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Investigate Today!
To Regular Subteribera
$1,000 Accident Policy Proa
Dally and Sunday—10 Con«a a Week.
Etubllehtd 1832
Dally and Sunday—10 Cento a Week.
Middling W/zc
Previous Close 26/gr
Probably Showere Monday Night
8lightly Cooler.
VOL. 91 NO. 125
Aaaoclated Preaa Service
A. B. c. Paper
Single Coplea I Cento Dally. S Centa Sunday.
Athens Bank Deposits Near Five Million Mark
■M- P -M- -M 1 4—«fr
J. A A r f T T f T
* * " 1 • r
"I* '*1* *1*
Introduce Tax Bill to Help State Institutions
$100,000,000 Estate Tangle
Bill Introduced Monday in Legislature Provides For
Special Stamp Tax on Cigarettes, Cigars and
Tobacco For Benefit of State College,
Georgia Tech and University.
If a (special stamp tax bill, In
troduced In Uto legislature Monday
in passed the University of Geor
gia* State College of Agriculture
and Georgia Tech will be given an
extra source of revenue for main
The hill Is an act to provide fo
a stamp tax on cigarettes, smok
ing tobaccos and small cigars. If
provides for furnishing stamps b:
the Comptroller General and what
manern the proceeds shall be dis
Hepresentatlve Atkinson of Sa
vannah Is author of the bill (along
with Representatives Toombs Du
Bose and Frank A. Holden <
Formeh Associate Justice
.of the Uqited States Su
preme Court Dies From
‘ Breakdown.
General Br
Smith-Hughes Vocational
Teachers Arrive For
Short Special Course At
the University Summer
Leaves Mitchell Field New
York At 3:58 Eastern
Standard Time For Six
teen Hour Flight.
(By Associated Preaa.)
NEW YORK.—Mrs. J. Gar
nett Starr, of Macon, formerly
Mus Annie Camille Lamar, a
grand-niece of two former Unit
ed States Supreme Court jus
tices, was married to Ernest
Trlebcl Horn, a month ago, it
was revealed here Monday.
Mr". Starr was a grand-niece
of L. Q- C. Latnsr, who was
senator from Mississippi and a
cabinet member under the
Cleveland administration and of
Joseph R. Lamar of Augusta,
who was annointed to the united
Arrives in Dayton, First
Stop, Over One Hour Be
hind Schedule Time.
Plane in Good Condition.
Teachers under the Smith- (By Aaaoclated Praia)
Hughes vocational law arrived in , MITCHELL FIELD, New York.
Athena Monday_ for the short —Lieatanant Ruaaell Maughan, pi
loting a pursuit plane, hopped off
course at the State College of
Agriculture. Registration of stu
dents for the Smith-Hughes and
Woman’s Club coarse at the Sum
mer School will run the total over
2,000, it is expected.
Monday the itudenta discussed
home economics and child training
and care. Tuesday'3 program fol
at 8:S8 eastern standard time, Mon
day morning, on the firat leg of hia
dawn to dnalc flight acroei the con
tinent in an attempt to reaeh San
Franelaco tar the light of a
day. The flight was begun L
flood of a dawn of high visiiblity
which held promlae of , excellent
flying weather on the first leg of
the flight, which will end at Diy-
(By Associated Press)
Williani R. Day. former associate
justice of tho United States Su
preme court,, died at his cottage
here at 5:30 o'clock Monday morn-
^Vith him at the time of his
death was hia son. William L. Day,
and the latter’s wife.
The funeral will be held at Cnn-
ten, Ohio.
His death was attributed to a
general breakdown following an
attack of bronehitis last fall Jus
tice Day,.who was in his seventy-
fourth year, came here two weeks
ago and although in falling health,
appeared to be'greatly belief itted
by the quiet and poacefidncua of
his summer home here.
Fanners to Meet
Here to Organize
Marketing Body
'e/«tion td wgne
I. The Nutrition Program
Susan Mt thews.
(a) Hot Lunches—Miss Nannie
(b) Specific Service—Miss Cath
erine Newton.
2- Keeping Yourself Fit to
(a) Personal Appearance—Mias
Matilda Callaway.
(b) Physical Appearance—Mire
Matilda Callaway.
flight, which wiu
—j, Ohio.
Maughan expect! to reach his fi
nal deatination in sixteen bouts
distance from Mitchell Field
Franelaco la estimated at two
thousand six hundred and forty
miles. An average speed of one
hundred and sixty miles per hour
will be maintained, Lieutenant
Maughan stated.
Statements Issued in Pur
suance to State and Gov
ernment Order Show In
stitutions in Fine Condi
1 $1,338,356.62
Winterville Bank Also
Makes Good Showing.
Total Capitalization Here
Amounts to $1,000,000.
Value of a College Background
for Successful Teaching. Dr. A. M.
11:00—Chapel— Vocational Edu- f Major 1
cation—F- E. Land, Director of | | u , n , <■
I ii iln n fin I liiilfri three
day search had been made by air
plane" and patrol boata, following
the report by the captain of the
ateamer Colonial, that he had
lighted the half aubmerged basket
of a balloon in the lake, waa pick
ed up by a fishing boat, which just
ened to run across it.
_ je basket was towed here and
the Right to the coast. ttho body temporarily placed in a
The object of the flight,” said fish house, in charge of police.
Four itopi, Dapton, Ohio. SL
Joseph, Mo., Cheyenne, Wyo., Sal-
duro. Utah, will be made en route
on the night to the coast.
Weaver, commanding officer
Vocational Education. ( transportation in one day by'fleets
!<>* airplanes from coast to coast.
High School Girl—K t. Land. Ii„ the event of an attack on the.
Ways of Improving Home Ecu-; Unjt( , d Statcs by ho!tiu , forcc ,.,. It |
nomics Departments—
(a) Equipment — Miss
(b* Community Contact:
Ossie McEttire.
(c) Co-operation with Homo
I Viii-ujici Uiihll ” sill uuiiig
! Demonstration Agents—Miss Lois
I Dowdle.
I (d) Co«openition with Agricul
ture—Paul W. Chapman-
Plans for handling any surplus , Round Table Discussion,
food crops grown in Northeast
Georgia next year will be mapped C na .:.] Cmtfea
out at a meeting of farmers^ of^ this , OpCCial vOUFSC
Though a thorough search had
been made for the two balloonists
no trace of them was found until
the fishing boat made its gruesome
discovery Monday.
No trace has yet been found of
la at U»*
' ighos
in number of any naffer l<
the state. PavHupdn Lodge,' bavin;
in any more mpmoeni than the local
is J0 filling a delegation of
the first three of the tadge;
this state, more than half th*
total membership of the local lodg
attending the convention.
Little Carl Bales, So-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bales,
Hurt Fatally Sliding
Down Chain in Back
U. \ . duces Joint
Res, ‘ Concerning
Annual Capital Removal
The five Athens banks are in
splendid shape according to thr
statements Just made in pursuant: r
to the call made by thf state anti
The five banks, Georgia.
National Bank of Athens. Amerlc-i n
State, Commercial and Athens Hav
ings banka have a total capital Ra
tion of one mllllor dollars and nil
of theee banks are paying hand
some dividends.
One particular plooalng featu-r
about the reports is the large Sav
ings accounts carried by the banka
Although not as large as It should
be, in comparison to the • savingt
made by people of the New Eng
land and other states, the total
reaches the amount of $1,338,356.62
The amount on deposit subject tc
individual check la $3,656,614.48 and
the total deposits are Including
time certificate deposits and oth
ers, $4,508,811.41.
Carl Bales. 9-yeat-olu son of
r. and Mrs. Jack Bales, 30$ E.
Broad street died Sunday mornini
at 10 o'clock from injuries received
vMle playing in !h*j hack yard of
lie home.
Funeral services were held fi >
East Athens Baptist church
section in the Chamber of Com
merce rooms next Saturday at 11
• o'clock. ,
The meeting will be attended by
representatives from each commu
nity in Clarke county and each
county in this section- The 457
producers who sell on the Athens
Curb Market will appoint someone
from each Clarke county communi
ty and each Northeast Georgia
county to represent them at the
meeting. inty
At this time the Curb Market f
will be organised so Its splendid
work can be carried on and the ma
chinery perfected for the purpose
of finding out what farmers of this
section expect to raise in food
crops next year and lay plans for
marketing any surplus that may be
For Club Women
Opens Monday
will also show, he laid, where prop- Lieutenant Null, the other offlcet:
er sites for the establishing of,who acompanied Roth as an aide,
landing fields may be situated and when the balloon left ths field at
will aid in the development of Indianapolis last Wednesday, on
commercial aviation.’’ j its death trip.
Evidence that Lieutenant Roth
had died from exposure was seen
in the fact that hia head and
shoulders were hanging over the
edge of the basket when the float
ing basket was found.
Identification was established by
the laundry mark L. J. R. on Us
underwear and a ring on the third
DAYTON, Ohio. — Lieutenant
Maughan, In n pursuit plane, whirh
left Mitchell Field. New York, early
Monday morning on a sixteen hour
coast to roast flight, arrived here
at McCook Field at 9:10 eastern
standard time, one hour and thirty- finger of hia left hand which held
eight minutes behind his scheduled a red stono,
time on the first lap of hia flight I
Twenty-six minutes after landing • ■4“ Mher'UlLlf who™t ill
pi.tit mtii.hin innU in bony the other man who met his
_ , . at McCook Field, Maughan took to SJrJL,,, , h „ ... „ a..
Prominent Women Arrive the air again on hia second leg of death In the balloon with Roth has
Here For Summer School, st? jM^h, Mo! ch uk * him 10
Lectures. Registration t The iilane seemed to be in the
Opened Monday Mom-
Thc meeting is one of the most
Important for tho section that has
been planned in many years-
Lectures on library work. horn,
economics, school and- homo im
provement and club Journalism
Monday featured the opening ses
sion of the special course for club
women of Georgia at the Univer
sity Hummer School. Registration
Advertising is a definite part
of tha business. What ia charg
ed to its account should be real
advertising—not the expenses
the individual feels he must in -
fur in order to be a “good fel
A writer in Printers’ Ink lists
free goods, announcements in
picnic and bazaar programs,
and donations to charitable, re
ligions and fraternal organisa
tions as "charges that do not
belong in the adrertising ac
count, although too fraqueotly
pat there.”
The way to Success follows
the traffic rule: Turn to the
eight ind keep straight ahead.
Sat aside a regular time
set aside a regular time
««f, day for attention to your
adrertising. The momenta ao
•Pent will pnt new energy into
all the rest of the day’s work.
for the course opened Monday.
Many jwominent women fron
over the state including Mrs. J. E
Hayes of Montezuma, state presi
dent; Mrs. Alonso Richardson of
Atlanta; Mrs. W. C. Holt, Augusta;
Mrs. W. C. Kellog, Augusta; Mis*
Rosa Woodbury, Miss Carolyn
Cobb, were on the program foi
Monday's exerclsee.
Tuesday's program follows:
Mrs. Alonzo Richardson, Atlanta
9:20 A. M.—Citizenship Training
Miss Julia Flisch.
9:50 A. M.—The Club In Its Re
lations to Civic Questions. Mrs
Alonzo Richardson.
10:20 A. M.—The Club and th*
School. Chancellor Barrow.
11:00 A. M. General Assembly of
Summer School.
11:40 A. M.—Club Round Tnbl*
Club Life in Its Community. Mis»
Rosa Woodbury.
12:10 P. M.—Public Speaking
Miss Cobb.
12:40 P. M. — Parliamentearj
Afternoon Recreational.
Afternoon neerrauona,.
Evening Wree^Wbfrn*
Recital* *•-! / u rti't*.* - /’a’-' i r i
_ am » pae* m _
flight from Mitchell Field, and
Lieutenant Maughan will attempt
to make up part of his lost time on
the next lap.
practically been abandoned, since
the finding of Roth’a body, M It
la likely that the body went to the
bottom of the lake.
The firat alarm for the two men
waa sent out Friday.
The majority of the local Elk:*
will make the trip to Atlanta Mon
day and Tuesday morning, carry
Ing a special band of thirty-piece:
over' for tho big parrdc, which will
be held Thursday. This parade wil
be the largest ever held In Atlanta
delegation* from every lodge in th<
order taking part the parade
which will be interspersed wltHclny afternon at 3:30 o’clock af
more than seventy-flvo band: J which the body was Interred
brought to Atlanta by the varlou; the Boggs Chapel cemetery. Be:
J stein Brothers, funeral dlrectu
In the parade Thursday. :he lo [were In charge of arrangement*
cal lodge will be lead by “the long j The little boys Is survived
and the short of It," Elks Culp, si: * his parents, three sisters and <
feet four and weighing two hundred brother. *He was born in Ja< i.
and eighty pounds walking hand county, his parents removli
in hand with Elk Moon, four feel Athens about five years ago.
one inch and weighing e!ghty*fiv' The little boy was playing i-
poueds. The officers of ths lodge yard of his home and Injured
lead by Exalted Ruler P. B. John nelf Internally sliding do,
son being next in line, with Mayoi y chain. He died in the office o>
George C. Thomas and M. O. Ml- f. c. Holliday from pulmonar
chael, the latter a Past Exaltec* refeson, (formation of bloo<?
Ruler being next in line with th< in the circulation), the ph:
members of the local lodgr march states.
Ing next. Bainbridte Lodge boast- |
of tho largest Elk in the world
weighing 660 pounds. Athens
Lodge lays claim to the other, ex
treme. Elk Moon weighing eighty j
five pounds. !
The local lodes ha* headquarte.- I
out near the 'lec^gla Raptist Or I
phan's Home, rn entire 'touso whief '
will be at the disposal of local Elk
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA. Ga-—A joint resolu
tion for the appointment of a com
mittee of five from the house and
three from the senate to hold hear
ings on the subject of a removal
of the capitol from Atlanta to
Macon, was introduced Monday in
tho house by Representatives Hu-
f ord of Clinch. The committee was
j renort back to the general as-
The resolution was referred to
• ommittee on constitutional
All the banks have strong sur
plus and undivided profit funt'is.
The surplus funds total $1,070.
000.00 and the undivided profits
amount to $616,444.66. The totr;
resources—and liabilities os well -
totals $>,3$3,132.94.
In face or the prevailing condi
tion of the business and commer
cial world tho showing of the hank
statements is considered unusual
ly splendid and Indicates an n
whole the city and section are still
i a sound financial footing.
Total loans and discounts of th*
five banks reaches the figure ol
’menu after advocates of the
for capitol movement were
d in their effort to have
solution referred to another
measure by Representative
A Ellis to create* a conserva-
ommission to care for Geor-
t atural resources, was intro-
* - the houso and referred to
itf *c ! action.
Georgia Summer
School Song
Tho Plttard Bank at ’WInUrvlU*
tho only other bank In county out.
side of Athens also shows a sound
financial basis. This bank Is cap
italized at $25,000.00 with total re
sources and liabilities of $96,861.33
It has individual deposits subJecJ
to check of $24,454.60 and other
deposits of about the name amount
Mother of Banner-
Herald Man Dies
(Turn to Pago Bit)
City “Y” to Give
For Public Here
Local Y. M. C. A. Weekly
Entertainments For the
Public. Athletic Events
to Feature,
The City T. M. C. A. it putting
weekly entertainment! open to
A Series of Articles Showing What the “Cow and
Hog and Hen” Have Done for One Georgia County.
Tho Columbia, S. C„ State has
reproduced in pamphlet form a re
markable aeries of articles by its
Managing Editor on the Turner
County plan- Georgia Association
has been formed to extend this plan
to every county in Georgia and
similar efforts will be made in
... South Carolina. The Banner-Her-
th. public at larg.. A program oljjM ‘^ ou 5? , the „f* ur l££”1 IS®
water sport, ha. boon aranged for *j“ »“!** JT
Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock !SuJJjS*
L-dte. «p*c,a"r are tnvltcd to >* !&' bTiLf ^UtS . nXi
P Th. _hi number of reprints of the State's
srzar&sz for
Tile T. U. C. A. has one of the|, NC0MB F0R BV KKY FARM. '
most beautiful pool. In the coun- BACKBONE OF PROGRAM,
try. The program Tuesday evening ,jgo FANCY FRILLS
will be not only entertaining but
In 1018 Chancellor Barrow of
fered a prize of twenty-five dollars
for a poem worthy to be set to
music ns the recognized song of the
Univrristy of Georgia Summer
School- The following, comi
ing of Dr. Park. Dr. Sanford and
one other as fully meeting the re
quirements. It n>s always been
sung to the tune ol "Truth." In the
Academy Song Book, by Kuoken:
"To win like the fun^ and, steel, and
tho morning.'
From fair Rabun’s
South to Tybeo'a burning light,
From the tawny Chattahoochee
Ta SavannRh’a vntnra hpiwhl
for home consumption; will in
crease the fertility of our lands by
using the live stock and legume
crops; will solve our marketing
problems for the hay and feed
stuff grown on the farm", for we
can sell them in the form of the
finished product—the cream, poul
try and eggs and al« 0 which will
give us a monthly cash income
that will enable us to operate on a
cash basis- By planting only five
of cotton to a plow, we ran
five It especial attention, thereby Passing on the great tradition,—
making an average crop every year • Rich reward of toil and pain
regardless of the boll weevil. The > But to ehare the slow fruition
regular field crops we already \ Of the scholar's heart and brain,
know how to grow In abundanc* O to heed our high vocation,
but the handling of dairy cattle. ” "
poultry and hogs will possibly re-
French and Lord Cecil At
Loggerheads Over Pro
posal tc Bring About
End to Arming.
by Miss Mary Applewhite Bacon. (By Aasociatrd Press )
chosen hy a committee consist- GENEVA—Tho League of Na-
a deadlock in its efforts to bring
about a general reduction of arma
ments. t
The apecis) committee that wai
to draft, for proposal to all Lea-
members, a general treaty to
gue members, a general treaty to
blue-robed that end, with a mutual pact of
To Savannah's waters bright.
Gather «'e in Classic Athena
When the summer days are long,
We whose faith is pledged
We who tova her ancient long.
luring th." iW W*rf %a» acquitted
hen Monday mdittlng after only t
ten minute deliberation by a jury.
t (By Associated Pres,
J’ARIH—Ernest Judget,
with conspiring with the
quire study on the part of the av
erage farmer. For this reason
give the following suggestion in
From all baser ends set free.
Senranta of a mighty nation.
Moulder, of her men to-be I
How cautiously the change was regard to the handling of the dairv (
made and what care waa taken to cattle:
avoid unnecessary txpense may bet
Judged from the advice given by I “1. We/hould milk the my
County Agent Ralls to beginners in
- -fida'pian if adopted generally
over the county will *nd to make
beat class of cows that we art able
to procure under the existing con
ditions. If dot able to buy, «elect
the rary beet that yon now have
Win we past life’s one disaster
Of the weak and wandering aim:
Win like tempered steel vthose
That fine temper wrought In
us Independent farmer*, since we for thi* purpose and begin to im-
»— the necessary thing* *» (Turn to ptge six )
Win w* like the,Sun, rejoicing.'
An the rnetipt hi* way;
Win we like th<? morning, voicing
ie new thought oi God §•$]
Mrs. A. F. Short, aged eavreaty*
four, mother of Jewell Hhort, ad
man on the Banner-Herald, died ;»t
her home near Commerce early
Monday morning. . • m -
. Mrs. Short was the widow of A
F.‘Short, who* waa well known in
that iiectlon. and is eurvived by
nine children. N
Hhe was a good, Christian woman
and loved by all who know h«r
Her long life of usefulness was fill
ed with kindness to others.
The funeral will be held at th*
Mount Olive church. . *
guarantee to give effect to Article.
Tee of the covenant, has failed to)I
accomplish anything. It is divided I
between tho Cecil project f ir n
general guarantee pact, and a|
French substitute providing for ,, _ , _ -
limited agreements between two or'Death Sentence Passed On
m The"succM^'of any ,uch project! Woman Who Murdered
calls for the assurance of security i M an She Lived With For
to such countries as trance l\-„«
Poland, which make It a requisite! Jhlght IcaiS. . .
condition to any reduction in nrma-1 -
ments. The French delegation in- (By Associated Praia.)
sists that the Cecil project for a NEW YORK.—Mrs, Anni Buzzi
general guarantee pact does notjwas sentenced here Monday morn-
give that security because several ing to die in the electric chair dur-
of the smaller members of the ing the week of August 6, for tha
T in u■ ■»1, no iI.nvl 1 nf! Ditn. a/ L'ma^amIxL C:.1
mark, Norway and Sweden, have wealthy
made it clear that they will re-1 whom sh
main outside of it These countries latter livi
League, such as Switaertand, Den-! murder of Frederick Schneider,
" * y contractor of the Bronx,
she murdered last year;
living with him for eight
are not counted upon to furnish.years.
military aid under such an agree-! Mrs. Buzzi was tried and com
ment, but their absence from thcivlcted by a jury here last week,
combination, it Is argued, would and a verdict of firat degree mur-
makc it impossible to apply the der was returned. A verdict of
blockade to Germany, for instance, first degree murder In this state
and, under the League covenant,'carries with it the penalty <* " *
(Turn to Page Six) tin the chair,