Newspaper Page Text
kr V DAY,JULY. it, lm.
ReiidencB 832
vent of last week was the
f siven by -Miss Ceno Ilarks-
in honor of Miss Elizabeth
ips. of Atlanta, and bliss Nora
sou of Atbensr who are tho
|t» ot Miss Anita llurke.
ero placci) on tho beau-
I lawn where: the games of
and rook' were jilayed.
guests were Miss Anita
and guests. Misses Phillips
| Ki.rtson, i-MJss Margaret Nash
guests, Misses Jennie Mae
and Claire Harlan .of Cal-
little daughter Hazel are spending
the week end in Atlanta.
Mrs. Jim Burch and children,
Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Polger will re
turn front Lakemont Monday.'
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conway are
spending sometime in North Geor-
Epworth League
On the night of July 8.the Ep-
worth League at’ Young Harris
Methodist church had charge of the
services at the regular preaching
hour. A program was planned
sometime before and the preachei
kindly consented that the League
should give the program.
Their program, not being on any
certain subject, consisted of sev
eral new songs, a dialogue, • poems,
and some readings. One reading
was especially pleasing to the au
dience. This reading was given by
Miss Pauline Bracket, arid was on
the subject of praising God.
The League had charge of the
services again on the night
City and will July 15 . and ft good P ro ® ram wae
islt New York nnd other point* l» r i** n t e . d *
The many friends of Mrs. J. \
Darwin regret very much her ac
cident Saturday morning when
she sustained very painful injuries
and is at the' General hospital for
Mp * Lerny MIphael leaves this
Mis. Catherln Sprlnit and n,ornlnK " lth Mr. and Mrs. Simon f7 lc , e 1 f »K"‘n •>■> t
' Si Bertie Lee llrck r fnr A,,:iml " 1 ‘"' 1 will Ju * » « 0011
miss ueruo Lee Dreker. {visit New York nnd other I"
The aim of the program w;
Rev. Samuel J. Cartledge, pas
Mr. J. T. Dudley, Superintend
ent of Sunday School.
Mr. Hu®rh L. Hodgson, organist
and director of music.
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Preaching by the pastor 11 a.
m. and 8:30 p. m.
Christian Endeavor Societies
and.7:30 p. m.
A cordial invitation to students
and strangers.
(Continued from page one.)
Kilzabeth Murray of Newnan, ! before returning home,
t of Miss Helen Quin, Misses —
r* and Cornelia Roberts nnd j Mr. Rufo Turner returns
I Miss Mary Reeves, of Elber- j night from Virginal where with
Miss Sarah Boyd Sims and j.Mrs. Turner he has been visiting
ta, Misses Emily Cloud, of relatives and from there they,went
|ngton, and 'Marie. Boyd
m and Misses Mary Cado,
s Johnson, Emwynn Neal.
• Richards; Emmie Flcklen,
Wynne, Mary Wright and
ord Iuitlmer, Cora New, Pene-
Willis, Dorothy Dyson, Annie
|ning. Sarah Frances Anderson. avenue -
i Latimer, Mrs. Arlie New, Mrs.
Johnson, .Jr., and -Howard
n.—Washington News Re-
event of last week was. the
given by Miss Clifford Lat-
|r Saturday afternoon when she
pertained In |onor of Miss Eliza-
'Murray, of Newnan and Miss
■zibeth Phillips and Miss Nora
jFrtson. the guests of Miss Anita
to Cleveland Ohio to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Turner. Mrs. Tur
ner will prolong her stay several
- -w-
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. L. Mitchell have
returned to their home on Hancock
Dr. A. TL Patton left last'week
for Tybee Island.
Miss Pauline Alien nnd Miss
Willie Mary Knight of Monroe are
spending the week end In the city
Mr. W. F. Dorsey leaves, this
morning for n business trip to
leautiful summer flowers artls-
lly arranged were used to dec-
ite the hom4.
’hose invited besides the honor
(»ts were Misses Gene Barks-
Dorothy Dyson, iCora * New,
ah Frances Anderson. Laura
Imer. Evelyn-Wynne, N Winifred
use, Wills,. Mgr? frlcklen, Sara ,
I Sims and Cornelia Roberts !
her guests, Misses Ida Roberts, 1
rabeth Adams and Mamie
ves.—Washington News Re.
he notes on Miss Bacon’s Biblo
dy Class will appear in next ,
day’s Banner-Herald. ,
High Point, N. C.
Miss Hessie Lawrence of Atlan
ta is spending the week end with
Miss Alice Yearwood.
Jacobs freed
SAN DIKGO—Dr. Louis K. Ja
cobs. charged with the murder of
Miss Fritz! Mann, wel Iknown
dancer at a nearby bench resort.
Inst January was found not guilt
by the jury in the case.
show the people what we are try
ing to do In the League, and to
show the advantage, comfort and
power of earnest prayer.
These programs seemed
__v ... to that effected Friday night are
wards nnd sending for them nfter
they have been caught in other
sections of trie state or country
cost the county no little amount of
money—nltnost enough to lay n
foundation for the new Jail—per
haps more, citizens point out.
Three of the prisoners who es
caped in the two deliveries priof * j
Mary Craig Piqueron’s Recital Delights
Large Audience of Music Lovers
The music lovera of Athens and both last
nigjit will look forward
the students of the University j eagerly to the next recital on
Summer School who attended the (Monday evening at tho University
recital by Mary Craig Piqueron at chapel. The summer school of the
orium Friday evening University of Georgia is doing
ed by one ot tho most ' nuc )‘ mon ’ th “» young
*«“*«■»• >t la giving to those
>n<orJ o the season. , amc B tu«IentB tho insplrntlon, the
* m . JS"* spiritual uplift nnd mental bracing
.1 Air, Oh Sloop Why thUt ran come only from contact
Leave Me" and from
it note, it was evident
ger was in splendid
as the program titl
ed a many sided brll-
with things of everlasting beauty
Mary Bondurant |
ron Is a singer who
r gracious smile, the
youth, the dramatic
which sHe colors her
a to her singing an im- ,Iow we Iovo a bravo soldier. Wr
sal, and the audience are Bfted out of the common, nor-
her to their hearts. mal statc of mind when wo read
\ "My Mother Bids Me * or hear ot th ® gallnnt soldier whe
ir" had a tilting sim'
encouragement and is ready
help us at anytime.
We trust that in the near future
we may have the privilege of again
having charge of the services at
the preaching hour. In. the mean
time we nre striving to make our
League stronger and better, and «r
gladly welcome anyone who comes
to Join us and to help us. If you
have not been to our League, come
tonight nnd we will try to show
you what real Joy It Is to live un
der our chosen motto, . "All for
•hlte. charged with stealing car*
penterlng tools; Marion Eaton,
charged with making whiskey;
Islah Yearby, negro, charged with
a misdemeanor.
The three men who got away In
the third escape this year—that
which took place Friday night—
have not been found, states the
sheriff. The men are, Claude
Moon, a negro, charged wtth mur
dering his wife at Comer; M. O.
Young, of Comer, charged with i ]
made of It a gem. In
>ng from Romeo and
nger rose to splendid
the burst of applnuce
this number showed
the audience had been
stealing two
is a white
years old.
bales of cotton. Young
am of Orelg and the
melodious arrangement of Heine's
famous poem, by Rubinstein, Mrs.
Piqueron did some of her best
singing, the liquid softness of her
middle voice brought out to the
full the haunting cadences, and she
of that not always found gift, the
of that not always found gift, ehC
gl nation.
of English songs, all
noteworthy because
imbus songs by Mrs.
hey found an enthu
smiles amid the smoke of battlr
and rain of bullets. We feel that
we too might be ablo to do some
noble 'deed.
The story of smiling endurance
is always helpful and kindles the
dull fire In us until It gives light
In our lives and more of nobility
to our conduct.
About the bravest of the brave
passed from prison into freedom
In Athens night before last,
months and then ytare, this smil
ing prisoner smiled and smiled
Waiting to have the bonds of weak
fastened on her by a dread
disease, loosened. It does not seem
me that this brave young girl
has died, she has merely been set
She knew the Inevitable, yet she
smiled with tho smile ot Inner
freedom from fear and superiority
to weakness. Even to one who
saw her at rare Intervals her life
wns In inspiration.
It Is not possible to feel sorrow
that this prisoner of sickness nnd
weakness has been set free nnd en
tered fully and Joyously Into th<
happiness of the wider life.
I am conscious of a feeling ol
selfishness in admitting that by
In memory,. dear
help me an long ai
Perhaps sometime, I
when life la too much l
Fly far and free and
joy in that pure realm where
Is found. '.
some attractive hats at $1.08
md $2.98. Mrs. Arthur Burch,
301 llolmau Bldg,
Robert l, McWhorter
Attorney At Law
Announces Opening of <
Room 414
, Southern Mutual Building
iss Marie Daniel of Bogart, is!
Iting relatives at Henderson- ’
N. C., Asheville, Grove Park,
Chimney Rock.
r. and Mrs. left (pst
for Atlantic city to spend
■a I weeks.
r. and Mrs. Simon 'Michael
e today for .Atlantic City
id soni6 time.
iss Amelia Glaaicr and Mr. Ed-
1 Glasier of Charleston, arc
ting their grandmother, Mrs
and Mrs. E. B. Hudson and
W. D. Hooper nro spending
»y at tho *'Y" camp near Tal-
rs. A. J. Culpepper and Mhp
Culpepper of Griffin aro
»ts of Mrs. W. tf. Jones on »lll-
. I>eo Gotthelmcr and two
daughters and Mrs. Marks
has been wgth Mrs. Gottholmer
several months left Saturday
Plqua, Ohio* to spend some
*ss Frank Bondurant of Wlndor
0 over Saturday for tho funeral
Has Mary iBondurant.
Monday Special
Monday and Tuesday
Lon Chaney
‘Flesh and Blood’
Comer Lumpkin Street and
Hancock Avenue.
Rev. S. E. Wasson, pastor.
R. P. Stephens, Sunday School
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Preaching ty the pastor at
11:15 a. m. and 8:30 p. m.
Epworth League at 7:30 p m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at 8.30.
The Woman’s Missionary- So
ciety meet* every first and third
Monday afternoons at 5 o’clock in
•the church.
You are cordially invited to at
tend these services.
Rev. P. C. Morgan will preach!
about twenty-two
Robert Hinton, negro,
resident of Clarke
county was also In the group of
fugitives. He was charged with
possession of whiskey.
Saturday morning the county au
thorities found a chop axe in the
Jail which the fleeing prisoners
used in making their escape. Tho
nxe'was employed In battering
down . the cell and chopping off
the window sills so as to twist
away the Iron bars. A blanket,
suspended from the window, told
a neighbor. Saturday morning that
the Jail wns empty.
The escaping men were the only
prisoners In the Jail and they were
thought Intact at supper time Fri
day night. No one lives In the
jail. / The sheriff lives In another
part of town. Sheriff Hall cannot
account for the chop nxe being In
the Jail. The other escapes were
similarly made. One wns effect 1
ed by cutting a hole through the
plank with a pocket knife.
The jail just won't hold them, it
Mastic response In the audlenci.
nwilllng to
singer go until she responded with
an encore, "Dann" by Leonl.
Mrs. George Folsom Oran berry
was the accompanist for Mrs.
Piqueron. adding to a perfect per
formance which only a pianist gift
ed with her talent and Insight can
achieve. Under Mrs. Cranberry's
fingers, notes become things of
translucent beauty, nnd one felt
the swift response arid accord that
held these two as one.
It is a privilege to ljpve In our
midst such gracious womanhood
and real musicianship as marks
Mrs. Piqueron and Mrs. Cranberry
and the audience who heard them
Dinner 50c
Chicken Soup
Baked Chicken and Dressing*
Butter Beans
Corn on Cob
Creamed Irish Potatoes .
Muffins and Biscuits
Green Apple Pie
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
Snpper 50c
Fried Spring Chicken
Cream Gravy
Hominy Grits
Vegetable Salad
Peaches and Cream
Hot Biscuits
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
at the morning and evening servi-;pjij n j nf> _ TT r[rM l
re.. Visitors are cordially invit- . r "'P 1 " 08 .
To Invade More
ces. Visitors are cordially invit
ed to attend both serveios.
•I. C. Wilkinson, pastor.
Bible School 10 a. m., E.
Moll. Superintendent.
Subject 11:15 a. m., “The Will
in Christianity.”
The B. Y. P. U. will meet at
7:30 p. m.
Subject 8:30 p. m., “The Gospol
of the Dead.” *
Special service will be held in
tho city hall on Sunday evening,
conducted by Commandant and
Mrs. George Morris of Winston-
Salem, N. C., and Commandant
Pemos Matatas of Greensboro
N. C. ,
Captain Curta and Lieutenant
May Morris, officers in charge of
the local work, give the public a
ccrdial invitation ot thia service.
Onen air meetings will be held; „„„
on Saturday and Sunday evenings. I o( ptltllpplna furniture which
ommcncing at 7:30. Hro now putting out.'
Foreign Markets
MANILA.—The business of the
Philippine Islands must be Increas
ed If tho country expects to extend
its activities .in schools, public
works and sanitation, Governor
General Wood declared In a state
ment. He said there is a large mar
ket In tho United States for the
products of tho Philippines, and all
that Is needed to Increase business
little attention from this end-
want to call tho attention ol
Filipino manufacturers to llio pos-
bilitles of a greatly Increased
market for native hats of both,men
and women In the United States,"
said General Wood. "The embroid
ery business of the Philippines has
been built up from almost nothing
to $3,000,000 annually. There Is a
market for many times the outpnt
July Clearance Sale
Superb Collection for Mid-Summer
t ^8
A splendid variety of Summer Fabric Hats
of Fi ‘ " " ' '• "
French Crepe, Leghorn combinations,
Ribbon and Taffeta Hats. You will be
amazed at the collection of White Sport
Hats offered in this sale.
ss Nell Upahaw of Social fclr-
s visiting .at 8ou!o Hall at the
cultural College.
and Mrs. Rufus iMoss and
fly came down from Talullah
'•ay night for the funeral of
Mary Bondurant
and Mra. Winder Wester
been called to Elberton by
critical illnafcs -of their father,
tain J. M. Wester.
rof. and Mrs. Robert I. Allen
Master Robert Carlton Allen of
nville 8. C., ore visiting * Mr.
Mrs H. L. Cook on the Boule-»
isses Elizabeth and Mary Wood
* returned from a pleasant vis*
1° Savannah nnd Bgupswick.
Ir*- A. Y. Woods and children
returtied from Savannah.
" n *** Carrie Kinnebrew, Haze!
Uoy. and Kellie Foster ore In
n roe attending * house party at
home of Mr. nnl Mrs. P. N
Irs. T. J. Knight fa spending
week end In Social Circle.
he friends | of JMp, D, F. Thur-
,n d will regret learn of his
1 *"« 'kith typhoid fever.
,fr - and Mrs. Roy Landers and
ln * daughurv Frances have re-
ned from Tallulah.
Michael’s Summer Shoe Sale
This Annual Summer Clearance is planned to be the Greatest
Shoe Sale we have ever held—and it should be! Here are fine
shoes of every style, material and color. Every pair wanted and
way below value. ! . V
Be here tomorrow early and even then you' won’t avoid the
crowd. But you will, get the best selections of shoes to be sold at
half and even less than their original low prices.
Values to $7.50
Just think of it! Michael’s fine shoes selling
for $2.95 pair—Shoes that were $7.50. Every
pair desirable, new in style, fine in quality,
good looking and wanted. Buy several pairs.
Here at $2.95 are—
One Strap Low Heel Pumps.
White Oxfords.
White Strap Pumps.
White Sport Oxfords.
White and Black Sports.
Patent Leather Sandals.
Values to $10.00
Newest summer models that sold freely and
quickly up to $10.00 yesterday—now $4.95.
Less than they can be made for—Less than
dealers pay for them—Less than you will
ever pay again. At $4.95 you will find in the
Black Kid Pumps.
Patent One Strap Pumps.
Grey Suede Pumps and Oxfords.
Black Satin Pumps.
Beige Sport Oxfords.
White Cloth Pumps.
Values to $12.50
, , .. . IP
finest makers—makers known for the finest
quality, most lasting wear, most distinctive
style. Such wonderful values have never been
given in an Athens Shoe Store. You find—
Brown Kid One Strap Pumps.
Brown Kid Oxfords.
White Kid Pumps.
White Reigncloth Pumps.
Patent Leather Strap Pumps.
Black Kid Oxfords, Rubber Heels.
Children’s Low Shoes at Astonishing Low Prices
: :.
111 - I