Newspaper Page Text
WHEREAS, Com A. Whitehead \
of Athens, Clarke County, Geor-.
gia; by her Warranty Deed dated!
February 19, 1917, and ^uly re-!
corded in Book 22 at pa ire 20 otj
the Land Records of Clarke Coun-|
ty, Georgia, and in B«ok C'Q at i
page* 599 and GOO of the Land* \‘ n
Records of Jackson County, Geor-i # !' a
Eia,Conveyed’ to th» I'eardons--Less Reduction in Geor-t.
Taft. Land Credit Company, a cor- • 1Q9Q T , •
poration, the following described] --- c * f, t 1 Beil) 1 n ^ '
real estate in Clarke and Jackson | 1922, Reports Just Is-
Persons Elevated
To Flint Bench
Counties. Gfcorji
Ini the 1317th Georgia Milit
District about 5 miles Northwest I
of the Town of Athens and hound - j
ed oi the North by lands of Thur
mond/ on the West by lands of; ‘
Niches; on the SSd’th by lands of { f
EbcrRart and on the Hast by Old '
Roa<Uand lands of Eberhhrt; said!"
tractjpmore particularly described | 0
“ows: Beginning at a pinch
bn Thurmond's line, thencej
Nort£ 74 degrees, West 34.08 r
chains to a pnplat, thento South . r1
•23.40 chains to Sweet Gum; thence’
South 79‘£ degrees. East 36.381 r.
chains to rock on Old Road; thence j tl
Along said road to beginning, con-
taining 73.85 acres, more or less j *1
in Clarke County. 1 f
ALSO a tract of land in the j
1747th Georgia Militia District J nr
about 7 miles Northwest of the 1 n
Town of Athens and bounded on
the North by lands of Robert Mor
ris; on the East by lands of Brown
Whitehead, formerly William
Archer; on the South hy lands of
Parrott and on the West hy lands
of WiHinm Wa llaoe; said tract 1h»-
ing in Jackson County, containing
100 acres, more or less.
ALSO a tract of land in the
1747tn Georgia Militia District*
about 7 miles Northwest of the I
Town of Athens and bounded
Boot! .
by other lands of Mrs. Cora A.
Whitehead and on the West hy
lands of Peterson: said tract, be
ing in Jackson County, containing
27 acres, more or less, containing
in *11 201 acres, more or less, j
To secure two promissory notes
of said Cora A. Whitehead,
sued Indicate.
ATLANTA, Ga.—Goverr
•d Walker late Monday after-j
»n announced the appointment 1
E. Ogden Persons of Forsyth,'
1 Thomas J. Brown of McDon-
be judge and solicitor
espectively, of the Flint
judicial circuit.
Paul Turner, of McDonough,
of the
(Bv Associated Press.)
LANTA Ga—Taxable pr
returned to assessors In K,0
::a counties has sho\4p a de-
p of only $3 # 625,8S5 this year
mparJson with a loss of $74,-
0 in 1922. indicating an 1m
ment in financial conditions
e stat according to to Hen-
Fullbrigbt, tax commission -
>.000 derco:
in 1922
titles o
$.'.000, •
was appointed judgi
ty court of Henry
reed Judge Brown who resigned
to accept the solicitorship of the
circuit court. Mr. Turner had,
served previously as county judge.
W. E. H. Searcy of Griffin and
E. M. Owens of Pitt county fol
ly served the Flint circuit as
judge and solicitor but recently
resigned to accept similar offices
in the new Griffin judicial circuit.;
1921. In which yeai ' BA YREUTH, Bavaria
I79,oo0,000, stated Mr J father, father and son will be rep-
; resented on the progra
the total amount o i Siegfried Wagner will df
»d f<
r taxation wai American tour beginning In New j
nlssloner con-i y r ,rk next January. His concerts!
to he $1,022,000. The an
$.-,.000,000-, decrease will
'ductIon of Qpproximatel}
revenue for the state,
lowine clearly Indlcntoi
red financial condition o
•—especially significant
. compared with the $74,
< of 1922. Land vnlticf
g up well, while persona’
Is slumping. The latej
y he attributed to
.MIU....CU UU, rondition may he attributed to de
North hy Inn,Is of Booth, for- nnonrlnl sthmllne of th.
ly known ns Griffith and farmers and tenants,
n, on the East by lands of ' , ** . nyn . .
vn Whitehead; on the South rhe * h ° V _~ "" n " Ve U
hie In face of
dltlons. With a threat that th«
tax equalisation law would he re-
p«nled before the nssessors could
finish their work. It Is wonderfu
that we held tax values when
they /ire.
“The conferences which wen
. will consist of compositions hy
! Llzst, who was Siegfried Wagner’s
; maternal grandfather, of the works
! of his father, Richard Wagner, and
| of his own contributions to the
\ walth of classic music which has
I been created by the group of which
he Is the last living representative.
Pending the appointment hy the
state department of a financial ad
viser to the Republic of Haiti,
Achilles J. Maumus of Louisiana
has been designated as financial
adviser ad interim. John S. Hord
of Texas recently resigned the of
fice to accept n similar position
for the government of Ecuador.
Mr. -MaumiLs was appointed Re
ceiver General of Customs for
Haiti In 1916.
for the sum of Nine Hundred and held between the commissioner j
county officials resulted In mud
valuable Information being recelv
ed and a better equalization of
nssments.” «,
Tak digests are received by th*
•ommlasloner !n June, July. Aug
ust and Beptmber. Most of the In
creases In value this year have
been recorded by the larger coun
ties of the state, according to th*
ommlssloner, a majority of th<
i note, enio, c ompany might smaller either holding their owr
declare the unpaid balance^ of said or showing ^minll decreases.
Nii^Hundrcd and Eighty ($980.00) mm — •
RERUN—Forty-two hundred
Russian refugees, scattered nil ovoi
the face of the earth, are taking
courses in the correspondence
school which the American Young
Meft's Christian Association is
conducting In Berlin.
A hotel porter In Cairo Is study*
ing bookkeeping. Three Russians
who have sought refuge In Tunis •
are studying farm organization.I
Eight refuges In Turkey nro 1
Ing courses In atcnograffhjr.
Eighty ($980.00) Dollars payabli
in 'Installments, and o.:e for the
sum of Two Hundred ($200.00)
Dollars due March 1. 1927, and
bearing interest payable March 1
annually, and in said deed pro
vided t hat in event of the default
in the payment of any installment
of said note for Nine Hundred and
Eighty ($980.00) Dollars or inter-
estra said Two Hundred ($200.00)
Dollar.! note, said. Company micht
Dollar note and the entire princi
Tmllof paid Two Hundred (5200.00)
Dollar note at once due and pay-
aid4 and sell said land for the
payment Ihercof; and
HEREAS, the installment of
Nine Hundred and Eichty
) Dollar mile and *he in-
on said Two Tturdrqil
.00) Dollar note due March
i3, was not paid when duo
and is still unpaid and said Com
pany has declared the entire
amount of said notes now due and
NOW. THEREFORE, the Pear- _ ■ P -.Ji -.1
sons-Taft Company, formerly the former Hussion officer who found
Pearaons-Taft I.and Credit Com-|"' ork in France otllna steam cn-
pany,"tinder and hy virtue of the [taking a course In Steam
power and authority in Mid.Cam,-iMWineerin*.
pant vested hy said warranty
deed, will proceed to sell the above
described real estate nnd nppurten
ances thereunto bolnncinj; at public
said to the highest bidder for rash
at the-door of the Court House in
thei <5jtv of Athens, County of
Clarlio, State of Georgia, between
■■ '— t» of 10:00- A. M. nnd 4:00
the 6th day of September,
Tor the • purpose, of paying
rlobtednces and the costs of
1. I
in said deed, said
M<*t to the rights
_r that certain prin
cipal note for the sum of Fifty-
Six,,Hundred ($6,600.00) Dollars
and i nterrst thereon at 5 H pc r
cent from March 1, 1922, deacribeil
in aruf secured hy that certain
warranty deed recorded in Book
22 at pair© 23 of the Land Rec-
orda of Clark© County, Georgia,
miO Rook QQ at pages 598 nnd 599
ofithc.Land Records of Jackson
1 in' TV ITNBSs' , WHEREOF, the
sniAJV nsone-Taft Company has.
c.-iumeii these presents to be cxe-
nittvt - by its President-and itr
enrnorate aenl to bo affixed this
•jtui Jav of -lulv. I08-L
' S*“By Orcn E. Taft. President,
jj* (CORP. SEAL)
Augt 0-16-23-30.
UtpiAKAPOLlS — Several of Uu-
world-. grtnieri mnmmcri will com*
pfte In the National A. U. A. WJlor
«A4 junior outdoor meet here tom*>r-
T Friday and Saturday, accordina
dndianatwlls Chamber Com*
which is >ponorlng the cham-
men, and women stars will
iwte in the event*, the mast
of which are men'a renior
[hamjrfonshlp at loo yards
style, and men's junior nntlunal
mile swim, women's senior na-
fcSO yards free style ami 226
breast stroke un*l women’s
il one mile.
LONDON.—Rotting among tho
thrifty Scotchmen Is done on n
scale thnt hns shocked members of
tho House of Commons, men who
nro accustomed to deal with mil-
lions of ootimis of tho govern
ment's money every'year.
A Glasgow bookmaker admitted
to tho House committee on bet
ting. appointed to investigate tho
pnAsIhfHtles ot the government
placing a fnx on hor^o race bet
ting, that he took In an average of
$rr.,nooo a day, or more than $8,-
t*00.000 n year In bets. This par
ticular bookmaker operates a credit
account system 1* nfvtabllsbed of
fices, and his business comes with
in the law. . \
FORT-AU*PRINCE Halta, —Th-' |
initiative and courage of tur -* mivuit
(Aha Marine Corps saved the tivJ
re&ntly of 14 Hawaiian ;>ris.->n«'.
wcr4 trapiwd In a blazing prison :
In^yhe village of Croix de* Pou^uets.
* ■ff clal Commendation of the ' two* In qnestfon. Melvin J. 11. Gr'gg*
• r^<?inclnnntl. Ohio and Russell M.
A person of Elliville. Mississippi, was
f. rwarded to the Navy Department *y
lilQt. Gen. John th Russell, tho Amer
loan High Comminioner to JlaR', ami
do commander Cui.
by A t1..
>re P. Kane,
Even in this age of enlightenment some folks spend their
money blindly. They grope in the dark as truly as if their eyes
were bandaged.
And all the time a powerful light is hieing thrown on the very
things they need and want.
Advertising is a beacon to guide you in buying. It shows you
what to buy—where to buy—and when to buy. At the same
time, it protects you against fraud and inferiority.
Merchants and manufacturers who advertise deliberately
focus thousands of eyes upon their wares. Their values must
be honest ana their prices right, or they could not advertise
Don’t play blind man’s buff with the elusive dollar. Spend a
few minutes each day running through the advertisements in
this paper. Then buy the products that have proved up in the
light of advertising.
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