Newspaper Page Text
• - -
Tablets ro~
dizziness and in-
/ digestion or money back. Ask II
J*‘ Palmer & Sons.—Advertisement.
Q good/^
Service S
T r takes hold. It
grips hard. Its
high, thick, sharp*
. edged blocks put
up a wedge-like re
sistance to skidding.
It it the maximum
safety, traction and
long wear you can
put under your car
—the reinforced,
beveled All-Weather
Tread of the new
Goodyear Cord Tire.
At C—djrem Servlcm Stmt/on
DtmUra im mII end rscom-
‘ ■Ptsnd the n«m Goody««r
Cotdt with thm bmooted All-
Weather Trttd mnd bmek Z
themuptelthstandard ^
Coedncr Strvlet
u to Luke
\ hid-, wa:
ut first
t dr isinj-
at iu»t it
Mrs. W. W. Puryear of
Clarke Very Much Pleas
ed With Market. Short
Bean Crop Feared. .
Money derived from the sale of
fresh vegetables at the Athens
*urb Market har kept her family in
staple groceries since May 5, Mrs.
W. W. Puryear of the district by
that name told a Bannor-Herald
porter Thursday morning.
Mrs. Puryear’s daughter had nn
automobile filled with produce tnc
first day the Market opened des
pite a downpour of <rain. Since then
they have visited the Mark** every
time it was open selling on an
average of $10 per week.
“I think the Curb t Market is
splendid," Mrs. Puryear said. “Wo
never sold vegetnldes and produce
fie fore f be Curb Market and what
wo hate realized from the sales
took the boy’s
in carried thei
Mont through the dam
could find out
k" ‘Harris wa
on a hike but
ered that Curolin Brand
(was stopping in Lokemont.
For the past three or four day*
y»e have been entertained by a
wild fait over the Jake and some
of the hoys found his cave and all
sorts of bones where ho had killed
animals to eat. liut now for the
present he is giving us a rest.
Bust night W. T. gave a treat tc
the boys that could swim by bi
ting them go out on the bcautifu'
moonlit lake in the canoes.
There wil Ibe the big swimming
meet this afternoon for which tin
winner Will get chicken.
to a joint session of the house and. fore much depend, on fnture week
senate Friday at noon and he is ex~ J development. Vaanwhile weakness In
varied fey the profiteer.
Then its railway facilities are
ample and convenient, the Tallu
lah Falls railway running through
the county north and south and th*>
Southern railway pasing through
the Boutlfern part of the county for
some sixteen miles east and west
Its products are apples, peaches,
truck growing, dairying and live
stock, ail of which industries arc-
making groat strides and advances
The county is checkered with fer
tile farms and has a splendid class
of white citizens.
Will Oppose Plan to
Use Army to Help in
Dry Law Enforcement
(Continued From Pag* One)
“A j *1 ill Vi j", t--\ THURSDAY. JUNE 28. ■
pected to touch on important mat-, th® stock market and uncertainty of
ters facing the state at the pres- • government crop forecast next Mon'
ent time, principally the tex ques- day has'to b® reckoned with,
tion and other measures *hat he
has advocated, including a reorgan
ization of the Department of
Agriculture and an audit system
for the state.
Saturday Governor Clifford
Walker will be sworn in as the
Habersham Grows
More Prosperous
(Continued From Page One)
Habersham county was laid out
by the Lottery Act of 1818. This
county was named after one of
the Habershams, but which one we
, _ ^ it 4 cannot say. Clarkesville was named
of our little surplus has been that. after 0ov c k n«,r John Clarke and In-
i~*,. •• corporated in 1832. It is most do.
Dinner 50c
V* ip-table 8oup
String Beans •
i?. Boiled Irish Potatoes ,
Stewed Corn *
Apple Roll
Roast Lamb
Muffins and Biscuit#
Coffee, Tea or Odittr
50 Cents
Supper 50c
Fried Calf Liver and Onions
Hominy Grits j
Cream Mashed Potatoes
Vegetable Salad
Hot Biscuits
Broad pudding. Bread Sauco
n*ffo€f, Tea or Milk
60 Cents
much extra.” vui
A delegation from tlio University I Jig’n'tfuTlv situated near the soutli-
of Georgia Sommer Sehool visited wegt bank (lf , fl( . g 0 q„<, 0 river and
tho Curb Market Thursday Inaalr- (ts t , eaut y | s increased by the pic.
ln K as to how It Is being managed I turesirao rt-amliruT of tlm.'-BU'r-
and th- results obtained. Mrs. rolindjU g country. And just here
Uesslo Troutman, market master. , et me statl , t j, a t son ie ol the
hold a short conference with them. _ roatcst statesmen, jurists and
One student, who Is Interested in soldiers Georgia ever prodtrjed.
curb markets said sbo would try, came from thes0 m mintaln conn,
to have ono established In her tie,, and Habersham lias turn I s'oil
Its full quota. Within by rocoD-jc-
homo city when she returns.
•Mrs. Troutman said Thursday
many new housokoopers nro seen
ijq the Market each day it Is open
ed. She also pointed edit I hat tho
bean crop is liable to be cut fdiort
on account of tho boctln and ad*
vises housewives to buy them
while they lust and can them for
future uso.
Sales continue very satisfactory
and consumers as well ns produc
ers are well p.eased with tho re-
sits of tho Market
tlon I will mention such men as
Judge A. S. Erwin, Judgo Logan
K. Bleckley, Garnett McMillan,
Hiram P. Bell and others of Ilk.
high character and renown. And
to find a pore, unadnlterated one
hundrxd per cent American, you
must go into tho mountains.
1 have tor many years visited
Clarkesville and know most of Its
older f-Mzcns; so It was with es.
pedal .Jteroat and pleasure that
1 halted in that town on my trip
to Turnervlllo. But my brief stay
watt made ' most pleasurable by
meeting Mr. Singleton, editor and
owner of that splendid weekly, tho
Tri-County Advertiser, and who
extended Mr. Davison and myself
especial courtesies. I met In tho of.
Hen his charming llttlo daughter
tho youngest and fairest llnotypt
opomtor In tho South. This paper
la doing a splendid work not only
for Clarkesville but likewise for
Habersham and other sections
announced that he would move the
following resolution later In the
“That tho proposed increase of
the British air force in competition
With France is a prefab to a new
ora of war, and the labor party
calls on the parliamentary labor
party to offer every resistance, de
claring it a crime against humani
ty to promote this now race In
armaments within five years of
the late war which tho peoples of
tho world hoped was the begin
ning of an ora of peace, and de
mands that an international con
ference should immediately bo
called by Great Britain for the piir-
p» se of eventually a'tolisliinr by i
international agreemont all air
•Meanwhile at Derby, the Earl of
llirkonhead lu an address declared
that if ho understood tho facts
right the government’s proposals
would still leave England with 300
airplanes less than would lie at
the disjmHal of France. However,
ho accoptod tho government's
statement thnt if tho present pro
posal did not prove adoquato it
ould ho rectified.
state's chief executive in the gen
eral assembly hall of the capitol
and will immediately deliver his
address, expected to be a general
one touching generally on the
questions he championed when a
candidate before the people. t
Following his inaugural the com
mittces of both the senate
house will be announced by
president and speaker and f
codics will g«H uown to busine*
Rev. J. II. Little of the North
Georgia Methodist Conference wa;
named chaplin of the House with
Mrs. Nita JJraselton as postmls
following which the House
’adjourned from ten thirty until
’> eleven o’clock, at which time th
House and Senato were to meet in
a Joint session to canvass the r
turns of the last general election.
Weevil Slain As
He Crouched in
Cotton Plant Bud
(Continued From Page One)
The local cotton market closed
out at the same level as the JVed-
nesday close 27% cents.
Open High Low Close P.C.
. .. 23.60 21.16 23.60 24.05 23.59
. .. 27.00 27.36 27.04 27.30
Men’s Palm Beach and
Tropical Suits on sale
Friday and Saturday
Values to $18.50
Big Reductions on
Men’s, Women’s and
Children's Bathing
puitB. •
Abe Joel Sons
"Self* Good Goode At Popular
The big boys league is Just go
ing fine now In tho first game
Carlton Mell defeated Armond
Mupp Jn the ninth Inning 5 to 4.
Tho second game Mapp defeated ’ whirti it circulates.
MrII In tho eleventh, eleven to
The third game was won by Moll
nine to right In the ninth, which
goes to show that theso two teams
are pretty evenly matched.
The llttlo boys longue Is led
HOLCOMB—Woodie Sue, tho six
year old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Holcomb, died at the
home of hpr parents on tho Dan-
io’sville Road yesterday at 1:15
p. m- Besides her parents she is
survived by four sisters and two
brothers. The funeral will be to- __ __
day (Juno 28th) at 4 p. m., from; tb« Ninth District A. & M. School
the Baptist church. Hull, ~
clsrkesvillo has always been
good buslnoss town, and alter
noting the advance in the country
through which wo passed, I was
prepared for tho progress made
in that flno town. Sine# its first
establishment Clarkesville was a
popular summer resort, and before
the war between tho states the
largest slave-owners and planters
of tho low country would spend
thjlr summers thore. It had a high
class of citizenship, noted for tholr
refinement, culture and hospitality.
But slnco my last visit to the
*oVn strides liavo been made, and
no place In Goorgla la advancing
raster. Tho town has now city
water works and sewerage, aleclric
lights and power, three miles cf
concrete streets and other 1m.
provements. It is tho location of
uiv uapiiBv cuurpn. nun. Gn. In- {. B nd four miles north la tho Pied-
terment will be in the Hull come- mon t College. Clarkesville Is tho
t«ry. Rev. Frank Chandler will natural irate.wav for tho mountains
officiate with Bernstein
fwixiral home in charge.
natural gato-way tor tho mountains
of Northeast Geogla and Western
North Carolina, and with tho fine
highways now building and radiat
Wild! PUCDV unvrUITDTO ,n * out ,n ove fy direction you can
WnbntVtKl nlUVtnUKiO.from ">»t town reach every point
'of interest in tkat beautiful and
romantic region. No earthly power
can retard tho growth of Clarkes.
vlUo and It la destined to becomo
Lame every morning, achy and
stiff nil day; worse when It's damr
chilly? Suspect your kldneyr
and try the remedy your neighbor!
use. Ask your neighbor!
Mrs. Joseph, Lee, 215 William?
St., Athens, says: "It was about
a year ago I had terrible pains in
my back every time I moved,
Hhnrp pains cut through my back
and I had a constant, dull ache in
my back. Many times I became
dizzy and black specks darted be>
fore my eyes. My kidneys won
Irregular In notion. I heard o!
a’s Kidney Pills and when I had
used about two boxes I was feeling
like a different person. 1 was tree
from any distress in my back and
my kidneys acted properly. I can
praise Doan’s to anyone who wanti
to nsk me about them.”
Price 60c at all dealers. Jkmf
simply ask for a kidney remedy—
get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same
that Mrs. Lee had. Foster-Mil- supnl-
burn Co.. Mfrs„ Buffalo, N. Y.—Ad- white'
ono of the greatest summer resorts
in the south, a/* like who the ag
ricultural and •Nlustrii.l develop,
ment of, tributary to and surround
ing country will make of It a fine
business center.
Habersham corunty Is the home
of the Georgia Power and Hallway
company’s development and
Clarkesville Is near the center.
Then Habersham baa one of the
lowest tax rates of any county In
the state and which is a great In-
ducement for tho establishment of
manufacturing plants and to In
vestors. Unlimited power Is right
at hand and the surrounding maun.
ta\ns furnish an tnexhaustable
t of .splendid and reliable
labor. living la very cheap
there and this Is one spot not In-
ented and home made syrup mix
tures havd been used in the fi^ht
•so far—thnt is. while tho Insect la
In the hud. It will bo more diffi
cult to kill the Insect from now or
and Mr. Flrof rocetnmtnds that
each fnrmer Vlth a cotton crop
map out bis program of warfare
If tho fnrmer has a chance foi
making more than one-third bale
to the acre It C-I pay him to dust
with calcium arsenate according
to government method. Mr. Firoi
states. In order to do this success-;
fully he should.
1. Posse?* enough arsenate to
control the Weevil which mennr
from three to five ippllcntlon us
ing from flw to seven pounds of
Tho dusting 'must bo done
with good equipment.
Dust c ary four days until
weevil Is under control.
4. Dust either at night, at dusk
* night and when tho dew Is on
the plant.
5. Dust when ten squares out of
one hundred in a given area are In
This method, tried In 100,00 acre*
Inst yen'.’, resulted in Increase of
average of 500 pounds seed cottor
per acre, he said.
Those t'\o cannot purchase cal
cium arsenate will bo urged to bo
gin to pick squares when they
fall and destroy them and pus?
cultivation of the crops.
Open High Low Close P.G
Jtta 23.47 23.H4 23.47 23.81 2.1.27
July .. .. 27.12 27.77 27.12 27.74 27.08
Oct 23.80 24.38 23.80 24.33 23.80
Dec 23.45 23.98 23.44 23.93 23.37
11 A. M. Bids: January 23.52; July
27.45; October 24.07; December 23.65.
Open P. C.
3 l-2s
First 4 1-4* ..
Second 4 l-4s .
Third 4 !-4s ..
Fourth 4 l-4s
Victory .. ...
SepL .. ..
July .. ..
iuly .. ..
Sept. .. >♦
Highway Department
Placed Under Fire in
Second Day’s Session
(Continued from pago one)
la and two from the state at
Mr. DuBose explained the pur-
>080 of the committee would be to
told public hearings at which any
individuals, corporations or other
organizations desiring to be heard
on tho general subject of taxation,
could state their case. Any bill, or
amendment to the constitution,
which the committee might intro*
duce, would have to take its course
through the proper committee be
fore presentation to the house, he
Strong opposition to this rosolu
tion developed, led by Representa
tive "Stovall, of Elbert.
Other members of the house in
•peaking against the resolution
said that it was too early in the
session to tak- up such’ art impor
tant matter »l ‘.he tax question.
According to Mr. DuBose the reso
lution was tabled at hi> own re
quest and was not voted down.
Governor Th^nas W. Hardwick
will deliver his farewell message
poc» Cola 75%
Kcnnlcott Copper 32%
Industrial Alcohol
Pan American ..
Austin Nichols ..
Southern Ity
U. 8. Hugur ......
Amc. Tel. Tel.
Market Gossip
Received Over F. J.
Linnell & Company’s
Private Wire
NEW ORLEANS, Ln. — Liverpool
was due 10 to 14 lower |>y New Or
leans. 6 to 16 down by New York
most on hew crops
Southern spots Wednesday
unchanged to, 50 down; Dallas 10
lower; middling 27.40. Sales at Da!<
las none; all told 2,167 against 397
Some more monthly private condi
tion reports due in advance of Mon
day’s government report, some per
haps today.
If the weather remains favorable
Inland, marct may be lower tempor
arily, but likely have another bulge
before bureau report Is issued, there
fore rather buy especially bn depres
sion for the present.
Spinners taking for week Friday
likely bearish again. Returns will
ngnlnst 203.000 last year and
219,009 In 1921; were only 126,000 last
There is the danger erf a drouth
developing in Texas as aome sec
tions already complaining of want of
rain. Meanwhile temperatures art
rising in the southwest, and if mois
ture Is not had soon In Texas, re
pqrts of deterioration likely to follow.
If anything serious hapiieris to Texas,
excitement is likely' to be experi
enced In market. On other hand if
rains visit Texas In near future and
If weather Is more favorable else
where ln belt crop outlook would be
more encouraging and a lower level
of value may bo witnessed. There-
This letter tars been mailed to
all members:
Dear Buddy: a
Friday night, June 29th, at 8:3C
o’clock, at the Georgia Hotel
will be the time and place of the
last meeting of the Allen R
Fletnlmng Post No. 20 at the
American Legion before the
Every member is urged to be
present, as most of the commit
tees will be read, .
Every member of the Post
must register at the Georgian
hotel Monday night or Tuesday
morning and receive a badge
This badge will admit the mem
ber tree to the Ball Game and
Fireworks on the Fourth and
the Dances Tuesday and Wed
nesday nights.
Mrs. R. S. Pond, Misses Alice
Rowland. Marie Glbbetts, Mary
Pond, Winifred Orr, Elizabeth Orr,
Donald Douglass, and Fritz Orr,
Thomas Glenn and Malcolm Lock
hart, Jr., of Atlanta motored to
Elberton Thursday for the Young
peoples ’Rally of the Athens Pres
Barely Recognized by
Friends, Says Mrs, Ford
All merchandise bought
Friday and Saturday will
be charged on July ac-
mTMWnMMMUU C0Unt due August 1st.
All Kinds—
Cammelo Peaches No. 2%
3 cans for $1.00.
No. 2% Brownie Brand
Sliced Pineapple 42c.
Just received fresh ship
ment Buntc’s Satin Finish
Empire State Creamery
Sliced Boiled Ham
Ox Tongue
Dried Beef
1 Philadelphia Cream
Heinz Pickles
Potato Chips
Sunbeam Tea 85clb.
None better for Iced Tea
Schlorer’s Olivenaise
Schlorer’s India Relish
Duke’s Mayonnaise and
Curtis Sandwichola
Sunbeam Dill Pickles, 33c
myself to ent n little somethin ,
had to KO through awful ,ufferln K
with a painful, burning feeling i n
my stomach that caused me a world
of misery and lasted for hours t
kept losing weight all ' the
my nervfs were In euch a
tered condition I often had
up nlghta and take something
quiet them, and scarcely ever got
any restful sleep.
“On my second bottle of -r„ n .
Inc my appetite returned and I be.
gan to eat and digest anything 1
wanted. With this Improvement I
was encouraged and kept right on
taking Tanlao three times a dav
faithfully and within three month.
I was feeling ketteg than I ever
did In my life. ! now get pi, nl ,
of restful sleep, have gained back
all my lost weight and strength,
and my household work. I, a pleas,
pre. I have recommended Tanlac
to many of my friends, for i know
it to be a wonderful medicine.-'
Tanlac Is for sale By all pn 0 q
druggists. Accept no substitute
Over 37 million bottles sold,
with much trouble that I ever got t — - —
through my tasks about the house ! Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Na-
lost my appetite completely, ture’s own .Remedy for Constlpa-
never had the least desire for food,| tjlon. For .sale everywhere—Ad-
and when 1 did manage to force verlisement.
Declares Improvcment
Made By Tanlac Was
Wonderful — Overcome
Indigestion, Nervous-
, ness And Insomnia, She
States — Lost Weight
“It was while living temporarily
In LSGrange, Ga., that I took the
TanlSc treatment .and it brought
abou t such a wonder ru I improve-
meift In my health that when I
came back home my friends hardly
knew me for the same woman 1
was when I went away,” declared
Mrs. Walter F. Ford, of 1636 Third
Av'e., Columbus, Ga. Mrs. Ford hat-
lived In Columbus twenty-six years
gnd is highly esteemed In a wldt
circle of acquaintances.
“For about three years I suffer
ed terribly with indigestion and fi
nally got into such a run-down,
nervous condition that it was only
of broken lots, but of high grades,
and in all sizes from 6 to 11 ,
$0.50 Pair
“The Daylight Comer”
Comer of Broad and Jackson Streets
Red Feather Scratch
Laying and Growing
Use Red Feather and get
best results.
We allow 3% Discount for
Cash and Deliver.
Read The Banner-Herald Want Ads.
\a can't FOOL -YOUR. WIFE* a GEORGE muporo production
j thr. I;xtr .or: ry Engsgement Thursday and FFriday.
Soap should be used very care
fully, If you want to keep your hair
looking its best Many soaps and
prepared shampoos contain too
much free alkali. This dries the
scalp, makes the hair brittle, and
ruins it
The best thing for steady use Is
MuUUied cocoanut oil shampoo
(which is pure and greaseless),
and Is better than anything else
you can use. •
Two or three tetspoonfuls is suf
ficient to cleanse the hair and scalp
thoroughly. Simply moisten your
hair With water and rub it in. It
makes an abundance of rich,
creamy lather, which rinses out
casibf removing every particle of
t*”-. +mA excess oil.
Thilkk* evenly,
and it leaves the scalp soft, and
the hair fine and Silky, bright, lus-
trotu, fluffy, wavy, and' easy to
You can get Mulsified cocoanut i
mstre, utHi'a tew ounces will -
r every member of the family !
Ail Welcome
Beautiful Hosiery to Match
All Shoe Shades!
We heve Juet opened our Hoilery department with a
complete stock of Beautlfiil silk and Lisle Hotlery to
match all choc ahadee. Price* ere low. •
Clayton Street
Ilf- 11 b NEW
■Over lOO
| Smart Styles