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expectant mother* I
rfcen the Littlh Ono arrives, you.
have that moment more free
ngrring than —**
p,rhatM Imarrfl
... . Friend.*
C. J. Hartman
hut with my last I
children I used
r*i Friend-and bad’eniy a mrrss; we
, time to yet a doctor bessutei wasn't
j-k-only nbout ten or fifteen min-
U« “Mother** Friend’* u our tnoth-
i rrandroother* did. Don’t wait, start
•r.i meanwhile write to Bradfield
tor Co*. BA 48, Atlanta. Oa, for a
hstratrd book containing Information
r - rl
THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1*2*^,
.^ATgeWB. GJEOROtt ■'**'*”
Olfic. 1201 - By MRS. ALICE ADAM8 — R«« 832
iffhe Grady Avenue Social Club
ras moat delightfully- entertained
Monday afternoon. June 25th a’.’
the counter hofcne 6f Jfrtf C.‘ E.
Sinims near Bogart.< t ) j ! ] - ■ 1 < :
Not only did Mrs. Simms Invite
the members of the club but their
children as well which tells with
out utords of her generous hospi
tality. The guests motored
aeslson, Mrs. J. E. Wood extended
a most cordial Invitation to mem
bers and families to spend the
end for July meeting at her moun
tain home at Lakemont which was
unanimously accepted and plant i nn<1 Miss Ruby Crowley who show
mode | for the trip. At this time flowers in the pathway. They
Miss Aslls Head ? hang "Beckuse”,
she was accompanied very sweet
ly by Miss Lillie Mae Thomas after
which blended m Mendelssohn
wedding march. At this t*'.ie the
bridal party appeared. Miss Lucille
Porter and Louiso Lowe., They
were dressed In white organdie and
carried a beautiful bouquet of '*111-
lira. The bride’s maids were ac
companied by the groomsmen. Mr.
Joel Porter, Mr. Hershai Thomas,
Mr. Ben Porter, nnd Hershal Bar
nett. Then came the two floweij
girls, little Miss Selwyn Porter
trip. At this time
the guests were served a delicious
Ice course.
Assisting Mrs. Simms in enter-
\nlng were thre* of her lovable
aers, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Vaughn.
'and were received on the specious an<s her very attractive
porch which was beautifully deco ** " * # * ** *
Good Dddge'Truck
A Real Bargain
Conolly Co.
rated for the occasion, shaded by
groat oak trees and fanned by gen
tle winds, enjoying the music of
the rippling waters of Barber
Creek, two of the most delightful
hours of the club's life was spent.
While the entertainment of the
daughter, Miss Hasel Simms.
Thursdaf will be red lettsr ' day
at the Elberton Presbyterian
church. Beginning at 10 o’clock
the young people of Athens Preshy-
older ones progressed the children * ery ’ under the uspices of the Wo-
were delighted with the privilege i man * Auxiliary will asesmble for
of wading in the waters of the, < * ay,,,, conference. It is estimated
creek after which they were treat- n * > °ut 200 delegates will tye
present. The following Is 'the ten
ttttlve program:
Song Service—Conducted by
Capt. Slaymaker.
Devotional—President Y. P. Lea-
EXACTLY as pictured. To the person
seeking*chaActer furniture at moderate
cost, we recommend careful investigation
of this suite.
THE finish is a’f cautiful duortone walnut,
which makes one of the prettiest in our
rather large collection of dining room fur
IN size,'it is well suited to most modem
48x60, server 18x34.
PRICE? Well, the price is low—just how
low, we arc going to keep for a pleasant
surprise-Avhen you come in to look.
]f/E will say this much—a $21 cash pay
ment is all you need to make—the bal
ance can be arranged in weekly, or month
ly, payments.
Dorsey Furniture Co.
Welcome Addre««—Ml«s Beth t J “l y ? 2nd '
Duncan. * ta *" fc *"
Iieihonae—Charles Hand,.
Officer* Report.
Message—Mrs. Paul Holliday.
Special Music.
' Preparation for Service—L.
were'followed; by the bride,
TullisiChandler who came in
arm of the ferities maid, Miss Gracr
man Mr. - Longrle Hardlgree. The
bride was beautifully dressed
white crept de chine and carried
large boquet of lilies and roses.
The bride, Miss Tqllle Chandler
was Installed as president of th<
society nnd the groom Mr. Bonnie
Bray as vice president in the pres
ence of a very large audience.
These young people ore loyal, en
thusiastic workers and the comlny
year’s work seems to be very prom
revival at bishhoo
The revival of the Flut Christ
ion Church of Bishop will begin
on the fourth Sunday morning.
Missionary Address—Rev. Hoyt
Miller, Missionary \o Africa.
Appointment of Committees.
Intermission—Lunch served in
basement of church.
Reconvene—2 P. M.
Song 8erv!ce—Capt. Slaymaker.
Roll Call and Reports from Of
Special Music.
Mrs. Audley Morton on Church
Report of Committees.
Election of Officers.
Coll of Church to Young People.
—Rev. Wm. Huck.
Installation—Rev. E. L. Hill.
Mrs, l>nest Woodruff gave a
large reception Wednesday after
noon at the Druid Hills Golf club
In honor of her two daughters, Mrs
r»«onre Woodruff nnd Mrs. Robert
iWoodruff. The guests were
reived In the wide terrace which
leads down to the wooded slope
overlooking the golf links. Tea
was served here at small tables
graced with flower-filled baskets.
Mrs. Woodruff was aslsted, by
Mrs. Charles Wlnshlp, Mrs. Elian
beth Wlnshlp Bates, Mrs.' ‘George
Walter. Mrs. Ben Sims, Mrs. W. M.
Hfirf, Mrs." Clyde King, Mrs. Georsfe
Ralne, Mrs. Hugh Scott, Mrs. Joel
Hurt, Mrs Wlnshlp Nunnally, Mrs.
Bolling Jones, Mrs. Harrison Jones
Mrs. Charles Bickers taff, Mrs.
Fred Foster, Mrs. Albert Prichard
Mrs. Beverly Du Rose, Mrs. Ewell
Gay. Miss Sarah Hurt, Miss Hasel
Hodgson, of Athens, and Miss Clara
Belle King,
Several hundred gueata called
during the reception hours.—Con
The Christian Endeavor Society
of the Biahop Christian Church In
stalled their officers for the com
Ing year on lost Sunday evening.
The Installation waa very effective
being carried out aa a mock wed
The wedding took place In the
church which waa beautifully deed-
rated with ferns, lilies find daisies
At the opening of the ceremony
Bible School
’clock and preaching-at 11 by the
I pastor. Rev. E. R. Clockston, ol
Griffin. Rev. Clockston Is a con
secrated. faithful leader and always
I hais an Inspiring message. Christ-
, Inn Endeavor will be at 7:46 and
* j preaching at 8:10.
This church hps planned a great
tho fifth
New Shipment
Wool, wool and fibre and silk, in
all new colors and combination
$2.50 to $7.50
Sale of Children’s
White and Colored Voiles,, Or
gandies. Pitted Swiss.
Special Price $1.48
tresses $3.48 .
One lofciHouse and Street Dress
es, Crepe Gingham, Percale,
Satene and Table Damask $3.48.
Special Sale Hose i
Ladies’ Full Fashion Silk Hose
$3.50 Value $1-98
$1.75 Value for $1.00
Colors black, brown and white.*
New Showing
Ladies Felt Hats, Prices
$4.00 to $10.00
Colors grey, sand and wood-
Silk Pongee 95c yard
Natural Jap Pongee, 12 momme
. , first ^
in * Choice95cyard' '*
Aluminum Sale $1.00
For Saturday Only
t 306 Pieces Quality Brand
Aluminum, values to $2.00
• Choice $1.00
Davison-Nicholson Co.
two weeks revival
Sunday July 29.
The- following program, will be
Bible School 10 o’clock.
Preaching 11 o'clock.
Ladles Aid 12:20 o'clock.
Dinner served in basement of thr
church 1 o'clock.
Business Session will be held In
the afternoon.
Christian Endeavor 7:48 and
Preaching at 8: SO.
Everyone Is Invited to attend all
services and lets try and make thir
one of the best revivals Bishop ha§
ever known. To do this we must
nil be prayful, so let.every one who
Is Interested In the work of our
Lord be In prayer.
Look-in tho attic and store room
Get something yellow and some
thing blue
A skirt of red and waist of green
Try to be .the tackiest person you
have ever seen
Admission fee only ten and fifteen
8o come to Bishop and you bet
You’ll have ^he most fun you have
had yet.
For at Mrs. J, F, Porters at ,8:10
o'dock on Saturday, night
Wo are going to have a tacky
party right.
And the next Is Interesting to tell
Foi; each has a chance to be a bell
Aa to the tackiest man and woman,
boy and girl
A prise will be given, ths finest In
the world
And just lots of good things to ear
Get there early and don't miss the
The Sarah Hemphill junior mis
sionary society of thq First Meth
odist church will meet with Lucy
Pound at the home of her parent*
on the State Normal School camp
us Friday aftornoon at 5 o'clock.
Mrs. Woofter, the leader jril| meet
with the'circle. All members are
urted to attend and bring their
dues for the quarter.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladles Aid Society of the BIsh*
op Christian church met at the.'
horn* of Mrs. 8. D. Fambrough on
last Tuesday at 8 p. m. The spa
cious hall and living room were
attractively decorated with
flowers and shaster daisies carry
ing out the color /scheme of yellow
*nd whits.
After the devotional and business
session the meeting was turned In
to a social, during which time a
reading was given by Miss Mabel
Nicholson and Miss Selwyn Porter
A delicious salad course was
rved. Ths hostess assisted by
Mrs. Garland Leslie ’> of Birming
ham, Miss Mabel Nicholson of
Watktasvllle and Mrs. 8. B. Porte*
of. Bishop. ,
Those present were Mrs. W. J
Thomas, Mrs. J. E. Turnbull, Mrs.
Chas Downs, Mrs. J W. Chandler,
Mrs. A. L Milelr, Mrs J. F. Porter,
Mrs. O. L. Leslie, Mrs. S B Porter,
Mis* Anna Cook. Miss Mabel Nich
olson, Miss Dor* Isicile Porter,
Mias Ruth Hlndaltr, Miss Mary Joe
thd most enjoyable oc
casions of the week was a party
given on last Friday evening from
8 to 10:20 at the beautiful home of
MtfuW. D. Bell of Bishop In hon
or Of Miss Luctie Porter of At
lanta. ' Ths house was beautifully
decorated with roses and lilies
Afetr many games were played de
licious ice cream and cake wsr<
Dr. and^ Mrl. E.. L. HJ1J, and
Misses Annie Laurie and Sarah
Hill motored to Elberton .Thursday
morning for the Young Peoples'
rally of the Athens Presbytery.
Mrs. John Hart, Mrs. Matthew-
son and Mi«s Dollie Hart motored
from Atlanta Wednesday to visit
Mrs. John J. Wilkins.
•Mrs. Du Tree Hunnicutc and Du
Pree, Jr., will go to West Point
Monday to visit Mrs. L. Lanier.
The friends ofMr. W. J. Russell
will regret to learn,qI 1
tinned illness.
Miss Myrtle Orymes has retar'-d • judge C. H. Brand has returned
from Atlanta accompanied by Miss from Savannah ana l’ybee.
Hrtel Crymes.
Mr. Lewis Russell who is spend
ing sometime with Mr. W. J. Rus
sell who Is 111 went to Winder
Wednesday afternoon for the Mill-
sap.Russell wedding.
Mesrs. Harris Jones and Richard
Tift have returned from a week’s
stay at Asheville, N. C.
esteemed friend, Mr.
iTl.'’Davison, of Athens, was a
visitor to the city last FFrlday
morning and wo feel that we feel
that we lost a stent Dleasure In
_ . not xeelng him when be called st
Mr«. Paul Holliday secretary of ] Tho News Office. Ho Is Alh
the Young People's Athens Presby- ,ens’ most aggressive and popular
tory. Is In Elberton for the Young! splrlta.—Walton News.
Peoples Rail)*. I ~tfi—
' —SB— ; Miss Julia Flisch who la a mem-
Mr. O. R. Hinton of New York b«r of the Tubman High school
Is tho guest of . Mr. aqd Mrs, Har- ! faculty In Augusta Is teaching his-
old Hinton. Mr*. Hinton and Miss tory at Summer School and Is with
Anne Hinton are In Henderson-, Miss Lucy Bishop on Jackson
villa, N. C. atreet
Mrs. Hammond Johnson calls an!
Important meeting of the Auxiliary
Friday morning In the Oeorgten 1
hotel parlor at 1 lo’elook. A full,
attendance le urged aa thle will be
the but meeting before the con
trrnoon at the home of Mrai J. L
Bird on Wilkinson street at f
| o’clock. All members urged to b<
, .
-PALACI IfmLTomorrow
For Health
Week June 25-30
Importance of meat as a requisite to health
—and especially the importance of meat
from specially selected and healthy ani
mals, ip being stressed this week by author
ities all over the nation.
and City Inspecion
of All Meats
—makes possible the slaughter and sale of inspected native
meats in Athens that is a guarantee of the best grade of meat
and of it being sanitarily slaughtered and properly refrigerated
at our plant and handled until it reaches your market-man.
ti '.I -III . . - '4|V ; - . . f
i ; -iv J N y • '- T i
Has Made Cattle and Hog-Raising Profitable
The establishment of thej^Alrattoir lias* given the farmers and
stock-raisers of this section a market for their cattle and hogs,
and has so increased the demand for native meats as to make
cattle and hog-raising a profitable industry here.
Athens Butchers’ Abattoir
-lipHWiU jg. rjJtW
Athens; Georgia