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Investigate Todayf
To Regular 8ubscribera
$1,000 Accident Policy Free
Investigate Today!
To Regular 8ubacribera
$1,000 Accident Policy Free.
Dally and Sunday—10 Cents a Week.
tingle Ccplee 2 Cents Dally. I Cento Svndaja.
-e» :
Old "Grads” Will Meet
Here For Class Reunion
lation tfrom the State League, and
a member of the Children's Code
Commission appointed in 1912 b>
Governor Hardwick. The purpose i
of this Children’s Code Commis
sion is to Investigate the Georgia
laws relating to children, and com-.
pare them to those of other states j
The members are ten In number,
one a supreme court Judge, one a
member of the legislature, and the
others all representatives from
civic bodies like the Federation of
Women's Clubs, the 8tate Board
of Health, the State Welfare Board,
and the League of Women Voters.
Mrs. Gay will talk on the recom
mendations to be made by this]
commission and the appropriations!
to be asked, and the local League |
is anxious to hear her and keep!
in touch with the interests of the |
League at large. \
The public is invited to attend the
luncheon and hear Mrs, Gay. Tlck-
lels will be one dollar and will be
on 'sale at the desk in the Geor
gian, The luncheon will be rirved
upstairs on the balcony at 1:10 on
Tuesday, the twelfth. ' 1
Hind, Honey end Almond Cream
keeps your complexion smooth.
6 Inch electric fan,. The famous
Polar <iub Electric Fan- to cool
you these Summer Days.
Alumni Day Will .Bring Hundreds of Graduates of
University to Take Part in Commencement Fes-
Alice Brady Beauty Bags
Dainty boxen of a new shape and
In all colors to match your cos
tume/ Of food quality leather—
completely fitted with mirror,
powder boxes, Up sUck containers,
Special Sales and Special Showings of New
Merchandise From Many Departments
Childrens and Misses
Dresses Less One-Fourth
Lovely gingham frocks' for the kid
and Miss made of durable ging
hams In solid colors and amtll
8Ize» 2 to 19 ysara
tivities. Col. A. R. Lawton of Savannah
Will Deliver Alumni Oration.
Clasp* an far back as 1868. will
gjwMiible for reunions here on
. Alumni day
Tuesdays Juno 19th,
for the Georgia _
this year. Col, A. R. Lawton of
Savannah will deliver the Alumni
address on that day ' and Hon.
Murphy Candler of Decatur, for
mer chairman of the Pjubllc ser-
vice commission of the state,' will
preside over the Alumni business
nessioit until hla successor Is
elected and seated.
Eleven classes will enjoy th<
Reunions and the members who
are chairmen Of .the arrangements
nro a* follows: 1868, Captain J.
H. iturker, Athens; 1873, E. I.
Smith. Athens; 1878, M. G. Mich
ael. Athens; 1*83 Judge Davis Free
man, Savannth; 1888, E. J. Bond-
urant. Athens; 1893 Harry Hodgson
Athens: 1898, Hugh White, Alaba
ma Public Servlco Commission.
Montgomery Ala.; 1903 J. B. High
Brunswick; 1908, 8aunders Jones,
the White Company St Louis Mo.;
191.1 Edgar B. Dunlap Gainesvilte;
1918. Prof. Alfred W. Scott Uni
versity of Georgia, Athens.
A Sale of Negligees Less
This treat Includes klmonas, break-
fast Jackets, Pullman robes. Made
of the-fmeat alike and., perfect In
every way.,
You 8ave One-Fourth
LawrenceviHc, Arnpld Broyles, ,
clerk Superior Court, Fjilton coun
ty, Atlanta. Edwin C. Davis; head
of Davls-Flsher Sanatlrium, Atlan
ta, William H.. QuartVrpian, Win
der; Victor L, Smith, Atlanta;
Walter E. Steed. Butler.
1891—Henry A .Alexander; At*
Irntn, Eugene Dodd. Atlanta; Hugh
M. Dorsey, Atlanta; Julian Ooct-
rhius, Athens; Governor Thomas
W. Hardwick, Atlanta; Seale Har
ris, Blrmingahm. Ala.; Harry
Hodgson; Athens: Judge John D.
Humphries. Atlanta; Greene F.
Johnson. Monticello; Frank A.
Lipscomb. Athens; O. Ogden Per
sons, Forsyth.
1M98—J. O. Adams, Gainesgrille.
Alfred 1 Akerman, Petersburg; Va.;
Clement Akerman. Reed College,
Oregon; Ntyle Colquitt. Washing
ton, D. C.: R. H. J. Delonch, Chi-,
engo, III : B. L Fowler, Macon; Dr.
Baronet Satins, Plain and
The very Bilk for sport garment,,
separate skirts, etc. line baronet
satins in plain and fancy designs.
Regularly sold at 12.75 and $3.75
per yard.
Reorganize Humane |
Society in Athens!
The Humane Society ia being re-1
organized again In Athena and
will function here during the aum- j
mor. A meeting of all those in- 1
terested has been eet for Mondey,
afternoon in the office of the
mayor at the city halt I
Mrs. Sidney Reaves is president
of the society and ahe urge, all
those interested to be present at
this meeting. Hayor Thomas is)
very much interested in the work 1
of this organisation and has prom
ised his support in seeing that the
ordinances passed in the city arid
which are supported by the Hu
mane Society are rigidly enforced.
Atlanta Boy Wins
Lake Naming Prize
Charles Oliver Jackson, a »tu-
dent at the Tech High School, At-!
lanta. won the $6 gold piece for.
offering the namd selected for the 1
new bathing plade on the White-!
hall road.
“f^ake Dixie" was the name se
lected and suggested by young!
Among some of the prominent
Georgia Alumni who will be back,
for the meets will be Dr- W. A.
Carlton, physician and surgeon,
Athena. 1868. r
Captain JJ, H. Rucker, Xormtr
postmaster of Athens and captain
of the first inter-collegiate base
ball loam the University ever
turned out, alao a member of the
dans of 1868. Moses O. Michael.
Athena, prominent merchant and
member of the chum of 1878, Robert
Adams, president of the Presby
terian college, of South Carolina,
Members of the claqs of ISIS.
Jor. W. Bennett, lawyer, Bruns
wick. Clarke Howell, editor of the
Dainty Neck Fixings At
Special Sale
One lot-of embroidered collar and
cuff seta—dono on a pretty quality
of white cambric that will improve
Ohl ao much, the dreaa or sweater
that Is lucky to get them.
Mother Goote Sweater*
For Kiddies
Just the loveliest knitted' garment
for kfadles you can Imagine—slip
over sweaters with Mother Goose
and animals woven around the hot-.
tom—and ’ the eweater protects
from the cold.
$3.75 Infants Dept
Kayier’g Fine Li*le Knit Vest* 49c
Shown with strap or band top In all sices from
36 to 46. Yon'll need many for the aummer.
49 cents
Jackson- A season pass to the
lake alio goes with the prixe. Mr.
Jackson was visiting here at the
time the lake was opened, Thurs
day night- Ha la a grandson of a'
former Athens’ resident Charles
S. Oliver, remembered by many of
the older citiaena of the city.
Judge 1. G. Laelle today *
to divorce Jamison Mei
Meredith, on tf J ■“
contracted th<
“apirlt of jest.’
Printed Cotton Pongee* 32c Yard
For the every day dross problem, what fabric could
be more satisfying tb(in washable printed pongeea?
Dainty stripes and checks. - ,
32 cents --
Right at the beginning of Summer and a aala of cook and
«airy frocks lo make yonr heart glad and kaep yon cool.
You are lucky!.
MATERIALS are printed crepes, canton crepes, Rashanara
crepes, knitted alike and sport flannels.
COLORS, Cocoa, navy, sand, gray, black, tomato, copen,
sizes” ui d Jj 9 ** * r * Bts ° (,nany c0l °" -
Our Advice—Shop Early
League of Women Voters Give
Luncheon Tuesday At Georgian
Hotel For Distinguished Visitors
will go
"There Is no doubt to my mind,”
said the Judge, “that these tw6
were to live., although I feel that
this love has been turned to. hate
on at least one aide and cannot he
Meredith ia a son of Supremo
Court Judge J. A. Meredith of
Thr Athens League of Women’s so Richardson, . both « prominent
oters la making elaborate plans club women, are to spend the day
>r the entertainment of the two with the local League, andi Mrs.
htlngulshetf visitors from thr Gay will make a talk at the lunch-
tlanta League who are to be en- eon at the Georgian Hotel. ,
>,rtnInert In Athens Tuesday Mrs. Gay Is president of the At-
Mrs Hanford Gay^and Mra Alon-lanta League, chairman of Legla-
Evtry now and thtn something happens In our store life
that rellaves the general routine and makes ua vary Happy
and- proud. It waa William Drummond who said, “Halt of
the world ia on the wrong acent in tha pursuit of Jupplnsaa.
They think it eonaiata of having and getting, and balng served
OTHERS.” Now the thing that mads ua happy waa the
knowledge that WE WERE SERVING OTHERS in a manner
to make ua proud, for we received a letter from Mlaa Klara
Jpnnlnga, that most competent and estimable lady whom
all of you know ao well and this ia what she wrote: ”1 want
to* thank you for all of the courtesies extended to me while
in Athene. Yeu have THE STORE of the South, and It’s
metropolitan atmoephare. It’s civil cliontols makes mo feel
that I had the pleasure to shop there.” Would you not fool
the seme at we dof *
Travelling Here or Abroad It Makes
No Difference
for our luggage department la fully eupplled with
trunks from Hartman, Beibor and lndoatructo to
take-care of every need. Also the tamoue Hart mao
Berth-High wardrobe tor steampr travel.
Special Hartman Wardrobe Trunk*
Ribbons! Ribbons! Ribbons!
Fashion demands overy dress adorned with rib.
bons of dainty fancy design—then wide girdles and
sashes. Quito a lovely lot has Just arrived. Ask to
too the wide snolro aash ribbons in the pantel shades.
For Svery Woman, Svery £Miss
XQ0% Satisfaction Sale of
Van Raalte Silk Stockings $2.75
Some one asked us, "Why do Michaels sell more
hosiery than any other store in Athens?" Before
we bad time to answer, a customer overhearing the
question said, "I'll tell you, it’s because you get
the best looking, best wearing, newest hosiery, and
KNOW that I’vt-ry pair In perfect." She waa right!
And Van Raalte belongs to the group we are proud
of. Extra heavy silk with lisle topi.
Everfast Gingham Cloth
This is Just one of the Everfast family, for which
our store to the exclusive agent. Highly mercerised
light weight, delightful for draesea, rompers, etc.
Will not fa*'-
-Dresses That Delight
A telegram to our New York 'office for the snappiest
new models In canton crepe, crepe satin, chiffon taffeta and
knitted silk and Presto! A Sale! and YOU get the benefit
The models are some strictly tailored—some beaded—some
draped—others pleated. All Michael, standard but great
value!. The racks cannot hold (hem long at such a saving.
We are the exclusive agents for.Everfaat Suiting.
Gingham Cloth. Foplin, Voile and Llnene. the only
atore'jn Athena buying direct from the manufacturer.
Bsware of Imitations)
Not-a-Seme Sox
Sale 58c
colors with fancy cuff
7 to 10-
Belgian Ramie Dress
Linens 89c t * '
Ready shrunk dreaa linens In
mouse, rose, green, pink, grey, to
mato and brown.
Lovely large' brim
hata of leghorn, of
crepe-de-chine, o f
ailk and straw com
bined, and of trans
parent braida. Rich
flower trims of all
kinds and colora, lav
ish embroidery.
The color variety
presents a rainbow
of beauty—there are
hata in white, in rose,
in orchid, purple, al
mond, in berry, co-
pen, Lanvin green—
nothing baa been
omitted I
3; 89 cents
One Hour Sale
From 9 to 10 o’clock your choice of an assortment of
trimmed hats that formerly sold to $12.60 for—
Stationery That's f
*- ^ Different '
A person Is often Judged by one’s
stationery—so be Individual! A
wide selection Is offered at prices
tw> higher than for the ordinary
Linen Weave Pound
Paper .—49c
Envelopes to match.. 15c
Get in the Swim in a Jantzen Bathing Suit! \
Whether it Isto at the sea shore or to tha pool or at tha taka hare at homa—bs
correctly appareled. No finer nttiog or wearing bathlng clothcs are to be had than
Jnntsen’i and Annette Kcllerman’e. They are here la a wide selection—ell colors'
end rises.
Swimming Suits ... ... ... ... $2.25 to $9.50
Caps and Hats ... 25c to $1.00
Bathing Sox ... — 75c to $1.25
Teddies of Radium Silk
Tailored models of fine quality
radium silk—The kind that wsars
and waahen well—colon, flesh and
orchid—Sixes js to 44.
FROM 9 TO 10
FROM 9 TO 10