Newspaper Page Text
•rcDAY, AUflUfiT «. 19M
iw KownnuwHtp. Athens, crown
page fp
having their final innings with the
bol! weevil.
C. II. Mason will shut down fifteen
or more saw mills in the county until
Sept. 1. f
visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shack-
Mrs. Horace Smith and daugh
ters, Misses Mildred and Marion
after a little visit with Mrs. W. II
Reynolds and Mrs. Alice Knox havi
returned to their home in Athens.
Miss Mary Askew of Atlanta 1
spend I mr some time with Mr s
Daisy I tooth.
Hon. and Mrs. Gordon Cal lawn 5
of Kutnnton are visiting theli
mother. Mrs. Mary Calloway.
Almost every home In Lcxlngtor
has had house guests during thf
summer and there has been mucl
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Maxwell nnc*
children have returned from
w^re rccvnt^HfytR of Mrs.. W. R
Miss Nancy Alexander ar.i Mrs
John Hood of Commerce aro in Do
catur visiting Mrs. Brock.
Mrs. A. L, King is ill at Wesley
Memorial hospital.
Chancellor' Harrow gave r.
beautiful talk Sunday night at
Boggs church on **A Citizen ot
The Junior Missionary Society
met Monday afternoon with Mis
Sara Thurmond.
Misti Leila Mae 'Henry enter-,
tained n number of the younger
set Saturday evening nt the.homi
of her parents. Mr. end Mrs. W. E
Mr. Cheatham df Shreveport
Mr. Hailey of Jefferson and Mr.
Roberts of Greenville were rccont
guests of Mr. Lee J. White.
Miss Robins of Atlanta ' wil'
speml the week end with Mins
Mattie Julia Nichols.
Miss Lucy Bryant-.visited her Risk
ier, Mrs. George Thurmond Iasi
The many *r(ends* of Mr. Edpr
Fowler., who Vita been 111 af the
General hospital are'glad to know
that he is able to be out.
Mr. E. K. Staniker and Mr. W
L. Hturley of AJl4n$i/t wfQ •$epd
Sunday .with mV' JiT!Mrt.' W. P
* 31 rs. Loften Thomas and children
of Augusta are the guests of Mrs
L. H. Nichols.
Mrs. Callaway has returned from
GIRL’S “Y” f
8. T. Lamhart. F. W. Chaffer,
Lanta; Myra r.atrnelder. Atlanta;
M. Craft, Baltimore; Mr. and
Tom Moore, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Lexington Social
And Personal News
Whew! We sure are tired! i
How would you like to wall
twelve miles up and down moun
tains In the broiling hot sun?
Well—that’s what we did. W. T
took us over to the Tugalo dan
today. We left here at 7:40 thl
morning. The trip wasn’t so hah
going down and we had the BESTI
time—but coming up. well you Jus
ought to have been ‘here.
A guide showed ur all over tht
dam. . Really it is n wonderful pier-
of construction.
We had dinner nt twelve, hut nl
though we brought, our lunch wit!
us we wore so hungry that w«
bought everything to eat that wi
couhf find.
Everybody ate so much that wt
hid a hard time getting enough.
After pulling about ten moun
tains we finally reached camp
tired but happy.
Miss Virginia Deadwyler of De-
itur is the guest of Miss blanch*
B- J. Lane, Atlanta; W. L. Ba
Atlanta; W. K. Dunkin, Macon; ]
Carter, Chattanooga; D. V. Mad
Greensboro, N. C.; C. W, Ad
:!0.\3 Non Skid $12.50 $ 9
:!0x3^> Non Skid ... 15.50 10
I’riees on other sizes in the same proportii
Washington.and Lumnkin Sts.
Corner Prince and Meigs
| Athens Visitors j
I* D. Williams. Burlington, Nv
E. Quick, Columbus, Ga.; T. M. J
terson, Madison, G«.; Mrs. W. T. G
reft, Bartlesville; Mrs. J. H. Qul
Sander «vllle; Miss Josephine liar
Birmingham, Ala.
Among those* visiting in Athens
Thursday were John M. O’Brien.
Montgomery;' E. C. Moore, Augusta;
. B. 3b.
Savannah; S. C. Higgan
•.and 31 rs. J. P. Whiteside. An-
in, Ala.; 3Ir. and 3!rs. F». A: Quinn
stun, Ala; O. ft. Morton, Rlcji-
1. Va.; A. J.. Reynolds. Savannah
W. E. Brackett. Helena, Ark.
A CHIU) IN PAIN runt to Mother
for relief. So do the grown-ups.
For sudden and severe pain in stomachr
and bowels, cramps, diarrhoea
It has never been known to faiL-
i Oconee Heights Social
I and Personal News
‘i. W. 1\ Harden And daughter
itu; Mts. 1>: C. Shank.’ Ft. 3Io.
-011,'Gn.; William K. Mnlhin
Yoyk City; W. L. Watkins, At*
ftIns Gladys Jennings and Mrs
Geo. L. Markman of St. Petersburg
Tuesday we had field day. Thi
events were fifty yard dash, ban 1
ket ball throw, broad Jump, relnj
race and tug of war.
The winners of A were:
In the 500 yaiM dash:
1. ‘Geechle" McIntyre.
2. “Whitle" Jarnlgan.
.1. Harriet Proctor.
In the basket ball throw:
1. “Geechle” M<>ntyre.
3. Julia Stovall.
i. Rirnh Davla. ,
In the broad Jumfi.
1. “Geechle" McIntyre.
2. "WhiRe" Jarnlgan.
3. “Bobbie” McIntyre.
The winners of Class B. In the
.70 yard’dash:
1. Birdie Bondurant.
tW continue but
1 few days more
Clothing will
be higher for
the Fall
In *he basket ball throw:
1 Lois Pittard.
2. “Polly" Betts.
In the broad Jump:
1. Lois Pittard.
2. Birdie Bondurant.
The Winners of Class C. in
0 yard dash:
1. Rebecca Means and
.nurie Hill.
2. "Pancake" Dudley.
3. Lucllo Gree.4.
In the basketball throw:
I. Rebecca Means.
J. Annie Laurie Hill.
3. “Pancake” Dudley.
In the broad Jump:
1. Rebecca Means:
2. El Heckler Ussery.
3. Mildred* Grlffeth.
The winners, Clnss D. Ii
0 yard dash:
1. "Buck” Buchwnld.
2. "Red Pepper? Brand.
3. Wlinifred Orr.
In the basket ball throw:
1. Frances Forbes.
X “Pokey Lokey.
\t/’ ••tfmftty'* Hmith.
Irt the broad Jump:
i. “Hmltty” Smith.
2 “Shorty" Garrett.
3. "Buck” Buchwnld.
The captains of fho relay ...^
ig of war tennis were "lte*l Pep*
er" Brand and "Hmltty” Smith
Red Pepper's’” team woh both. -
Late in the afternoon we worn
\> on the ridge for another delight*
T/s Your Opportunity to
Saie By Buying Now
i 4 l Vw«tjiR
'* b
•here wr
Women Readers of The Banner-Herald What Would be YOUR
Financial Condition if Accident Suddenly Took “Him” from You?
The ever-present danger of Travel Accident ..The Banner-Herald offers a protection that
makes life uncertain. In the proverbial “twink- every home should have. It does not add a pre-
ling of an eye” a strong, alert man may be struck mium to increase circulation because old readers
down in death or made a cripple for life. What as well as new between the ages of 15 and 70
would happen to YOU ? J Would the benefits years are entitled to the benefits,
listed btelow be a blessing ? v ^ * ... , . rnrr
Athens’ Neighbors
-The Banks
Minting t’onvei
Homer August 21st.
A wedding of much In teres
of Miss Kathleen MoMnste
\Vc*Htbr**nk. 3llss Ada Dodd
and Wylie Thompson of i
were also married.
All the:soldiers of Banks !
unlo.ui.M Homer last Hnturd
Reports from all j*arts
are that crops are prom
.ery few boll weevils arc fou
ton. A record breuking cor
,>1..mined and now about ma
There Is an Increasing df
desirable farms In the col
prices are looking up.
SI nnn To a fare-paying passenger In a public conveyancs or
a passenger In a private motor-driven or horse-drawn
vehicle which is wrecked In an accident, the Company will pay
the policyholder the enm of Ono Thousand Dollars for Loss of
Life, or Doth Feet. Both Hands, or Blight of Both Byes, or One
Hand and One Foot. Either Hand or Either Foot and the Sight
of One Bye.
<RAA To n fare-paying passenger In a public conveyance or a
passenger In a private motor-driven or horse-drawn ve
hicle which la wrecked In an accident, the Company will nay the
policyholder the sum of Five Hundred Dollars for the Lose of
Either Hand Either Foot, or the Sight of Either Bye.
J250 To Pedestrians struck, knocked down, or run over by a
motor-driven or horse-drawn vehicle In a Public H'gh-
way, the Company will pay the policyholder the sum of Two Hun
dred and Fifty Boilers for Loos of Life.
Policyholders Injured while traveling as a passenger In a public
or private vehicle according to the terms or the policy, will re-
oslvo ths sum of Ten Dollars per week whUe totally dlsahted for
a period not exceeding three consecutive months.
Regittration, Identification and Emergency
Benefit—$100 ' '
Th, Company will ,ft.r nnlrtnc notin. U provM—1 Hi tin policy
expend a sum up to Ono Hundred Dollars to ears for and place a
policyholder In ths hands of friends If ‘rendered unable to com
municate with friends because of accident or illness.
B. R. Blood worth % C lSTi&i
Claims of this City. ,
LA VON IA .—The Lavonla Chamber
of Commerce will make a tour taking
in their county, beginning August 21.
At least 23 cars will 1* filled with
business men and their families.
A big barbecue at Franklin Kprings
was enjoyed by nt least 300 members
of the Franklin County Live 8t*ick As
Investigation of cotton fields shot?
that the boll weevil- Infestation la
worse Ilian at any time this year.' A
There is no “red tape” about it—no medical ex
amination—it’s easy to get and costs the subscrib
er nothing. All that is necessary is to fill out the
coupon shown below and then comply with the
simple requirements. Nobody can dfford to
pass such an opportunity.
A Still Greater ^Value
Never before has a Ford Sedan been
sold at such a low price.
Never before has there been such a
well-built Ford Sedan—improved with
finer upholstery, window regulators,
and with many refinements in chassis
This is the family car which fully
meets every requirement of economy,
comfort and sturdy service.
So great is the demand that deliveries
will soon be almost impossible. List
your order now, make a small down
payment, the balance on easy terms.
Ford prices have never teen so low
Ford quality kos never teen so high
C. A. Tfussell Motor
MAPIRgN.—A carload of select cows
from Morgan county was shipped loot
week to 3Ilami, Fla. This makes sev
eral ears of cows the county has sold
In South Georgia and Florida.
I»ruf. Paul Taylor of the Agricultural
College, is conducting pasturage meet
ings In Morgan.
There ^ are 3.000 acres planted In
peanuts In Morgan and last week the
growers held a meeting to have them
gathered and prepared for market a'
the proper time. It Is estimated tha.
about seven pickers will lie required t«
harvest the crop.
The Morgan county fait; will be held
Octnbe# W-7A ' •
The slump in the price of lumhoi
has resulted in slowing down all tlim
Ut activities In the county—the soil
ing of stump 1‘robfr and operation <uf
| - -rr H
A few minutes’ time TODAY to secure one of
these policies may be the biggest paying effort of
your entire life.
A few strokes of your pen or pencil and a Travel
Accident Policy for $1000 is yours without
spending One Red Cent for it.
WARNING: The ITIastratlon and Toxt of thla Advertisement art Copyright
ed by Hickey-MItchell Co. Infrlngsments will bo prosecuted.
fora period o* ONE YEAR, for which!
regular subscription Price, I am to receive
Accident Insurance Policy deoerihsd by you.
. ir you are at present a sunsertner. * lease so stare, rrvsenc
subscribers, as wall as ntw. are ontltl I to all the advantages
of the Travel Accident Insurance Plum but all subscribers,
present and new. must Bend in this blank. Policies wl be
Issued as soon as subscriptions have bean verified. This may'
require a week or ten days,
Free Offer iof • $1,000 Travel.Accident laiurance Policy to All It*
Reader^,;New; or GET YOURS TOMORROW.