Newspaper Page Text
jL\ . ”~ J ; i
'cnn.sylvania, it was
Vcnrisyfvanith it ifw Icarncil hern
tho honorory degree of doctor of
science from the University of
Monday. Dr. Matheson ha* inary
friends in Atianta\and throughout
the south who will pleased to hear
of his latest honor.
Dr. Josiah U. I’enninmn. provost
of tho university, conferred the de
gree. * ■
WASHINGTON.—Attornoy - Gen
eral Daugherty announced Tues
day that Governor Thomas W,
Hardwick of Georgia had been ap
pointed to membership on tho Lo
gs! Advisory council of tho Do.
partment of Justice ip tho War
Frauds division, to succeed former
Senator Thomas of Colorado who
resigned. f; iL-ir* = ;
Athens Boys and
Girls Win Many
School Prizes
ed into CM Delta Phi, an organi
zation similar , to the Senior Round
Table. J j
, Rose Bush and Hampton Jarrol
were -elected aa members of thr
Htttff of the tracker i^t the ynlve^-
’E, N. C.—Much re-
Bret is beingP expressed -throughout
the Piedmont pection of tho Caro-
linas over the' recently announced
temporary abandonment of. new
construction work by the Southorn
Power Company. The announce
ment docs not relate to N hydro-eIec
trie and steam plAhts already un
der construction, for work upon
these is being pushed, but it doer
mean that ,n<r** new hydro-electric
plants arc to be started In the im
mediate future.
Now is the lime
Big Decrease in Number
Of 1 Defective Children
Seen in Report of Super
intendent Bond.
to enter the Bed Seal Shot
contest, and win a fret pair
of famous Red 8cal
Shoe*. Ask your dealer for
an entry blank today.
J.K. Ortr Shoe C*
Look for the Smiling Red Devil
You always know a Can of genuine Red Devil Lye by:
the smiling red devil on the label. It stands for a lye that
you can depend Upon to do the hard, rough work. For twenty years
ft Utf n Wben thtt. standard for g<*ad lye. Ask your grtfeer for the can
with the red devil labeli, Write for Fred Booklet.
Wm. Schield Mfg. Co., St Louis, Mo*
' A remarkable decrease in tnc
number-of defective eolnot children
*7 r.hown* In the annual report of
lipertatundent of Schools O. a
Rond .for the year just endirtg.
Th.‘ table below was prepared
by Dr. J. D. Applewhite who has
subject in ethics; ISO; Bert Michael
scholarship 560; /. p. Conally
scholarship for excelont work lr
Georgia History, $100; Elljph Clarke
Chapter of D. A. it prize, $5. *
Harob^ Patterson won the fololw-
Ing prizes awarded at v the same tl»m
W J. Bryan iwize for the best ea-
say on our government, $50; Jos
eph Jacobs prize for- best essay op
i>r. Crawford Long, -$50.
Rose Bush won at the same tlim
the H. B. Russel] prise of $50 for
the best essay on some subject tr
Psychology. -
D.'W. Ryther, Jr., won the medh’
given to the best drilled cadet in
the' Unjverslty.
Charles Bickcrstaff won a oup
for making the best jump in Chun
C, in the Cavalry unit at the Uni*
Joseph Jarrell won a ct|p ha beat
pointing rut how the defects can
be corrected.
An efort was made In the early
spring to get the children to take
Immunizing doses of typhoid vac
cine find I feel that a very credit-,
able showing was made as 637
children took the three doses re
quired for this, r. Rond reported.
"We have also endeavored to
have the law, requiring vafcclna-
tI6n against small pox, enforced nnd
t believe that practically all^chlld-
ren attending the public schools,
nre now vaccinated. The good re
sulting froin the enforcement of
this law la Ahown In the dimppenr-
ance of smdll pox from the city.
There has not been a case report
ed slnco June 1922, that developed
In this county.
bowing results of examination ol
school children, Athens nnd Clprke
county, 1920, 1921, 1922.
1920 1921 1922
Ineffective teeth..- 66.75 66 33.4
Underweight ........ 33.8 $2.9 30.3
Thfost defects —30.9 28 19
Eye defects -— 18.25 6.7 5
etsnho •'This table deals only with
white children as this is the first
Keep the tiir 'tmmd the Horn
/HTy\ Alive/
labor, etc., would be approximately ,
25 per cent higher than the love’ (
of prices prevailing wtym contract: ,
were let for the Mountain Islam*
and Dearborn stations, and juat ,
about double the Oosts prevailing ,
at the time the earlier plants o*
tho company were constructed. f
It was found Impossible to con 1
struct a plant at present costs anj> 1
■ell the power produced at prevail
ing prices. Inasmuch us the com
pany has no authority to Increase
rates the only course left open foi 1
It was to postpone its construction 1
work until such time as building
costs and rates are in such rela- 1
tlon that reasonable earnings could *
United StatesTiresr
am flnArlTirac r
are Good Tires
confirms it !
Why not make home
the coolest place In
town with live, fresh
air from a G-E Fan ?
You can run a G-E
Fan all day long for
the trifling cosf-af *
fair cigar or a soda.
O.f a O-B Fun
Old Resident
We are very sorry ttist wo have
not been able to let our friends at
home know what We have been do.
Ine. but we have been ae busy get
ting everything In shape, that we
have had time for little else. A
person who has neverbeen to camp
will not appreciate the great amount
of work to be done before thing!
can be put in^ood running order.
The Minor League opened sev
er-’ days ego. Gerdine ie now
leading the league by-a good mar-
Near Death
“I had not eaten food for 10 days
nnd was slowly starving to death.
Given up by five doctors,' I tried a
bottle of Mayr’s Wonderful Rem-
edy, which gave relief at. once. I
am 75 years old and would have
died hut for your wonedrful medi
cine. The jaundice is all gone and
I am gaining appetite apd strength
every day." It Is a simple, harmless
preparation that removes the ca
tarrhal mucus from the Intestinal
tract and allays the inflammation
practically all stom-
Y our end liisiasm over “USCO” perforpv
ancc won’t surprise the motorist who knows
the fabric tire field.
Every 30 x 354 fire user reedgnbes “USCO” as
a*value to be respected and to be investigated.
The users of “USCO,’ 1 know it as a money’s
worth that came before the public as a leader
and that has maintained its leadership.
/ “USCO” is made by the same people .who
make Royal Cords.
numtor of yehrs,
Tho Purified and Refined Cslomsl
Tablets That Ars\Free From
Nausoa and Danger.
You have always tbought'of calo
mel Tut th* ^est and surest medic*no
in the wor|H. but too nauseating
for you to take. That was the old-
stylo cnlotne*. Now science has
robbed calomel of Its nntlsea and
danger; with >ut detracting in the
slightest from Its liver-clennsing
and system-purifying effects. The
next time you are bilious or con-]
stipated ask for .Calotaba. Sold
only In 'trade-marked packages.
Price Jen cents , and thirty-five
cents: One tablet qj bedtime with
u swallow of water—that's all. No
salts, no griping, no. /nausea, no
1-use no more current ifasoa sinole hunp
Athena Engineering Co.,' Athens, Ga.
Elberton Machine Works, Elberton, Ga.
A Wander
which cnusei „
ach, liver and intestine* ailments,
Including appendicitis. *Jne dose
will convince or money refunded.
For sale by all druggists.—Adver
gin ,but he has a couple of strong
contenders in Crawford and Tats.
At present Gerdine seems to have
the. best chance for tho pennant
but the dope may be upset ut any
.foment, us the season la yet young.
Standing of the clubs not includ-
Atlanta Savannah
f! Where to buy USTiws
Morris Yow, Athens, Ga.
C. W. Pittard, Wintervillc, Ga.
i New Schools For
Negro Children
' Made With Fresh
Sweet Milk and Crisco
a new kiivui uuiiuiii* *«•
groes-ln Newtown will be cbnstrtrct
ed by the Board of Education it
was decided Tuesday. At the same
time it was decided to ask City
Council for a lot on .Easy street
for the purposo of erecting a school
building for negroes.
Crawffrd _
1 Tate, F. C.
Morton.. ^
Read The Banner "Herald ^.Want Ads.
After a hard fought eonteat, Met!
defeated Mapp 7 to «. The winning
mil f-.’l till! frt tho nlntfti Innlni. mm
run came In the ninth Inning, u
a result of bad Judgement on the
part of the losers. It seemed tc
the spectators that Mapp' would,
and*should have won, but fate
ruled It Otherwise. Mapp’s tram
played great ball, except In one,
or two instances, when their opptm-'
ente put across their winning runs
The playing of both Infields wat
good. Tho slick outfield account-,
ed for the poor showing made by
the fielders of both, teams. There
was some beautiful hitting' done,
and UcU’a home run featured the
game. The pep and spirit or both
teams was remarkable.
"Records for the Major League
have not been compiled yet.
Or-MwdUl Jeerfr Jmtapti-fim Mh-t*dh dim.
ttU h t* mmtf-tu mail if tunhu /tnuoaiiaa
anintUtt ofmoM umtntt
mm, our tenon It r,od,lo pULMIUM'littiUi-
millJruittd—torly mjimn, and full tf Mil—tit re-
rnltvpoptr/trtilhtlion undatml count
Beating the Boll Weevil
the wqevil hasDeeacontrolled—how cotton is grown at a profit . '
by fertilizing liberally and dusting with Calcium Arsenate,
rpHE weevil has been beaten by con- On 57farms, twice as much' cotton or more
I elusive tests on 237 farms and in 43 was producedper acre on the dusted side
X different Southern counties., On of the field. The gain due to dusting was
each, farm, tests were conducted upon ten 295 lbs. seed cotton per an average
acres of uniform land -l *“ J1 *- —The entire result
fertilized and cultivat
Upon the at
"L'x-l.' Fabric
punday several (tartlcs «;nmc up |
and paid uk a vtalt. All oiir quests
seemed delighted with the camp,
knd pleased with th^ work that »he
camp Is doing. We art glad to
have visitors' at any time but they.
are especially invited tq comu up
on Sunday. * >
We want our friends buck harm
to know what we have ur- here, ond
the weevil, , half * g CSt j onson cotton cultifre under boll wee-
was dusted with y j| conc iitions—telb-how you can beat
her half was not. ^ wccvil> - ;
npleteand accu- . ■ . •
s records were Theseexhaustivedemonstrationswerecon-
t. Ti\e increase ducted by our own Service Department,
ield ranged from but upon actual farms with farmers doing
to more than \ r the work. This booklet which gives the
1 lbs. seed cotton correct methods and all the facts will be
acre. ~ sent free upon request.
Agricultural Service Bureau
, Home Office: Richmond, Viroinu
. Atlanta, Georgia |
Calcium Arsenate.
(he parenu of the .eempere.
Shrine Pictures Extra
Feature At Palace For
* Wednesday’s Program
This is your chance to equip Vour
lowest prices they were
car with Kelly Tires at
ever offered.
*Vention that was recently held In
Washington. D. C., will be ‘shown
at the Palace theatre Wednesday
and Wednesday night in connection
with tthe Katherine MacDonald pic
ture that la being offered at the
place, it Is announced by tht^tpau*
ngement. * \ J IT l A Cm 9
The Katherine MocDonald offer
ing for Wednesday i» auld to b*th«
Motorlife 03
Cor. Prince Ave. and Meigs
’E.-S. Sporting Goods
Wasnington and Lumpkin Sts.
beat picture in waJq*«K Mac-
Deaald ban ever played. She Is-re
puted to be the beat looking woman
on the American screen today. ^
i N