Newspaper Page Text
Volnn. 2!» ..
Williams. 3b
Elmore, If .
Jackson, rf
play off iho tic Sunday.
i Palmer Florida State cham-
had a Imil round today nnd
fin a score r.f 84, giyln him
re of 161 for the 36 holes.
)wing to the lr^jfo number of
rants, officials of the Aahcvlll* |
an try club were busy arranging
ier* than the first flight,
tmong tlio other Georgian* to
ilfy were W. II. Glenn 180. T. T.
111am* 174. John Grant, Jr.. 199.
Iton Parian 174, B M. BotuhiT
After tennis, golf, baseball, or
any sport, drink—? '''
•e Seed Asset-
example that
»very where.
Henson Bros. & Fulbright
Whofcmlt Distributor*
I In the world nr.d new world’* spend
'record* for racing motor car* urr
idfkqiy when the flrgt event 1* hole
’■*** Labor Day, In the opinion* oi
Jack Prince, the builder.' and O.
If. Hnlbc, .Vftfruu-drjwr, r Bpth
there nre no linen of business with
interest so entwined ns farming
nnd oil mills and fertilizer manii*
inn hour when 15 noted driver;
held to nine by King, of C art
Baseball Results
Score by Innings:
rart.p-sville 100 004 100-
Mu ford 0<>2 001 000
Tired of Being Razzed
||! Mobile ...
j Atlanta ...
[ Miriningham
Memphis ..
f ! Nashville .
Little Rock
» AMKRKTS, Ca.—Albany change*
j about face In *ne third game ol
I the post season series here \ |f cd-
inesdav afternoon and 'defeated
| Americas, 12 to 4. Williamson, wh-
I started on the mound for America's
was wll nnd this, abetted by five
error* pulled by Lindsey, gave the;
I game to the visitors.
Davenport, who went In to re
place Williamson In the fourth,
f pitched consistent hall, holding the
I Albany hatter* to two runs and two
hits after his advent. There was
I about 1,500 fans present.
The Box Score
New York .
Cleveland .
Detroit ...
St. Louis ..
Chicago ...
Boston ..
New York
i incinnati .
Pittsburg ..
Chicago ...
St. Louis ..
Brooklyn ..
Boston ...
Mitchell, rf •
Kimhrell, e .
Rid ridge. If .
Marquard, 21)
Kroh. p
CLUBS— W. L. Pet.
Macon 28 20 583
Spartanburg 28 20 .583
Charlotte 26 22 .G42
Augusta 21 22 .488
Greenville 20 26 .435
Gastonia 19 29 .396
A fie
Johnny Wilson probably got sick
they a.8o prosper, but when
fail or any misfortune , or
jvortakes .tnc farmer they
with him. Did the farmer
to grow cottc n Mr. Hodgsor
hi* factories would have to
down. But .ave all depend
c man behind the plow, and
do everything in our pow
4st him.
to Athens. A cotton man says If
farmer* continue their fight on the
weevil through this month the
a,tor* crop will bring in more mon
ey than bumper crops hen the
staple is sold ror four or five cent:
per pound.
M, 1923
!;. COX on Baxter
lying our market
t figs we have ever
gays there is more money In
than any crop grown and they
vor fail. They* make delicious
♦ serves and there J* g, ready mar-
t f<*r fig preserves. Several
rment around _ Athene say they
II plant large grovpS. s'
LAST WEEK we met farmers
from Hart. Franklin, Madison.
Banks. Jackson, Barrow. Oconee.
Greene, and Oglethorpe countles f
who brought p^duee to our curb
market. We have also’ se
from Habersham, Morgan,
and Walton here with produce for f ENGLAND PREPARING
Georgia State College of Agriculture
will Respond to Calls for
A moderate charge will be made.
' Phone 225-R, Athens, Ga.
ATLANTA—Fingering tne auto
matic telephone dial is Atlanta’s
indoor sport at present. The nu
tomntic replaced the “hello" girl
August 1. An educational cam
paign.. had been carried out for
feveral months in the mysterie*
of the thing, nnd most people knew
how to operate it at the start.
But. the telephone official^ say
they are still having their troubles
in getting the dial punched right
One.good thing, they say, insofar
is residenti&l telephones nre eon-
erned. and that Ih that the babj
j cannot play with it. , -
Interest Rate from 5 to 6\k r /e»
Payable Monthly or Semi*Annually.
See S. W. USSERY or JAY H. EPTING with
Ground Floor Holman Building i f
: 1 u—X
many bouquets.
nearly two year.-.’ inactivity he’s returning to the ring t » meet Harry
Grub for the middleweight championship. The scrap will he at du
Polo Grounds in New York, August 31. Here's Johnny as he appear
in training. j f
Hens Golfer* Qualifies For
First Flight In Asheville;
Many Georgians Pass Test
SIIEVILLE. N. C.—Watts Gunn, 167, J. F. Saterteo 201, U. M. Noy
con. Ga., stato champion, was Kin 212, A. lb Fates, 136, all p
ill up In tho lenders nt the cloncf Atlanta ’
i tlm qualifying rounds of tho
hual summer Invitation tourna
|nt at the Asheville Country club
®tcri In the first flight
tone of 163, one stroke
BUI Fhinlzy. of Athens, turned
In a of 132 for the qaalltfy-
Ing round, while Max Oberdorfer
and Dan (C ohn, of Albany made 22?
and 205 respectively. J. C. McAfee.
r«* than the low qualifying score.' of Macon qualified with 165, Key-
enry Wes tall. Asheville crack. ton Smith, Savannah 188.
rr-r. nnd chnrlos Mncknl, Wash- j
I 7°^, A n KE r R ' A RE r BEAT ^
BUFORD, Ga.—-Iho Uartersvllle
J nlno ’evened matters with Buford
Epps Brown, Atlanta, and hero when It won the second game
is Jones, Athens, will bn the of the scries, 6 to 3. Tho fame was
called In the eighth Inning on ac
count of dark noli a nnd was played
under tho handicap of a muddy
Despite the fact that tho ball
was slippery nml* hard to handle
the affair was reeled off with but
five mlsplays. three of which were
charged to the Shoemakers nnd tho
other two to CartersvIUn. Tho two
t«ams will play In Gainesville
Thursday nnd s the battle takes
cn tho aspects jf n rubber mntrh
It Is expected to attract "record
breaking crowds.
(’lav parish, Oglethorpe outfield
er, hit a home run In tho sixth in
ning. which was tho big frame of
tho visitors, they scorIng four
markers In that stunze. First Base
man Croyen wai the batting star
for Buford, getting three hits out
of four trios.
Andy Chambers pitched for Bu
ford and was touched for cloven
representatives of Gorgia
i the first flight and give
er golfers a run for the honors.
Ynstall la favored to win tho
ament, but it 'i almost a con-
fact that th* re sre stroke*
» Georgia golf bigs that will
an silver trophies for tho Land
ib» supplies. There
city in Georgia Tetter
and prepared for all man
pairs on motor vehicles
I^ONDON.—Britain has sot out
n the
the triclc Is not pulled off, it will
not bo the fault of the English
public In general which is giving
fts money to send a crack team to
the games In 1924. It has been
generally admitted that England
has lost much of her athletic su
premacy during thfc last decade,
and to regain this a loading Lon
don newspaper has started a cam
paign for $2OO,Q00, tho sum esti
mated as necessary to get to
gether a team and send It to the
Paris ’gamesonext year.
Linds* v, ss ...
Duron, c
Barnhart, c ..
Williamson, p
enport, p .
Birmingham 1; Atlanta 3.
New Orleans 3: Mobile 0.
Little Rock 7; chattano* ga 1.
Memphls-Uashvllle, rain.
Better Ask
New York 3; Detroit 6.
Boston 7-1; St. Louis 8-6.
Philadelphia 3; Chicago 2.
Washington 8; Cleveland G.
TOTALS .. ..37 4 13 27 11
flatted fhr Huron In sixth.
xxBnttod for Davenport in nlfKh.
Score by Innings:
Am TicUB 010 030 000— 4
All my 240 240 000-
Spmmnry: Two Inse hits. Farm-
r. Jackson CL.* - Mitchell. McCul-
lomrh: huso on balls, off Kroh 3
ff Williamson 5. off Davdnport 2;
struck out by Kroh 6. !«y Haven-
ort 2; double play. Former tr
Kroh to McCullough; sacrifice hit,
Marquard; wild pitches, William
son. Davenport; left pm base*.
Atpericus G, Albany 9. Umpires,
ns and Mayer. Time, 1:60. At
tendance, 1,600.
Rt. Louis 1; Boston 3.
Only one game scheduled.
Gastonia 3; Charlotte 1.
Spartanburg 0; Greenvlllo
Augusta 3; Macon 9.
]T costs nothing to ask questions
and it may save you annoyance
apd serious loss. The officers of
this bank arc pleased to co-operate
and advise with their customers.
Atlanta at Birmingham (
Little Rock nt Chattanooga.
Memphis at Nashville.
Mobile at New Orleans.
Commercial Bank of Athens
Member Federal Reserve System /
Boston nt Rt. Louis.
New York at Detroit.
PhilnjIelVhia nt Chicago.
Washington at Cleveland.
Federal Tires
At Reduced Prices For Limited Time-
Subject to Withdrawal Without Notice
Lint Price
30x3 Def. Fabric *11.45
30x3V, lief. Fabric .. r. .. -- -- ..*12.85
30x3V, I)cf. Curd *15.45
32x4 Def. Cord *30.10
33x4 IJcf. Cord - *31.00
Sale Price
Washington and Lumpkin Sts.
Corner Prince and Meigs
Rt. Louis nt New York.
Chicago nt Philadelphia.
Cincinnati nt Brooklyn.
Pittsburg at Bostob.
Back to Town
Thousands of Athenians who have been
away this summer, enjoying vacations at the
seashore and in the mountains, are now re
turning home. Incoming trains are bringing
back these vacationists daily. We suggest
that one of the first things returning Athen
ians will need in the home-coming, picking up
the regular usual routine of life and business
. Stippbse yoji phone today and say: “Send
me The Banner-Herald.”
If The .Banner-Herald has been sent wou
while away from Athens, have the paper
changed from mail to city delivery. D^rfit'
now. • Hfev:
Pound’s Heavy Hitting
C 1 o u t e r s Prove Too
Much For the Bedgood
march to the top When they
foatrd the Bedgood outfit 13 to 3
That club Is going to be hard t
head ns any team with such
ray of long dlsta
very forrnidnbh
vnttcr* Ip
A happy combination
of food and drink
The aU-ycar^round soft drink
Completely satisfies the thirst and
stimulates good health.
Anheuser-Busch, Inc, St. Louis
Whorter who took the mound
pinin’* .absence nay* "nev
again." Besides some fifteen hit*
he Issued four passes nnd received
Dernble support. At no time did
!■* losers threaten to lend.
Captain Pound depulcated
feat of Tuesday when he led ofl
ith a smashing homer. He
I one <>f McWhorter’s offering?
viciously, the drive going nearly
the Chi Phi House, pope, Wad*
and Tutwiler Jill hit well. Franklin
led the losers’ assault. Pound
Davis and Goodman starred afield
lied" Bander* of tho Brooklyn
Giants and a Bren tv supporter ol
the Bedgood club I* completely
humiliated. Day after day he
hi* friend* go down in defeat nnd
blames it to the absence of hi*
pa!. "Ice Hooks” Bedgood
lit* friends intend to let him wire
-Hed” to eome'buck home nnd savi
him from further humiliation.
The box i
Goodman 3
Franklin If.
McWhorter p. ......—-.
Lewi* c.
Levle i
Mtqdow,[ef. ....
Nix rf
tTpshavf »f
Hayes 2b. ..—
Pound 3h. .....
Hancock If. .
Mur but rf. ..
Pope c
Anderson lb.
Dean If. 3
Davis s* 3
Tutwiler 2b 4
Wade cf. 4
Smith p 4
Around Athens
I With Col T. Larry Gantt I
week showed Improvem
going on all over the city. The
foundation for a handsome resi
dence Is being laid on Mllledgc
avenue and another on South
Lumpkin street, opposite Fnlrvlew
Mr. Dudley’s new home on Mllledgc
avenue Is about completed,
also notice that several old i
dencJs nre being almost rebuilt
and modernized. The walls of the
Lumpkin street school building
nre completed.
of High Shoals, wa* in the city
this week, link say* ho ha* cur
tailed his farming operations, but
continues to live at home and
board nt the same place. lie is
the plomer fine cattle nnd poultry
raiser of this section and built the
first silo.
of the large forest trees in the city
are dying nnd It Is feared that some
disease bn* nttneked the oak and
hickory growers. The mammoth
trees that beautify our city ar*
one of it* greatest attractions and
vhen you
nf decay better
weevils ure destroying cowpen*
Uiul have already attmgicd c »r»» ant*
Wheat—that they were never m«*ro
destructive. With imported seed* l
and plant* from tropical countries}
are introducing all manner of
insect pests nnd noxious plant*
should raise our own seed. The
progressive farmers around Win
rvijie, in their*
atlon have set an
should be followed
Totals 38 13 12
Umpires McWhorter nnd Moss.
ALTOONA. Pa.—Altoon’j
*I*fc4way will be the fastest tract-
ty ladies bring produce to our
curb market anil say it is of very
great help to them. Among their
number nre Mesdatnes Elder, Jack-
nnd Algood. They bring en
couraging crop reports from their
MIL IIAOOOD. near Eastville. in
Oconee is supplying our curb mar-
ket with Belgium hares and they
brlrg 40 cents each. He says they
br«*c<I every month and cost abou/
as much to raise us chickens. He
has 100 luceding glares. They nre
ir ^*'ke|t in a tloored pen or they
would borrow out.
A Worth-while Reputation-
The head of one of this country’s great manufacturing insti
tutions says:
“The man who builds and the man who buys arc both
beneficiaries of reputation. To the one it is a continuous
spur and incentive—to the other, the strongest of all
guarantees that what he buys is worthy.”
Patronize the manufacturer or merchant who has a reputation
for honesty and fair dealing. Such motives must actuate the
consistent advertiser. The man who invests real money in build
ing a reputation for himself and his mferchandise cannot afford
to risk any of it by taking unfair advantgae of his customers.
He must retain the good-will of the buying public. Without this,
his business cannot succeed.
Every time he advertises he puts his reputation'in your hands.-
His products or the wares he has for saie must make good. His
service must be as advertised.
That is why it pays to read advertisements, to deal with ad
vertisers and to buy advertised goods.
Yes, It Is Worth Your While to
Read the Advertisements