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VOL. 91, NO. 115
Associated Press Service
A. B. C. Paper
Single.Copies I Cents Dally. S Cants Sunday.
Tells Salt Lake Audience
Of Government Success
In Reducing T^xes and, ..
Executive Declares Cost H' UtllL Ulll
Of State and Local Gov
ernment Increases As
Federal, Decreases.
Jury Chosen Late Tues
day in Trial.of Walter
Higginbotham For Mur
der of Tabert.
tfardibg outlined here what the fed
eral government has accomplished
in dr creaking taxes and the public
debt and made a plea for action
along similar lines by' 0be *tatng,, r , ng - 0 f the Putnam Lumber
municipalities and counties. Company, who is charged with the
The executive said the feder «l I murder of Martin Tabert, North
government la “diligently seeking ‘ Dakota youth, was again featured
to prove Itself a helpful example" Wednesday by more caustic verbal
In removing what he characterized j clashes • between the two counsels
is the menace of mounting taxes over the naming of the commission,
md growing public Indebted^ <s. er to take the ae[
but added that this was not al ne
a federal problem, that "the Im
proved order must come Into the
units of government into which
the federal government never in
Mr. Harding dM not take up In
<0y Associated Prese.f
LAKE CITY—The trial of Wai
ter Higginbotham, convict "whip-
er to take the deposition of J.
Hendry, a witness for the defense
In Atlanta, Ga. /
. Higginbotham’s counsel charged
that Assistant United. tales Attor
ney Caldwell was "butting In" 01
the case aifd made a motion for
continuance. This motion wai
Effort to Abolish Lash in
TWO SUPERVISORS Public Schools Here Fait
his addre.. any ■ contemplated »d |»v<Truled fty tho court,
ministration program for tax re- '
vision In the coming year. Ho did
say. however, that the federal gov
ernment wan working under s tno-
aram which “Involve* exllngul.h-
inp a half billion of tho ((while)
debt each year” and aaaerteT that
the payments which tho Britl.h
rovemment will make under the
Brltlah-Amerlean debt ae(tlen.ent
in American
The jury In the case was com
pitted late Tuesday.
The trial of Higginbotham li
.centring the interest of tile na
tion here, several of the big daily
newspaper:* of the country having
sent their repreaentatives down t*
cover the trial.
It. is charged that Higginbotham
. UIVH ,, flogged [Tabert so severely that the
nTlStTie i young convict died as a result of
the injuries received from th*
burden upon American Uxpayera." j ,nJ “
The prealdent declared no other |w" | PP |n *.
country In the world had been able,
to mako anrh a record In public T0 TURN BACK
debt reduction as had tho United
Staloa. Pointing to a reduction of
more than one half In federal
taxes during the pant two FJare
as compared with the war load
euk In 1920.Aa declared thin wan
the "record of business admlpls-
. .. ..
teat ion to-which the titffr’fn
corded," ho declared that aaldo from
justified in referring with no anmu
measure of satisfaction.
The British debt settlement, the
executive went oil has been ' ac
claimed all over the world as one
ef the most notable and sttccessnil
fiscal accomplishments ever re-
. corded," he declartd thataklde from
reducing the burden of American
taxpayers, the settlement had been
ohe of the “most reassuring event*
slnco the armistice" coming as u
did st a time of "wldeeptead uncer
tainty and misgiving throughout
the world ol buslnesss every-
" To the budgit bureau Mr. Hard
ing .attributed (mtioh of tho credit
for getting' government expend*-
tures back to something like nor
mal. Under this plan, he declared,
the admlnlafratlon his been able
to "awaken a aplrit of economy^and
efficiency in the aer in uieir own country;
"We have Introduced ^* ,, "J5*' vi ous trials have bee* cai
methods In government. “out side," it is said,
ed. "and instead of opeiatingi xh 0 »e to be bold st, Herachel Is-
blindly and to suit individual ae- | am j represent from a/ over the
ptrtments which have never via*, wegtern Artie. Their capture and
ualized the government as a wflioie, subsequent handing over to the po-
nnd felt no c-.j|c«ni about the rais- |j ce at Herschel by th - Rpyal Cana-
Ing of funds, we are scrutinizing. |iij 4n Mounted Police was commend-
junifylng, coordinating. »nd ed.
immediately to the state, according Co-efrffer. . Unlike the o4h- wwiagt bank—belonging
Florida Naval tores Company hat
decided to turn back It’s convicts
to a report made to Prlnson Head-
quartern here, by B. H. Dickson
County Supervision
The company baa been operating
camp nt Wcwnhllchka and it'#
last report showed that twentj
four prisoners were being worked
eleven of whom were white men
The camp Is to be. abolished anf
the prisoners turned over to , th*
road department.
Justice of White
Man to Be Taken
To Arctic Circle
One For Primary Meth
ods and Another For
Vocal Music Urged By
Mqyor Pleads For Action
To Equip High School
Auditorium Or Install
Radio For Parents.
Two supervisors, one for primary
methods and another for vocal mu
sic was recommended for the pub
lie schools by Superintendent o
School O.'G. Bond at the Board of
Education Tuesday afternoon.
In addition Mr. Bond praised the
wprk of the military department of
the High School under direction of
Major Hunter Jfarrle, the cooking-
classes, sewing exhibits at the
High School, sewing and hat mak
ing exhibits at the Flanlgen Night
School, vocational classes at Rest
street School, the Eaat Athens
Night School.
The report showed a total en
rollment of 4,lit children of both
white and negro ranes with an in
crease of 36S over last year.
The meeting of the board wae
one of the longest of the year last
ing from 3: SO until 5:30 o’clock.
Much business wag transacted.
Mayor George C/Thomas made s
plea foi* the Board of Education to
Intervene In the matter of equip
ping the Melt Auditorium at the
t *High School which is nearing com
Movement Begun By M. G. Michael Brings on Lively
Discussion. Only Four Whipped Here During
Year. Bcacham Quotes King Solomon
III Opposing the Move, and Im
proves That Gentleman’s
An attempt to'abolish
punishment In th'. Athens Public
Schools at the Board qf Education
Tuesday afternoon ended In def ir*
ring the matter until tbr next mi
The effort to abollek corpora 1
punishment waa launched by M. G.
Michael who declared tho system
la "barbarous and inhuman* and a
relic of the dark ages." Mr. Michael
waa supported by Mayor George
Thomas who said the elate of
Georgia had abolished the !as!i In
the convict camps and he couKl not
see why Athena school children
could not he governed aa easily as
'.A. W. Dozier, W. W. Beacham
and A Rhodes spoke in opposition
to the proposed abolishment of cor
poral punishment "Allow tl. ♦
children to know that.their ill-he-
havour will not bring on a whip
ping and they are liable to take ad*
vantage of the teacher," Mr. Doziei
tid. .
Mr. Rhodea told of an lnataocf
where a little* child, hitherto un-.
by be
has been completely tamed
being shown a "switch" and Ir
a ? docile as a lamb. More than
tl i* the little boy Is foolish about
l teacher. Mr. Rhodea said. No
would not be in fnvor ef abol
Ing corporal punishment. Mr
aebam quoted King Solomon in
italnlng h's argument ‘against
dishing corporal punishment and
upshot of the matter was post
i-ment of action until the nex
eting of the Board. **
-fort to abolish corporal punish-
nt was Brought on after Suoer
•ndent G. G. Bond had read hb
« luai report pointing out that onlj
ir ch’ldren have been whipped
school this, yea*. The law aayr
t ' consent of patents must be ob
I bed before the child is whipped
1 Is showing was regarded as won-
ful, and, according to Mr. Ml
id demonstrated that corporal
nmishment le not needed,
dr. Beactiatn Improved on King
lomon’n dictum when .lie declare*
" i King Solomon says’ beat the
d 'U out*of them *nd save their
eduls from hv'V" •
More Than Million Dol
lars Damage in Ontario
By Storm Monday. Crops
Electrical Storm Kills
Four in New York. Bert
Savoy Dead. Kansas City
(By Aneelated Press.)
TORONTO—With broken com
munications pertly restored the
death list mounted to five Wednes
day afternoon, as a result of the
storm which swept over Westers
Ontario Monday.
While communications are helm
restored, the work la progressing
slowly and the chances are likelj
that the ^st of the dead and the
property damage will be much larg
er. It la estimated that the prop
erty damage, placed conservative-
ly, will run over a million dollars
and aa many outlying towns have
been unable to send In reports thi
death list win also likely awelL
The storm was one of the most
Cecil Neill is Again Bleat
ed Speaker of the House
With It. B. Russell, Jr.,
Ol U UII U U L Munday Withdraws From
Senate Presidency Race
Making Carswell’s Elec
tion Unanimous.
| sever, that ,v«f aw,pt OT.r thll
Cracksman,' Aged “Miss Louie" Lane section to the country. Housei
11 Nabbed As He ^ Has School Named b ’ rll, '' iol * nce,whn *‘^‘‘“™ u '*‘
— — ™ 1 109 ULHWI MB111CU „ wU | b , w ,„ kl b , for # ||mt| |n( .
Hides His “Loot” i For Her By Board h y"‘ r,a ,Bd w '"
The mayor declared th* loin!
building committee hu an equip
ment fund but it look* u If the
auditorium will not (*t It, -hare.
Wo should not allow, the Hlsh
EDMONTON—Headed by Judge
Lucicn Dubuc, a Judicial party hu
left numonton for Herachel Island,
in the Artie, where eleven Eakimoa
will be tried on charge of murder.
Thi. is the first occasion on which
Eskimos have been tried Her mur
der in their own country; dljire-
enlv linltinit monntlnx coat. *»»*
making long itrtdes in reducing the
cont of government activities.
rorbepe/ the budget -
would not nccompllih eo much for
farina and upending division,
•mailer than, the state, bn*. « res
olute commitment to strike at ell
extravagance end expetd public
tends as one would for hlm.elf in
hie personal and bualneae nffavni
trill aceompllnh wonders.
Figures furnlehe. - by him by botji
the treasury and comm bureau
the prealdent aUted. ''make It
perfectly ’plain that where*, the
cost ot federal government le •»-
i"e steadily reduced, the co>t of
•tale and local governments Is he-
>ng just 'a, itcndlly Increued, year
by year.”
"Take the coats of aUte tovorn-
Bienta, H ho said. "I »m Informed
U.t the revenues of the itetea In
1»I3 aggregated ««8,l)««.««0. end
lint in 1931 they hal Increaaed to
D59,000,000; that to. they h»d In-
creased 1*J ptr cent, *no mrery
dollar of that Increue had to come
*n son)e way cr other from the
public..The- expenditures of the
Hale. In this aggregated $383,000.-
000. and In 1921 they were *L00».-
01*0.000: an Increase of 183 per
rent The Indebtedness nf the
Mates In 1913 amounted to 3423.- and end In 1931 to $1,012,-
000.000, an Increase of 139 per cent.
"Torn now to tho eoat of city
government. The census bnrrau
has compiled date on tho :)» ra-
ntents of 297 of tho lari eat cttles
(Turn to page six )
A number of the Eskimbs were
brought in by dog teams for 1,000
miles or more along the bleak
shores of the Areic. One constable
charged with the delivery of n pri
soner himeett Avery mgut one oth
er to build snow iglooa and make
camp. Detpite almost insurmoun
table obstacles, the “mounties" won
thiough and delivered his prison-
Work Progresses
On Hi Auditorium
Work is progressing daily now
on the auditorium of the High
School and by the time the fall
term opens this building will be
ready for occupancy. The two
new schools, the one ot Chase
street and the other on Lumpkin
will also be ready fur use this fall
The chase street eehool Is xiesrinp
completion now, •
Stegeman Back
From Chicago
Coach If. J. (Stegeman. ha, re
turned from Chldago’where he car
ried member, of tho Orargta track
team to participate In the Natlonh'
meet there. While gone Mr
ftlcgeman also visited hto old home
in Michigan.
II, la back for coaching school
of the Summer School, which he dl-
American Legion Appeals For Rooms
■ The' Oeorgta l»p.rtmept of ^r**^**^? 'jS'J'fl
biggest convention since Ita foundlnX. ln
Rooms and cots aro Billed <VSPi:^
Taw. nm-Tf^whtAo be ^M,
blth the Hon.Ing commute by »»“>* tlie coupoa
er schools, it belongs to the en
tire city: Everyone should he In
terested In ita welfare and growth
It is already the beet In the state,’
the mayor declared.
"An attemnt * to decrease the
•eating capacity to Isotne 700 seats
wae staved off,” he said, ’’and we
got 960 neats. Now the joint com
mittee wants to half equip the au
"Where will he'parents of these
graduates sit," he Inquired. "Will
we have to Install radiophones and
let them alt at home and hear their
children griuluateT I appeal to
this board to see to It that the audi
torium is equipped as It should be."
A resolution was adopted by the
Board requesting the joint commit
tee to equip the auditorium ade
quately at the close of the mayor's
remarks and a discussion which fol-
Jpsved. The resolution waa intro
duced by A. Rhodes.
An excerpt from Mr. Bond’s re
port follows:
Gentleman of the Board of
'A cursory.inspection of the fore
going table of statistics discloses
the fact that the total enrollment
In the white day schools fa 3,333,
which Is an increase of 175 over ha
total enrollment of lash year. Thlr
Is just about though pupils
make a good four grade school.
8trange to say, this Increase
made by iwo schools: the Michael
High School shows a gain of 117
pupils and the Oconee Street School
a gain of tf. The other four
schools show a small decrease.
"Every one of the colored day
schools, except one, shows an In
crease. This school, the grammar
department of Reese Street School,
haa exactly the same enrollment It
had last year, 170. The largest In
crease, SB. la In the ‘West Athens
School. The total gain m all col-
Small Negro Boy Robs
Savings Bank Belonging
To Burton Chandler,
Living on Boulevard.
George Merlweathey, rn elev
en-year-old negro boy, haa em
barked on a career as a cracks
man at a tender age. George
Is in the city prison chargsd
with robbing a bank-
13 6 1 O V 6 d Athenian Is well known
Honored By Education
Board. Oconee St. School
To Bear Her Name.
The negro boy was found un
der his home on Lynddn ave
nue where he had hidden the
bank and hjs money after rif
ling It of several dollars. Police
were notified whefl the bank
-;was missing from the Boulevard
residence of the owner and Po
licemen Curry and H1U located
the youthful cracksman and his
"loot." George claims he spent
f!f*een cents and turned over
$1.01 to the police. He went to
deliver some clothes at the
Chandler residence where he
foiPid the bank, Idle stated.
Pickpocket Keeps
Up Onslaught On
T. S c b 11 Holland
Not Satisfied With Rob
ing Athenian, New York
Crook Charges Hotel Bill
To Him At Astoria.
“Mr. Dmvl«," th* , gentleman
fromSavannah who robhwl Prof
eanor T. Scott Holland of n
ticket to Pranco and t.00 In
ca.h and traveller, check, hut
w,,k evidently waan’t sa’lafled
.and decided to run up a hotel
bill agalnet hto victim.
ored ecboola I, til.
“Th* total numtwr of puplto of
both racM, enrolled In th, day
flehool,. la 4,118, which I, Ml’more
thin th, enrollment hut year. It
to needle*, to uy that thla to far
and awa? th* target ,nroIlm«nt we
had. Going bock ton yaora,
for the purpore of comparison, wr
rind that the whit* anrollmont fctn
1110 and. tho colored, 1047, mikljt*
a total of 3,017. Thla number
taken from 4181 ,how* a gain of
1481 pupil. In th, toet decade,
which la an Increaa* of nearly $4
p,r cent. *
“One feature of thla report, thit .
•trongly appeals to me, Is the fact! * ho claimed h, waa from Ba-
that out of an arerog* dally atten- >•»»•*> and robbed the Ath-
dance of tT77, In th* while day|. ,lU,n -
school* there were only fouV case.
After Professor Holland waa
victimized by the pickpocket
he went back to the McA'pin
hotel and, upon advice pf de
tectives, checked out and reg
istered under an assumed name
to await the return of the rick-
pocket whom detectives figured
would go back to the McAlpin.
Instead of going back-to the
McAlpin, however .the crook
went to the Waldorf-Astoria
and registered under the name
of *T. Scott Holland." At
least, Professor Holland la in
^receipt of a bill from that fa
mous hostelry and he says he
never stopped there at all while
In New York preparing to em
bark for Europe. Therefore,
it must have been "Mr. Davie."
Professor Holland believes
the police will capture the pick
pocket who le one of a famous
gang and la well known In po-
I ,
I Hiss Louie Lane, beloved
Athenian, was honored by the
Board pf Education Tuesday-.
|when that body named the
|Oconee street grammar school
lllarly known, haa been a mem.
bar of the city school staff for
many years, ghn to principal
of the Oconee a,rest night
school which* all? 's-aa lnatru-
mental in eatabllahlng.
• Tho motion to nama tho
• Ofconoo atreat school tor Mlaa
Lane waa made by W. \V.
Beacham from the FI rat Ward
and aecondod by every member
of the board almoe^ at the
aarne time. Mayor Thomaa
Jumped to tie feet fleet, how
ever, and addraaalng tha chair
. pralaed Mlaa 'Lane for bar
nnaalflah aervlca In behalf ot
tha youth ot thla city.
Other members ot tha board
pralaed Mlaa Lane and Chair
man John D. Moll declared he
would Ilka lo hive aeconded
tha motion hlmeelf hut for tha
parliamentary rulea forbidding
At the same time It waa do-
. elded to place (he nama of the
various school buildings In a
place where they con be easily
seen from the street.
. The following school build-
Inga have bean named by the
Board thla year: Oconee 8tree
School, “Louie Lone School;"
College Avenue to “O. O. Bond
School;” Chase Street School
to “C. D. Flanlgen School;"
Lumpkin Street School to
"D. C- Barrow 8cbot>I:“ Childs
Street to “John D. Mali
School:” High School to “M. O
Michael School," and new audl.
torium al High School “E. B.
Mall Auditorium."
NEW YORK—Bart Savoy, w.ll
known actor of Ih* stag- tram ol
Brennan and Bavoy waa killed let*
Tuesday night at. Long Beach. L. 1
In a terrific electrical norm which
swept over th. Metropolitan dis
trict with great Intensity'
Jack Grossman another cele
brated actor and comedian wai
also killed during the atorm whlcl
tor s*-versl hours unabat-t
A woman In DrohRlyn and n mat
In Yonkers also loet their lives a*
a result of tho atorm which played
over the city, starting n number ol
fires, some of them which threaten
ed to become serious until promp 1
work by fireman put them undo
control. The loaa from the (Ire
wae email, It wae elated Wednee
Program Thursday Even
ing Will Be One of
Treats of Session of
Summer School.
U la for people who like their
opera a Is .carte—and ninety-five
out ot every hundred muslc.lovers
belong to this class—that the Attl
ees Music Study Club’a program
at tha Unlverelty chapel Thraday
ironing to prepared. Relatively
few people enjoy an enure opera;
they go for tho oake or one or
two famous artiste, a stirring chor-
ua, or a brilliant place of orcbos-
tratlon. And so aereral operas
have yielded delectable morsels, so
to apeak, for the feait -which tho
Mualc Club will offer to tho Sum
mar School and the people of Ath-
Mr. end Mrs. Hugh Hodgson, tho
directors, have n it, however, been
content with hackveyed and dog
eared salacUon* Scrotal of the
(By A.aoclatad Pro*)
ATLANTA—G.orpe H. Care-
well of Irwlnton, was unani
mously elected president of the
State Senate at th* opening tee-
•Ion of the legislature Wednes
day. following withdrawal from
the race by Senator William W.
Mundy of Codartown.
In the Houe* organisation -
waa effected by election. Of
Speaker Cecil No.ll and E. B.
Moore as clerk. Mrs. Viola
Napier of Bibb county, woo tho
first woman to take her aoat
In the General Aiaombly when
•ho took tho oath, quickly fol-
lowed by Miae Beetle Kompton
of Fulton county. Th* woman
wore welcomed in short apoooh.
«. by Spoak.r Neill.
Clarke representative, in the On
eral Assembly that met for the fif-
n “LP r ", , r b J. e '™ m o’clock
on- nl.hllsh^s s-H -I.. h» „ ung thg nU * y PolK
K. Toombs Du Hose and Frank A.
any publlitar, and will
from manuscript. The Tcmplo
Scene from Alda, with Ita erie and
solemn atmosphere; tho resound
ing Gloria passago in the march
from the same opera; tho (harm
ing and haunting Humming C horus
from Butterfly--these an* almost
never heard except cm tbr op<
Holden left Tuesday for Atlanta
while Senator Doycc t icklen repre
senting the Fiftieth district in the
Senate, is also presert in the S n-
atc chamber.
. Reports coming from Atlanta in
dicate that politics have been ram-
tlco stage. They will all bo given ,P ant around the .y of the Kim*
by the Club Thursday night. Ipnll house the past several day«
Another number that will win
KANSAS CITY—After suffer Inf
In the grip of an intense heat wav<
for several days, which waa cespon
•Ible for the deaths of several pel
eons, thla city went through i
u of rain and lightning, whlc7
severely crippled the wire service
to other towns.
Following the terrific heat of th# A 11/211
past few days the rain and elcn AtlteniailS Will
trlcal storm gave a alight relief nn
til It begun td do real damage and
starting fires which burned severa’
Continue To
Enroll For
Summer School
Enrollment Reaches 1400
Mark With Prospects
For 2.QPQ Before Term
Visits Town and Tells
Banner-Herald Readers
of Progress It Has
Registration at the Summer
School contlnuas end It Is indicat
ed this will be the most eicceaa-
ful school ever held. The cleat
work began Tuesday morning. Al
ready all of the dormitories are
filled and scores of studs# ts an
living In privets residences.
The enrollment la close Ao four
teen hundred at present and wll*
reach 3,000 or more, it Is believed.
J. R. Stokes. Former
University Student
Teacher in Griffin
the audience at oaco Is the peren-
niall fresh waltz scene front Faust;
nothing elso in the rsogo of opera
haa such Htistained sprighllinMM
and contagious, rhythm. Tho Bell
Chorus from II P&gintcci, another
n$)Uf»iiat number, flaunts a coy
and alluring theme against a back-
rronds of chiming bolls. Then
there is the Cigarette Chorus from
Carmen, a flueqt thing for -worn*
fjL’a voices. Tho program will to
completed with “List tho a/herubin
Host" from Tho Holy City, which*
was heard In Athens throe years
ago; and a lovely lyric passago
from Brahms' Requiem, the fourth
movement of that work.
This concert will bo given Thurs
day evening at 8x30 in the Univer
sity chapel. No admission will bo
dfaarged, as tho concert Is ono of
the Summer School aeries. Athena
people as well as Summer School
students are expected. Aa the seat
ing capacity of tho chapel !a limit-
tael lain nninneo va.lll #1 ea .8 — ■.!,.»
and that everything was practical
ly cut and dried before the tw<
houses met. Governor Elect Clif
ford Walker arrived in Atlanta
tuetday afternoon .James H. Doz
ier of Athens, one his cieee ad.
viKorE nnd manager of his cam
paign, is on the scene »f action and
will h.ive m bip pert in shaping
plans for the inauguration of Gov*
erner Welker at noon Saturdav.
ed, lato comers will find 'Ifflculty
In securing scats.
Attend Meeting
To Aid Farming
Dr. Andrew M. Souie is
One of Speakers. To
Elect Successor To Geo.
T. Betts.
Severs! Athenians < will attend
the big farm meeting In Atlanta
Thursday evening, called for th*
purpose of "carrying on" the work
which waa begun by the .late
George T, Betts of the Georgiy As
Dr. Andrew M. Soule, Dr. Mil-
ton P. Jamigan, Secretary E W
Carroll of the Chamber of Com
m.erce and James W Morton, pros!-
The fight for the .president o!
the Senate narrowed Tuesday night
to 1 George Carswell of vVilklnsen-
aon county, W. W. Mundy of i’ork
lioth have waged active campaigns
and a close election was anticipated
Cecil Neill will bo speaker ot the .
Hou*e ami Richard li. Russell Jr. •
of Barrow wa« unopposed f«r
speaker-protem of the House. Re
presentative Milner of Dodge and
Arnold of Lumpkin both having
withdrawn in favor of the young •
Winder nttorfoy.
Major D. F McClatehey was
unopposed for the place of read
ing clerk of the senate and E. ft.
Moore got the same pl«ce In
the Mouse without opposition.
ATLANTA, GA-, — Representa
tive Charleb E. Stewart of Atkir.-
son County, announced Tuesday h!s
intention to introduce a rexplption
in the House immediately after
it a organization Wednesday calru*
lated to allay any misapprelwft8io£~
as to tho intention of tho ierig
lath-n and the appropriation or the
staters revenues.
'Ihis resolution, as proposed hjr
r. .Stewart, will in aubstaawe pat
the House i —* ’ *** % ■
When the city of Athens gave
the North Eastern Railway to .unl^
-tee Richmond A Charlottes Air,phi ifttil
jLitje (now the Southern) It waa utittityp.
of corporal punishment In other KlWATIlft MpAfe
words, out of 300,431 chances for IUWOH15 if WTO
corporal punishment, only four oc
curred. and thla too In the free of
the fact that corporal prfnWiment
In our ecboola Is not officially for
Friend^ ,in Athena of Jgmet R
Itokfe, a , former student at thi
of Georgia, and also #
appa man at that In
. . II n* Interested to knee
lice circles. Professor Holland fwith an agreement that said road; that next, year he will be conect
— - - Iwocld oatend this branch tou Mary- i • with the Griffin High School
vflle, Tenn., and the understanding He will teach lienee there, It Is
was that said extension should j stated.
•tart nt Lula Junction and a eepa- 1 •
rate road built from Athene to the, W. H. Sibley Ends
lo—oForty-nlnn btrttti wore rogl.tere'l
fflltaKrt* ttUhty linrlng tho montl*
^ttrf'lekrtloJ Tuosday.
Twenty-iilno people died to that
month in this county, "
At Georgian
The Klwante club meets at the
Georgian hotel Thursday at- twe
o'clock In the regular weekly
luncheon. In addition to the report*
from number 1 of
sdveW vtkltors- nre expected and
some new entertaining stunts will
be Introduced.
coal folds qf East Tenensnce. But
in order to shorten distance and
save money the company began Its
branch linn at what Is now Cornelia
necessitating two changes of cars
for the Fail*, then the tennlbon of
William H- Sibley a son of Judge
the new line. Thi* caused loud;Samuel H. Sibley, who attended
complaint In Atbons, but our dtl- the University of Georgia a few
sens could not heln themselves, j y#nrs ago waa graduated by the
Then the Ajr Lino broke its con- ‘ Harvard University Lew fcfchool
t.-cL -ru”* building.a Hue,to Talr,{reports receiyed J» AUW»„rt0tet
itteemon lulah Falln. and .returned .to >ClH|.|.,illr V! Sibley t wgfhv?m\K $}.***•
city both the.iNorth Eastern zndyber of the etudes bpd^^u the Atb-
the branch road to MNAgh Falla. en*jInstitutionfgnd : success Is ire-
(Turn to Page 8tx) dieted for him as a lawyer.
llie on record, and notityTth#. .
people of Georgia, that, while there
should and probsoly \»... be a re
vision af the taxation and depart
mental maintenance system provid
ed for this Legislature, the tax
payers may rest assured that there
will be no ultra drastic legislation
•e...*,. — K .v.. -‘£ crea f c8 *n appropritv.ns where'
dent of the Georgia Farm Bureau I in "e is no corresponding and bal-
Federatlon will attend the meet- jancing decrease in expenditurer t*
Ing. Dr. Soule and Dr. Milton Jar- other departments anc’ branches rf
nigan will be among the speakers ; ,5 government.
Mr. Carroll Is a director of the *. « a,d Mr. otewart, ,“ig
Georgia Association. jtnat. wn..** th* state must n*v»
MUCH INTEREST i to^LSS**? ">«»
N MEETING ® ee de(I, we sh.'lid and can raise
jit by well-worked out system of
ATLANTA—Other hand. hav. ‘ he ,, va „ rio , u ” ‘“‘>:
•aught up the torch that Georg, r ‘^’tn “ U- . A ”?
h < 0^^L‘3totTSe t tete
Jetts carried high
Setts carried high. The work
tse begun for Georgia will be-car-
tied on. The admiration for hit
inseiflsb efforts has 'Crystallized al
noat overnlzht int<? a d|
tlon on the* part of
tens to take up the task whsre h«
•ft <****>■ Tcarry I. foewird th#
furore and clamor for tax revision’
this Lcgislrture is not disported
cither to tax the people to ueeth
-a* many who have written and
talked to me have expressed fear
that it may—nor to heap upon
them an unwarranted or burom*
. Bl . _ . - - , J— eomo tax levy. We need a revision
*ork Af ih. Georgia Aaaoeiatior of our taxation sy.tcm, porh.pT
tadtofrt* Georgia from econornlt; bat no material increase in revenue)
□ Such Is the unmslakahleLl
Ration of the immediate and over-[some system of tuxation'. That'em-
, 9. iP r p 1 vided ,\t is wisely and economi-
indi-jcally applic-'—certainly no burden-
whelming response to a call for i | brace tho gist of the resolution I
meeting In Atlanta Thursday eve- propose to introduce tomorrow, and
I believe it wfl| meet the apoiovial
elation, and responded to by tele
gram and letter from evey section
of the state, by business men, farm
ers. officials, to perfect the organi
sation to make It possible to earn
on the work of George Bets and tin
Gepgia Association.
‘ Thg . .president gg , the Georgia
Press Association W. O. Sutlivc oi
(Turn to Pag*’Three) 1
of the House?’ mCet " PP " ,T ,“‘
Tho election of R B. Russell. Jr.
as speaker protern was unantmotff
as wns that of Neill and Moore, the
first contest wae over the poet of
Doorkeeper, won by U. G. McElroy.
Walton county, who defeated W. T.
Morris, who had held the post tor f
years. After the election preal-•
lent Carswell addressed the fep.
ate and pleaded for a session fro#
from factionalism. "I did not i
(Tun. to Page lira)