Newspaper Page Text
Friday, apcpst 24. is».,
1 ~~ m sz*zss=s*+smaz»
About Time to Try a New Remedy
■midiPit Even Evening During the Week Except Saturday and on
Etemdar Morale* hy The Athens Publishing Company. Athena, Ga.
_1. J. ROWE
Publisher and General Manager
Managing Editor
’ntered at the Athene PostoHIcc a» Second Clasti Mall Matter under
the Act of Congress March 8, 1879.
press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub-.
^publication of special dispatches are also reserved. —
Kb should be addressed to The Banner-Herald.
Thoughts For The Day
God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
p CT 21*4.
Thou- canft not tell how rich a dowry sorrow gives
; the soul, how firm a faith and eagle sight of God.
That-Athens-is to have :t-fair this fall was made
certain Thursday morning by the action of the mem
bers of'the Chamlier of Commerce wno propose to
sponsor* the undertaking. The Banner-Herald is in
hearty sympathy with the movement and will lend
its aid in every way to help make the fair a big suc-
I For some time this newspaper has advocated the
B holding.of a fair here this fall believing that such
■ an enterprise was not only desired hythelieopleof
1 this section, hut that it would prove helpful to the
I agricultural and live stock industries. An agncul-
I tural fair with farm products, livestocks and poultry
I exhibits will instill an enthusiasm and interest In
I greater*and hotter production by all the farmers,
ft It will help create a supply for this and other sections
ft' for which a ready market can be found, and will
ft bring to the farmer an income which he has not en-
I joyed heretofore, and prove to he one of the most
I valuable moves in this line of industry, by showing
■ what is being done by farmeis in Clarke county.
I In co-operation with the Chamber of Commerce, it
ft is announced that the Elks club will lend their aid
I in the fair project. This organization is one of the
I strongest in the city and its membership is composed
I of some of the most progressive and prosperous cit-
I izens of the community. With these two fore® 8 co "
i ordinated, the fair can be made a success, with plans
I beginning even at this late date. Our people have
I never foiled on a project when they come together
] and make up their minds to succeed, and it may be
J assured that with these orgamznt.ons interested, the
fair this fall will he one of the best the city and
I county has ever held.
Wilson and Colby 1 , it was presumed ana general-
accepted tffat his action was based upon the coi
tion of his health, but recent developments show
1 at his retirement from tho firm was occasioned by
Several months ago when it was anounced that
Woodrow Wilson had withdrawn from the law firm
of Wilson and Colby 1 , it was presumed and general
ly acci
that his retirement - ------ — ... ...
the number ot suits offered to his firm by those hav
ing cases against the various departments . of the
government. Mr. Wilson felt that the fhrm in which-
he was-a partner, could not with propriety take cases
involving any department of the goyernment, especi
al I v capes that might have relation to his adminis
tration; Hr * action will be endorsed by the public
and it is only another one of his acts which stamps
him as one of the most loyal Americans and devoted
to the best interests of this nation.
The fact that Mr. Colby continues the practice of
law and accepts cases relating to all departments ol
the government except those connected with tnc
State Department proves him to be a man above
personal ambition and greed for money-making. Mr.
Colby held the portifolio of Secretary of State under
Mr. Wilson. ,
Washington has g-own to be a meca for govern
ment officials who were former heads of depart
ment.;, and for congressmen and senators. Many
senators, especially, open law offices in Washington
immediately following their retirement from the
senate, whether from defeat or withdrawal, and
seek te secure this class of practice on their reputa
tion for or against measures affecting corporations
and industries of the nation. Washington has be
come Known as the Eldorado for thin class of law
yers who roc #' «e largo fees to represent those inter
est ccl in special icgislatior. ...
Hut "Woodrow Wilson has eliminated himself
fn m any criticism which might arise from any and
all sources as to his real purpose ami intent by with
drawing from the active practice and association
uiih any law firm. •
Whit is best for a town—Natural Advantages or
a welt developed and highly energetic Community
Spirit7 It would he an ideal situation for a town to
po -(.1 both these advantages to a marked degree,
hut on the other hand any town may consider itself
lucky If it has either one of them. The town that has
no Natural Advantages, and refuses to develop a Com
munity, Spirit, is in a mighty bad way for the future.
How would you rate Athens in the way of Na
tural Advantages and Community Spirit? Thus is a
question that the readers of the Banner-Herald can
answer as well or perhaps better than the Banner-
Herald itself. What would you Say are the present
Natural Advantages, that Athens enjoys perhaps
P iorc generously than other towns and cities in this
iction of the South. t c
If Athens is shy on Natural Advantages then'it is
up to Athens to make up the deficit with an organ
ized Community Spirit that will plan things and do
things. For our part, give us a town Community
Spirits with organizations and co-operation on all
sides $nd we can very well do Without the so-called
Natural Advantages that many cities boast of. What
Athens needs is a Community Spirit that will make
opportunities and overcome obstacles. A start in this
direction, however small, and less talk about Natural
Advantages that may once have existed but for years
have practically ceased to exist, will put new life and
hope, and new progress and push in all our people.
There is nothing that can prevent Athens from de
veloping a Community'Spirit, but its own people, and
a Community Spirit will bring Prosperity to Athens
just as il has in so many towns, both large and small,
throughout the South.
Berton Braley’s
Daily Poems
Ho seemed to bo a sissy-boy,
A prissy boy,
A Hilly boy;
Ills hand* were white,
HU figuro alight,
His voice a trifle shrill;
He seemed a good example of,
A sample of
A “Willie-boy"
In every ^ay /
That .one could say,
He seemed to fill the bill!
The boys began to Joke with blm,
They npoko with him
Quito airily;
He bluHhed bright pink
And seemed to shrink
Within hia girlish skin;
Till someone used a blighting
' word,
A fighting word,
Then, verily,
All in a Jiff
It seemed as if
A cyclone started ini
Tho gang that had been chiding
And riding him
All lay about;
And much amaze .
Was in tho gazo
)f every battered lamp;
"My words,” tho sld said,
or not—
It’s wiser not
To play about
With any gloo
Who is , llko me,
A Little of Everything And Not Much of Anything.
Tho appointment of J. Og-
den Persons as Judge of the
Flint circuit, by Governor
Walker, was fittingly be*
Htowed upon a worthy and capa
ble man and lawyer. I do not know
of a lawyer in Georgia who ranks
higher in tho profession or who
enjoys the esteem and confidence
of the public In general more than
does Ogden Persons. Ho is known
state-wide, having served in tho
House and Senate and os presi
dent of the senate he proved to be
of the most satisfactory of-
fhey arc forced, but hummed up it
is an average crowd o' fine fellows
who get as much out of life as they
deserve, I suspect. Pa: sing through
the building in my daily rounds of
make-believe work, I -vas stopped
long enough to hear told two
Jokes, which aro no doubt, stale,
but* maybe, some* of 1ho readers
have not heard them. This ono was
on the Irish:
Two irishmen were engaged to
remove a piano from the fourth
floor of a six-story building. Pat
,waa big and husky; Mike small
flccr» the upper breath of tho, irflwtqr They ringed tho tackle
loglslature has evor had. Ms h6me: nn ,r*descended to the street to
ItWgo where they attended ujveral
big picnics.
A. H. Davison returned from a
six week’s stay in eastern markets.
W. A. Sanges, of the Sanges ho
tpl, attended convention of tho
"Greeters/’~a hotel organization, lii
The 20-monthn old baby of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Whitehead was run
over by a horse and buggy, re
ceiving painful Injuries.
John Brannon, a negro was tried
and found guilty In three courts
inside of three hours. Fined in
mayor’s court $20., tried by Judgo
Young, justice of peace and bound
over to city court and tried by
Judge West and fined $50., for be
ing guilty of stabbing another
Jim Adams, a young negro boy,
stole chickens from a mrechant
1 n college avenue and thru return
ed and soltj them back to him. The
boy was sent to tho state reforma
Hon. O. A. Nix, of Lawrencevllle,
announced Ills candidacy for So
lirltor General of the Western Cir
Attorney General Folder refused
to pass on tho legality of the ap
pointments of Governor Hoke
Smith who failed confirmation by
the senate. In reply to a telegram
concerning the appointhent of
Thomas J. Shackleford, city court
judge and Major W. E. Simmons,
of Lawrencevlllo and H. R. Go-
etchius, of Columbus, trustees ol
the University of Georgia, Mr.
Felder rpollcd:
They wanted tho Jems; w • gave
them to them; it is up to them to
get control of the places.”
Hon. Thomas E. Watson sp»Ke at
•rawford to a large erqwd.
Mrs. Sarah Creighton died.
Mrs. J .11. Webb, of Oglethorpe
county, died at a local sanitarium
Read Banner-Herald Want Ads
Kelly-Springf ield
List Sale
Price Price
30x3 Non Skid $12.50 $9.55
30x3i,o Non Skid 15.50 10.95
Prices on other sizes in the same proportion.
Washington and Lumpkin Sts.
Corner Prince and Meigs
Is In Foraytlt, but .hi,; Mend, are ' |,i w „ i„, e pinno. 'thV insirirrfmnt
in every _'*biirg in -uebrglni and- berime jammed In tho window and
many^ reside In Athena whore ho j. at wcnt i ( 0 loosen
...» * i ea ,n n g ^uj ie to ten j -rope.
attonded tho university and grad
uated with honors. To the new
judgo of the Flint circuit, wo ex
tend our boat.
Over at the court house
there la usually a crowd of
good fellows, the clerk, the
sheriff, the ordinary, tho tax
collector and receiver, besides
lawyers and laymen who frequent
the building often. Some from
force of habit and ethers because
on.rrv.kvf> throughout Turkey
to much excited because tho Min
ister of Religion. Affnlr. ha» or-
dmd anil tho Religious Court ha '
■oprovod tho .ending of a telegram
o fix foa.t daloa. Conaorvaltv.
lewapapora oppo.o tho mothod. a.
t**o progressive," a vk'W which
many imPI»«rtora.
Tired Out People.
If jp>u feel tired out, out of
S despondent, mentally of
ally depressed, get a GO cent'
f Wendell's Pills, Ambition
Brand, at Palmer & Sons today
and take the first big step toward
feeling tatter right away.
If you work too hard, smoko too
much, or are nervous, Wendell's
1*. Iimfl# Pills, Ambition Brand, will make
Tho trouble begun recently when I you feel tatter In three days or
* national religious feast day war 1 money back front Palmer & Sons
ihscrvrd. Customs provide that! on the first box pufehused.
he feast opeh when someone seor I As a treatment for affections
he new moon. Hut different Tur* J of the nervous system, constlpa-
dsh cities raw the new moon atjtion, loss of appetite, sleepless
llfferent times, this year. He
:here was 11 succession of servicer
ivhlch should have been simultan
(low to build up your
nc«s, or Nervous Indigestion, got
a box of Wendell's Pills, Ambition
ilmnd, today on the money Lack
plan;— (Advertisement.)
Pat pushed the piano and down
It u‘ent. Tho weight of tho Instru
merit was too much for Mike and
up he came. The piano hit the
around and amaahed, freeing tho
rope, and down came dllkc.
Pat rushed downstairs and
found Ids friend lying on II
ground. He shook him and said:
“Oh, Mike, spake to ycr t
friend! ipleaso do!"
Mike opened Ills eyes and said
“Frind nothin'! I passed yor
twice an* yor wouldn't spako to
J 1 0 b, tinder weight of tent
prove, low fighting-power in
Ihe body. It often means you aro
Minus nerve-power, minus red-
sella in your
health, minus
vitality. It is
serious to be
minus, but
the moment
yon increase!
the number!
_ of your red-j
Mood-cells, yon begin to become!
due. That’s why S. S. S.. since 1
826, has meant to thousand* oT
underweight men and women, a
tins in their strength. Your body
ills to tbe point of power, your
fleeb becomes firmer, the ege lines
that come from thinness disap-/
war. You look younger, firmerJ
isppler, and you feel it, too, ell
over your body. More red-bloodri
cells! S. S. S. will build them.
S. 8. 8. b sold et .11 swd
v* .tore la two sixes. True
rger sin is more cceumluL
Round Trip
Summer Fares
from Athens, Ga.
Going and returning •via
Savannah and ship
New York. . $53.13
Boston 65.69
Philadelphia 48.35
Baltimore .. 42.80
ng via Savannah and thip
Juming rail, or rite terra
New York . .$55.60
Boston..... 70.70
Feres to other resorts proportionate-
ly reduced. Tickets include metis
end berth aboard ship.
Per teitlmg Jetei,
hQ'ermetiea eppty te Ticket Office, C efCe.
Sintioe. PUne 1661. t J. Y. Bence, C A..
221 Lett n'ethmgiom Street, Phene 660,
Central ol Georgia Ry.
Ocean Steamship Co.
Mrrchacu U Miners Trans, Cn.
And this ono was told of a little
Jewish boy:
It wua in tho classroom of an
cast sldq-school in Now York. Tho
'teacher Linked nt tho group of
eager faces and asked:
"Who ifan tell what is a stole?”
Only one hand went ui».
{’ ”Does only^ Abo know wbat Is -a
stole? Well, tell them. Able.'
"I’lcnse. teacher, a stoic is a bold
vhut brings tho babies.”
A citizen was complaining to
me bemuse the street car com
pany had not pavpd between
the trftcka on South Lumpkin
struct. l)said to him that I hoped
that tho mayor and council would
pass an ordlnanco requiring tho
street car company to take up all
pnvement tatwren ihe tracks
throughout the rtrect car system.
If this was done accidents would
hR'preventcd for there arc so many
automobile drivers who seem to
ho vo tbe idea that when mooting
a "treot car tho motorman should
turn off the tracks and give him
tho right of way over the line. Como
to think o'* tho matter, on either
side of the street car tracks the
t-.reet Ik paved and nmplo room for
traffic tt> operate, yet there are
many wlo persist In driving their
cars In tao center of the track and
that Is Why tho pavement between
the tracks Is worn »nd uneven. If
automobile drivers would stay 011
their sl£e of the street and not
wear and monopolize the few feet
set asidtf for **he street cars, wo
would higre better streets and few
er accidents. On Htll street and
M III,X,lev,. iL» -t II
Mllledge avenue, the atreet railway
company! I* now Bpendlng several
hundred dollars to repair the pav
ing between the tracke occasioned
hy automobile drivers trespassing
tn property which does not belong
to the public. An automobile driver
has So more right to the use of
the Bpace between the street car
tracks than he has to drive over
Private property. Think about It
and, when you are driving down
town or uptown, remember that
tho entire atreet ls,for you except
that which has been set aside
legally fcr tho use ot tbe street
ears. I
. Friday, August 25, 1011.
I 1- H. Dorsey and daughter. Miss
re tamed from Blue
Efficient Service
A ■
In keeping with the high qaulity
of our products, Crown Gasoline
and Polarine we insist upon and
maintain the most efficient and
courteous service to the public at
our service stations.
This includes Free Water, Free Air
* X and Free Crank Case Service.
■■ <*.
■A \
Visit our service stations at
Washington and Thomas Streets
Hancock and Hull
Athens, Ga.
And nearly everywhere you go.
Better Stick .To The Standard
Always buy at the station or
the dealer with the Crown sign.
Standard Oi l Company