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About The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1923)
Invntlgit* Today! To Regular Subecribero THE BANNER-HERALD *1,000 Accident Policy Freo THE BANNER-HERALD Dally and Sunday—10 Cento a Week. Eetabllahed 1832 Dally and »«nday—10 Centa a Weak. Investigate Today! To Regular Subscribers TUB BANNER-HERALD $1,000 Accident Policy Free vou oirNO. iso Associated Press 8ervlca ATHENS. Gs* SUNDAY, JULY IS. 1923. I B. c. Papeg Single Copies t Coats Dally. ( Cents Bdnde ^ FORTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY MICHAEL’S Established 1882 Once every year, in July, we launch our Anniversary Sales, celebrating witii you our Business Birthday. Our appreciation of the patronage you have given us is reflected in the extraordinary price concessions that we give you. Quality merchandise at great reductions backed by the Michael guarantee, makes it imperative that you take advantage of our Birthday Sales. BIRTHDAY SALES Superior House Furnishings All Rugs LESS 15 PER CENT This includes our entire stock of domestic and Oriental Rugs. All Shades LESS 10 PER CENT You w*ho need new shades will be wise to buy now. All Nets ■LESS 25 PER CENT All Curtain Nets bear this discount, Filets, Scrims, Marquisettes, etc. All Draperies LESS 25 PER CENT Cretonnes. Crashes, Tapestries, Terry Cloth—thp whole stock. BIRTHDAY SALES - • AD China and Crockery LESS 25 PER CENT A wonderful assortment of domestic and imported dinner sets, tea, cake, berry and salad sets, gathered from the finest manufacturers in America and abroad. BIRTHDAY SALES ALL GLASSWARE LESS 25 PER CENT Now when you need it most—a sale of plain $nd etched glassware, glasses, tumblers, etc., teas, pitchers, glass bottles, etc. BIRTHDAY SALES All Floor and Table Lamps LESS 25 PER CENT No article makes the home more homey than a decorative light. We offer the larg est assortment of electroliers for floor, ta ble and boudoir shown in Athens—All Less ONE-FOURTH. BIRTHDAY SALES All Cedar Chests and Matting Boxes LESS 25 PER CENT Highly polished Cedar Chests in many sizes, also Matting Boxes that improve the appearance of any room—All Less ONE- FOURTH. BIRTHDAY SALES All Suits and Skirts LESS ONE-THIRD You may select at will from our entire stock of Coat Suits and Separate Skirts, both for ladies and misses, at an enormous reduction. Sport Skirts of wool and silk in plain and pleated models will make this sale a veritable delight. ALL LESS ONE-THIRD [/ BIRTHDAY SALES Handsome Silk Dresses ' LESS 25 PERCENT \ ' t .'!* 1 f* I M TU » Seldom do such dresses know a special sale, - but our Birthday Sales are different! Heife is offered every silk dress that sells regu larly from $22.50 to $87.50 at One-Fourth off the regular price. This means that you are offered the finest that such nationally known dressmakers as Betty Wales, Black- shire, Irene Castle Models/ Regina' Kobler and Princess Pat can create.. ALL LESS 25 PER CENT BIRTHDAY SALES All Voile and Linen Dresses LESS 33 1-3 PER CENT An enormous sales reduction on dresses for wear RIGHT NOW.; This includes a beautiful collection of hand made linen dresses. Think what this means—see your savings! $ 7.50 Dresses are now .. .... $ 5.00 $12.50 Dresses are now .. $ 8.34 $14.50 Dresses are now .. ..,*..$ 9.67 $16.50 Dresses are now $11.00 $18.50 Dresses are now .. .. .. .. $12.34 $21.50 Dresses are now $14.34 $22.50 Dresses are now .. .. .. .. $15.00 $27.50 Dresses are now $18.34 BIRTHDAY SALES Entire Stock Kayser’s Italian Silk Underwear Standing in a class by _ itself is Kayser’s Italian Silk Underwear—having many imi tators but no equals. The finest Italian silk garments—vests, bloomers, step-ins, teddies, eta, offered in our Birthday Sales at prices below those you have been able to buy for in many, many months. Also in cluded are all teddies and gowns of Crepe de Chine, Radium, Pussy Willow, Georgette and Wash Satin. \ • LESS 25 PER CENT BIRTHDAY SALES ' SILK CREPE DE CHINE This is our best quality of Silk Crepe—silk that we guarantee to wear to your satisfaction—forty inches wide and shown in the following colors: White, black, navy, brown, grey, taupe, sand, beige, flesh,* pink, purple,, red, turquoise, jade and orchid. Regularly $2.25 per yard. $1.79 , BIRTHDAY SALES PRINTED VOILES Fresh Crisp Voiles in new dainty patterns, showing the new style trend for neat designs—Voiles in every color—Voiles that sold at 58c per yard—Voiles you will delight in wearing. 39 cents Yard BIRTHDAY SALES FINE GINGHAMS More than 5,000 yards of new Fall Ginghams in lovely pat tern creations—effects that are new. Ginghams 32 inches wide and guaranteed not to fade. 29 cents Yard BIRTHDAY SALES TUB SILK DRESSES $12.85 For the* fifty lucky Shoppers who do their shopping early these dresses will bring months of delightful wear. Dresses that sold as high as $37.50 cannot remain long on the racks at such a price. Small checks and stripes in lovely Tub Silks, Crepes, Shantungs, etc., in all desirable colors including white BIRTHDAY SALES Ladies’ Full Fashioned Silk Stockings From "As You Like It," “McCallum,” “Phoenix,” " Kayser,” “Gotham Gold Stripe,” the finest full fashioned stockings with lisle tops and feet—in black, white and fifteen Bhoe Shades in cluding red and green. Regularly $2.00 $1.79 PAIR BIRTHDAY SALES Corduroy Bath Robes $3.95 Figured Corduroy Robes of splendid quality—in rose, blue and purple—robes that you would pay much more for if it were not our birthday. • > Birthday Sales Fine Petticoats Jersey Silk PETTICOATS $3.98 Regularly $4.75. Radium Silk Petticoats LESS 25 PER CENT A fine lot of Petticoats that come in all colors, both regular and extra sizes, selling from $6.60 to $9.50. Less 25 PER CENT. * BIRTHDAY SALES Ladies Bathing Suits LESS ONE-FOURTH Our entire stock of Swimming and Bathing S uits—Suits from Jantzen, Annette Kellcrman —in a sale when you can get the most use out of them. Prices from $3.98 to $11.50. LESS 25 PER CENT BIRTHDAY SALES • All Boys’ Wash Suits All Rompers ONE-FOURTH OFF BIRTHDAY SALES All Infants Dresses Blankets, Robes Novelties ONE-FOURTH OFF