Newspaper Page Text
why' not divide my
\ Complete 'Insurance Protection
617 Holnun DMk. : Phone 437
Former Homo of Dr. I. II. Goad
Delicidis Meals Served Three Tiniest Daily
297 W. Hancock Avenue ‘ ' \ Phone 133
H _ _ .... -^niiilii i*f i U '
church. Most cordial in- [Holland, Presbyterian School; Rev. j B 0° paid registrants. id» girl. These posters wiil be Secretary” Gco'rgu' t ct”E."" Union Igreaa to keep the clothing" 1
extended evryone to at- Taylor Morton, Winder. Ga.; Missj In the Christian Endeavor room shown throughout Northerut Geor- Mt Vernon wifi have chc»rgei oL tr v at the higbeit notch of
t-lcuruiiUN Ml ' 0|1AIUK, bum »* io a wv»at- umw Irene iUBicuiII. VOQU
e Central and \Firat Prea-j Greensboro, N. c.; ,S. Wilkes Den- A Athena people may Uve the dean-ap*ak on ^ChAtUn
Societies as well as the d V . Columbia Seminary; Harry K. I The registration goal is set for U re of reviewing th* art of a Flor-!while Miss Marfnrrt L
McCormick and
Big Stock, Low Prices
E. D. SLEDGE, Athens, Ga.
Made With . Fresh
Sw^et Milk and Crisco
White Enamel Meat Platters
Smal Size 49c each
Largo Size .. \ 69c each
Brand New Aluminum Plates * 59c
Brand'N^w Pup’Tents, with poles and pins,
Set .. ... .; .. .. $3.50
The above are going very fast, get yours now.
Camping Outfits Our Specialty.
129 College Avenue •••■.. ‘ *
Hardy Hardware Co.
'" Clayton Street
The Christian Endeavor Societies
of Athens will use for a topic Sun
day evening “Friendship" and
, splendid programs are being arran-
I ged at the Cenfral and First Prea-
. I hyterian
| Ichristiai
tend the meetings and feel much
at home. The motto of Christian
11 Endeavor, Only once a stranger
and such has proven true in hun-
,"ed» of cases.
Mias Emily La Boon who ia spend
mg liei vsc< action at homo after
attcnlng Chicora College for Wo
men, Columbus, S. C. will lead the
meeting at the Christian church.
Charles Johnaton, Life Work Re
cruit of the Christian church En
deavor Society, who has been at-
I tending Milligan Bible College.
City Tenn. the past year is home
for a short vacation and wiil fill the
pulpit at morning and evening aer-
vicoa at the Fir«t Chiratian church.
Bro. Johnston was ordained into the
minlstery Blaster Sunday and hia
hundreds of 'friends will delight
in having the pleasure of listening
to the forceful meaages which the
young biblc student will - bring to
the cnurchc.
The Senior Society of Christian
Endeavor at Bishop will install new
officers for the ensuing year at
the evening moeting Sunday June
24. The services wiU be in the
form of a wedding ana promise to
bring out a large, crowd to sec the
performance, which is very aolemn
and impressive. . Mias Tullie Chap
lea was ro-oigeted as President and
Urtll keep up the good work for the
Juniors and Seniors thia year. The
meetings are hold in the Metho
dlst church at Bishop, where Rev
erend Read gives heary co-opera
tion. . ,' v
The Northeast Georgia Christian
Kdeavor Union .are proud to havev
sent to the Florida Christian En-
davor Union in the person of Miss
Lovoln Stacy, one of the heat all
round Intermediate C. E. Superln-
tendnnts in “Dixie” Mias Stacy did
a marvelous work in her depart
ment thia year and through much
effort, eleven new societies were
organised and are going forward
in n mighty big tray.
Miss Stacy moved from Eiberton
to Lakeland, Fla-, where she
now makes her home.
The Northeaat Georgia Union
also furnished Mr. Thos. iiaraleon
formerly of Covington, Ga- who
. ta onX ng tt» ,U ’ e, * < *-
The Chriatlkn Endeavor socie
ties of Tennille, Ga., with the aid
of the church workeri of the com
munity have organised a church
among the colored people «f the
community and the future for the
block race in this new field is
bright. Plans are underway in
other dlstricti to follow the came
plan. The field le white «nd .the
i capers ate few” is the motto of
Christian Endeavor.
■ Tbo Georgia Christian Endfavor
Union have decided at a recent
Executtvev meeting to holt) the
1B24 State Convention for Georgia
were the contesting cities and ft
waa difficult to make the eelection.
Mrs. R. V. Sharp will head the con
vention committee at Albany and
promises to put things acraas in
a big way.
in operation throughout the Die-
trict when Bro. J. E. Shelton, In
young people was stressor* 1 stated Buperinteadent, Atlanta, Ga., and a be found A set of the .bcst posters done in the publicity field for
"Gerry" Ihost of others have been secured. a d v ertleing C. E. meetings and «o-i chr “ t " n Endeavor.
ttwto'co»vs»no».L»»» i.uS!£SSifc?3j5:3.- “SS£gi&2Wlg%PSn<Sa
.lanta at th« piano. If the entire. 5!!jL SSlfnot be riven thia tal-) .Lamar LaBoonl president Chrjs-
The Northeaat Get*-ria ChriatiancouM artist. In addition to haying ttaii CKlirch Society and “Gerry 14
Convention will be held at Elber-'SSL ,won §*> '&* FlbHda State 'Shniori are attending the annual
ton, Ga., October 12*13-14 and al- rw! Convvention with these posters, “Fellowship Meeting”of the Chris
f tian churches of Walton counts
- .Kth.™* ||TXn iZhTth* SET Convvention With these posters,
ready the servivees of such work- ® Miss Coffrin also won first prize
ers as Lawrence
cretary for Methodist
CHICAGO-_ “We’hold
that the spoken
as binding on j
oath in a Judicial .tribunal
This it the outstanding artu,
-- J , of flbies adopted bv'
it, National Association
58 Of such work- "•" .-^7,u„ n nv licit" in M,,a Coftrm also won lirst prize tian churches of Walton county National Association of
Little, field sec- -“X'. -He'iS 3 'a>ii™ted ■* the AU SoutlpConventlon «t Hot Sunday (today) .t Corinth. Mist Clothiers. 24.000 copies of
diet crcurches of alnce ahe “ • *-ai™ted Sprjngi Ark „ , nd lt , treat that Irene Malcomf Good Hope will "re being distributed « m „„
jr“i trade throughout
State States in the <
Mantle Gene Cole, all south Junionr of the First Chriatian churcbc will gia as an example of what-ean be .Chriatian Endavor program, i rity.
Complete Schedule of University of Georgia Summer Schoo
and Entertainment Features.
„ , „ rrltnarr DltfekM at Hie Stale Normal Sahoel. r—f*4np.I Auditorium; O-Ohl Chapelt 8-Smltfa nallt D—Demeaitratlea flrheel.
Primary Meew# Revlewr Htata Review Hertlann recite od eltereete dare. • " ' * ! '
I. a. Reading Tin
b. Demonstration School
2nd 1 f 4 • ’ '
10:00—10 UW
J. n. Ilanillt rnfta ..... 8x
b. leanguuge POb
II. a. Geography l*8h
b. Physical Education D
b. ArUbmetlc V5b
. a.' Jleadloir — ra
b. Demount ration School —
-Llrenae. Renewal, Diploma. Colleae.
«h I • aui
11:40-12:30 J 12:30-1:20
I. a. OMxrapbjr ... Pgh'a. niirkhosul Ulastmtlob sp,
: b. fhrilcit Kduritlun 1>|U. Wrltinxok
II. a. llandierafti Hxl
b. Tsanguage —.... P0b|
coworxera go to Falmel
tberpe County the fou
In July to urfect the fir
Endeavor Society In -
“^charging c Batteries”
There is'fihefnical re-action with' the aid of elec-,
tricity. To rush this chemical action to a degree,'
that the temperature of the battery rises above
110 degrees Farenhcidt; then the battery in sev
eral ways has been materially damaged, often
times puttihg the battery entirely out of commis
sion. "• •
We give your battery a slow soaking charge, old
or new. This assures you of assure start and long
er life' fromVour BSttery.
Call by and'we will go over the details of charg-
ing your battery properly and safely.
“Had Your Battery Watered Today?” .
Athens Battery Co.
475 East Clayton Street
termedlate Supt, of the'ChriiUan
Church Society and hia band of
cpworken go to Palmetto in Ogle-
fourth Sunday
., -a .n the chureb
there. Plans are lielng made to car
ry a number of the young people
down .and it la thought that thne-
* u Jta will ba worth while.
, The Athena paper was the first
Ut the St«to to give Christian En-
deavor worth while space in the
•Italy paper, but during the last
row months the matter was
brought before the Editor of the
Attwita Journal activities in Allan-
W and surrounding communities
During ti)e past year the Athens
papers have given hundreds of col
umn* and have the record of being
ftlMceue in “Dixie" for pub-
llelty of Christian’ Endeavor ac-
,Th* Athena aociatiea ere
f. r “ ud thc »coni anl the fact
that the paper ia so generous.
Thousands or young people have
!?*****. wlth Christian force* thru
tha mxcrtii’ing of a C
? r ani * w * ,ear n “It Pay*
to Advcvrtbe ” Wo hns our goods
to aell and we sell them so has
Christian EndeavorT
‘ i NVi?S T T S 0 P NE” DAVACAT,ON ' :
^1*® W'iUr returned home thie
^ ,ter the 36th an-
noai Cnnvevntion of the Florida
Wf. and jajkjng the young people
th,lr Yavation. bat to
invest them in • viy that thev will
I»y dividend. .11 the ycar.-^^i 1 '
a*ys . Every earnest worker needs
a vacation, but we can invest In a
summer conference and enjoy oar
** ~ ore th * n * V'»r.” To at-
itend a Convention for Chriat'an
; Endeavor ia worth more than the
I study of a doxen text books, for
hsjr real apeakera, loom
I new ideas, fellowship with Chria-
itian people and associate, and if I
bad * vacation to spend, nnrely I
I would attend a Convovntion fir con-
Iferect, in which the work of the
Physical Education D
Geography .— P8b
Physiology 2 8«C
School Management P3a
Mcaaiircmetita P3n
Dramatics P2a
Arithmetic PCb
Demonstration School —.—..... D
Music PCh
lllwtory of Kdpcntlou P4a
Rlnckboard Illustration 8!2a
Penmanship .1........
fnrrent Problems |>^
Illustration 812a Plioulcs : P3a Urullny
1*1 lalfe P4alArlthmetlc ! •»■»•*
General Klcmp nlary Division mt the University. A—Acndcmlc Halil Ch—Chapel i I^LoCoato Hall I M—.Moore Hall; T—Terrell JI^IIl P—Peabody I
Kerlew Courses for Htnte Kxambmtlods. Sections recite on alternnto daya.
... - Eilucntlon 2 .... O
. a. Physical Kducntlon 1 O
b. Physical Education 2—--. O
I. a. Arithmetic T21
h. English- T81
[1. n. Pen inn nshlp ......... A23
b. Hlnrkhoanl Illustration— A3><
. Geography
logy Tl|
9*f~m “
b. Public School Music ..Til
II. a. Arithmetic T2S
b. EugUab TO
Crodllt Coursfii—Ufcns* Keaewol.
Arithmetic 1 .....—......—. T211 Agricultural. Elementary .... TlltlArlthmetlc 11 — TBI
English 2 Til Elementary Methods Wh Kngllsh 3 Wh
f-urreiit Kducstlonnl Problems P15Physical ftduratlon 3 O'l’olor Work,''Drawing 2 AZl
Handicrafts 1 Azn'lllackhpard lllnstratlon l A23 Physical Education 3 O
Penmanship A25 ' il'emuaiiMhlp •- A23
History and Civics 2 ....
(ieograuby. Advanced 2 i 7
Physiology 2 *
iMelgnlug 2 A238chp<
Physical Edncatlon 2 U
School Mauagemeut 31 PI3l
dmlnlatratUiu 10 ..." p|j
Chemistry I ... TIO Rotan
chemistry 1 TIO Hotany. Plant Biology .1 1.10
Com. Kconomle 5 .... A2U ( hemlstry 1 TIU;
Cora. Geography 1 A22,C<>iu. D onomb- fl A20;
Com. Marketing 11-20 A2li<'»iu., Geography 1 A22
.. lHOC'om. Marketing 11-20
“ JEd. Ilvirbsne 18..
Plant Biology 3 f,10:Bot. Plant Biology 3 MO
Ed.. Teats and Mean. 0 1*20
:Kiig„ Dramatics ft .... A 3d
Geograpliy 1 A72 Eng., Shakespeare 11 A33
Marketing 11-20 A21 Eng., Graduate AX’
P!2<lermaM 2U A37
; and Latin Lit. S A22
Europe ti
A 20
J*y 2a AXi lvl. Hygiene 18 P!2GermaM 2
French 20 A.TTKil. I’eyihuJogT r» — P20Greek and
Oea. Helene# Teaching 1 ...... M2I Eng. Illst, School Ha A33 lllsL Kur
' History. European H A32lKxpreaslou 1 A30llllgli Srh.
Joaruallam 1 .................. A.'tT, French 2U ..... A37|lllgh School Review .....
Latin, Terence 1 A2f<Gen .Science 1 M21 Latin Teaching 14g A21
* “4 History, Aiuerlcnn 5-Ca - A32 Library 3 ——.
*' *• Tti
School Review P2«
Math. Algebra 4 .... A18
Math. Graduate ..... ALT Latin. Graduate ....
Phys. Ed. Coach Ath. 1 Gym * “
Psychology, Elementary 1 j Pll
. A24 Math. Teaching 14*1 ALT
Mt.rnrjr 2 Llblnatb. 13. Alt. ,\ V— Xls
Math. Analysis 2 AIK Normal Music ... L'ba
Nr “**-*- ***- —
orrna? MuVlc ChalPbys. Ed. Coach Ath. 1 .... Gy
Phys. Ed. Conch Ath. 1 Ovm Physics 1 ML.
— L20 Sociology, Rural 10a P22
Hnanlsh “0 ...
Zoology 3
Bot. Genetics 11 —- LlL.
bemlatry. Organic 3 Tiorhem.
'on. Kl. Acc’t 10 A2I«W
'omtuen-lsl Shorthand 31 Li Cbak ‘
Ed. History J Pit fid '
Ed. Sociology 8 1***" ‘
Bog. Grammnr 1 *
Eng. Pub. Mpdsklug la
French 14b
HlaL. American f»-0li
Illst. World War 8-0a
High Hi-bool Review
High School Review
History Graduate
Lntki Composition 2 ..........
uatb! r icuiuvv:::::::::::::: ais oology,
8ili!:fe I oSirr::r"±RJ
Physics IL 8. Teach, lie M21
M. Teach. Ht U»
C—tenner Hall; Lll-Lnmpkln Hall; AK—Agricultural Kuklneerlug Bldg.; VB-Va<erlnary Dldg; VII—Veterinary llespltat; 8—Soule Hall; PB—Tooltry Uldg.i Hr—Asl. Hu. Berk ft
At Agricultural College
Home Ki-oiioiulca 32 K103 Parasitology 4 VB-AHoMko-JCconoiiilct.
- Vll A Poultry 8-9 PBl^flTortfetJltUre X-VlO
** AK-L.i»» 8urgerv l — '
....— C2U0-2I4 Animal Husbandry 2*4 I
CAsJiAg. Eng. 1-4 .... AM*
Horticulture 1>9 .
C2071A g. Chem. 2b -A-
nine Economic* 23 8109
one Economics 3 8102
JllS 1-2 GAS
Ag. Chem. 1 .............. C90MI4
orne Economics 3 HIW
onltry 8-9 I’BI J
ortlculture 1-3 i tiff
g. Chem. 2b —S4i^.. CJ06-2M
Jilt 1-2 — IA3
,. /, * 1. . ^ 4:00-4:30 1 t 4^0-6:40
Calmmllx. , . loom!' TxnwrlUag »j — I,l|com‘!‘ lion, lew 24 23 .... AJI
.. ^ , ^''^^teJxTWrSE'TriSrMb fnjpSxitm^P^J™m'ii
IMwlmiiilng (Women) Sonle lilswimmlng (Women)Soule 11
Com. Bus, Law.24-23 ..
V ' ^
... Soule 11
Axetcollarvl CWexe. ^
■ cot nrf. Mi .... etor. cot. lad. o-io c cton
Horn Keooomlco 24 HUH Homo Kronotolm 24 8IDCI
- Homo Bcoaomlcs 44 ... K-jlIlHomo Kconomlcn 43 ... Ittll
jl'oraattotoxx * VB-A Hvriorx t VHt
Homo Keononilce 1-2 hVt
ROnsstfon In a demnrrai-r, both within and without the srhool, shonld dtnfbp in
. . • * * wli, habits anw powers whereby be
» both himself gud society toward ever
Hud hia pi
r ends.—Ci
urdlnal Principles
„ Re gist rat ten. '
Terrell Hall for aU elemeatal license review god elemental credit courses aud ele-
"salary r—— •
Uelverelty of Georgia
State Normal >«heel
•alary renewsL
Sj®SSC&3 i ?®sSai!rsw3fflas >•*<*. i
• '*aafess«L“„
lege, and Ualverally Credit Graduate—and, If
r. la charge of the course desired.
_ j the professors la charge of the
the registrar with fees. He will
r In charge of the
they are hot reg-
seed on reqeeaL Should a coarse he changed on
aleo cbsngwl on the Registrar'e card, orlt.a'U
unless the >uo! examinations are paneed.
a will be full work for moot atudents. Possibly
flve review cearaea may be tskaa. AU are urged to take some form of phyalral
fTAwrion ....
>e voS C * 1 fredlt C wHi ut *£» given aatesa the final examlni
3. Three or four academic coonae will be full work for
Jmc 28, Tuesday . . .Community Singing ....... .JommonRy Singing.
Jane 27. Wednesday. .Athena Manic Clnb - , - Jit. Soule. “Braxll.^ . /.
Jane 28, Thursday . -Dr. Bonis, “Bratir v - .'Musical Appreclatlhfi. w “Mr. OranUrry
June 29, Friday . . .General Assembly, Octagon ..... .
Jana 30, Saturday . .“Y M Night . . . . {.ryM
July 2. Monday . . .Gen. Pearce, lecture folnt Recital, Signora De’rabrltll*
Mrs. U ran berry.
July 3, Toeaday . . .Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ilodgioa, recital.dr. Chat. Laae, Lecture.
Jaly 4. Wednesday. -Fourth Celebration ........ .Community Singing, y.*T« A.
July 6: Thursday - .P.-T. A. Night R. H. J. Deloach. dActifb ea Bird*-
July <k Friday ... .“Music In the School System.** Mr.
Cranberry .............
__'*Y” Night - . ...
July 7. Saturday
July 8, Monday .
July 9. Monday .
. .Dr. Lucian I
•cbednle to avoid confllcta ia I
Each registrant of the Sommer Jfebool will be given a ticket to the Palace TheaDe
good for two performances a week for the six weeks of the Summer School, from
2:00 to 73k) P. M-. not transferable.
The AMembly Hour at Chapel will be made a moat delightful and Inspirational
occasion. Faculty and atudents are requested to attend as orten as poxalld*.
All entertainments are free to tboeo who have registered In the Bummer Schott.
. ...... .... . It Tbro.l"
I IIIIsa U*ol*b MeNwasr. NmwIm*- 1
RmIUI. , (
uuultj Slnslox. ‘
Jalj 10, Ttwids, . . .Sirs. Graabnrx’s Rwiui-. ... .Coi
J.lj 11, Wwlamlar. .Woman', dab Nlsbt
JbIj IS. Tbortdar . .11 rs. Uottbalbwr’s Ilwwltal .... -Mrs. W. II. Vailoa.
Jol, U. Vridajr „ O.n.ral AjUmbljr K^cpHoo-
.Commanll, Slnxlax ....... ."I" Nlfbt.
.Dr. O. C. Moron .
.-T. A. Chert Coarse.
July 9-14—Wotncnja Club Short Course.
July 9-15—Smith-Hughes Tetcberu* Short Coarse.
lum ^^BffirumUa!loaa®2 sfx^Weeku* Courm^L
August 3—Stale Primary license examinations and first-part of High School license
August 4—State Elementary License examinations and lost part of High 8cbool
August a-17—smith-Lever Agents* Ehort Conroe.
* ' 17-Boya’ ai * " **
loya’ and
er Agents* Ehort «
Girls* Abort Com
mlnatlona la Nla<
ool dona,
Ine Weeks* Coarse*-
Daring the second, third, foarth and fifth weak* of the Summer School, the several
Bold open conference* for one how. from fiS9 to «3fi at scheduled
Mow. OU
iV will bold open wihmrtf'Sr OD. bout iron, a:» to' 6X4 a,* orlwdol
Otbtr coaforeom sad grfuii lector*, max bo orbcdalcd on' reqaeol lo too
D Moadax—JlitboBUtlrt. Rom AM: Rdweolloo, Pll.
S^*3^WSStfT4*SfciWlirMk Sb, .JR
to meat the need* of teacher* there.
Frequent Kjuile Concert, will be ffl
In tbesa twlllgbt boom.
mS.TOBB&fc* C *H^
(In,* balnnlarn after tbo
Helen or Tallnlnb aai>. VvantUa at i
- iksZLJ- ■ -u ,1 : i .
i by the Physics Department at the University .
ud will aaaltt on. main, a week at oaeb lamu
Jalx 14. Satnrdax
JUIX»=. Knndnx
JalX Id, lloMlax - . .Dr. O.C. llama . .... .Commnnltx lUnjInx,
JalX 17. Tueoddx . . -Dr. O. C. Uorxaa "‘-i
Jalx IA WndMidax. -Dr. O. C. Mama ‘
Jalx U. Tbnmdax . -Dr. O. C. Moreah
Jalx 20, Pridax . . -Commanllx xi.rl.r -Mm. Pitaoroa'a Boeltbl.
Jalx SI. Silurdax . 1 _t-!'
Jalx 23. Mond.x . . -Bra. I'lxmron’a Reeiul Mrs. K. Tift Jobm.
Jalx 24,’ Tnmlax Mm. K. Tift Joom . Uln Morris, Btrital.
Jalx 23, WrdBMdax. -Oonnod’a “Paoat,” dm la atorx
wltb lutramcntal awl .oral' sa-
kctlona bx Ibo Uoslcal Doport-
mat voder Mr. Umoborr/*. dt
reeti.n ...............
JdX 2d, Tbindax - -Oax Melvm. Monolosve Plax CemauDlIx Sloila*.
JalX 27, Pridax Sgrleoltaml Colkro AaaMblx ... "
Jalx a Batanlax - -Mm Gmahorrx's Organ Kecltal,
satiated bx Km Oolthelnwe . .
JalX 30, Mondsx . . -Kapraoaioa IlepaHment . ... .
Jalx n. Toesdax . . .Coamt Uatlc Dcpartmoat .
Aunt 1, Wedneadax -ITixsIcal Tralnlnx Dopartmoi
Aaiuit I, Tbnmdax. -Diploma Klfkt - - -
-Pbxsteal Tralnlnx
I IPabllo School Monte Dopart»~t.
will be aratlable for xrovps on applt-
drat Satnrdax eirantona max be arnfttxed to
Mcvnloa ratoo, when portico of IDO to >30 alia
farm will be arranged on reqaest of groups
— at aa in 7nm
Sommer Bchool Cenncll: Dr. Cbarles If. AaeUlog, Dr. A. It. Snate, Dr. J.
Dr. D. C. Barrow. . ,. •
Director of Hammer gcbael: Dr. J. 8. Stewart
Cut This Schedule Out and Paste in a Convenient Place
For Future Reference.