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VOL. Si. NO. lit.
Aeaoclated Preea Service
Will Oppose Plan To
Use Army To Help In
Dry Law Enforcement
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON—Flat' opposition to any project
{or the using of the United States array to aid in the en
forcement of the prohibition laws was voiced here Thurs
day by Secretary Weeks. , •
Secretary Weeks spoke at the graduation exercises
of Army War College.
Secretary Weeks stated Inciden
tally In his plea to the graduat.
leg officers to see that the regular
army hereafter takes a large shaho
in the civil life of the country. "The
time has passed, be sald^ when
when there should M an isolation
of the regulars, the National De
fense Act having mado the work
of providing for national security
equally that of civilians and regu
lars. although the regulars did the
not after
states does not contemplate a.
great Increase In Its atr fleet each
us has been announced by Oreat
Britain, which purposes to double
It forces, It was said Wednesday
at the war department.
Instead, Secretary Weeks Is un
derstood to take the'position that
thp army Mr service chould con
tinue to pioneer the way In devel
opment of new typea of Improved
miltary equality rather than to
attempt undor it,o present condi
tion of national finances to mafn-
.taln equality with a particular na
It was emphasised that the
American policy dues not —st pf< n
any particular ration of strength
lor the flying corps as compared
with other nations. The American
air aorylte does not at present
t empars In site with the French. It
does, however, hold a great ma
jority of the ale records of the
world, all established with ma
chines deslgnod and built slnco
the war, and under the supervision
of tho alrttarvlcc.
... wir.dcportm. ot official
Raid, fool'that the heal
follow under presont conditions, Is
to cserf evdVy "effort 1 In the ad.
vancement of scientific knowledge
and design In order that thero
would be available practical plana
for superior aircraft on which a
war fleet could be constructed In
esse ot need.
LONDON.—Opposition to the
government's proposal for Increas
ing the British air force was ex
pressed at Wednesday’s confvrencq
or the. tabor party by Goorge Lana-
bury, member ot pullsment. who
(Turn to pegs sis )
Athens Music Study Club
and Granberry on
Thursday Night Enter
tainment Program At
Registration at the University
Georgia Summer School paaaed tho
1500 point Thursday. It wiu ‘earn
ed at tho offlco of Dr. J. S. Stew
art. superintendent.
Students continue to arrive In
the city.
Tho program of entertainments
opened Wednesday night, with A
lecture by Dr. A. M. Soule on
“Brasil.” A largo number of sum
mer school students crowded the
University 'Impel to hear Dr.
Soule toll many Interesting stories
of his recent trip to that country
and to hear of the beauties, the
peculiarities and the promise which
he observed in that great country
of the South.
Thursday night, Gcorgo Folsom
Cranberry of New York, wIII lec
ture on “Musical Interpretation”
at the State Normal Sci’oinl, and
UUtMufic Study Club
Mrs. E. H. Johnson, president
of the American Legion auxiliary
has announced an Important
meeting of that body Friday
morning, June 29th at 11 o'clock
and she urges every member
and others who are eligible for
membership to attend.
This will be the last meeting
before the convention here next
A. B. C. P.p.r
Blngl. Cepl*. C Cnta Dally,
Postpone Open
Tax Meeting
ATLANTA, Ga.—The open to
rum tax meeting which was to
have been held In Atlanta on June
29 under the auspices of the Geor
gia Association has been postponed
to a later due to be determined
after a conference between incom
ing governor and members of the
Mysterious “Box” Excites the
Curiosty of Athenians Until
War Vet Explains What It %
Three More Liners Arrive
irf Port*Wednesday Car
rying Foreign Seals on
(By Associated Presa.)
NEW YORK.—Three more for.'
eign linen, the Chicago of .the
French line, the Olympic of the
White Star, and the Cunarder Sax.
onta, arrived In port late Wednes
day with their return supplies of
liquor under government seals. This
brings to thirteen the total of ar
rivals to test the recent treasury
department ruling prohibiting the
carrying of liquor Into United
States ports. Of these (he seals at
only four have been broken so far.
They are tho Baltic, the Barents
ris, the Paris and the Cedric.
No seltures were made Wednes
day, and shipping officials predict,
ed that If hasty action were not
taken some of the liners would be
kept Iq port 01 — their schedules.
Tho latest arrival, the Saxonla,
which came thro ‘th quarantine
late Wednesday, carried under the
British crown seal 69 1.2 gallons
of wino. 110 1-2 gallons of spirits
and 3,601 bottles of sle and stout
This Is the fourth vessel of the
White Star line to teat the ruling.
Representatives of lines here
said today that the problem would
bo left Tor solution to diplomatic
agents In Washington. They re
fused t" common’, on reports from
yrTfVTfP" that a rex Ballon pro-
hurts under
^^^BnrSirSiShe’ University !IiibItin B Hi- twinging of llfjri.
oner.rl In ll>e l nlvonmy |i|ir|!1 un , |or
of seizure oTtha ship as a liquor
carrier, and arreri of her captain,
bad boon agreed upon.
The Finland, of tho American
fine, arrived with nothing hat her
medicinal liquor supplies, having
dumped her exceat before crossing
the (hree-mffe limit Just as the
liquor was heaved over the side a
bolt of lightning struck one of (he
masts. Superstitious seaman con.
aider this sn omen of disapproval
of such waste.
The furls sailed out’ with her
broken seals still’hanging to the
wine room door, and 12.000 pints
of wlno and spirits on booard, al
lowed for medicinal purposes by
E. K. Sprague, public health of
fleer here. iMPie
Reports from London Intimate
that the failure or foreign vessels
to get tHrough the customs office,
with return .upplfe, had dlscour
aged line officials, and that several
liners were puffing out wlh only
one way supplies of drinks.,
!c r o s s Examination
| Witnesses Begins in
Trial df Walter Higg
botham, Whipping Bos
Defense Charges Th
Witness Was Paid
Thousand Dollars
His Testimony.
Ity Associated Prats)
LAKE CITY—Efforts by !
state to show ’’excessive ftp
given Martin Tsheri by
Higginbotham, “whipping
the Putnam Lumber comp
caused the death ot the No
kola youth was bitterly
Wednesday morning when the ti
of the former “whipping boss”,*
Graham Ward who testified 1
he witnessed elghty-;even
given Tabert by Hlgglnbothai
cross examined. During the
examination by the defensi
sel; Ward denied that he hi
offered five, thousand dollar
Ward said that he dldnt’
t. C. Smith of Plnhook, FIs., i
the counsel for the defense'
tempted to show had been i
Ward that he was a wlltne
the case “for what be coutc
out of It’ i
HI was furthor entended
Ward told Clifford Griner,
a poor man and have my wifn,
kiddles, so I better g.t what
when I can. 1 an- going to
City end get flue (tiouRind
testifying In this case.”
When he asked how he
Tabert was dead. Ward ssld
the IntormaUon was given film
hla wlfo, hut that ho novor knew
whether tho man ho saw.wnH Ta-
arke Farmers Begin
/ar on Pest With Satis
factory Results, County
gent Firor Announces.
kmonstration of Florida
tethod Scheduled on
larold Hulme Farm on
July 5th.
I Clarke county farmers have be
lin their annual fight on the boll
leevti and. attacking that Insect
(By Associated Press.)
stalked in this little New Jer-
»ey town early Wrdnesday when
a Baltimore and Ohio express
train struck an a ’tomo.-.’lo at a
crossing near here.
’ The party consisted of thro'
young men and three trained
nones who were on their way
to Atlantic City to celebrate the
graduation of the nuraes next
Four of the party ware killed
and the other two seriously and
perhaps fatally Injured.
Little Chance of Didato
■ rmi unu, aiuicaiiig mat mun i > f #
Ihit# h« feeds in the hud of the | and Silverstein Facing
fctton plant, have auceeded in i rn^t |r pnp Court* Sppm
[tiling him with good reaulta. J Anai L/OUriS oeem
Firor, county agent, announced Inactive,
hursday. -, -
The weevil has been living in thr Practically all hop# has keen
d until now, awaiting formation abandoned by Oovprnmant offi-
the squares to the cotton plant J c uta to return Aba Sllversttin and
t has kept hlmaelf alive an# iDjmonlck Didato to Osorgta in
pagated while feeding In the time for them to be tried In Athena
1 and the flrat stage of the bat- 0! , July 2nd, the date set by Judge
e has been to kill him while In Samuel Sibley for the trial, follow-
at place, Mr. Firor aald. [ | n g their Indictment here In the
Another eten in the campaign Federal court for aiding In tha ea
rn be made July $ when a demon of Qarald chapman from St.
ration of the Florida method of Mary’s hospital after the famous
•it weevil control will be made j mm .*f bandit had made hie escape
the farm of Ha. •jld Hulme, Mr. |f rom the Atlanta' Federal penlten-
Flror announced. I tlary an <j apprehended in Midtson
county, havlnv been shot dewn
EXT | there by officers and tha posse
STAGE Scapturing him.
, Didato and rillvarateln were lden-
The next stage of the fight wilt by . student nurse at the MW## w wi
to alay tha enemy wbllt ( hoapitaf as the man who were here j health, county commissioners nml, adopted,
luarea ere forming. Th. f, *J on the day that Chapman escaped! county board of health will meet.
been fairly easy ao far. Thc| nnd who wfrc Jhtmeted In his (Members of the Clarke medical jMR DuBOSE’S
battle, that which will com- a « wr |fareH.he w*nt to New York association, civic organization^ in RESOLUTION
mnrl all the .determination nnr, nnd n ppo« red before the U. R Com-(Athens, the county, Whitehall and’
Mirage of which Clarke farmer* m iaaionei there a. I identified the J Wintcrvillc, are asked to attend I Soon after the house settled
gre capable, will soon begin. men. After m*<ch delay they ware *nd all others Interested in ’h*’ down to hussne's after the prelirai-
For the laat ten daya Mr. Firor i or iiered h e|f u • tiller appearance . public welfare. j narle* of assigning seat* am\ elec-
hse been leaving lila home *'»riy 1 Undrr 17^00 wni j th en J U this mectinfr tho proposed I tion of officers Mr. DuBoae. who
In the morning ninl returning late fhp|r attorneys tibk out habeas b,H of Dr. J. C. McKinney, presl- has seen many legislatures fritter
In the evening. H.' haa vlulted prnceedlngi and after an-{den*: of the board of hen'th here, *»way practically the entire seaaion
accilona of *he county Instructing 0 |j irr ron tlnued delov thin hearing .Providing for the uniting of the hvithout taking any action on in)"
mlvls'ng nnd aiding otherwise ,n! /j n ally enma up last Friday in Nov'two boards will he considered. Ifjportant matters, introduced a re»o-
■ /ftnging thla most Interesting war y^j, before Judge Leonard HapJ.jk v decided that the two boards 1 ration providing for a tax commie*
on th** cotton plant’* *nemy. f , . thf . cnae having been unified out should he combined, a Ml! will holflon to investigate the tax prob-
Weevll Infestation kg*Jieen.some- of thf , 0 f Oomtnlnslaner »dverti»cd for thirty days and pre-|lcmH of the state.
Highway Department ■
Placed Under Fire Iri
Second Day’s Session
(By Associated Press.) »
ATLANTA—The State Highway Department was
under fire in the early hours of Thursday’s session of
the House. '
Representative Stewart of Atkinson County, was de
nied unanimous consent for the consideration of a resolu
tion which would provide for the appointment of a com
mittee of twelve from the House and five from the Sen
ate to examine the books of the department and report
back to the House.
Representative R. Toombs Du-
Bose in a wire to the Banner-Her
ald Thursday morning stated that
the handling of his resolution on
the appointment of a tax commis
sion by the legislature Wednesday
was misrepresented by reporters
who covered the house events tba
opening day.
These reports stated his resolu
tion was tabled by a large major
ity, Riving the inference that io
was opposed by practically the sa
tire house and that he insisted
I upon its passage.
__ „ r—x. .. . . Mr. DuBose, in his telegram to
Mayor Calls Meeting in the Banner-Herald stated that the
City Hall. All Interested rMjlu,ion waa ubled at hi * own
in Public Welfare Urged
to Attend.
Consolidation of tho health dq.
partments In Athens and Clarke
county will be discussed at a gen
eral meeting of citizens nnd offi
cial municipal and county boards
Friday night at 8:30 o’clock in the
city hall.
Mayor Thomas Thursday called
request for parliamentary reasons.
Mr. DuBose Htated further
Thursday morning that the action
on tho resolution was taken on ac
count of it being introduced be
fore the rules of the house wero
adopted, that' it would have re juir-
t-d a two-thirds majority to pa»s
nnd after a conference with Speak
er Neill he asked that the resolu
tion-be tabled-
He ulso stated thaV he was confi-
_ w __ | dent if would pass without any
a meeting of council and In addi- trouble next week, after the house
tlon to that body the city board of was fully organized and th? rules
Th, went i. outl
The mritiry hu b«n solved
and after Mil, article I. read
no lonctr will a querying pub
lic wonder and oak 1 what that
llttl* dinky looklnx thing la
that la being constructed on th.
vacant lot a*, the corner of
Dougherty ' and Lumpkin
Despite the cion secrecy that
haa been thrown around the
construction of tho contraption
—which might be tho body for
n hot dog atand wngop. a cor
ner peanut vender’i hcadquar-
tcra or a crate for th. shlnplnr
of a few ybung yearllngo—
Ha real meaning leaked out
Thuraday morning.
But to any that U leaked out
to not charily giving due credit
to tha perron who suspected and
told what tho thing to to bo
used for.
. Wq|l what la It—J , f
‘ " Just a big alx aided bo* with)
one or two aide openings to It.
That’s simple ’.enough, said
many'who’have etea it and r*e
marked. -Why eric ao many
questions about such a thing
"And^tbeee birds had It down
about rtgftt until nn army offi
cer and 1 baa nr two ex-tpurlata
in 'France, during the daye. of
the tote disturbance over there
were, seen snooping around the
thing and than public curiosity
shot up like the mercury baa
been doing around noon on
thero hot daye.
“What to that blamed thing
aaywayr began asking Mr.
Doherty’s patrons. Mr. Ford a
followers and those -who en
danger their lives by attempt
ing to walk around. .
And an Thuraday morning
when a down town ear, carry
ing as many aa ris people who
open their poetofflee boxes be
fore « o'clock, trundled along
making the grade on Hancock
avenue, the question was aakrf
again and one of the town s
know-and-tfU-alto was aboard,
and*henc. out come the secret.
••you don't know what that
tof he queried In a manner that
made everyone else feel as If
they were born yesterday and
that old man Solomon was g
plkrr compared to that bril
liant youth.
"No. what to It, I’ll bltel”, re
plied one whose duty It was to
open up a place of business this
week and than nut came the
'That's one of thoee "to and 6“
box ears, you know, tho kind we
boys traveled around In France In
war. Forty and Right, hold forty
or X horses which ever hap.
pened along. Of course that one
to a mlnature to bo used by that
society called "Forty Hommea ot
Right Chevaux." hommea meaning
men and chevaux meaning hors-
Bo there you are. The Informs
lion given out must have been
right because the know-all-tell-al’
alighted from the ear with. hi.
chest sticking out Ilka a Wrerilgrir
and hto tongue still wagging, hand
ing out fees knowledge and advice
,■ D yes, another bit«/ InforifuUlqi:
Imparted was that tho "French
Side Door Pullman" would be
parked over .on the postoffice, lot
during the Legion .convention an$
all the members <ir the Society
would wear' ttibse’ little dinky' blue
French soldier caps.
The convention's here next Tues
day and lasts through the fifth and
the "40 and I” boys will be heard
MACON. Oa„—Members of th,
Joe Wheeler camp, Spanish Amer
ican war veterans, wljl send a hi,
delegation to the first state con
vention which will he held in in
tents, July 4. Harry Garden, com-
mender of the local camp, wll’
head the delegation from Macon
Tho camp will hold a apeetol meet
ipg qn the
Two Hurt When
Autos Collide
Two automobiles, ons occupied
by Dillard BpratUn ot Ocor.-rt coun
ty and the othar by Mr. ana lira
J. F. Harwood of Buckhaad near
Atlanta, collided near Lake Dixie
Wednesday night, roault'ng In
alight Injury to Mr. and Mr% Har
Mra Harwood, with a fractured
arm and bruised considerably '■ at
the Athena General hospital. Mr.
when we were oer there during the Harwood was also hurt hut waa not
detained at the hospital. Mr.
Spratlin escaped without Injury,
A year ago tha Central of Oeer.
O'* Railway appropriated 18,000.00
to help establish practical ■ per-
mantnt pastures In every county
In Georgia traversed by Its line*,
agreeing to pay half the coat of
aood artd labor of apeh demonatra-'
,tlon. »
low landa and net' In ue#' 1
othar farm purposes. Tha gfiata^’j
recommended were; Leaptdeza,' •
10 pounds to tho acre; carpet'
grass, ft pounds to tha acrei and
Dallla grass, & pounds to the sere,
the trial cost of tho seed aver
aged about $4.22 to the acre.
Col. Gantt FindB Citizens
Are Thrifty and Are
Making Money From
Fertile Soil.
what heavj nrt « fairly ^cod erbp- H j frh rock who hrnr.l the first cane.
n crop two wocke Into—Mr. Firor Now j urtg# Hand haa the cam un
says. About three-fourths of. tha der ••advisement" and federal offt-
farmera have used some klfWI of p , a||| iUt# th>t |t w ,„ ^ | mr o«sII>‘e
polaon and with good reeulta . Wj to g#t the witnesses together and
rTurn to page alx ) ,henr the caao her# on the date eat
* even If th# government wins In the
1 habeas corpus hearing and Uot It
will be October now before tho
(case can be heard. 1
l The call for the apodal term of
cimrt stands. It la announvd* and.
Noted Artists
Conduct Music
__ «l prt ,
■ented in the present session of the This special committee would
legislature. Consolidation of the (havti been composed of the chair-
two boards will result in financial men of the appropriations commit'*
savin* and better health protection tee, the way* and meanx commit'
for all concerned, it id pointed out. tee, of the two judiciary commit-
tees, of the speaker, ex-officio, and
t of five other members chosen one
AGED BARROW Jfron^aouth Georgia, one from mid-
Georgia, one from north Oeor-
(Turn to Page Six)
^ ■ • | renn aianua. u *••••*•
Course Here| routine buameea frill be Uken up WINDBR-Funera! services
‘You Can’t Fool
Your Wife” Now
Mubic Course At Univer
sity Summer School Un
der Direction of Several
Noted Musicians.
Within my recollactlon Athena
gaa aa much the market for Hab
ersham county, of which Clarkes,
villa to (be capital, aa for Oconee,
Madison and Oglethorpe today.
Th, Banner did Ito legal advertis
ing and long atringa of "monntain
•coonera,” (old fashioned Wood en
sile. covered wagons) would roll
Into our oily laden with chickens,
apples, chestnuts, cabbage apd
other monntain produce. These \ York. - _ „ - .
wagons carried lack merchandlr, land a great increase of Internet premier at. the PaUce theatre
bought to th) city. Bnt with th) Mr. and Mrs. Oraaberry are delight Thuraday. The picture to to ho of-
building of :m Air Lino nllws” lad to find a lararv attendance than fared two days. Thuridsy and Fri-Wle. Una
aJL-- , nr , n . in« n Awiatann* 1 last v»sr In ail music courses al- day, aqd in addition to this feature A ftt Houa-, Mra. \S. K Dunafu
and our city lost CJbla valuable ready eatabllehed and new and ad- product ions Larry Semon comedy. «nd Mra. UUag C. Patrick of Ha
trade. Bat with th. growth and de-.’vancad are being formed In “No Wmldtof Bells” is also being row county
velopment of Athena Into a whole- I voice culture, harmony, musical offered. n.rth McBride vr''
vale center the growing damand!pedagogy and other branch,* Lewis St°>>«’ a_s Garth MriJride,|ortfier Athens Man
■ Mra. Eliza House of Barrow
ty who died near Rockwell Mon-
, day were conducted Tueedny after
( noon at Rockwell church wllh Rev
A. G. Strain of Atlanta, officiating
Mre. House waa eighty-one year*
At |/ a i 9 pA ■ hurt oId #nd on * of narrow county’H
lOlaVU 1 IlUro# Oldest citizens. She was the widow
of the late John Houae, a promi
nent planter of Jackson county,
before n section of that county war
cut off la Barrow county. Mrs
Hours was the ^mother of eight
children, seven of whom survive
L. A. and J. *H. Houae, of Winder:
Thomas Houae. or Oglethorpe
House and Miss
among mountaineers for a finer I Mr. Or.nberry ha. - r-'---
of good,, the Introduction otiauinmer music school for the pro- with his wile, piajc'i
vehicle* and building good trorion.l traln'ng of music teacher,
ava. our ettv can and will * n Boston, Newport, R. L, and New I, _
highway,, our city can and will
recover Uhl, lost’ trade. And th,
rapid dovelopmant of that section
greatly enhances Its value and
v Hume.
And this la'not all that Mods
Athena and Habersham and links
S.V’S n P n‘r7„d^ lr .nd‘*m£l -
P 0 *** y ****j*** 515* establlahed themrolve. In high »«
teem of those they have met. They
Woman Who Killed Weal-
thy Contractor in New
York Hears Death Ver
dict of Jury.
(By Associated Press.)
Dies in ChicdRO NEW YORK. —Convicted of first;
n j deyree murde rand facing the elec-'
Mr. John w. Webb, formerly of . lr * c chalr a ” ,h<, l«o»liy for her
VorTniv ^nTZVaya‘hcT.aTo’ change wilh a ccrtaln lto.cll Fen- Alhens an.l whose wife died’here cr ^ ne ’ j a *™ Aanna Bussl, tha slay-
more earnest or sifted young ton ' F ‘ nton a “' m P ta to murder several.months ago. died suddenly! ;'. r ot P [ t ' do . rlck fchi elder. . woal-
mri more «r°»ri »r glftod young McBri(i , wben l)l0 lattl , r n,l n , , n oblcago> r „ es , !ay Blght ac( , orJ . ri.iy contractor wl’l, whom a hal!yad.
.^n thore rec riered ln thl. Sum? him financially and I. arrested and , Dg to me.gre report. „ c „| v „i (»r ceveral yeara. collapsed In tha
than thOM registered In this Sura impr!!0ncd . Xt McBride's request here. The bbjy will be shlppod hero l lu . urt room lat ? Wednesday night
lie 1» pardoned by the governor. , or interment.and tho funeral ar--”
On a p(easure_trip to tht MUtbp rangements havft not been an - ‘
conducted a Wall street magnate, is In love!
’' -•— by Las tries
mer School
Among th# new members of thr
faculty of the Music Department
Signora De Fabritl'.a. a noted teach
er of the art of singing and Mr
John Lalng Gibb, who haa ebarg*
of the music In the public achootr
ot Attleboro. Mass., have already
th<* jury brought ic It's
honored citizens came from Hab
ersham. The late Judge A. S.
Erwin, one of the best agd nobleat
gentlemen I have ever known, waa
born and raized In Clarkeavllle.
Judge Henry West and Mr. Ike
Haddock are both natives of that
fine old county. If a census Is
Uken of Athens you would be sur
prised to know how many of our
citizens came from the “hills of
(Turn to Pao* Six)
will fill Important and active plac*
In the life of the Summer School.
Mr. Glen C. Clement has return
ed to find hla schedule of lesaonr
In piano and harmony entirely
filled. v
Mr. Oranberey, Mra. Granberry
and Slthore De Fabritlla will Ik
heard frequently !n_ recitals. leci
turea nnd the nubile functions t>(
tho University during thq summer!
Hera, Is the result obtained In
Washington county, Oa.t
Tho paeturs In Washington
county, Qoorgle, of 1$ scree, from
March lat to Octobor 18th, 22S
days, grazed 10 cows, equaling
2£90 unit daya grazing.
From March let te October Slat,
24S days* 20 othar cows, 2 hones.
, yearling* 4 goats*-10 calves and (
r %Ul6niho0B>iWisreqgrqstd,Heqkiallng S3
lUfKJmal unfit, knd a tet*l of- 8,085
unit' days ereting.
For tha whole season the total
unit days grazing Is 10,375.
American Legion Appeals For Rooms
The Georgia Department of the American Legion wSl hold Ihe
biggest convention since its founding, In Athens on Jnly 2, 4. 5.
Rooms and cola are needed to help take care of the visitors who
are coming. Lets everybody co-operate and help out in this matter.
If yon have a room, or a cot which can be used, pleuae communicate
with the Housing,Commltte by us log the coupon beldw.
Mr. 1L D. Branch.
Chairman Housing Committee,
American Legion,
Box 684, Athena, Georgia.
I can furnish rooms for men at | per. day.
I can forntoh yog wllh cola or alngle bads at rental of
I each.
My telephone number t***;•.! oaodk^fat yK }j
■ntHSign Here
tion with one nounced. Dorsey, funeral directors,
‘.I p "'HI b® In charge.
I merino-" the! The deceased Is snrvfred by one
lln^Jrt fcfnre 'lauxhlcr. Miss Sara Webb of the,
hanov endtou Rtat « Normal Sch001 an ‘ I ona
I wh p en Garth| wnlla m ° He was 62 years old. 1
united in the I— - - - ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ —
u where Mc-
V/hlfe and shaken, with her com-«
nrsero broken for the flrat tlma
since her arrest, «iio waa led from
the court room by officera and
committed to the Bronx Jail to
await sentence on July 9.
hLeague of Women Voters Endorse
endant nurse.) _ rs t T% t •
Dry Law enforcement Resolution
ally divided
ling players,
perfection the I
or her. The I
as a differ-j ^ fl meeting of the League nf
however, ae-1 Women Voters Wedn**d.iy after-
S6* . George ropllt lhw resolutlona were adopt-
ik fame ana ftn(J paMe d:
I W. believe in apd approve of th.
I tne proauc .eighteenth Amendment of the Con
(stitutlon of the United States.
I W§ believe that with strong men
1 LAID \ maC women ,n otfiee ttifs prohibi
TO'LHiuOB TRADE. 11 *" .
LONDpN—Lord Astor. spcoklnf: ! ^ l '"* t * ,a law “""“' '';
bafore a charity organisation on TLZ? a ddtct«t
th, subject of prohibition, said that t0 ,'"* ‘ °f, <lri T n J l *' n i
aver since tha United States h*C* A * a bod5r * lhe B, J
t experiment
ide had been
crican props-
He objected*to the deliberate at
tempts to misrepresent everything
associated with the United States.
It was • tragic thing that, while
^nti*i{ritish.:i»«yoPig«nd* in . the
United States hsu erased, „people
were working in England to •mis
represent the attitude and actions
of America- ,^
’ar# ab
solute protest against men holding
office whoae duty It la to Jnforct
the law, who. themselves, disre
gard the law. by.obUInlng whiskey
pledge for conscientious citi
zens, by Mau/ ? Wootl park. pr. si
dcnt.'Natl'ma) League t,f Women
“Believing Id Government by thf
People, for Che People I
First. To Inform myself about
public questions, the jrinciplea and
policies of political parties, and the
qualifications of candid*^ to/
public offices.
Second; To vote according to »j
conscience in every election, pri
mary or final, »\ which I am en
titled to vote.
Third: To obey the law even
when I am not la sympathy with
all its proviait a.
Fourth: To* xupport by all fair
means principles that I approve
Fifth: To respect the right "dt
others to uphold convictions that
may differ from »*.y own.
Sixth: To regurd ray citizen*
hhip ns a public trust.
This ix a nimple pledge but if it.
were taken—and kept—by a ma
jority of the Voters of this coun
try, we ahouli be much nearer the
lo my l Kingdom of Heaven on earth that)
we find ourselves today."