip the Court of Ordinary, Clarke mU the aboVf described property as
County, Georflls, June. Term. 1*23. t h6 property Pf the said W. O. Smith
In Re; Probate in solemn form will * nd ux* Linle 8.* Bmlth for thq
of Mrs. M. E. Heard.
It appearing that Albert H. Cox
has not been served with' notire of
application to probate this wttl as
provided bf law.
purpose of satisfying all
holes, principal and Interest, and all
costs of this pale.
Th|s 8th day of Julie, 1923.
GKORQIA—Clarke County:
Will be sold on 11th day of June,
ItSVat 10 O'clock A. M„ before the
Court House door of sakl County, at
public outcry to the highest bidder
for^caah,' the following described
property, to-wlt:
One Ford C-Passenger Car, Motor
Nd. 1407886. )•
Said propPrty sold under order of
the Honorable J. D. Bradwell, Judge
of the City Court of Athens, under
Judgment rendered on the Slat day of
May. 1923, in a proceeding filed .to
confiscate said car.
Sheriff, Clarke County. Georgia.
June t.
by of delving Into laws of
Some of I».e .larift that goi
ed New England Puriian*
“A man vth*£, strikes hl«
ahnll be fined ten riounds. *
map that strikes hfr hi’shand
be punlrhed at the coi.rt’s dl
U( o. a
No one ahall travel, rook,
beds, cut hair or shave ot
Sabbath or fasting day.
No Quaker or dissenter
the dstnbllnhed worship of
Dominion shall be nliowe.i
r vote for the election of
trates or any officers.
’Every perron In tbl* J" r ‘
according to the mind o
shall duly resort and attend w<
on the Lord's doyo at
upon public fasting or thanksgn
days; and If any person.
Just cause, absent
GEORGIA—Clerks County:
Will be sold on the first Tuesday
In July, 1923, before the Court House
door In said Bute and County, dur-
Ing the legal hours for sales to the
highest bidder for cash the following
described property, to-wlt;
One Model T Ford Automobile, 1921
Model, Motor No. 4928629.
Said property to be sold to satisfy
a mortgage fl fa. Issued In favor of
from the same, ho shall tor <
such sinful mlscorrlas** 1
shillings. h|
, “No one shall rvn on the
day, or walk In his garden or 4
where, except ycvereulU
from meeting.
'Married persons mu
gether or be lm( rlson-’J
the Commercial Credit Co. agalnbi
Mrs. Upward Chafln and said de-
•rrlbed property.
This June I, 1922:
» W. E. JACKSON. Sheriff.
June 1-15-22-29.
And It further appearing that Edna Attorney In fact for W, O. Bmltlnutd
May Cox. minor, reside* out of the Mrs. Linde 8. Smith. , , j
State of Georgia, .GREEN ft MICHAEL,
It la therefore ordered'that service 4 Attorneys.
7*- ' W
QEORQIA—Clarks County:
Will bo sold before the Court House
door In said county, on the first
Tuesday In July, 1922. within the
legal hours of sale, to tho highest
r lor cash, the following de
scribed gwoptrty;
AM that tract or parcel or land In
th^ City of Athens, on the South
side of Athens Avenue, said lot
fronting 64 1-2 feet on said Avenue,
land, of; (Atmpkfn; and Fo*J
l«, bins brtwren Bartwr Stmt and
th. Northraat Railroad (Southern
Attention Y. M. C.
* U. S. Army Tnmks|
With Tray
For Camp
Juit th. TKIna f«
25c cadi
Ire ut for »ow ,uppB« I
llanketr, SM "
Laundry Stsa PoncM>«.
Atften*. <