Newspaper Page Text
Continued Sh(
Cooler, 1
Established 1832
Investigate Today I
To Regular Subscribers
31,000 Accident Policy Free
\ VOL. 91, NO. 119
Associated Press Service
Agreement Is Reached
In The Ruhr Coal Fields
Between Two Countries
German Coal Operators in Ruhr Dis
trict Reach Agreement With Franco-
Belgian Authorities to Cease Op
position to Coal Shipment.
. Germany “Deeply Regrets”
the Recent Bombing
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS.—German coal operators in the Ruhr dis
trict have come to an understanding with the Franco-
Beljnan authorities who are operating Ruhr rail
roads. According to the agreement, the Germans
will cease their opposition to the shipment of coal on
Italy’s reparations account, providing the shipment
be made over lines operated by the Allies. This agree
ment which was announced by the foreign office to
day is regarded in French official circles as a dis-
. . *=* - i tho nrnrrvnm nf mi SSI VP
day is regarded in nenui uuitwu ~ ~ .
tinct sign of weakening in the program of passive
resistance to the Allied action in the Ruhr district
Direct contact between the Ger
man manufacturers, miners ana
local authorities with the Franco-
Belgian officials in the occupied
region is becoming more ami more
frequent according' to a statement
made by a high French official.
He declared that this was sim
ply the development of the occu
pation and not the result of spec
ial authorization to the occupation
authorities l>y tho French govern-
ment ns has been reported by
a!Hmc sections of the foreign press.
BF.RLIN.—It is unknown wheth
er there Is Justification 1for the
French suspicion that the bomb
inir at Duesseldorf, Saturday was
an net of Germans, but that should
inquiry prove that such is the ease,
the government would be deeply
regretful, states an announcement
Mumluy made from official quar
* C Thc government, it Is added,
can emphatically repent its recent
that" 1 !t" ‘condemns 0 ever? form of I
violence and believe, that such
acu can fulfill no useful purpose,
merely serving an injury to Ger
many’s caasc.
Tcmperattire Reaches 104
Sunday Night. Is in Very
u Serious Condition States
i Speaks on
of J e ”
The sessions of the Athens Dibit
irsr«~ sr s.p‘-
church. At 7:SO Dr. P. C.Morgan
will continue the course on
Fundamentals of Dibllca Christ
f _ hen he will deliver the
„,,.„nd lecture. His theme at that
houP wil he "The Deity of Jesus.
At the »:30 hour tie Will K lvP the
second Of the outline .tudtes ol
the iHKiks of tho Bible, the book
for this evening’s consideration be-
'"5.“ course, ore designed
to help tlioso Who are desirous ot
studying the Bible nnd the funda
mentals of Biblical Christianity
Enrollments may be made at any
of the sessions, or at any time by
communicating with Bev. K.
Morgan at 1155.
courses present a Kreai
opportunity for Athenian to study
under a man who Is devoting his the preaching and teaching
of the Word of Ood. and It l»
hoped that many wilt 1 avail thrill-
selyes of this privilege.
DUBLIN—The current numliet
of (he Irish Builder and Englneei
annnunre, the Boyat Hoapltal
lCilmAfotiMH. bring converted In
to a parliament house for tho Pro.
State parliament. U la axp«led
the Dali trill use tha hall.
TOPEKA—Governor Jonathan M
IMvIh in in a ■erlmm condltoln
f*.*oni Influenza at the exeoutlvi
mansion, his physician. Dr. L. M
Powell nnnoiincrd late Sunday
night. * The governor haw not lioer
getting on.woll ffir more than ?
week, member* of his family said.
Hi* Illness, however, did not force
him to take to hla bed until Sat*
urday afternoon.^
The governor’* temperature wai
almoHt to the 104 decree mark
throughout Sunday afternoon. Dr
Powell Bald, addlm? there was no
threat of pneumonia nt present
The medical staff attending Gov
ernor Dnvls was Increased to three
phyBlrlnnB Sunday. After a con
sultation the physicians pronounced
the Rover nor "a very sick mdn.”
ThrouRhnut th» afternoon no one
hut the physiculns. tho nurses am’
members of the governor's family
were allowed In the sick room.
Many Physicians
To Attend Meet
Here Wednesday
Meeting of Eighth Con
gressional District Phy
sicians Expected to
Draw Many. Barbecue
DUBLIN—Wild scenes oc
curred In Dublin Monaay In
ncftion with the Irish Tdne Un
ion Congress. Delegates going
to the Mansion House found tin
approach blocked by a crowd o!
demonstrators who tired to selxi
the building, shouting, "Release
the prisoners" and "Up Larkin.*;
Police were absolutely powerless
to prevent the fccenes and at u
la to hour, the disorder had not
Immense Property Loss
and Three of the In
jured Will -Very Proba
bly Die.
NORWALK, O.—One man w«r
killed rind ten ware Injured In the
explosion of an ammonia tank In
, the Glass building, a five story
. hiudnesa block -occupied by the C.
, F. Jackson Department Btore,
Hchnclter was Instantly killed.
Witter was fatally injured. I...
clothing and entire skin were torn
from hi,, body. Only shoes and
belt remained.
Mrs. Elisabeth Sipple, a pedes
trian who were gazing | n the store
. „ , „ 4 . . a w, . window, was thrown across the
was taken just as he was about to enter the Palace Hotel in San r rancisco, street by the force «r the explosion
The above picture was the last taken of President Harding. The picture
Floors of tho building caved and
the street In f<ont of It w*a torn
up. Windows of surrounding
buildings were shattered. Only the
foor walls remained standing.
Three men, L. B. Hchaclter, Chaa
Witter and Ouy McKaln, were re-
pairing the tank In the basement
of the store when the explosion oc
Many Line
As Special Ps
Thousands From All Over St
Iowa Stand Silently As Ft
Train Dashes By in Early Me
ing Light. Lost Time Being
Rapidly Made Up.
(By Associated Press.)
AT OMAHA, Neb.—The west has paid
tribute to the memory of Warren Gamaliel
and the east was given its first opportunity |
the man in death, who had until last Thur
been their chief executive in life, Monda
death train bearing his body from San
Washington, sped through this town on
east. By a silence as eloquent as were th
paid the late president in the westeri^B
people eastward from the Missouri river
plainly their love and affection for Harding.
, Hh * "“Hared probably ratal Inter-
which was to prove the scene of his sudden death. The president stopped ^ and motor .
President Cooiidge Has
Shown No Intention of
Calling Earlier Session,
Says Gompers.
A large crowd gaih
station here as f
ini, bearing it*
toward its last re sting 1
cd in. With heads i
bowed, the crowd r<
during the. time the
through. Little if
I,’ .■!•' : in! h«*r®'
the alight soli <>
t•«• In .ml a.s the* car i9
widow of the dead ma|j
ing, flashed through t
As the train stole sileii
the early morning lights
silently dispersed-
an instant to allow this picture to be snapped, though it is evident from thc | J«**.'
portrait that the president was in pain even then and a sicker man than his j at , M0M0 .
ini train bearing t
President Harding pa
this town at t»:20 o’c
morning, nearly one
physicians thought at the time.
Harding’s Last Words
As a Private Citizen
jFranklin County
j Citizens Here to
Study Farming
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON. — President its scheduled time
Cooiidge apparently has no inten-. <?red around the stai
ticn of calling an extra session of & re traia tin " . ..
congress at the present time, bill I “••P** 1 " pa8Bed th
congress at the present time, but : .’L , , . 53
those who cnllcil upon him Monday thdr last trlbulu t0 “4
morning are under the impression AII
that he has not yet fully made up ophtitp
his mind as to what course he will I 1 AKTS ® ST ATE
Franklin county business men ^ poaMbility of an extra |{’V r l < ‘ r ;‘ l tr “ in ar , r i ved *
and farmers were "taking In" I" 10 " wai discussed by the . h,,w * e the
ililiiBs nt th- Stale college 0 f a... I (lent with Samuel Gompers of tho ln |s *tnte
ricultiire Monday. (American Federation of Labor and the morning at Cou:
large delegation of eltliens I SecreUry Morrison of the nme has not passed over
How President Harding as president strove to fulfill the ideals he
cherished as a private citizen is forcibly shown in the following state
ment, made by him in March 3,1921. just before he was inaugurated—
his last words as a private citizen of the United States:
ame oyer to study new farming organisation. Con
icthods nt th« rollege and to hear president appei
dresses by Dr. Andrew M. Houle Intention now cf t
Thin republic esnnot and will not fail if earh
of us doe* his part If we but work, are thrifty
and seek that understanding which reveals mu
tuality of interest, no differences can long
Our great assurance at home lies in an in
telligent, resolute people, in a land unravaged
by. war, at enmity with no people, envying
none, coveting nothing, seeking no territory,
.striving for no glories which do not Become a
righteous nation.
|f there is one thing in my heart mere than
another it U that at the end of the coming ad
ministration there remains the America we
inherited from our fathers without the sur
render of a single _ part. I only wish ^or <>ur
A large representation of physi
cians of the Sth congressional dis'
trlct Is expected here Wednesday
to attend’the annual meeting sche
duled for Athens. Deslds d»scusr-
Ing subje<1s of vital Interest to the
medical profession a barbecue
be enjoyed.
-Th»* hui Iness meeting and
barbecue s ill be held nt Fast Lake
The local members of fhe A^r
elation are planning . a p?<>*
for the™ that will insur
' ,A ±°
are piunimut t» , «roi(Tnr. i,
vlaiore that ’ wui ;fn-» r f *’
time nn-I IIif- InrK-'ri I'H'.
• of .Mveral yeeF. I’d 'ex-!
America a M>ul truly American.
I know there i> not n man or a woman who
does not rejoice in American solidarity and
who docs not want it preserved.
We crave fraternity. We wish amicable re
lations everywhere, we offer peace and choose
. to promote it, "but we demand our freedom
end our own America. I believe an America,
eminent on the eeas, respected in every avenue
of trade, will be safer at heme and greater in
influence throughout the world.
I like to think nf an \Amcrica whose citizens
bW Jfrekter .development end
' like to think
lawful mission—
everywhere under the .shining- sun.
There is a ne4 world relationship and when
the next administration comes into power
we're going to play our part. We’re going to
ask for nationa associated together in justice;
but it must be an association which surrenders
noth!**? of American freedom.
Our governmental good fortune does not lie
in any surrender at ether end rf the avenue
(at either the Capitol or the White House nt
either end of Pennsylvania avenue in Wash
ington), but in the co-ordination and co-oporn-
tion wheih becomes the two branches in a great
and truly representative popular government.
I.have been thinking nil the time of getting
an organisation best fitted to serve this
country. I am a partisan. I believe i*i party
government. I have chosen n UepubMcan cabi
net, but no selection has been made because of
party obligation without consideration for the ,
best service of the country.
I would rather have the respect and confi
dence* of my home-town people, who have
known me intimately all my life, than to have
been elected president. And I have a feel in"
that so long as I ran continue to hold their
respect and confidence I will be credited at
least with doing my best for ell the American
.£3&r.I 'am-through.down at Washington l
nl-an*-to-ho able to some back homo and-again.!
Ii*a-partoftho homo community. !q>,.
mlr.««e» by Dr. Andrew M. Soul.
pre.lUcnt; Dr. M. P. Jnrnnan. J.
H. Wood, Dr. J. B Pain and othrr
•pn-inlima nt th. Inntltullon.
Prnnklln county haa Jolnr.1 th,
rnnka of many other Qaonrla coun*
tiro now Interratod In b«tter farm-
InR methods.
Nnbodv arqnlrca more Infor
mation than he will receive.
When your adrrrtiaement
cornea to a man at a lima
when he doean't want It, or in
a form he doean't want, it
doean't reach him at all.
He aimply won't take it in.
It la thla which make*
nre.pfiper advertiaing, year
in and year out. tbe form of
huilnmi mcaaage w k I c k
riarhex 'he reader’ll mind aa
well aa hla eye.
For when he retd* his news
paper he is looking for news
your news as well as all the
rest—if you have news for
. gly and
Hi-.. trailing congressit>»y Ihcir last reaper'
together ahead of time. bnf. wurjmer chu-t ..t' the nati
reserving his definite decision. I Thousands h:»\
* i parts of Iowa
The new chief executive of tho selves along the rigb
nation affixed his signature to u giv.- a In-t testimonh
paper Monday authorizing Mrz. love fur the man w!
Villa B. Pugh, a clerk in the g*n- special—silent in del
eral land office, to sign his name'
to land grants. She is the Only MAKING UP
person in the country with the au-ITIME RAPIDLY
thoritv to sign tho name of the! . .
ipresident to official documents. I TAMA. I-.i.i teavl
I Al.- , I. !o thn uiilium nf ■ I son, lOW.’l OTIO htlUI*
lie’s In the mood—he’s pre
pared to give it hla attention
—he’s prepared to be Inter
file' is. Also SHB Is.
■ The Banner-Herald take
1 atdre • n*#k " Into the
df Athens at n time
uhen there is the time to read , ‘a*
■lj -j
Mrs. Pngh is the widow of «j, Ia TL,.
former member of the. law board ■ eeheduled tl
of the land office. She .
pointed to the position by former
President Harding.
County and City
Boards to Meet
City council will meet Monday
night at S:*0 o'clock In prelimi
nary oesslon to the regular Au-
giAt meeting which will take place
Wednesday night
.j-thc special
mains of Pi
ward to the
! IIy made up the
flashed hrough thli
I fifty ono o’clock, oi
minutes late. The man i
tie of the special Is (
up the time so that (
which are thronging I
bed to pay their
1>o disappointed-
lost tlmo is bfing i
The Board of Health meets Tue»-i CHICAGO.—S
day afternoon at 4:30 o’clock "nd J train, Dr. Geo
at 1:30 Tuesday night the Civil j brother of the 1
Service Commission will hold# ItfjCnrI Sawye
meeting. jfrom Mario
The Clark* ’ County CommUi
ers will also hold
j bv W. H. Fit
mg t