Newspaper Page Text
Bulldog Grid Prospects Bright For Coming Season
& rfc
i On September 14, in a little
white ropeiJ square in New York,
two modern gladiators, usin|r skin
tight fighting gloves in tfie place
of the old time spear and short
bladed, two-edged sword, will bat
tle each other for the right to bej.
called the Heavyweight Champion
of the World.
With Many Letter Men Back From Last
Year’s Squad and Practically Entire
Freshman Team Back, Head
Coach Woodruff Has Oppor
tunity to Build Up Strong
Gridiron Tearn.
I Dempsey, the champion, is to
• defend his title, if he can, against
j the mad rushes of one Luis Angel
Firpo, one year ago an unknown,
and now the challenger for the J
After learlii :
iguejij t)>: •
n perfect ro<
Hopkins team
defeat from I
Th»*ir second
palgn was an
Hen Link
'Champ Tobacco
Chewer Lives in
! Clayton County
J“Kat” Munday, Universi-
ty Graduate, Tells of
: Marathon Race. Winner
1 Chewed 69 Hours With-
(h, park In the V J Ollt Stopping.
with i
in six games the Jonesboro has the champion to
nally mot another harco chewer i.i the United States
xl by a 11-2 senr<‘ according to a story which ap-
feat of the cam pea red in a current issue of the
utter humiliation, jf'layton County News, edited by
ir tempermental j“Kat" Mundy, University of Cieor-
mlerful record wa gia graduate.
Firpo is picked by many to nn- j
ex Dempsey’s crown, though why
l the world these experts do is I
September 29—Mercer Athens
October 6—Oglethorpe Athens
October 13—Yale New Haven
October 27—Open Date.
November 3—Auburn Columbus
November 10—Virginia Athens
November 17—Vanderbilt .... Nashville
November 24—Alabama ... Montgomery
December 1—Centre College .... Athens
to! us.
empsey has had mor
• in the ring than h
cxperic/ico counts in
ship fight.
Firpo, i
niles faster than is j
The winners <-r>i
ittack In the
eighth frain* •;
The losers w
less throughout,
get n hit for the fl
off Stnn Smith,
rent game glvlmr
Dingier*. these c«»r
eruelnl periods. T
hammered the JJnk
quite- harm- i
e.v failed to
five Innings |
in worked a I
liny McEnt;
lie** Pope hit well f.»
ers while Snlughter
the willow for the
Captain “Rod" P<-
etl some nice plays
MeEntyre guarded *he
handy fashion, (soy
Flanghter and R L. Mo
U », , . „ | ■ ■ '• ' The box score;
wont be SO very long now until the green of! The above paragraph gives tho j Pound
Dempsey is n two handed fight*
•er, and Firpo has only one good
I hand.
) Dempsey can take punishment,
j That has been proved. Firpo also
- probably can take punishment,
though it has never been proved.
We take only facts here,
j Dempsey is the more aggres-
isivo of the two.
| firm foi
1 Davis,
-if- tin
c and “Will
ilio conquer
as best witl
i«l eontrlhut
afield. Fr.-.
p plate Ir
the tree leaves will begin to take on van-colored tints T^Xm^n il win emerge from
ranging from brilliant red to dull brown, the air will ] the ring after that fight, victor-
take on a tang that makes one feel that after all, lifej iHU 0 "„ the other hand, take Firpo-,
is worth living, the more cautious of the brothel •g'advantage over the champion:
will shake the moth balls out of the "long ones”
tne stage will^ be all set for the opening of the 192*1 u«»» that the word “supposed” in
football practice season.
. It is only a short jump from the day that the init
ial call for candidates is issued until the time when
to Us that] Mr Entire c.
1 3b.
uesd. That point can not he set
tled until the two men actually
;t in the ring anti trade blows,
would seem that the South
it „ i.. j. *‘*" v J American is the more powerful
tne piayeis line-up for the first kick-off of the sea** j ( ^ uc his magnificent build. | iiopkii
Pope 1h.
Smith p.
Davis h.s.
Dean If
Anderson 2h.
MeEntyre rf.
| However, it should he rememberedi Pllt:
With eighteen old men back,
around whom Coach Kill Woodruff
can build up his team, and the ad* place.
ditlon of twenty-three men who The University of Georgia has
were on the freshman squad dur- without doubt the last coaching
in* -the past year, the prospects line-up of any college in the south
are more than rosy, to say the this year. Head coach of nil nth-
least. jletics, Herman J. Stegcman, is
Headed by Captain Joe Bennett, j known all over the country as ono
All-Southron tackle of last sea- °‘ the best football mentors in
ton, tho old men back this tall will • tho south. Kid Woodruff, one of
be: Sam Richardson and J. D.tjbe greatest quarterbacks, the
>ve,I University has ever produced,
that it is not always the most
t __ . | powerfully built man who has the
hnrlf^nr I i°u rp K u ^ r flunjtor- j most steam behind his blows.
rWln’JTi m P, lay - ‘Jl 0 Rather the man with the nearest
iu to perfect coordination
« ^ 111 ^ ^est k®* f° r tho between brain and body, is the
Thomason, ends; Ike Joselove,
man who carries the harder
blows. Dempsey nearer approach
es the stage of perfect rp-ordina
tion between brain and body than
does the slow-thinking “Wild
Bull,” no matter how powerful in
build he may be.
Firpo has never njet but
good man, and he caught him ,ns
he was past the prime of life, so
Puss Newton and Spencer Gray. I head coach of football and the flir ns prize fighters go, and
son, guards; Joe Bennett and Jim j Bulldogs are extremely fortunate „ n n,,, dorlinc. Firpo whi
Taylor, tackles; John Fletcher,:)” have a man of the type of
Harvey Cleckley, Jake Butler, B. Woodruff to tako them in charge.l
Fulcher, Tcanny Randall and Ml- Conch Woodruff will bo assist-
Bor .Wheaton, halfbacks; John led by Coaches Thomns, a fuur-
Flricher and John Tanner, full-1 letter man nt Notre Dame, front
backs; 1-hilpot, quarterback; Frier,:where he was graduated last yenr,
center; R. Day, center and guard; [and Captain Bachman, of the
Charlie Wi.hrs, halfback and:United States army assigned here
quarterback. .and n former All-American player
The new men coming up from
the freshman team to make a bat
tle for places on the varsity this
year are: “Buster’ Kilpatrick,
Sant Simowitx and Tom Nelson,
halfbacks; Russell and Brumiij,
quarterbacks; Scrappy Moore, No
lan Richardson, Jones and Nolan,
ends; Carmichael, Tippin, Shad-
duck and
Carroll ,
I 01lvci%en^am^gUBrd; C. ||j|tmoro Country Club invitntion
iium.iuii.-i, oiiuu-»
c ’ "*** f m ! Harris Jones is In Asheville,
II, tackles; Sage, center,!^ c„ where he is playing in the
Firpo whipped
Willard. Whipped him decisively,
but it took him eight rounds to
turn the trick, while little Jack
Dempsey hammered Williard to
the resined floor of the arena in
just n little over three rounds.
Also, when Dempsey whipped
Willard, the latter named was
four years younger than when he
was when he fought Firpo—and
four years, when a man roaches
the forty yenr marker*—is fom
It would seem that Firpo did
nothing so very great by whip
ping the fast slipping Willard,
since he took nlmost three times
long to do it as did Dempsey
four years ngo, when Willard was
irt much better shape.
Costa If. „... 4 0 0i
Kytlo lb 4 o o (
Link p-e 4 0 01
Hodgson c-21i 4 0 0 1
Lumpkin rf 3 1 0 (
Slaughter p-*f. 3 1 2 (
Higdon cf. 3 0 0 1
Totals 31 2 4 r
Umpire* McWhorter am! Thorn*
ton (Chicago.)
Tho clubs standing:
H“m W. L..Pet.
Hopkins 1 0 2 .73(1
Pound ... 4 2 .372
Bedgood 3 3 .30f
Dew'S 3 ,, s
. f “Kat’s” paper reports the to-
. jbacco chewing marathon as fol-
“Jonesboro is not to he out
done by some of our larger
cities. In some of our larger
cities the long distance mara
thon endurance contests are
all the vogue and many of the
fair dancers have established
records for these marathons
running up to many hours be
fore a halt was called.
“Brother Dan Henderson
won the long distance mara
thon chewing contest held in
Jonesboro last week by going
a total of sixty-nine hours on
one chew of tobacco without
stopping. During the contest
a total of 40 plugs of tobacco
were used. During the con
test sleep and nourishment
were administered without
halting the contest. The chew
was shifted from time to time
from one jaw to the other.
“At the end of the sixty-
ninth hour the contest was
halted by the attending phy
sicians for fear lockjaw would
develop. The contestant was
still chewing strong when the
event was halted. The Jones
boro city council and the
street committee have express
ed themselves ns being great
ly opposed to the holding of
future tobacco contests in the
city limits and may propose
legislation against it.”
Seaboard Resumes
Special Rates To
Atlanta, Sundays
j was the only threat. “The Mule”
j continued to bray as he “fast-
I hailed” tho University lads to
Crow and Settle hit well for the
Shoemakers while Jack Frost
I played a stellar game at first,
j “Hub” Dowls was a flash at the
(keystone station. Jack Frost proved
to be the same popular lad of a
yeah* hack. “Judas” received
large ovations and some razz but
It was well meant and well re
reived. There’s always a place in
Shoemakers Defeat Sum-[Athens tor jack Front,
mer School Team Herel^ref^uoTa^ro-Re^
Friday Afternoon By j Their fielding was featureless cx-
1 cept for a catch fy Barton.
The Box Score
Buford ab. r. H. po. a. e.
Dowls, 2b 5 1 1 2 5 C
hut it was well meant and well
received. There’s always a place
nnon; -rf
Score of 7 to 0.
Two young gentlemen from the
Orient strolled leisurely to Sanford
Meld Friday at tho request of
some American friends. A sight
tlioy would he W’ell pleased with
would take place, a baseball game.
A fine chunce to leurn something
about America’s pastime.
Friends, they were disappointed,
grossly misinformed they say. For
nine dragging frames tho Univer
sity team for the summer and the
In ford Shoemarkers battled. Bu-
’ ford won. 7-0. Hats off to Brown
•Mule Smith and some seven mts-
j cues by the University infield.
“Brown Mule” Smith was in fine
fettle throughout, giving up only
two hits and whiffing nine. “Tho
Mule’ had smoke, yea, much smok
At no ttmo
bring scored on. “Feets” Phllpot,
a Bulldog ace in past years look
tho hill top for the Georgians and
twirled remarkable ball hut tho
support accorded him would have
lost any pitcher’s game. The little
port slder gave up only seven hits
and deserved a less cruel fate.
The Georgia crew minus the ser
vices of nil the veterans lacked a
a punch anl played finer ball In
the field. They were charged with
seven errors and close scoring
would show more. The Shoemakers
played good ball, making tho fracas
a laughing matter. Continued raz
zing by tho fans and wrangling by
th<» players marred tho slaughter.
Tho Shoemakers started tho ball
rolling in tho second Inning and
the outcome was never In doubt.
Tho Georgia club look very docilo
before “the mule’s” benders while
little phllpot was watching his
mates bobble. The second netted
run as did tho third, fifth and
ninth. Threo unearned runs came
In tho sixth.
Georgia’s only hid for
Crow. 3l>
Frost, lb ..
Settle, cf .
Marlin. If ..
r.rogden, ss
Johnson, c .
j Barton, cf .
ISatlof, 3b ..
i Richardson,
jo’Rear. 2b
Sale, lb ...
...5 0
...4 1
2 2 4 0
1 10 0 0
110 0
110 0 0
7 27 16* 1
(Special to the Banner
Herald.) — The baseball
team of New Holland won
over the Georgia Bull,
dojfs here Saturday after
noon by a score of 4 to
in what as one of the best
and hardest fought games
of the entire summer sea
son here.
Bedgood occupied the
mound for the visitors
from Athens, while Elder,
a b. r. h. po. a. ,. N ew Holland hurling are,
performed on the slab for
the home talent. Elder
and Bedgood pitched
good bail, but Elder had
the better of the duel by
a slight margin.
a 3 l
Score by innings:
.29 0 2 27 17 7
011 013 001—7
Summer School ...000 000 000—0
Two base hits: Settles. O’ltear.
Base on halls of Smith, 0; off
Phllpot. 1.
Struck out by Smith, 9; by Phil
pot. 2.
Umpires: Pekle and Brogdon.
‘ Time: 1:48.
Bulldogs Ready
For Two Games
Here Next Week
Kilpatrick, half and quarter;
Smith, quarter and half, LI
comb, guard and tackle; Snyo.,,
quarter and half; Harriot and
Windham, fullbacks.
V Every football fan in the aouth
known of Joe Bennett, who leads
the Bulldoga thli year. John
Fletcher la alio known over the
pntire aouth, while Teanny Ran
dall, Jim Taylor, Sam Richardaon,
Ike Joaelove and “Shad" Frier
have time and again demonatrat-
ed that they were entitled to be
Bated with the beat in the aouth
on the gridiron.
tournament. Ha'rria haa played' Man y wil1 Pi“J. th «*r °1
the Asheville course a number of| t !’ e outcome of the fight based
times and is liable to come back! 8,m l> ly ®n the outward appearan-
with a cup tucked away under his, * 1 .f wo jnen, while other:
nrm |will allow their feelings and emo-
__itions to influence their good
n:n . nu it • * ; judgment, but the gamblers—the
Billy Phinizy is going up
uu.y rnimzy is going up to ^ who tako everything into
Asheville in a few days to enter | cong {deratlon—the men who have
a tournament on one of the courses
there and will be accompanied by
Arthur Griffith. Both of these
are leading players of the local
Arthur spent almost' an entire
day in Atlanta last week stocking
up his bag with new clubs. And
since then he has been putting in
some extra practice hours. The
Among the new men . who win'"** 1 p l«yer th»t encounter* Archie „f his prowess will be classed as
ake bids Buster Kilpalrick, an in * match for the cup will have a “Wild Bull,” while poor Firpo
Athens boy, should capture one of re-vamped bax and . revamped
the position, in the backfield, P‘» y « r t° contend with it seems,
while his freshman teammate of!
lost season, Simowitz, seems A tennis tournament gets un
stated for another of the back- way on the Cloverhurst courts
field jobs. 'on August 15th. Already most of
Nolan Richardson, end on last th ? ™«l uc *. 8t ? r8 u of , the •’»«
worked the game down to a fine
point and a table of percentages,
will place their roll on Dempsey.
That’s a prediction and the money
will go up at about 8 to 5 on the
champ to win. Many are con
vinced that Firpo will win. If
they bet their money on the fight
upon its conclusion, the South
American will not be the “Wild
Bull from the Pampas.” The tales
himself will be everything from a
“bum” to a lizard.
The State Legislature of Ala
bama has passed n resolution ask
ing the heads of the University of
Alabama and Auburn to get to
New York 14, Cincinnati 4.
Pittsburg 2-4, Philadelphia 4-3.
Brooklyn 7-0, Chicago 3-3.
Boston 4. St Louis 2.
Washington 9, St. Louis 3.
Cleveland 15, New York 7.
Boston 8. Chiacgo 1.
Detroit 14. Philadelnhin 4.
Borminghnm 5, Memphis 3.
Chattanooga 0-4, Mobile 2-3.
Nashville 5, New Orleans 2.
Atlanta 9-7, Little Rock 4-8.
Augusta 3. Gastonia 4.
Charlotte G-10, Macon 2-0.
Spartanburg 4-5, Greenville 2-0.
White Men Arrested
Charged With Firing
At Home of Negroes
WASHINGTON, ~Ga.—(Special.)
—E. V. Powell anil H. A. Wolfe,
young Wilkes county white men,
were arersted hen* charged with
shooting up the home of a negro
living near the homes of the two
Brought to Washington after ar
rest the two men made bonds for
$.300 for their appearance to an-
action by the grand Jury. A
quart bottle of whiskey was found
In the automobile occupied by the
when they were arrested.
Bond of $100 was made by Powell
prohibition charge. The men
deny shooting up the negro’s home.
In tho seventh when O’ltear
Tim Athens pqople will Ik* grati-j doubled down the Initial sack line
fled to know that the Summre Ex-j but was called out trying to stretch
curslon rates, Athens to Ath-nta' R into a three sack knock. Tin* de
livery Sunday have been resumed rislon was close but Brogdon t*h
by the Seaboard Airline Aailwny. base official, ruled him out. This
T! o fare for the round trip from
Athens is $2.65, tickets good only
’on 1-rnliiH 17 and 18, leaving Ath-
tns 7:20 A.'M„ arriving Athens 7:55
1^. M.
Tech Alumni Elect
T. T. Stout President
In Mail Ballot
Too Lato to Classify
347 Madison Avenue. See J. G.
Crawford or phone 917 or 1643.
Summer School Raseball
Team to Meet Abbeville
and Winder Here Wed
nesday and Thursday.
The Georgia Bulldogs bark from
Gainesville, where they lost a game
to tho New Holland team by a
score of 4-3 Saturday afternoon,
ai*e ready for the two games this
week, one - with the Abbeville, S.
C... team hero Wednesday and the
other with Winder, Thursday.
Tho Bulldogs havo played the
Abbeville team onrn and the Caro- i
Unions took the game from the
home team. This time the Bulldogs
are out to win and thus clear up
the st ore against their record.
Winder 1ms one of tho strong
Rev. Morris. To
Preach This A. M.
Rev. J. V. M. Morris, who re
cently celebrated Ills 93rd birth
day will preach tho morning m*r-
nion at the Central Prcsliyu-rian
church today.
Not only are Mr. Morris’ bun
dre'ds of friends Invited to attend
the services hut the public In gen
oral, are given a similar invita
Morgan County to
Have Legion Post;
Cohen Commander
MADISON, Ga.—(Special.)—E.
M. Cohen was elected commander
of the Madison post of the Ameri
can Legion at a re-organization
mecetlng held here recently. V.
Little was named vIco commander;
Garter Shophord, adjutant; T. U.
Baldwin, financial officer.
The following were elected niem-
•ers of tho oxecutlvo board; Os
ar Thomason. L. W. Baker. G. 8.
Parker, Knox Shouse, Jimmie
[ light housekeeping, bed room
ATLANTA.—T. T. Stout, of the parUy furoiaheil If preferred. Mrs.
Adfiir Realty and Treat romnanv Emmett J. Hale. 075 Cold, St. afip
AS -IT "te'Tnd V
~n.l m Shorl,yrepab,e & l,l. «:
who is connected with the South-| Can duties immediately. Ad- „T h __^ " _J,
Gan begin duties immediately. Ad-
dress 490 S. Lunipkin St a5p
cm Mortgage company, was elect
ed treasurer.
Other officers are J. B. Mans- j WANTED TO RENT—FIVE OR
field, of Detroit. Mich., president of six room house, all convenien-
the Mansfield Steel corporation, ecs; good locality. Address “Rent,”
first vice president, and 8. M. Snl- care Bonner-Herald. a7p
T0XaS " SeC0, ‘‘ l VlC ° F°R SALE—CHEAP for .cash.
Tho office of secretary, which
was left vacant by the resignation
of Albert Staton, who left to bo a
missionary In Brazil, ohs not been
filled. The officers will elect a
successor to (Mr. Staton who will
practically new refrigerator,
kitchen cabinet and Columbia
phonograph. Phono 1412.
Card of Thanks
Kunenai * mi* oiaiwu w..~ ^ ue to the impracticability of
ho 'abiT to” give' 'practlcaliy h’ls ‘Tt* Vi.: 80 * on ,° in P er8(,n -
wholo time to tho work. The alum- > *■*' ‘ h j 8 , of "f' 8 ?? 1 "#
ai publication, tho Georgia Tech "\ v p " •" .«» ‘ h ° 8c
Alumnus, was edited by Mr. Staton, 1*“° n ®^ (l l^ n d t L C m sn
not Secretary!'*" CU " C<1 ^ ‘ h ° !“L 0 I5*
year’s freshman outfit is troimr to ™tercd. Husth Hodgson, Harold gethcr, patch up their difficulties I »*_ j; -;. p| nn
»ut m.VrereTfTc fieht fofone of Reynolds, Pat Lamkin, Will Er- and hold a post season football MadPIOnlanS IPIan
regular ^eidfrbs!' 1 RiTharfsM' K I ,i? c V d ' , ' v t, 1 ' i , ntc ’ n „ G f ‘ tame for the purpose of paying
-■•owed great promise last season < * mo ’ JS 1 } J •'")"'•> • Hodg-
And he is mightly likely to latch ' 8Cn - F [‘' ct V“>“ r . ™ U P ,tm a;ld
onto a regular position l a n V m!,t T ° r othct s,!lr8 aro P r0 ‘
Herriot at fullback will proha-, mot,nK thc ‘° urna ™ at -
My ease into the backfield at this!
position, alternating with big
* ' ' ' iuvic aiv vu |iiayvrs wuu -: ...
have put up scores ami have han- tions havo not mot on the gridi-
dicaps. The lowest on the board
is Harris Jones. He plays against
a four.
for a soldier memorial.
A splendid idea.
After seventeen long years, du
ring which time, the stpdcnts of
both colleges have been taught to
A new handicap list has been | hate the students of the other,. the
the aouth.
„ /Scrappy Moore, another end on
*tM freshman team, will wage a
tight battle for one of the varsity!
‘ Sage, at center, will give Shad
Trier, thc varsity center thc fight |
ef-liui life for the regular job.
i Brumby at quarterback is del
serving of a few words of praise.
.•Brumby, though a rather little
inflow, is as fast as chain light
ning. has a good head for running
*the team and plays am! Has the
pair it that makes them stick in
Charlie Wiehrs, one hundred
and seventy pounds of muscle and
chilled steel nerve, looks good for'
Joe Downs, who was off his
game during the recent tourney.
The trouble started with the
death of a student of ono of the
colleges in a free for all fight
between the student bodies. If
our memory is correct the boy
has swung back into his o!dtime. |W Vt 8 * u> * i„»« r
stylo and Thursday afternoon i . NoW - seventeen years later,
rivalry in check, go out on the
I field and lambast hell out of each
THOSE WORDS •Psakwjwj-.rt.~w « for bothj BE EFFIC IENT—Wisely
loudest which lead to ac- j t ; s a Kroat pity that the Uni-1 plan your dM and in-
To Shin Car Lots
Of Peaches Soon
MADISON, Ga.—(Special.)—Sev
eral Madisonians have peach orch
ards and expect to be shipping
peaches In car load lots In
Dry Agent and His
Aides Indicted in
W. Point Shooting
, LA ORANGE, Ga.—Grady Cobb,
federal prohibition agent, and Tobe
Emory, i.Mnrion Hogan and Bor
land Ernest, members of a prohi
bition posse, were indicted by a
grand jury In Troup county su
perior court Friday for assault with
Intent to murder as a result of an
armed dash several days ago be
tween the prohibition agents and
a trio of West Point youths.
The grand JWry returned “no
Mils” against Roy Williams, Frank
Jones and A. S. (“Buck”) Hamby,
the West Pont boys.
The indictments are an out
growth of the Bhooting affray of
the night of July 24, when the pro
hibition agents attempted to stop
sary last month.
and fifty
Franklin County to
Hold Mass Meeting
On Highway Bonds
CAtlNESVILLK, On.—(Special.)
—Franklin county Is aroused over
the need for better highways and
a mnss meeting for tho purposo of
discussing a $$100,000 highway
bond Issue will he held hero Wed
nesday. August 8.
Franklin county citizens am very
much interested In tho movement
and It Is probable that tho mass
meeting will act favorably on tho
plan to tssuo $100,000 bonds for
road building.
Record Shows She Com
plained of “Injurious
Attitude on thc Part
of Her Husband.”
PARIS.—Oeaplte Irenco Caatlc’i
denial in Now York she had bc’ii
divorced from, her husband, Robert
T-roman, Ulrica millionaire, examin
ation of tho court records her
showed that her decree was grant
ed July 12.
The divorce was not publicly an
nounced by tho Seine Tribunal un
til July 23, two days ofto rthe ac
tress had Railed for New York
tho liner Lafnyctto.
According to tho court recon
the divorce was granted “as if
nmndecd by Irene Foote Trenian
the complaint of the Injurious atti
tude on the part of her huabsnd."
liiauiiB iu tai loan iuib iii iwu . . . ...» ,,, .
years. Ono grower nt Montlccllo aa *"moblle In which th. West
hag shipped $7,000 worth of fruit
off of 11 acres of trees. About 75
cars were shipped from Montlcello
this season.
Leo Trammell, J. E. Godfrey,
Floyd Newton. W. P Peanlen and
W. II. Adams of Madlspn vlslteJ
the peach puek'ng plants at Mnntl-
coUo recently. All of these men
n commercial orchards in Mor
gan county.
Point boys were returning home
from church. Gordon Andrews,
saw mill operator, of LaCrange, and
a member of tho prohibition party,
was fatally wounded. Agent Cobb
was shot In the hand and young
Hamby suffered a scalp wound.
Efforts will be made by thc
government to remove tho Indict
ments returned Friday In Troup
# .w— w. , ... county against Grady Cobb, pro-
tion. Thc Banner-Herald Geni-kin and G«orKia|'.” ( . th(< nrnfitahio study hlblt,0,, and mcmber " of hl "
,tr . * j . ■ . .. Tech cannot forget their childish l,uut i»rwtiMtuic muu»
Want Ads lead to sctioiifiiiK.,,.,,,^ .h,kc hands like [of the Banner-Herald
for many. grown-up* nnd then also r> ““t Wont A«lc
• ih. an.l strnnirl,. end kaall "*Ul AOS.
Phone 75
on the field and strangle and beat]
[each other to their heart's desire.
Phone 75
nartv. to the federal cou-rts, Fred
D. Dismuke, prohibition director, I
announced when told about thdn- i
dictmentn, which charge assaultl
with intent to murder.
Then Go to
County Health Officer
Certifies Water in Lake
Dixie Is Absolutely Pure
Band Concert Sunday
Afternoon 4:30 to 6:30
Bring the Family Along
Vpwwial Accommodationa lor Women and Children
Special Chat, end Fool for (he Little Fellowa.
A Mile Out on the Whitehall Road