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VOL. 91—NO. 164.
Associated Press Serrico
A. B. C. Paper
Single Copies 1 Cents Daily. S Cents Sunday.
Baldwin May Meet Poin
care When Former Re
turns From Vacation
Shortly, He Intimates.
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON.—Great Britain sees
thoro i« nothing to bo gaino<l
in the reparations issuo by ex
changing moro notes with France,
and has decided to quit.
premier Baldwin has decided to
meet Premier Poincare for a dis
cussion upon the former's return
from bis vacation, it became known
Thursday. The British premier will
not formally ask 1»is French col
league for an appointment but will
make known quietly through sec
ond parties his readiness to dis
miss the whole reparations prob
Mrs. c Pankhurst Says Suffrage
Didn’t Do What She Expected gg
Endorses Project and
Names jCommitDfee to Go
Before Council and Urge
Bond Issue-
RJITART CLUB GETS BANKHEAD TRAVELED 'Colorado Flood Leaves $1,000,000
“in w “ "" B ™ PM! ' Damage In Its Wake; Fertile Farms^ j
“ And Ranches] i Swept f Beiore, Waters
Says She’s On Right Track Now
NEW YORK—Christabe! Pank-
burnt. England's one-time w'ndow-
smashing suffragist, is a disillu
sion d woman.
“Suffrage didn't accomplish nil
that T thoil ht it would/' she says
And, tlion r.he adds brightly, ‘‘but
n the right track now.”
Kion. She says votes for women
haven't cleaned up the world the
way she thought they would. Now
salvation seems more Important to
her than ballots.
Three times or no a week she
mounts the platform inside* a huge
tent over on V’cst End avenue and
tells a imrtlon or New York's fairly
exclusive residential district tha'
religion is the only thing that car.
save the world.
The woman whose small and dc
termined fist some few yei *•« ag«
was threatening anarchy and chaos
lnB V ichooli^O -Kinit Qpojye et hi, Is now rala
melon' .».!! "•■**• Ing that sdme small fist and threat.
cning tile most scorching unpleas
antness to Americans.'-id Engll.d
alike who don’t bellove in a per
sonal devU and the second coming
of Flirist.
"There rhoufu be pne unlversa
religion.", she says,,'and it's the re
ligion that Approach.
Campus Will Be Practi
cally Deserted By Fri
day Night. Professors
Plan to Leave Soon.
Final examinations lor tho nine
weeks term of the University of
Georgia were begun Thursday
Moro than threo hundred stu
dents who had remained for tho
longer eourses will ho examined
during Thursday and Friday, all
probably finishing by Friday even
ing.». j.’s. »!swiMgRaste
melon 1 tuttlti fbr summer wc
Student! Wednesday evening.
Ily Friday night tho campus will
he practically deserted. Many pro-
[vssors will leave during the com
ing week-cud to take their sum
mer vacations ami there are no
further classed nttcr Friday.
Students' who remained for tno
nine week* course were taking
work to gain regular college credit.
There will, therefore, ho no final
exercises for the close of this term.
Head to' Speak
Here Sunday
Dr C? O. Jones, Superintendent
,f the Georgia Anti-Saloon l^pxu
,vill preach nt fho Flrat Method!*
church Sunday morning nt 11.»»
. subject of Dr. .Tone*’ nridree.
Prohibition and Lnw Enforce
September 9 nnd 16 Dr. F- ^
Parker, Penn of the Theologies.*
School nt Emory University. wll
fill the pulpit nt the First Mctho
flint church.
Both of then® men nre eloquent
speaker* and are preaching here
In the nb*enc of Dr. Wn**on who It,
away on hi* vncatlon. Both Dr
.lone* and Dr. Parker have spoken
In Athen* before and there ar«
many who will be delighted tr
know that they will have another
opportunity to hear the*e men.
‘The typical Boy Feout, when hr
grow* up, will not bo the kind of
man who I* alwayt trying *o «hlf»
lii* reHponslhllltieH to other*/’ i 7
the opinion of the Hon TJneodore
Hoonevelt, Assistant Hecrctnry of
the Navy, Who recently spent a
•lay with the National Council at
ith 13th Annual Meeting, Inspect*
Ing Boy Scout Camp* In Palisade
Interstate Pnrk. travelling from
Washington «o|rly for thi* purpose
Mr. ItooMcvclt i* a member of the
National Executive Board of the
Boy Scout* of America. In th«
course of hia speech he made the
statement quoted: above. adding
"The typical Boy Scout won'
Snappy songs introduced and led
by Morton Hodgson marked a live
ly and interesting meeting of the
Rotary club Wednesday.
te bond election for the paving
ofpBroad street, from Lumpkin
street to MPledge avenue, wat
brought t«» tlu* attention of the clul
by H. J. Rowe. This movement wa«
irsed by the Kiwanis club at
their last meeting and a commit
tee appointed to appear before the
mayor and council nnd request tha*
election be called to submit tt
the voters of Athens the questloi.
•f Issuing bond* to Ihe amount o?
150,000 for that purpose. Aftei
some discussion. President Phi nix;
appointed H. ,T. Rowe, O. D. Flanl-1
gen and J. Warren Smith a com
mittee, to act In conjunction wit!-
the Kiwanis committee, to appeal
before the mayor and council a
their prelemlnary meeting nox'
Representative* DuP.ose ‘ rind
Ffolden were the guests,of the club
and both made interesting talk*
and explained the legislation pass
ed by the legislature relating tc
special or specific tax measured
the gasoline, cigar and cigarett«
Dr. Chaa. C. Goodwin, of At
lanta. was among the visitor* 01
the club.
Carolina. i A N N O UN C E D BY THE C. OF C.
Farmers Asked to Bring
"The wprid is h*.*~*!Ing to • des
truction and nothing hut religion
can save It. Social worker* will
find their work coming to nauglu
unless the'y arc animated by thli
true religion.
"We’ve had our statesmen nnd
wo’vc had our philosophers, bu*
neither philosophy nor statesman
ship will be able to save u*
There's a great battle, the
battle of Armageddon nnd beforo
that who knows how many othe:
wars?" —
It was during the World Win
she says, thut«shc became Interest
ed in religion and the manner in
which Biblical prophecies had been
fulfilled. And though she haf
vowed never to make anothei
speech friends induced her to tnk«
to the platform again to mak<
known her new convictions.
Now she gives sermon*. not
speeches. She goes wherever
churehes invite her. I
Chrlstnhc! dismisses the theorj J eioto npr-rpaUP in Hiffhfir
of evolution with a couple of pooh WSIS OCCredSC III
po„h.. I Brackets in Surtaxes
"It say* In the Bible, doesn’t It '
that God created man? Well, 1
stand on that. Any scientist whe
doesn't believe that is only a sec
ond scientist utiyway."
highway near Hartwell two week?
aro 1667 cars passed n given point
between 7 a. in. and 7 p. m. This
was a heavy day and will not oc-
cue often.
Tho Hoyston Record In Its last
Issue stated that a ton-day count
showed an average of 412 cars por
12-hour day, hence the .17.000 peo
ple per month, traveling during the
M the main ^ highway from tho
Faat to Florida and from Florida
to tho mcuntnln and Kastorn
Anoints, the Bankhead Highway Is
rr. T*i ‘irfrewtii* more propie than over ho-
Treasury Secretary^ " fofe, and with’ the continued *101-
pmveiuent of roads along the wav.
HARTWELL, (la.—A new
’ • ci ur planned for
Hart county by H. N. Ayers,
Parker H. Holland, •Prof. H. L.
Fry, prominent Reed Greek
I'luim.iiity c.tkcns and James
If. Skelton, Sr., of Hartwell.
Tho brb'go will cross the Tuga
in river in Reed Greek romniu-
n, fy and will bring thousands
of people to Hartwell annually.
It will not coronet** with either
Alford’s or Smith iMcGec’s
Elks and Fair Committee
Confer on Displays and
Festival Week For Ath
ens This Fall.
HARTWELL, Ga.—Ttmt approx
innately .17,000 people pass over tho
Bankhead Liguway between Hart- /
well and Hoyston every 30 uays , |
was brought out ns the result of a > i
ton-day count—the figures being
A meeting of the Athena Fait
Fdociation of the Athens Chant
er of Commerce was held In the
Mint* of the chamber Thursday
ruing for the purpose of discuss
Product, Full Grown But pi||Prn ll/UITIll DIP
Green, to Curb Market UHIJuLU lUliUI DM
Ma r k e t i n jr Committee
Meets With Produce Ex
pert From Tampa Who
Explains How Tomatoes
Are Handled.
According to a count
based on T 12-hour count. The ing plans for holding a courtly fair
Unit well Sun says. tAthens during the first week In
Cvntiog the night travel. which November. A committee of flv.
I. very heavy right at thla time, I*"
♦lour. „„ | rlh't club, which is to have a big
* ' Iinn'!,? . ..,i ! Un Li S K I week In November, cancernine the
as 45,000 In a month s time. i dP;l B f co-operation of ihi* Athen/
Fair Association, tho Elks. and
other organixattons here. In puttngi
on th? greatest fair Athens hat
ever seen.
The committee was composed of
K. C. f'alne, chalrtpan: L. O. Prle»
J, T. Jllc*, T. .1 Shackleford, Ben
T. Ktips nnd Mr. Kafker. This
cominlitee was to meet with the
J3!k:t* at 4 p. m. Thursdny. Hugh
W. White wiim elected chairman
of the Athens Fair ansociation and
B. W. Carroll, secretary.
Dlscuflslon, which was carried on
concerrlnir the fnir at the meeting
itrnught out the fact that th«
Clarke County Poultry association,
Will Be
Stimulant to
Committee Tells Pruden
tial Committee That
Plans Have Been Modi'
fied. Meet in Hall In
Tho McDormnn klnn of tho Ku
Klux Klan has modified It nplans
for the Initiation Friday night nnd
instead of holding it in the out
doors n^d publicly it will held
in fho klnn lodge rooms.
The announcement was made by
tin* commlitre of tho lord unit
Thursday morning before the Pru
dential committee of the Univer
sity when that body met to pass on
tho application for tho use of San
ford Field.
"Wo havo decided to change our
plans due to some developments of
Wednesday,” stated tho committee
In thanking tho prudential commit
tee for giving thorn n hearing.
plans for the public spcnklng
on Clayton street Thursday night
were not altered, It was stated by
a member, of tho klan committee,
and Dr. Rosen will speak on the
klan at the corner of Clayton nnd
Thomas streets as announced Wed-
(By Associated Press)
Klan initiation here Wednesday
night ended in the arrest of sever
wald to be
i and let It go nt that. He wll
'•sit in the gnme* and do his leve
beet to make things better. There
in He* the great value of the Scou
Movement to the United State*.'
crumble and complain of condi* | n minister, charged with carrying
— - firearms in an automobile. Tb<
men are held in jail In default o!
f£00 bonds.
You Can Write
Your Own Head
NEW YORK.—Clad In a paint
nmeajed frock, white linen trous
er.. white shoes and stockings,
Miss Wllheimena Schmidt of Den
mark climbed the steeple of SI.
Marks church on the llowery to
do cement frescoe work.
Her titlan hair unbobbed wns
restrained by broad bands of «llk.
A cork tipped Cigarette Hhilgled
from her lip*. She ,wa» never dl«V
In her life, she said; She (* a *M-
d.nt of the Royal Academy »t
Copenhagen. • 1 - \'
ST. LOUIS—Wl*h 5.200 plant!
recently added to it* orchid col
i«*ctlon. The Missouri Bo tan lea'
Garden here is said to have th«
I rircst and most varied orchid col
lection In America, If not in thr
O. H. I Ting, horticultural at
fhe garden, who collected the 5,206
Plant* In Columbia and Panama
"ay* that the collection Include* s
r-umber of Panamanian orchld»
hitherto nnknown to the United,
States^ nnd a rare albino specimen
"aid to be one of only two plants of
it* Vfad known to exist. ,
Aug. 24.—That’s Friday, but
not the tnirieenth.
That'* the hirthda)r of unothoi
prominent and popular Ath
enian. ,
A certain telephone number
here is going to ho kept bu*>
Friday. I ho operator* might just
a* well prepare for it. And then
too, there'* going to be lots o'
personal good wishes extender
ami maybe a box of cigars on/
the like delivered.
To whom did you say?
To no other than Dr. Stead
man Vincent Sanford, member
of the faculty of the University
of Georgia, English department
president of the 8, I. C. athl'etlcr
association, faculty director of
t. thirties at the University
member of the Kiwanis club, the
"good fellowship" dluh. the
boosters and any number ot
oUmt organizations, real and
Here's to you, 8. V., for your
host of friends who don’t greet
you personally.
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON—Secretary Mel-
Ion will renew’at.'the n*xt con*
Kress, recommendation for the re*
duction of higher brackets In
income surtaxes. Announcement
of Ills purpose which was made
Thursday, however, said that It
was uncertain whether in*t propos
al will meet with a favorable re
ception In the Capitol Ho is con*
| vlrcc-d that a further reduction ol
higher surtaxes is the only Effect-
tv*r method of competing with tax
exemption Investments. He may
also suggest changes In other tax
Large lncrenso in Income tax
receipts-by tho treasurer durinp
the last fiscal year Is said to be
attributed by Hecretary Mellon in
no small part, to the small reduc
tion in surtaxes effected In the
Inst tux legislation. The decrease
tiad acted as a stimulant to In
vestors to employ their money in
productive enterprise,,** differen* j ,,
Hated from tax exemption **curl- ton , Dr> j ph|]| Campbell nnd oth-
K “"- v — n ' eril from |bft gtatn college of Ag
better hotoj facilities and other
attractions for the motorist s' tho
route will prove moro popular
every day.
Tho con.
golf course hero
tract of land recently purchased !»'
tho Hrctwcll vCMuntry club will
prove prrh*n* tho bent attraction
for tho tourists in this section of
the country, second only to Hart
well’s mngniflclent now hqtel'
which Is already far famed.
A car load of tomatoes will b«
shipped from Athens next Tuesday
This wns announced after a
meeting of the marketing commit*
tee of the Chamber of Commerce
Thursday morning.
Twenty-four thousand founds ol
green but full grown tomatoes nre
needed tor this car shipment.
They nre to be brought to the
—* — — - - .curb market where \V. H. Vann
appointed' to confer with the representing the James S. Moody
company of Tampa, Fin., will take
charge of them, do the crating and
list the number of {huukIs each
person brings In and has accept
The grower will be pahl a de*
posit of ono cent nor pound when
the tomatoes are' delivered, they
will be Shipped to Tampa, Fla.
sold on the market for the price
prevailing that day and then the
seller remitted the balance of the
selling price.
Mr. Vnnn stated to the commit
tee Thursdny that the seller should
realise from tw> and three*quar*
the Athens FAlr Association, tn« . | 0 f 0ur c^nts p«-e pound nel
Elk* Club, and ihe automobile I f,, P the tomatoes. His firm nacke
nhow official!, will probably all j them, furni.hlr,, fb* rralM,'nll<
co-opcrnto fo mnke Che fair . auc- [ th cm nnd chanfen n commlaalon ol
cess. The Johnny Jones Company j ten per cent. •
.* orie thousand bird poultry show [ T | IP j nm ec 8. Moody company !c
•k, auto show, demonetrn-1 operating extensively fn Georgia
>m a number of counties' — *
tho 167-ncn-• nnd numerous other features are
being planned.
Organization to
Market Truck Is
Formed in Athens
CORNELIA. Oa.—Several Ath
enians Including Dr. T. II. McHat-
the secretary* believes. Con*
versntions uinong leaAers In j ricuUurc are attending the Joint
press have clicte I sessions of the Georgia Agricul
ture! Society and Horticultural So
ciety which opened hero Wcdncs-
no tax lgialntlon is probable dur
ing the next session.
If Republicans Win Next
Week They Will Ignore
Treaty With Great Bri
tain, Report Says,
(By A.socialcd Pres.)
LONDON.—An lnalght into the
propran, ot the Irl«h republican.
In the event the DeValera faction
win. tho clcctlona next week waa
Giron In a roanlfeeto publfahcd
A.iuming the republican! win a
majority Lnlhe Dial, the manifesto
aays among other IhlnXB they will
take 'possession e fthe lexlslature
and form a ministry probably with
tho support of the laborttcs.
They will Ignore the treaty and
everything that Impllea British
nipremacy. They will resncct no
Internal boundary and call noon
England to respect the three-mile
MOULTItlB. Gn,—When hunter,
Wkc lo Ihe fields this fall they wll!
find that quail nre harder to find
than they have been In yearn
Moultrie sportsmen my- It la said
flint the rnfoy weather of July and
August Ik ‘ reepofonlMe. 1 Thousand,
of young partridges were drowned
It to said. . ’
NEW YORK—Aftec firing flv,
shots from a revolver In nn at
tempt to kill hlm.elf In hls apart
ment nnd suffering only thro,
scalp wounds. Charles Bowman, IS
•i broker, wan arrested charged
with violation of the flrearmn law
Bowman wan a former race horse
owner and wna connected with e
hroutran, firm- Recently he lost
heavily In stocks.
Convict Escapes
From U. S Court
. In Savannah, Ga.
SAVANNAH, Ca.—Walter Stew
art, sentenced In federal court
here Wednesday to serve two
years for violation of the prohlbl
tion laws, tho only one aentenced
to steve so long a term, made a
sensational get away from the
United Statca marshal’s office and
is at large.
Curry to Face Jury
Fifth Time Charged
With Lyons Slaying
SAVANNAH. — Announcement
is made that Lee Curry, confined
tor many months in the duRham
Jail, will go on trial in Toombf
county on Monday next, for tht
fifth time, charged with the mur
der of Burley Phillips at Lyon*
more than three year* ago.
Curry wax convicted three time*
obtained a new trial each time and
at the teat hearing there .wa* t
Thr nucleus for the Northeast
jBrnrpii Truck Growers Association
l was formed Thursday morning a»
! the Chamber of Commerce after H
■ it wns decided to rthlp n car load
'of tomatoes from here next Tueg
[ day.
« rw , I The plan I* to hare ah -organ!**
J. Phil Campbell Speaks Han thnt will ennv*** In ndvnnc*
nn “Taivincr At llnmp how n,UPh of c * rtn,n Product*
on J-dvinf? iiome. »,* p i antf<( , horp *«, lhnt P i„ nil cnp
Orchards At Home Are »™i < * for marketing.
Mrs. Troutman, marketmaster,
ndvnnr-d the plan for the organ!
ration nnd made the motion anrf
W. t*- Frwln made a motion t«
{iiqmfti* a committee to effect It#
On the rnmmlttee were named
D. F. paddock, chairman: Mrs
T rout man. Claud Tuck. J. W. Ft-
rer, E. \V. Cnrrolt and W. L. Er*
win. ,
This committee will work
Mayor Irvin, of Cornelia, we!- a " d f0 *
corned tho visitors In a timoly talk I '
on tho fruit possibilities of this
section, and "Undo” It!ley Ham-
mark resimndcd with the sugges
tion "thnt Georgia always will lead
tho world In quality fruit proiluc-
dnctlnn. especially when the hoi!
weevil has puthed her hack a lit
tle closer to tho wall, nnd she must
resort to something other than cot
ton for a money crop."
Professor J. Phil Campbell, ej
tonusfon dlroctlou of the Georglq
State College nt ArdciiHure, an
swered the question "Can w«* live
at homo?" by slating that wo can
when we reeotrrtrc how rnstlv if
to grow cotton under weevil condH
♦Iona and buy food i *.d feed/ with
cotton mon^y oar f«viii progtnm
r4ust bo changed.
Oho thousand negro farmers h ft
Goorria within the pavt twelve
months been use there wna
enough fH raised for them. The
chnnro of our f*rm nrocram will
focludo tho growing of more foods.
The boys ’and girls’ clubs have
started a movement that eventual
ly will beln to overcome the wee
vil by making crops other than
cotton Into money crops.
Chairman Hunt said In Introduc
ing Professor Xewman that Geor
gia has forgotten the home orch
ard In her efforts to grow market
fruit* and he longed to have again
th* delicious varieties of peaches
and apples once grown In Georgia’s
home orchards.
A Remarkable Object
In Cash Return* .From
Planned Publicity.
"Those of our dealers who
advertise consistently sell ap
proximately four times a«
much as thore who do not ad*
There’s no guess-work in
that statement as made by an
official of the Advance*Rum*
Icy Company, makers of farm
imulehicnfs. "Wc know it be
cause we make investiga
tions.” he declares in Print
ers’ Ink. And he glvea fig
The company fa one of those
which outlines advertising
campaigns for its dealers. A
recent inquiry among 1,800 of
K* local representative* show
ed the average annua! sale*
to he as follows:
Dealer* who advertise $30,029
Dealers who don't ..— 9,421
Quite a difference!
And a convincing one. Be
cause here wo have an in
quiry that concern* dealer* of
Ihe same class, handling Iden
tical goods, scattered all over
the continent. Purely local
renditions do not greatly at
feet the average.
Query—la $4.00 worth moro
in your business than $1.00?
Why not go after it!
(By Associated Press.)
PUEBLO, Colo. — Fer
tile farms and ranches in
the Arkansas Valley in
southeastern Colorado ex
perienced one of the worst
floods of recent years
Wednesday night and
early Thursday when an
immense irrigation reser
voir on the Apishapa river
north of Fowler cracked
and precipitated a great
rush of water down the
Estimates of property loss range
a* high nn $1,000,000. No loan of
life is reported aa warning,of thr
Good wa* given. —
Tho reservoir waa built to dnin
20,000 acres. Recent rains and
cloudbursts placed too great ,q
strain on it. The wall of rushing
water was estimated at from tm
to twenty feet deep.
Tho loss of live stock will bo con
siderable. Also great damngo w.i
done to the farms, farm bulMima
and crops. The famous Rockyfoni
cantaloupe belt wns in the path
tho flood nnd the crop, about ready
tor harvesting wan practically de
stroyed. Wire nnd rail .facilitici-
wero disrupted.
STATE 1120,000
State Treasurer Makes
Estimate of Cost to
Georgia of Fifty Days of
Legislation. „
ATLANTA, Oa.—Just Ilka tha
cost of living, the cost of legisla
ting Is a big item, and the r* < « nt
session of the General Aiuitmbly
cost tho state approximately $120.-
forty car* of tomatoes from Cav«
Springs, one of the assembllnr
points jn th* state.
The tomatoes to he aceepetd
must he full grown but not ripe
Mrs. Troutman, tho market master
says they should have the white*
ness or u blush of color taken on
Just before coloring and becoming
too ripe to ship.
Then# tomntoe* aro wanted at
the next Tuesday and
every grower In this section Ir
urged to bring those acceptable
then. A full car, 24,000 pounds-
Is desired.
At Lajunta tho floqd waters
swelled the river, rapidly and tho
l>oop!e fled to tho lowlands; fivo
hundred persons leaving home..
At noon the river there was half! 000, according to the •■({mate 'of,
a, mile wide but It has not yet!Captain W. J. Speer, state treasur*
approached tho high stag© ret two * cr, who has fust completed paying
yeara ago who the disastrous flood !®f? the representatives and MJM*
swept the valley. (tors.
There are 207 members of th*-
lower house and $t senator*, nnd
each legislator receives $7 per d.i>
for tho fifty-day session, mil io
cents per mile for traveling- «-x-
penses In coming to and from At
lanta. In addition, there is a m ***
of other expenses. Including the
cost of legislative probes nnd the
work ot sub-committees..
In addition to making provisions
for Inspections ot state institution:
the treasurer has been compHiir.i
to set aside a fund for the Inves
tigation of the state department of
agriculture, which will be 1m-id
during the recess period. b»-^in
ning shortly. The resolution j -•>
vlding for this investigation;
preprinted $750 for the expanse*,
and in addition, the members of
thg probe committee w111 p.i'-i
$7 per day for their service**, just
as during the legUrisUvv
and actual railroad Care to and
from Atlanta. *
Captain Bpeer has not compl.-tci
the task ot tabulating the ex.u-t
cost of the 1928 General Asembfy,
but he estimates that the •xp-n***-
wlll be about the same • nn ’ that j
ynr. The appolntn
committees to maks
tripe, instead of sending
committees, resulted In some *av» •
ing but this waa offset by the costs
Walker Not to
Appear Before
Probe Committee
Charges Against Howard
Will Be Investigated Fri
day By Committee From
Atlanta Bar Assn.
ATLANTA.—Governor Clifford
Walker will not be uked to ap
pear before the committee of the
Atlanta Bar Association which
Friday will Inveatlnte charges
•gainst Judge Gus Howard that tho
toller sought to "trade* ’the sollc-
Itcrsblp of the Fulton connty court
for » division ot the pay accruing
to thnt office.
Member* ot tho .Investigating
committee stated Wednesday night
\tat they did not care to comment
farther on the nutter In advance
ot the hearing Friday morning.
When naked ir the committee
would furnish -specific charges
against Judge Howard," requested
by friends of the tew Judge, mom
bora declined to make any atate-
menL Tho committee also declined
to state whether Governor Welker
would be nquosted to appear be
fore the committee In person, or
whether a special committee would
call on the governor.
The charges to be. Investigated
grew out of the appointment of
Judge Howard by Governor Walker
and were made public In Snnday-e
paper*. Edgar Latham, prominent
member of the local her end up-
(Turn to page eight)
of ayclal Investigations.
Children Must Be
Vaccinated Before
Entering Sc
Clarke county school
must be vaccinated before thoy ,
enroll In the schools of
and county next month.
Price, attendance off Ic.
Vaccination f, required by
Those who wish may meet
D. Applewhite, connty health o
fleer, in Ms office nt
house betweeen s nml
each morning xnd be