Newspaper Page Text
lost—saiford iiiiou’N’s aur Hiiughey & Haughcy, ur
liver colored pointer 1’ete. Phone . ic«>a
1372. Seward for return to 180! P“BI1C
Woodla^n. jll
WANJfED—Boy to carry
papers on Barber street
and Newtown. Apply
Banndr-Herald Office.
hiffhmt prinv f-r any
Junked cars. Auto Wrecking
For Rent—Booms
at Oconee Heights. Mrs. K. 1*.
riH.mH to let. with excellent Wird.
Very rens»mable rates. 2.10 IxxiKb-
erty Street. JlOp
FOR HAW3 — FINK .Ml 1.0If COW.
Fresh in. J. Short, COD College
tenches child
In street traffic Ini
part of education
in this day
l*r. K. flcorge Pay
education at N
told the convention
perintendeiits and
Connecticut In sossk
Highly thousand
find children me!
Ii BABY Car- dent In the United
folding'wire J the last year, the spi
set. All in'this number 10,000. a
ID-J. jl le ( minutes, might have
hy the genera! applli
ty Instruction In
rcfiaon for this
that the doveiopm
civilisation has 1
Intelligence 1ms not
^Installation of s
:15 p lion would require
Uuential changes In
:13 p school curriculum*,'
declared. 'The
1 a,sullies that the tenc
cldcnt situations to
to the school work.
clset:,. Instead of
familiar ‘Now is tin
good men to coine to
party* we can writ
da look firA to th
to the rlgli
"Instead of drawl
shady Wests,
the existence of tli
m oir sf^eet cars,
uy of cmfelng stre
Inst rue
tut Incense
•sent iMildh
I)r. l’ayn*
slmuly as
utilise ac
re .purpoH.
writing eg*
writing th*
time for nl'
he nld of thi
lilng within
child slioiih
—he rlgiit wit;
V »f ffhttltvs oi
A the rlgh
.Sanford Held
asoii ended.
The P.ulid i:
and tin j hav
suniiiicr nc.ihoi
rd ip far.
d crowd rl»<
dworth lev
nt will Ik*
just nbput the
. capable.
1 JLv J
Every fij
fight iu h : m
career. A»tc
decline. It iiu
| aide but the
, {downward.
against the :i n
e«io. He wa;
seme conditio a
od«s wero a
had everythin
to lose, lie
and he was
began that fi ht
one - jrreat
is the peak ol.hre
that he begins to
be i carcely nut le
ad b^ina tj slant
great fight \v u
nieuntain at Tol-
fightiiv; under the
Gibbon*. The
against him. iie
wia and njilting
it \yax hfe chain o
inapired man when
Tommy GILb: u, a three to one I
[favorite to b« knoehca cold by
. Champion Jac Dvrrpjcy, ofteks
throukh lllteci romua. with the
man Killer, an by .so doing gives
rit*o to tcveru idols' on the part
of the follower of fittania.
The fir..t id i that enters is of
course that of, framo-up.' Nothing
to it. Dcmpsi r was lighting and
nutting every! ing he had uchmu
‘eui. lie pu.ii.* ed Gibbons terribly j®o*ending the ------
in several roui Is, but did not haKd w3a . tho n , ,an ‘ v . ho ha<l everything
that extra poi d or two of steam, to wm and no ling to lose,
needed to si p ver the sleep maker , Dei»P«fy ‘ hed the jKf.k when
Gibbons, m dc Dempit/ fight jo fought Wil
• him from a u stance most of the the peak aca
time. When hey did go into a I Ipiilcil
clinch. Hemp: y began to get h
those pile « nv r blows to tne body jJL te
Those blows mi
bins was’I
This time, I mpsey wa* the mar.
itlc, while GlJ.bVus
ows to tne txKiy|'J»ou-ji3. IMIUI
... the reason why I though Dcmpr v
aging on when the {J n u^jerve to
. Gibbons lynch*’
Dempsey. Two
Dempsey Im.,
L'rfite-t fight. .So has
.♦ oa the de-line,]
etlll has enough
ip Gibbons*
ifinal bill lungl i he champion waa j Before Gib] ns gets another
— liiuaMc to put II his mighb behind crack at the tn v, to/show that he
^•*a straight lun kout blow, for tbcjt* really entit! I to It, he should
simple reason that the St. Paul vnnner o the Firpo*WilIarU
fighter ntayed aw-’y from him as‘battle. If he tt ft whippedjthc win
much as posai e and when he did ner he would b entitled to an ini-
see one on it’s ay. Tommy jumped mediate fight v th Dempsey,
like an unto lor . | , “ 7”"
. . Willard and irpo meet next
Then some link that Gibbons Thursday in Bo lea Thirty Acre,
had been great ? under-rated and [the scene of th Carpcntier ni3s-
that the rhamj >n was ovcrconfi- ,aa ]. ard Hght to pick,
dent. I'crhaps lat div have sonic- Willard ami irpo meet next
thing to do wltl it. [ the r,n tf *°«, w 1 he opposed by a
However, Gib ms. day in and‘y° un £ man. Th old man packs 11
day out. could » >t put up such a! terrific wallop, i rdoca the young
Ififtht ai be did®gainst Dempsey. |^ r mnn- Many link Firpo is the
ilT rsonally to us i seems that Gib- j hardest j n the ring. Poaiibly
; was iight<n{ an insplrel bat-1 J 1 ® Wllarl
"tie. He had everything to win, noth- though a bit lus
,ing to lose. Ha knew the odds champion is no
was hi« one f>e won on poir
entire career, be a draw. A
r by, and tht R*
he waa stillI.Willard hashhe experience and)
Gibbons|the brains. f^K mind works faster]
great chance of
As the the rounds i
crowd marvelled f‘
on his feet and
slow. Firp_
r than the former I
d desmo i him- J
mean knock-'
ighi. It will not
Neither will It
‘kout will settle
Human nature in the mas i is
iry much like human natui j in
tl c individual. One of its d mik
n nt characteristics has l>een um-
n id up in the observation, ‘(You
! miss the water till the well
dry.” We never appro |ate
mental things until we ave
on to do without them.
i observation has a spi cial
ation to the Demand of the
for the products of in us-
While the demand was at
;ide and everybody was b isy
; to supply that Demand 11 a
no one, seemingly, gav a
[it to Where the Demi id
from, how long it might h it,
at would happen if it sho Id
fail. Wc merely assumed the p im
manent existence of the Demand,
just aa wc assume the presence if
water,\iir, and fire.'
But d day came when Dema id
began tn subside, and in rtiany n-
dustrie.s It came almost to a f ill
stop. And then we missed it, a id
realized, us never before, what an
[ Published by The
The American
important tiling it was. And we
began to inquire where it came
from in the first place, an 1 how it
might be restored.
Wc always knew — cv jrybody
knew—that Desire for thin ;s made
a Demand for them in the market.
That people desired thing we ac
cepted us an elemental fa :t. But
when we discovered tha Desire
fluctuated we began to a{ predate
that Desire, as we know it, is a
thing created by the art )f man.
It is a highly specialized form of
an elemental need—just a a Louis
XVI chair is made out tit i tree.
This discovery led to another
equally important discov ry that
the means of refining am special
izing that Desire was Ad' ertising.
The gigantic work that l as been
accomplished by modern idvertis-
ing now stands out in bo d relief.
It has been U19 means b ^which
the refinements of ci ilization
have been made known a id made
desirable, and'this desire las been
made into Demand. It is a simple
fact that a million ] rofitable
forms of industria 1 acti ity owe
their very existence to the fact
that Advertising upheld t le stand
ards off living which in I am pro
vided the (Jemand. for tl eir pro
ducts. ^
ner-Herald in Co-operation With
ation of Advertising Agencies
. f l-M i