Newspaper Page Text
Want Ads.
B’Pauenger Coupe S2550
1924 Model
1924 MODELS AND PRICES—/, o. b. factory
7-Poitenger Sedan *2750
1924 Model
332 Washingtap Straat
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1973.*
August Clearance Sale
$ i 95 ;Dross Sale of values to
?10.00| in Silk Pongee, Voiles,
Kalimf, Tissues and other ina-
Clearancc Price
$.1.45 Skirt Sale, values to $7.50
Sflk, Crepes, Prunellifs,
other materials,
light grounds and
ami stripes, pleated
Clear $3.45
T'reef Net lira m ley Waist
-On and Sleeve-
sold Monday.
ith I very Slip
ss Sweater so
AW diiT
lav $i00
It Pongee Waists, regu-
, )0 sellers
j Mftnday $2.45
$1.001 Silk Hose, seem an<i
l.v.hidfi mark, regular selling Ter $!.U‘J, siigotly impiV-
,et, Monday
Three pairs for $1.00
Haln Pror.i' Umbrellas
I Monday 85c
Sport Hats of strip felt all-
over 1 French Jitiots in wool,
regular $2.50, value.
■Monday $1.45
All Colors and White,
f Pour Models.
Whitl and Colored Drop Skirts
f Monday 75c
Hoys’* Khaki Pants (no knick
erbockers) 3 to 8 year sizes’
Monday 50c
All Summer Drcs«» and Hats
Less Than Half on Some.
Rcjpd Banncr-Hcrald
was it long: ago or yesterday*:
•lowly, slowly flowed the tunc I J' (
u f u- into my heart it foun<
I Mrs. W. H. Paul and daughter, 1 Jones accompanied then enroute
I Edna, will leave Monday for At- t0 Athavllle,
{Edna, will leave Mondap for At
lanta (or a visit of two weeks.
oific. 1201 - By MRS. ALICE ADAMS _ R.,id.„„ 832
Hdna BhephcrdrYili is Baldwin. Mi
tfing, long ago I heard a little song rlrun i-'urlow, Kltt> Godfrey, Violi*
Hollis, Clnrleo Ilollls, Margaret
Louise KenOnjf, Martha
enick; Carolyn Hell, Evelyn San
ders:- Messrs. Clfnton Gaissort
Ah, was it long ago. or yesterday
Sfi fair of face and fragrant for ai
That something dear it seemed ti
A thought of Joy that
into being 1
Without a word; and no
The friendly floner tha
fade away.
Long, long ago we had t
Ah, was it long ago, or
Into his mother’s eyes a
Unconscious love; wan
hearts ho lay.
An angel called! Dear
could not hold hii
Codirry Trammell. Frank AlcDow
*‘d. Albert Malcolm, llugorm Few
Willis Cathey. Albert Turnell, U*h-
f'r Bough ton, Cormllus Vason, Al
bert ’Few, A. K. B-1I, ,Tr., Jimmie
Hiuno, Bearden Chambers, Italph
I,. Mason
Waters, Johr
r/b'v. Craw-
Stovall, Rur-
ugh. WII
1 Andrew
Iflsli, Ernest Hunter
Edgar ears. Itftlary
U. Shouse. Hal Be
ford Barnett, Harwell
ne! Daniel, John Y.trl
Ham Jialdwin, Andri
Richter Waters. Ht.llt'll
and Robert Fowl it, u
lovely dance
The dancing contingent and ium.<
nu*r school-visitor ? enjoyed a vf’-\
lovely dance at the Georgian hotel
t'lidnv evening which was ono of
the largest and most happily plan
ned of the mid-summer season. A
local ort Iiestra furnished the mu-
sle. The chaperones were Judge
and s. J. D Bradwell and Mr.
and Mrs. >fugh Price.
The W. M. R. of the First Bap
Mst church will lud.l It* regular
Inspirational meeting Monday aft
‘rnoon at 5 o'clock in the Sunday
school auditorium.
Each member is requested to
I r|hg her year hook. The Executive
Board meets at 4 o'clock.
Air. and Mrs. r>. A. Watson of
Wltnerville, /la., announce the on
gngement of their sister Clara
Hell Cook of Atlanta, formerly of
Athens to Mr. T.heo l^rifnrd Botfff.
Tho marriage to he solemnized In
the'early fall.
# —
Miss Claudia Lamb of Danville
™ ""’Ms the guest of Mrs. J. E. Everett
guest of honor Tuesday evening j s _
Miss Frances Do-roughty is pro
longing her visit to Mrs. -Marlon
Du Bose before going to North
Carolina euroute to her home In
Mr. W. P. Glover who arrived
from Birmingham a few ddya ago
La stapling with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hinton during the month
of Augusta.
Miss Mildred Warnc
nah is the week end gu
John White Morton,
Miss Eleanor Smith f Valdosta
ho has been attending Summer
I left Saturday Auguata.
nounce the bl rib of n daughter i
country home
© little lady
July 24th at their
near Jefferson. T
will be called Eleanor Stark, for
her maternal grandmother.
Miss Lucy Wood, of Cave Spring*
arrives in the city today to take U|
nor duties as Tibbie Dem'ontsrntion
Agent of Jackson county.
Long, long ago-wih, memory, keep
it clear!
It was not long ago, but yesterday
So little, ho helpless and so dear.
Let not the song be lost # the flow
or decay!
His voice, his waking eyes, his gen
tie sleeping;
The smallest things are safest Ir
thy keeping.
Sweet memory keep our child with ’
u* always.
—Van Dyke. !
Miss Sara Bishop, of Athens.
Ut tho Wnutlful lawn party glvn j M|Mes Marear( , t „ml Mary An-
bj- hor hoHlVM, Mr.. W. E. John- | who hav „ hnon ttt ten.lln K
’°M«rl B oM, nn,l rim.ta flnl.lo,! 'T *7
, , : Music In Boston, tho past two
decorated the house. Hustle seat* #„r„i a w»»if
worn placed nliout tho lawn and L” 4 ™ “ r0 " mv '“"'"Si"!,
Japan™, lnnt.r. n-rro .winxtn-1 fnr <Smp WlonrmoM. West OmL
from low branches of .ho , ha) „ , Pfo. Now Hnmpshiro hl» la n very
free. Prom, 1 until lnlr , r | popular summer rorort with mono-
the evening nn,l punch and aand- 1 " r ™°7 nn 1 ,, ( ‘, nn “ft* J?
wMin were .ervr.’ boatlBK/and swlnunlnc ami pat-
Thrwc Invited wore: Mtmn Ell-1 Jiborally by tho Boston
znbeth Chambers. Mary Bearden • people.
Mary Reeves. Eva Waters. Ruth
Cathey. Nettle Lntf Stocks. Nancy
oster. Rosalie RarWild. of Atlanta: .
Kathryn Hanncr. 1<nulR*. Fleldlnp ( CHturday to
Miss Roma Sheffield and Miss
Atmos McKcnnon wont to Atlanta
visit relatives and
I friends.
The Big-Six Sedan am
finest cars that have ever borne the name
8tudebaker. They provide all the perform-
once, all the comfort, and all the depend
ability that any car will give—at a
that smaller
Mias Annie White of Ralelgli.
who has been the guest of Mrs.
J. Warren Smith went over to At
lanta Saturday morning. /
Judge and Mrs! J. D. Bradwell
will motor to Helen Tuesday for
a visit.
Miss Leanora Candler of Savan
nah, who has been the guest M
Mrs. Jack Goodman left last week
for North Carolina.
Miss Nellie Wilson will return
to Athens Sunday, after an dhtlng
at Tybee, Ga. Miss Wilson has
been on a ten day vacation and
spent much or the time In Ashe
ville, N. C!.. where she wan tin
jpicst of her sister Miss Wlnnb
Davis Wilson, who was there at
tending summer school.
mikrch Helen am; Vera Johnson
will return to Athens Sunday after
spending two weeks nt "Lumpkin
Lodge," near the Chattahoochee
river on the Georgia-Alabama line.
The Misses Johnson have Uecn at
tending a house party and camp
given by Mif.s Fannie ICato Dun
away of Lumpkin,' Ga.
Mr. S. L. Autry and son Har
low are on an extended visit to
Hr. Stanley R."Grubbs >|n Colmp-
bla, S. C.
Mr. Boots Terrell 1
to Douglas Ga.
Mr. Tody Watson
U»r Bartlesville to at
* art * i n %
Collier, who will spend tli-• ■ • ■ r:,i• .1
school year at the tJnfversify, of
Georgia, where she Is working fui
a degree.
'The Druid Hills church Gospel
Team held : fine services in Jef
ferson Saturday and Sunday, the
results of which were far reaching
in spiritual iinpctujP"to the com-
nd a house ,
Miss Sarah Iqgi u | H
the week end In Atlmta.
Mrs. Sam Pinaon has
from Lakemont.
• ' '
returned i
77//V preparation is
a boon to
Woman so afflicted
Miss Pansy Moore
228Vi Clayton Street
Mrs. Sarah r C-"n|thel Us afentl
hiK business college in Athens.-
Madiaoniun. •«
— frl—
House-Cleaning^ _
It', not half the'woik it used to I
before you could get
Fuller Brushes
Mira Mary Turner is spending
tho week-end with her parents at
Union Point, Ga.
Misses Bartha and Lethla Wells
have returned to their home In
WaycToss, Ga.. after spending the
month of July In Athens with
Miss Emily LaBoon la the guest
of her aunt. Miss Margaret LaBoon
at Good Hope, Ga-» tor tho aum-
•vy of Chicago nr-
night to lib
<1 Mrs. Edgar Levy
mlI— «
Parks Betts leave
ar for the Y Camp
•’lorra and Victoria |
Mr. and Mr
Friday in thHi
tn Visit Mlsse,
Betts and fro
Asheville and other points in North
. —W—
Mr. and Mrs. E. If. Vickery an
nounce the birth of a son, August
"ml who has been named Edward
11 u^»ert, Jr.
—m— .
Mrs. Bon Butler, who Is Assls-
•,nt Junior SupertntenmUn of the
,.Borgia Christian Endeavor Union,
of Atlanta, Is spendlg tho weoh-
0,1 wljth Miss Nora Crymcs on
Dougherty stroet.
Miss Louise Whilehoad of Wat-
klnsvllle. Is tho guest of Miss
Mabel Brueo on South Jackson
street, for tlio week. •
Mr. and llrt Walter Hodgson
and Walter Jr..
ipinnati shot- company
Mr. Albert Lee Hawes of Elber- J r ,f rlntu-inir niimiiu I
ton came over Friday night for th#
dance and stopped at the A. T. O i
House. i
Sawdust Personal
And Social News
SAW DUST -Mr. John Edwards
of Cleveland Is spending the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Waltei
The fifth Sunday rally was held
at Moon’s Groove Last Sunday and
a spb ndid program was rendered
J. W. Dillard. Andrew- Fields
and oils Dillard made a business
trip to Athens Wednesday.
Mr. J. I. Chandler attended the
spending*" the (funeral of Mr. oriner nt Antioch
7he claming girl of 1923 will have not only rings on her fingers,
but bells on her tootsies. So Miss Irma Ilrandt, employe of a Cin-
oe if? putting little bells on a pair
Everything to clo the cleaning with,
do it easier, and do it quicker.,
Women all welcome ihe bullet-
Man when he calls, Wi itch (or him,
or phone for him to come any day
you wish.
Wm. I,, ltrunknurst
Phono 1588, Box 10
w c. k end In Columliun.
Mr. W. B. Steadman
Jr., returned Friday from tale ol
6 i/iirf BlMy
Mr. and Mrs. McBride Howell
will motor to Helen Friday for
visit Mr. Howell will «P«nd the
week end and Mrs. Howell will re
main for several days.
Mrs. Frederick and Mis* Fred
erick of Marahallvlllo are visitors
In the city.
Miss Sara Elder went over to
Atlanta Saturday for a visit nnd
from there will go to Mountain
Stegeman left Bat Urdu}
for California to Join his family anf
will return with them In Septem
s Tiie Kpworth League is progress-w
Dig nicely, V4t1» Miss Francis Mas
sey as president.
Misses ' Amy Jim Maxwell,
Josephine Rampy of Klbcrton am’
Ethel Alkcns of Comer, were tin
.Week end guests of Miss Louise
Miss Mildred Pit I man returned
to her home In Athens, after op* tid
ing a few weeks with Mr. un.l Mrs.
L. Seagraves.
Mrs. Andrew Fields Is Improving
rleely r.fter a few day** illrcss
Mr. J. W. Dillard nnd son mo
tored to Comer Friday.
A large crowd gathered In Mr
Massey’s pastures Thursday to see
a ball game.
Jefferson Social and
Personal News
JLf f EKHCN, Ga.—Dr. J. J. Ben
Mrs. Kufgua Cooper returns tc nett unt j family are visiting rela
Atlanta today after a visit to rel tJ
at Ives.
— TO
Misses Mae and Jean Wood
uve with a party Thursday f
Hendersonville, Asheville and oth
points In North Carolina.
Miss Virginia Trammell leav
today for North Carolina after
extended visit to Mrs. F. fl. Tramj
l *
Mrs. C. B. Ivester Is visiting her
mother In Gables 8. C.
Mrs. Charles Webb of GreenvIIU
8. C., visited Mrs. J. A. Darwin
Inst week en rptfte home from At
lanta. ~t '
Mr .and Mrs. Rufus Keener mo
tored to Atlanta Saturday for a
week end visit.
Mr. Scott Holland Is visiting In
Cannon. ^
Dix John D. Melt, Prof. E. B _ ^ „
M.ll nnd Mr. Wllllnm H.II hnvr . Tto many frl.nd. nf Mr.. E. S
returned tram n fl.hln* trip. Elhr dxe rejoice to know that he I
rapidly recovering from
Ml«.e. Mildred Barrel!,' and, "rloua operation In Atlanta.
Hunter nnd Rirre.t of Atlnuti v ew Invitation, have been race!]
among the visitors here rfdny night
tlvej and friends in Jackson coun
ty. Dr. Bennett begins his pas
torate ut the Prince AVenue Bap
tist church of Athens tin? first ol
Kiptemher. »
Misses Dorothy itumhdph nnd
Jkira Thurmond left Wednesday
with the Y. W. C. A. girls camping
party of the Athens ”Y" to spend
4 weeks at the camp near Tallu
lah Falls. The camp Is conducted
by Mr. W. T. Forbes, assisted by
several Athens ladies.
City court has been in session
two weeks, to be followed by tw«
weeks of Superior court beginning
Monday, August 6th.
Dr. Wilkcrson. of the First Bap
tist church of Athens was Ihe
prineipal speaker at the tn<‘<'ting
of the Mens Club Monday night
About fifty members were presen
and enjoyed the feast Dr. Wllker-
son gave them as well as the re
freshments tho ladies served a*
tho close of the meeting. CoY, Abft
W. Nix, accompanied Dr. Witger
Removal Sale Bargains
$3.00 CASH $1.00 WEEKLY
Prices Cut One-Third
In addition to th» vrry low prim on the famouo Royal Easy Cliah
ne ore mokiny term, extremely euy for thin week. Cnl;, n fe
rholrr pattern, remain Id be aold. See the choir, in
street window. Make your aeleetion early.
M!ss Katherine Park and Messrs
Dlek. Wilson nnd Jnxx Caraker left
by motor Saturday for II
the twenty-fifth wedding anniver
sary of Mr. and' Mrs. Charlie U
f?hambors # of Stnthnm, on Tues
day evening August 7th. The many
friends of this popular couph* wll*
take great pleasure In celebrat-
.... to Attend Mfea Aonolt.- liar- Inx Ihe orcnrtnn with them.
J)or'A home pn«y. Mr. Hurrt., Mr. nnd Mr». Will IloKh nn-
Don’t postpone your buying too long. Opportunities for home
furnishings, Such as this sale presents, do not come Often. Don’t
fail to take full advantage of the savings offered.
Lawn Swing
Four passenger,
built of hard wood,*
strongly brayed,
high backs to seats.
Oak Living Room Suite for $29.00 -
Three sturdy comfortable pieces in solid oak, A
good serviceable set for the small living room
at a price lower than the original cost
Quality Furniture Since 1884
deliver ABE JOEL SONS PH 3 ^ E