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legal mverfeemetfe'^ Vt* SfiTJa—If- MAY JSK
T '1!)0S, and recorded in Book 4, pagCjULmimiil lllm null
T^Wh^U^yToncorn: j^id W W M°behold « Ihcfflll MFMBFRSiKP f|l
Paul Jarrell having in ptopor property of J. H. Kmcrick, defend- jI Ull IIILIIlUUIUIIi I 111
form applied to mo for Permanent ,mt in fi fa, under and by virtue
Letters of Administration on the'of an execution issued May 23, | rifllir fir
estate of Thomas J. Jarrell, latevj:'23, from the CfiyiCoort of Ath-jl Lfll'IIL IIL
in favor of Mrs. J. B. Hill I £1115111 Ul
nst said J. II. Emerick, for j *"
he principal sum of $5CQ.0G, the j
f $54.64 as interest f
(By Associated Press.)
G E N E V A.—The reparations
problem and the question wheth
er Germany i* to be admitted to
membership in the League of Na
tions are two matters, in the opin
ion of League authorities, that
probably will come up at the meet
ing of the League Assembly which
opens in this city, Monday, Sep
tember 0.
ht> rena ration nroh-
of said Counyt, this t
and singular the creditors and no
of kin of Thomas J. Jarrell, to
and appear at my office within : fui thcr .J^^B
the time allowed by law, end rhot.'f (n May 22, 1923, the further sum
cause, if any they ran, why per-'i f $63.40 attorney’s fees, and the
maBent administration should not) further sum of 5J3.75 costs '
be granted to Paul Jarrell \ on sdo In teres*: on the principal sum
imas J. Jarrell's estate j after May 21, 1923,-at the rate of
ntness my hand and official ig per cent per annum; said*execu-
naturc, this 0th day of \ugust,jt:sn being issued on a- judgment
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
Aug. 10-17-24-31.
GEORGIA—-Clarke Count) :
To All Whom It May Concci' :
Mrs. R. C. Alexander having in
F ropet form applied to me for
ermanent Letters of Administra
tion on the estate of S. P. Aux-
anvfcr, late of said County, de
ceased, this In to cite all and sin
gular the creditors and next of
k in of S. P. Alexander, deceased,
to be and aut.-tr nt the Court of I ant in fi fa.
Ordinary of said County, Scptem-j Quit claim deed for levy
her Term, 1023, and she w «i''« '-i- -
rendered in the City Court of
Athens in favor of Mrs. J." B. Hill
a-'aiast J. II. Emerick on May 22,
1023, f r said sums; said judg
ment being a general judgment
against J. II. Emerick and a spec
ial lien against the above
scribed land. Said land was this. , . - .
day levied on by me under and by |*ibl« to keep the reparation prob-
virtue of said execution, and writ- j J ei * of the discussion, unless it
ten notice of the levy was given
the tenant in possession as re
quired by law, and written notice
if the levy was given the defend-
sale was executed by the plaintiff
if any thev can, why permanent jj„ fj f a to the defendant ‘in fi fa
letters of administration rhould and filed and recorded in the office
not be granted to said Mrs. II. C. 0 f the Clerk of the Superior Court
Alexander of said estate. of Clarke County, as required by
Witness my official signature, h a w, before the levy,
this 18th day of July, 1923. | This lOttf day of August, 1923.
J4 . R- c. ORR, Ordinary. J W. E. JACKSON,
Aug. 10-17-24-31.
To Whom It tyay Concern;,
Marie Edwards having in dn
form applied to me for perman
ent letters of administration upon
the estate of Fred Edwards, late
of said County, deceased, this is
to cite nil and s»ngula- the rext
of kin and creditors of the said
Fred Edwards, deceased, that said
application will be hon'd before
me at the regular September
Term, 1923, of the Court of Ordi
nary, Clarke County.
Witness my hand end official
signature, this the 7th day of
August, 1923.
R. C. OUR, Ordinary.
Aug. 10-17-24-31.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
There will be sold at public out
cry before the court house door of
the court house of Clarke County,
in the City of Athens, Clarke
County, Georgia, to the highest
bidder for cash, at eleven o’clock,
M., eastern time, on Tuesday,
September 4, 1923, all the follow
ing described land, to-wit:
All that lot of land, with the
improvements thereon, in the City
of Athens, Clarke County, Geor-
gin, located at the southeast cor-(usually divides itself into six gen
be settled beforehand/' And an
other delegate from one of the
northern Scandinavian lands, re
ferring to the populra movement
in Germany to apply for member
ship, said: “Certainly Germany
should come in. If she applies she
would probably ‘be elected easily/
These and other problems, like
the problem of opium have served
to create an atmosphere of unus
ual interest in this year’s doings
of the assembly.
The first business on the agen
da is the election of a president
and six vice presidents who, with
the presidents of the six commit
tees later elected, form with tho
president a bureau responsible for
the general conduct of the busi
ness of the assembly.
The actual work of the session
then begins with a discussion of
the annual report of the secretary
general, Sir Eric Drummond, on
the activiities of the council dur
ing the past year and with
statement of what has been done
to make effective the recommen
dations of the previous assembly
ner of the intersection of King eral committees.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
. The appraisers appointed to set
aside a twelve months’ support
for the widow and minor children
of William Baker Akin, latq
Mid County, deceased, ha'
made their return, this is, there
fore to cite all persons to show
.cause, if any they have, on the
first Monday in September, 1923,
bf the Court of Ordinary of said
County why the return of said ap
praisers ‘should not be made the
judgment of the Court.
This, the 7th day of August,
? . R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
Aug. 10-17-24-31.
No. 4437 October Term. 1923,
.Clarke Superior Court, Georgia,
! Clarke County.
By order of tho Court you lire
quired to bo end appear at wild
; on the Second Monday -
Avenue and Hill Street, fronting
ninety-five (95) feet on the east
side* of King Avenue, and running
hack in an easterly direction along
the south side of Hill Street two
hundred and thirteen feet.. Thit;
being lot No. 2 of the subdivision
made by J. W. Barnett of the C.
N. Hodgson property according to
revised plat of the same made
November 19, 1919. Said lot No.
2 being bounded on the east sixty-
seven and F.ovcn-tenths (67.7) feet
by lot No. 1 of said subdivision
and being bounded on the south
two hundred and twelve feet by
lot No. 3 of said subdivision. This
being the same lot of land con
veyed by C. N. Hodgson to Mrs.
Hattie F. Smith by deed dated
December 18, 1919, and recorded
in the Clerk’s office of Clarke
Superior Court in deed book 28,
folio 290.’*
The above described land was
conveyed to the undersgtned, Mrs.
L. A. Fowler, by F. L. Slaymaker,
by a security deed dated June 19,
1920, and recorded In the office
of the clerk of the Superior Court
% Clarke County, Georgia, in deed
book 29, folio
due June 1«, 1925, and bearing in
tcrest from June 19, 1920, at the
v “«oanxwer re- rate of 8 I* r «Mit-p» »nnum, pay
pJoncr"; Ul*i f°- 'divorce, . vin; provided that
ago matrimonii,^ airt tojjef.utt , f ^ sho „ ld b , mi ,de in the
payment of interest, and such de
fault should continue for the space
of ten days after such Interest be
deed being made to secure the This road, which for miles Is lined
payment of a note for $4,500.00 by crent trees and crosses the
that day executed, said note being I llakone mountains, is being wldon-
t hereof the court will proceed as
to justice shall appertain,
i Witness the Honorable Wanton
1'orUon, Judge of said Court, this
the 0th day of August, 1923.
Clerk S. C.. C. C., Cty
Attorney for Petitioner.
Aug. 10-24, Sept. 14-20.
No. 4425. Oetobef Term. 1923,
Clarke Superior Court, Georgia,
grover^cle^’eland WOOD
*1Sv order of the Court you are
hereby required to be and appear
at said Court on tho Second Mon
day in October, next to answer
petitioner's libel for divorce, and
IT, default thereof, the Court ‘ill
proceed as to justice shall apper-
'“witness the Honorable Blanton
Fortaon, Judge- of said Court
This, the “ V J 7 CRwilFORD,
Clerk S. C„ C. C.
..Petitioner’s Attorneys.
Aog. 10-24. Sept. 14-28.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
cimo due, or should there be
failure ffl perform any of the cov
enants maSo by the said h. L-
Slaymaker in said security deed,
then the undersigned, Mrs. L. A.
Fowler would be authorxled to
declare the whole Indebtedness
due and proceed to collect the
same, ttmo being expressly made
of the essence of the contract
The said F. L. Slaymaker has
made default in the payment of
interest, which default haa con
tinued for more than ten days
after such interest became due,
and the undersigned, Mrs. L. "A.
Fowler, has therefore elected to
declare the whole indebtedness due
and proceed to collect the same.
Said sale will be made and a
conveyance of said land will be
mado to the purchaser or pur
chasers, all in accordance with the
terms and provisions of a power
of sale contained in said security
deed. '
This August 10th, 1923.
Aug. 10-17-24-31.
Clarke Superior Court
October Term. 1923.
GEORGIA!—Clarke County:
Will be sold at public outcry to l Td Aurelia Maude Matthewa,
the highest bidder or bidders for
cash, between the legal hours for
Sheriff's sales, on the first Tues
day in September, 1923. before the
■ -the County
all of the following dc-
U retting:
By-order of the court you any
hereby notified to he and appear
at the Superior Court of Clarke
■ U
door of the County Co 0n , v> on the second Monday ir
of Clarice County, October, 1923, to anawer plantiff’c
libel for total divorce.
As in ucfault thereof the Court
will prucepd ; at< to justice shall
af V:itriesX the Honorable Blanton
Fortsonfi Judge of amid Court.
This the 15th day of August,
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia,
,..i that tract o’r parrel of land
■with improvements thereon, tying
gtyl being in the city of Athens,
‘Mid County, fronting on the street
running from the Check Factory
up to the top of the hill. The lot
‘known as the old Breast Works
lot commencing at the center of
'Cook Street (now Pearl .Street) on #1 .
•the top of the Hill and corner of I WEST 4 WEST,!
Check Factory land, and running Attorneys for Petitioner,
-thence north ten (10) degrees, Aug. 17-24. Sept. 7-21.
-thirty (30) minutes east 260; - “ “ _
thence north thirty six (36) de- [German Souvenir-Huntere
I mea. west to Dr. Lyndon's cor-1 Steal 6.000 Mugs in Munich
ner: thence south sixty (60) de-j MUNICH — The state beerhouse, west along Dr. Lyndon’s where hundreds of people drink out
lino to the Factory land; thence jot huge mum with lid*, u deploring
south forty-one t41) degrees, I the lota of 5.000 of the*® which
thirty minute* east along the (were taken dwav during the fej-
Factory line to the beginning cor-(forks and many decorated plate*. In
nrr; the ssate making one nndifive day* nearly a million visitors
nineteen one hundredth* (1.19)] came here for the athletic festival,
acres, more or less. This being ft la suggested many of these purloin
tract of land conveyed «i tu mug.-, plat**
constitutional and legal questions,
such as amendments to the cov
enant of the league; the work of
the technical organizations on eco-
, nomics, finance, transit ami
health; the question of reduction
of armaments; the budget and
other matters of internal adminis
tration; social questions, such as
opium, the white slave traffic and
refugee problems, and political
questions such as the admission
of now states.
TOKIO.—Japan is carrying out
a great scheme of road Improve
ment. Uestlto tho opposition of
landowners who have caused sus-
inmslon of the construction of the
new Tokio-Yokohama automobile j
road, and the difficulties caused by
yearly heavy rains.
Tho government has in hand at /
present the widening of tho old^
Toknido road, over which the Dai-
myos used to travel from the west
ern provinces to tho hogun’s court
... at Yedo, now Tokio, and which ox-
1; said security I tends tiom tho capltol toKayto.
|ed and substantial stono and con
croto bridges are replacing the old
wooden structure*.
Th« Quarrels of Arabia
Fought Out In Cardiff 1
CARDIFR Wale* — London may J
shelter thli lummer whltc-coUrcd 1
visitor* from all over tho world, but!
Cardiff often find* her street* III- J
tvreil with rough-neck
from the seven sea*. This
due recently when 10® Arabian stok- j
era made the dockfront the scene [
attempt to settle rribal differ
ences finding their origin on the
shores of the Red 8en. White dosk-1
era ami sailors took their hands out i
of their pockets, *|dit on them, and
Icnped Into the thick of It without
asking whether It waa a private bat-