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Investigate Today!
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Dsily and Sunday—10 Cents a Week.
Established 1832
Daily and Sunday—10 Cents a Week.
VOL. 91* NO. 137
Associated Press Service
A. B. C. Paper
Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cents Sui
+—4* 4—4'
4 '4
-T- J.
'4' 4
-t. .»_ .t,
V T 4 4
■M' +-+ 4—4*
+—4. 4*—4 1
|Insane Criminals Are Still At Large^JfJJ^L
I Chester, Illinois, Spends
Might of Terror Follow
ing Maniacs Escape Late
I One Inmate Killed. Little
Hope Held For Lives of
Guards Cut By Prison
(By Associated Press.)
CHESTER, III.—With practical-
light In the town burning,
whole families fully dressed and
gathered In one room, where the
The Hot Weather Caused This
i of the family aat, armed with
I,total,nit, pletota nnd every other
I conceivable weapon, title city went
I through twelve houra of terror
I Sunday night, following the eacape
enty-slx inmates from the
I Illinois Hospital for the Criminal
Negro Confined For Op-
! eration Gets Away After
Severing Chains Which
Bound Him.
Evidently Hied Chains
Loose. Said to Have Been
in Serious Condition.
Search Is Begun.
The photographer sauntered up t o the roof of the Metropolitan .Opera House In New York. He hap*
pened to have h!s camera with him and the shutter accidentally click cd superintendent of the Franklin
such a picture as this until He d< velopcd the plate. Left to right y
and Opal Hickson, dancers who had fled from the studio to the
of the lnmntes was klllod by
I the guards ns he made a break for
I freedom. Thirty-one prisoners es-
I taped In the delivery but four ol
I these were captured before they
I had gone "any distance from the
I proiinds.
The entire stato Is aroused and
hunt for the men who es*
I taped, many of them being mur
id-rern who were adjudged insane
committed to the hospital for
reatmont. *' *
ic maniacs were still at large
late hour Monday.
The Inmate killed, named Jack-
as sentenced from .Chicago
inter. Until recently he had
I been eon fined in the Illinois state
I penitentiary at Joliet.
Physicians said the wounded
I guards had little chance for rc-
The Insane criminals made thclt
from an Iron cage known
'hull pen" which Is In the
I yard «t the southeastern corner ol
| the building. About 75 inmater
the pen % when the break
< mnde. They had been brought
I there under the surveillance of twe
I guards to get an “airing” befori
Of the Annual Meet
ing of the Georgia
Forestry Asso
J. J. Wilkins and B. F.
Hardeman Are in Charge ——
of Warehouse Here Un- (nY miis. r. c. orr)
der Court Order. I (Continued from Sunday'* B»n
, ner-Herald.)
No new developments. locally The United .States of America
were reported Monday In the af-Ml themselves “sister states,
fairs of Barrett and Compnny (There is coming to pass a very
Augusta nnd Athens cotton factors ;friendly and sisterly relation be-
reported to \n on the verge ol;tween the states, one state being
bankruptcy and the creditors of Kind to give another the benefit of
whom arc still In session In AuguMn: what has been learned along re
trying to work out somo plan un- structlve lines. At the annual
(lor which the big concern can be, meeting of the Georgia Forestry
be running n» a going bu»ine««. .Association wo were delighted to
.1. J. Wilkin, and B. F. Harde- havc on our program E. C. Har-
an named by Judge Hodges ol reli, of Florida;^, Joseph^ Hyde)
e ’ Northern district superior j Pratt, Jno.
court as receivers under a tern-, Carolina; W.
porary restraining order prevent-. gin io; R.
Ing any cotton being moved from ' 11
local warehouses, are In charge
Albert Bonner, colored, a convict
from the Clarke county gang, es
caped from the colored ward of
St. Mary's hospital about tw-o
o’clock Monday morning.
Bonner was sent to the hospital
July 17th for, un operation, which
was performed the same day, and
was recuperating before being taken
1 back to the camp when he made
*hls escape. According to Warden
Estes he wds chained with a regu
lation convict chain around his
Ankles and then to the bod post
(By Associated l’r«»s.)
NEW YORK—The fifth
World's Championship battle oi
10-3 will be the magnet that b
.•xpected to attract a throng o‘
i-hty thousand people her*
•Monday night, when Bennj
U-onard, Lightweight Champion
of the the World meets Lew
Tcndk-r, the challenger, a*
Yankee Stadium In a fifteen
round battle.
The champion stated Monday
that he was physically fit and
In hi3 best condition, whih
Tendler is also in great shape
and ready for the bill. P
Leonard Is the favorite It
belting with the odda hoverlnf
around 2 to 1.
of Dead Men on Hand
Two Shocks Recorded At
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farr
and Baby of 295 Oconee
Street Have Narrow
Automobile Swerved to
Right Near College Ave
nue Bridge and Lurched
Ito River.
An automobile, occupied by Mr. |
and Mr*. Robert Firr o' Athen*;
San Bernardino Where £2'
Greatest Damage Was Ihu Oconee river near th* Cbllege •
flrniP ThrPP HlirL Avenue J>ridfe Sunday afternoon ’
Lione. i nree nuru , wlthout w mllf ., M Etching the!
GREENSBORO Oa.—A bullet-
riddled automobile, occupied by
Jett and J. B. Smith of Athene
when they were elali by prohi
bition enforcement officers in
Greene county last month was
brought here Monday to be used
by the prosecution In present
ing the case before the grand
Jury which began Its Investiga
tion of the killings at 2 o'clock
Monday afternoon. Tue car wil'
be used to show t>e men were
■hot from behind.
Special To Banner-Herald
(Ry Associated Preaa.) -• ... ! veatigatlon into the slaying
L03 ANOELBS—An ,nUr* tier ” r ; Farr wa* driving the car cf Jett an j j. g # Smith of
of southern California countlM which dashed down the embank- Athena bv nrohibition en-
rocked by an «rU,,«^a of m.ot lmo tbe rlvor ^ the drlvar 1 £hewbjr
rocKPU ojr au cmuii{h>*w «* —— — - ‘ ,v * ; - . -
P Hmiirnrill niflTlinr abd ihet h. .urcceded In cuttina from eleven to twenty second, du- triad to make the tharpe lum just torcement attic
MlflILULIll UI'lluL the chain enabling him to K :iln hi. rulion shortly after eleven o'clock outside the bridge coming into month was begun hero at 2
llVUrnrill rill I IjIlL freedom. ' , iSunday nl»ht. an Bernardino, Athens, A broken radius rod\ o’clock Monday afternoon
UIIL.III Ub ■ luiuuw conv , ct cam elo ihls county [where the'grenteat •damage was caused the car to swerve to Iho I hy the Greene County: Grand
(from Muscogee on Inst November caused felt a second heavy tremor right lurching over tbo embank- I t nvv ,
24th after having been convicted'at one o'clock Monday morning. mbnt Into the water. . .. . .
Lon Chaney, Foremost of larceny. He »«■ in for a term Three men who were asleep were The auto went Into the river and Organization or tne court
F.mntinnal Actor of Sil- of from two to elx year* The mid- seriously Injured it Ban Barnard!- grounded about tour feet from the waa completed about II
emotional ACtor Ol Bl 4le of July „ hrca „„ necessary t< no. when the roofs of several hous- bank, the ocetj|iente Imrely keep, o’clock and the grand jury
versheet, Again Delights perform .... operation on him nnd e. collapsed and fall In on them )nB th „ r h(mdl nb0 »e lhe , tre . m . get two o'clock B1 ,he hour
Athenians Here Monday. £ STS &121 «» probe into the
; ... . out guard but chained to the bed yet been finished. S *!!” death of the two alleged
The movie fens of Athens again H . w „ on lh s ground floor of th- i Much damage wee caueed to L“ r ' .,“ “ > " a d .V* liquor runner* who were
hnd the opportunity of seeing Lon colorod ward when he escaped and properly, building on the etreefe rescued hls^ ““<1 by officer* conducting
Chnney, Americas foremast emo* . sunosed to hnve Joel -walked running east and wait being th* f wa* a narrow eatape. de- ., ’ ., I I
tlonal actor, on the screen „ ul „ a ft e r be cut himself loose chief sufferer*. In th* bualnea «l«red Mr.Uhrr Monday. It'* * • raid near the houndarj
M trom the chain. j district of the town, conelderablt wonder we were not drowned or Imei of Morgan and Ureene
j dnniage was dan* by the tremor* killed before the car even reached counties when the men re-
EVDENTLY bantu Barbara wa* the ex- the ftrer. It glided eafoly down f„g e( | halt at the command
U8ED FILE treme northern point nachad by the bill on into tbe water, however” „r __„t,;i.:f„n enforce.
| the earthquake, while 'on Diego He wa* driving .lowly, Mr. Farr of the prohibiton enforce-
A bit of dust, supposedly mused marked the extrema southern said, becauaa of the broke* rod but men * officer*.
file which the ncgio evidently,'pout. could not manage the auto after It , _ ..... ,-
In freeing himself from th- j The shocks, tht most ssrlous jumped to the right and started TL waScu.u 8
chains, was all he left to point out that have been felt In some time down the e mbtakm , nt . was organised
how he go. away. , extend,d «res. th. Im- Mr . ^ of tho w! Tif'j.TVuiUm»7“dl.or 2f
Monday. The actor who flashed
hin Kcniua In “The Miracle Man"
and “The Trap*' scored nffain with
character role as dlitlnctlvv an
it Ih appcallnR. In his latent pic
ture "Fleah and Blood," which ap-
iienrrd ut the Htrani Monday for
two days ebowing, ',7 frecmg’h'im*"f"from "tm
Cobbs,'of North.l«*rywi the tart of an - caped
Tyler, of Vir-jvlct who to avoid detection
Forbes and Miss'forced to take to crutches and de
Mm? confined to their della for j |hnt en( j of t j, P bimineM here. j Hale, of Washington, D. C.
ent-.jdnia; R. 0. Forbes and Miss' ~ r T. t , 0 ' a?!' According to lir. 'H. M. Fullllovc.pertal Vall.y and ..most to tb. "‘S-,r:T„'d„. d .nt C ' ;’ llor
rrom Caroline Dorman, of Louisinna; |fy the low by hi. uncanny Ute hosplul, the negro's condl- Arison, suta Un* °"* n,Mr0 Herald-Jo.irnsl
o pi , Dr. Wilson Compton and Matthew iguise. Fleab and Blood I* a plo- tIon WM ,, rl0Ull . nr . Fullllovc Although the shocks were fell 1 ** s <>«>neei street They were p r.mnn end the following Ji
tremendous heart
night. Several of the Inmatea
had secretly nrmed them
n with knives, fell upon thi
miarda. An the Illinois law
| farbid* the auarda carrylns
Inside the "bull pen” they
easy victims for the assail’
I nnts.
lat end or tne ousmess nwc. «««,“• -w. rninKii ne useo n uiv » «***«•»*
Bepresentatlve. of the _Ba_nk o'! Ini my judgmmt Mbs C«ol™, beat. Jo U »»£ chain. HI. wearing uoparcl was, yc. been reports In thl. dtp.
i .ever the here plainly, ao arrloua damage ha. coming from Commerce when th* pope Collin* ,0. D. Tugc'-. B. L.
had no •
A moment later more than n
the Inmstss seised chairr
I »n<i benches and began an* assault
| «pnn the iron bars of the prison
i»ars, which nre three-fourth»
inch thick, did not long re-
I *I»t tbe terrific battering and be-
* guards could arrive from other
| tarts of the building a passage-
bad !>een created.
Thirty-one .mm poured through
the hole and scattered In all dl-
I rations. The arrival of guard*
mted further escapes and
of those who had gained theli
flom were captured.
Jackson, who wns one of the last
If-ave the "bull pen”, was shot
d*nth in a fight with the guard
Within a few minute* rfter :h#
'T>«‘ forty guards from the hos
pital and from the southern HI I*
nr 'l* state penitentiary, which nlso
l* located near Chester, had taken
j the pursuit of th» fugitives
This force was soon augmented hy
l^al police and Sheriff C. W
H**ine, of Randolph county. Num-
cltlaena.’ posses were organ*
•zM and placed In charge of nffl-
The cage from which the In-
Ttatrs escaped Is 150 feet long nnd
about 80 feet wide. After eseap-
,r) p: from the cage, the only other
de the fugitives had to sur
mount was a small Iron fence
'klrtlng the hospital ysrtls.
„ (By Associated Press.)
^KRLIN^—According to special
newspaper reports from Vienna,
^%ptain Herman Erhardt, leader
of the Kspp Putsch of 1920, who
escaped from prison at Leipsig on
J III 10 * 1 1 Is UlinMrV.
i?'y 13. bna' arrived In Hungary.
V* report elates that th# liW-
h»a mcceeded in crowing
, frontier cohcaaled in a private
Charleston are etIH In Athens and . Dorman'S part in this forestrj; undying love, though, It has bean
Haiti not to have given up hope program was the most practical | suppressed fifteen years. Th© es
of"gahilngpoMesslon of the svtu®' 1 for Georgia at thi. time. Her e*P.. to Chlnatawn but hi. »r-
eotmn hcM here end on which th. subject was “Forestry Studies in row, Incrrere with th. death of hi.
hunk has advanerd loan* This cot- the Public Schools" and it is here »««•
ton I. held in th. Athens Bonded that tho most efficient work ini HI. daughter now a young wo-
Warehouse, operated by the Inde-> general education ofthe people is ™‘‘ n doe* not even know hlm.SInce .
pendent Warehouse company, nnd to be done. I am not going to re-1 not know tht truth, hs thdg
Robert Auld and A. It. Nlcholfon view Miss Dorman’s report, but!‘» (orced to love and ^ahip hsi a ha|f lf]
representing the warehouse com- get our Parent-Teacher Associ*- J«>m a distance. H© suddenly real- A , PnrLt .
pany hnve been restrained fronr tion to print it entire next fall ,M> he cannot ^ stand In th« hjr coumy officials. His con d it Inin j ■ “ ■
delleverlng the staple to nnybody when they open their Pa {* nt - he retunlls'to nrl»n PP mtJ- " "norted a. beinn weak nnd It I. California Senator, Re-
nendlng the hearing on the pell Teacher Page in the Bnnner-Her- Hence he rsturnM lo priwn, gtate- believed that he will seek to take - -
, p |„„ on the rsth of thi. month. . 'id. Also I am going to besiege u ‘•’..he had MU. daugh-
hospital night garment. The ne
gro had no visitors Sunday.
He Is reported by the warden
being 24 years old. five feet. e!c!
Inches tall, weighs 157 pounds, ha* ■
black hair and blue eyes, and com
plexion black. Hs has a scar on
his reck about 2 and
Inches long.
A search Is being made for him
accident occured. The Farr car Is r --eh. James L. Brown. J. C. Dur-
tfae third to fall down the em- ,ham. II. D. Goodwin, T\ H. Armor,
bankment near tbe College Avenue j. L Wilson. W. M. F.innlnjgj W.
wltbln tbe pant several months.
the Hill's ... . ,
this territory, was railed to Auruh I next year’s summer school,
ta Sunday morning for a confer
ence nnd it Is rei»orted here tha*
this compnny will not suffer ni
matter what the outcome of Bar
rett and compnny 1h. Frank B«.r
rett, hend of Barrett and Com
pany, Is the principal stockhoble;
in tho Hill’s Mixture corporation.
Peters ire' U. S. forest experts co "' fn, ' d -
who arc very sympathetically in-! r bo ptet
tcrested in Ceorgiu’s forestry de-, teaches that life la worth while
velopment. Mr. J. G. Petera i« even though shut In by wall*
The rensntlonnl escape of Oemb*
mi on the 2Htn or inis nuiiun. ■ nKi. /\iovi * *1111 w wvd * — ... . . m n mik- i* —-nil- mitn pi sfsiMrs • o r • » K
John W. Welch who represent** | pr. Stewart to get Miss Dorman, !" », T r “J h for<fc trying to escape from thi: Refuses tO State POSltlOI) Pow Piihlw* Mnolr 2* i f *
eHlU's Mixture corporation lr if he can, to teach her subnet in vealed Itself to him In » Jrtartllnn of , h . , la te. Would Bar FUDUC MaSK- E. C.
' 11 .t year's summer school. . imnnnor. For ho has sacrificed hi, in National rOUtlCS. - — “
9 . - | freedom for the happinea of his CHAPMAN ESCAPE
Mr. R. D. Forties nnd Mr. J. G. daughter and her low and he is t8 RECALLED
< it c joMi.t ovnari* contented.
Th« picture “Flesh and Blood"
) (Ry Associated Press.)
NEW YORK.—Senator Hiram
Johnson of California, boomed by
rthapman, "millionaire mall bandit" I his friends for the republican
from the second floor of the whits! nomination In 1924, returned from
“Chief of Management nnd Co-op- • Edith Roberta played the role ol wart of the same hospital Is re-' n tour of Europe on tho Leviathan,
oration. V. S. Forest Service” with thr . convict a daughter with a fine ■ railed by the escape of Bonner ; Monday.
headquarters in Washington, D. C. ably sec- chnpmnn made his get away on the; Senator "Hi" refttaad to tndl;
Mr/Forbca, located at the South- <">««» br Jack Malh.ll who re
ern Forest Experiment Station,, Prwnted the youthful lover.
New Orleans, La., is doingre- 1
search work. Unfortunately, I had
to leave tho meeting to catch the
train to Athens before these gen
tlemen read their P*Pors. Mr.
Peter’s subject wts “Federal Aid
inin Fire Protection.” Mr. Forbes
spoke of “Ten Years of Forestry
in the South.” (Anybody wishing
information from then* gentlemen
along their linen can obtain the
same by writing them »nd cnclos-
Entertainment Schedule
Is Filled, Musical Pro-
* * ’ . n f-T * same oy wriwng m*"»
gram Especially ihxcei- inif B tamp fo» reply.)
lent. Local Artists oni
List I Mrs. Lillian T. Conway, the
[charming lady whom the U. S.
The week of July 93-ii will be ; Forest Service I, entrusting w h
crowded with high . *"ter ; j •" r g}| ^"^“hir P *.rk in
tainments at the University 1 [ Georgia since the beginning of
noted 1923. She ha. been in thirty-fir*
soprano, who has become a grea/ town* andi spo “^“JJwns. She ln ,h * county Jalletaabrdlununppp
favorite with all who have heard or *JS“*S”]J n L£! t women’s organ- actor an, t athlete formerly of Geor-
Tn Athen* will .Ing again ■ f’"P£ s j‘£ d W Jl B ho oU c« do in <“»• being held In the county
night In the rnlvereUy Chap-, i“tlons srnd Kh^* can fo U f Sunday for Denver. Colo., au-
Tuesday Mrs. K ; general eouc ti thorillee charged with the theft of
?ture at the Uni- e*try anautompblle And Alleged fraudu-
Former Georgian Arrest
ed For Theft of Automo
bile and Fraudulent
Stock Sale in West.
West, said to be a motion picture
day night
e) at §:15 p. m
Tift Jones will lecture
veralty and
rl* will give a violin recital it
Normal. Wedoeeday,. . Oopnodls
Faust Will be *lven In, iyjg>
instrumental and vocal selection*
(Turn to Page 8lx)
^IS^mSSS^rJSL **** ,nuia ’
right West Is shM to have: been sell-
ll*-. dUeuM.iS*
tknmrht 1 the!stbek lit the Lionel ' !* West
i i»J!en eon do for the Picture* Company, Inc. - He eeld
individual women.can do f« Purine, address .was
building, Dallas Texas.
(Turn to page aix )
Thurmond. R. B. Wlsl,
Rutler, O *H. Eley, A. B. Moseley
H. D. Moore, H- M. Spinks. J. L
Carey. W. R. Asbury, J. H. Boles
I J. W. EvsnSg W. M. Reynolds and
A. L. Copeland.
The prosecution, lead by Bolicltof
Doyle CamphalL and assisted by
Austin Bell and Dorsoy Davis of
Athens nnd W. H. Fisher, of
, Greensboro was prepared to put
j up the following witnesses: Di*
Full Hove, physician, AtherfS;
Hemptrly, undertaker, Madl*
fag; Give Record of All -«*•
Mcmbersnips. Bar Green brother of Jett smith and ob#
Smith, father of J. B. Smith, both
Athens; Linton Grlffetb
I Greene county.
(By Associated Press.) I D3l e. rt * lfrDO
ATLANTA—Bills introduced ln ™'SO NE ” 8
the House Monday, would require or J
— - - . — , all fraterniul and secret or-; H. Oostley.fsdsrAl prohibition
night of April 4th, employing a hetf !cnte to the reporters or the crowd ^ erB to record tbs names of mem-1 • n » or rement officer. Sheriff W. J
sheet to let himself down to thr f gathered to greet him, whether or!5o rs an( j forbids wearing masks • ® tur8,v * nt °* Tnlfafero county;
“ ‘ pub,l °* wou,d prohibtt «*•' y Hovrelt Of TaJiafarro county.
ground where ho Is supposed to not Ws h»t ws* in the ring,
have been picked up by confcd i Friends of the senator stated
crates and whisked nwnv to a nine# ithat they expected an important
of safety either in thir country oj ' announcement from him Wednes-
In some forelen countrv. ’jay, when he addresses a testlnio-
No trace of Chapman has been 1 n)a j dinner being arranged In hi*
found since but ♦wo N«*w Yorkers * honor.
Abe PHversteln and Dominick Dlda-
Ten Year Old Girl
to, *re under Indictment here In
the Federal court for nldlnr hlf
They nrn pnvr fl*rhtln»?
their return to this /county In thr
courts or New York City.
Dies Sunday Night
Little Miss Leah DetchovlU, li-
ytnr old daughter of Mr. and Mrs-
teaching of Atheism. Agnosticism! Iver *® n Lovejoy of Greene county
and Darwinism as a fact and would j ar ®, the held pending investl-
quarontlne the state against the {•*»«>" of the grand Jury
importation of green ptu and .?• ®?f der ln .
green beans from Florid*.
Hp iiiUII nn early hour Monday
afternoon no trace ol Bonner had
b«n found but county <>'«"” *«; Tltnm ’from'wJboTd TaViT
that ho will bo opprohended. Tho (HM|y w „ pr , p . rK l toT bur-
Ahraham Dethovit* of Comor, Oa.,
died at thoir home Buoday nlaht
It:45, following several week*
very shortly.
’ I.-,l by Dorsey's undtrtaktr*. and
jsent to Atlanta Monday mornlat
, for funeral and interment.
| Surviving are the parents and
two brother* Messrs. David and
Western Circuit
—... - . m / m ‘two oromers, Messrs. umYM muu
Bill Up Tuesday Harry DetchovlU. *11 of Comer Oa.
number of Athena' attoraaya
Rcpnoontatw* Frank A. Hoi-1 are In Watktnavtll* thl* rt-
dan, member of tho house judic- tending the July session of tha Su
Isry comm'ttce. toiephoned ten 1 ' " * " “
afternoon* that tbe bill to
divide the Western Circuit will ha
ires anted to the committee Tues-
lay afternoon at 4 o’clock.
parlor court there that waa open
ed by Judge Blanton Fortaon Mon
day morning. It 1* expeqted that
th* seaelon wlU be a abort on*
but little burinen attended to.
The House vottd to begin hold'
Ing afternoon sessions Tuesday In
order to expedite important mea-
Includlng tbe proposed tax
reform legislation and tha appro
prlatlon* MU.
Chairman Culpepper of the Ap
proprtatlons Committee announced
that he would call tbe Appropria
tions Bill up for consideration
Tuaaday morning.
In the Senate, Pace of the Thir
teenth District Introduced a sub*
•titute for the McMlcbae* Houee
resolution to Investigate the 8tatc
Highway department. The efifcl
of the Pace reeolutlon would be te
exclude McMIchaet, who for several
sessions has attacked the HIgI.waj
Department from thb InvestlgAtln*
The fire department was called
to box St Sunday night about 9:M
but no fire waa found, the call b*-
Ing a false one.
nertlon with the slaying
They are all here.
If Indictments ore returned
case will be tried this week.
If Customer* seem to be a
nuisance to your clerks, stop
advertising or • change the
The Cash Registers Re
marks: My tinkle is just the
pleasant echo of the store**
pleasure in having another
satisfied customer.
The cost of advertising tub-
tracts more than Its cost from
the total cost of doing
Every man is easily led if
you attach his feelings to the
right Incentive.