Newspaper Page Text
fLAgs flying cm
ens Legion Post Held on
Eve of Big State Con
Spicy Program Arranged
For. Delegates. Great
Crowd Will Attend Ses
sions Beginning Tues.
tvhh American flags Hying and
bunting and decorations giving the
city a martial appearance Athene
ia ready (or the meeting of the
Georgia ' Department of Jpegion*
naires in their threq days’ con
vention here Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday. * ’
' By Tuesday morning half a. do*-
Body of Former
Athenian in U. S.
(By Associated Press.)
GALVESTON—The Shipping
Board vessel Brave Coeur, with
the bodies of Captain J. N.
Neilson, Supercargo J. J. Per
ry and wireless operator A
Glalser, arrived in quarantlm
Saturday. The men were killed
by second officer S; Settos, who
later committed suicide.
Mr. Glasler is a former Ath
ens boy and related to Leo Got-
thelmer of this city.
Athenians Will Take Part
in Program For Legion-
aires on Georgian Ter
race Opening Night.
Miss Ma Nita Bulloch, talented
Athens girl and her commltee, com
posed of Miss Moina Michael, F.
O. Miller. A. T. Levle, H. H. West
ly Tuesday morning half a. dor- and M| „. Annle May ’ Holliday, I,
n ba»d«. a«»eral drum corpa and • ataff)n a beautiful pageant of llv-
nany ht« delegation, trim the .larg ,„ g plcturt8 llB a t of the enter .
■r .cities of the state will hs mak- talnment for „
ing things ‘‘hum" on the streets
while the boys who chased the
kaiser out of his castle In Berlin
to a place of seclusion In 'Holland
Com. Bodnsy Cohen and his aides
the days pf 17-18 and 19.
Commander Rodney and his aides
arrive Sunday afternoon from Au- 1
gusta and will be here ready to
welcome the delegates end visitors
along with the members of the lo
cal post when they begin gather
ing Monday. Headquarters have
been opened at the Georgian hotel
and the delegates and visitors wll
register there. ,
One of the biggest meetings ever
held by the Allen R. Fleming post
was held Friday night when final
details of the meet were discussed
and the committee heads reported
Everything wa# announced in
readiness for the “xero hour'*.
The large automobile committee
was announced at this meeting
The members of this committee
meet all trains bringing dele
gates and drive them to the Geor
gian where they will be assigned
to a room. eltfaeMd th« hotels or in
private, homes. /
Spicy programs have been ar
ranged for every day of th? con
vention and no tiresome long wind-
nuun son. ■ Mi
sessions will be held. The J H \yest
e Km alin.f nttrf fi#!(V- ..
talnment for the American Legior
convention that convenes Tuesday.
These Living Pictures will b<
seen Tuesday night, the Initial
night if the meeting, at 8:45 from
the terrace of the Georgian hotel
the “screen” having’ already beer
put In place. Twenty presentation:
will be made ns follows:
1. “Bleeding France,” Mlse
Carolyn Vance. ,
2. ‘Call to Arms,” H. H. ' West
Garland Huime, K. ,C Heslop, IV
D. Paschall.
3. An illustrated reading, "Be
hind the Guns," Miss Ruth Con-
i yers, illustrated by IT. 'H. West,
Miss Holliday, F. O. Miller and' A
L. McCoy.
4. “8entlnels of Civilization" H
H. West.
Christmas of 1917. the “Greai
Givers" Mrs. A. L. McCmr, Judge
H .8. West, John J. Wilkins, Jr.
In connection with this picture
Miss Klnnebrew, another talented
Athens* girl, wllj sing “Holy
«. “Rose of No Man's Land” Miss
Martha Holliday.
7. "The- Canteen -and ffyi.WM
Elizabeth Rowland.
8. “Doughnut Olrl" Lieutenant
May Morris of 'the Salvation Ar
9. “The Armistice," He Kept
the Pledge, H. *H. West. '
10., “Victory! Hhightlng Her
Son." Miss Carolyn Vance and H.
Treasury Secretary Says
U. S. Will Continue to
Confiscate Whiskey But
Not to Harm Captains.
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON. — Andrew Mellon
American Secretary of the Treas
ury, who arrived In London Fri
day night on the Majestic, told
newspapermen here Saturday the
United States government had no
intention of relaxing its attitude
regarding the confiscation of liquor
a board incoming liners. .
He saw no solution: of the prob
lem until Congress met, he said.
Secretary Mellon reiterated his
statement that the United States
government had never contemplat
ed seeziing foreign liquor carrying
ships or detaining their captains.
Ho said he expected to see the
British government officials, but
informally rather than officially.
He added he had no Intention of
discussing the debt problem or rep
peeches will b* abort and d.Hv-
red by Kim of the lending men
nd women of the elate and ration
Imminent amonir them being Qov-
rnor Clifford Walker, Senator
falter F. George, General Frnt t
Hlnee, head of the Veterana’ Bu-
sau. Dr. Barrett, head of the No
onal Auxiliary, and othera,; prom-
lent In etate and local Legior
Irclee, ,
In addition to the .peaking pro
rams the Legion haa arrange*
mny feature" that th
ubllc will be Interested In.
e Fourth of July another Pro- ■ betb Mitchell,
•am will be itarted on Sanford ) 17 „w e shall Remember Them’
leld. At 4 o’clock the Unlverelty Mnry Hall of Augusta.
— —i— *a. mine, of - - '’Decoration Day’’, Mr*. A.
... "His Guardian’’—the Ameri
can Legion, Ml"* Carolyn Vanq?
and H. H. West.
12. "Oh Boy!" Mr*. A. L. Mc
Coy, Judge H 8 Weat and J. War
ren Smith, Jr.
It. ’The Lost Battalion," H. l H
-Weat, Garland Hulme and J. War
ren Smith, Jr.
‘The Veteran".’’ H. H. West
and A. O. Elder, one of the World | .f-,00.
Woe tha other of the Civil War. ’ ,J|„
Twenty-Five .Hundred
Whipping Parties in
Oklahoma Stirs Gover
nor to Action. '
(By Associated Press.)
planation of why'Governor Walton
Is determined to put on end to
mob outrages In Oklahoma and Is
ready to use military force if .nec
essary, was made Saturday by the
executive secretary, Aldridge Blake
who declared “whipping parties"
throughout the state during the
past year have numbered at least
HONOLULU, Hawaii.—As a sweetheart sbe wasn't much. She
was too expensive. i
But she was nice and plump and (endor.
So they ate her.
And it all happened In the year 1923.
Sombre drumbs of the FIJts rumble down through the savage
centuries in the story of blood brought here by I). A. Curl, of
Pasadena, Cal., who spent ten months on scattered South Sea isles.
The cannibals are fn jail at Suva ft waiting trial and the girl’!
head is evidence against them,
“This is the tale as it was told to me,” said curl. “Two ypung
FIJI men who had been keeping company with a girl got together
and talked the situation over. One had snont 20 shillings on her Md
the other 40. They thought she was hardly worth it. ' ’ v
"So they decided to end the matter by killing and eating her.
They had beard the old men talk of cannibalism. They bound her
to a tree and built a fire.
“ ‘Cut off the piece of flesh You like best, said one. The other
started to do so, but backed but Well,-I'll do ft/ said the other and
cut off her head. Then they roasted the body and feasted upon It
fn the manner of their ancestors.
“One of the young men talked In his sleep and soon the whole
village knew of the affair. Later the head was found,
“And the old men nod theij* heads as they discuss tlio case,
recalling the old days when whole tribes wcoe wiped out and the
bodies of the slain smoked In earth ovens for the victors' feasts.
" ‘Nobody went to Jail then/ " say the old men. “ ‘They old
days are gone. Aoowalf They come no more/
War, th. other of the Civil W—.
"The Doughboy Spirit," H
H. H. West, May
am, playing under the colors of
then,, will meet the strong team
Dm Elberton and the game will
followed by daylight flreworka
Me feature te to be even m r ‘ .Wilkins,
sclnating and attractive than It [ 20. Grand. Finale,
ia last year when the public was orche ,tra will play.
pleased -with’ the dteplay. Manyl —
1, "stunts" have b"en eecured fot
Is year and this put of tha pro-
(Tarn to pigs eight)
Blake said the estimate' of the
total whipping wa« baeed upon
report" received by the governor,
eome from hie official representa
tives and other, from victim, #f
Since the governor opened hie
is. "Decoration miy , " drive on mob violence last’ Tee* *
L. McCoy, Maybeth Mitchell, with ; dliy by pacing Ocmulgee undei
another nolo bv Ml"" Klnnebrew. ; ,-Mnl in,,,, letters telling of mot
genera H Weit.
r> " 18. "Mere!
heth Mitchell.
Committee Appointed to
Investigate Plan Decides
to Wait Until Next Year
to Seek Change,
Consolidation of the Athene and
Clarke county health -boards and.
placing that work under one man
aging head will not be attempted
this year, it waa announced Sat
urday. ,
A committee, appointed by a geo.
oral meeting Friday night met
Saturday afternoon and, atter con-
sfderlng the matter, decided there
is not time now to edveHise the
proposed bill and have It passed
by the legislature.
ThiB committee waa composed
Dr. 3. C. McKinney, chairman of
Athens Board of Health, Of* ‘ ~
AppIewWS, county health co:
sloncr, iMayor George C. Thomas,
Alderman J. H. Rucker,( J. H.
Orlffeth, - chairman of the county
commission, Tate Wright, county |
The committee waa appointed by
a meeting held Friday night over
which J. T. Pittard, of WlntervlUe
presided. -Speakers at this meeting
voloed approval of the plan to unite
the two board! for the purpose of
making It poeslble tor the health
work to be uniformly conducted In
Athens. and other Incorporated
towna In Clarke and the rural dis
Dr. McKinney explained a bill
which would have provided for a
board of ifx members, a chief
health officer, assistant, bacterio
logist and secretary. The bill would
place the sanitary coots under su
pervision of city council. .
The city and county would save
money at well as obtain better
health regulation, by combining
tbe work. It wa, pointed out
L. McCoy, Maynotn auicneii, wim ; dtty by facing ucmulgee unaei
another solo by Mies Klnnebrew. ) nU irtJal law, letters tilling of mot
IS. "My Best Girl," Mrs. J. J ; activities haw. been muring in
OxTIItrlna. in., tho ovooiiHws Rtiku said.
Ir. J. W. Webb
Buried Saturday
Phe funeral of Mr. John W.
ebb who died in Chicago Thura-
y was -held from the Central
Mbyterian church Saturday af-
noon at .6:10 o’clock. The ser
ies were conducted by Rev. Dr.
r ^artledge. Interment waa
Oeons# cemetery with Dorsey’,
serai directors In charge,
rhe following named apted, at
llbesgera: *
Active J. M. Wodgaon. Dr. J, V
und, .Prod. H. B. Ritchie. JudaV
Ron Thomae, Walter Child, and
of A. Rhodes. Honorary: H-- B.
irdy; ,J. T. Dudley. O. A. Mell.
of. Peter Brown, Guy Carlton
. D, L. Earnest. I. C. Rucker, J.
Hart, Bud Wier. George H. Fir*
he body of L. C. McMillan. Lo-
apperlntendent of- International
(cultural Corporation Plant
e, who died here Friday morn
from wounds* self-inflicted
1 sent to Spartanburg, S. C..
ly Saturday morning for ln-
nent. ,
n inquest wse held over the
y and tha Jury returned the
llct that death resulted from a
let wound self Inflicted.
IcMillan besides hta widow • If
rived by four children one t
y four mdnthe old. They are
e. His mother lives In Spar
,urg. Dorsey’s was In charge
hipping the body.
ttvillee hawpbesn wrarli
. ,i,it the executive, Blake said.
Haughey s 1 Disclaiming any Intention to
'leave the lmpretslpn that cases ol
molf violence In the state have
'.been the work of "any one organ -
| izatoln" the governor's secretary
j added that while the outrages
: could not be traced directly to on<
organisation he believed moet of
them could be traced indirectly.
Tulsa county has averaged onr
whlplpng a day, while Oklahomo
county hoe had aboiit one a week,
reports Indicated, the secretary
said. ' _
Aged Athenian
In Accident
Traverse Jurors For Spe
cial Term Drawn. Civil
Cases Monday. Chapman
Aides May Be Tried.
Federal court will convene herrj
Monday morning at ,10 o’clock The many (rlend> 0 f Mrs. M
with Judge amuel H. Sibley pro- I oillelam. of Athena who fell and
elding. .fractured her hip early Friday
The civil docket will bo taken up ; morn | nB w'll be glnd to learn that
for trial first, according to Deputy. . , reported getlng along ulce-
U. S. Clerk Walter G. Cornett. ,
Trial of Dominick Dtdato an.’! Mr , oilleland started out of
Abe Stlversteln, alleged aides 0, | ber yard early Friday morning ah*
Gerald Chapman, •’millionaire han* * f(jll ()n tbe . b ew"!k and this cause
dlt’’ will probably take place "‘Hf'f J [be f rIlctur e. she was soon taken
time during the week, Judge Cor* k gt ary .. Hospital. Mrs. Gills*
nett stated. [ land eighty-two years old.
The traverse Jurors drawn foi w■
dU George K^AtaeTeiTith-|First Cotton Bloom
ard e. Haii. Arnoideviiie; winiam • of the Season Comes
9* Skelton, .cagneartiie. Thomas^ Beacham’s Farm
Man Transported 145 Gal
lons of Whiskey to Mad
ison County, 'Found in
Crib, Says Agent.
'Armed with a warrant charginj
elation of t the national prohibi-
law win
General Palmer
Pierce to Speak
Here Tomorrow
!■■■ . 1 ■ .
President of National Col
legiate Athletic Associa
tion to Address Students
and Citizens Monday.
General Palmer B. Pierce, XT. 8.
A., president of the National Col
legiate Athletic Association, now
stationed In New York City, will
address tbe students of tile Uni-
! v.-rr.Lty Summer School and the
citizens of Athens, at Hba Uni
versity Chapel, Monday night, at
8:15. and again oh Tuesday morn,
ling, at the same place, at eleven
(o'clock. His subjects will be
“Ideals in Athletics” and tbe "Need
of Physical Training In Our
General Pierce organised the Na-
Itlonal Collegiate Athletic Associa
tion twehty years ago, and has
'.been the president without Inter
ruption ever.since. Even while lie
was In* France,. rendering heroic
services for his country, he still
remained its' creltdeot. Few men In
the United: States have done more
to build up 'hifher Ideals In ath
letics than General Pierce. He Is
Nearly 1,700 At
Summer School;
More Expected
Entertainment Program
Is Fine, Two Thousand
At Friday Night’s Pro
Uferer 2,000 people, most of whom
were Summer School students,
crowded the' University Octagon
FVday night when a general as
sembly of the University Summei
School was held. The "Y” hut en
tertained Saturday night. Monday
night General Pierce will speak at
the University and Signora De
Fabrftis and Mrs, Oran berry will
chra a Joint -rcrt'.tal at the Normal
School. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodg
son of Athens will give a recital
Tuesday night at the University
chapel. Nearly 1700 regular stu
dents had registered up to Sat
urday morning. Registration con
At the entrrtalnment Friday
night 60 gallons of ice cream were
served after the program of
speeches and music which was as
America, Georgia.
a” rlpo scholar and a man of hlgh Barrow ’ t,DlversHy oI
character. V . • Hf?S a!
The National Collegiate Athletic
Aasociatlon 1» th© most powerful
Strap Used By
Whipping Boss
Weighed Pound
“Black Auntie” Was
Name of Flogging Strap.
Witnesses Testify in Ta-
bert Case Saturday.
(By Associated Prate.)
LAKE CITY. FI*.—"Black
Auntie,” the strap used by Thomas
W. Higginbotham in whipping Mar.
tin Tabert, weighed only one pound
•nd eleven ounces, B. W. Duffll,
former employee of the Putnam
Lumber company testified la the
Higginbotham trial Saturday. He
sold be did not.know where the
•trap came from before It we*
in law federal officers yester-
Anaorinuon is roe mo» pswiw
were • searching for Charlie , ltbleUc body 1n this country. It
' M!d | 0 hav * caried 145 *ai •fa the rTganjxxtion that makes the
of ^lsloey to the home of J mire for all sports, football, bea-
le Benton In Madison count} Iketball, track, etc., and Is an^ or-
s aanization composed of more-than
jrnlng and. according tt Q hundred and fifty of the lead-
>nt Officer L. M. John- institutions In Amertca—Har-
-noted rum hauler. jvard. Yale, Princeton, Virginia,
Iskc-y waa confiscated in Georgia, Chicago, MHanezota, Iowa
rib at the home of Ben- ( California Otc. • ^^e
4l v „ . . ‘1 An urgent inv&tatlon Is extended
thVee miles beyond HulJ itbo clUxena of Athens to come to
on Monday
and forty.three tin cana and twe! apeaxer on a euoject tliat should
tht , | bn of vital fntereafc to’ all’dttecna.
JugB held the whiskey which iya« iG*» nQra i TierpO la making this trip
hidden beneath a idle of corr \ from New Y ork to make these ad-
shucks. dresses. *
Benton was bound over to t i General - Pierce wftll he the guest
federal grand Jury under ».««' « “• a^twol
bond. He Is under 12,000 bond a fact Quaere! p, eroe l8 com lng to
present for other alleged violation: I Athens to make these talks on the
of the prohibition law, it w#i! invitation of (Professor Senford.
...... who Is a member of the Executive
, ..... . ... ki- Committee of the National Col
in addition to the big haul in assoclation
Madison caanty thirty-one gallon, 'V Executive Committee of the
of whiskey was found by Athen,( goutJlern Interco |i es tate Confer-
police In. the loft of a building oc flnce be p re>en t on this oc.
cupled by shlmmle Marbta a n «-j ra . lon . Th,, commlttoo consists of
gro. He was no tound CT.ef o , - V.'^fttoford. president
M. Soule, Agricultural
College, 5.
Pres. Jere M. Found. Normal
School. 6.
•Rounds, led by Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
F. Cranberry 6.
Miss Cob|s—Readings from La
nier 6.
Signora do Frabrttis, Vocol Solo.
Dean Strolling: 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Granbegry—Plano
Reception and refreshments on
(3y Associated Prate.)
“Rev.” Roy Davis Said to
Have Lived Dual Life in
Georgia and Texas.
(By Aisoclatad Pratt.)
MACON, Oa.—Reverend Roy E. reform* highway department In
Davis, president of tho Georgia iyettigatlon, and cstabliHhment of
Farmers Union, was removed from state port,
office at a meeting of the execu-
tlvo committee of that organlza- ! 8hortiy after the Introductiop c
tlon here late Saturday. • , bills on these iesucs the house ad |
In connection with the removal Journed until 11:30 o’clock Mond.i
NTA—Clifford M.
Walker, of Monroe in as*j|
suming the office of. chief 3 ?
executiv of Georgia Saturda;.
pledged his administratior
“to the betterment of living n/t
conditions, physical anc f' '
moral; to the cordial co-op t
i ration with any commissioi >,
tx other organization in tht J
Berious study if these prob :
lems” and “in finding the so »
lution therefor."
In his inaugural addresg
Governor Walker declarec
that he recognized that tht
enactment of a fair and stab
ilized tax system was th,
first problem confronted bj •
his administration, anc j
urged the co-operation o: i
the people in solving the eco |
nomic problems of the state j
On the question of law enforce
rnenf, he uttered a plea that thi ]
people of the state respect
laws and bring their grievancq 1
before tho legislature through 1
their representatives for correc
Governor Walker declared tha*/. ,
majority of the people have et |
>ssed opposition to the tX3 r
jaJJzatlon law and that
ty of the legislature ts to ' _
mve. “Tbe Ishfatelttf
urse thsn promptl^'^ifti
>n to the enactment .0
a more satisfactory substitute t"
fore it completes the labors of
year," ho added.
Cylinders tho Georgia legislatin' 3
was set lntf* swift motion Saturda f
by the inaupuigtion of Clifford
Walker as governor and Introdu
tlon of bills bringing to Ike fort]
front the anticipated fights
V<1U nn.'i ». » ’ UUUIWU, (.rtoiuvu., in UUUUCUUOU WIUI IIIO IGlIHJVai |4 r
„"*’ **, n " l ':Dr. J. B. ’Crenshaw, ot Georgia it waa announced by tho executive rooming after nn attempt t„ a.j
Moore, u . commlttee thnt , t ha4 been found [ journ over tho fourth of Jul|
that Dayla hart been leading a dual (ailed. Committees will bo - alj
‘ ‘ in 'fexaa and Georgia. nounoed In both the House
Senate Monday.
rnrnli'i.on and U ‘john M< Curry '"mart. Schno1 of Technology; Prof. C L. remmlUeo" thatTt hart bean found I J°>yn «*•' too fourth
f ma<U |Haroof Auburn; Prof. D.H. Honry
of Ciemson, and prof. W. D. Dough,
mid. by omcer Sson Sherlfl.^y Ol Unlverelty of Tennessee.
Hall of Madison county, Elmer Mc-
Canon and officers Williams
Kidd, Detectives Sengraves an<*
Bailiff Huff of Clarke county.
According to Officer Johnson
Nix brought the whiskey through
Athens Friday morning early, hio
it in Benton's corn crib and left
for Cleveland, Ga., for nnothei
load. Officers waited for him t<
return until early Saturday morn
ing and were on the lookout foj
him all day yesterday.
Another Killed
I n Moonshine
The exeuuUvo committee an
nounced that It had been found by , otJ
Ita Investigators that Davis had ABOLISH
been ronrioted. of the charge, ol P0RT COMMISSION
cheating and swindling In Wise I .t'. ’ . . J5V
hcounty. Texas. In 1917: that hai . Amoy thgdood of hills
came to Georgia and took the name tb . m p
of “Profesaor Lon Davis,” singer, the abolishment of the lorts a
j&lr Ac^r a P /.‘toat 0f he ^ra/’or r
.Time Bomb Used By Ger- rater, and that he had deserted • Savannah. .
I mans As Reply to Stiff- w * ,e aod fQUT c ^ drep - : | a bin providing for an lnconj
ening Regulations, It Is
DUSSELDORP. — Nina Belgian
Ilf „ • in soldiers ware killed Saturday by an
W Sir 111 DHITlct explosion of a time bomb in a pat
Negro Killed 'By Liquor,Ruhr.
leave home from the
A. Skelton, Athens, Vincent Mat
thews, Athens; James H. Lowe,
Bishop; James H. Burton, »*/ 'nta;
William F. Dorsey, Athens; Earl P.
Burt, Crawford: Thomas L. Elder,
Athens; George A. Shirley, I’nw.
entitle; Edward J. Crowley. Wat-
klnsvlUe; Albtn M. Center, Ath
ens: J. Henry Lyle. Winder; John'
T. Baker. Danlelsvllle; George L.
A. Almond. Eiberton; Charles R
Chandler, Athena: George W. Join,
er, Athens; J. F. Whitaker. Ath
ena; Sol Boley, Athens; Win. A.
Crdne, Athens: Edgar Uty. Ath
ens; Thomas L Mitchell, Athens,
Albert L.. Rowland, Athens: Albert
tour months oia. tney era Aioen. ^-
m. CalTlt!.. William and Myra L. Harjer, Athens; Win. H. Paul,
.... .a cn»_ * _,-• w ParlrAP Carlton.
Apalachee: W. Parker Carlton.
Union Point: Jesse n. Bice, Com-
tTurn to page alght)
The Ilrst cotton bloseom of the
1923 crop in Clarke countjr was
brought to tha Banner-Herald of
fice Friday. It was a perfect
ly formed and healthy appearing
blossom that cam* from the cot
ton acreage of Mr. W. D. Beach
am’s farm.
Mr. Beachsm. it said has used
Hill’s Mixture exclusively thl,
year as a poisoning with which
to control the boll weevil, and that
he has been unusually sueessful
is indicated by the fact that tha
first cotton blossom of the season
exhibited In town earns from his
acreage. The bloseom waa on a
perfect square and showed no signs
of any weevil damage.
cers Information. Cre-i The rxptoiion ia regarded in mill
ate* Rio* Spnaation l tary c,rclta htp# the o« rman **-
ares Dig sensation. lpJy t0 ■ t atlttenlng ot occupattor
“ • j regulation* j In tha Belgian gone
lgnBq . MOBILE ALA—Another mn r-!« l "™ toe killing of two Belgian
/ T. Hendrt and Samuel Ux- der In South Alabama, alleged to ,,,1 f 1 ' r * ** M *f'. J*''”™ 1 d
Inrston testified they would not have grown out of moonshine acti- “ nd * l *“ thought It was “fried out
Sd?ev? J M Tyson a rtite wit- ViUes, Is now being probed, by state ^ ‘ho same organization that m-
M„ on oath law enforcement officers, in ad- rang.d an ewloslpn that kilkal twe
ne™, on win. rfltinn tn thnse in Chactaw countv. German# In the waiting orom ot
tlim'nlThe wa» •ccording to information secur^ the Wel.haden Nation thl. week
uonv «aw ne wa. wcveo wna b . Saturday. It l« announced penalties are tc
J'* 1 ?, The scene of the latest crime. I Germane In the waiting room of
which the officer* believe to have: occupaUon for the outrage.
W. P. Chevous. the been earned by giving of informa- 1
‘rm"™ irvMts/an 6 ?Wmllar t ' on whlch re,ulu “ l1 in a raid on a rtpAlL rinimg Mp
Tyson was arrested on a tfmilar u jn COH nty. where DcaUl ViailTlS IVir.
cbtrfe along with Doc Wynn.i_ nee i» 0 Duffic Walker, was called: nv yv m* .■ y
another atiite wltnesy, after they;^ home beaten, and shot* ^V« HL W6£iUlCl*lv
•were served with summons to ap- , nd , eft on the roa dside. f
pear here as witnesses. Both were, Operation of the state officers *. „ T , _ .
convicted and tiwlr release oh- and the Baldwin authorities re-iWell KtlOWH Business
talned by a habeas corpus, so they iu |ted in the arrest of four white- M nn Poaona A wav F.orlv
could testify here. men who were given preliminary , *•BSSeS Away fbariy
States attorney* declare they hearing at Bey. Minette Friday nf-: Sunday Morning; Fun-
will Investigate the arrest and con , ternoon and released on bond of
vlction of these witnesses. j$U)00 each. : eral lOuay.
• The men who are charged with! „ -——• ,
RUSSIAN "EVACUATION” 'second degree murder in connection! Mr- W- H. Weatherly, well
BEGUN BY AMERICANS with the death of the negro, are Known Athena man. died at hi.
—— 1*11 well known, end the af/elr is i home on Dougherty street early
MOSCOW—Am.rtchti ".vacua* 'said to have created a sensation Sunday morning. He had bran 111
tlon” of Russia began Friday with | in the adjoining county, The men (or several month* . He la gur*
tho departure of the first torg» !•» Earnest McMillan. Morton Tay- 'vtved by bl> widow, who was
group of American Relief Admin- lor/ George Feuler, and Feuler.Mlsa Alice Qraer. one son Ben,
Istrttlon workerb for America,
even of them, one with a Russia
bride, left Saturday afternoon on a
special car which travgli by wa<
of Warsaw. Five othera left bv
Riga. , • -
Ask Citizens to
(tax not to exceed five
'waa Introduced by Krepreeen’.atiiJ
v-.;., Wlmberty of Toombs county
My Service Mags Tyinn ot Hc r n t,„h county.
other bill* were to repeal
Citizens of Athens are requested I tax equalization law: for re-dii
by th. Auxiliary to the American \ trlbutlon of .highway funds c
Legion to hang out the service 11)0sI, of road mileage In each c
flag (or the Legion convention; ty. RepreaemutJvc McMtct
here Ibis week. "Honor your | Morion county Introduced
home and your town by the display | Utlon f or investigation of the i
again of the token of rour de-1 highway department and
tender of liberty who went away I reference of It to a commit!
to war" urges ona citizen. . j th , whole hou»e tor a report J
The following poem waa contri
buted by a loyal Athenian on the
service flag:
Dear little star at the window
Ron ot old Glory, born' ot a tear;
Placed away sacredly, will Joy ot
a sigh,
Your slory of service for the sweet
by and by.
Come back to the window and tel]
us again
That the service you rendered wat
not In vain.
TOKIO.-*-AUhougb protected by
a customs duty of 355 per cent *d-
valortm. rhe Japanese tobacco mo.
nopoly held by the government had
g scare thrown into It last month
when the rettens of imports show,
ed that German cigarettes were
being dumped here and being sold
at a price below that charged by
the monopoly.
A cry Immediately arose-for a
further increase In the import duty
or. alternately that the govern
ment should purchase the Ger
man cigarette! or tobacco and re
Stewart. /and hi* wife.
According to the officers, the I Meagre details could not
killing is believed to have result-, learned of the funeral Sunday .tall them through the usual sources,
ed from the giving of information (morning but It was announced that J Imported cigars and cigarettes are
by the negro which lead to the dls- lit would be conducted Bundty hf- Isold In Japan at almost prohibitive
true tlon of a still in Baldwin county [ternoon at 4 o’clock from the horn*.'prices.
Governor Walker's address
In response to the call
sovereign people of "
pearing to take the
high office of Covemor. preci
"Uggeata that I sound the ke
of the incoming administrati
Conditions in our state today :
such that many of our people
weighted with the spirit of p<
niism. I come to you slive
high courage, convinced that
day of a greater Georgia Is
hand to plead with you that j
come out from the shadows of i
spondcncy and lead our peo],
with the power of a confide
tread. Many interests in
seem hopelessly disheartened
people are depressed by flat
conditions, the aftermath ■
world’s war. The ravages o:
cotton boll weevil, the stat*
exodus of negro laborers ga
embarrassment incident b
empty state’s treasury, wj> a
system known to be placing an l
duo burden upon those lasst i
to bear it. but add to the gio
Georgia has stood bv while in I
(Turn to Pas* Six)