Newspaper Page Text
1EE ISLAND — — —
South Atlantic's Majestic Hotel
Fireproof—American Plan—Bathing, Dancing, Fishing
Sea Food a Socially
Rossignol-Kemp A Perry, Prop's.
is like a stick of candy to the kid. It satisfies
as nothing else can—no hunting for pennies—
no stopping for change. Just get aboard and
the journey begins pleasantly.
C AN be taken care of satisfac
tory, economically and with
pleasing'dispatch by one con
cern right here in Athens; we
are the concern in question.
Cement, roofing, lumber—
whatever you need, wo have.
Let ub make some figures for
you;, we can make them inter
receipt of 12c la silver or stamp*
Bank of
Free for Rupture
W. S. Rice, Inc.,
479-B Main St., Adams, N. Y.
You may send mo entirely
free a Sample Treatment of
your stimulating application
for Rupture.
Name .. ..'
Address 1
297 W. Hancock Avenue
Expects University Gym
nasium to Be Greatest
Possible Acquisition to
"Memorial Hall, when completed
will ho the greatest possible uc
tjuisltinn to the University as th*
hub center of college activities,
and all alumni and students are
looking forward with greatest an
ticipation to Its completion.”
These words formed the keynote
of a lengthy discussion by Mr
Harry Hodgson of tho gigantic
building that Js expected lo revo
lutionize tho University athletic
And social program. t
Students and Faculty will take
In largo numbers during Com
nioncenient week to Explain tho fu
ture and note the progress In con
Memorial Hail,- tho present gym
nasium of the University, wai
partly constructed twelve yean
ugo at u cost of $60,000. It bn*
been in daily use ever since, and
even in an uncompleted stato hu»
lonned physical development to
y, and housed, so to speak
erous University athletic
Now greater things still art
planned for Memorial Hall. It 1?
not only, when completed,' to do
nil of the above things, but mor<
glorious still, it will foe a lasting
monument to those heroes who
went Out from tho University tc
die fighting for our country.
Mr. Hodgson, chairman of the
Prudential committee at the Uni
versity, and leader in tho rccenf
Alumni endowment drive, Thurs
day trirelcssly related to a Danner*
Herald reporter details of torn
Isting contract calls
tho completion of tho building by
xt Armistice Day, and the Small
the visiting alumni to Lucas Ilall man-Bryco Construction company
So Impressed wore tho women
organizations of tho various south-
ms state with tho Motion picture
”8omn Wild Oont" that they have
endorsed the showing of tho pic
ture through the South and have
gotten behind this motion picture
so ns to Insure It a success.
The picture was recently en
dorsed by the Better Film Commit 1
tees and women clubs of Birming
ham. Augusta, Charleston, Knox
ville, New Orleans, Atlanta, Chat
tanooga and Nashville. Those clubs
and committees not* only endorsed
the picture but havir also request
ed that tho film bo shown In the
city, believing that tho pfeturo wll’
be a great valuo to tho communi
ty. provided It is shown to separ
ate audiences of men only and
men only with special reels fol*
each sex, and children tindor If?
will not bo admitted.
The first performance will fof
given Monday afternoon at
'*clofk to whlfH only ladles wll 1
bo admitted. Monday evening af
|$:30 o’clock, tho second perform-
of Birmingham, have been awardee
the contract. Captain J ,\J£. Ba
nett, city Knglner of Athens, is
supervising architect. The build
ing committee consists of Messrs
J. E. Taltnadge, Jr., and Harry
Hodgson, and Warren Mol so, o
edifice Is to entail a tota
f $240,000, is expected to b'
osl Lritutiful structure of It,
kind in the South.
The building faces east on thi
quadrangle op Lucas Hill. The
Corinthian columns of tlu» facade
ivill bo strikingly beautiful. Above
:he window arches are tP be carved
n stone, the name.'i of r.ho great-
*st military operators in the great
vor. To be featured are tho bat-
les of the Argonne, Meuse, Verdun
Chateau Thierry and others.
In the Memorial lobby will be
two bronze tablets cbntalning the
forty-six names and class year o'
Georgia men who fell in the World
War. The main floor will contain
the library and rending room, the
quarters of the Y. M". C. A. and
gnmo r«*oms and committee rooms.
Tn connection with the athletic
activities will be the officers oj
Coac*’ Ctegcmnn, White and oth-
located oonvepient to the gym- '
naslum. In addition to plenteoun \
locker rooms and showers there
will be, on the top floor a dining
room, kitchen, and roof garden,
Ith twelve rooms for visiting
has a valuable dog should have the
treatment given him.”
It hart been suggested that the
certified tag may bo used In lien
from the Board of
Announced That Many
Courses Will Be Availa
ble For Students to Se
lect From.
Opening of Abattoir Cre
ates arket For Native
Meat Giving Thousands
to Farmer, Says Sun
“Some Wild Oats”
Has Endorsement
Of Women’s Clubs
Tinco will bo given to which mor
only will ho admitted.
Tuoeday afternoon, by urgent re
input, the how for the nuttlner
nnrformaneo hne been fired nt 8:30
tnntend of 4 o’clock. Only ladle,
erenlnir performance will be com-
will he admitted to thin ,how. The
manned promptly at 8:30 whleh
will ho the last performance of thlr
wonderful picture In Athena..
Have You Hod Your
Dog Innoculated?
. Ho* days aro fast approaching
and while rabies Is not line to hot
weather, being a germ dlsoaao as
ovory one knows, still poopln turn
'heir minds to cooling streams and
doir tags.
Tho city Board of Health has
not Issued Its ultimo turn when the
tana must appear on pot canines
but It will be soon.
Dr. J. E. Sovorln of tho Veter
inary Department of tho Agrlcul.
tural College Is Inoculating a num
ber of dogs with anti.rabies treat
“It Is n very simple process,"
ho says, “nothing moro than n hy.
Dodormlc Injection. A lady recently
brought In her pet and wblto she
gently petted him. the ncedlo was
Inserted. He took It without a
When questioned whether there
were _ any rabies In Athens Dr
Severln said, “Yea. there la al
ways a llttlo around. Eroryono who
The, University of Georgia Sunv
or School will start with a boom
i Juno 25, so states T. W. Ree
Registrar. Over 2000 will probably
attend tho Summer School. There
will bo many moro female student*
than male, as tho dormitories
Lucy Uobb Institute, State Normal
and the University have been
served for feminine roomers.
Dining halls will be run at the
Agricultural College* Denmark
Hall, Lucy Cobb, State Normal and
most of the Chapter houses.
There will bo a Primary Division
conducted at the State Normal
teachers of the first four grades
and for those desiring a primary
teachers license.
There will also bo given an ele
mentary course for teachers of the
fifth throfth seventh grades and
for those desiring an elementary
state license.
Besides those divisions there
will be. a College Division for High
School teachers, and those dcslrinr
to accumulate credits towards
graduation. Included in this un
usual offering of courses tho Ag.
rlciiltural College offers courses
Home Kconomls, Animal and Poul
try Husbandry.
Tho last but most Important ..
tho graduate course, leading to thr
University of Georgia’s Master De
Tho Dean of the course Is Prof.
Willis H. Mocock.
Cook “Accepts Position.
But Inadequate Garage
Then Makes Her Resign
Moral in That.
PORTLAND, Ore.—In hiring
conk In this modern age, - worry
not about tho kltcbon facilities,
whether tho supply of pots and
frying pans Is sufficient to meet
all calls, whether the range will
work or whether there la a nice
room for the lady who rules the
dome,tic department.
Gnrago space Is what la do
manded—that's all.
Portland Holghta family ad.
rerllnod for a cook. She came,
and with a handful of reference
satisfied tho lord of the houeohold
and ovon the captious older daugh,
Sho "accepted tho position" and
all looked well for tho family. But
later In the afternoon the woman
appeared before tho mletreaa of
l| in domicile with this woe:
Madam. I am sorry, but I must
takn . another and more adran.
tagooua position. Your garage fa
motor are Iniulo.
55*' , „ , !? 1 v0 boon promised suit,
■bio fnctlltloa clflowhere."
Then she stepped In her shiny
high-powered sedan and departed.
Want Ads.
tinted travels
Sketches by L. W. Rcdner. Verses by Hal Cochran.
Color the picture with paint or crayons
Special Sunday Train to Tallulah
Falls and Franklin, N. C.
Starts Sunday, June 10th
Lv, Athens, Southern No. 6 7:45 a m.
Ar. Lula, Southern No. 6- 9:20 a. m.
Lv. Lula, Special Train 10:00 a. m.
Ar. Tallulah Falls, Special Train .. .12:20 p. m.
Ar. Franklin, Special Train 2.-00 p. m.
Returning leave Franklin 4:00 p. m., Tallulah
Falls 5:53 p. m., Lula 7:35 p. m., arrive Athens
9;10 p-'m.
Round Trip Fares to Tallulah Falls $1.50
And to Franklin and Intermediate Points $1.75
Athena’ abattoir, established aev
eral months ago by enterprising
moat market men, 1ms Attracted
considerable interest throughout
this section. Among the stories
praising It is the following from
The Hartwell Sun, edited by Louie
L. Morris:
“That Northeast Georgia’s native
meat supply Is practically exhaust
ed and tho Athens butchers are be
ing forced to outside this Im
mediate territory to buy cattle and
hogs to meet the demand, was
brought out In an article carried
several days ago by The Athens
Exhaustion of of the meat sur
plus was brought nbout by thr
Athens Abattoir which began ex
istence last January. This etner
prise, because It assures tho con
sumer protection from Impure
a result of the city inspec
tlon put Into operation when* the
abattoir was built, has caused
Northeast Georgia farmers to re-
ceivo at least $10,000 In cash for
native meats which formerly went
to^ the western packers.
“The above news item Is sign!-
istence last January. This enter-
in tho new program that is being
putt Into effect over tho entire
Northeastern section ff Georgia-^*
and without a doubt ono of the
most Important subjects that can
be found In this new agricultural
L - O. Price of tho Athens
abattoir, recently bought two car*
of hogs in McDuffie county, paying
the farmers $2,400 for them. The
opening of this institution in Ath
ens creates a market for hoga In
this section of Georgia and will
keep thousands of dollars in thi*
section that has been going for
years to the Western farmers.
“it is believed a packjng plant
will be established in Athens as
a result of the impetus given the
raising of hogs In this section. This
would mean mueh also to the .en
tire Northeastern section of our
PALM BEACH, Fla—The body
of Henry Simmons, negro, riddled
with bullets, was found today
hangnig from a tree on Palm
Beach Island. Simmons was sus
pected of having shot and killed
Policeman J. N. Smith, a native of
Staunton, Va., Sunday morning.
If Ruptured
Try This Free
Apply it to Any Rupture, Old or
Recent, Large or Small and You
are on the Road That Has
Convinced Thousands.
Save More Baby Chicks This Ye
The very surest way you can save more
chicks this year is to use the right starting feed
nary grain feeds and home mixed rations kill countl
chicks every year. How often you hear the exnre«^l
“I had bad luck with my chicks. So manv
many of
died. In most cases the trouble is in the stari
feed. Make up your mind to save more baby chii
'hem I
Purina Chicken Chowder and Purina
. I Baby Chick Chow
fill every requirement of a perfect feed
for baby chicks. With Purina Poultry
Chows you can give your chicks a
double start.
Double development or money
back is the guarantee if, when fed
as directed, these two Chows do
not produce double growth over
Sent Free to Prove This ordinary grain feeds the first six
Anyone ruptured, mnn, woman! weeks,
or child, should write at once to I
w. s. Rice, 47B-B Main st., | Order these Chows now before
your chicks become stunted for
lack of proper nourishment.
Adams, N. Y., for a free trial of
his wonderful stimulating applica
tion. Just put it on tho rupture
and the muscles begin to tighten;
they begin to bind together so
that the opening closes naturally
and the need of a support or truss
is done away with. Don't neglect
to send for this free trial. Even
if your rupture doesn’t bother you
what is the use of wearing sup
ports all your life? Why suffer
this nuisance? Why run the risk
of gangrene and such dangers
from a small and innocent little
rupture, the kind that has thrown
thousands on tho operating fable?
A host of men and women are
daily running such risk just bc-
ause their ruptures do not hurt
nor prevent thorn from getting
around. Write at onco for this
free trial, as it is certainly a won
derful thing and has aided In the
■urc of ruptures that were as big
• a n ninn'a two Trv find
__ _ man's two fiats. Try and
writ© at once, using the coupon
Hera la a smart style in over blotter)
affect. The girdle section Is part or
the shapad front, which has small in-
K rted pockets at tho tab extensions.
ssue gingham In green and white,
with bindings of green organdy wlii
fa pleasing for this model. i
. The pattern Is cat in aeven s’xcs.
14, SI, itfto, 41. 44 and 41 Inches bus*
sitasure. A. SI-Inch sise requires *%
fard* of 12-Inch material The width
sf the akirt at the foot la about 2*4
Fatter n mailed to any address-on
receipt of 12e la silver or stamp*
Phone 247
269 North Lumpkin St]
Complete Insurance Protection
617 Holman Bldg.
Read The Banner-Herald Want Ad
w litre quality Counts Above
Everything, Else
Quality is more important in an en
closed car than in most any other
product in daily use.
Regardless of price, it is not econ
omy to buy a makeshift job in which
the quality is skimped and cheapened
at every turn. Paint, imitation leather
and fibre board too often cover serious
structural defects and cotton-and-wool
trimming doth* are short lived. The
chances are that the buyer will more
than pay thedifference later—in higher 1
upkeep coat, frequent repairs and ex
cessive depreciation.
The price of the Light-Six Sedan is
the lowest at which it is possible to
obtain a substantial, high grade hard
wood and steel body, upholstered in
mohair,in combination with achassisof
. proveddependability and performance.
Studebaker’s South Bend plants
build more high quality closed bodies
than those of any other automobile
manufacturer and consequently over
head costs are reduced and the price
to the customer it low..
The in-built quality of the Light-Six'
Sedan is evident the moment one gets
behind the wheel, and is appreciated
far more after twenty-five or thirty
thousand miles of aervice.-
The Light-Six Sedan, with its sturdy
four-door body, its improved L-head
motor, and the excellence of its chassis,
combines distinction of appearance
with a reliability of performance, a
degree of comfort and economy of
operation unknown injmy other car
at anywhere near its price.
Power in surplus measure to satisfy the most exacting owner
t-r-m-iirw. b.,40 n.r
MODELS AMD PKICE8—/■ o. b. tmotoHm
i e-i,m-g.s.»g.r.
new, s-to a. r.
, a
Former Home of Dr. L H, Goss
Deljcious Meals Served Three Times Daily
Phone 1339 1