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VOL. 91, NO. 138
Associated Press Service
A. B. C. Paper
Single Copies 2 Cents Daily. 5 Cents Sunday.
*-+ *—!•
4*—4* *M*
4* ^*“"*i* *1* *1*
•I* *1* 4*" *1* *1* 4* ■■ 4*" *1*
Greene County Grand Jury Refuses
fo Indict Six Prohibition Agents Today
i/4 a
4*—4 -M* t-4 4* <*—4*
ausanne Peace Treaty
— —- I t
Jinety-Four Were Strick- Seventy-Five Sign Reso-
and Fourteen, Mostly
Children, Died From
Disease Last Year.
loculation of Child With
;oxin-Antitoxin Will
Vevent Disease From
lecoming Seated.
Pointing to the high death
front diphtheria disease
. last, summer when it
„ the live* of fourteen
>ple, mostly children, Dr.
D. Applewhite, Clarke
inty health officer, Tuea-
r warned citizens against
ecurrence of such a siege
■ officers stated that this is
Hcunon when the disease
.s and urged co-operation In
anting Its seread.
nety-four persons were strlck-
ith dlptherJa about this time
year, fourteen of that num-
Kuccumbing to the disease. Dr.
hito said. Without seeking
the populace the health
nlflsloner warned against such
. prevented,
principal means of prevent-
the disease—with toxln-an- mobile .. , w<r „ - ,
said Dr. Applewhite. Ho gasoline tax. Of this aniount the |odlMi WB8 ou t of danger Mon-
that parents have their chll- highway fund would ‘ da y night, according to doctors at
inoculated so as to prsvent and the rural rou*e fund the re- *
slok* maindcr.
urrance of last year'i
and deaths.
ily one cssc of diphtheria
been ‘ reported this month to
Board of Health but this Is
wwon for the disease to make
l headway.
Applewhite's statement fol-
lution Demanding Inves
tigation of Department
At Request of Commis
(By Associated Press.)
CHESTER, Ill.—Twenty three
out of forty ouo prisoners es
caped from the Illinois State
Hospital for the Criminal In
sane hero Sunday bad been re
captured lale Tuesday, seven
teen of the maniacs still re
maining at large.
One of the Inmates was kill
ed Monday, while posses of cit
izens and guards, heavily arm--
cd and with bloodhounds were
trailing him. In the meantime,
the homes in this town are ter
ror stricken with the Insane
murderers still free.
Nations Breathe Sigh of,
I Relief As Treaty Is Con-i
sumated At Lausanne
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA —As the House took
up for consideration, tho General j
Appropriations Bill, Elders of Tat-
nall announced that in seeking toj
amend the measure so as to in?
crease the allowance for the com
mon schools from four and a quar-. ——-
ter million dollars to four and a[Cloverhurst Will Be the
helf million annually, hb will not GppVip of SwiniminJT Par*
attempt to .trike out the proviso &ceneMi&wmimmg rar
that the' schools also shell receive [ ty, B<U!beCUe~£na-i/Bliee
At 6 O’clock.
ouo hall of all revenue, above
eight and a half million dollars.
Sinned by Stewart of Atkinson^ Tho members of the Cloverhurtf
county and approximately seventy- Country ei u j, w m enjoy one of the
five other legislators, a resolution IpKcst parties ever given by the
demanding an Investigation of the ■ c | ab Tuesday afternoon and night
State Department of Agriculture ( ^ hen tt swimming party, barbecue
was Introduced In tho House.
as Introduced in the House. j an ,| fl anc0 will bo given by the
The resolution states that tho c j u b.
Commissioner of Agriculture has j T ho affair will begin at #1*
requested the Investigation nnd ■ n ’ c l 0 ck with the swimming
provides for n committee of ten „arty and at 7:JO tho ba.becuf will
members of the House and five ' bo BCrve d. At nlnn dinning will
membors from the Senate be ap- begin and last un.ll m:d.Ught.
pointed to acts as tho investigat
4*—4" 4*—4*
When Safety Last’s the Slogan
Greatest Movement of
Humans in History of
World to Result From
LAUSANNE. — The Laniann*' *
Peace Treaty, formally .establish-1
(ng peace between the European I
powers anj, Turkey was signed
Tuesday morning.
By the terms of the treaty, Tur
key regains Thrnce nnd becomes
- bridge between 'tbe east and
Vote of Jury Was 12 to 11. “Never Con
sidered Facts in Case,” Intimates -
- Bell. Prohibition Issue,
He Says.
(Special to The Banner-Herald)
GREENSBORO, Ga.—After wrestling for twenty-
four hours, during which time arguments on the prohi
bition question are said to hare waxed hot, the Greene
county grand jury Tueiday at noon returned a “no bill”
at the conclunion of its investigation into the slayings last
month of Jett and J. B. Smith, by six prohibition officers
conducting a rum raid.
Tho prosecution sought indictments against all six of
the officers in the raid. Tho grand jury returned a no
bill covering the cose which frees them all. Hie vote was
12 to 11.
Ing committee.
The house voted 94 to 89 to
consider the New-McMichael^high-
way bill as a committee ' *'
mssioner warweu way uni „ - , -- ,
pldoraic and told how this whole and report not later than
. * Tula. *11 nn tho Kill.
July 31 on the bill.
The measure would create
diphtheria 1. by Inoculating hlghwnj[ t tad of
ren—who are more 'suspeptl- nualiy
west and Joins the League of Na
tions on a footing of equality with
the other nations which are mem
bers of tbe League.
Constantinople goes definitely to
Turkey nnd nil foreign troops will
be withdrawn, according to the
trenty. The treaty also makes
peace between Turkey nnd Greece.
Tbe treat) launches one of the
most stupendous and in aome ways
one of the moat cruel human move-
. ments in history by it's compul-
WH ° T recovering * ory e * ch *n« e ot fopuUtlons. the;
L '« "!f C , 0V 5 RI , r Greeka In Turkey returning toi
ATLANTA.—Mrs. Viola Taylor. _ >nd tba Turku in Greece
The wreckage above was onco an auto. Two parsons, one of them
Mrs. Harry McAfee, prominent interior decorator, ware kilted when a
Los Angeles suburban double-header electric struck their machine Ths
train derailed and caught fire, Injuring 22
begin and last tin 11 ;.v:d.tight.
Ovor two hundred members o.
tho club end their iady friend will
bo in attendance,
measure wuu.u - Aiutnia.-i.m-. Greece nnd the Turku In Greece
y fund of 33,500,000 an- proltJr 19 year 0 ld divorcee. who back t0 their naUve tends,
through the present auto- Molld „ y morning attempted to end * * . .. t0 aoI>0 the Armenian
license fee and a two cent, J a „ fe ^taking a quantity «
. in. Of this aniount, the . xinn. Problem. . . . . .
i Htudylng our recorde for
it in found that we had re
el In Athens und Clarke coun*
1 canes of diphtheria and 14
in. Diphtheria Is one of the
that wo know can be pre-
p'l and tha board of health
■ overy parent to consider
ires that will protect their
(Tom to pngs nix )
A Series of Articles Showing What the “Cow and
Hog and Hen” Have Done for One Georgia County.
ibnut the hardest thing for
max who thinks there’s
■cthing “magical” about ad-
tiring, is to realise that it
t a substitute for honest
»rt in other parts of his
( pula pep into all the
r factors, yes! But it
*n’t take the place of any
urea, comes only as • re*
d of merit. In rasrchsndio-
i it is baaed on
our goods
our service
oer publicity
our reputation
access cannot be won by
(ing any of these items.
dveMistngi is not a sub
tle for reliable goods, any
e than reliable goods *ro
tbititato for services, or
Ration a substitute for
II five factors, taken to.
Fhone 75.
The Columbia, S. C. f State
has reproduced in pamphlet
form a remarkable aeries of
articles by its Managing Edi
tor on the Turner County
plan. Tile Georgia Associa
tion has been formed to ex
tend this plan to every county
in Georgia and similar efforts
will be made in South Caro
lina. The Bsnncr-Herald
through tho courtesy of the
Columbia State, will publish a
series of articles summarising
tho Turner County plan. The
Banner-Herald has also secur
ed a limited number of the
State’s pamphlet and will be
glad to mail one free to any
one making a request for
C. G. Cushman, district dairy
husbandman of the extension
forces, with headquarters in
Spartanburg, who has recently in
vestigated on the ground, in com
pany with McDavid Horton, man
aging editor of The State, the
“Turner County Program for Per
manent Prosperity,” has writen for
The State the summary below of
the findings and conclusions re
garding the achievements and
prospects of a Georgia county,
"way down in the Wire Grass,
which is now attracting »««*-
tion of farmers throughout tha
versification in a famous speech,
in which he said.
"When every farmer in the
South shall cat bread from his
own fields and meat from his own
pactures, and, disturbed by no
creditor, and enslaved by no debt,
shall sit amid his teeming gar
dens and orchards and vineyards
and dairies and barnyards, pitch
ing his crops in hi. own wisdom
and growing them in Independ
ence, making cotton bis clean sur
plus and selling it in hi* own
time and in hU chosen
not at a master's bidding—getting
his I pay in cash and not in a r»*
ceipted mortgage that
his-debt but does not restore hi.
freedom—then shall be the break
ing of the fullness of our day.
Fifteen years ago, Joa law-
rence, editor of tho Wire Grass
Farmer. - published in Artlburn,
Ga., Turner county, .»**•" **
preach the wisdom of diversifica
tion through the column, of hte
writer 'in*' his* off ice Monday.
cycdJ C to^'tiu' CV d!ctionary*t. *ind
what I mgnnt.”
turner was
Then came the boll q. h . ROBERTSON, ONCE
tempt, "g on'the hoi. of ATLANTAN. PRO.
making one more mammoth cot ATL4NT.—O. H. Bobe
ton crop to ciear up . formerly connected with the
rial grievances—It ery aDd Tnut c^psny. of
Turngr^county. wta ^oatrnto. A» AUul . ku pron iotod to the
By C. G. Cushman, District Dairy cmnty*”ngCTL Atlanta, has bain promoted to the
vr -i-dm.n. - ^ iE&.^F^ri oneTM ’broS' position of, cashier of th. Canton
>rfo Henry ™ di'po^dcnt, bS- Bank sad Trust company, at Can-
1 South- rTne.farnier Wfa,<te«Rono h . , , on . OUo-i , Mr , Rob ertion Is 39
County Bread
Contest Winners
WILL OBSERVE IIS 1 Con, p ete Tues -
‘it was a fight between prohibi
tion and anti-prohibition forces in
tho grand jury, declared Austin
ill'll of Athens, one of tho prosecu
tion attorneys wbon they Jury’s
decision was announced. “All the
morning.” asserted Attorney Bell,"
tho Jurors made speeches defend
ing or condemning prohibition.
I That was tho only Issue. Tho facto
T>_ » ip I In the csss wero not adjudged. It
Prof. George F. Granber-j WM a proh | b | tlon and om i. proh , b i.
ry Presents Unusual £n-:tion squabble,” hn said, ho would
tertainment Music Tak-;^°‘ (i ‘ ll ‘ en «* futuro “>•
en From “Faust.”
The men holdlng tho raid, four
I ■ of whom wero hold to tho grand
Hnmp Economics Atrent* 'Under the direction of Prof. ] nr y 0 f fh| a county on charges of
Home Ibconomics Agent, ^ Folsom Oranberry, one of ! mur d e r by Federal Judge Samuel
From Clarke Takes Lo-; the moat unuaaal of high ctoaa j H. Sibley at a preliminary hearing,
cal Winners to Monroe, mu,lc * 1 programs will he rendered were J. H. Gastloy, federal pro-
For District Meet. i UnlTeraUy^Chapeb Wj'lnoa- hlbltlon enforcement officer;
University Chapsl. W-lnoa
day evening at 8:13 o’clock.
Music lovers will have the
Mrs. Annie Maa Wood, Bryant, cbanc e of bearing a program that
the Clarke County Home Damon- „ IHnm if .nr riven in a
1 /1„1- Mrs. Annie Mat wood, uryant, cbanc e 0 f hearing a program that
!Home Coming and Cele- the Clarke County Home Damon- ,, M |dom If ever given in a city
I hrntinn of EoundinST of i *«**•»" Agent has uktn the club . thl T he vocal eolon as well
y la reduced in 1 br&tion of Founding of j Agent has taken toe club ot th |, ,| M . The vocal aoioa a« well
tha traaty by tbo ^o^o, P» f byterian C'h U.■ «1 h fa5
tho detached mandated
Syria and Mesopotamia and Paiea-
With one simple stroke ot tho
pen, Turkey is treod of judicial
capitulations, such at China vainly
sought to accomplish (or Itself at
rreSDyrcnail uaun » contest to Monreo whara tney will grom OonmM
Will Take_Place Sunday.j-^SShSTaSS ***»• &£££
ILA. Ga.—Forty year. »«<>• July jm.rt"c't* < S.nU.7'win’lS'te! JMtaS'SX «ntert.lnmint being ot an-
29. 1883. the Mount Herraon Pres- ® Octobfr , Q eompete in the usual talent and ability.
byterten church wm c -ganiivd un-1 s(at< w|d( ud th , wj n .| iprof. Oranberry will have the ai
der a brush arbor, bv Rev. R. w. nrrK n( At | lnU wilt ro to Chicago alatenco ot tho following artiste in
Washington and which Japan • Milner, EvnngeNet for Atnens la[tT to comp « t , i n t ha national giving tbo program: Mrs. Mary
achieved only after two decades presbytery. There were twenty- eonleat. Craig Pigneron, Signora do Fab-
two charter member*, five of wnim oantcet have been held In the jitili, jug, Margarethe Morris and
^communities of Clarke county Uav 1 it Michael. Prof. Oran
ot atruggUng.
In only one way In Tjirkel treat
ed differently from tho otber
uountries, foreign legal advleere
being empowered to-recelve com
plaints relating to tbe arrests and
imprisonment of foreigners.
The Oreeco-Tnrk war produced
tbe great eoidter lemet Paaha. who
In the negotiations here, baa shown
himself to be one ot tho greateit
statesmen of all Europe.
Iamet Pasha worsted the cele
brated Lord Canon. British For
eign Secretary In the tint stage
atiU live. 1 - — „.... -
Tbo home-coming and colobra- (rom which tha contstente ware b<rry open the program with
lion of the fortieth annlvoranry will .elected tor the county wide com- ulk 0B the opera .
kjiifidsv July 29th. Two petition. Tho winners In Clarks.
bo held Sunday juiy svu eoumy are Mies JeeeJe
service, have •**". „ of of WlnWrvllle ML. Etta Flanagan J*'
commemorate these torty y f Centerv m B community. Miss, EN8EMBL
history and service ««ndblessings f|| W |,„ amt of Wln
ot God which the church has en- _
hlbltlon enforenment officer;
Sheriff W. J. Sturdivant of Talia
ferro county; Ed Howell, Talia-
fero count; Policeman Ivoraon
Lavejoy. Greene countp; Polleoe.
man El W. Brooks of Union Point;
and J. T. Darby of Whlto Plains.
Tho last two wore reieasod In tha
hearing before Judge Slbier. . ,
Tho prosecution lead iy Solici
tor Doyle Campbell and assisted by
Austin Bell nnd Dorsey Davis of
Athens and W. H. Fiiher of
Greensboro, sought to prove that
tho Smiths wore Bhot by the of
ficers from behind and displayed
tho uutomobllo they occupied Jo
tho Jury, which waa full of holes.
^°The* morning service. 11:30 east-
ern time, to contain tho roll-call,
history of the church, by Mrs.
Flora Rice Westbrook; our place*
of worship by Mr. J. H. Henley.
elgn secretary in mo urn .iaau worship !>y air. J. »>•
of the Lausanne Conference and, Special music; end a sermon by
since that Ume has been held In , R ev. J. A. Simpson, ot Commerce,
the highest respect by the other Tbe afternoon awvlco. 3 o’clock,
conferring diplomats. The Turkish I , h ere will be a parer on "Our
leader played two cards against y-ormcr Ministry" by h. H. Free-
the entire deck at the conference, mlB; , D open period for members
Europe's ambition to restore iieacc and vlsllora to speak a brief word
in the Near East at almost any I fr,. Iho occasion, especially relating
price nnd the euggerated Impor- to our fbrmer membt-rahlp: spec
tance ot Turkey at possessed of (,) m uslc; and a sermon by Re\
.a aw W 1 -W . W. UTattrin.
world power through her geograph
leal poaltloa.
With the signing qf the treayt.
which hat been bunging tire for
some time, the war clouds which
have been floating low over Eur-
ope for many months'’ have lifted
and It seems now that Europe will
enjoy the serenity of peace for
some time to come.
”stand- ton; Ohio.' Mr. Robertson Is 38
’ one years of age and has many Mends
' in Atlanta.
Thomas D. Cartledge of Weatrtn
stcr. 8. c. The ehurrh earnestly
desires all who were-ever members
of this congregation who can pos
sibly do so. to attend and Join with
us tn Thanksgiving *o God for His
favor and mercy and love.
Beginning Sunday night. July
29th, Rev. Thomvi D. Cartledge. of
Westminster, 8. C.. will assist the
pastor. Rev. Hal R. Boswell, in
the exangellstlc campaign, to con-
tlnno through August Stb.
COUMBUS, Cm —An involun
tary petition In bankruptcy was
filed tn the local divteion 'of ■ the
XL S. supreme court here MmidMi
morning against the Bush Hard
ware company, one of the oldest
firms of its character in th* city.
Dorothy Williams of Wlntarvllta I • ...
principals and Mlsa Elsie Toddd ol One of the moet unusual tea-
Tuckston community ee alternate 1 turce ot the entertainment will be
.This team of three girls end ons (be ensemble of eighteen pianists,
-i-i- The community prist composed from the following
——“—* ladles: Mrs. George Rowe. Rich-
club girls.
were given ‘h- the sducetional
committee of the Athens’ Woman's
club nnd tha county prisse by tht
Clarke county Home Demonstra
tion Council
Negro on Clarke Gang
Escapes From Hospital
Ward Here. Thought to
Be Seriously Ill.
Albert Bonner, negro convict
who escaped from SL Mary’s hos
pital early Monday morning, ni
still at targe at noon Tuesday.
Bonner was confined to th# hos.
pital following an operation on
July 17th and by filing the chain
that bound him to the bed poet
escaped about two o'clock Monday
morning and no trace baa been
found of him since.
He was serving a sentence on
the Clarke county gang for larceny
from Muscogee county.
mo n d. Va.; Mrs. J. A. Anderson
and Miss Martha Wall. Augusta;
Mrs. A. B. Bergen, Savannah. Miss
Martha Blanton, Griffin; Mrs. F. A.
Brinson. Milton; Mtes Doric Brown.
Whrthen; Miss .Worths Brown.
Carrollton; Miss Mary Cantrell, rant, too oiucers nia not mtj s
Union Point; Mm. M. J. Chauncey, I federal search warrtnt but one ef
— •- —— —— o.— coi» tb e state officers aaid he had “
The defense claimed that one of
the Smiths was firing on them, re
futed to halt their automoblle’nnd.-
It was thought, had killed Of
ficer Gsstley. Fifty-six gallonr-of
whiskey was caught In the raid,
which was staged near the bound
ary lines of Green and Morgan
Tho shooting attracted state-.
wldo attention. Involving among
other things the right ot halting an
automobile without n search war-'
rant The officers did not have a
Valdosta; Mias Mary CarrjCole,
... M , r —.
'Madison; Miss Clto Coley. Macon;
Miss Louise Hicks, Porterdale;
Miss Leila Julian. Tlfton; Mm. T.
C. 'Ueyellyn. Maysvtlle; Mlsa
Hunt Perry. Ivon City; Mlsa V r-
gtnte Turnell, Madison; Miss
Theresa Turner, Pelham; Allas
Alice Beall, Eatonton; Miss Annie
Laurie Holliman. Macon; Mrs.
Raymond Smith, Washington; Mlaa
Ruth Waldron. Hepsibeh; Miss
Myrtle Powell. Colquitt; Mm. Y.
A. Scruggs, Mian Marjorie Upshaw.
Dongtesville; Mtes Marion Wil-
Uams, Bteaksbear; Mlaa VDginta
Moore, Btackshear; Min Annie
Laurie Hdntor. Union Spring!.
Ala- Miss Virginia Neal. Colom
bo*; Mm. Irma Beal. Cairo; Min
Grace Field of Hampton.
Following todies from, toe ttnafe
department will,sing Ijj.'^e <»P-
AUn Jeanette Ash of 'Athens,
(Tarn to page six )
state search warrant, although Un
known <o Gastloy, leader ot the
raiding party.
Tho grand Jury waa organised
with J. C. Williams, editor of the
Greensboro Herald-Journal, as
foreman and the following Jurors:
Popo Collins, O. B. Tuggle. H. L.
I. cach, James L. Brown. J. C. Dur
ham, H. D. Goodwin, IP. H. Armor.
J. L. Wilson. W. M. Fanning. W.
J. Thurmond. It- B. Wtoi, F. J.
Butler. O. H. Eley, A. S. Moseley.
H. D. Moore, H. M. Spinks, J. L.
Carey. W. B. Ashury, J. H. Boles
J. W. Evans, W. M. Reynolds and
A. L. Copeland.
MOULTRIE. ; Ga,—Four brick
buildings in the outskirts of Ps-
vo, near here, were destroyed by'
fire yesterday, the loss resulting,'
it is estimated at from 315,000 tq