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Daily and Sunday—10 Ccnta ■ Week.
VOL. 91. NO. 148
Associated Preas Service
A. B. C. Paper
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'1' 1 i r
CABINET KOI Samples Liquor, 'Then
Confers With Cabinet President Coolidge
J Arranges Dignified
Funeral Rites Wed.
Denounces It As Bad
New Head of Nation
Holds Conference With
Members of Harding
Cabinet Saturday.
[Baltimore Minister Goes
j Rounds of “Blind Ti
gers,” Tasting Their
Goods, Then Starts Cru
sade Against Them.
Wants Cabinet to Refrain
•om Making Formal
Resignation As Is Cus
tom, Is Said.
BALTIMORE, Ma.—This minister
visited a dozen saloons.
He bought himself drinks and
stood at the liar ami drank them.
He drank whiskey ant! beer.
Then he went back to his pulpit
and told his congregation all about
his alcoholic adventures In a
scotching sermon denouncing law
Rev. Edward Tabor Is the mln-
Ister. He is pastor of the Hump*
, i den Baptist church. Ills spectacular
WASH INOTON—President Coni-1 rforni!im . ( , has stir ml Baltimore
lay | ut hl« shoulder un- f rnm | t „ p] ac |j attitude toward pro-
tl„. burden of governmciu nod hib „ |on PnforcPn)0n ,. nn( ] hn8
tn nnrrv on 11 ,,ni? e started a controversy within church
circles here and In other cities
over the "ethics’* of his crusade.
"Jesus tasted light wine,” says
Mr. Tabor, "and l see no sin In
sipping wine and beer. Only fana-
....... * tics on the liquor question would
raponalblllties ."J - „ nil <vlth my having sampled
ilans for the state funeral . ff „
predecessor, lie signed the ’ thoriu h „ v „ crtl .
,; n : •■ I ':^ , '-;o‘ 1 - , r‘r Hied their pastor for drinking
of the United States, for the first iii„ urmnwin w ..«
carry on along the
pathway pointed out by President
lecond day as president was
<upied with a long succession
flclal conferences In which he
gained an Initial grasp of his du
•June and July Were Good
i Building Months in Ath-
! ens. August Opens Up
u a proclamation nnnounc-
• passing of Mr. Harding.
Affairs of stute were token i
with several cabinet members, un-
| beer and whiskey. His crusade
' inaugurated after It was agreed at
j a meeting of deacons nnd trustee*
of the Hampden Baptist chufch
jmsr&x'fe* «'*•'« —«** should ho
who called at the temporary.
S .ho Willard hutei were', The clergyman said the whs-
t oy Hughes. Postmaster | k V "» ''™" k n “ h,H ”” r " f ""l 1 ';.
lol New, Secretary Uenby more saloons u-fis sunWslnglv
,cling secretaries of War>nod.” considering Us newness.
Treasury and Labor, Director Lord »"d was the stfonwst he had -
butlgct bureau, and Director j tasted. ^He
judged Its alcoholic
i of the Veterans Bureau. The! strength at 50 per cent,
ondltlon of the various federal “Though a total ab-tolner. ho
-.. m les were discuss'd In connec- savs. “I have sipped Intoxicating
tl'H. with the problems of the ear!) 'drinks before, nnd I was given
luturu. | whiskr while 111. I approve of the
r.ouncemcnts of policy were'prohibition law. hut even If I did
withheld by the president, nor * not nnnrovo of It I would fight for
•mid he Indicate Saturday night.Its enforcement.”
or lie hud In mind an extrt * Mr. Tabor from his church nnlolt
n of congress. | named ten saloons where ho had
...erythlng stands ns It Is/’ ho .bought whisky.
'id to newspaper correspondents I District Attorney Woodcock nnd
•until you are notified to the con* United State*, Commissioner Stin-
• try.” | p|en Immediately urged him to
The statement applied also to 1 Bw( » a , r out search warrants nnd fol-
h* cabinet personnel, nnd It war.) ow up his campaign against
Aged Murderer of Four
Carolina Children Found
Dead in'Jail By Author
ities. Confessed Slaying.
(Turq to page two)
I rnenkeasles. But the clergyman re
“Bvldonre Is on cr,v to - I.
I said Mr. Tabor. "It would bo folly
for mo tn negloet my church dultca
to act the roln of prosecutor.
“To got booze In Boltlmoro It la
not nocoBsary to know tho ropoa.
All enmera arc aorvod.
“Enforcement authorltlea are de
liberately blind to liquor viola
Another result of the Tnhor zer-
mon waa an Interview with Po
lice Commissioner Onllh»r. Tip
pastor says the commissioner
First Official Act of New promised more active co-operation
(By Associated Press.)
COLUMBIA, 8. C—William C.
Fades, sentenced to be electro
cuted on August 24, was found dead
In his cell at the state penitentiary
here Saturday morning. Prison au
thorities said he hanged himself
with pieces of a sheet during the
Tho sixty-two-year-old cotton
Building operations In Athens
$400,000 mark, J. W. Barrett, city
since January 1, have passed the
building inspector stated Saturday.
A total of $428,000 worth of
building permits were Issued by
captain Harnett between Jauuary
1 and August 1.
June nnd July were good build
ing months and August and Sep
tember promise to be Just as good.
That Is. for home building, at least.
Permits issued In July and the
Remodel home of R. J. Hancock
first few days In August follow:
on Mllledge; building house for
Southern Mfg. Co.; remodel store
front for Mrs. A. (H. (Talmadge;
build residence for L. K. Johnson,
on Hill; build house for J. M. Bray
on Madison avenue.
Build house for Grover Presnell
on Boulevard; build house for Miss
Glotova Lambert on Finley street;
remodel first floor of Maconlc
Temple; remodel house for P. L-
Smith on Lumpkin.
Build house at Crucedale; build
school auditorium for Athens;
school building on Lumpkin street;
build storage warehouse for W. T.
Hroxton; build house for Climax
Hosiery Mills; add to Bowen *
Crews cotton mills; University of
Georg)i for dormitory; addition
to Memorial Hall; remodel atofe
front of Head and (MlcMahan on
Clayton stroot.
Latest Picture of Coolidge
M^scns and Odd
Odd Fellows fit Joint
Session Saturday
Fighting Joe Wheeler
To Have Niche in the
U. S. Hail of Fame
MOBILE, Ala.—Alabama will be
represented In the hall of fame
If the bill which Is to be Introduced
at the July legislature nominating
General Joseph Wheeler to tho hall
of fame Is passed.
Local veterans, prominent states
men throughout tho ebuntry, and
the many ttemonal friends of the
lut<} "Fighting Joe” Wheeler are
backing the movement, claiming
that his brilliant war record both
as a dashing cavalry commander
of the confederate days and later
ns a major general of the United
mill worker, who was convicted of j gtat p g „t Santiago merit him for
murder In connection with the t j, 0 | lonor . • '
(Turn to page two)
Son of 1744 Plowed
Up On Virginia Estate
BKKItYVILLE. Va.—A spoon
dated *744 was plowed up on the 1 8 An
Milton Valley estate, near hare FaWlllM*
Body of President Harding Will Be
Taken From Train Tuesday and
Carried to White House. Services
Wednesday in Capitol Rotun
da. Then the Journey to
Marion, Ohio, Begins.
(By Associated Press.)
, WASHINGTON.—The national capitol, in sorrow
and mourning symbolic of that of the nation, went
forward Saturday with tho preparatios to receive
and pay a last tribute to the dead president.
A state funeral, to be marked with solemn dignity
and simplicity was arranged for by President Cool
idge and other high officers of the government, who
‘devoted themselves to the preparation of ceremo
nials that will fittingly express the grief and rever
ence of the American people.
Franklin County [particTpatb
V | President Coolidge, Chief Jus -
I).., MnnJa,, Al l ttce Taft ’ of the cabinet
L/ay Monday At Und congress and others in tiov-
. . .. __ lernroent councils will participate
Ag. College Here in thc creemonie »- At the
This is the Ictcvt photograph of I’ro.idcnt Coolidge. lie is at the
c’d Coolidge form nt Plymouth. VI, with Mrs..Coolidge and Calvin.
Jr., wheic he waa sworn In as the thirtieth president Friday morning.
The Maaonic lodge and the Odd
Fellows of Attica held a Join' bnr-
becue at Whitehead's Crossing
Saturday which was one of tho
most enjoyablo fraternal meetings
ever staged In.Jackson county.
Prof. Walker was master of
ceremonies and In the forenoon
fudge George C Thomts, Dorsey
Davis and Dr. Bennett of Jeffer
son delivered speeches. In the aft
ernoon Carl Von der l^ith, prom
inent secret order lender of Ath
ens. delivered the main address.
More than a hundred members
of the two orders gathered for tho j
Judge Fortaon Makes
Hodges Order Perman
ent. Strickland to Ap
peal Case. 3,000 Bales
The property recently was aold by
I oils Howe to rank V. Tllford, for
merly of Washington, D. C.
Prpqiffont W»8 p roc ] a . of the police department despite n
I lesiueni was rrocia ' cont of Attorney General
mation Announcing the [Armstrong that the police have no
Death of Mr. Harding.
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON. D. C.—President
Coolidge arose at eight o'clock
Saturday morning to begin his first
day's work as chief executive. Ho
ate his usual breakfast of cereal
nnd coffee In his hotel suite and
then called for his Secretary Ed
ward Clarke. He had originally
planned to go to hla office In the
Senate office building, but Instead
he began running through a great
mass of mall In an Improvised of-
Rce in his apartments.
The first official act of Coolidge
as the new chief executive of the
United States of America was tho
►inning of a proclamation an-
no’inclng the death of President
Hording nnd calling upon the coun
ty to observe next Friday, August
ID, n* a day of mourning and pray-
jurisdlctlon In the matter,
commissioner Gaither admitted,
(Turn to nage two)
On that day the late President
■ ill be buried at Marion. Ohio, his
home and the home of his father.
I <’oolidge took up hi* duties at a
h“-rto 8 of conferences devoted moat
I . holly to a discussion of plans
fnr the funeral of President
Ins. One of the suKKe'tlons “J**
hv the new president waa *“ a :
Windrow Wilson take a prominent
■m rt in the rites to be performed
■f it Wednesday, in the rotnnda
of the capitol. over Hardin, s body,
f'nolldtce let it he known that
h» preaent personnel of the no-
Ministration would continue In of
fee indefinitely and that he cou|d|
to see any reason for any“
(Turn to pane tiro)
Bovs and Girls to
Attend Weeks’ Course
At the State College
About four hundred bova and
Sir!,, winners of scholarships In
various contests, will attend a short
course at the State College of Ag
riculture next week.
Many of thc boys will camp near
the College during tho week. The
Dismiss Charges of Con-
longed to the Martin family of
spiraiy to Defraud the
Government in Connec
tion with ship Building. Mrs. Harding to
The spoon bore the trade-mark
of 8am Rowland. England. It at
so bore a crest, indicating It be
WASHINGTON.—Chas. w. Morse,
New- York shipbuilder, hla three
sons and four others were ac
quitted Saturday by a Jury on
rhargei of conspiracy fo defraud
the United States In connection
with tho wartime ship construction
and operation contracts.
Besides the Monc defendants,
were Krwln nnd DenJatnRi, Harry
Morse, N. H. Campbell, New York
president of the United States
Live on Farm of
Dr. C. E. Sawyer
leaders Rule
Women’s l-ower Limbs
Must Have Place
in the Sun.
PARIS—Skirls robing Just bo-
low tho kmc* will !*• a f'"»«'ir« ol
the now fashions whlr’» will bo ex
hibited to American buyers for the
first time next Tuesilny.
Dressmaker Cham 1. who Ih ie*
gnrd»d as leader of lb** fashion
makers Insists that the Aimrhm
effort to re-establish the long rklrt
la doomed. He declares iiinart Wit-
ment must exhibit their lover
Umbs or resign all claims
Attorneys here were Informed
Saturday night that Judge
Grubb of the Northern Alabama
district. U. 8., court, earlier In
the day signed an order upon a
petition offered by attorneys W
II. Fleming of Augusta and H
C. Upson of Athens staying all
procedure taken In the superior
court hero relative to the Bar*
The Judge signed a temporary
restraining order and set Aug.
Iftih nt the date of the hearing
In Havnnnab. Judges Barrett
and Sibley of- Georgia were
both dlHqunllfied.
Local attorneys stated last
night that none of the cotton
thru'has been released on the
order of Judge Fortson would be
affected. The case simply
stand* "status Quo" until after
the hearing on the 14th.
tlon of Mr. Coolidge, Woodrow
IWileon w*a invited to take purt,
_ ... hut after a conference with Colo-
Franklln county day woll bo ob- nel Sherrill, aid to the chief exo-
aceved at the State College of Ag- 'rutlve and Rear Admiral Qtaysnn,
rlcultnre Monday. ,Mr. Wilson’s physician, it was
According to reports from Frank- announced that because of the
Iln a large number of business men condition of hla health the femu r
from Laconia, (laraeavllle. Boys* president regretted he would be
ton as well aa farmers from all
over the country, are planning to
County days at the College are
drawing larger crowds than over
before. Blbert county sent over
300 business men and farmers here
laat week who atnclled at the Col
lege for one day.
Heretofore only farmers attend
ed tho County Day hut now the
business men come In large num
ber, bent on studying firm prob
lems at the College where they can
get expert atalatance.
ATLANTA.—The atory Is being
told hero of a deep political pur.
pose covered up In an apparently
Insignificant and Innocent little
piece of legislation aeeklng to In
crease the membership of the
board of trustee, of the Georgia
School of Technology from 9 to 14
Tho bill has been quietly passed
thrr.pgh the House and Is ready for
unable to participate
Upon Its arrival here from Ran
Francisco Tuesday, the funeral
train will be met by Mr. Coolidge
nnd other ranking officials, who
will accompany the body to the
White House behind the escort of
n squadron fo cavalry and a bat
talion of field artillery. It will
(Turn to page two)
Bill to Divide Western
Superior Court Circuit
Reported Favorably By
Senate Committee.
action In the Senate where there
is going to be made a highly point
ed and atlff fight made on It.
number of boys agd girls faking I of the Virginia Ship Building Cor
the short course nt the Agricul- J “
tural College has grown each year.
A delegation of Lawrenoevllle
business men will bring the beys
from that county Monday.
(By Associated Prau.)
MARION.—President Harding's ins faahlonnbli
widow will make her future home jenny, nl«n n lender In
at the farm of Dr. 10. B. Sawyer, creation, follow* the Idea thnt t
the personal physician to the late must be freedom for th? i«
chief executive. Just outside the limbs.
city, according to an announce-- • *
Transport Company; Rupert Much | m ent In Saturday’s Marlon Tri- .Mnnrnp Mav Btlild
Augusts. Me.; assistant treasurer bttne, which la the morning news- r ,
. — ■ • — * 1 Cheese I'nctory;
morning i
| paper that is controlled by
Hearing on making the receiver
ship, created by a temporary order
of Judge \V. L. Hodges more than
u week ago for the cotton stored In
the Independent Warehouses, In
corpora ted, over which a contra-
ver.-y has nrixnn tjirough the fail
urn of Barrett and Company, was
assistant treasurer for the Emer- J Harding's Interest In the Marlon
goncy Fleet corporation and an- * 8tar . Millard Hunt who occupies
Covington’s' rrHiitned before Judge Blanton
' Fortson Saturday.
ilftor of the Virginia Corporation
Plant at Alexandria.
Whiskey Drinking Rat Whips Tyro
Kansas City Police Cats—S’Fact
A piece of cheese Impregnated
with era whiskey was tossed Into
Mr. Rodent's hslllwlek.
The rat fell for the ’’pickled’’
halt, nibbled nt It and atagsered
KANSAS CITY. Ma—Tabby and
Torn, a pair of eats that make their
home at a local police station, hs *e
lost their reputation as ratters—
all because of corn whiskey.
A largo and husky ro*’enf had iilaxedly about his precincts. Tabby
been Infesting the areaway be- was tossed Into the areaway. She
tween the police headquarters and i nppronched stealthily. The rat
the cmergenry ho«pUal station. I wheeled, glared boldly ntto Tabby',
Try ast hey would, neither Tom I eye—and Tabby fledf
nor Tabby could trap him. Tom being a nun cat, retreated
“He’s too tricky while sober*[with less grace rand onslderably -
said a patrolman, “lot's get him more confusion than hla mato. AI Is bearing dp well under the death
-sonsad’’and maybe wo can snore policeman went to Tom a rescusjof hla aoa, haring rested fairly
yn,.- land killed the rat with a club. [ well Friday night
the Harding home undar a lease
offered to Immediately vacate but
Mrs. Harding rafased to let him
do so. That Is the home whore tho
famous “front porch" campaign
yroa held.
The old civic organisation which
handled rihlngs tindjnr Harding's
campaign for office has boon re
vived to take charge of funeral
plans. Attorney Hoke Donlthan. a
personal friend of the late presi
dent, has been named chairman of
the organization. A uniform sys
tem of mourning for homes and
business houses will *e ■vrked
According to Jfr. Carl Stwyer,
son of the late preabl mt’a :« r-
sonal physician. Dr. Georg s T.
Harding, father of the deceased.
MONROE, Ga.—(Special.)—,
Monroe Is considering establish.
Tho order of Judge Hodges was
.aionruo act up as permanent and the re-
tM B of >, Klwanlan» vlsBcd l" I**■ * Wilkin. .^ B. r.
torv nt Covington Inst week nnd
will report at tho next meeting of
the club.
Work Is being done by the citiz
ens nnd farmers toward Impmv-
Hnrdemnn, were odJered to con
tlnue nu custodians In charge of
the disputed cotton.
The temporary Injunction was set
up through a petition drawn for
log the pnsturo lands Is this conn-j „, lornoy for u, 0 Athens Manufac-
ty as n mean* of boosting
stock raising.
•HOLLAND. Mich.—store thnn
one million chicks will be ehlppe*’
throiiKh the Holla ml po«t off fro by
parcel post from the forty hatch*
eries In this section during th«
The seaeon will dor# In nb*vp
three weeks. One week l?5.«or
cMckn were handled at the loca^
luring comimny et al restraining
the lndei»endent Warehouses. In
corporated from delivering cotton
to any holders of receipts unless
under an order of the court.
At Saturdays' hearing Judge J.
J. Stric kland, representing the In
dependent Warehouses, Incorpora
ted, Introduced an intervention to
vacate the receivership and*allow
(Turn to page two)
The assertion is made that dis
appointments grew out of the re
organization of the management of
the great Institution by the prea
ent board after, tha resignation of
Dr. K. G. Matheson, and, whether
it la well founded or not, the
statement no# Is that the real
purpose for Increasing tho hoard
of trustees Is purely political on
account of the action of the old
Nexro Arrested in
Wilkes After Hunt
Of Fifteen Years
Tho bill to dlvido tho Western
superior court circuit by creating
the Piedmont circuit which passed
the House Thursday by a vote of
124 to 25 has been favorably re
ported out of the Senate committee
nnd la expected to pass the uppet
house the first of next week with
out tiny serious opposition. _• ^
Tho new circuit will take from
the present circuit the counties of
Gwlnnett y Jackson, Banks nnd Har
row, leaving under Judge Fortson’*
jurisdiction, Clarke, Oconee
The bar members of the e
C unties affected are said to |
vor of the bill almost ui
WASHINGTON, Ga.—(Special.)
—Indicted by n Wilkes county
grand Jury for assault wljh intent
to murder In 1908, since when he
has been a fugitive from justice,
Henry Porter, 40 year old negro
was arrested near New Town, six
miles from Washington Wednesday
afternoon by Sheriff George Wal
ton and County Police Officer M.
C. Haynle, and Is now being held
In the Wilkes county .jail subject
to authority.
The Fulton county grand jury jit
a recent term of superior court of
that county, jndlcted Porter for
assault with Intent to murder for
•hooting • negro woman in At
lanta, and communication has been
had with the police authorities
there by the sheriffs office giving
notice of the negro's arrest and
asking directions.
ROME—A recent meeting of the
Ogind Fascist council loaned n
communique stating that the Fas
cist position la regarded with en
tire satisfaction, and claiming that
Its adherents now] number more
than a million.
ATLANTA. Os.—The ho
representatives met
morning with only 108
present, or only four
majority, and U waa r
the apeaker to compel eve
present to vote on
The result waa that the i
of five members could kill i
eral hill brought up nnd 1
a scramble by members
their measures off
Thla^Wqs the first I
Ing MMisinn of the J_
Representative Holden, of
county, secured the
bill giving street car
tha right to purchase
Representative Smith, of
county. Introduced a bill to t
the general tax act by i
on cafea and, i
per table for a table with 1
than four chain and I
for additional chairs,
is fixed on lunch
hla bill.
This bin a: