Newspaper Page Text
No metal can touch you
Where a President Sleeps
IK inch peppy Jong stretch
elastic. They fit your legs
smoothly and are extremely
fcpmfortable. Long wear in
Bwry pair. Ask for them by
®aoe—Widewcave PARIS.
••3000 Horn of
Solid Comfort’•
With Porcelain
Without Porcelain
Solid Comfort”
OOMJO . Nrwraut
,. ✓ Hot Weather Riding Habit
I shown in the above caption, re-1 ljongfellmv’M beloved poem, “The
quired by the Act of August 24, Village Blacksmith.’' With this
| HU2, embodied in section 443, Pos- 1 presentation William Fox, the pro-
_ Hal Laws and Regulations, prftited queer. forges another link In bit
1:‘>n the reverse of this form, to- impressive chain of productions In*
•wit: > '«pirei| by the classics of literature
1. That the names and ad- wJ , 0S0 outstanding contribution?
[dresses of the publisher, editor, , laV0 be ,. n »Le„ Miserabies,”
: managing editor, and business Ta , c of Tw0 cities,” "The Scarlet
managers are. Letter.” "Evangeline,” "Monte
Braswell, Ath- (< r j 8to » anc j Connecticut Yankei
Athene ,n Kln " Arthur's Court" Jack Ford
K Wt ’ Alh ns * directed the picture n.*d Paul H
I 4 '**, . T * simne Is responsible for the scen-
Managing Editor, Clias. E. 1 , ..
I Martin Athens Ga nrlo. The production enlists the
• larun, Aincns, us. Rrr vices of a notable company
Business Manager, E. B. Lras- "• * “ ” *
’v«U Athens Ga headed by William Walling, Vir-
2. ’ That tho owners are: (Give'slnla VaUI, Tally Marshall. Besslr
names and addresses of indlvid- I.oyo, George Ilpcfentliorap, U»r
ual owners, or, if a corporation, I’off. David Cutler and Ralph
give Its name and,, the names end Vcardlsey.
addresses of stockholders owning' ^
or holding 1 per cent or more of. HOOT GIBSON AT STRAND
the total amount of stock): i \ unique angle to the phrase
The Athens Publishing Co. • "doubled-crossed,” Is presented In
Bowdrc Phfnixy, Augusta, Ga. . "Rouble Dealing
A. C. Erwin, Athens, Ga. 1
,t. B. Joel, Athens, Ga,
B. E., Athens, Ga.
H. That the Unown bondholders
comedy <'rair.a starring Hoot Glb-
whicli comes to the Strand
theatre Saturday.
! story is
•fitfully a edfhe-
?<w, a r -d other security , , ind lt {,, fitted with laugh?
owning or holding 1 per * . t finlHll hut it has lr
".old •
•ent r.r more cf total amount of
! rit;C3 are:
! state): Noi
* 4 That
!next above
(If there are none, so
the two paragraphs
if any,
I. Miss N. 13. Murphy snapped on one of the nt-ny b:id> paths at
\ ‘Washington, D. C.
from start to finish, but
it also a lot of dramatic human in
forest and some rapid fire fistb
controvery. It comprises some of
.|,o most unusual situations ever
, ... evolved for a Gibson feature.
c . ft offers a .varied system of "nop
liot 'at dog" Ir which small town
and sharps vie for honors in the art
; i „x t ev appear of doing the other fellow before hf
y .,<• *' K , o-iinpan*' aa does you.” The crookedness of tlie
■ .1-• t f:iiu'-,i.Vy / rc- community centers around one
;c of Hi - person or youth who has nearly all of the
ir wimn j>u» h trus* bard luck in the we rid before U"
if give:'; also that fearrs that all of his neighbor?
parcgr&phs contain aren't honest.
•Ribracing affiant’s T i, P r. enff of the story are laid
and belief ns to the j n a typical small tow
typically rural.
■ Barrow , County Outfit
Whitewashes Bulldogs in
we Inning Contest on
'“Sanford Field.
Thu Geor;\,i Summer School ag
gregation took the bumps again
Thursday, when the Invading Win
dor club applied a
of-white-wash. Tip
innings of sloppBli lmsebHl
Winder 6; Summer S.-bool 0 The
t visitors played u better brand of
ball and although they eanr>l but
one run they deserved the vfvdlct.
Jules Clements who started on
tho mound for the locals experi
enc'd difficulty in locating the
plate while his mates ■*rred eight
times. Allen who took the hill for
the Barrow lads was very effective,
surmndoring only one hit and wan
master of the situation throughout.
Williams in center field for the
lavatlcrs played a nice game and
garnered three hits. Puna and
Alien also played gf.od bull. The /
locals' only hit was a single- by
Clcnionts. T ho Rente was called
after five innings by agreement.
The score bj Inninye.
U. H. E.
Winder *...102 :—r» 6 1
S. School 000 000- 0 1 8
Battorios: Allen and Allen;
Clements and LftVler.
HUMSK: ' W. i*
New Orleans .,65 .'57
Mobile GO 46
Nashville r,7 r,3
Birmingham ... ..
Memphis f,2 54
('hattanooga 44 65
; 4ttle Rock 38 04 .373
full knowlcdi ... .....
I conditions un- j,o located anvwht
1 ' wh' h-stockholders ami seen- (f) 0lTt r 0 n and the
nty holders who do ,r.ot appear
upon the books bf the company ?s
trustees, hold .«:o ! •; and yc.tiriUet
in. a cspacity oiher than that of a
her.a fide owner;, aijd this affiant
jhna no reason to belio’ o that any
f tther person, nsKcciuticu, or cor
poration has any interest direct or
.m'iiect in the said stick,, bonds,
r other securities than ns so stat
ed by> him.
f». That the average number of
copies of each
,oia „r feilfth^'Athens Club Sends Tele-
the mails or otherwise, to paid frpjim to WlClOV/ OX 140at
subscribers during the six months
r,6C I preceding the date shown above
r»i« ] is, 4377.
.60*1 J ('I'liis information is required
r»2 .606|: roni da'ly j.ublicatlons only.)
President Lumcntinp
Loss of Nation’s Chief.
| New York .
ini'tng coat j (’b-vcljunl
it«r rive j3 t j,„ uis ;;;
Pctrolt ... .
Fbleago ..
Washington .
Boston .. ..
J. O. JONES, |
Circulation Manager.
Sworn to and eulwcrlbod before
me this 31st daxjnf July, 1023.
(My commission exidrcs March,
CLUBS. • W. U Prt
V"w York .. •(*» 37 .C51
Pittsburgh 62 42 .GOG
f’fnelnnaU «:t tt .f,8l
Chicago 56 .> .r»3i
St. Louis M 62 .609
••-nWivn ,...62 62 .600
-* .327
CLUI18: W. U Pet
Macon 21 14 .600
Simrtnnhurg .. 20 16 .671
fbarlotto ... 21 16 .658
Augusta 16 15 .516
Crecnvlllc 15 10 .44t
Gastonia 12 24 .333
Mobil- 16-2; Little Rock 4*5.
Atlnntn 4; Nashville 3.
New Orleans 6; Memphis 4.
Birmingham-Chattanooga, rain.
Pittsburgh 6; Brooklyn 2.
Cincinnati 0: Boston 1.
rhicniro 2; Philadelphia 1.
St. Louis 13; New York 12 (16
Heston 4: flt. .ouis 3.
Now York 3; Detroit 11.
Philadelphia 21: Chicago 5.
Washington 2; Cleveland 11.
Spartanburg 2; Gastonia 0.
Augusta 2; Greenville 2.
Nashville at Atlanta.
’ •rnphls n New Orleans.
I ittle Rod, at Mobile.
Chattanooga at Birmingham.
Detroit at New York. ^
Chicago at Washington.
St. Louis at Boston.
Cleveland at Philadelphia. |
Boston at Cincinnati.
Brooklyn at Pittsburgh.
New York at Rt. Louis.
Philadelphia at Chicago.
Statement of the Ownership, Man
agement, Circulation, etc.. Re
quired bv the Act of Congress
of August 24, 1912,
published dally, except Saturday, at
Athens, for Feb. 11th to April l,
Before me, n Notarv Tuhlic in
.nhd for the State and Countv
,aforesaid, personally appeared J.
; (). Jonc.:, wlm, having Keen duly
sworn according to law. deposes
and says that h** is the CireoVioh
.Manager of The Banner-Herald,
and that the following is, to the
best of his knowledge and belief,
i a true statement of the ownership,
/management (and it a daily fiper,
ithe circulation), etc., of the afore-
Picture of Wilds
Of Africa Enjoyed j
n-Mivcl it im-uaM*
tli • death «>f her. h
lute pnii'Jent, from tl
Klwariia Clu^ <
pnsfcVot Tiding w:
her of tho Marion KI
and upon
Martin the
tinny social eoprtd-ias, parties. Graves. Greenville, S C.; W
uueluons,' plc-nios and other en- Johnston, Opelika', Ala.
ertainnn uts. j
Mi Chestc .• Henderson asseni- ’
d- d a party of congenial friends *'
ast Wednesday afternoon for a (
ovly party in coiftplhnent to Mrs. }
orgo unnfngham. Jr., a -recent,
Qpurles T
Athens eluti Thursda
d n teljgrnui to Mr
xpreasing Pa sympath
•row and la mi nt'.ng tb
in. per «<
of the nation's chic:.
| In a letter to th«* Albers
diversion from mnsby U»vc the International H cretury
‘a.x appeal films and th< Klwanls statiil that the »»r„.
ever present internal triangle, th Ulon to«d; fitting notice of
,,| r ,.y. Mbown at the S'rand then* presIdent'H death.
^tre Thursday and made by Mr j ’flic secretary's letter
and Mrs. Martin Johnson of Ulrica follows: -
co In the iunubs of Africa was rc* . .. Un ,i er instructions of Preside.-
freshing Indeed. ! Arras I ain writing to cuugest th.i
Probably to many lt was Just Ilk* *,u , l0 ttcculiarly fitting f«
going to the *00 and didn't off el j VnUr r|u1| lo a rrange a memorl.
ting as a tribute
4 didn’t
-ugh of the lurid and sensation
a! but to others It was more int< r
estlng than Griffith’s latest “'in’ll
Hon dollar” production or Cecil l»e
Mine’s newest 'vivid soelul dra
ma.” Mr. Johnson has spent
years exploring tho wilds of thf
world and Mrs. Johnson lids bee*
right with him ever since
marriage. They went Into
explored east British Africa an-
spent two years*ind a quarter mil
lion dollars securing pictures thn*
one decs in an hour and a half
By using a long range lens pic
tures of animals never before
photographed In the wild nr-
brought up so clore to you that
you could almost "lay” you ham
on them.
Nothing could be more rxquislti
than the regal marking of the wlb
r.ebra and the stately giraffe, hun
dreds rtf which are seen at dost
range in the picture.
Jtoxens ami doxens of other ani
mals arc seen as well as scenes tha*
altound In 4fcmity In the (Kfuator
country. Mrs. Johnson Is an ex
pert shot and her true aim saved
the lives of numbers of the party
on many occasions. ,
There will probably be requer.t-
that the picture be returned her*
for another showing and If It Is'gr
to sic it. It Is worth the time «n<
money spent.
—T. E M.
On tomorrow the Palace Theatre
will show foMhe first time on acjr
local screen * 0 pfctnrlcation of
President 'Harding because In Id
death, the country tint only h»se (
n great resident, but Klwanls lose
one of Its most distlnguiclicd mem
*'As you doubtless know. Ms
of the chart''!
active membtrs "f The
Club of M-uion, Ohio. and ha-
taken a real personal Interest l
Klwanls. His membership in KI
wauls was not of the usual offl
c'ol honorary character I such as
Ids membership in many other or'
igunlzntlmi*. He was prWnt a
the filial organisation meeting o
the Marion Ulub and had alway
evinced a deep Interest la its sue
Lexington Social
And Personal News
LEXINGTON, Ga.—Lexington in
full of visitors this week. Three
house parties are on and the young
people r.-e pay and htippy. Miss
Emily Cloud Is entertaining Misses
Emma Kate Briscoe of Crawford-
ville, Sara Sims of Raylo, Dorothy
Reed and Margaret Kinsley of
Miss Adelaide McWhorter has
' r .asrs Alice Glenn of Decatur,
Elizabeth Kelley of Montlcrilo and
Martha Faust of Greensboro as
house guests.
Miss Helen Barron Is hostess for
Miss Helen Reynolds of, Uiloani
nnd Martha Gunn of Montlcello.
1 These visitors are being shown
Mr. \V. H. AJeLaren of Decatur
luriond to Lexington Friday to
isit Judge and M-rs. Phil Davi
dr the day.
Mrs. H. M. Stevens was called
1 Alpharetta Monday on account
>f tho death of her sister.
MlHS I-narl Shacklefbrd. llc-i.l of [
hevdepartment of dietetics of the
niv- rsity of Pencaylvan
- •ceiving a most cordial
1 Lexington where she Ih visiting 1
ht parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. j
‘.hacklcford. {
Mr?. Phil
FRIDAY, AUGUST 10. 192,1.
floors of dancing achoolii and pub-' IfAnrtlMC I owe
lie halls has become a rarity In lieari ^» s ^ v
the last three years. The campaign | rorcstull Dail
conducted by the National Asso
ciation of Dancing Masters for
clean dancing,is pa-rBy responsible
for the change. It also is to be
credited to the. people themselves.
Cupid’s Business
Dance Pendulum
Swinging Back
iTo Decency Again
Jazzy Dancing Is Lasing!
I'S Popularity - in This-
Country, It Is Asserted '
(By Associated Press.)
MOSCOW — When the American
CongrcEs passed the law annuli)
the previous rule that a f„,. ( ., K| J
woman aut-matluaily becam< ;in
American citizen by marrying
in. lt put Herculean diffi-
in tin- path of Dan Uupir,
In 'the document cursed connhi..)
of Eastern Europe most frequent
cd by a certain fine type of y«>m, .
American nun nt an ago when t| H )
ry susecptiblo to (pretty f.„ .
. q u 1 r ming,
Davis has -returned 1 ~ “ * - -
m a short stay in Atlanta where I
was beautifully entertained. . 5
vv. jennftigs of Bradentown, 1
.. has closed the series of meet- I
held with the Lexington Bap- |
church. The sermons he;
ached were greatly dnjoyed and ]
reeiated by all \vln\hbard them. *
iiss Kale Deadwylrf has n.turn- J
to b« r home In Athens after
mling some weeks writh her si -1
\* -A. W. T. Uunningham. !
r. and Mrs. Nat Bacon of Irwin-
. Of. w Kurnt* at Jh-Iro reform, «hn attended ....
for the week. | sum:. r session of the normal
Irs. \\. T. Uunningham » n< H chool of American National As
ia Ath. ns for a visit soe | a tf on of Dancing blasters here.
The tourhirg of faces, nem!-em
braces and ^xcess of muscular re
sponse to overdone syncopation are
taboo ui virtually every dnnc4
Plays ’Cello Nightly 'ill etKn Blrla and mntrimn
Orchestra and Spends
Salary on Gift - M . c. a. aid other
Tito American Belief Adnifnis!
»n the Near East Relief, the
which since the war hav
cd relief nperations lj
Austria, Greece, Russie,
and the Baltic states.
j niultl-niiilionoire with countless hundreds of young American:
j Interests, G. Allan Hancock has moHt, y former army officers. | r
(By Associated Press ) j been discovered getting his “kfck" to rltlOH n ote<l tor their charm.'n
LOS ANGELES, Cal.—Wriggling,' out of ,Ife an, l ,lt thft Hame timo k! p S ; f
properlety and resorv
lack in tho dance halls,
’ j to Fenton Bott, national director of
•chestra nt
; oming 1 Hollywool Bowl, for n salary that
ordinp approximated ?40 a week.
Athens Visitors
lidrmlnff. Ja»y danclne is ioBlne f»rthcrtn B 111, Intense love for itefore the law bocnine effeeuvi
It* popularity In nearly every part »y Ptarta. one of tho 'cellos "f,'° r :
of tho United States, and modesty,: ln ,,ln sy-rphnnv orchestra at ~ * lr “
_ - ....... I llAlltr.. n r.l Pnu'l fnr n ualarv Hint *> 1,1 > aiinOUKn CVC.i II |'f
lvod digging Into records fur «]-.<-■
runts, more documents and still
O. Allan Hancock in the rolo of »u«»r«* documents. Once this «...
a symphony musician, without accomplished, however, all t
special advantages of anv kind. Is young American had to do was tr
literly to prove a revelation to «** to the nearest American cnis-i,-
manv. according to litn friends, bite, have his wife’s photogr:i|,»i
who. howev r. see in his action the r-*»«tcd on his passjiort. and. if )„
fulfilment of lifelong musical am- WHS cou, d f !‘kc her home an
i.automatic American eftizencsr
* ‘ w her proudly to his fttlkn.
nday things are different
veeks ngo one young tnem*
hail in America, said Mr. Bott. Men f ; n order to become a membr-* of Rnt
and women have swung back to the the big orchestra, it was disclosed, A few
: human normal of propriety and
* good taste, be said.
k | ‘‘The * most undesirable of jazz
1 ( dancing was the result of adding n
I dreamy oriental atmosphere to
I highly syncopated music,” contin-
/ued Mr. Bott "It Is almost Impos- j regulation:
i slble properly to supervise danc- •
. ing when the time o fthe selection ‘
Hancock had
member of 4be musicians’ union. ,
Not only must he pay his regu- i
lar dues, but on Saturday nights, his way to Warsaw to marry there
\vh ' nothc-r interests prevent Iris a lively Polish girl who had w.ilt-
t the Bowl, he is **d .for him two years. They i. m
, met when he was with the Amr-ri-
- can Red Cross and she a nurso r, r
Hancock, in addition to -he- > the Polish battlefields against tho
ami is broken up by a great number of a prominent business man and Russians.
j beats. When tho juzziust of music., yachtsman, has widespread civic j “i’ll be
flu: Is played, It lu hardly possible for j inte rests “*•-* - *
the dancers not to respond.
“Im:-roper deportment on
and this same spirit has room for us at the hotel.’'
( influenced the disposition of Iris American said blithely
the weekly salary, of what Is left of it. deritly as he left Moscov
Another Solid Car Load
To Supply the Demand Created By Our Unusually Attractive Sales Offer
This week we’ve hail customers all day long—coming to see—to ask Qiies-
tions-to KNOW about our NEWEST WAY to Buy; Easicst-Way-to-Pay.
Just your old stove—that’s all! If it is in good enough "standing” with
■on—it's good enough for us to make you a liberal allowance for it. If you
lon’t happen to have an old Stove or Range, simply hand the salesman So.OO
don't happen .
(a little more if you want to) and we 11
Set up the Best Range in your home that you ever saw in your life for the
Price, and it will be a Detroit Jewel.
Points That Make Every- Dollar You Spend
Get More in Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges
Big oven holds large family roaster, with
room to spare. —
"Save fuel, most perfect heat distribution
ever invented.
Beautiful ebonite finish on outside parts
make thi& range attractive in any kitchen;
Baking and broiling can botli be done at
oncei with same tlamc.
Bunsen Burners, make cleanest, quick
est, hottest, cheapest flame known to
Boils water 18 inches above burner.
Bakes with the DOOR WIDE OPEN.
For Short Time Only
If You Turn in Your Old Stove.
. w The family burial plot In the cemetery nt Marion. A Mausolium I
said publication for the date will be raised here near the a^de of the president's mother.
f , m *--*5*1^ ,r - i 'nJik. JUT-
PHONE 54 _